Ijpab 2017 5 5 715 719
Ijpab 2017 5 5 715 719
Ijpab 2017 5 5 715 719
Mallesha et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (5): 715-719 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.5303 ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (5): 715-719 (2017)
Research Article
The present investigation was conducted during 2014-15 and 2015-16 at Main Agricultural
Research Station, UAS, Raichur to evaluate the productivity and nutrient uptake of ground nut
through organics. The results of pooled data of two years indicated that application of
RDF+FYM recorded significantly higher pod and haulm yield (1910 and 2892 kg ha-1,
respectively) and it was on par with organic manorial treatments of
compost+vermicompost+panchagavya (1886 and 2828, kg ha-1, respectively),
compost+vermicompost+vermiwash (1867 and 2771 kg ha , respectively) and RDF (1818 and
2794 kg ha-1, respectively). Increase in pod yield with RDF+FYM over
compost+vermicompost+panchagavya, compost+vermicompost+vermiwash and recommended
dose of fertilizers (RDF) was to the tune of 1.27, 2.30 and 5.06 per cent respectively. Nitrogen
uptake was significantly higher with RDF+FYM (100.30 kg ha-1) over vermicompost (77.06 kg
ha-1), compost+vermiwash (87.91 kg ha-1), vermicompost+panchagavya (86.95 kg ha-1) and
vermicompost+vermiwash (81.87 kg ha-1) but was on par with rest of the treatments.
Significantly higher uptake of phosphorus was recorded with the RDF+FYM (27.97 kg ha-1) and
as compared to all other treatments except compost+vermicompost (23.41 kg ha-1),
compost+vermicompost+GLM (22.65 kg ha-1), compost+vermicompost+panchagavya (27.40 kg
ha-1), compost+vermicompost+vermiwash (26.24), compost+vermicompost+GLM+
panchagavya (25.05 kg ha ), compost+vermicompost+GLM+ vermiwash (24.74 kg ha-1) and
RDF (25.95 kg ha-1). Uptake of potassium was significantly higher with RDF+FYM and it was
on par with all treatments except vermicompost (37.79 kg ha-1), vermicompost + vermiwash
(39.95 kg ha-1) and vermicompost+panchagavya (44.32 kg ha-1).
Key words: groundnut, nutrient, panchagavya, vermiwash, vermicompost, compost, uptake
Cite this article: Mallesha, Rao, S.N., Chittapur, B.M. and Desai, B. K. and Ravi, M.V., Effect of Nutrient
Management Practices through Organics on Groundnut Productivity and Nutrient uptake in Bajra-
Groundnut Cropping System, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5(5): 715-719 (2017). doi:
Table 2: Pod yield, haulm yield and nutrient uptake of groundnut as influenced by nutrient management
practices through organics in bajra-groundnut cropping system (Pooled data of 2014-15 and 2015-16)
Haulm Uptake of nutrients (Kg ha-1)
Pod yield
Treatments yield
(kg ha-1)
(kg ha-1) N P K
T1: Compost (100% RDN) 1435 2169 73.85 14.38 36.48
T2: Vermicompost (100% RDN) 1485 2243 77.06 15.73 37.79
T3: Compost (50% RDN)+Vermicompost
1590 2430 91.13 23.41 46.74
(50% RDN)
T4: Compost (33.3% RDN)+ Vermicompost
1559 2399 89.87 22.65 46.41
(33.3% RDN) +GLM (33.3% RDN)
T5: T1 +3% Panchagavya 1529 2348 88.83 21.43 45.17
T6: T1 +10% Vermiwash 1519 2330 87.91 21.36 44.74
T7: T2 +3% Panchagavya 1511 2285 86.95 18.77 44.32
T8: T2 +10% Vermiwash 1487 2252 81.87 18.28 39.95
T9: T3 +3% Panchagavya 1886 2828 97.59 27.40 52.50
T10: T3 +10% Vermiwash 1867 2771 94.97 26.24 50.32
T11: T4 +3% Panchagavya 1650 2518 92.99 25.05 47.65
T12: T4 + 10% Vermiwash 1609 2501 92.14 24.74 47.15
T13: Recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) 1818 2794 94.17 25.95 49.14
T14: RDF+FYM 1910 2892 100.30 27.97 53.46
S. Em± 67.66 97.98 4.04 1.76 2.90
C. D. at 5% 205.2 297.2 12.3 5.3 8.8
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