Complete Guide To Modern Massage Step - Ryan Jay Hoyme

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eBook 978-1-64152-207-6
In memory of my beloved little sister,
Beth Ann

1 : Massage
The Skeletal and Muscular Systems
Yin & Yang

2 : Getting Started
An Offering
Relaxing & Surrender
A Relaxing Environment
Massage Supplies
Gliding (Effleurage)
Kneading (Petrissage)
Percussion (Tapotement)

3: Techniques for the Whole Body

Temple Turn
Slide & Hold
Hair Part
Ear Slide
Third Eye Slide
Forehead Split
Sinus Drain
Turn & Dig
Long Neck
Skull Rock
Hold Me Down
Grind Pecs
Figure 8
Full Fan
Half Fan
Traction Glide
Wiggle Arm
Snake Bite
Finger Pulling
Wrist Spread
Pinky, Pinky, Wrap It, Spread It
Lower Stomach Rub
Colon Burn
Figure 8 Glutes
Knuckle Glutes
Make a Wish
Cross Over Slide
Shoulder Support
Dorsi Slide
Knuckle Twist
Slide Off Toe
Comfort Glide
Plantar Self-Massage
Tennis Ball
Tennis Ball in a Sock

4 : Techniques from Around the

Basic Shiatsu Sequence
Basic Swedish Sequence
Basic Deep Tissue Sequence
Basic Sports Massage Sequence
Basic Thai Massage Sequence
Basic Tui Na Sequence
Basic Ayurvedic Sequence
Basic Cranial Sacral Sequence
Basic Reflexology Sequence
Basic Reiki Sequence
Basic Myofascial Sequence

5: Massage for All

Partner Massage Positions
Prenatal Massage Positions
Baby Massage Technique
Senior Massage Positions

6 : Healing with Massage

Carrier Oils
Essential Oil Precautions
Low Back Lift
Elongate the Low Back
Ratcheting the Glutes
Lower Back Press
Wrist Bar
Compress PMS
Knee Lift
Kneecap Friction
Knead Quad
Neck Flex
Temple Turn
Can't Hear
Rotate Out – Slide In
Heel Compression

About the Author

M assage has many widely known benefits including relaxation, pain

relief, and stress reduction. But I admit that my first experience with
massage was . . . less than pleasant. I never would have guessed that I
would go on to become a licensed massage therapist and teacher known as
the Massage Nerd.
For that first massage, when I was 21, I went to a Chinese Medicine
practitioner for a back injury. He performed fire cupping (using glass cups
that are heated inside and then quickly placed on the body) and barefoot
massage (where the practitioner holds onto a beam to support his weight
while using his feet to massage the client). I’d never even heard of those
techniques and at no point did he explain to me what he was doing! I did
start to feel a little better after the treatment, but the sense of surprise and
lack of communication didn’t make me eager to go back. Even still, the
relief I felt was undeniable and soon, another injury would lead me back to
the massage table.
I was reintroduced to massage after I injured myself while helping lift
patients in the nursing home where I was working. I made some
appointments to see a physical therapist, but after months of doing stretches
and exercises, nothing seemed to help. Then the physical therapist started to
incorporate massage therapy into our sessions and I only then started to feel
better. I’ve been hooked ever since. In fact, the healing benefits were so
profound, I decided to pivot my career and study massage. I enrolled in a
massage program the following month. After I completed my schooling, I
worked as a massage therapist in a health club, and eventually in private
practice. I was working toward running my own massage business full-time
when I got a call from somebody asking if I’d be interested in teaching
massage therapy. I was shocked because I’d never spoken in front of people
before, let alone taught—just the thought of it made me break out in a
sweat. But I decided to give it a go and I'm so glad I did. I’ve taught
thousands of students over the years, and while they learned a lot from me, I
believe I learned so much more from them. I learned about passion,
perseverance, and resolve. I came to understand that people learn at
different paces and in different ways. And, perhaps most importantly, I
learned about the power of visual teaching.
During my 12–year teaching career I noticed that most massage books
didn’t show a wide enough range of techniques. After the first class I
taught, I decided to draw my methods and give them to my students. I can’t
draw to save my life, and the students laughed at the illustrations, but they
were still always using my manual. I noticed that some students needed a
little more help, so I started creating videos of my techniques. Back then in
2006, most massage therapists were not recording their massage techniques.
Videos were one of the main things that helped me get known in the
massage profession, and I owe this to my students.
Around that time, a student called me a “massage nerd,” and something
clicked. I immediately bought the domain . Over the
years I’ve shot over 5,000 videos and grown a dedicated following on my
YouTube channel. I’ve been a massage therapist for 21 years and while I’m
no longer actively teaching, I continue to educate people through my
website and social media. Teaching massage is my passion, and it’s an
honor to share this knowledge with you.
There are over 200 different styles of massage, and it can get a little
confusing to decipher how the methods differ and which is best for you.
Most of the techniques in this book are Western-based (Swedish massage),
but many are influenced by other methods from around the world, including
Thai massage, Tui na massage (Chinese), Shiatsu (Japanese), and more.
In the first part of this book, I walk you through the history of massage,
the mind-body connection, and basic anatomy, providing you with the
foundation you need for giving and receiving massage. From there, I offer
massage techniques for the whole body complete with step-by-step
instructions and helpful illustrations. I also share instructions for my
favorite styles from around the world; positions and techniques for special
life circumstances, such as prenatal, baby, couples, and senior massage; and
special healing techniques for pain. When starting any new program, such
as the massage techniques presented in this book, always consult your
physician or other healthcare professional. The information in this book is
not intended to diagnose or cure any medical condition or to replace your
healthcare professional. Consult with your healthcare professional if you
have any concerns about any of the techniques in this book. If you
experience any pain or difficulty with any technique, stop and consult your
healthcare provider immediately.
The main thing I’d like you to get from reading this is that that you need
a strong foundation before you go to the next level with your practice. For
that reason, I suggest reading the book from beginning to end, trying the
different massage techniques and finding out what works for you. Once
you’re more confident, you can combine the different methods to establish
your own unique style. I’m a firm believer that anyone can perform
massage so I’ve intentionally written this book for all levels. It’s for the
beginner home practitioner who wants to give massages to friends,
relatives, and partners, as well as for the aspiring or practicing massage
therapist looking to learn new techniques and brush up their knowledge; it
also is a great gift—just be sure you get a massage in return!
T he body is an incredibly complex system. Massage meets
this system at the skin somewhere between anatomy,
kinesiology, and medicine. The skin is the first access point to
the body and all its complex parts—the vital organs, bones,
muscles, and fascia—where we have the unique human ability
to literally heal with our hands. You don’t have to be a
professional to be able to give a great massage, but it’s useful to
know as much as you can about the human body in order to
help people reap the most benefits.
The Importance of Touch
Touch is one of the most basic human needs, yet it’s often neglected. Your
skin receives the sense of touch through nerve endings all over your body,
and this sensation has been shown to aid in physical and emotional health.
An infant craves touch when they’re born—it’s an instinctive desire and
way of communicating love, nurturance, trust, caring, comfort, safety, and
more. When we’re adults, that desire and ability to communicate through
touch doesn’t go away. It’s still very much a necessary part of relating to
and healing one another. It’s no surprise, then, that massage can invoke
emotional responses like tears of joy and a feeling of relief. Touch has the
power to awaken and release emotions stored in the body.


Massage takes the benefits of physical connection to the next level. In
fact, massage has been shown to increase oxytocin, the hormone that
regulates positive emotions and social interactions, and to reduce the
adrenocorticotropic hormone, which stimulates the release of cortisol
(the “stress hormone”). The takeaway? Touch in the form of massage
has many benefits, and it can help you physically and emotionally.
The History of Massage
The history of massage goes back as long as humans have been on this
planet. Just think about it: If you’re in pain, you’ll touch that area and
instinctively start massaging it. The earliest written records of massage
were found in China, Egypt, and India dating back thousands of years.
Unfortunately there hasn’t been a lot of history recorded about massage,
and the dates can be conflicting, but here’s an abbreviated timeline of what
we do know:

• BCE 2330 : The Egyptian Tomb of Akmanthor, also known as “The

Tomb of the Physician,” shows two men touching each other’s feet and

• BCE 1800 : The oldest written record of massage is around 4,000

years old and was found in an ancient Chinese medical text, Con-Fu of
the Toa-Tse . The text mentioned application of massage techniques.

• BCE 460 : Hippocrates wrote: “The physician must be experienced in

many things, but assuredly in rubbing.” This shows how thousands of
years ago, touch was a method that physicians used regularly because
they didn’t have the technology we have today to diagnose and treat
pain. The more the medical system advances, the less it relies on touch.

• 1700–1800s: Pehr Henrik Ling (1776–1839), a Swedish physical

therapist and teacher of medical gymnastics, is credited for having
invented “Classic massage” (also known as Swedish Massage). He’s
often called the “Father of Massage.”

• 1800s: Johann Georg Mezger (1838–1909) is credited with

developing the terms effleurage (gliding), petrissage (squeezing or
kneading), friction (pressing), tapotement (percussion), and vibration
• 1943: The first professional massage association, American Massage
Therapy Association, was formed.

• 1992: The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage &

Bodywork was founded. This was a watershed moment for massage
because it was the first national certification for massage therapists.
Now massage therapists can become board certified, which is the
highest credential in the massage profession.

• Early 2010s: This era saw a huge surge in massage schools popping
up, even in some colleges. This made training a lot more accessible.
Modern Massage
Massage as a field and healing practice has come a long way since I began
my studies. There were many things we were told we had to be cautious of
when giving massages. For example, we were told we could not massage
people with cancer because it would increase the cancer cells in the body.
This is one misconception about massage that has been debunked. I
routinely massage people with cancer in the hospital where I work;
however, there are still precautions, so you must be trained in oncology
massage. We were also warned against massaging pregnant women in their
first trimester. Most experts in the prenatal massage field now say this is
okay, as long as it is not a high-risk pregnancy. (And once again, you need
proper training in prenatal massage.)
There has been an even bigger shift in perception recently. Massage was
once widely considered a luxury, meant only for those who could afford
fancy spa days. Now it’s accepted as part of a healthy lifestyle, and an
important healing and self-care practice. You can now find massage
therapists in most health clubs, chiropractic offices, wellness centers, spas,
hotels and cruise ships, and at private practices. Most hospitals, such as the
one I work at, now offer massage therapy to patients. The areas I work in
include the birthing center, mental health, medical surgical, ambulatory
surgery, and outpatient.
Today, more and more people want to learn massage—either to help
friends and family, learn how to work on themselves, or to start their own
career in massage. Now that its healing benefits are widely known, more
people want to learn how to give a massage at home.
Massage has become so much more accessible over the years. For
example, massage products have gotten a lot cheaper. Back in 1997, I paid
over $500 for a basic massage table—now you can buy one for around
$100. Massage supplies are generally more widely available (see chapter
two, beginning here for suggestions on tools and materials).
When it comes to massage techniques, there is so much variety. And as
you will find out in the upcoming chapters, many massage techniques
overlap. In modern massage, it’s rare to stick to just one style. It’s much
more common for practitioners to blend different techniques from other
styles and make it their own. This book provides the foundation to help you
eventually build your own unique style as well.
East & West
For many years, Eastern and Western massage—for instance, Thai massage
compared with Swedish massage—were separate. But today, these styles
are commonly blended. Western massage therapists are starting to take bits
and pieces of Eastern massage and make it their own.

Rooted in Eastern medicine, where the body is treated as one unified system
including the mind and spirit, this type of massage focuses on flow and
balance of energy within the body. The techniques are meant to relax
specific points in order to help the vital energy flow. Eastern-influenced
massage therapists figure out where to focus on the body by determining
where energy imbalances lie, and not necessarily the area of discomfort.

Western massage is rooted in Western medicine, which separates the parts
of the body by their function. This massage style (commonly referred to as
Swedish massage) tends to focus on the individual parts of the body where
pain or discomfort lie. Massage therapists of this style will use massage
techniques on or around the painful areas.
The real separation that still rings true today is that Eastern massage is
more based on acupressure points, meridian lines and in Thai massage, sen
lines. Western massage is more based on trigger point therapy. However, a
lot of the trigger points and acupressure points do overlap.
Trigger Points
A trigger point is a sensitive knot found within bands of skeletal muscles.
They can occur for a number of reasons including, injury, trauma, or basic
strain. These sore spots cause pain and limit range of motion in the body.
There are hundreds of trigger points on the body. Some massage therapists say
that if you are treating only the painful area, you’re in the wrong area 75
percent of the time. For example, most headaches start in the neck or shoulders
but refer pain to the head. If you want to be good at determining the possible
source of pain, it’s important to know the trigger points on the body, and where
the possible referrals may be.
Touching a trigger point stimulates activity in a sensory neuron, which
then passes to the part of the brain that’s associated with that body location.
It’s an instant feeling that can have huge rewards for your body, mind, and


The more you can relax the muscles with massage, the more likely the
skin, fascia, and organs can relax, too. There’s also been a lot of positive
research on the effectiveness of massage for lowering inflammation.
Additionally, massage is now widely used to help with the following

• Symptoms of fibromyalgia
• Pain in cancer patients
• Lowering blood pressure
• Post-operative pain
• Chronic neck pain
• Knee pain
• Low back pain
• Hormone and immune function
Common trigger points
Basic Anatomy for Massage
In order to begin using massage, it's important to understand anatomy basics
for massage: the muscular and skeletal systems. Let’s go over some basic

“The brain and peripheral nervous system, the endocrine and

immune systems, and indeed, all the organs of our body and all
the emotional responses we have, share a common chemical
language and are constantly communicating with one another.”


The muscular system is the primary body system that you’ll need to know on
your massage journey; however, a basic understanding of the skeletal systems
will give you a more complete picture of the body and how it functions in the
context of massage. It’s all interconnected.
Muscular system: There are around 650 muscles in the human body. There
are three types of muscles: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscles. They help
with movement, move substances through organs, and help pump blood.
During a massage, you’ll be working with skeletal muscles.
Skeletal system: The adult human has 206 bones, as well as a network of
tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. This skeletal system helps with movement
of the body, production of blood cells, and storage of calcium.

As we move through the body systems, we’re getting closer and closer to the
body’s surface, the access point of massage. When we give a massage, we're
working primarily with skeletal muscles and fascia, the tissue that surrounds
them. Fascia is a form of connective tissue. If you’ve even received a
professional massage or seen a physical therapist, you may have heard this
word before. It is a thin sheath of fibrous tissue enclosing muscles, bones, and
organs throughout the entire body. Massage reduces tension of the fascia and
the muscles it surrounds, creating greater range of motion, reducing tightness,
and generating better flow and function to the fascia itself and to the
surrounding body systems.
There are three layers of fascia:
1. Superficial fascia is the lowermost layer of the skin in nearly all of the
regions of the body that blends with the reticular dermis layer, or skin. The
majority of myofascial release techniques focus on this layer of the fascia.
2. Visceral fascia (also called subserous fascia) supports the organs within
their cavities and wraps them in layers of connective tissue membranes. Each
organ is covered in a double layer of fascia, and thin serous membranes
separate them. This layer is harder to access through massage.
3. Deep fascia is a layer of dense fibrous connective tissue, which surrounds
individual muscles, and divides groups of muscles. By increasing pressure,
you can access this layer through massage techniques.
When your muscles are tight, the surrounding fascia tightens along with
them. Over time the fascia becomes tight, and can compress the muscles and
the nerves by restricting blood flow and movement. The more relaxed fascia
is, the more flexible your muscles and nerves will be.
There are over 600 muscles in the body. These are some of the main skeletal muscles that are
targeted during massage.
Humans are born with nearly 300 bones, but most adults have around 206 because some
bones will eventually grow together. It is important to never massage directly on a bone.
Mind-Body Connection
The mind-body connection is another system of the body so to speak, but an
invisible one; it is how our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can affect
the body and emotions. What we do with our bodies—how we eat, how we
move, how much sleep we get—can change our mental state. This results in a
complex interrelationship between our minds and bodies. In my own
experience, I’ve witnessed that when the mind starts to relax, the body
responds in order to absorb the full benefits of the massage. When I coach
people through taking a few deep breaths and calming their mind, it usually
helps induce a relaxation response in the body and makes my work easier.
Energy healing takes this concept even further. It is an aspect of many
massage modalities that use energetic and emotional systems to aid in healing.
Meridians, chakras, and other energy systems have been around a lot longer
than modern medicine. Chakras and meridians are based on energy, and
altering them through energy healing can affect someone spiritually, physically
and emotionally. To work with chakras, the giver generally hovers over or
places their hands on a specific chakra. With meridians, the giver presses or
massages on the meridian lines and acupressure points. Just as touch and
release of tension through muscle and fascia, with energetic methods, it’s
possible to release and move energy in a similar manner.

Specific areas of tightness in the body are commonly called “knots.” Knots
are trigger points that cause pain or are tender to the touch. These spots are
hyperirritable points in muscle tissue caused by a small fiber or group of
fibers cramping or going into a spasm. These spots can cause you pain in
the area, limit your range of motion, and cause the tissue to feel different—
like a tight little ball.
These trigger points can be released by pressing on the tender area and
bringing the pressure to about a 6 on a 1–10 scale, with 10 being the most
discomfort. Press and wait for the muscle to relax around your thumbs,
fingers, or palms. Once the discomfort has lessened, then you can slowly
increase the pressure to a 6 again.
The meridian system is the concept in Traditional Chinese Medicine of a
path through which the life-energy known as qi (or chi ) flows. Any
meridian in harmony tends to lead to health and we ll-being. A system in
disharmony is believed to lead to illness and disease. There are 12 standard
meridian pathways.
Large Intestine
Small Intestine


Yin and Yang are opposites in their individual qualities and nature, but
they are also interdependent. Yin and Yang cannot exist without the other
and they are constantly moving.
Every single thing in our lives contains Yin and Yang—you can’t have
one without the other, and they are always in flux. So, when massaging the
left side of the back, be sure to spend equal time on the other side for
balance. This goes for other areas of the body as well, especially the feet,
legs, hands, arms, and shoulders. Yin energy is believed to be night, lunar,
feminine, and nurturing, while Yang is light, solar, masculine, and
There are 12 standard meridians, separated into Yin or Yang. For
instance, the Yin meridians of the arm are the lung, heart, and pericardium.
The Yang meridians of the arm are the large intestine, small intestine, and
triple heater (see illustration here ).

The chakra system originated in India from an ancient text called the
Vedas. The word “chakra” is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning
“wheel.” The seven chakras are the energy centers in our body through
which energy flows. The essential chakras are stated in Buddhist and
Hindu texts to be arranged in a column along the spinal cord, from its base
to the top of the head, connected by vertical channels. There are other
minor chakras in the body, but here are the seven main ones:

1. Root chakra (Muladhara)

Color: Red
Location: Pelvis
Spiritual purpose: Grounding, centering, balance.
Physical purpose: The root chakra is associated with the gonadal
(ovarian and testicular) systems, and and is believed to help balance
sex hormones.

2. Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana)

Color: Orange
Location: Lower abdominal region
Spiritual purpose: Well-being, pleasure, and creativity.
Physical purpose: This chakra is associated with the adrenal glands
and is believed to help regulate the immune system.

3. Solar plexus chakra (Nabhi-Manipura)

Color: Yellow
Location: Diaphragm
Spiritual purpose: Confidence and self-esteem.
Physical purpose: This chakra is associated with the pancreas and is
believed to help regulate metabolism.

4. Heart chakra (Anahata)

Color: Green
Location: Center of the chest
Spiritual purpose: Love and joy.
Physical purpose: It is associated with the thymus gland and is
believed to help regulate the immune system.

5. Throat chakra (Vishuddhi)

Color: Blue
Location: Throat
Spiritual purpose: Communication and emotional expression.
Physical purpose: It is associated with the thyroid gland and is
believed to help regulate body temperature.

6. Third eye chakra (Ana)

Color: Indigo
Location: Between the eyebrows
Spiritual purpose: Intuition, thinking, and making decisions.
Physical purpose: This chakra is associated with the pituitary gland.

7. Crown chakra (Sahasrara)

Color: Violet
Location: Top of the head
Spiritual purpose: Higher states of consciousness.
Physical purpose: It is associated with the pineal gland and is
believed to help regulate biological cycles.
All of this should give you a foundation for understanding the body as
a whole, complex machine with many interconnected systems. From the
anatomy of the body to the anatomy of energy, this knowledge can support
you as you learn to use massage in your life as a way to share the healing
benefits with those around you or even yourself.
Putting It All Together
In this chapter, you’ve learned some of the basics of anatomy, the healing
power of touch, and energy work. Now you’re ready to learn some basic
massage techniques. I hope you take the knowledge from this chapter with
you through the rest of the book. The powerful mind-body connection is an
important element of massage, no matter which style or technique you
choose to work in.
In the upcoming chapters, I’ll help you get started practicing massage
and performing massage techniques for specific parts of the body, for
certain types of pain, and specific types of people.
G etting started with massage is easy—you really just need
your hands. But there are a few considerations to keep in
mind as you begin your journey with massage, such as creating
a calm, inviting environment, maintaining a professional
atmosphere (even when massaging friends or partners), and
fully relaxing into the experience. You may also want to
supplement your massages with oils, lotions, and music, or
purchase a massage table or special linens. In this chapter, I
outline everything you need to know to get started, including
eight must-know massage techniques.
Giving & Receiving
The benefits of receiving massage are widely known, but massage
therapists report experiencing meaningful benefits from giving massage as
well. It is empowering to be able to give someone so much relief. I consider
myself a caregiver, so I want to do everything in my power to help a person.
The greatest feeling for me is when I’m finished and my client has a relaxed
look on their face; this show of appreciation is so gratifying.

I teach my students that giving massages should always be professional, and
performed without expectation. This is true even when giving your partner
or a friend a massage. I encourage you to view massage as an intimate,
healing act in its own right, and not in exchange for something. The
exchange between massage practitioner and recipient is an offering that
goes far beyond an exchange of money or anything else. It’s a sacred act.
For the receiver, it’s about surrendering the body for healing and relaxation.
For the giver, it’s about offering your healing touch to another.


Part of this offering is in showing up fully to your massage. Whether you’re
the giver or receiver, leave all your worries at the door when you enter for
your massage. Getting yourself emotionally ready is vital to receiving the
greatest benefits from massage.
As the receiver, start by visualizing yourself on the massage table and
letting all your worries and to-dos melt into the table. As the giver, place
your hands on the recipient for a few moments before beginning. This quiet
moment of connection allows you both to get comfortable with touch and
begin to relax into the experience. The best thing to do is to slowly ease into
the massage. It should never begin with vigorous techniques. You can also
have them take a few deep breaths to help induce the relaxation response.
It’s up to you as the giver to create this gentle transition into the massage.

A relaxing environment is an essential part of the massage experience.
Whether you’re giving a massage at home or in a professional setting, the
atmosphere alone can encourage relaxation before you even begin the
Here are a few recommendations for creating a soothing setting:
Music or white noise is great for creating a relaxing environment. The
music you choose should be soothing with limited or no words. When I had
my business, I always asked my clients what kind of music they would like.
I’ve even given massages to heavy metal! That’s why it’s important to ask
and not assume what is most relaxing for the client. For instance, I had one
client who didn’t want any music; I later found out that she was a music
teacher and automatically analyzed music whenever she heard it, so it was
not relaxing for her.
Aromatherapy can also be relaxing, but you need to make sure the
recipient is okay with the scent and doesn't have allergies. There are a lot of
essential oils to choose from such as lavender, mandarin, ginger, and more.
I cover more essential oils in chapter six.
You also want to consider the temperature; ideally, the indoor
temperature should be around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The longer you
massage someone, the more likely they are to get cold, especially in
exposed areas not being massaged. I always cover the area with a sheet if
I’m not massaging it.
Dim, soft lighting is more relaxing; very bright lights can be distracting
and energizing. I like to keep the room dimly lit so that boundaries are clear
and I can spot a bruise, lesion, rash or anything of concern I may need to
ask the client about. The main thing is creating maximum comfort and
relaxation for the recipient.

You can give a great massage at home without a table, but even many
beginners eventually invest in some kind of table. Massage tables can range
from a hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. Portable massage tables are
an affordable option and there are many kinds to choose from, such as
electric or hydraulic. No matter what, be sure to buy a table from a
reputable company that offers a warranty.
If a massage table is not in your budget, you can use a bed. The biggest
problem when using a bed is that you will have to reach over the recipient’s
body more. What I like to do when working on a bed is massage one side of
the body, then ask the receiver to move to the other side of the bed, where I
can start working on the other side of the body.
There’s no need to spring for fancy massage linens. Usually these are
just twin-size sheets anyway! When working at a table, you can use a
pillowcase to put over the headrest. I prefer flannel sheets, because they are
warmer. It’s important to wash your sheets after every use and to always use
a clean set of sheets for each new recipient. Don’t forget to disinfect the
table, too.


The good news is, you don’t have to break the bank buying fancy
massage supplies. For massage oils, you can simply use jojoba oil, or
even extra-virgin olive oil that you may even use at home already or
grape-seed oil. I personally prefer grape-seed oil, because it absorbs into
the skin faster, leaving you less likely to slip. If you want to mix it up,
professional grade massage oils are widely available at a reasonable
price. Although, if you or anyone you plan on massaging has a history
of allergic reactions, be sure to look for hypoallergenic oils.
In addition to oils, the other popular massage lubricants are, lotions,
gels, and creams. These are also affordable and easy to find. I
recommend trying them all and getting a sense of what works best for
you and the varying needs of your massages. Here’s what to know about
Massage oil is the most popular choice. It’s excellent for gliding . Some
people complain that they feel too greasy after a massage with oil, but
this really depends on how much oil you use. It’s always better to start
the massage with a small amount of oil. You can always add more if
needed. If you apply too much oil on the body, it takes a while to
remove the excess, and your hands will probably slip too much. A
general rule of thumb for a full body massage is about one to two
ounces of massage oil. Two ounces if you perform a lot of gliding
techniques, and one ounce or less if you don’t.
Massage lotion is more water-based than regular lotion and it will also
help you glide on the body. It’s a great choice for people who don’t want
to feel oily after a massage, but it can be painful for massage recipients
with hairy chests and backs. Keep in mind that massage lotion absorbs
quicker than other lubricants, so you’ll need to reapply more often.
Massage gel is a paraffin-based lubricant, and it stays on the body a lot
longer than other lubricants.
I find that it’s the best lubricant for people with more hair on their body,
because it’s less likely to entangle their hair. It also absorbs slowly, so
you can perform more extended gliding techniques without needing to
Massage cream has also become popular in recent years. I find that it
gives a great balance of absorption and glide. You don’t have to apply it
as much as massage lotion and recipients typically don’t have that
greasy feeling after a massage.
The Eight Must-Know Techniques to
Get Started
While there are literally thousands of different massage techniques, they can
usually be grouped into eight categories: effleurage (gliding), petrissage
(kneading), friction, tapotement (percussion), vibration, feathering
(light/stroking), compression, and stretching. These all stem from Swedish
massage , which is arguably the best-known style in the West and the
foundation for modern massage. Some therapists believe there are many
more categories but having a strong understanding of these eight techniques
is a great starting point. There are many variations of each, which you’ll
explore as you get more experience.

One of the most common complaints from massage clients is the level
of pressure—either the pressure is too deep, or too light. It is important
to ask for feedback and encourage them to tell you if the pressure is ever
too much. A little discomfort is okay, but when they start tensing up in
response, that can defeat the whole purpose of the massage.

Gliding (Effleurage)
Effleurage, also known as gliding, is one of the most
common techniques in massage. This technique is excellent
for starting a massage and applying oil to the body before
you perform deeper work.

1. Apply enough lubricant to your hands so you can perform

this technique a few times in a row without needing to
2. Place both of your hands at their lower back.
3. Slowly glide up their back and then down their arm.
4. You can either slide both hands at the same time or
alternate your hands.
5. Repeat 3–5 times on each side.

Kneading (Petrissage)

Petrissage, or kneading, is a technique that allows you to

apply deeper pressure without pushing down on the
recipient. This technique is used to lift the skin, muscles, and
fascia. You don’t need a lot of oil for this technique. If you
have too much, it’s harder to lift, hold onto, and manipulate
the muscles.

1. Do not apply extra oil before you perform this technique.

2. Place both of your hands on the recipient’s body.
3. Alternate lifting up the skin and softly grabbing muscles
and fascia between your thumb and fingers.
4. Perform this technique 3–5 times in the same area.
5. After you’re done with one area, go to another area and
continue performing the technique.

Friction is a broader massage technique. It should always be
performed after you’ve warmed up an area using long,
flowing motions for 1–2 minutes.

1. Starting at the shoulders of the recipient, make a fist with

one of your hands, and extend your thumb.
2. Use your other hand to cover, support, and firmly press
your thumb into the muscle.
3. Maintaining pressure, slowly glide your thumb either
down the length of the muscle or against the muscle grain
(this is known as cross-fiber friction).
4. Repeat this technique 3–5 times in the same area,
increasing your pressure each time depending on what your
recipient can tolerate.

Percussion (Tapotement)
Tapotement, or percussion, is a commonly used technique.
While it may not appear to be relaxing, the truth is that it
can be quite relaxing if you start out lighter and gradually
tap harder. This technique benefits all layers of the muscles.

1. No oil is used with this technique.

2. Make sure your hands and wrists are completely relaxed.
You’ll make a flicking motion with your hand.
3. With the pinky side of your relaxed hand, lightly strike the
body in the desired area.
4. After a few times, you can increase the pressure
depending on the recipient’s tolerance and desire.
5. Repeat for 20–30 seconds, then move to another area.
Note: Do not perform this on any bony areas, pulse locations, or other
endangerment sites.

Vibration is a great technique to get a sense of how relaxed

your massage recipient is. Try this technique after you’ve
used other methods in an area.

1. Do not apply any extra oil.

2. Place your hand on the skin and slowly move your hand
back and forth, keeping your hand and wrist relaxed.
3. Increase the pressure and speed of the vibration depending
on your recipient’s preferences.
4. Repeat for 10–20 seconds in each area.

Feathering is a gentler technique that’s generally used as
you're getting started with a massage. You never want to
start out with this method, because it can be ticklish for
some people.

1. Do not add any extra oil for this technique.

2. Slowly glide your fingers or hands in a zigzag motion very
lightly over the area.
3. Repeat 3–5 times.

Compression should be performed after you’ve warmed up
an area for 1–2 minutes with other methods. (Starting with
this technique would be a big shock to the system.)
Compression is the technique often used to access trigger

1. After you’ve warmed up an area, make a fist with both

hands, and extend your thumbs (holding them tightly to
your index fingers).
2. Slowly sink your thumbs into the muscles, applying firm
pressure. Hold the pressure for 10–30 seconds.
3. After your recipient has relaxed, have them take a deep
breath, and when they breathe out, slowly increase your
pressure to the next layer of muscles.
4. Continue this technique 3–5 times on the area.

Stretching can be just as relaxing as pressure when
performed right. You can also access areas on the body that
are harder to reach in a massage.

1. Have your recipient take a few deep breaths.

2. Cross your hands and place one of your hands on their
3. Place your other hand on the side of their head.
4. Slowly push your hands in opposite directions, until you
feel a little resistance from the recipient.
5. Hold the stretch for 20–30 seconds.
6. After the 20–30 seconds, slowly bring their head back to a
neutral position and take your hands off their head and
7. Repeat 2–3 times if the recipient prefers more stretching.
Then switch to the other side.
P eople have different preferences about which body part to
work on first in a massage. I prefer to begin with the face
and scalp because I can do these areas before putting any oil on
my hands. Others prefer to start massaging the back because
that tends to be a common problem area, and that way you can
finish with the recipient’s face up, their sinuses drained.
Wherever you choose to start, it’s important to give yourself
time guidelines so you can give enough attention to all the areas
your recipient would like massaged. This chapter walks you
through techniques for different body parts, starting with the
head and face and working your way down for a full body
Moving Through the Body
For a full body 60-minute massage, here’s how I like to break it down.
Start by having the recipient lie face up. This is called the supine
position, and allows you to work on the front part of the body, known as the
• 5 minutes: Face and scalp
• 5 minutes: Neck and shoulders
• 5 minutes: Right arm and hand
• 5 minutes: Left arm and hand
• 5 minutes: Right leg and foot
• 5 minutes: Left leg and foot
Now, ask them to flip over and lie face down (called the prone position).
This is when you’ll massage the backside of their body, known as the
• 5 minutes: Right leg and foot
• 5 minutes: Left leg and foot
• 20 minutes: Back, neck and shoulder
Of course, feel free to modify this general routine if someone needs
more attention on a certain area, or if they don’t want specific areas
massaged. Be sure to explain how you’ll be allocating the time if you
devote a large chunk to one area. This way there will be no surprises at the
end, like, “Hey, how come you never got to my feet?”
For a 30-minute massage, plan to target just the back, neck, or a specific
problem area. It’s difficult to give a full body massage in a half hour, unless
you’re working with a geriatric recipient, on children, or your recipient only
wants a couple of minutes for each body part.
If you’re at home and only have 10–15 minutes to give a massage (or
your partner is begging you for a quick one), have them sit in a chair and
massage their neck and shoulders. Or have them lie on a couch or on a bed
and massage their feet.
In a professional setting, 90-minute massages have become more
popular, which I’m glad about. These longer times give the massage
therapist more time to focus on problem areas, while still providing a
complete full body massage. It’s the whole package. I’ve found that most
people prefer to have more time devoted to their back, with neck and
shoulders a close second.
The Head
Since this part of the body isn’t touched by others as frequently as the
hands or the arms, it’s a good idea to gently place your hands on the
scalp or face for a few seconds before you start massaging. This allows
your recipient to get accustomed to your touch. I’ve always told my
students that hair is an extension of the body and it needs a massage,
too. If someone has a thicker head of hair, they can typically handle
more vigorous scalp and hair techniques. Here are three of my favorite
head techniques.

Temple Turn

1. Start with no oil on your hands.

2. Place your fingertips on their temple region.
3. Apply friction in a circular motion.
4. Perform the technique 3–5 times.


1. Start with no oil on your hands.

2. Use both of your hands to grasp some of their hair.
3. Lightly pull and hold for 5–10 seconds.
4. Perform the technique 3–5 times.

Slide & Hold

1. Start with no oil on your hands.
2. Place your hands on their scalp.
3. Slowly pull their hair while gliding all the way to the tips of their
4 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.

Hair Part
1. Start with no oil on your hands.
2. Place your hands on the top of their head.
3. Use your thumbs to part their hair.
4. Perform the technique 3–5 times.


Indian head massage is an ancient treatment that has been practiced in India for thousands of
years. It is part of Ayurvedic medicine (also called Ayurveda ), one of the world’s oldest medical
systems. Ayurveda is made up of the three doshas, or types of energy: Vata (air energy), pitta
(fire energy), and kapha (water energy). These are dynamic forces of nature, and working
principles that help us to understand our bodies better.
Here’s a routine for a basic Indian head massage.

1. Have them sit in a chair fully clothed.

2. Place your hands on their shoulders without moving for a few seconds to get them used to
your touch.
3. Start by slowly adding circular friction techniques on their shoulders for 20–30 seconds
with your thumbs.
4. Gently squeeze their shoulders with your hands and increase the pressure to what they can
5. Place one of your hands on their forehead for support and place your other hand on the
back of their neck. Slowly squeeze and use circular friction along the sides of their neck
with your thumb and fingers.
6. Place both hands on top of their scalp and use circular friction techniques all around the
The Face
Face massage can be extremely relaxing and is one of the reasons many
people get facials. If you choose to use lotion for massaging the face,
make sure it’s hypoallergenic, and that you get their permission to use it
first. Many people have sensitive skin or are particular about the
products they put on their face. I find you rarely need a lubricant for
facial massage, as the skin on most people’s faces is naturally supple
and naturally oily.

Ear Slide

1. Start with no oil on your hands.

2. Slowly apply friction using a back and forth motion on the front
and back of their ears, up and down their ears.
3. Either perform it one ear at a time, or both at the same time.
4. Perform the technique 3–5 times.

Third Eye Slide

1. Start with no oil on your hands.

2. Slowly glide up the middle of your recipient’s forehead, from the
top of their nose to their hairline.
3 . You can create friction back and forth.
4 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.

Forehead Split
1. Start with no oil on your hands.
2. Place your thumbs or fingers at the center of their forehead.
3. Slowly glide your hands apart, ending close to their ears.
4. Perform the technique 3–5 times.

Sinus Drain
1. Start with no oil on your hands.
2. Place your fingertips close to their nose, under their cheekbones.
3. Slowly glide under their cheekbones, away from their nose, up
toward their ears.
4 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.
The Neck
The neck is a vital part of any massage. In today’s tech age, with so
many hours spent hunched over screens and mobile devices, many
people suffer from neck and shoulder pain. Additionally, many
headaches start in the neck and shoulders, and one of the most
significant problem spots is right under the base of the skull. You can
use oil on the neck—I recommend it—but be mindful not to get oil in
the hair or face.

Turn & Dig

1. Add oil to your hands. Start this technique with a supporting hand
under their head (if you’re worried about getting oil in their hair,
use a towel or pillowcase as a barrier).
2. Slowly turn their head.
3. Find the base of the skull, and slowly glide under it, or hold
pressure on a tender area (bring the discomfort to 6–7 out of 10)
until the pain dissipates.
4. If you’re using a gliding technique with your fingertips, repeat the
technique 3–5 times, and increase the pressure a little more each
5. After you’ve finished on that side, slowly turn their head to the
other side and repeat.

Long Neck

1. Add oil to your hands,

2. Place your hands on their shoulders.
3. Slowly glide up their neck with both hands.
4. To modify, alternate gliding your hands up their neck. This will
help you isolate one side at a time.
5 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.
Skull Rock

1. Have little to no oil on your hands.

2. With both hands, lift their head off the table or surface, and place
your fingertips under the base of their skull.
3 . Slowly rock their head up and down (the direction from their head
to their feet).
4 . You don’t need to add any extra pressure, because the weight of
their head will do that.
5 . Continue this technique for 10–20 seconds. Repeat 3–5 times.
The Shoulders
One of the more significant problems with shoulders is that people tend
to hunch them for most of the day, keeping them internally rotated. Or
they have “shoulder rings” (one of my students coined that phrase for
people who elevate their shoulders too much). Having your body in an
unnatural position at work for a long period of time can cause undue
stress on your shoulder muscles and make them tight. These techniques
may help with that.

Hold Me Down

1. Place your hands on the anterior part of their shoulders.

2. Slowly push the shoulders down toward the table and hold for 5–
10 seconds until the recipient feels a little pressure.
3 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.
Grind Pecs

1. Add a little oil to your knuckles.

2. Place your knuckles in their upper pectoral region (see Muscular
System ).
3 . Slowly turn your knuckles in a circular motion.
4 . Increase the pressure as the recipient desires.
5 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.
The Back
The back is the core part of your massage. Almost everyone wants the
most time spent in this area. The back, back of the neck, shoulders, mid
back, and lower back are usually included in a back massage. Since
there are a few layers of muscles in the back, it is crucial to warm up the
muscles. Be sure to start slowly and gradually increase pressure—if you
use too much pressure to start, the body tends to tense up, and it
becomes harder for the recipient to relax. Be mindful of the
antagonist/opposite muscles, which we address in the abdominal section
One big complaint when massaging the back is too much oil. It’s
tempting to slather it on with such a large area, but it’s always better to
use a little less to start with because you can always add more. If you
add too much, you are more than likely to slip on a muscle or into the
spine when performing more in-depth work. I usually start at the
shoulders and use extended techniques gliding down to their lower back
so that I can apply oil to the whole back slowly throughout the process.
For these techniques, your recipient should be face down (in prone

Figure 8
1. Stand on one side of the table near their head or shoulder.
2. Place your hands on their shoulders.
3. Glide both your hands down to their lower back.
4. Stop briefly at their lower back, or just continue the flow of the
5 . Glide your hands back to their shoulders crossing your hands as
you come back up, tracing a figure 8 shape.
6 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.

Full Fan
1. Stand on one side of the table near their head or shoulder.
2. Glide one hand down both sides of the back.
3. Alternate your hands doing this motion, working your way down
their body.
4 . After you have reached their lower back, bring your hands back to
their shoulders, either by gliding back to the starting point or lifting
your hands off the lower back and carry them back to the shoulders.
5 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.

Half Fan
1. Stand on one side of the table near their head or shoulder.
2. Place your hands on their shoulders.
3. Glide your hands down to their lower back with both hands, using
short strokes in opposite directions.
4 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.
The Arms
Massaging the arms is also great for people with desk jobs. In a full
body massage, the back of the arms (triceps region) often gets
neglected. To avoid this, massage the triceps when they are face down
while you’re massaging their back. Be careful to not use too much
pressure on the biceps region because that area is more prone to
bruising. If someone has very thin arms, use your fingertips more. If the
arm is hairy, avoid lotion because it will dry and pull the hair. Oil is the
best option.
I always massage one arm and then the hand on the same side, and
then move to the other arm and hand.

Traction Glide

1. Place one of your hands on their wrist.

2. Add a little oil on your other hand.
3. Gently pull their wrist with your supporting hand and use the other
hand to glide up their arm to their shoulder.
4 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.
Wiggle Arm

1. Do not add any extra oil.

2. Place one of your hands on their wrist to add support. Start with
the other hand on their shoulder.
3 . Gently wiggle their arm with your fingers from their shoulder to
4 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.

Snake Bite
1. Don’t add any extra oil.
2. Place your hands and fingers around their forearm.
3. Slowly twist your hands in opposite directions to the point of a
little discomfort.
4 . Hold for 2–5 seconds.
5 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.
The Hands
Most of us use our hands a lot for our jobs, and it can be beneficial to
anyone to receive a hand massage. Research shows that massage is an
effective treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. You can either use oil or
lotion, but if you do use oil, it is a good idea to remove the oil with a
towel after you’re done. Be sure to give the back of the hand as much
attention as the palm, because they are the antagonist (opposite) to each
It is possible to massage one of your hands with your other hand, but
it is a lot easier (and more relaxing) to have someone else perform it.

Finger Pulling
1. Add a little oil to your hands.
2. Use one hand to support their wrist.
3. Lift up their wrist with your supporting hand.
4. Use your other hand to friction off each finger.
5. Repeat on each finger and the thumb 3–5 times.

Wrist Spread
1. Add a little oil to your hands.
2. Wrap your fingers around their wrist. Place your thumbs in the
center of their wrist.
3 . Slowly slide your thumbs in opposite directions toward the
outsides of the wrist.
4 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.

Pinky, Pinky, Wrap It, Spread It

1. Lift one hand with their palm facing up.
2. Interlock one of your pinkies between their ring and pinky finger,
and your other pinky between their thumb and index fingers.
3. Wrap your fingers around their hand.
4. Place your thumbs at the base of their palm.
5. Slowly spread their palm with your thumbs.
6. Keep your hands in the same position and glide your thumbs
around their palm in different directions or just use one thumb at a
time to isolate an area.
7. Repeat 3–4 in different areas on their palm.
The Stomach
The abdominal area is often skipped in a massage treatment—either the
giver doesn’t feel confident massaging that area, or the recipient doesn’t
want it for various reasons. However, I’m a strong believer in including
it because most of the abdominal muscles are the antagonist (opposite
actions) of the back muscles. When one muscle is weak or injured, then
the antagonist muscle will have to do more work. It is important not to
push straight down on the abdominal muscles, and massage at an angle
to the receiver’s comfort level. Always check with the recipient before
massaging this area.
The receiver should be on their back for these techniques. While
most men feel comfortable with their chest exposed, be sure to cover
women recipients when using this technique.

Lower Stomach Rub

1. Add some oil to your hands.
2. Stand on the left side of their body.
3. Place your hands on their lower colon region (just above the right
4 . Slowly glide your hands in the direction of the colon (gliding
straight up from the right hip to the lower ribs, then straight across,
and finally gliding down from their lower left ribs to their left hip).
You can do this with your hands together, or alternate hands with
your gliding.
5 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.

Colon Burn
1. Add some oil to your hands.
2. Stand on the left or right side of their body and place your hands
on the opposite side of the body, halfway between their hip and
lower ribs.
3 . Alternate your hands going back and forth in a light and fast
wave-like motion.
4 . Perform this technique 20–30 seconds.
The Glutes (Buttocks)
The buttocks, or the glute region, is made up of three main muscles: the
gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus. Massaging
the glutes is beneficial because the muscles of the glutes can refer pain
to the lower back. It is a good idea to warm up each muscle layer of the
glutes before applying a lot of pressure to the area. Using your knuckles
and elbows is a great way to increase pressure for people who like
deeper work. Never add pressure to the ball and socket region of the hip
(known as the greater trochanter); it can cause bruising.

Figure 8 Glutes

1. Add a little oil to one of your knuckles.

2. Place one hand on their lower back for support.
3. Glide your knuckles in figure 8 motions around one side of the
glutes (make sure you don’t add pressure to the ball and socket of
the hip).
4 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.

Knuckle Glutes

1. Add a little oil to the knuckles of both hands.

2. Place both hands on their glutes.
3. Glide in figure 8 motions around the glute. Make sure you don’t
add pressure to their great trochanter (the ball and socket of the
4 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.
The Thighs
The thighs can be a sensitive area to massage, especially the inner
region. Be sure to drape the groin region properly, so nothing is
exposed. The hamstring and quad muscles are antagonist to each other,
so be sure to give adequate attention to both sides of this region.
If the receiver has problems with their knees, massaging the thighs
can be beneficial because those muscles all connect to the knee area.
Research has also shown that massage may help with pain due to
osteoarthritis of the knee. Oil is preferable for this area of the body, as
lotion may cause uncomfortable friction when it dries on hair.
When massaging the quads, have the recipient lie face up (supine),
and for massaging hamstrings, have them face down (prone).

1. Add oil to your hands.
2. Place your hands on the center of their thigh, halfway between the
hip and the knee.
3 . Slowly separate your hands (one hand going to the outer thigh and
the other hand going to the inner thigh).
4 . You can perform this technique on the hamstrings, too (when the
recipient is face down).
5 . Perform this technique 3–5 times, increasing the pressure a little
more each time.

Make a Wish
1. Bend one knee and rotate it outwards.
2. If they lack flexibility, place a pillow or bolster under their knee.
3. Massage the inside of their thigh with slow circular motions,
kneading , or gliding .
4 . Massage for 20–30 seconds using different techniques.

Cross Over Slide

1. Bend one of their knees and place their foot over their bottom leg.
2. Place one of your hands on their knee and press down to give the
lateral thigh a good stretch.
3 . Slowly glide up and down the outer thigh with your forearm or
palm for 20–30 seconds.
The Calves
Calves are a great place to concentrate for people who work on their
feet all day, but there are some precautions to be aware of. Older people,
those who are pregnant, and long-haul travelers are more prone to
having DVT (deep vein thrombosis), a potentially deadly type of blood
clot that forms in the calves. Make sure you are aware of the signs and
symptoms of DVT. If they have intense pain, swelling, and tenderness
in their calf, it’s best not to massage the area, and you may wish to
advise your client to contact a medical professional. If there is no risk of
DVT, give equal attention to both the front (anterior) and back
(posterior) of the lower legs.

Shoulder Support

1. With the recipient face down in the prone position, lift one foot,
bending their knee.
2. Apply oil to one or both of your hands. You can place a towel on
your shoulder to protect your clothes from the oil.
3 . Use one hand to support their ankle and hold it in place.
4 . With your other hand, glide up and down their calf region with
superficial gliding techniques first, increasing the pressure a little
more each time. You will only massage the calf region.
5 . Perform the technique 3–5 times, and then alternate your hands.

Dorsi Slide

1. Have the recipient lie face down (prone position).

2. Add a little oil to your hands.
3. Lift up their foot.
4. Cup their heel with one hand and stretch out their calf with your
forearm to the recipient’s desired stretch.
5 . Glide down their calve with your other hand, increasing the
pressure a little each time.
6 . Perform the technique 3–5 times.
The Feet
People either love or hate to have their feet massaged. When people say
they don’t like their feet massaged, it’s usually because they are ticklish.
Luckily, I’ve found an almost foolproof way to work around sensitive
feet: Place a towel or sheet over their feet and massage 30–60 seconds,
remove the cloth and hold their feet for 5–10 seconds while adding
pressure, and finally start massaging them making sure you use firm
pressure. This generally helps mitigate the tickling sensation.
The benefits of foot massage are many, and according to Harvard
Medical School, foot massage can improve circulation, stimulate
muscles, reduce tension and ease pain.

Knuckle Twist

1. Stand on one side of the table near the recipient’s feet.

2. Place one of your hands on top of their foot to stabilize it.
3. Make a fist with your other hand.
4. Use your knuckles on the bottom of the foot, either using a gliding
motion or in a circular motion.
5 . Continue with the technique for 20–30 seconds and add a little
more pressure every 5–10 seconds.

Slide Off Toe

1. Stand in front of their feet.

2. Place one of your hands on top of their foot to stabilize it.
3. Start at either the big or little toe and place your thumb and index
finger at the base of the toe.
4 . Slowly glide off each toe, or you can use a pinching motion by
fractioning off each toe.
5. After you have completed each toe, go back and perform the
technique again 3–5 times on that foot.

Comfort Glide

1. Stand in front of their feet.

2. Place one of your hands on top of their ankle and the other one
under their ankle.
3 . Slowly slide your hands off their foot.
4 . Repeat the technique 3–5 times, increasing the pressure to your
recipient’s comfort level.
Self-massage can be challenging, especially on hard-to-reach areas.
While it will never be as thorough as a partner massage, it’s wonderful
to know how to give yourself a massage for times of pain, or when you
need to relax. Luckily you can use objects to help you “cheat” and reach
some of those more hidden spots. Some of my favorite go-to tools:
racquetball racquet, glass soda bottle (for the bottom of your foot),
rolling pin, and tennis ball. When using a tool, be sure to start out with
lighter pressure and slowly increase depending on how it feels.

Plantar Self-Massage
1. For this technique, you can use a frozen water bottle, a racket ball,
or rolling pin. Place the prop on carpet or a towel, so it doesn’t slip.
2 . Sit down if you don’t have the right balance, or stand holding onto
something for support.
3. Place the arch of your foot on the bottle and slowly roll the bottle
back and forth, increasing the pressure a little more each time.
4 . Continue this technique for 30–60 seconds.

Tennis Ball

1. Lie on a nonslip floor or carpet, so the tennis ball doesn’t slip.

2. Place the tennis ball on an area of discomfort. You can use the
tennis ball technique on many areas of the body, including the back,
back of the neck, arms, legs, and calves.
3. Slowly roll around in the area with the weight of your body.
4. Continue the technique 30–60 seconds, increasing the pressure a
little more each time.
5. Do not place the ball under a bony area.
6. When you're finished go to another area of the body.

Tennis Ball in a Sock

1. Place a tennis ball or racket ball in a sock.
2. Use a rubber band or ponytail holder to hold the ball at the end.
3. Either lie on your back on the floor or place your back against a
4 . Place the ball on a tender area on your back and hold on to the end
of the sock.
5 . Slowly move the sock around to different areas of your back.
6 . Once you find a tender area, slowly roll around on that spot by
having the weight of your body slowly increase the pressure by
leaning into the ball.
I n this chapter, you’ll learn sequences from some of the most
effective and therapeutic massage styles from around the
world that you can start incorporating into your practice.
Having a basic understanding of these different massage
modalities will help you discover the style that works best for
you. If a certain style doesn’t feel right, that’s okay—try
something else instead. Or combine them all! It’s really a matter
of preference. I tend to customize my massage techniques to
what the client wants and not what I want for my clients. It’s
important to listen to what they say and then act on it. Here’s a
brief introduction to the different styles of massage.

Shiatsu is a Japanese healing treatment based on the ideas of Traditional

Chinese Medicine. Shiatsu means “finger pressure,” and as such uses uses
thumbs, fingers, elbows, and knees to access meridians . For this style of
massage, the recipient is usually clothed and lying on a low massage table
or comfortable pad on the floor. A more specific version of Shiatsu is
acupressure, which is used to isolate certain pressure points to alleviate pain
and dysfunction in the body. Shiatsu is more of a full body treatment that
involves applying pressure to affect change in the body.


Rocking the Shoulders Technique

Using a side-by-side rocking technique relaxes the shoulders, and
helps you feel which shoulder has less range of motion.

1. Start with your recipient face up (supine).

2. Place your hands on the front of their shoulders with your palms
pressing into their shoulders.
3 . Rock your hands back and forth, adding a little more pressure each
4 . Continue for 20–30 seconds.


This technique is good for accessing all the layers of the muscles.
The areas where you can use this technique are: between the
shoulder blades, mid back (never on the spine), hamstrings, quads,
calves, biceps, and triceps. It’s import to start out very light with
this technique, and slowly add more speed, depth, and pressure to
the receiver’s comfort level.

1. Use only the heel of your hand.

2. Strike the body, slowly increasing the speed and depth to the
person’s desire.
3. Do not perform on bony areas, over organs, or on pulse regions.
4. Continue for 20–30 seconds in one area, then move to another one.

Elbow Rock

Using this technique can lessen the pressure more quickly than
many other techniques, because you are not using stationary
pressure. Each time you rock, you can increase the pressure a little
more, encouraging the muscles to release. This technique can be
used on other areas of the back, but never on the shoulder blades or

1. Have the recipient lie face down (prone).

2. Place your elbow on their back (never on their spine).
3. Move your elbow up and down while slowly sliding down their
back (like a jackhammer).
4 . Increase the pressure each time, to the person’s desire.
5 . Repeat 3–5 times in one area, then move to another.

Rocking Your Thumbs

This technique can be used on the shoulders, but is also good for
other areas of the body, especially along the sides of the spine.

1. Place your hands on opposite sides of an area of their body.

2. Rhythmically pump your thumbs up and down at the same time
into that specific area of the body.
3 . Increase the pressure to the person’s comfort level.
4 . Repeat 3–5 times in each area.

Pehr Henrik Ling is credited with the development of modern Swedish

massage, introducing it into the United States in 1858 as “The Swedish
Movement Cure.” It is a combination of gymnastics and physiology, pulled
from Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman techniques. Swedish massage is
the most common and best-known type of massage in the West, and is the
foundation of other popular Western-style massages. It is typically the first
style taught in massage schools, and a great foundation to start with to build
on other styles. The Dutch practitioner Johan Georg Mezger is credited as
the person who adopted the French names for the basic strokes of this style.
Today it is known as “Swedish massage” in North America, and “classic
massage” in Sweden.
With Swedish massage, the therapist uses massage oil and performs
various massage techniques, including the primary methods for a traditional
Swedish massage: effleurage, petrissage, friction, tapotement, vibration,
nerve, and stretching (see The Eight Must-Know Techniques to Get Started
, for more detail on these techniques).


Swedish massage incorporates a roller coaster effect, meaning
techniques can be slow, fast, or sporadic. Typically, the technique starts
slow and light, then incorporates deeper pressure and some fast or
rhythmic techniques, and finally ends with more relaxing and soothing
For example, use long flowing slow gliding techniques to start, then
move into fast gliding techniques once the area of their body is starting
to relax. After that, slow it down with kneading techniques, followed by
slower friction techniques. I usually finish an area of the body with
feathering techniques.
Usually the techniques are performed 3–5 times each, to gradually
induce a relaxation response in the body.



This technique is great to use early on in a massage to spread oil

onto the body. It is called shingles, because your hands overlap each
other while you glide up, just as shingles are overlapped on a roof.
Once you perform this on one side of the body perform it on the
opposite side.

1. Add extra oil to your hands.

2. Have your recipient lie face down on the table (prone). Position
your body on one the side of the table.
3. Place one hand over your other hand.
4. Slowly glide up and pull up your bottom hand.
5. Place that hand over the other hand, while continuing the gliding
6. Slowly glide up and pull out the bottom hand, placing it over the
other hand.
7. Repeat this technique, gliding up and alternating hands, inching
your way up their back.
8. Repeat the whole sequence 3–5 times.

Skin Rolling

This technique is used to feel for restrictions in the fascia, muscles,

and skin. When you feel a restriction, then you know that is a great
place to focus more energy and techniques to help loosen it up. This
technique is easiest to perform on the back, but can be used on
other areas of the body if you can grasp the skin.
1. Use minimal oil on the area.
2. Point your thumbs together and place your hands on their back.
3. Lift up some skin and muscles with your index fingers while
gliding your thumbs behind them.
4 . Now use your middle fingers to lift up the skin and muscles while
sliding your thumbs behind them.
5 . Keep alternating your index and middle finger while gliding your
thumbs. When you feel a restriction, you can stop and keep working
in that isolated area before moving on to another area.


Cupping can be used on the side of the ribs (upper side and back) to
help break up phlegm. It sounds like a horse walking on a paved
road, and you can increase the pressure and speed to the level they
can handle.

1. No extra oil is needed for this technique.

2. Cup both of your palms and, with your wrists relaxed, alternate
striking the body using percussion .
3 . Stay away from any bony, pulse, or organ areas.
4 . Continue this for 20–30 seconds.
Cross My Fibers

This technique is great for resolving tightness or restrictions in the

muscle and fascia.

1. Use a minimal amount of oil on the area.

2. Find the direction of the muscle being treated.
3. Slowly glide across the muscle with your thumb.
4. Perform the method 3–5 times, and increase the pressure a little
more each time.

Fine Vibe
This technique might not seem relaxing at first, but the longer you
perform it with rhythmic motions, the more you will feel the body

1. Do not use any extra oil.

2. Extend your fingers and thumbs and place them on the body (as if
you were performing a fingertip pushup).
3 . Vibrate your fingers and thumb back and forth for 10–20 seconds.
4 . Vibrate other areas of the body if needed.
Deep Tissue

Deep tissue massage uses specific techniques to target problematic areas. It

focuses on the deeper layers of muscles, tendons, and fascia as well as the
superficial layers where dysfunction may also be causing pain. Deep Tissue
is actually an umbrella term for trigger point therapy, neuromuscular
therapy, myofascial release, and therapeutic massage.
Most people think deep tissue massage should cause discomfort, but
that’s not true. Many recipients are looking for a relieving kind of
discomfort rather than a painful discomfort. Remember that the more a
person tenses up during a deeper massage, the more likely they will be sore
the next few days. It’s essential and ethical to have open communication
throughout this treatment; make sure they feel they can speak up, and make
sure you’re listening—ease up if it’s ever too much pressure for your
With deep tissue massage, you’ll be isolating a muscle or muscle group.
It is best to warm up and relax the area with long flowing gliding techniques
or kneading anytime you decide to use deep tissue in a specific area. Use
minimal oil for deep tissue and you will be less likely to slip.


Elbow Ouch
This technique is used when you are not able to get enough pressure
using your hands or forearms. Keep in mind that you have less
sensation in your elbow, so make sure you communicate with your
recipient to see if the pressure is okay and not too deep.

1. Make sure the muscles are warmed up before you use this
2. Use a minimal amount of oil.
3. Cup your left elbow with your right hand to minimize slipping.
4. Find a tender muscle area on the body.
5. Slowly glide over that area with your elbow, while supporting it
with your other hand. You can also just stay in one place and let the
pain dissipate as you press down with your elbow. This usually
takes 10–15 seconds.
6. Perform 3–5 times, increasing the pressure a little more each time
you slowly glide with your elbow.

Hand Cross
This technique is great for adding extra pressure to an area where
you would otherwise have problems adding enough pressure with
one hand or your fingers. This technique is better for larger areas.

1. Make sure the muscles are warmed up before you use this
2. Use a minimal amount of oil.
3. Find a tender muscle area on the body (the back is a great place to
4. Place one hand over your other hand for support.
5. Slowly glide over that area, while supporting it with your other
hand. The bottom hand is the one that glides, and your top hand is
the one that adds pressure to the gliding hand.
6. Perform 3–5 times, increasing the pressure a little each time.

Two Thumb Slide

Thumbs are the best body part to use to feel for a difference (like a
trigger point) in the muscle tissue. By sliding and pushing with your
thumbs together, the thumbs have more support as they work.

1. Make sure the muscles are warmed up before you use this
2. Use a minimal amount of oil.
3. Find a tender muscle area on the body.
4. Make a W with your thumbs.
5. Slowly glide over that area, while pushing your thumbs into each
other for support. The main pressure should come from your
thumbs rather than the knuckles. Avoid the spine, bony areas, organ
areas, and any place you can feel a pulse.
6. Perform 3–5 times, increasing the pressure a little each time.

Hold My Thumb
This technique is great for increasing pressure and depth, while
providing more support for your thumb.

1. Make sure the muscles are warmed up before you use this
2. Make a fist and place your thumb over your index finger.
3. Place your other hand over your thumb for support.
4. Slowly glide over the area.
5. Perform 3–5 times, increasing the pressure a little each time.

Knuckle Power
Supporting your knuckles will help you apply deep pressure
without slipping.

1. Make sure the muscles are warmed up before you use this
2. Use a minimal amount of oil.
3. Find a tender muscle area on the body.
4. Make an L on the area with one hand.
5. Place the knuckles of your other hand inside that L (the L hand is
used as support).
6. Slowly glide over that area with your knuckles.
7. Perform 3–5 times, increasing the pressure a little each time.
Sports Massage

Sports massage can be traced back thousands of years to Greece and Rome.
In fact, the famous Roman physician Galen prescribed massage for athletes
before and after exercising to help prevent injury and alleviate pain.
Modern sports massage can be documented in the 1924 Olympic games.
Paavo Nurmi of Finland won five gold medals in the Olympic running
competition, and he gave credit for his wins to the massages that he
received from his massage therapist.
There are three types of sports massage (some say more, and others say
1. Pre-event: More invigorating massage techniques. These can be
performed up to 24 hours before an event or just a few hours before. The
purpose is to warm up the muscles.
2. Post-event: Typically more relaxing massage techniques and stretching.
This can happen right after a game or hours after, and helps relax the
athlete’s muscles and mind.
3. Maintenance: Performed when an athlete has a reduced training
schedule, is not competing, or during the athlete’s off-season, this massage
targets problem areas before they become a bigger problem for peak
performance time.


Intense TFL
The tensor fasciae latae (TFL) is the muscle that connects into the
iliotibial band, the longest tendon in the body. To locate the TFL,
find the hipbone and the outer side of the knee; the TFL is a tight
band alongside the upper leg. It’s a common muscle to target with
sports massage and stretching, especially on athletes who use their
legs a lot.

1. The recipient is on their back (supine).

2. Add a little oil to your hand that will be massaging.
3. Flex one of their knees. Stand on the side of the table opposite
their bent knee.
4. Cross the bent leg over their bottom leg.
5. Rest the calf of the bent leg on the top of your hip.
6. Stretch out their TFL and glute region while holding their knee
with your supporting hand.
7. Slowly glide on their hamstrings, quads, and TFL. It is best to use
your palm to glide, and once it’s warmed up, then you can increase
the pressure using your knuckle or forearm.
8. Repeat 3–5 times, increasing the pressure each time.

The Calf Spreader

This technique will help separate the superficial calf muscle
(gastrocnemius), so you can access the deep calf muscle (soleus).

1. The recipient is on their back (supine).

2. Bend one of their knees.
3. Place that foot flat on the table.
4. Ask permission to sit on the edge of their foot to help support it.
5. Add a little oil to your hands.
6. Slowly and gently separate their calf with the tips of your fingers.
This involves gliding to warm up the muscle, and then adding
slower friction techniques to isolate the muscle.
7 . Perform the technique 3–5 times and increase the pressure a little
each time.

Gluteal Swivel
The gluteal region is associated with low back and leg pain, so it is a
common focus area in sports massage. It’s wonderful for loosening
up the hip joint.

1. Your recipient is in the face down (prone) position.

2. Stand on one side of the table, and place your hand on the ball and
socket joint (greater trochanter of the femur) closest to you.
3. Move the heel of your palm down and away from that area (the
ball and socket are just used as a starting point).
4. Find a tender muscle area on the glutes and hold.
5. Lift the ankle of the same leg and slowly rotate and bend it from
side to side (a few seconds each direction) while pressing down on
the area on the glutes.
6. Continue the technique 20–30 seconds, and only to the recipient’s
desired pressure.
7. After you are done, find another tender area on the glutes and
perform the technique again.

The Head Turner

By stretching a muscle and then massaging it, as you’ll do in this
technique, it’s easier to apply more pressure and depth without
straining your hands.

1. Your recipient is on their back (supine).

2. Slowly turn their head. Place one of your hands on their head for
3 . Add a little oil on the knuckles of your other hand.
4 . Slowly glide down the back part of their neck.
5 . Repeat 3–5 and increase the pressure a little each time.

The TFL Abductor

The abductor muscles are muscles on the side of your hips (the TFL
and vastus lateralis). The adductors are the inside leg muscles. This
technique helps stretch out the adductors while massaging the

1. Have the recipient lie on their side.

2. Place your hand just below their hip bone on the TFL muscle
(muscle on the side of their hip).
3. Keep holding the TFL muscle with one hand and place your other
hand under their inside knee and slowly lift it up.
4. Lift their knee slowly for a few seconds, applying pressure to the
TFL, and then bring the leg back to neutral.
5. Continue the technique 20–30 seconds, and only to the recipient’s
desired pressure.
6. After you are done, find another tender area on the abductor
muscles and perform the method again.
Thai Massage

Thai massage is also called nuad phaen boran Thai or Thai nuad .
Interestingly, Thai massage actually started in India. The founder of this
style of massage is said to have been Shivago Komarpaj.
Just as qi is energy in China (and ki in Japan and prana in India), energy
in Thailand is called sen. There are 10 sen lines (energy pathways flowing
through your body) in Thai massage, though some people suggest there are
thousands. Sen lines are similar to meridians in Traditional Chinese
Medicine and can become blocked in many ways—by injuries, trauma,
stress, diseases, and other things. Thai massage techniques mainly focus on
the sen lines to help heal ailments in the body.
The techniques in Thai massage are rhythmic pressing and stretching of
the entire body. The practitioner uses their body in creative ways to increase
the depth of the stretches and pressure. The body is compressed, pulled,
stretched, and rocked during the treatment. It tends to be a deeper form of
massage, so it’s important to perform it slowly and within a person’s pain
tolerance. Thai massage uses no oils or lotions and is typically performed
on the floor (you can do it on a massage table, but you have to make sure
the table can support your weight and the weight of the receiver). The giver
and receiver usually wear loose clothing.


Compress My Neck
This technique is great for aiding relief to a stiff neck and

1. Have the recipient sit on the floor with their legs crossed and their
hands on the floor in front of them supporting their body.
2. Kneel behind them so their neck is about at the height of your
3. Interlock your fingers.
4. Squeeze the back portion of their neck between your palms.
5. Repeat 3–5 times in a rhythmic motion, slowly increasing

Hamstring/Glute Stretch
This move will stretch out the hamstrings and relieve low back pain.

1. Have the recipient lie on their back (supine). Kneel next to them.
2. Flex one of their knees.
3. Place the foot of their bent leg on your hip bone.
4. Place one of your hands on their bent knee and the other on the
5 . Slowly press into their foot with your body, leaning your body
toward their head.
6 . You can use a rocking, rhythmic motion or a static stretch.
7 . Repeat 3–5 times.

Prone Core Stretch

This is a big stretch for the shoulders and upper back and is great
after spending the day hunched over a desk. It also helps stretch out
the abdominal muscles.

1. Have the recipient lie face down (prone).

2. Place your feet between their knees and place your knees on their
glutes. Make sure your body weight is even on both sides.
3. Interlock your wrists with their wrists.
4. Slowly lean back while pulling on their wrists to lift up their torso.
5. You can use a rocking, rhythmic motion or a static stretch.
6. Repeat 3–5 times.

Sitting Core Stretch

This is also another great stretch if you feel hunched over, just like
the previous stretch. It’s similar to the Prone Core Stretch, but you
can place your feet up or down the back to get different stretches.
1. Have the recipient sit cross-legged.
2. Sit behind them and extend your legs, placing your feet in their
mid-to-low back region.
3. Interlock your wrists with their wrists.
4. Slowly lean back while pushing your feet in their back and gently
pulling their wrists.
5. You can use a rocking, rhythmic motion or a static stretch.
6. Repeat 3–5 times.
Tui Na

Tui na (pronounced “twee naw”) is a form of Chinese massage therapy. The

name comes from two of the actions used in the modality: tui , “to push,”
and na , “to lift and squeeze.” It is related to Japanese massage or anma ,
the oldest-known form of traditional Asian massage. Tui na is a hands-on
body treatment that uses Chinese Taoist principles to bring the eight
principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine into balance.
This modality focuses a lot on acupressure points to help assist the
healing process of people with acute and chronic musculoskeletal
conditions (headaches, back pain and others), as well as many non-
musculoskeletal conditions (PMS symptoms, insomnia and others). It
incorporates shaking, tapotement, stretching, kneading, compression, and
traction, along with other techniques. Tui na massage may be gentle or firm,
and can be used on its own or in combination with acupuncture, fire
cupping, moxibustion, Chinese herbalism, t’ai chi, or qigong.


1. Yin: Considered cold.
2. Yang: Considered heat.
3. Interior: Affects the internal organs and the bones.
4. Exterior: Affects skin, muscles, and energy meridians.
5. Heat: Symptoms can include a rapid pulse, fever, and dehydration.
6. Cold: Symptoms can include a tense pulse, body aches, and
7. Deficiency: Symptoms can include a slow pulse and constipation.
8. Excess: Symptoms can include a quick pulse and sharp stomach


Vibration Technique

When performed for several seconds, this technique can be highly

relaxing. It’s similar to vibration in Swedish massage, but is usually
performed with clothes on.

1. Place one of your hands over the other.

2. Vibrate quickly back and forth in that area for 5–10 seconds.
3. Go to another area of the body and repeat the technique sequence.

Kneading Technique
This technique is similar to petrissage , but it is usually performed
with the person clothed. It helps reach all the layers of the muscles.

1. Place your thumbs on their back (1–2 inches away from their
2 . Use a circular motion with your thumbs in alternating directions.
3 . Go to another area of the body and repeat the technique.

Quacking Technique
This technique penetrates all the layers of the muscles and is
relaxing if performed fast and light. This technique should make a
quacking sound.

1. Place your hands together.

2. Strike the body with the side of your hands and make sure your
hands are relaxed (avoid the spine and kidney region).

Padding Technique

This technique is similar to tapotement , but is usually performed

with the person clothed.

1. Face your palm up.

2. Strike the body with a loose hand all around the back (avoid the
spine and kidney region).

Pushing Technique
This technique is similar to effleurage , but you compress to get a
good depth into the muscles before you glide your hands.

1. Place your hands on their back on each side of their spine.

2. Moderately push and glide your hands down their back (not on
their spine).
3 . Repeat 3–5 times.

Pulling Technique
This is a form of stretching; check in with your recipient to make
sure it’s not too strong. The technique elongates the joint to stretch
the joint more effectively.

1. Place your thumbs on the back of their wrist.

2. Have a firm grip and slowly pull.
3. You can hold the pull for 5–10 seconds and repeat if needed.

Ayurveda has been documented for millenia since around 5000 BCE.
Ayurvedic massage focuses on marmas and chakras. In Ayurveda, marmas
are vital points similar to acupressure points. There are more than a hundred
vital marmas on the body. The seven great marmas in Ayurvedic massage
are the same as the primary chakras . According to Ayurveda, each chakra
aids organs and controls various aspects of our being. When chakras are
blocked, dysfunction can occur in the body.
Ayurvedic massage techniques can be similar to Swedish massage, but
tend to use more oil, faster motions, and not as much pressure as deep tissue


In Ayurvedic tradition, the doshas are energies found throughout the
human body and mind that when in balance contribute to total health
and when out of balance, cause disruption or illness. In Ayurvedic
medicine, health exists when there is a balance between the three

• Vata consists of the elements of space and air. It relates to the

sinuses, nostrils, throat, bronchi, and lungs.
• Pitta consists of the elements fire and water. It relates to the liver,
spleen, gallbladder, stomach, and pancreas.
• Kapha consists of the elements earth and water. It relates to the
small and large intestines.

Fast Superficial Gliding

This technique is light and fast to help increase circulation and heat
on the muscles. It can be used on the legs (anterior and posterior),
arms (anterior and posterior), and back.

1. Add extra oil to your hands.

2. Glide up and down the leg using a dynamic fast motion. This
technique is usually performed twice as fast as regular gliding
techniques, and at more of a superficial depth.
3 . Repeat 3–5 times.

Invigorating Kneading
Usually with kneading techniques, I recommend less oil, but with
this one, I like to add extra oil in order to perform it faster.

1. Add extra oil.

2. Move your hands back and forth in a vigorous motion while
kneading and lifting up the muscles.
3 . Repeat 3–5 times.

This technique can be performed with a sheet on or with the skin
exposed. It is a fast technique, which helps induce relaxation by
adding rhythmic motions.

1. Place your hands together and strike the body with relaxed
2 . Start by lightly striking the body, and increase the depth and speed
to the person’s desire.
3 . Do not perform over any bony areas, organs, or pulse regions.
4 . Continue for 20–30 seconds.
Cranial Sacral

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a form of treatment using a gentle touch or

minimal pressure to palpate the joints of the skull, spine, and sacrum. This
type of massage involves working with the craniosacral rhythm of the body
to renew cerebrospinal fluid and is said to have many healing benefits.
Skilled practitioners work with still points, or pauses in the cranial
sacral rhythm to find points of release. After the release, blood comes back
into the area and circulation increases.
It is believed that craniosacral therapy helps the flow of cerebrospinal
fluid, and thus helps induce a faster form of relaxation to the whole body.
This modality is largely based on the work of two osteopathic physicians in
the twentieth century. Dr. William Sutherland first practiced cranial
osteopathy in the 1930s, and in the 1970s, Dr. John Upledger utilized
Sutherland’s earlier work to develop modern craniosacral therapy.
This modality uses around five grams of pressure (the weight of a
nickel) and you can hold the pressure for 2–5 minutes. You may increase
pressure slightly as you work.


Sphenoid Bone Technique

This one of the core techniques of Cranial Sacral massage; it's a
great way to start with this modality and helps induce relaxation.
The sphenoid bone is located in the middle of the skull. Locate the
temporal pulse, and it is just in front of it.

1. Have the recipient lie face up (supine).

2. Make an L shape with your hands.
3. Place all of your fingers behind their ears with your thumb in front
of their ears.
4 . Place your thumb on their sphenoid bone.
5 . Apply the pressure of the weight of a nickel. Lightly hold for 2–5

Occipital Base Technique

This technique is great for helping to relieve headaches.

1. Have the recipient lie face up (supine).
2. Hook your fingertips under the base of their head.
3. Allow the back of their head to rest on your palms.
4. Apply the pressure of the weight of a nickel. Lightly hold for 2–5

Frontal Bone Technique

The frontal bone is the bone on your forehead.

1. Have the recipient lie face up (supine).

2. Place your palms on the top of their head.
3. Place your fingers on their frontal bone.
4. Apply the pressure of the weight of a nickel. Lightly hold for 2–5

Mandible Bone Technique

1. Have the recipient lie face up (supine).
2. Place your palms on their temporal area (around the temples).
3. Place your fingers on their jaw.
4. Apply the pressure of the weight of a nickel. Lightly hold for 2–5

Reflexology, originally known as zone therapy, is a modality that applies

pressure to the feet and hands with thumb, finger, and hand techniques. It is
based on a system of zones and reflex areas that purportedly reflect an image
of the body on the feet and hands, with the premise that such work on the
feet and hands affects a physical change to the rest of the body. You want to
ask the receiver what problems they have in their body and then focus on the
areas of the foot that correlate to those areas. For a generalized treatment,
you would stimulate all parts of the foot.
While medical practices with marked similarities to zone therapy have
existed for millennia, it was otolaryngologist William H. Fitzgerald who
introduced zone therapy to the United States in 1913. Eunice D. Ingham, a
physiotherapist, modified it the 1930s and 1940s. She was the first person to
chart the body into “reflexes” on the feet. Her work continues to influence
modern reflexology.
Reflexology can include the feet, hands, or both, though in this book I'll
focus on the feet. Some reflexologists will not use any lubricant, and others
will use cornstarch, oil, cream, or lotion—it’s a matter of preference.
Minimal lubricant allows you to apply direct pressure to the locations on the
feet and hands and avoid slipping.

Between Tendon Slide

In reflexology, the top of the feet relate to the lung and chest. This
technique can be tender on most people, so start out slow and with
lighter pressure.

1. Slowly slide in between the tendons, one at a time.

2. You can increase pressure each time.
3. Repeat 3–5 times.

Knuckle Twist

With twisting techniques, you can increase pressure without adding

more pressure to your technique.

1. Have one hand on top of their foot for support.

2. Make a fist with your other hand.
3. Place your knuckled grip on the bottom of their foot and move in a
circular motion.
4 . Increase the pressure a little each time, moving around the foot.

Compress & Extend

If someone wants more pressure, this is a great technique to use
without adding any strain to your thumb. Instead, you're using their
body to increase pressure.

1. Use one hand to hold their toes.

2. Place your thumb on the bottom of their foot and apply pressure.
3. Slowly extend their toes while keeping the pressure on the same
spot on the bottom of the foot.
4 . Repeat 3–5 times while flexing and extending their toes, all while
keeping the same pressure. Find other tender areas in the foot and
repeat 3–5 times in each area.

This technique helps you access all of the areas of the foot by moving
an inch at a time. This technique can be used all over the foot and
the toes.

1. Bend your thumb and then extend your thumb by gliding forward
—roughly an inch each movement.
2 . Repeat 3–5 times.

Shaky Foot
You can use this technique to gauge how relaxed your recipient is—
the more movement they have, the more relaxed they are.

1. Place your hands on each side of their foot.

2. Move your hands back and forth slowly to start, rotating their foot
in your hands.
3 . Once you get a good rhythm, and the person begins to relax,
increase the speed.
4 . Continue for 20–30 seconds.

Reiki is a modality that was developed in 1922 by Mikao Usui. It focuses

on the seven main chakras , and it is based on qi (here ), which is
considered the universal life force in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The
word reiki comes from the Japanese words “rei,” which means “universal
Life,” and “ki,” which means “energy.” The practice of reiki can help
balance the chakras.
A reiki session is usually performed entirely clothed. The techniques
used are sometimes not even touching the body, or lightly placing your
hands on specific chakras. Before you give any reiki treatment, it’s
important to ground yourself. Grounding is the process of ridding negative
thoughts and replacing lost energy with energy from the earth. Some people
imagine their feet as roots, continuing down into the earth to help focus
during the session.

An aura is a color emanation enclosing a body. The color of your aura is
related to your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Auras can be
changed based on current mood, while your chakras are more stable. It
takes real change in your life to create a change in your chakras. Reiki
affects both auras and chakras.


Grounding Technique
This is a great technique to help your recipient relax before you

1. Have the person lie face up (supine).

2. Either sit or stand at the side of the table.
3. Place both hands over the soles of their feet. You can hover over
or place your hands on that area.
4 . Hold for 30–60 seconds or until needed.

Third Eye Chakra

This helps with inner vision, intuition and wisdom.

1. Have the person lie face up (supine).

2. Either sit or stand at the head of the table.
3. Place your hands over their third eye chakra. You can hover over
or place your hands gently on that area.
4 . Hold for 30–60 seconds or until needed.

Throat Technique
This technique can help with communication and self-expression.

1. Have the person lie face up (supine).

2. Either sit or stand at the head of the table.
3. Place your hands over their throat chakra. You can hover over or
place your hands on that area.
4 . Hold for 30–60 seconds or until needed.

Heart Chakra
This technique can help with feelings of love and joy.

1. Have the person lie face up (supine).

2. Either sit or stand at the corner of the table.
3. Place both hands over their heart chakra. You can hover over or
place your hands on that area.
4 . Hold for 30–60 seconds or until needed.

Solar Plexus Chakra

This practice helps with self-confidence and self-esteem.

1. Have the person lie face up (supine).

2. Either sit or stand at the side of the table.
3. Place both hands over their solar plexus chakra. You can hover
over or place your hands on that area.
4 . Hold for 30–60 seconds or until needed.

Sacral Chakra
This helps with pleasure and sexuality.

1. Have the person lie face up (supine).

2. Either sit or stand at the side of the table.
3. Place both hands over their sacral chakra. You can hover over or
place your hands on that area.
4 . Hold for 30–60 seconds or until needed.
Myofascial Release

Myo means “muscle,” and “fascia” is a thin sheath of fibrous tissue

enclosing a muscle or other organ (see here ). Myofascial release techniques
are performed on the skin without oils, creams, or machines. This enables
you to detect fascial restrictions accurately and apply the appropriate
amount of sustained pressure to facilitate a release of the fascia. This helps
improve flexibility of the fascia, muscles, and skin. Most techniques of
myofascial massage focus on the superficial fascia, the lowermost layer of
the skin in nearly all the regions of the body.
In this modality, you want to use relaxed hands; slowly stretching the
fascia until it reaches a restriction. The length of time holding a stretch is
usually 90 to 120 seconds. Myofascial release techniques are generally
relaxing; typially it feels like a deep sustained stretch for the muscle.


Cross Handed Stretch

This technique is easier to perform on the back and is widely seen in
myofascial release pictures. It is great for larger areas of the body.

1. Have the person lie face up (supine).

2. Use no oil or lotion.
3. Cross your hands.
4. Let them sink into the muscles and fascia of the back.
5. Slowly push your hands out in opposite directions until you feel
6 . Hold at that point for around two minutes, while still trying to
stretch that area.

Suboccipital Stretch
This is one of the best techniques to help relieve headaches and
relax the suboccipital muscles (the muscles right under the base of
the skull), which are one of the main culprits of headaches.

1. Use no oil or lotion.

2. Hook your fingertips under the base of their skull.
3. Let them sink into the muscles and fascia.
4. Slowly separate your hands in opposite directions until you feel
5 . Hold for around two minutes, while still trying to stretch that area.

Neck Stretch
This technique helps release restrictions in the neck. It’s great to use
if someone wakes up with a stiff neck and has trouble turning their

1. Have the recipient lie face up (supine).

2. Use no oil or lotion.
3. Rotate their head to one side.
4. Place one hand at the bottom of their neck.
5. Place your other hand at their upper portion of their neck and jaw.
6. Slowly separate your hands in opposite directions until you feel
7 . Hold for around two minutes, while still trying to stretch that area.

Posterior Neck Stretch

This is another great technique for relieving headaches, which often
start in the back of your neck.

1. Have the person lie face down (prone). Use no oil or lotion.
2. Rotate their head to one side.
3. Hook your fingertips at the base of their skull.
4. Place your other hand on their upper shoulder.
5. Slowly separate your hands in opposite directions until you feel
6 . Hold for around two minutes, while still trying to stretch that area.
W ith over 200 different styles of massage out there, there’s
bound to be one that suits your needs. Now that you
have a full repertoire, you can tailor your techniques to special
life circumstances, such as a partner massage with your
significant other or prenatal massage on an expectant mother.
The techniques in this chapter assume you’re working with
a generally healthy recipient. However, specific injuries,
conditions, and diseases have certain precautions and
contraindications (highly recommended not to massage).
Always research this information before you give a massage to
someone with a precaution or contraindication.
Partner Massage

A partner massage can be an intimate, bonding experience. It should never

feel like a chore, and should be 50/50 in receiving and giving. Practice open
communication and give honest, constructive feedback. A partners massage
is an opportunity to get to know each other on a deeper level, both
emotionally and physically. You can incorporate many techniques from the
previous chapters into your couples massage. Below are some additional
tips and tricks I’ve found to be helpful for couples new to massage.


Double Foot Massage

This is one of the best positions for couples because both couples
receive and give at the same time, and can be face-to-face
throughout the massage. It’s also very comfortable.
1. Recline slightly on your backs facing each other on the couch.
Have each person rest their feet on the other’s chest.
2 . You can use lotion or oils on each other’s feet. Place a towel under
your partner’s feet if you are worried about getting oil on your
clothes or the couch.
3 . Massage for as long as desired, using a variety of massage
techniques. I suggest placing your thumb on the bottom of their
foot, and wrap your fingers over the top. Then, use circular friction
all over the bottom of their foot.

Massaging on a Couch #1

This tends to be a relaxing position for couples at home. When

working on the couch, be sure to have the receiver turn their head
to the other side every 5–10 minutes to prevent neck cramping.

1. Have the receiver lie face down on the couch, and the giver kneel
beside their hips. If the receiver has back problems, place a pillow
under their ankles to relax the hamstring muscles.
2 . Mix and match styles and techniques, and massage as long as you
desire before switching places. If you’re comfortable, have the
receiver remove their shirt and the giver use oil or lotion to perform
more gliding techniques .

Massaging on a Couch #2

This is a relaxed, casual position where the couple is sitting side-by-

side. You can easily carry on a conversation if that fits the mood, or
just enjoy being together in the quiet while performing this

1. Sit side-by-side on the couch. If you are worried about getting

lotion or oil on your couch, place a towel under the receiver’s hand.
2 . Massage the hand and arm that is close to you. Snake Bite works
great in this position, as well as kneading .
3 . When you’re done with that side, move to the other side to
massage the other hand and arm. Mix styles and techniques as
desired before switching roles.

Massaging on a Couch #3
This position is a great hack if you don’t have a massage table. It’s
also more intimate, so perfect for couples. Most people do not want
any oil on their face when receiving a massage, but check if lotion is
okay. If the recipient has a beard, use more finger pressure and
either circular motions or compression to prevent pulling the hairs.

1. Have the giver sit against a wall or the couch with their legs
relaxed out in front of them, and have them place a pillow in their
lap. This protects the receiver’s neck.
2 . Have the receiver lie down on their back with their head propped
up on the pillow.
3 . Start by gliding around the face with your fingertips or with your
thumbs on their forehead.
4 . Continue gently massaging the face before swapping places.

Massaging in a Chair
This is an easy hack for giving a proper neck or shoulder massage if
you don’t have a massage table. Make sure to turn the chair
sideways (or use an open-backed chair) so the giver can easily
access the back.

1. Place a pillow on a table or desk. Have the receiver lie their head
and shoulders on the pillow with their arms loosely bent and
relaxed on the table.
2 . Have the giver stand to massage the back, neck, and shoulders,
mixing styles and techniques to their preference. If the receiver
feels comfortable, they can remove their shirt and you can use oil or
lotion to perform more gliding techniques.

Massaging on a Bed
Massaging on the bed is great to do before winding down your day
and tucking in. If you use oil or lotion on bare skin, place a towel
under the receiver to protect your bedding. You can massage all
posterior areas of the body in this position.

1. Have the receiver lie face down on the bed. Make sure they move
to one side of the bed, so the giver doesn’t have to lean over too
much. Have the giver sit beside one shoulder.
2 . Massage the shoulders and upper and lower back using a blend of
techniques and styles. If you’re comfortable, have the receiver
remove their shirt and the giver can use oil or lotion to perform
more gliding techniques .
3 . To switch sides, have the giver move to the other side of the bed
and resume the position.
Prenatal Massage

When someone is pregnant, their body goes through many changes. They
can experience different kinds of pain and discomfort than what they may
have in the past, or even in past pregnancies. Every pregnancy is different. I
know this firsthand, as I have two kids, and massaged my wife throughout
both of her pregnancies. In each pregnancy, there were different and distinct
areas that she needed massaged.
Massage helps the parent-to-be relax and eases their aches and pains. Be
sure to ask for lots of feedback to make sure the techniques feel good. It’s
possible their needs will change week by week (or even day to day!) so
always check in. Prenatal massage is a wonderful source of comfort during
pregnancy, and can help couples bond, too.
In the second and third trimester, the best position for massaging the
back is having the recipient lie on their side. If their legs, arms, and face
need massage, lying on the back with an elevated head works best. Always
start with lighter pressure and slowly increase the pressure to their desire. If
there have been any complications, it’s essential to consult their physician
before trying massage.


Below is a list of basics for areas to avoid or approach with caution
when someone is pregnant. If there’s ever a concern, consult a medical

• Ankles and wrists: In reflexology, these areas are connected to the

ovaries and uterus, so it is best to avoid sustained deep pressure in
these areas.
• Abdominal Area: It’s okay to use very light, gentle pressure on the
abdomen area.
• Deep pressure on the legs: Because pregnancy increases risk of
blood clots or poorer circulation, techniques on the legs should be
gentler and more relaxing.
• Never massage the pelvic region: This is true not only for prenatal
massage, but for every type of massage and technique.


Side-Lying Back Massage

This is a very comfortable position, especially for the second and

third trimesters. The pillows add additional support. The recipient
flips to the other side halfway through the massage to massage some
of the harder to reach places.

1. Have the recipient lie on one side and hug a pillow. Place one
pillow under their head, and one between their knees to keep their
hips aligned.
2 . Add oil to your hands.
3 . Slowly glide up and down their back, avoiding the spine. Increase
the pressure to their desire. Kneading techniques also work well for
this position.

Sitting Back Massage

1. Have the recipient sit in a chair, preferably one with a low or open
back. You can also turn the chair to the side. Place a pillow on top
of the table and have them lightly hug it while resting their chin on
the pillow.
2 . If their back is bare, start by adding oil to your hands.
3 . Knead their shoulders in a circular motion. Continue this
technique for 20–30 seconds, and increase the pressure to her
desire. You can also use compression techniques along the spine.
Baby Massage

Baby massage is an excellent way for parents to bond with their baby. It can
be beneficial for both the parents and the baby. One groundbreaking study
from Dr. Tiffany Field shows that massaging babies born prematurely can
increase their weight gain, which can help them recover faster and limit
their hospital stay. Parents benefit from the bonding experience.
Baby massage started to gain popularity in the early 1970s. Now there
are instructors all over the world who teach baby massage techniques to
new parents. Parents typically don’t bring their baby in for a professional
massage, because you don’t know if they will accept a massage from
someone else. It’s a lot easier for a parent to perform the massage on the
baby’s own terms. Plus, it helps with bonding and connection.


It’s best to massage your baby on the floor on a blanket, or on your lap
while you sit on the floor. This is safest for your baby. Avoid high
surfaces like tables, changing tables, or beds. A bed can be okay as long
as they can’t roll over, are placed safely in the center of the bed, and you
stay with them the whole time.
Gentle pressure is recommended. Since a baby can’t express their
exact needs, you may want to spend 20–30 minutes massaging their
body all over and seeing how it goes.
Never, ever force your baby to receive a massage. If they are not in
the mood for one, they will let you know. You can ease them into
accepting a massage by singing to them, talking in a calm voice, or
playing with them to test the waters.
Use jojoba oil or grape-seed oil. These work well for babies because
they don’t have scents. Never add essential oils used for aromatherapy
to the massage oil, because babies tend to put their hands in their mouth.
Typically 10–20 minutes is ideal for an infant massage, but it all
depends on what the infant can handle.


Baby Face Massage

This technique is a great, gentle way to start out the massage. Your
baby will feel safe because they can see your face and everything
that you’re doing.

1. Place your baby face up on a blanket on the floor.

2. Rub your hands back and forth to warm them up.
3. Place your hands on their face and scalp without any oil.
4. Slowly glide around their face avoiding their eyes.
5. Continue the technique 20–30 seconds.
Baby Back Massage

1. Place your baby face down on a blanket on the floor.

2. Add olive oil or grape-seed oil to your hands.
3. Slowly glide up and down their back, avoiding their spine.
4. Continue the techniques for 20–30 seconds. Maintain very gentle
pressure without increasing too much.

Stomach Massage
This technique is great for colicky babies, because massage can help
soothe their stomach and intestinal discomfort.

1. Place your baby face up on a blanket on the floor.

2. Add jojoba oil or grape-seed oil to your hands.
3. Slowly glide your fingertips around their belly in a clockwise
circular motion.
4 . Continue the technique for 20–30 seconds.
Senior Massage

My absolute favorite population to massage is seniors. I genuinely love

hearing their stories, even if they’ve told me the same story many times. I
first started working in a nursing home when I was seventeen years old. It
had its ups and downs, but helping out was gratifying. While I was going to
massage school, I asked some of the residents if I could practice on them,
and they all loved it.
Now working in a hospital, I still get the opportunity to massage seniors
—I see a lot of them in the medical surgical unit. I massage a lot of patients
who have had knee or hip replacements, gastrointestinal issues, respiratory
problems, and other issues. With patients being in their recovery room for
2–3 days on average, massage is an excellent way to relieve some of their
pain and increase their circulation.
With Baby Boomers being the most significant aging population in the
United States, as a professional, it makes sense to get skilled in massaging
seniors now. An added bonus is that they can teach you so much by just
massaging them. At home, this can be a great way to connect with and learn
from your older relatives.


There are some precautions to consider when massaging seniors. If
someone has a specific condition, such as calf pain with heat, open
sores, osteoporosis, or other specific needs, be sure to do more research
and speak to a doctor before massaging them.
One important thing to remember is that it can be difficult for an
older adult to lie on their stomach. The best positions for seniors are
face up (supine), side lying, or sitting in a chair. If they seem frail, then
30–45 minutes is more than enough for a massage. If they are stronger
and want a longer massage, then 60–90 minutes is perfectly fine. I use
massage gel or oil because the skin of most seniors is dry and tends to
need as much moisture as possible. Lotion is okay, but it absorbs too
When I worked in nursing homes, sometimes the residents would be
on comfort care, which sadly means the end of their life is near. When
caring for these individuals, do whatever you can to make them


Chair Massage for Shoulders

For some seniors, it is not advisable for them to lie face down on a
massage table. Sitting in a chair allows you to access their back,
neck, shoulders, scalp, arms, and hands.

1. Have them sit in their wheelchair or a regular chair if they’re able.

You can have them seated at a table and place a pillow between
their chest and table, allowing them to lean on the pillow so they
feel more stable.
2 . Ask them take a few deep breaths before you begin.
3 . Place your hands on their shoulders and slowly knead their
muscles in a circular motion. Continue with this technique for 20–
30 seconds, and increase the pressure to their desire.

Face up Massage for Feet

Massaging the feet and hands of a senior can be very beneficial,

especially if they have arthritis.

1. Ask them if you can remove their socks, or if they prefer to do it

themselves. Have them lie face up on a bed. Elevate their head with
a pillow if it’s hard for them to lie flat on their back or to breathe in
this position.
2 . Add some lotion or oil to your hands. Hold their foot in your
hands for 5–10 seconds to help them get used to your touch and
dissipate the ticklish sensation.
3. Slowly knead their feet in a circular motion, increasing the
pressure to their desire.

Side Lying Back Massage

For some seniors, lying on their stomach for a back massage is not
doable. Side lying is a great alternative, as it provides more comfort
for them while still giving you access to the whole back.

1. Ask them which side they feel more comfortable lying on.
2. Add oil or lotion to your hands.
3. Slowly glide up and down their back, but avoid their spine.
4. Use circular friction motions with your thumbs along the side of
their spine and around their shoulders.
5 . Perform each technique for 30–60 seconds all over their back and
increase the pressure to their desire.
N ow that you have a thorough understanding of massage
techniques, styles, and positions, you can focus on healing
specific ailments or pains with massage. Remember, two of the
main reasons people seek massage are they are stressed or they
have pain. When they are stressed, a soothing, light-to-medium
pressure massage throughout the body helps relax them. When
people are in pain, they typically want more focus on the
problem area.
When it comes to healing, you can incorporate different
methods that are not related to massage. You don’t need an
expensive spa to get the full healing experience. All the methods
are easy and inexpensive to recreate at home. For instance, try
using warm oil (you can buy bottle warmers at massage supply
stores) and warm towels (you can purchase a towel warmer, or
use a large slow cooker) to help relax muscles a lot faster. This
feels wonderful for the recipient, and means you’ll spend less
time warming the muscles up before adding more pressure.
Aromatherapy, which generally costs extra at a spa, is easy to
add to your home practice for a fraction of the price.
Incorporating stretching into a message is also a wonderful
manual healing technique.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are concentrated aromatic compounds extracted from plants.
These natural scents are believed to have both physical and psychological
healing benefits. Essential oils are used in a variety of products from
massage oil, incense, hair products, skincare products and more.
An aromatherapist is someone who specializes in the practice of
aromatherapy. They mix essential oils that can be used through topical
application or inhalation. When starting out, you may want to consult an
aromatherapist and get recommendations for the best oils to use for certain
ailments. I’ve also provided a preliminary list of my favorite healing oils
There are two ways to use essential oils in massage: inhalation and
topical application. For inhalation, you can use a diffuser, steam inhalation,
baths, or put some drops on a cotton ball and have the recipient breathe in
the scent. If you’re applying topically, remember that people can have
reactions to essential oils applied directly to the skin. Therefore, it’s
important to add essential oils to a carrier oil , which dilutes the essential
oil and “carries” it to the skin. Jojoba oil and grape-seed oil are common
carrier oils. Always ask the recipient if they want essential oils or if they are
allergic to them.
Essential oils are sold at a range of prices, and price point is generally a
good indicator of quality. Rose essential oil is one of the most expensive,
because it takes a lot of roses to get the essential oil from the petals. Citrus
essential oils are cheaper, because it doesn’t take as much citrus to make an
ounce. I recommend trying a few different brands and seeing which you like
Light can affect the properties of the oils, so always buy essential oils
sold in dark-colored bottles.

Using carrier oils is ideal when making your aromatherapy massage oil. In
addition to making the oils safer for the skin, it makes your essential oils
last longer.
Typically you want to add 10–20 drops of essential oil to an 8-ounce
bottle of carrier oil. Less is always better to start; you can always add more
if desired.
Carrier oils can be purchased at natural grocery stores and are generally
reasonably priced. The popular carrier oils are:

• Jojoba oil: Provides a nice glide with your massage techniques.

• Grape-seed oil: Absorbs more quickly so you can perform deeper
techniques without slipping on the muscles.
• Fractionated coconut oil: The liquid form of the coconut and won’t
solidify like regular coconut oil. This carrier oil is the best one to use
when adding essential oils, because the carrier oil absorbs quickly,
meaning the body can quickly benefit from the healing properties of the
essential oils.
Other carrier oils include sweet almond, apricot kernel, avocado,
calendula, evening primrose, and sesame.


Here are a few precautions to keep in mind as you begin working with
essential oils.
• Never ingest essential oils. Some are extremely poisonous.
• If you are working with someone who is pregnant, it is important for
them to consult a physician before using essential oils on their skin.
• If someone has skin diseases, they should talk to their physician to see if
they can safely use essential oils on their skin.
• Some oils can have a negative reaction when combined with certain
prescription medications. If someone is on meds, have them talk to their
doctor about possible reactions before using essential oils.
• Exposure to UV light can cause a reaction if you have certain essential
oils on your skin. Wash off these essential oils before going into direct
• Always keep essential oils out of the reach of children. They are
powerful substances and should be treated as such.


Below are some of the most popular essential oils and their believed
healing benefits:
Basil: A peppery essential oil, it can help with sore muscles, breathing, and fatigue.
Bergamot: A citrus and floral-tinged oil used to flavor Earl Grey tea, it can help with anxiety,
body weight, and heart health.
Black pepper: A warm and spicy essential oil that can help detoxify and alleviate anxiety.
Cinnamon: This oil helps with infections, inflammation, and skin problems.
Eucalyptus: With a sharp, fresh scent, it can help with coughs, breathing, and congestion.
Frankincense: This oil has a lovely woodsy and spicy smell. It can help with inflammation,
memory, and building immunity.
Geranium: A sweet-smelling essential oil. It can help with acne, inflammation, and anxiety.
Ginger: A spicy and sharp-scented essential oil with a hint of lemon and pepper, it can help
with inflammation, joints, digestion, and nausea.
Grapefruit: Sharp, tart, and refreshing, grapefruit essential oil can help with concentration and
Lavandin: A light and floral essential oil. It can help with scars, stretch marks, and circulation,
and is also used for cleaning.
Lavender: A very popular essential oil, lavender can help with anxiety and insomnia.
Lemon: This can kill bacteria and help with oily hair. Lemon is the most common essential oil
used in cleaning products.
Lemon balm: A lemony and minty essential oil, it can help with menopause, insomnia, and
Lemongrass: This oil has a sweet, lemony scent and can help with muscle pain and digestion,
and is even used as a bug repellant.
Lime: This citrus has a sharp and sweet scent. It can help with concentration, digestion, and
repelling bugs.
Marjoram: Warm and spicy, this oil can help circulation, muscle pain, and breathing.
Myrrh: This is a musky essential oil. It can help with infections and inflammation.
Orange: Sweet, tangy, and refreshing, orange oil can help with colds, flu, and healing wounds.
Patchouli: With its musky and spicy smell, this one is a classic. It can help with constipation,
wounds, inflammation, and anxiety.
Peppermint: With a fresh menthol scent, this oil can help with nausea, upset stomachs, gas,
anxiety, and pain.
Roman chamomile: This is a sweet, apple-scented essential oil. It can help with inflammation,
burns, bruises, and insomnia.
Rose: Smelling of fresh roses, this essential oil can help with anxiety.
Rosemary: With an earthy, herbal scent, rosemary oil can help thicken hair and improve
Sage: Sharp and herbal, sage can help with digestion, inflammation, and symptoms of PMS.
Sandalwood: With a woodsy and exotic scent, sandalwood oil can help increase libido.
Spearmint: This oil has a minty and sweet smell. It can help with breathing and stress.
Tea tree: Spicy and pungent, this oil can help with coughs and wounds.
Ylang-ylang: Sweet and exotic smelling, this oil can help with blood pressure and relaxation,
and can increase libido.
Low Back Pain
Low back pain is one of the most common physical problems. It’s
estimated that 80 percent of Americans will have an episode of low
back pain within their lifetime. Most people think that low back pain is
only located in the low back, but that’s not the case for everyone. Nerve
injuries, poor posture, weak abdominal muscles, and buttocks pain can
all contribute to low back pain.
I like to place warm or hot towels on the low back before massaging
the area, to help warm up the muscles.

Low Back Lift

This technique helps control how much pressure is used on a tender

low back. If it’s too much pressure the hip will lower slowly, and if
it’s not enough pressure, it will lower too fast.

1. Have the recipient lie face down (prone). Stand by one of their
hips, and ask them to lift the opposite hip as high as they can.
2. Place your hands on their opposite hip and low back.
3. Have them slowly push their hip down onto the table while you
add pressure to their low back region and glide your hands to the
center of their back. Stop just before you reach their spine.
4 . Repeat 3–5 times and increase the pressure a little more each time.

Elongate the Low Back

This is a gentle massage technique that works well for relieving

lower back pain.

1. Have the recipient lie face down (prone). Stand beside one of their
2. Place your supporting hand just above the hip closest to you, but
don’t add too much pressure on their bone (this can cause bruising).
3. Add a little oil to your other hand.
4. Start at their lower back and slowly glide from their lower back to
their midback.
5. Repeat 3–5 times, increasing the pressure a little more each time.

Ratcheting the Glutes

Just below the hip bone is the gluteus medius, a muscle can cause
low back pain. Therefore, it’s important to not just massage the
area of pain, but all around that area.

1. Have the recipient lie face down (prone). Stand on one side by
their hip.
2. Place the heel of your hand on their buttock (the upper portion,
just below their hip).
3. Find a tender muscle area on their buttocks and then lift up the
foot of that same leg.
4. Keep the pressure on their buttocks and slowly move their foot
back and forth for a few seconds each direction. Maintain the same
amount of pressure with the heel of your hand.
5. Check in with them and only bring the discomfort to a 6 out of 10.
6. Continue this technique for 20–30 seconds, and then move to
another area on the buttocks.

Lower Back Press

Some people might be cautious about lower back massages, because
they are concerned that you might hit their kidneys (the truth is
that you have to go really deep to do that). With this technique, you
can assure them that won’t happen. This move directly targets the
lower back muscle on the sides of the spine.

1. Have the recipient lie face down (prone).

2. It is best not to use any extra oil with this technique.
3. Interlock your fingers.
4. Place the heels of your palms on each side of their lower back and
just push into the muscles on the side of their spine. Be careful not
to slip.
5 . Squeeze and hold 10-20 seconds.
Forearm Pain
There are many possible causes of forearm pain. Some react well to
deeper work, while other conditions may only tolerate lighter pressure.
With this technique you can apply more or less pressure as needed. One
area in particular where you want to avoid applying deeper pressure is
the median nerve, which is located directly in the center of the inner
forearm on the flexor area.


With this technique, you access the full forearm and apply pressure
as needed.

1. Have the recipient lie face up (supine).

2. Place their triceps on the table while lifting up their hand.
3. Add oil to your hand and have them hold their hand up the whole
4 . Cup their forearm with your hands and slowly slide down their
forearm all the way to their elbow. Use compression and deep
friction .
5. Repeat 3–5 times, and increase the pressure each time to their

Wrist Bar

This technique helps you isolate every inch of the forearm to find
and treat discomfort.

1. Extend their wrist and place your other hand and thumb on their
lower arm (just above their wrist).
2 . Slowly flex their wrist while sliding your thumb up their forearm,
all the way to just before their elbow.
3 . Repeat 3–5 times, asking for feedback on the pressure level, and
increase the pressure each time to their desire.
PMS is associated with many physical symptoms like fatigue, cramping,
bloating, and lower back pain. This technique can be really helpful for
lower back pain.
While it may seem counterintuitive, do not massage the stomach
(abdominal) region. Instead, focus more on the glutes and lower back to
relieve pressure in the lower back. I like to use essential oils:
eucalyptus, lavender, ylang-ylang, Roman chamomile, and geranium are
all good options.

Compress PMS

Massaging the glute region usually has the most benefits for PMS
symptoms. Compressing the sides of the sacrum can help relieve
cramping sensations.
To find the sacrum, locate the lower spine then follow it past the
hips. It’s directly in the center of the buttocks right above the tailbone
1. Have the recipient lie face down (prone).
2. Stand beside them and interlock your fingers.
3. Place the heel of your palms on the sides of their sacrum.
4. Squeeze into the sacrum and hold for 10–20 seconds.
5. Repeat 3–5 times, and increase the pressure to their desire.


In reflexology , the area around the ankles relates to the lower

abdominal area. Therefore, it’s believed that massaging the ankle
can help relieve PMS symptoms.

1. Have them seated and place their foot out in front of them on a
2 . Add a little oil or lotion to your hands.
3 . Slowly glide your thumb in different gliding directions radiating
out from the ankle (like beams from the sun).
4 . Repeat 3–5 times in each direction, and increase the pressure to
their desire. This technique can be performed on each side of the
ankle, and on both legs.
Knee Pain
Knee pain is more common in serious athletes, weekend warriors, and
older adults. If you are massaging the area that has pain, you could be in
the wrong place because trigger points (as stated in chapter one)
typically refer pain to other areas.
One area to focus on is just above the knee on their quad muscles,
because trigger points on the quadriceps can refer pain to the knee. Be
careful not to massage directly on the kneecap; it’s best not to push the
kneecap around. When a person’s leg is lying on a table with their leg
straight, their kneecap will move around. When the knee is bent, you’re
less likely to move the kneecap.

Knee Lift

This technique helps you locate trigger points above and below the
knee, which can refer pain to their kneecap. As you massage around
the knee, ask if they have any referred pain.
1. Have the recipient lie face up (supine). Put one of your knees on
the table near their knee. Lift up their knee and place their calf on
your quads.
2. Add a little oil or lotion to your hands.
3. Squeeze above and below their knee with your fingers and
4. Slowly slide off those areas.
5. Repeat 3–5 times, and increase the pressure to their desire.

Kneecap Friction

Make sure their knee and leg are flat on the table before you begin.
Friction around the kneecap can help increase range of motion and
break up scar tissue.

1. Have the recipient lie face up (supine).

2. Add a little oil or lotion to your hands.
3. Friction around their kneecap (patella) and use slow gliding
techniques using your fingertips or thumbs.
4 . Continue this technique for 20–30 seconds on each side of the
kneecap and increase the pressure to their desire.
Knead quad

The quadriceps muscles typically refer pain to the knee. Relieving

these muscles can also help treat knee pain.

1. Have the recipient lie face up (supine).

2. Place a little oil or lotion on your hands.
3. Knead the quad muscles, like you are kneading bread.
4. Continue a circular kneading motion all over the quadriceps
5 . Continue this for 20–30 seconds in one specific area, then perform
it again on other areas of the quads.
Headaches and Neck Pain
Headaches are a common reason people seek out massage. Massage can
be beneficial for headaches by slowly massaging the shoulders and back
of the neck. The slower you go, the less likely the recipient will feel
much discomfort during the process.
Another complaint I hear a lot is a stiff neck. People will wake up
with pain and tightness in the neck and complain that it is hard to turn
their neck. Hunching over a computer or mobile device can also cause
neck and shoulder pain. When massaging someone with a stiff neck,
make sure you never force a stretch and always communicate about the

Neck Flex

This technique helps relax the neck muscles, which almost anyone
can benefit from, considering how much time we spend looking
down at our phones these days!
1. Have the recipient lie face up (supine).
2. Cross your forearms and place your hands on the opposite
3 . Slowly lift their neck with your forearms while compressing their
shoulders with your hands.
4 . Once they feel the stretch, hold it for 20–30 seconds.

Temple Turn

Circular rhythmic motions can be relaxing when performed for 10–

20 seconds.

1. Have the recipient sitting up or lying face up.

2. Do not add any oil or lotion to your hands.
3. Place your fingertips on their temple region.
4. Slowly rotate your fingertips without adding a lot of pressure.
5. Continue the technique for 10–20 seconds.
Can’t Hear

It's common for headaches to start in the neck. This technique

accesses the whole neck and is good for relieving headaches, a stiff
neck, or both.

1. Have the recipient lie face up (supine).

2. Slowly bring their neck to their right side, and then rotate their
head until their right eye is on the table (or as far as they can
comfortably turn their head).
3. Add oil to your right hand and place your left hand under their
neck for support.
4. Glide down the left side of their neck with your hand using light
pressure, going around their shoulder.
5. Then, increase the pressure a little more and you glide up the back
part of their shoulder and neck.
6. Stop at the base of their skull and hold 5–10 seconds (not on their
7. Repeat this technique 3–5 times, and increase the pressure to their
desire. Then repeat on the other side.
Foot Pain
If you are on your feet all day long at your job, then you probably
understand foot pain and the need for a great foot massage. Using a
compression (holding) technique can help diffuse some of the
ticklishness sensation, and using essential oils can be very therapeutic.
If the recipient is very shy about having their feet touched, you can
always tell them that you’re happy to massage their feet with their socks
The two areas on the feet to which people tend to want more
attention paid are the heels and arches. With heels, which are typically
fairly tough, you need to add a little more pressure. You can also use
your knuckles to increase the depth of pressure.

Rotate Out – Slide In

Rotating the foot before gliding makes it easier for to increase
pressure while still being effective at pinpointing their pain.

1. Add oil or lotion to your right hand.

2. Use your left hand on top of the foot for support.
3. Slowly rotate their foot out with your left hand while gliding your
right thumb toward the arch of their foot.
4 . Repeat 3–5 times, and increase the pressure to their desire.

Heel Compression

The heels are one of the hardest places to add pressure. With this
technique, you can successfully increase the pressure with little

1. Add little to no oil or lotion to your hands.

2. Interlock your fingers, and place the heel of your palms on both
sides of their ankle with your fingers facing down.
3 . You can hold their ankle region for 20–30 seconds with moderate
pressure, or slowly slide your palms down off their ankle and heel
region 3–5 times, increasing the pressure to their desire.
Now you have the foundation to give incredible massages. You’ve learned
about the many important systems of the body when it comes to massage
and your important role as the giver as well as the receiver. Now that you
know the basics of so many styles of massage, return to this book as often
as you need. Prop it open and practice the styles that you love most on
loved ones. Enjoy your continued journey into the wonderful, healing world
of massage.

Alliance for Massage Therapy Education (Massage Educators),
American Massage Therapy Association (Insurance and Magazine),
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (Insurance and Magazine),
Massage Therapy Foundation (Research),

Allen, Laura, LMBT. Plain & Simple Guide to Therapeutic Massage &
Bodywork Examinations. LWW; 2nd edition, January 7, 2009.
Beck, Mark F. Theory & Practice of Therapeutic Massage . Milady; 5th
edition, April 23, 2010.
Biel, Andrew. Trail Guide to the Body: How to Locate Muscles, Bones and
More. Books of Discovery; 5th edition, November 6, 2014. Fritz, Sandy, BS
MS NCTMB. Mosby’s Fundamentals of Therapeutic Massage. Mosby; 6th
edition, April 4, 2016.
Fritz, Sandy. Sports & Exercise Massage: Comprehensive Care for
Athletics, Fitness, & Rehabilitation. Mosby, 2013.
Lowe, Whitney W. LMT. Orthopedic Massage: Theory and Technique .
Churchill Livingstone; 2nd edition, April 20, 2009.
Myers, Thomas W. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and
Movement Therapists. Churchill Livingstone; 3 edition, February 25, 2014.
Osborne, Carole, CMT NCBTMB. Pre- and Perinatal Massage Therapy: A
Comprehensive Guide to Prenatal, Labor, and Postpartum Practice . LWW;
2nd edition, March 4, 2011.
Sohnen-Moe, Cherie M. Business Mastery: A Guide for Creating a
Fulfilling, Thriving Business and Keeping it Successful . Sohnen-Moe
Associates, Inc; 4th edition, January 1, 2008. Thompson, Diana L. LMP.
Hands Heal: Communication, Documentation, and Insurance Billing for
Manual Therapists . LWW; 4th edition, July 5, 2011.
Upledger, John E. Craniosacral Therapy . Eastland Pr; 1st edition, February
1, 1983.
Werner, Ruth, LMP NCTMB. A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology:
Critical Thinking and Practical Application . LWW; 6th edition, July 30,




Crane, Justin D., Daniel I. Ogborn, Colleen Cupido, Simon Melov, Alan
Hubbard, Jacqueline M. Bourgeois, and Mark A. Tarnopolsky. “Massage
Therapy Attenuates Inflammatory Signaling After Exercise-Induced Muscle
Damage.” Science Translational Medicine. 4, no. 119 (February 1, 2012):
119. DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3002882.
Elliott, R. and B. Burkett, et al. “Massage Therapy as an Effective
Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.” Journal of Bodywork and
Movement Therapy, 17, no. 3 (July 2013): 332–8. DOI:
Field, Tiffany, Miguel Diego, and Maria Hernandez-Reif. “Potential
Underlying Mechanisms for Greater Weight Gain in Massaged Preterm
Infants.” Infant Behavior and Development, 34, no. 3 (June, 2011): 383–
389. DOI: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2010.12.001.
Jarmey, Chris and Gabiel Mojay. Shiatsu: The Complete Guide. London,
UK: Thorsons, 1991.
Jensen M., M.N. Brant-Zawadzki, N. Obuchowski, M.T. Modic, D.
Malkasian, and J.S. Ross. “Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Lumbar
Spine in People Without Back Pain.” 2, no. 331 (July 14, 1994): 69–116.
doi: 10.1056/NEJM199407143310201.
Lochtefeld, James G. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism: A-M . New
York, NY: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2001.
Morhenn, V., L.E. Beavin, and P.J Zak. “Massage Increases Oxytocin and
Reduces Adrenocorticotropin Hormone in Humans.” Alternative Therapies
in Health and Medicine, 18, no. 6 (November-December 2012).
Novella, Steven. “What Is Traditional Chinese Medicine?” Accessed
August 20, 2018.
Perlman, A.I., A. Sabina, A.L. Williams, V.Y. Njike, and D.L. Katz.
“Massage Therapy for Osteoarthritis of the Knee: A Randomized
Controlled Trial.” Archives of Internal Medicine, 166, no. 22 (December,
2006): 2533–8. DOI: 10.1001/archinte.166.22.2533.
“Review Examines Clinical Trial Evidence on Complementary Approaches
for Five Painful Conditions.” National Center for Complementary and
Integrative Medicine. Last modified: September 2, 2016.
Semple, David and Roger Smyth. Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry. 3rd ed.
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Stergiou, Jemma. “Differences Between Eastern and Western Massage?”
Accessed Aug. 20, 2018.
Turan, N., and T.A. Aşt. “The Effect of Abdominal Massage on
Constipation and Quality of Life.” Gastroenterology Nursing , 39, no. 1
(January-February 2016): 48–59. DOI: 10.1097/SGA.0000000000000202.
First, I would like to thank my mom, Shirley Hoyme, for pushing me to go
to massage school and my dad, Gary Hoyme, for believing in me. Thank
you to my past students for inspiring me to always push myself to learn
more. To my family—Yvette, Alexa, and Béa—thank you for putting up
with my countless hours every week absorbed in learning more about
massage. Thanks to Mary Jo Battey Otis for believing in me, being a great
mentor, and pushing me harder to be a better massage therapist. A special
thank you to my other mentors: Sharon Puszko, Lynda Solien-Wolfe, Laura
Allen, Ruth Werner, Karen Kowal, Cherie Sohnen-Moe, Pete Whitridge,
Ralph Stephens, Vivian Madison Mahoney, Michael McGillicuddy, Tracy
Walton, and Sandy Fritz. Callisto Media, thank you for giving me this great
opportunity to write this book. And finally, a big thank you to one of my
past students (I still don’t remember who it was!) for calling me a “massage
nerd” in 2006. Your nickname caused me to buy the website domain the
next day, and that started me on my incredible journey of
About the Author

Ryan Jay Hoyme, LMT, BCTMB, is a board-certified massage therapist.

He’s worked in the health field for more than three decades and has
practiced massage therapy for over two decades. He spent 14 years teaching
massage to future practitioners, and continues to educate the community
through his website and online videos. He is internationally known as the
Massage Nerd and has won many awards in the massage industry. He’s
been inducted into the American and the International Massage Therapy
Hall of Fame. Ryan has a large social media following and continues to be a
role model and influencer.

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