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Mallesha et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (5): 715-719 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.5303 ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (5): 715-719 (2017)
Research Article

Effect of Nutrient Management Practices through Organics on Groundnut

Productivity and Nutrient uptake in Bajra-Groundnut Cropping System

Mallesha*, Satyanarayana Rao1, B. M. Chittapur2 and B. K. Desai3 and M. V. Ravi4*

Senior Research fellow, Directorate of Research, UAS, Raichur-584104, Karnataka, India
Associate Director of Research, MARS, UAS, Raichur-584104, Karnataka, India
Scientific Officer, Agricultural Extension Education Centre, Koppal-583227, UAS, Raichur, Karnataka, India
Professor, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, UAS, Raichur-584104,
Karnataka, India Raichur-584104, Karnataka, India
Programme Coordinator, KVK, UAS, Raichur-584104, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail: [email protected]
Received: 25.07.2017 | Revised: 30.08.2017 | Accepted: 6.09.2017

The present investigation was conducted during 2014-15 and 2015-16 at Main Agricultural
Research Station, UAS, Raichur to evaluate the productivity and nutrient uptake of ground nut
through organics. The results of pooled data of two years indicated that application of
RDF+FYM recorded significantly higher pod and haulm yield (1910 and 2892 kg ha-1,
respectively) and it was on par with organic manorial treatments of
compost+vermicompost+panchagavya (1886 and 2828, kg ha-1, respectively),
compost+vermicompost+vermiwash (1867 and 2771 kg ha , respectively) and RDF (1818 and
2794 kg ha-1, respectively). Increase in pod yield with RDF+FYM over
compost+vermicompost+panchagavya, compost+vermicompost+vermiwash and recommended
dose of fertilizers (RDF) was to the tune of 1.27, 2.30 and 5.06 per cent respectively. Nitrogen
uptake was significantly higher with RDF+FYM (100.30 kg ha-1) over vermicompost (77.06 kg
ha-1), compost+vermiwash (87.91 kg ha-1), vermicompost+panchagavya (86.95 kg ha-1) and
vermicompost+vermiwash (81.87 kg ha-1) but was on par with rest of the treatments.
Significantly higher uptake of phosphorus was recorded with the RDF+FYM (27.97 kg ha-1) and
as compared to all other treatments except compost+vermicompost (23.41 kg ha-1),
compost+vermicompost+GLM (22.65 kg ha-1), compost+vermicompost+panchagavya (27.40 kg
ha-1), compost+vermicompost+vermiwash (26.24), compost+vermicompost+GLM+
panchagavya (25.05 kg ha ), compost+vermicompost+GLM+ vermiwash (24.74 kg ha-1) and

RDF (25.95 kg ha-1). Uptake of potassium was significantly higher with RDF+FYM and it was
on par with all treatments except vermicompost (37.79 kg ha-1), vermicompost + vermiwash
(39.95 kg ha-1) and vermicompost+panchagavya (44.32 kg ha-1).
Key words: groundnut, nutrient, panchagavya, vermiwash, vermicompost, compost, uptake

Cite this article: Mallesha, Rao, S.N., Chittapur, B.M. and Desai, B. K. and Ravi, M.V., Effect of Nutrient
Management Practices through Organics on Groundnut Productivity and Nutrient uptake in Bajra-
Groundnut Cropping System, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5(5): 715-719 (2017). doi:

Copyright © Sept.-Oct., 2017; IJPAB 715

Mallesha et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (5): 715-719 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
INTRODUCTION potential capacity of soil to perform nutrient
Organic farming aims at improving the transformations. Since soil microbial and
agricultural production by retaining the natural enzyme systems are associated with organic
equilibrium in soil, plant and animal manure management, incorporation of organic
interactive medium without dispersing the manures into soil not only plays an important
nature provided resistance mechanism in a role in improving the soil physical, chemical
given crop. It is also aimed to improve the in and biological activities, but also affects the
situ production of nutrients without disturbing rate at which nutrients become available to
the nutrient cycles provided in an eco-system. crop plants. Groundnut [Arachis hypogaea
According to the global survey on organic (L.)] is one of the major oil seed crops of India
farming carried out in 2013 by the Research produced in an area of 4.72 million hectare
Institute of Organic Agriculture and the with the production of 4.70 million tonnes. In
International Federation of Organic Karnataka, it ranks 5th in area with 0.59 m ha
Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), organic with a production of 0.4 mt and the
agriculture is now practiced in more than productivity of 678 kg per hectare1. Of the
170 countries with a total area of 43.1 total area under groundnut in the state as much
million hectares. This constitutes about 1 per as 49.2 per cent of the area is cropped under
cent of total agricultural land of the world. irrigation during rabi / summer seasons mainly
Australia has largest area of 17.2 million in Raichur, Yadgir, Koppal and Ballari
hectares2. Maintaining and enhancing soil districts of Northern Karnataka. Groundnut
fertility for sustaining the crop production is seeds contain 40-50 per cent fat, 20-50 per
the global concern. In organic production cent protein, and 10-20 per cent carbohydrate
system, use of organic manures, green apart from some essential minerals and
manures and crop residues is known to impart vitamins6.
multiple benefits to crop growth and soil
health by adding much needed organic and MATERIAL AND METHODS
mineral matter to the soil. The organic matter A Field experiment was conducted to study the
added is an indispensable component of soil effect of nutrient management practices
and plays an important role in maintenance through organics on groundnut productivity
and improvement of soil fertility and and nutrient uptake in bajra-groundnut
productivity. The proper management of soil cropping system at Main Agricultural
fertility as well as soil productivity makes it Research Station, University of Agricultural
possible to increase the efficiency of use of Sciences, Raichur, during kharif (July to
soil and added nutrients8. Combined October) and rabi (December to April) seasons
application of green manures, crop residues of 2014-15 and 2015-16. The experiment was
and composts along with liquid manures in a carried out at the Main Agricultural Research
more synchronized system can release the Station Farm, UAS, Raichur, which is situated
nutrients as per the need of crop/cropping between 16o 12' N latitude and 77o 20' E
systems to sustain higher productivity4. longitude with an altitude of 389 meters above
Further, soil harbors a dynamic microbial the mean sea level. The chemical test values of
population, arthropods and others. This living soils were 7.35 pH, 0.54 dS-1 EC, 0.43%
phase is greatly stimulated by addition of organic carbon, 272.2 kg available N ha-1,
organic matter which acts as carbon and 32.5 kg available P ha-1 and 292.4 kg
energy source for proliferating micro- available K ha-1. The experiment was
organisms and they may inturn alter the conducted with fourteen treatments during
accompanying enzyme status. Interest in soil kharif and rabi seasons of 2014-15 and 2015-
enzyme activity has increased recently since 16 with bajra-groundnut cropping sequence.
these activities are believed to reflect the The experiment consisted of fourteen
Copyright © Sept.-Oct., 2017; IJPAB 716
Mallesha et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (5): 715-719 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
treatments comprised of compost (100% ha-1). Significantly lower haulm yield was
RDN), vermicompost (100% RDN), compost recorded with the application of compost alone
(50% RDN) +vermicompost (50% RDN) and (2169 kg ha-1) (Table 2). This was might be
compost (37.5% RDN)+vermicompost (37.5% due to the enhanced soil microbial activity and
RDN)+GLM (25% RDN) alone and in improved soil physico-chemical parameters.
combination with 3.0% panchagavya spray Several workers have also reported higher crop
and 10 % vermiwash spray along with RDF yields with recommended NPK fertilizers over
and RDF+FYM. Green leaf manure, compost organics application9,3,7,5.
and farm yard manure were incorporated into Nitrogen uptake was significantly
the soil two weeks before the sowing as per higher with RDF+FYM (100.30 kg ha-1) over
the treatments. The recommended dose of vermicompost (77.06 kg ha-1), compost
fertilizer for groundnut is 25:75:25 NPK kg ha- +vermiwash (87.91 kg ha-1), vermicompost
. The deficit P after application of organic +panchagavya (86.95 kg ha-1) and
manures was supplemented through rock vermicompost +vermiwash (81.87 kg ha ) but
phosphate. The experiment was laid out on was on par with rest of the treatments.
fixed site in two consecutive years in Significantly lower uptake of nitrogen was
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) noticed with supplementation of compost
and the treatments were replicated thrice. In all alone (73.85 kg ha-1) but was found on par
the organic treatments groundnut seeds were with vermicompost (77.06 kg ha-1). All
treated with bio-fertilizers such as rhizobium, organic manurial treatments except compost
phosphate solubilising bacteria in both the and vermicompost were on par with each
years. Organic treatments also received 250 other.
kg ha-1 of neem cake. The nutrient Significantly higher uptake of phosphorus was
compositions of inputs on N equivalent basis recorded with the RDF+FYM (27.97 kg ha-1)
used in the experiment are furnished in the and as compared to all other treatments except
Table 1. compost+vermicompost (23.41 kg ha-1),
compost+vermicompost+GLM (22.65 kg ha-1),
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION compost+vermicompost+panchagavya (27.40
Application of RDF+FYM recorded kg ha-1), compost+vermicompost+vermiwash
significantly higher pod yield (1910 kg ha-1) as (26.24 kg ha-1), compost +vermicompost
compared to all other treatments except +GLM+panchagavya (25.05 kg ha-1),
compost+vermicompost+panchagavya (1886 compost+vermicompost+GLM+vermiwash
kg ha-1), compost+vermicompost+vermiwash (24.74 kg ha-1) and RDF (25.95 kg ha-1).
(1867 kg ha-1) and RDF (1818 kg ha-1). All Uptake of potassium was significantly
organic manurial treatments except compost higher with RDF+FYM and it was on par with
+vermicompost+panchagavya, compost all treatments except vermicompost (37.79 kg
+vermicompost+vermiwash and compost ha-1), vermicompost+vermiwash (39.95 kg ha-
+vermicompost+GLM+vermiwash were on ) and vermicompost+panchagavya (44.32 kg
par with each other with respect to pod yield. ha-1). The treatment supplemented with
Significantly lower pod yield was recorded compost alone recoded significantly lower
with the application of compost alone (1435 uptake of potassium and it was at par with
kg ha-1). The treatment receiving RDF+FYM vermicompost (37.97 kg ha-1), compost
recorded significantly higher haulm yield +vermicompost+panchagavya (39.95 kg ha-1),
(2892 kg ha-1) and it was on par with vermicompost+vermiwash (44.32 kg ha-1),
compost+vermicompost+panchagavya (2828 compost+panchagavya (44.74 kg ha-1) and
kg ha-1), RDF (2794 kg ha-1) and compost+vermiwash (45.17 kg ha-1) (Table 2).
compost+vermicompost+vermiwash (2771 kg

Copyright © Sept.-Oct., 2017; IJPAB 717

Mallesha et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (5): 715-719 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Table 1: Average Nutrient composition of organic manures or amendments used in the experiment
Organic manures Nitrogen (%) Phosphorus (%) Potassium (%)
1 Compost 1.14 0.35 1.01
2 Vermicompost 1.57 0.65 1.22
3 Green leaf manure (Glyricidia) 0.76 0.14 0.54
4 Farm yard manure 0.40 0.25 0.40
5 Neem cake 4.80 1.01 1.33
6 Panchagavya 0.08 0.01 0.09
7 Vermiwash 0.15 0.01 0.02

Table 2: Pod yield, haulm yield and nutrient uptake of groundnut as influenced by nutrient management
practices through organics in bajra-groundnut cropping system (Pooled data of 2014-15 and 2015-16)
Haulm Uptake of nutrients (Kg ha-1)
Pod yield
Treatments yield
(kg ha-1)
(kg ha-1) N P K
T1: Compost (100% RDN) 1435 2169 73.85 14.38 36.48
T2: Vermicompost (100% RDN) 1485 2243 77.06 15.73 37.79
T3: Compost (50% RDN)+Vermicompost
1590 2430 91.13 23.41 46.74
(50% RDN)
T4: Compost (33.3% RDN)+ Vermicompost
1559 2399 89.87 22.65 46.41
(33.3% RDN) +GLM (33.3% RDN)
T5: T1 +3% Panchagavya 1529 2348 88.83 21.43 45.17
T6: T1 +10% Vermiwash 1519 2330 87.91 21.36 44.74
T7: T2 +3% Panchagavya 1511 2285 86.95 18.77 44.32
T8: T2 +10% Vermiwash 1487 2252 81.87 18.28 39.95
T9: T3 +3% Panchagavya 1886 2828 97.59 27.40 52.50
T10: T3 +10% Vermiwash 1867 2771 94.97 26.24 50.32
T11: T4 +3% Panchagavya 1650 2518 92.99 25.05 47.65
T12: T4 + 10% Vermiwash 1609 2501 92.14 24.74 47.15
T13: Recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) 1818 2794 94.17 25.95 49.14
T14: RDF+FYM 1910 2892 100.30 27.97 53.46
S. Em± 67.66 97.98 4.04 1.76 2.90
C. D. at 5% 205.2 297.2 12.3 5.3 8.8

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Copyright © Sept.-Oct., 2017; IJPAB 719

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