Morality and Agency Themes From Bernard Williams Andras Szigeti Full Chapter

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Morality and Agency: Themes from

Bernard Williams Andras Szigeti

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Morality and Agency
Morality and Agency
Themes from Bernard Williams
Edited by
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2022936410
ISBN 978–0–19–762656–6
eISBN 978–0–19–762658–0
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780197626566.001.0001


András Szigeti and Matthew Talbert


1. Bernard Williams’s Debt to Nietzsche: Real or Illusory?
Brian Leiter
2. Virtue, Luck, and Other Goods: On Williams’s Question and the
Demandingness of Ancient Ethics
Marcel van Ackeren
3. Shame and the Ethical in Williams
Stephen Bero and Aness Kim Webster
4. Williams, Kant, and Morality’s “Peculiarity”
Stephen Darwall
5. Confidence: On the Possibility of Ethical Knowledge
Agata Łukomska
6. Moral Realism with a Human Face: Objectivity in Ethics and the
Limits of Philosophy
Gideon Rosen


7. Free Will and the Tragic Predicament: Making Sense of Williams
Paul Russell
8. A Shelter from Luck: The Morality System Reconstructed
Matthieu Queloz
9. Luck and Responsibility According to Bernard Williams
Ulrike Heuer
10. Relation-Regret and Associative Luck: On Rationally Regretting
What Another Has Done
Daniel Telech
11. Bernard Williams as a Philosopher of Ethical Freedom
Miranda Fricker
12. Blame Without Reasons
Geraldine Ng


The chapters collected here were presented at a workshop entitled

“Agency, Fate, and Luck: Themes from Bernard Williams,” which was
organized by the Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project and held in
Lund, Sweden, on June 13–15, 2019. The Lund Gothenburg
Responsibility Project is funded by the Swedish Research Council. We
gratefully acknowledge the Swedish Research Council’s support,
without which the workshop in Lund would not have been possible.
The director and principal investigator of the Lund Gothenburg
Responsibility Project is Paul Russell. He not only master-minded the
workshop in the first place, but his encouragement and assistance in
bringing this volume to completion were also essential. We would
also like to thank all those who participated in the workshop. We
were particularly pleased that Patricia Williams was able to be in
attendance. We would like to express our gratitude to Annah
Smedberg-Eivers and the Lund University Department of Philosophy
for making the necessary arrangements and for hosting the
workshop. Finally, we would like to thank Alexander Velichkov for
providing us with editorial assistance and for compiling this book’s
index. With the exception of Miranda Fricker’s contribution, these
chapters are published here for the first time. We would like to thank
Cambridge University Press and the Canadian Journal of Philosophy
for permission to reprint Fricker’s chapter.

Stephen Bero
School of Law
University of Surrey
Guildford, UK
Stephen Darwall
Department of Philosophy
Yale University
New Haven, CT, USA
Miranda Fricker
Department of Philosophy
The Graduate Center CUNY
New York City, NY, USA
Ulrike Heuer
Department of Philosophy
University College London
London, UK
Brian Leiter
Center for Law, Philosophy and Human Values
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL, USA
Agata Łukomska
Department of Philosophy
University of Warsaw
Warsaw, Poland
Geraldine Ng
Philosophy Lab CIC
London, UK
Matthieu Queloz
Faculty of Philosophy
University of Oxford
Oxford, UK
Gideon Rosen
Department of Philosophy
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ, USA
Paul Russell
Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project (LGRP)
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Department of Philosophy
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada
András Szigeti
Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project (LGRP)
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Department of Philosophy
Institute for Culture and Society (IKOS)
Linköping University
Linköping, Sweden
Matthew Talbert
Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project (LGRP)
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Department of Philosophy
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV, USA
Daniel Telech
Polonsky Academy for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social
The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
Jerusalem, Israel
Marcel van Ackeren
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Würzburg University
Würzburg, Germany
Department of Philosophy
Oxford University
Oxford, UK
Aness Kim Webster
Department of Philosophy
Durham University
Durham, UK
András Szigeti and Matthew Talbert

One of those memorable phrases Bernard Williams was so apt at

turning out says: “The starting point of philosophy is that we do not
understand ourselves well enough” (Williams 2014, 406). The
starting point of this collection and of the workshop where most of
the contributions collected here were first presented1 is that we do
not understand Williams’s work well enough and that more
philosophy is required to understand it better. No doubt, Williams
was and remains a highly influential and respected figure, not just as
a philosopher but also—most unusually for analytical philosophers—
well beyond the world of academe. During his dazzling academic
career, he held prestigious positions at universities in Britain and the
United States, and he was also sought after as a public intellectual
and a policy advisor. And yet he is not infrequently regarded as a bit
of a maverick, a Socratic figure who asks the right questions but
does not supply the answers and, truth be told, more often than not
has not even seriously attempted to do so. This volume joins the
hopefully growing number of attempts to decisively counter this
Granted, there are a few things everybody with even a minimal
interest in analytical philosophy will (more or less grudgingly)
acknowledge about Williams: that he was a brilliant and original
moral philosopher who eschewed the dry conceptual analyses
favored by some of his contemporaries in preference for a more
historically oriented approach, that he was deeply critical of attempts
to resolve difficult moral problems by invoking abstract and technical
distinctions, and that he did not think it was desirable or possible to
present one’s views as a philosophical system. In light of this
skeptical and anti-theoretical attitude, even many fans of Williams’s
work tend to emphasize its negative aspects. In particular, he is
widely recognized for his sustained and many-faceted critique of the
morality system—that is, the system of modern moral practices
which Williams himself referred to as the “peculiar institution” and
which he associated with a set of distinctive philosophical, mostly
Kantian but also Utilitarian, ideas.
We agree with those commentators (Heuer & Lang 2012; Herrera
& Perry 2013; Russell 2017; Chappell & van Ackeren 2018, etc.) who
argue that this depiction is woefully one-sided and simplistic even in
its praise, let alone its criticisms. Not just because it underplays the
coherence of Williams’s key ideas but also because it ignores
Williams’s intention to make a positive contribution to several areas
in ethics and metaethics, including debates on the problem of free
will and moral responsibility, the nature of moral emotions and
reactive attitudes, the scope of rational motivations in morality, the
possibility of moral knowledge, and much more. This anthology has
been put together in the spirit of the latter assessment of Williams’s
work. Specifically, our aim has been to select chapters that focus on
the substantive and original ideas and methods Williams developed
as part of his distinctive “outlook” in ethics. Needless to say, in
analytical philosophy the elaboration of new ideas and methods
nearly always proceeds by way of criticizing extant alternatives. This
is perhaps especially so in Williams’s work, given the above-
mentioned historical and skeptical orientation of his entire approach.
Consequently, it should come as no surprise that the chapters
collected here also reflect extensively on the critical and negative
side of Williams’s philosophy. That said, the primary interest of the
authors contributing to this volume has been to focus on Williams’s
conceptual and methodological innovations. Our hope, in short, is
that these chapters will add some new strokes to the emerging
picture of Williams’s philosophy as a fully fledged alternative
approach in ethics.
The chapters collected in this volume cover a range of
interconnected topics. We have divided the chapters into two broad
parts, though there is significant overlap in the themes covered in
these parts. The first group of chapters is entitled “The Morality
System and Its Discontents.” These chapters deal with and in part
criticize Williams’s attempts to explore theoretical options beyond the
confines of the morality system. The chapters show how, through a
critical confrontation with the morality system, Williams has found
new ways to think about the concept of moral obligation; morally
relevant emotions such as shame; the relevance of the history of
philosophy, especially that of ancient Greek philosophy; and also
how these new ways of thinking are linked to Williams’s novel
metaethical ideas concerning the possibility and limitations of moral
The second group of chapters is collected under the subtitle
“Agency, Blame, and Luck.” Here readers will find chapters related to
Williams’s discussions of freedom and responsibility, the role that
luck plays in our moral lives, and the reasons that agents can be said
to have. Williams’s concerns about the morality system still loom
large in these contexts. For example, Williams was skeptical about
the prospects of putting our responsibility practices—and the
conception of free will with which these practices are associated—on
a firm footing. But, as more than one author in the second half of
the book shows, Williams’s skepticism is largely confined to
conceptions of free will and responsibility that are conditioned by the
morality system’s uneasiness with luck and its commitment to
implausible requirements on voluntary behavior. Williams has a much
more vindicatory story to tell about the prospects for freedom and
responsibility once these concepts have been untethered from the
assumptions of the morality system.
We turn now to brief summaries of the individual contributions to
this volume.

Part I: The Morality System and Its

As the first of two chapters in the history of philosophy at the
beginning of Part I, Brian Leiter’s contribution (Chapter 1) presents
an original and much needed (re-)assessment of Williams’s
intellectual relationship to Nietzsche. This relationship is often
assumed to be close, which interpretation is of course supported by
some of Williams’s own pronouncements. Leiter argues that while
Williams’s debt to Nietzsche is indeed greater than that of most
analytical philosophers’, the relationship is more superficial than is
commonly believed. An obvious point of affinity between Nietzsche
and Williams is the recognition of how decisively important it is for
philosophy to engage with history, including the history of
philosophy. Another link between the two—a link itself rooted in the
recognition of the historicity of philosophical ideas—is their
commitment to a critique of morality in the modern era. As far as
Leiter is concerned, however, the affinities do not run much deeper
than that. In particular, the chapter sets out to show that Nietzsche’s
historical orientation and his critique of modernism are both far more
radical than Williams’s. Leiter identifies a number of crucial
differences. First, while Nietzsche is thoroughly skeptical of the
possibility of free will and moral responsibility, Williams embraces
some form of compatibilism. Second, they draw very different
lessons from the study of the culture and philosophy of ancient
Greece. Williams emphasizes the fundamental similarities, which
some unfortunate excesses and illusions of modernity and modern
philosophy can only obscure but not eradicate; Nietzsche, by
contrast, emphasizes the fundamental differences, which render any
thought of reconciliation or synthesis illusory. Third, and relatedly,
Williams’s criticisms present the morality system as an overly
intellectualist and imperialistic philosophical outlook that in the
modern era has tended to encroach upon but not render inaccessible
a more sensible way of living life and doing philosophy, whereas
Nietzsche rejects the whole modernist ethos of egalitarian justice
and the good life.
The second historically oriented contribution, Marcel van Ackeren
in Chapter 2, takes a critical look at Williams’s charge that the
modern morality system is too demanding. Williams’s concern is that
the morality system neglects or diminishes the importance of agents’
personal projects and goals and seriously hinders the pursuit of
nonmoral values. In short, the morality system is said to be
demanding because it can require considerable sacrifices in terms of
agents’ well-being. Van Ackeren relativizes and contextualizes the
“demandingness objection” by systematically exposing the
demandingness of dominant moral theories in ancient Greece, such
as Stoicism or the Platonic-Socratic school of thought
(Aristotelianism being the major exception). This finding does offer
additional support for those who think that there is more continuity
between ancient Greek and modern ethics than meets the eye, a
position, it will be recalled, Williams sympathized with (and
Nietzsche did not). Although Williams did complain of the “gritty
moralism” and “lethal high-mindedness” of Stoicism (Williams 2014,
343), this may not be the kind of confirmation of the continuity-
thesis Williams was after. One of his main reasons for recommending
a deeper engagement with ancient Greek ethics was precisely that
the latter seemed to him to offer a more realistic and relaxed view of
the stringency and scope of ethical demands. By contrast, van
Ackeren aims to show that ancient ethics is demanding in its own
peculiar way: namely, demanding not in spite of, but precisely
because of its eudaemonistic orientation. Van Ackeren focuses on
two salient features of ancient eudaemonism to support this thesis.
First, ancient concepts of eudaemonia often include the idea that
virtue is the only genuinely life-enhancing good. Second, the ancient
Greeks have also sought to secure the congruence of virtue and
eudaemonia against the influence of luck and contingency. In other
words, ancient ethics is trying to achieve something that is also the
principal objective of the modern morality system as it is
characterized by Williams: to provide a shelter against luck and
contingency. Williams and others have located the source of the
problem of demandingness only on the moral side of the conflict.
However, van Ackeren’s diagnosis reveals that certain theories of
well-being can be a source of demandingness too, as was the case
in much of ancient ethics.
We then have two chapters that suggest what are essentially
friendly improvements on Williamsian ideas, lessening the distance
between his outlook and the morality system. Chapter 3 by Stephen
Bero and Aness Kim Webster offers a lucid reconstruction as well as
some insightful criticisms of Williams’s ideas on shame and its
relevance for morality. Bero and Webster focus on the extent to
which shame contributes to the development of one’s ethical
identity, wondering whether Williams might “ask too much of shame”
in this regard. Based on this critical inquiry, they outline a more
modest rehabilitation of shame which improves on Williams’s
account while preserving his main insights. Williams himself
identifies two distinctive features of shame that enable it to play a
crucial role in ethical life. First, one experiences shame in front of
the real or imagined gaze of another person whom one respects.
Second, shame is selective insofar as the same thing may be
experienced as shameful in front of people with whom one shares
the relevant norms but as not shameful in front of others. Bero and
Webster endorse this characterization but, diverging from Williams,
set out to show that there is no special link between shame and the
ethical life. For one thing, they argue that we may feel ashamed
about failing to meet not only moral norms, but also standards of
physical appearance, professional competence, aesthetic taste, or
athletic prowess. Furthermore, they highlight the possibility of
“oppressive shame.” This kind of shame is based on internalized but
oppressive (e.g., racist or sexist) norms and so it cannot be said to
reveal one’s ethical identity. If there are kinds of shame, however,
which do not track ethical norms and sometimes actually track
unethical ones, Williams may have overrated the role shame can and
should play in ethical life, Bero and Webster conclude. They agree
with Williams that shame and its structures can, under appropriate
circumstances, further the development of a conception of one’s
ethical identity and can contribute to mediating between ethical
demands and the rest of life. However, we should abandon the idea
that shame is sufficient for establishing the contours of one’s ethical
identity or for interfacing between moral and nonmoral practices and
In Chapter 4, Stephen Darwall develops an interesting response
to an important aspect of Williams’s critique of the morality system.
Specifically, he takes issue with Williams’s claim, developed in most
detail in chapter 10 of Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy (Williams
1985), that the concept of moral obligation at the heart of the
morality system tends to crowd out all other normative
considerations and that therefore we would be better off without the
concept as well as the whole system based on this concept. The
reason that Williams thinks that the “morality system” is oppressive
is that, in his analysis, the system, by its own conceptual logic,
gradually converts all morally relevant considerations into moral
obligations. The principal problem, according to Darwall, is that
Williams fails to see that the distinction between what moral reasons
most recommend and what we are obliged to do can be made within
the morality system itself. And once we have distinguished between
what is advisable, on the one hand, and what is obligatory, on the
other, we can open up conceptual space within the morality system
to accommodate a robust domain of the permissible. Within this
domain, any person can pursue other ethical concerns or their own
personal projects without violating moral obligations and therefore
without attracting blame. What is especially interesting, then, in this
chapter is that, according to Darwall, the resources for establishing
this distinction can be found in Williams’s account, too. After all, as
Darwall points out, Williams himself has spent considerable amounts
of time and ingenuity to show that what we have most reason to do
is not necessarily what we are obligated to do. This is because pro
tanto obligations can be defeated by pro tanto agent-relative
prerogatives or permissions, and, in such cases, the agent will not
be blameworthy for not discharging the obligation. Moreover, it is
also true that even when valid obligations are discharged, the agent
may still face residual demands to provide restitution and can be
expected to feel agent-regret if the action involves moral costs.
Williams has recognized all or at least most of these considerations,
Darwall claims. Where he goes wrong is to think that the morality
system does not have the resources to accommodate them.
Part I concludes with two chapters showing how Williams’s ideas
in normative ethics and the critique of the morality system is bound
up with his innovative views on some metaethical issues. Agata
Łukomska’s Chapter 5 focuses on Williams’s ideas on confidence, a
topic that is fundamental to understanding the challenge that
Williams’s own constructive views face. It is also a topic that has
been somewhat neglected by commentators. Łukomska shows how
the problem of confidence arises for Williams and describes his way
of dealing with it. On the basis of this analysis, she goes on to give
her own account of how the issue of confidence should be
understood. In her view, faced with any challenge to our existing
values, we are under pressure to provide secure foundations for our
existing ethical practices and orientation. In order to do this, we
must begin from somewhere. However, advocates of the “morality
system” are wrong to think that there is a neutral point of departure
—a “view from nowhere”—for such an evaluation. Here we see once
again Williams’s skepticism with regard to the excessively
intellectualist and disengaged ideals of the morality system. On the
other hand, a crude or bald existentialist assertion of mere choice
would not only be arbitrary, it also would undermine any sense that
we are able to justify our position even to ourselves or to carry on
with it. Much less will we be able to persuade those who do not
share our particular ethical stance. In these circumstances, we arrive
in a predicament where “moral knowledge” is undermined by
reflection, as forced on us by “confrontation” with others, but where
we also seem to lack any obvious sources to escape from this
predicament. In response to these threats, Łukomska suggests that
we follow in Williams’s footsteps and combine external and internal
considerations. Since we must begin from somewhere, we must
begin from our own situated location with our concrete and specific
historical identity. At the same time, merely to affirm our view would
be arbitrary and complacent. We need to actively engage with
others, both in our community and outside of it, in order to question
what our own priorities and values are or might become. This is a
reciprocal process of social dialogue that will not “leave everything
where it was” (Williams 1985, 177). It is in this sense an open-ended
and dynamic process, but it does not aim to satisfy illusory
“intellectualist” or “rationalist” standards of justification.
Gideon Rosen’s Chapter 6 aims to restate and regiment Williams’s
main metaethical theses in light of advances in metaethics during
the past three decades. His main interpretative conclusion is that,
despite appearances, Williams’s metaethical position is not a
metaphysical view and has nothing to do with the mind-
independence or practice-independence of ethical facts. It is true
that, like much metaethical writing of the 1980s, Ethics and the
Limits of Philosophy aimed to find a middle way between full-
strength realism about ethical judgment and the various forms of
skepticism and noncognitivism formed in reaction to full-strength
realism. In Williams’s version, the claim is that while ethical
judgments are sometimes simply true and so correspond to genuine
facts, ethical judgments are “perspectival” and so enjoy at best a
“limited objectivity” by comparison with judgments in science and
mathematics. However, according to Rosen, this view is best
understood as an epistemological thesis according to which the
warrant for ethical judgment can never be intersubjectively
compelling in the broadest sense. More specifically, the view Rosen
imputes to Williams includes the following four claims. First, ethical
knowledge is possible, though we have less of it than we once did
thanks to a growing awareness that we cannot justify the views we
hold as the only reasonable views on contested questions. Second,
this condition is permanent, since the prospects for a philosophical
foundation for ethics are bleak. Third, in light of this difference, we
should say that ethical judgment is a less objective enterprise than
natural science. But, fourth, we are nevertheless entitled to carry on
with ethics, holding firm views and revising them as we can in
response to local pressure. Rosen argues that, even if Williams was
strongly anti-Rortian in many other respects, this position has
affinities with Rorty’s idea that while ethical confidence may be
warranted, it must be tempered by the recognition that when we
disagree with others about how to live, there may be no more to be
said for our view than that it happens to be the view we hold. The
chapter closes by raising some objections against this position.

Part II: Agency, Blame, and Luck

The first chapter in the second half of the book is by Paul Russell.
Chapter 7 offers an interpretation of Williams’s various contributions
as they concern the issues of free will and moral responsibility. It
seeks, in particular, to explain how Williams’s contributions are
related to each other and how his views on this subject developed
and evolved over the years. Although Williams’s contributions are
plainly relevant to the free will debate, Williams seldom engaged
directly with the leading contemporary figures or their contributions.
Part of the explanation for this rests with Williams’s general
dissatisfaction—which grew more pronounced in his later work—with
analytic philosophical methods and techniques. More importantly,
Williams rejected many of what he took to be the core assumptions
that frame the contemporary free will debate. All the major parties in
this debate, as Williams sees it, are in the grip of the “morality
system” which, as mentioned, posits forms of agency and control
that are taken to transcend luck and secure forms of absolute
justice. Russell finds in Williams’s work (particularly Shame and
Necessity [1993]) a “genealogy” of freedom and responsibility that is
both vindicatory and pessimistic. Williams’s genealogy is vindicatory
to the extent that it identifies and describes—consistent with a
thoroughgoing naturalism—powers and abilities of genuine agency
that allow us to lead lives of ethical significance, in terms of which
we are capable of achieving reflective confidence. However, as
Russell argues, Williams’s position here diverges in important ways
from the dominant views of contemporary compatibilists in the free
will debate. More specifically, what is not secured, on this account, is
the aspiration to any form of ultimate justice of a kind that would
support or justify our blaming practices as understood by “the
morality system.” It is this that serves as the fundamental source of
Williams’s pessimism on this subject. Any effort to satisfy these
stronger ambitions and aspirations, as encouraged by “the morality
system,” is, according to Williams, doomed to failure and leads to a
mistaken skepticism about moral responsibility of an unqualified
form. We need to reject any unqualified skepticism, but this requires
abandoning the deep assumptions of “morality” that have motivated
much of the traditional free will debate. Williams, Russell concludes,
does not so much aim to offer a solution to the problem of freedom
and responsibility (as traditionally understood) as to discredit the
assumptions and aspirations of “the morality system” that have
generated this problem.
Matthieu Queloz, in Chapter 8, reaches conclusions related to
Russell’s, though Queloz’s focus is broader. Queloz identifies four
building blocks of the morality system: the moral/nonmoral
distinction, the idea of obligation, the voluntary/nonvoluntary
distinction, and the practice of blame. In the context of the morality
system, these elements are given maximally stringent articulations,
which generates the problems that Williams takes to be inherent in
the system. However, this does not lead Williams to a wholesale
skeptical rejection of the four building blocks. In fact, Williams
believed that, on more relaxed articulations, these building blocks
respond to genuine, preexisting, and quite general needs of human
society. Part of Queloz’s aim is to explain how primitive, socially
functional concepts gave rise to and became distorted within the
morality system. The basic picture is that an elemental concern for
fairness, under the influence of, for example, Platonism and
Christianity, issued in a striving toward ultimate justice. But ultimate
justice requires “a shelter from luck” (Williams 1995b, 41); that is,
an immunity from contingency. Stringent conceptualizations of the
four building blocks provide this shelter: moral value, in the context
of the morality system, is taken to be incomparable to other values
and to generate absolute moral obligations that agents accede to, or
not, by exercising a power for unconditioned willing, which creates
room for a fully justified practice of moral blame. The morality
system that resulted from this process is open to several criticisms,
but Queloz argues that, for Williams, the fundamental problem is the
system’s “frictionless purity.” The worry here is that the
conceptualizations mandated and employed by the morality system
get no traction in our everyday world because they have been
purified to such a point that they have lost contact with that world.
This puts us on the road to skepticism about the concepts out of
which the morality system is constructed, a point that Queloz makes
by focusing on blame (as the system conceives it) and its attendant
notion of utter voluntariness, which has no application in the
naturalistic world that we inhabit. Queloz concludes by considering
the prospects that Williams saw for recovering alternative, more
functional conceptualizations of the constitutive elements of morality.
In his celebrated essay “Moral Luck,” Williams considers a
fictionalized (though not entirely ahistorical) account of the decisions
that Paul Gauguin made in pursuit of his aim to become a great
artist. In Chapter 9, Ulrike Heuer takes up Gauguin’s case in her
contribution to this volume. In Williams’s version of the story,
Gauguin chooses to turn away from “definite and pressing human
claims [made, e.g., by his family] . . . in order to live a life in which,
as he supposes, he can pursue his art” (1981b, 22). Williams claims
that “the only thing that will justify [Gauguin’s] choice will be
success” in becoming the sort of artist that he sought to become
(1981b, 23). And since whether Gauguin is successful in his effort
will depend at least partly on luck, the potential justification of his
earlier choices is also partly dependent on luck. Williams observes,
further, that while artistic success might justify Gauguin’s choices,
failure to achieve success would not necessarily “unjustify” them. It
would matter, Williams argues, what form such a failure took.
Williams says, for example, that an unlucky accident “is too external
[to Gauguin’s project] for it to unjustify him” (1981b, 25). The only
type of failure that would unjustify Gauguin’s earlier choices would
be his own failure in the terms of the project that motivated his
choices in the first place. With respect to this example, a central
early contention of Heuer’s is that Williams’s reflections are better
cast as having to do with Gauguin’s responsibility for his earlier
choices (and his later successes) than with whether his earlier
choices are retrospectively justified. Heuer motivates this conclusion
by arguing (i) that there simply is no clear sense in which Gauguin’s
successes can justify his earlier choices and (ii) that casting the
matter in terms of responsibility makes better sense of Williams’s
distinction between internal and external factors that might
contribute to the success or failure of Gauguin’s project. The sort of
responsibility that Heuer has in mind is the sort that, were it to
obtain, would allow Gauguin to reasonably see himself as involved in
his subsequent success such that it makes sense for him to take
responsibility for it. As an illustration, Heuer turns to an example of
responsibility for a failed project: the unhappy case of Isabel Archer,
the heroine of Henry James’s The Portrait of a Lady. Heuer argues
that Archer reasonably accepts responsibility for her unhappy
marriage because she recognizes how her unfortunate choice of a
husband reflected and issued from features of her earlier self. The
picture that emerges on Heuer’s account is one according to which
an agent is responsible for the success or failure of a project if it
results—as in Archer’s case and Gauguin’s—from the agent’s success
or failure in the exercise of her abilities.
Another important theme in Williams’s “Moral Luck” is agent
regret, a topic that Daniel Telech expands on in his contribution to
this collection (Chapter 10). Williams asks us to imagine a truck
driver who, through no fault of his own, hits and kills a child who
darted into the street. Certainly the driver played a causal role in the
child’s death, but he is not morally at fault or blameworthy for the
death since, by hypothesis, he conducted himself faultlessly. Still,
Williams maintains that it would be strange for the driver to simply
take up a perspective similar to that of a bystander who regards the
child’s death as tragic, but not as grounds for anything like first-
personal feelings of guilt. Instead, we anticipate that the driver will
have feelings in the vicinity of guilt simply because he was the
agent, though a faultless one, of the child’s death. This guilt-like
feeling is agent-regret. Telech—following other authors—grounds the
agent-regret that the truck driver feels in the way his role in the
child’s death shapes his practical identity. Telech then asks whether
there might be other types of negative events for which we are not
at fault and that yet shape our practical identities in ways that
ground responses analogous to agent-regret. Telech reasons that
since our practical identities are partly constituted by the relations
we have with others, it may be that the actions of others can—if we
are appropriately related to them—affect us in just this way. In
particular, it may be that when others with whom we are
appropriately related (by, e.g., familial ties) are responsible for
serious harms, we may, despite our own faultlessness, reasonably
experience a guilt-like state that Telech calls “relation-regret.” Telech
takes as his main examples of this phenomenon two real life cases:
one involving the mother of a teen-aged school shooter and the
other the grandson of a Nazi war criminal. Telech argues that, in
virtue of the ways that the mother and the grandson identify as the
mother of a killer and as a grandson of a war criminal, it makes
sense for them to feel regret for what their relations have done.
Telech suggests that this points to a novel form of moral luck
(“associative luck”): one is liable to guilt-like feelings on the basis of
the associations that one happens to have and on how the other
terms in these associations happen to behave, both of which may be
out of one’s control.
Given Williams’s skepticism about unified moral theories, there is
a tendency to view his work merely as presenting a set of
commitments, without any particular commitment playing a unifying
role or having priority over the others. Against this interpretive
tendency, in Chapter 11, Miranda Fricker argues that the contours of
Williams’s thought are clarified by recognizing a core organizing
conviction that shapes his work in moral philosophy as a whole.2
This core conviction of Williams is a commitment to a conception of
human beings as “ethically free.” The freedom at issue here is not
the sort around which the free will debate revolves (a debate that
Williams took to be deeply confused); it is, rather, a type of freedom
that arises out of the fact that rationality underdetermines how we
should live. In view of this underdetermination, it is up to individuals
to be—that is, we are free to be—the authors of our own values and
ends and therefore also of our own practical reasons. However,
possession of this freedom does not entail that we create our ends
and reasons out of whole cloth or that we typically discover them
through isolated reflection. Rather, on Fricker’s reconstruction of
Williams’s view, while we are the authors and owners of our ends,
they emerge out of and are discovered through dynamic dialogical
processes in concert with those toward whom we bear a reciprocal
attitude of trust—those with whom we can enter into “trustful
conversation” (Williams 2002). Through these processes, we
discover what we believe and what we care about, and we
determine how to prioritize the various competing values that we
discover to make claims on us. Fricker argues that signature
elements of Williams’s moral philosophy—his internalism about
reasons, his relativism of distance, and his thinking about the
connections between philosophy and history—are best understood
as emanating from this core commitment to ethical freedom, to our
freedom to authentically choose our own ends insofar as these are
left open by the standards of rationality.
In several places, Williams defends an internalist perspective on
reasons according to which an agent has a reason to φ only in virtue
of facts about her own desires, dispositions, motivations, projects,
loyalties, etc.—that is, in virtue of the facts about the agent’s
“subjective motivational set” (Williams 1981a, 102). In Chapter 12,
Geraldine Ng notes that if we accept Williams’s internalism and we
assume that moral blame has fundamentally to do with what
reasons an agent has, then we must accept a significant restriction
on the scope of blame: appropriate blame will be restricted to those
instances in which a wrongdoer had internal reasons to refrain from
the behavior for which he is blamed. This is problematic insofar as
many intuitively blameworthy agents may lack internal reasons to
refrain from their apparently blameworthy behavior. The problem is
to some extent addressed by Williams’s proposal that blame can
serve its characteristic function not just in virtue of the elements in
an agent’s subjective motivational set that are directly related to her
objectionable behavior, but also insofar as an agent has—as most
people do—a quite general interest in being the sort of person whom
others respect. In this way, more agents than it might have initially
seemed will have internal reasons to avoid acting in ways that
typically attract blame. Ng argues that this strategy still leaves the
scope of blame too narrow, but she agrees with Williams that the
assumption that people have a general interest in others’ respect is
central to the practice of blame. On Ng’s distinctive approach to
blame, we should reject Williams’s focus on the person who is
blamed and on the possibility of harnessing this person’s reasons to
good effect. Instead, Ng advocates what she calls a “practice-based”
approach that focuses on the issuer of blame and the role that
blame plays in constituting the blamer’s interpersonal relationships
with others. Ng holds that a blamer’s “submission” of the claim that
a blamed party has an interest in others’ respect has “disruptive”
ethical significance (and partly constitutes the ethical relationship
between blamer and blamed) regardless of whether the submission
is accurate in the way that Williams’s account requires. Thus, for Ng,
blame can have application even in those instances that Williams
must concede are “hard cases” in which blame is inapt (Williams
1995a, 39).


Works by Bernard Williams

1981a. “Internal and External Reasons.” In Moral Luck, 101–113. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
1981b. “Moral Luck.” In Moral Luck, 20–39. Cambridge: Cambridge University
1985. Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy. Cambridge MA: Harvard University
1993. Shame and Necessity. Berkeley: University of California Press.
1995a. “Internal Reasons and the Obscurity of Blame.” In Making Sense of
Humanity, 35–45. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1995b. “Moral Luck: A Postscript.” In Making Sense of Humanity, 241–247.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2002. Truth and Truthfulness: An Essay in Genealogy. Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
2014. Essays and Reviews. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Other Works Cited

Chappell, Sophie-Grace, and Marcel van Ackeren, eds. 2018. Ethics Beyond the
Limits: New Essays on Bernard Williams’ Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy.
Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Herrera, Chris, and Alexandra Perry, eds. 2013. The Moral Philosophy of Bernard
Williams. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Heuer, Ulrike, and Gerald Lang, eds. 2012. Luck, Value, and Commitment: Themes
from the Ethics of Bernard Williams. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Russell, Paul. 2017. The Limits of Free Will. New York: Oxford University Press.
1 The workshop, organized by the Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project, was
held in Lund, Sweden on June 13–15, 2019.
2 Fricker’s contribution to this volume was first published in the Canadian
Journal of Philosophy (2020, 59 [8]: 919–933).
Bernard Williams’s Debt to Nietzsche
Real or Illusory?
Brian Leiter

Bernard Williams was one of just two prominent figures within the
mainstream of Anglophone moral philosophy in the second half of
the twentieth-century to devote serious attention to Nietzsche.
Philippa Foot was the other comparably famous figure to do so, and
she, unsurprisingly, shared with Williams skepticism about many
orthodoxies of analytic moral philosophy during this time.1 Derek
Parfit, slightly younger but probably more influential (unfortunately)
on the shape of the Anglophone profession, also ended up
professing to take Nietzsche seriously—or at least giving him a lot of
attention—in his final work On What Matters. Unlike Williams and
Foot, however, it was rather too obvious that Nietzsche was Parfit’s
enemy to be alternately defanged, defamed, and ultimately
disposed.2 Williams, by contrast, was clearly a friendly and
appreciative reader of Nietzsche, even referencing him explicitly on
many occasions in his two most important monographs, Ethics and
the Limits of Philosophy from 1985, and Shame and Necessity from
1993.3 My aim here is to assess the Williams–Nietzsche relationship,
the extent to which Williams learned from Nietzsche, and the extent
to which he retreated from or ignored Nietzsche’s actual views.
Williams’s reaction to Nietzsche will also tell us something about the
distinctive and conservative nature of Anglophone philosophy over
the past century. This deserves some further comment at the start.
Of the various fault lines between Anglophone philosophy of the
past century in the “analytic” tradition and the multiple, and often
conflicting, traditions in post-Kantian Continental European
philosophy, two are especially important in connection with the
relation between Williams and Nietzsche. First, in Germany,
beginning arguably with Herder in the eighteenth century,4 there
was a strong “historicist” turn in philosophy. Historicism, for our
purposes, consists of two theses, one stronger than the other. The
first “weak” historicist thesis is that the reference of concepts or
terms typically varies by historical context, so much so that the same
concept or term can pick out radically different referents at different
historical moments, and thus it is a mistake to assimilate them or
assume the concepts have the same meaning across historical
periods. The second, “strong” historicist thesis holds that these
concepts have no “correct” referent that transcends the historical
period. The concept “good” may, as Nietzsche argues, pick out
“elevated, proud states of the soul” (BGE, 260) and “nobility” (GM, I:
4–5, 11) in antiquity and then, in the Christian world, pick out “the
warm heart, patience industriousness, humility, and friendliness,”
until “the words ‘good’ and ‘stupid’ . . . come close together” (BGE,
260). Neither is the correct meaning of “good,” although the claim is
stronger than one about semantics: it is that “good” qua
metaphysical fact does not exist but rather is created and projected
onto the world by people with very different interests and attitudes.
Even Hegel, perhaps the most famous (albeit atypical) historicist,
can mostly agree with this characterization of historicism, with the
caveat that he thinks historical fluidity comes to an end in which the
semantics and the metaphysics coincide on God’s intentions for His
creation as interpreted by Hegel. But Hegel is an outlier in the
historicist tradition, unlike Nietzsche. And Williams, as I will argue, is
in an important sense an anti-historicist, unlike Nietzsche, but very
much like most analytic philosophers who write as though they are
illuminating the right and the good—or, in Williams’s case, “the
ethical life.”5
There is, however, a second view distinctive of most, but not all,
of the post-Kantian traditions in European philosophy,6 one that
should be unsurprising in light of the historicism. These post-Kantian
philosophers eschew appeals to “common sense,” or “our moral
thinking,” or current “intuitions” since these are simply historically
contingent data points suitable for diagnosis—for example, as
artifacts of capitalism or the slave revolt in morals, or the modern
era of bio-power, and perhaps all three—but not for understanding
the world. These post-Kantian philosophers all embrace the idea
that, on the one hand, philosophers should aim to diagnose and
assess what is really happening in culture and society—politically,
psychologically, and sociologically—and, on the other hand,
philosophers should help human beings (or some human beings)
achieve a kind of liberation. Marx, Nietzsche, Horkheimer, Adorno,
Marcuse, and Foucault are all what we might call “emancipatory
realists” in this broad sense—aiming at emancipation by giving a
realistic diagnosis of our cultural situation—even though the Marxian
idea of emancipation of the individual is rather different from
Nietzsche’s, needless to say. (Roughly, we might say that Marx thinks
individuals are liberated when they can engage in free productive
activity unrelated to securing the means of survival, while Nietzsche
is only concerned with liberating certain higher human beings from
their false consciousness about the dominant morality, which in fact
is incompatible with their flourishing.) What these Continental
emancipatory realists all share is a rejection of the conservative
conception of philosophy well-articulated by Judith Jarvis Thomson,
a leading Anglophone analytic philosopher at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology: “[T]he main, central problems [of
philosophy] consist in efforts to explain what makes certain pre-
philosophical, or non-philosophical, beliefs true . . . [namely] those
that we rely on in ordinary life.”7 She associated this conservative
approach to philosophy, quite rightly, with G. E. Moore and
Wittgenstein, but it is utterly foreign to those who begin with the
assumption that “ordinary life” is shot through with falsehood,
illusion, and historically contingent commitments. Williams, it turns
out, is closer to Thomson than he is to Nietzsche on this score—and
closer than he often pretends to be.
I begin my discussion with Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy
and then turn to Shame and Necessity, although I will note certain
continuities of concern between the two and between these
monographs and some of Williams’s articles.

1.1 Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy

In an article in Ethics more than twenty years ago (Leiter 1997), I
proposed a distinction between two kinds of criticisms of morality
then common in Anglophone moral philosophy. Revisiting that
distinction will be useful here. “Theory Critics” as I named them—
including Williams, but also Annette Baier and Charles Taylor, among
others—are those who deny that our “particular moral assessments
and commonsense moral principles” are apt subjects for a “theory,”
in some precise and technical sense of the word “theory.” “Theories,”
in this objectionable sense, have two characteristics: first, they try to
reduce all value to a single, unitary source (I will call this
“Reduction”), and, second, they try to articulate an explicit,
mechanical decision procedure for generating answers to ethical
questions (or explicit criteria for ethical decision and a decision
procedure for their application; I will call this, unsurprisingly,
“Mechanical Decision”). The two attributes are closely related (but
need not go together): it is precisely Theory’s reduction of value to a
single source that makes possible Theory’s goal of a Mechanical
Decision procedure—namely, one that uses the privileged basic value
to “churn out” (we might say) moral directives. Against these aims,
the Theory Critics argue that value is not unitary (there are, in
Taylor’s phrase, a “diversity” of goods) and that (partly as a result)
Mechanical Decision procedures are simply impossible in the ethical
life: ethical decision and action, these critics say, requires practical
wisdom, virtues, or sensitivity to the particular context, all things
which (allegedly) cannot be captured within the confines of Theory.
A common refrain among Theory Critics, including Williams, is
that the rejection of Theory (in the technical sense) does not entail
the rejection of ethical reflection. Of course, it would seem that if
something is to count as reflecting at all—as opposed, say, simply to
emoting—then it must aim for some degree of abstraction,
simplification, generality, and coherence, so Theory in the
problematic sense must involve something more. My proposal was
that this “something more” is captured by the joint aims of
Reduction and Mechanical Decision: it is these that mark the line
between bad Theory and good ethical reflection.
This aspect of Williams’s views in Ethics and the Limits of
Philosophy and elsewhere obviously has nothing to do with
Nietzsche, and I do not take Williams to claim otherwise. Nietzsche
thought “practical reflection” was an epiphenomenal illusion and that
philosophers invoke “practical reason” precisely when “reason has
nothing to do with it” (A, 12).8 I have defended this view at length in
my recent book Moral Psychology with Nietzsche (Leiter 2019a), and
I will return to this issue later in the context of Williams’s Shame and
Those I dubbed Morality Critics, by contrast, are those—like
Michael Stocker, Susan Wolf, and, again, Bernard Williams—who
criticize moral theory not because of its theoretical ambitions, but
because of either the substantive content of the morality endorsed
or the weight assigned in practical reasoning to moral demands.
Admittedly, the Morality Critics often present themselves as critics of
morality itself—in that sense they echo Nietzsche rhetorically—but,
on examination, it becomes clear their targets are specific
philosophical theories of morality, consequentialist and deontological.
The Williams of Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy is illustrative in
this regard. Williams calls “morality” “the peculiar institution” and
says this morality “is not an invention of philosophers . . . [but
rather] the outlook, or, incoherently, part of the outlook, of almost all
of us” (1985, 174).9 He goes on to worry about the “several natural
ways in which” this morality’s special notion of obligation “can come
to dominate a life altogether” (1985, 181–182). In passages like
these, Williams seems to be objecting not that the best moral theory
requires obligation to dominate life, but rather that once moral
obligation is allowed to “structure ethical thought” (1985, 182) it has
a “natural” tendency to rule out all other considerations.
Yet appearances here are deceiving. While Williams wants to align
himself with Nietzsche as a critic of morality as a genuine cultural
phenomenon—hence the rhetoric about “the peculiar institution” (an
allusion to slavery, which was obviously a real social institution) and
morality not being “an invention of philosophers”—it is far from clear
that the notion of moral obligation he discusses is anything other
than a philosopher’s “invention” or, at best, such a severe systematic
reworking of the ordinary notion as to be only a distant relative of
the mostly tepid notion of obligation actually at work in our
culture.10 The domain of the demanding notion of obligation appears
to be strictly found among those committed to orthodox religions:
hardly anyone else in the neoliberal world order of the capitalist
countries, after all, thinks anything must be done regardless of the
costs except, as far as I can tell, some moral philosophers and
religious fundamentalists.
Indeed, morality’s purportedly threatening notion of “obligation”
is, in fact, constructed by Williams entirely from the works of Kant
and W. D. Ross, with no gesture at showing what relation their
philosophically refined notions of “obligation” bear to those in play in
ordinary life. Yet where is the evidence, one might ask, that real
people treat “moral obligation[s] [as] inescapable” (Williams 1985,
177) and that they accept the idea that “only an obligation can beat
an obligation” (1985, 180)? Surely the evidence is not in the way
people actually live, in the way they actually honor—or, more often,
breach—their moral obligations, a point Nietzsche well understood.
What is the evidence that, in our relativistic and neoliberal culture,
individuals think that “moral obligation applies to people even if they
do not want it to” (1985, 178)? Even Williams, in motivating the
specter of morality dominating life, says that “the thought can gain a
footing (I am not saying that it has to) that I could be better
employed than in doing something I am under no [moral] obligation
to do, and, if I could be, then I ought to be” (1985, 181, emphasis
added). But surely this “thought” might only gain a footing for Kant
or Ross, or some rabid utilitarian philosopher like Shelly Kagan. It is
a pure philosopher’s fantasy to think that real people in the moral
culture at large find themselves overwhelmed by this burdensome
sense of moral obligation. Like the other Morality Critics, Williams
writes as though he is attacking “morality” when what he is really
attacking is “morality” as conceived, systematized, and refined by
philosophers. Such a critique may be an interesting academic
exercise, but it is quite different from Nietzsche’s worry that the
various forms of morality we have inherited from the Judeo-Christian
tradition are “detrimental to the higher men” (BGE, 228), that they
“would be to blame if the highest power and splendor possible to the
type man was never in fact attained?” in real life (GM, Pref: 6). I
return to this point shortly.
Can we salvage the supposed alliance between Morality Critics
like Williams and Nietzsche? Consider Thomas Nagel’s useful way of
framing the issue.11 According to Nagel, there is a potential conflict
between the “Good Life” (one which is valuable along nonmoral
dimensions) and the “Moral Life” (one in which moral considerations
govern)—or between “living well” and “doing right.” For philosophers
like Williams (think of his discussion of Gauguin) and Wolf (think of
her discussion of “moral saints”), the Good Life and the Moral Life
can conflict and, for those unlike Williams and Wolf who think moral
considerations are always overriding, that is so much the worse for
the Good Life. Nagel is clear about where he locates Nietzsche in the
debate thus framed: “The good life overrides the moral life. This is
Nietzsche’s position. . . . The view is that if, taking everything into
consideration, a moral life will not be a good life for the individual it
would be a mistake to lead it” (1986, 196).12 Thus, like the Morality
Critics, Nietzsche is supposed to side with the importance of the
Good Life against the encroaching demands of the Moral Life. Even
granting that Nietzsche is perhaps more extreme in his rejection of
the demands of the Moral Life, he still counts as the first in a line of
Morality Critics that includes Williams, Wolf, and others who
recognize the conflict between the Good Life and the Morality Life
but, at the same time, reject the idea that moral considerations are
But even this reframing significantly understates the differences.
As Richard Miller aptly observes,

Nietzsche often seems to recommend that the constraints of morality be

ignored, but it would be a misreading of his intentions to infer that morality
ought to be ignored by someone of middling abilities, or a primary interest
in family life, or by someone whose characteristic striving is a successful
leveraged buy-out. In contrast, the troubling recommendations at the
center of current disputes are very broadly addressed. In particular, Bernard
Williams’ influential warnings about morality are addressed, primarily, to
people with normal attachments and their own projects, projects which may
be of ordinary sorts.13

Consider: the academic Morality Critics speak of the Moral Life

conflicting with, for example, “love, friendship, affection, fellow
feeling, and community” (Stocker 1976, 461); with “a healthy, well-
rounded, richly developed” life which might include “reading
Victorian novels, playing the oboe, or improving [one’s] backhand”
(Wolf 1982, 421); with “the importance of individual character and
personal relations” (Williams 1976, 201). They worry, in short, about
the incompatibility between morality and the kind of pleasant
bourgeois life these philosophers enjoyed.14 These worries strike a
somewhat different note from Nietzsche, who speaks of morality
posing a threat, for example, to “the highest power and splendor
actually possible to the type man” (GM, Pref: 6); to “the self-reliant,
independent, unprejudiced men, the pillars of a strong civilization”
(D, 163); to “all that is rare, strange, privileged . . . the higher soul,
the higher duty, the higher responsibility, and the abundance of
creative power and masterfulness” (BGE, 212); to the “men of great
creativity, the really great men according to my understanding” (WP,
957). Here the objection is not merely that the Moral Life will
interfere with various mundane personal goods important to the self-
absorbed bourgeoisie, but rather that it is incompatible with the
highest forms of human excellence: the Moral Life, for Nietzsche, is
not a threat to the Good Life but, we might say, to the
“Extraordinary Life.”
Nietzsche, it bears emphasizing, was fundamentally worried
whether our culture was making it impossible as a matter of
empirical fact for anyone to live an Extraordinary Life anymore. It is
one of the few themes that animated all Nietzsche’s writings from
start to finish. In an early essay of the mid-1870’s, “Schopenhauer
as Educator” (U, III), Nietzsche speaks of “the goal of culture” as
“the production of genius” (U, III: 6), though there he worries not
primarily about the deleterious effect of morality on culture but
about “the crudest and most evil forces, the egoism of the money-
makers and the military despots” (U, III: 4), as well as “the greed of
the state” (U, III: 6). His major work of the early 1880’s, Thus Spoke
Zarathustra, begins with Zarathustra’s image of a world in which all
human excellence and creativity is gone, in which all that will remain
is the “last man.”

Alas, the time of the most despicable man is coming, he that is no longer
able to despise himself. Behold, I show you the last man.
“What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star?” thus
asks the last man, and he blinks.
The earth has become small, and on it hops the last man, who makes
everything small. . . .
“We have invented happiness,” say the last men, and they blink. They
have left the regions where it was hard to live, for one needs warmth. One
still loves one’s neighbor and rubs against him, for one needs warmth. . . .
No shepherd and one herd! Everybody wants the same, everybody is the
same: whoever feels different goes voluntarily into a madhouse.
“Formerly, all the world was mad,” say the most refined, and they blink.
One is clever and knows everything that has ever happened: so, there is
no end of derision. One still quarrels, but one is soon reconciled—else it
might spoil the digestion. (Z, Prologue: 5)

In his last productive year of 1888, Nietzsche speaks of Christian

morality as having “waged war unto death . . . against the
presupposition of every elevation, of every growth of culture” (A,
43), and he claims that acting in accord with what “has been called
morality . . . would deprive existence of its great character” (EH,
IV:4). The distinctively Nietzschean worry is that our moral culture—
not our best moral theory—is ushering in the reign of the last man,
of complete mediocrity and banality. This approach to critique places
Nietzsche not in the company of Anglo-American morality critics, but
rather in that European tradition of modernist discontent with
bourgeois Christian culture that runs, we might say, from Baudelaire
to Freud, with echoes audible in the critical theories of Adorno and
Nietzsche’s explanation of how modern moral culture threatens
“the highest power and splendor . . . possible to the type man” (GM,
Pref: 6) depends on a speculative psychology about how a culture
suffused with morality will affect the flourishing of higher human
beings. Here I will give just one example. Consider Nietzsche’s
objection to the utilitarian emphasis on eliminating suffering and
promoting “happiness”: “Are we not, with this tremendous objective
of obliterating all the sharp edges of life, well on the way to turning
mankind into sand? Sand! Small, soft, round, unending sand! Is that
your ideal, you heralds of the sympathetic affections?” (D, 174). In a
later work, Nietzsche says—referring to hedonists and utilitarians—
that, “Well-being as you understand it—that is no goal, that seems
to us an end, a state that soon makes man ridiculous and
contemptible” (BGE, 225). By the hedonistic doctrine of well-being,
Nietzsche takes the utilitarians to have in mind “English happiness,”
namely, “comfort and fashion” (BGE, 228)—a construal which, if
unfair to some utilitarians, may do justice to our ordinary aspirations.
In a similar vein, Nietzsche has Zarathustra dismiss “wretched
contentment” as an ideal (Z Pref: 3) while also revealing that it was
precisely “the last men”—the “most despicable men”—who “invented
happiness” in the first place (Z, Pref: 5). His underlying idea is clear:
suffering is a spur to creativity, at least in higher human beings, and
a culture that treats suffering as an evil and happiness as the most
important end, will divert higher human beings from their potential
as they pursue pleasure and the cessation of suffering. An allegedly
too-demanding notion of “obligation” plays no role for Nietzsche.15
His attack, unlike Williams’s, is vulnerable to the empirical evidence
about how a culture suffused with morality really affects individual
geniuses, but the entire debate between Anglophone moral
philosophers, in which Williams is such an important figure, is
irrelevant to Nietzsche’s concerns. This same mismatch in concerns
plays a role in Nietzsche’s and Williams’s different approach to the
Greeks, to which I now turn.

1.2 Shame and Necessity

In Shame and Necessity, Williams explicitly defends one anti-
historicist thesis, namely, that the folk psychology of action and
motivation in the Homeric world—as well as certain allied notions
that are part of our “ethical outlook” (as he calls it), such as
responsibility and shame—are not really different in kind from ours.
His particular target is scholars like Bruno Snell who took the
Homeric Greeks to be morally inferior on most of these counts.
Nietzsche would certainly disagree with Snell, but it is less clear how
much he would agree with Williams: there are points on which
Williams seems convincing, probably even by Nietzschean lights, but
there are respects in which Williams systematically downplays the
radical differences between us and the Greeks that were so
important to Nietzsche. Williams, himself, is no doubt aware of the
tension. He describes Nietzsche as a thinker “with whom my inquiry
has relations that are very close and necessarily ambiguous” (1993,
9). But when Williams claims that “if we can come to understand the
ethical concepts of the Greeks, we shall recognize them in ourselves.
What we recognize is an identity in content” (1993, 10), he is
affirming something that Nietzsche often denies. As Nietzsche puts it
in an early essay on “Homer’s Contest”: “What a gulf of ethical
judgment lies between us and him” (HC) (i.e., Homer). But for
Nietzsche this observation has nothing to do with Snell’s moralizing
condescension: Nietzsche takes the normative content of ethical
thought in the Homeric world to be dramatically different from ours
and largely superior. Because this assessment is so unfamiliar, even
in Williams’s treatment, it requires some further attention at the
Nietzsche’s understanding of the Greeks was profoundly
influenced by that of his University of Basel colleague Jacob
Burckhardt, probably the most important historian of the Italian
Renaissance and classical Greece that nineteenth-century Europe
produced.16 Burckhardt’s vision of both historical epochs was
distinctive: the cultural excellence of the fifth century bc in Greece
and then the Italian Renaissance was due to the extraordinary
competitiveness of the different city-states, not just politically but
also in the intellectual and artistic realms. In our neoliberal era, it
bears emphasizing that the agonistic spirit of the Greeks and
Renaissance Italians was not about success in the capitalist
marketplace (which did not exist) but about excellence in the
domain of cultural achievement as adjudged by elites. Nietzsche, in
his first book, The Birth of Tragedy, from 1872, had already
emphasized the central place of Greek tragedy in the competitive
Dionysian cult festivals that were the central public event of the year
in the life of the Greek polis. This competitive atmosphere produced
Sophocles and Aeschylus, just as that of the Italian Renaissance
produced its own geniuses, da Vinci and Michelangelo being only the
two best-known. And both Burckhardt and Nietzsche took this
culturally fertile competitive environment to be inseparable from its
political competition: competition in pursuit of excellence and
dominance was essential to both epochs.
This productively competitive ethos reflects the radically different
values of the Homeric world and much of subsequent classical
Greece and Rome until the Socratic, Platonic, and Stoic reactions
with which we are all now familiar. Homeric ethics valorized honor,
power, wealth, the ability to exact revenge, martial prowess, bodily
pleasures, and facility with lying and deception, and these were all
values that Christianity inverted, as my colleague Michael Forster has
documented at great length17 and as Nietzsche himself famously
argued in the First Essay of On the Genealogy of Morality:
Christianity values honesty, humility, chastity, and “turning the other
cheek”; it condemns wealth, revenge, and sexual pleasure.
We comfortable bourgeois academics of the current era,
understandably, find such claims difficult to assess. The correlations
between intense and localized political and military conflict and
cultural achievement in both ancient Greece and the Italian
Renaissance are striking, and they certainly impressed Burckhardt
and his junior colleague Nietzsche. But how should we think about
this kind of evidence in the twenty-first century? At the present
historical moment, when until recently the monster-child Donald
Trump ruled the United States, it bears emphasizing that, just as
Nietzsche and Burckhardt hated Bismarck, they would have certainly
been gripped by paroxysms of contempt and bafflement by the
comical Trump. Consider that Trump undoubtedly valorized, in some
sense, most of the things Homer does, but he was unable to achieve
any of them. He is, for example, a transparent liar who fools no one
and whom no one believes other than the “rabble,” as Nietzsche
would say, and his lies serve no purpose other than satisfying his
vanity, “the selfishness of the sick” (Z, I:22) as Nietzsche’s
Zarathustra puts it. Contrast Odysseus, who lies his way out of the
grips of the Cyclops and lies his way into his former home in order to
surprise and slaughter the suitors of his wife Penelope and thus
exact his just revenge. Trump has no martial prowess and no honor,
and he could not even wield political power effectively due to his
narcissism and stupidity. Even in the domain of bodily pleasure,
Trump is basically a consumer of prostitution, both short- and long-
term. Trump aspires to the simulacra of the Homeric values that the
actual Homeric heroes realize. The relevant contrast, for
understanding Nietzsche, is with Napoleon, one of those in the
standard nineteenth-century pantheon of “geniuses,” as he was for
Nietzsche, along with Goethe and Beethoven. Napoleon himself
cultivated the myth of his own genius, but it is also true that
Napoleon really did have martial prowess, that he was honored and
renowned, that he wielded extraordinarily effective power (modern
Europe still bears the imprint of his vision of the state’s bureaucracy,
in part due to Napoleon’s own competence and focus on detail), and
that he was in so many respects a Homeric hero, complete with his
disregard for human life.
We have now explored Nietzsche’s reasons for disagreeing with
Snell’s moralizing condescension toward the agonistic ethos of the
Greeks. Bernard Williams’s disagreements with Snell are more
modest, and they are our real topic. Williams finds the “ethical
outlook” of the Greeks more appealing because they lack “the
accretions of misleading philosophy” (1993, 21), such as Kantian
ideas of freedom, responsibility, and obligation (1993, 41; cf. 1993,
159, objecting to “a rationalistic metaphysics of morality”), “a
dualistic distinction between soul and body” (1993, 23), and the idea
of “the will” (1993, 29). In each case, it is clear that Williams thinks
much of our current “ethical outlook” can be reconstructed quite
adequately without the “accretions of misleading philosophy,” an
ambition obviously foreign to Nietzsche even if he shares Williams’s
allergy to Kant. As Williams puts it, the differences between us and
the Greeks “cannot best be understood in terms of a shift in basic
ethical conceptions of agency, responsibility, shame, or freedom.
Rather, by better grasping these conceptions themselves and the
extent to which we share them with antiquity, we may be helped to
recognize some illusions about the modern world” (1993, 7). This
obviously stands Nietzsche’s project on its head, even if on its own
terms, Williams is sometimes right: the Greeks, for example, may
have enough of the conceptual framework for talk of voluntary
action (i.e., actions brought about by people who took themselves to
intend that action), but this completely ignores the radically different
content of matters of normative concern for the Greeks.
Even with respect to the philosophical psychology, however, it
seems clear Nietzsche would dissent from Williams’s picture.
Williams acknowledges that the Greeks lack the idea of “the will”
(1993, 29) and that they have no word for “intention” (1993, 33),
yet he claims that none of this separates the Greeks fundamentally
from us. Homer, says Williams, recognizes “the capacities to
deliberate, to conclude, to act, to exert oneself, to make oneself do
things, to endure” (1993, 40); the addition of a “will” is an “invention
of bad philosophy” he says (1993, 36). So, too, with intentional
action according to Williams: “People’s deliberations, their thoughts
about what to do, issued in their actions. . . . [T]hese truths are
obvious” (1993, 66). And although Williams goes on to claim that
“there is a problem of free will only for those who think that the
notion of the voluntary can be metaphysically deepened” (1993, 68),
he ends up endorsing a familiar philosophical response to the
problem of free will, namely, compatibilism:18 “human beings are not
‘free’ in the further sense demanded by some metaphysics, of being
free from the laws of nature: this freedom they do not need. . . .
Human beings are metaphysically free in the negative sense that
there is nothing in the structure of the universe that denies their
power to intend, to decide, to act, indeed to take and receive
responsibility in the fundamental and intelligible sense that we
found, in an earlier chapter, already in Homer” (1993, 142).
Nietzsche, however, repudiates this entire philosophical
psychology, although it is beyond my competence to determine
whether he would deny Williams’s claim that this philosophical
psychology is really to be found in the early Greeks.19 This is a large
topic that I have treated at length in my recent Moral Psychology
with Nietzsche (Leiter 2019a), so I will just say a few words here.
According to Nietzsche, “Consciousness is a surface [Oberfläche]”
(EH, II: 9), and it is a surface that conceals what is actually causally
efficacious in our actions, namely, our unconscious mental states,
especially our drives (i.e., our dispositions to have certain affective
responses, such as sexual arousal). When we talk of the “will” or of
the “motive” that precedes an action we are referring to “error[s]”
and “phantoms, . . . merely a surface phenomenon of consciousness
—something alongside the deed that is more likely to cover up the
antecedents of the deed than to represent them” (TI, VI: 3). Only
our “ridiculous overestimation and misunderstanding of
consciousness” (GS, 11) leads us to fail to recognize that “the
greatest part of our spirit’s activity . . . remains unconscious and
unfelt” (GS, 333), that “everything of which we become conscious . .
. causes nothing” (WP, 478). I elide many details here regarding
different kinds of conscious mental states, but the crucial claim for
Nietzsche is that conscious deliberation is an epiphenomenon and
that talk of our “reasons” for acting is a post hoc just-so story. Thus,
Nietzsche rejects compatibilist as well as incompatibilist views of free
will and responsibility: our will does not stand outside the causal
order, but what we take to be our reasons for acting are also
causally unconnected to what we do. What Williams deems
“obvious” truths about action—for example, that deliberation issues
in action—Nietzsche deems falsehoods.20
Unsurprisingly, given the preceding, Nietzsche rejects the idea
that we are ever responsible for what we do. In an early work,
Daybreak, he writes,
Do I have to add that the wise Oedipus was right that we really are not
responsible for our dreams—but just as little for our waking life, and that
the doctrine of freedom of will has human pride and feeling of power for its
father and mother? (D, 128)

We may have other motives for thinking ourselves free, but we are
as little responsible for what we do in real life as what we do in our
dreams. The same themes are sounded in one of his very last works,
The Antichrist.
Formerly man was given a “free will” as his dowry from a higher order:
today we have taken his will away altogether, in the sense that we no
longer admit the will as a faculty. The old word “will” now serves only to
denote a resultant, a kind of individual reaction, which follows necessarily
upon a number of partly contradictory, partly harmonious stimuli: the will
no longer “acts” [wirkt] or “moves” [bewegt]. (A, 14)

Since the faculty of the will “no longer ‘acts’ or ‘moves’ ” (A, 14)—
that is, it is no longer causal—then there remains no conceptual
space for the compatibilist idea that the right kind of causal
determination of the will is compatible with responsibility for our
actions. If, as Zarathustra puts it, “thought is one thing, the deed is
another, and the image of the deed still another: the wheel of
causality does not roll between them” (Z, I: 6), then there is no
room for moral responsibility: I may well identify with my “thoughts”
or my will, but if they do not cause my actions, how could that make
me responsible for them? Unlike Williams, compatibilism about free
will is not an option for Nietzsche.
Williams acknowledges, throughout Shame and Necessity, that
there are “differences we must approve, between ourselves and the
Greeks” (1993, 7) because there has been “progress” (1993, 6–7),
meaning moral progress. He points particularly to our ideas about
women and slaves but says this is not a matter of “some new
structural conception called ‘morality’ ” (1993, 8). Here the word
“structural” is doing a lot of work: for it was plainly a radically new
conception of morality that viewed all human beings as moral equals
in virtue of being human, a view with which Nietzsche, the only
serious inegalitarian of modernity, had no sympathy.21 Williams’s
efforts to dismiss this difference as not being “structural” is indicative
of how deep the anti-historicist impulse runs in Shame and
Necessity, but perhaps also how little Williams veers from Judith
Jarvis Thomson’s conception of philosophy as vindicating “what
makes certain pre-philosophical, or non-philosophical beliefs true . . .
[namely] those that we rely on in ordinary life” (2013, 54).22
My conclusion, then, is that Bernard Williams’s debt to Nietzsche
is superficial although not illusory.23 Yet it marks such a dramatic
departure from the creditor’s main ideas and claims as to make the
suggested affinity more misleading than illuminating. This need not
strike one as an objection to Williams, of course. As a political
theorist, reviewing Williams’s Shame and Necessity at the time of its
publication, put the point nicely,

[O]ne pervasive feature of the book is the way the carefully modulated
sentences of Williams the analytic philosopher seem to resist the heroic and
romantic project he takes over from Nietzsche. . . . [T]he Nietzschean
Williams resists the smugness and trivializing fastidiousness of most
philosophical analysis, while the Analytic Williams keeps any inclinations to
wretched excess of the Nietzschean . . . sort well under control.24

Comfortable professors, in comfortable liberal democracies, have

good prudential reasons to be wary of “wretched excess”—unless of
course it has no consequences for our actual lives, as with Derrida or
Another random document with
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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Lettres de
voyage (1892-1913)
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Title: Lettres de voyage (1892-1913)

Author: Rudyard Kipling

Release date: November 27, 2023 [eBook #72244]

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Original publication: Paris: Payot, 1922

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VOYAGE (1892-1913) ***




Tous droits réservés


LA GUERRE SUR MER, in-16 6 francs.

LES YEUX DE L’ASIE, Petit in-16 3 »
Les lettres intitulées : “D’un lit de marée a l’autre” furent publiées
d’abord dans le “Times”; celles intitulées : “Lettres à la famille”
dans le “Morning Post”; et celles intitulées : “L’Égypte des
Magiciens” dans “Nash’s Magazine”.

Seule traduction française autorisée

Tous droits réservés pour tous pays


Succédant au temps grisâtre et morne de l’Atlantique, un

véritable flot de soleil hivernal accueillit notre vaisseau, dès qu’il
toucha l’Amérique. Nos yeux désaccoutumés en clignaient,
cependant que le New-Yorkais, qui est, comme nul ne l’ignore, la
modestie même, nous assurait : « En fait de belles journées nous
avons mieux : attendez seulement… » (telle ou telle époque) « allez
donc voir » (tel ou tel quartier de la ville). Pour nous, notre bonheur
était au comble et au delà de pouvoir comme à la dérive monter et
redescendre les rues resplendissantes, non sans nous demander,
pourquoi il fallait que la plus belle lumière du monde fût gaspillée sur
les trottoirs les plus détestables qui soient ; faire indéfiniment le tour
du square de Madison, parce que celui-là était rempli de bébés
admirablement habillés jouant à la « Caille », ou contempler
révérencieusement les sergents de ville de New-York, Irlandais aux
larges épaules, au nez camus. Où que nous allions, nous
retrouvions le soleil, prodigue, illimité, travaillant neuf heures par
jour, le soleil avec les perspectives aux lignes nettes et les couleurs
de sa création. La seule pensée que quelqu’un eût osé qualifier ce
climat de lourd et humide, voire de « presque tropical », causait un
choc. Pourtant il vint ce quelqu’un et il nous dit : « Allez au Nord, si
vous voulez du beau temps, alors du beau temps. Allez dans la
Nouvelle Angleterre. »
Ainsi, par un après-midi ensoleillé, New-York disparut avec son
bruit et son tumulte, ses odeurs complexes, ses appartements
surchauffés et ses habitants beaucoup trop énergiques, tandis que
le train se dirigeait vers le Nord, vers les pays de la neige. Ce fut
soudain, d’un seul coup — presque, aurait-on dit, dans un seul tour
de roues — que celle-ci apparut, recouvrant l’herbe tuée par l’hiver
et changeant en mares d’encre les étangs gelés qui paraissaient si
blancs à l’ombre d’arbres grêles.
A la tombée de la nuit, une petite ville construite en bois, toute
blanche, drapée et silencieuse, vint se glisser le long des portières et
la forte lumière du wagon éclaira un traîneau, dont le conducteur
était enfoui jusqu’au nez dans des foulards et des fourrures, filant au
tournant d’une rue. Or, on a beau l’avoir contemplé dans les livres
d’images, le traîneau tel qu’on se le représente est loin d’être ce qu’il
est en réalité, un simple moyen de locomotion à la fin d’un voyage.
Mais il vaut mieux ne pas se montrer trop curieux, car l’Américain qui
vient de vous raconter en détail comment un jour il lui était arrivé de
suivre de Chelsea à la Tour de Londres, un soldat écossais portant
le kilt, par pure curiosité pour ses genoux découverts et son sporran,
rirait de l’intérêt que vous manifestez pour ce vulgaire traîneau.
Le personnel du train — sans aucun doute c’en serait fait de la
grande nation américaine si elle était privée de la noble société des
garde-freins, conducteurs, contrôleurs des wagons Pullman, facteurs
nègres et crieurs de journaux, — racontait, étalé à l’aise dans les
compartiments de fumeurs, de délectables histoires de voies
bloquées par la neige sur la ligne de Montréal, d’attaques
désespérées — quatre locomotives précédées d’un chasse-neige —
qu’il fallait livrer à des amas atteignant trente pieds de hauteur ; du
plaisir qu’on a à marcher sur le haut des wagons de marchandises
pour bloquer un train tandis que le thermomètre marque trente au-
dessous de zéro.
« Cela revient meilleur marché de tuer des gens de cette façon
que de mettre des freins à air comprimé sur les convois de
marchandises », dit le garde-frein.
Trente degrés au-dessous de zéro ! température inconcevable,
oui, jusqu’à ce qu’on y entrât en plein en sortant du train à minuit, et
que le premier contact avec cet air clair et immobile vous eût coupé
la respiration comme le fait un plongeon dans la mer. Un morse,
assis sur un monticule de laine, nous accueillit dans son traîneau. Il
nous enveloppa de manteaux de peaux de chèvre aux longs poils,
nous mit des passe-montagnes se rabattant sur les oreilles, des
peaux de buffles, des couvertures, puis encore des peaux de buffle,
tant et si bien que nous aussi ressemblions à des morses et
évoluions avec presque autant de grâce. L’air était tranchant comme
la lame d’une épée fraîchement aiguisée ; l’haleine gelait sur les
revers des habits, on ne sentait plus son nez, et les yeux pleuraient
amèrement de ce que les chevaux avaient hâte de rentrer à l’écurie,
et pour la bonne raison que filer rapidement dans une atmosphère à
zéro degré fait venir les larmes aux yeux. Sans le carillon des grelots
du traîneau on aurait pu se croire dans un rêve : nul bruit de sabots
sur la neige ; seuls les patins poussaient parfois un léger soupir en
franchissant quelque ondulation de terrain, et les collines alentour,
drapées de blanc, gardaient un silence de mort. Le Connecticut
cependant avait gardé sa vie, traînée liquide et noire à travers la
glace compacte. On pouvait entendre l’eau grognant, tel un roquet,
aux talons de petits icebergs. Partout ailleurs il n’y avait sous la lune
que de la neige qui s’était amoncelée jusqu’à hauteur des barrières
de pierre ou qui, à leur sommet, retombait en festons d’argent ; de la
neige entassée des deux côtés de la route, alourdissant les pins et
les sapins des bois, et où, par contraste, l’air semblait tiède comme
dans une serre chaude. Le spectacle qui s’offrait à nous était d’une
indescriptible beauté car la nature, avec un dédain tout japonais
pour la perspective, avait tracé là, en noir et blanc sa plus
audacieuse esquisse que venaient modifier de temps en temps les
crayons hardis et toujours mobiles de la lune.
Au matin l’autre partie du tableau nous fut révélée sous les
couleurs du soleil. Pas un seul nuage au ciel qui, sur la ligne
neigeuse de l’horizon, reposait tel un saphir sur du velours blanc.
Des collines d’un blanc éclatant, d’autres tachetées et bordées de
bois comme d’une fourrure, se dressaient au-dessus des surfaces
compactes et blanches de la plaine tandis que le soleil éclaboussait
d’une orgie de lumière leurs multiples broderies, jusqu’à en éblouir
les yeux. Çà et là sur les versants exposés, la chaleur du jour — le
thermomètre marquait presque 40 — et le froid de la nuit avaient
formé sur la neige une croûte chauve et brûlante, mais, en général,
tout était recouvert d’une poudre fine, prête à capter la lumière
comme dans un prisme et à la refléter en des milliers de cristaux. Au
milieu de cette magnificence, tout comme si de rien n’était, un
traîneau de bois, tiré par deux bœufs roux aux longs poils, chargé de
troncs d’arbres dénués d’écorce et saupoudrés d’une poussière de
diamant, descendit le chemin dans un nuage de glaciale buée.
Confondre le traîneau qu’on emploie comme moyen de
locomotion et celui consacré aux charrois de marchandises est,
dans cette région, un signe d’inexpérience et c’est, je crois, la
preuve que l’on n’est un propre à rien que d’imaginer qu’on conduit
les bœufs comme cela se fait ailleurs, en leur tortillant la queue de
façon scientifique. Muni de mitaines rouges, de guêtres de feutre
montant jusqu’aux genoux, et, il se peut aussi, d’un manteau gris
argent de peau de rat, le conducteur accompagne son attelage en
criant : Huehan, tout comme on le raconte dans les récits
américains. Les paroles du charretier expliquent bien des choses en
ce qui touche les histoires écrites en dialecte, car même les
meilleures sont pour la plupart des lecteurs un véritable châtiment.
Maintenant qu’il m’est arrivé d’entendre l’accent long et traînant de
Vermont, je m’étonne non point de ce que les contes de la Nouvelle
Angleterre soient imprimés en ce que, pour les besoins de la cause,
nous appellerons de l’anglais et de la typographie anglaise, mais
bien plutôt de ce qu’ils n’aient pas paru en suédois ou en russe, car
notre alphabet est vraiment trop limité. Cette région appartient, selon
des lois, — inconnues aux États-Unis, — mais admises dans le
monde entier, en propre au roman de la Nouvelle Angleterre et aux
femmes auteurs qui l’écrivent. Voilà ce que l’on sent dans l’air
même, dès qu’on aperçoit ces chalets de bois peints en blanc,
abandonnés dans la neige, cette maison d’école à l’aspect sévère,
et ces habitants — hommes des fermes, femmes qui travaillent
autant qu’eux, avec peut-être moins de joies dans leur vie — ces
autres demeures, bien peintes, aux toits bizarres, appartenant à
Monsieur un Tel, juge, avocat ou banquier, tous potentats dans cette
métropole de six mille habitants située à proximité de la gare de
chemin de fer. Et l’on se rend mieux compte encore de ce qu’est
cette atmosphère, lorsqu’on lit dans les journaux locaux des
annonces de « soupers fins » ou de « réunions pieuses » organisés
par telle ou telle secte, sandwichées au milieu de paragraphes qui
témoignent d’un intérêt sympathique et fraternel, et qui prouvent bien
que les gens du district vivent, — sans cependant s’égorger entre
eux, — sur un pied d’effarante intimité.
Les descendants de la vieille souche, ceux qui habitent les plus
anciennes demeures, nés et élevés alentour, ne voudraient à aucun
prix vivre en dehors de la ville, mais il y a des gens du Sud, vrais
fous, ceux-là, (hommes et femmes de Boston et autres cités
semblables) qui vont jusqu’à construire des maisons en rase
campagne, à trois et même à quatre kilomètres de la Grand’Rue qui
a 400 mètres de long et qui est le centre de la vie et de la
population. Avec les étrangers, surtout s’ils ne font pas leurs
provisions d’épicerie « dans la Rue », autrement dit en ville, la ville a
peu de rapports ; n’empêche qu’elle sait tout, et même davantage,
de ce qui se passe parmi eux. Leurs vêtements, leur bétail, leurs
idées, les manières de leurs enfants, leur façon de traiter leurs
domestiques et tout autre chose imaginable, est rapportée,
examinée, discutée, et rediscutée encore du haut en bas de Main
Street. Or la sagesse que possède Vermont n’étant pas toujours
suffisante pour parvenir avec la délicatesse voulue à la pleine
compréhension de tous les problèmes de la vie d’autrui, commet
parfois des erreurs pathétiques et, de ce fait, la ville en vient aux
prises. On voit donc que par le monde entier les villes de province
d’une certaine dimension ne diffèrent pas essentiellement les unes
des autres. La conversation des fermiers roule sur leurs fermes :
questions d’achats, d’hypothèques et de vente, de droits
d’enregistrement, de lignes de délimitations et d’impôts vicinaux.
C’est au beau milieu de la Nouvelle Zélande, à la lisière des plaines
où courent les chevaux sauvages que j’entendis ce genre de
conversation pour la dernière fois, lorsqu’un homme et une femme, à
trente kilomètres de leur plus proche voisin passèrent la moitié de la
nuit à discuter exactement les mêmes questions que celles qui
formaient le fond de la conversation des gens de la Grand’Rue, à
Vermont, États-Unis.
Il existe au moins un homme dans l’État que cette localité
exaspère. C’est un garçon de ferme, élevé dans un hameau à vingt
ou trente kilomètres de la voie ferrée la plus proche et qui, audace
sans pareille, s’est un jour aventuré jusqu’ici. Mais l’agitation et le
tumulte de la Grand’Rue, la clarté inaccoutumée des lampes
électriques, son pâté de maisons de commerce construites en brique
rouge, à cinq étages, l’effraient et l’inquiètent. Aussi a-t-il pris du
service dans une ferme bien loin de ces plaisirs délirants et
s’empresse-t-il de dire : « On m’a offert vingt-cinq dollars par mois
pour travailler dans une boulangerie de New-York, mais pas de
danger qu’on me voie dans quelque New-York que ce soit ; j’ai vu
Main Street et j’en suis tout retourné. » Ses capacités consistent à
rentrer le foin et à soigner le bétail. La vie de la ferme en hiver n’est
d’ailleurs pas l’oisiveté relative dont on parle tant. Chaque heure, au
contraire, semble avoir ses soixante minutes de travail, car le bétail
est tenu dans les étables et mange sans fin ; il faut mener boire les
poulains, dans les étangs gelés dont on doit au besoin briser la
glace et emmagasiner de la glace pour l’été. C’est alors seulement
que commence le vrai travail, entendez par là rentrer le bois de
chauffage, car la Nouvelle Angleterre n’a que ses forêts pour se
ravitailler en combustible. A l’automne on marque les arbres, juste
avant la chute des feuilles, en faisant une entaille dans l’écorce ;
plus tard on les abat, on les coupe en bûches de quatre pieds de
long, et dès que la neige amie le permet, on les amène en traîneau
jusqu’au bûcher. Ensuite on peut s’occuper des besoins de la ferme,
et celle-ci, tout comme une arche de pont, n’est jamais en repos.
Puis vient la saison du sirop d’érable. Lorsque la sève commence à
travailler on fait des incisions dans les majestueux érables pour la
recueillir dans de petits seaux de dimensions absurdes (une vache
dont on trairait le lait dans un dé donnerait une idée de la
disproportion) et la vider ensuite dans des chaudrons.
Enfin (c’est le moment où l’on se réunit pour la récolte du sucre)
on verse le sirop bouillant dans des récipients en fer remplis de
neige fraîche où il durcit, tandis qu’en faisant semblant d’aider l’on
se rend poisseux, et tout le monde, garçons et filles flirtent à plaisir.
Même l’introduction d’appareils brevetés à évaporer le sucre n’a pas
porté atteinte aux amourettes.
Les hommes avec qui flirter sont assez rares, bien que la disette
soit moins grande dans les villes possédant leurs propres
manufactures — où l’amoureux peut se rendre le dimanche de New-
York, — que dans les fermes et les villages… Les hommes sont
partis : les jeunes, pour livrer bataille à la fortune plus loin, à l’ouest,
tandis que les femmes demeurent, demeurent éternellement,
comme il en va toujours pour elles. Dans les fermes, lorsque les
enfants partent, le vieux père, la vieille mère s’efforcent de faire
marcher la maison sans aide, et le lot qui échoue à la femme est fait
de labeur et de monotonie. Parfois elle devient folle, même assez
fréquemment pour affecter les statistiques de recensement, mais le
plus souvent, espérons-le, elle meurt. Dans les villages où les
travaux pénibles ne sont pas d’une nécessité aussi urgente, les
femmes trouvent à se consoler en formant des clubs et des cercles
littéraires ; elles acquièrent ainsi, à leur façon, beaucoup de sagesse
et de philosophie. Leur méthode certes n’est pas toujours
recommandable, car le comble de leurs souhaits, c’est de posséder
des faits, savoir qu’elles en seront à telle ou telle page d’un volume,
allemand ou italien, avant telle date, et qu’elles auront lu les livres
qu’il fallait, de la bonne manière. En tous cas, elles ont quelque
chose à faire, ce qui leur donne l’illusion qu’elles sont occupées. On
a dit que les récits de la Nouvelle Angleterre étaient restreints,
étriqués ; mais ces aperçus, même lointains, de la terrible vie d’où ils
sont tirés, servent de justification à l’auteur, car, en raison de sa
dureté même, on peut sculpter une coquille de noix de mille façons
A vingt-cinq ou trente milles au delà des collines, sur la route des
Montagnes Vertes, se trouvent des fermes délaissées, bâties dans
un pays aride, gardées avec acharnement tant qu’il y eut quelqu’un
pour s’en occuper, puis finalement abandonnées au flanc des
collines, comme autant de chapitres terminés de lamentables
histoires. Au delà de cette désolation il y a des forêts où l’ours et le
daim trouvent encore la paix et où parfois même le castor oublie
qu’on le persécute et ose construire son gîte.
C’est un homme qui aimait les bois pour eux-mêmes et non par
amour du carnage qui m’a raconté tout cela ; un homme de l’Ouest,
aux gestes lents, à la voix calme, qui avait traversé en skis les
plaines neigeuses et qui ne rit même pas lorsque je lui empruntai
ses chaussures pour essayer de marcher. Mais les gigantesques
appareils, semblables à des raquettes de tennis, sur lesquelles sont
tendues des peaux de bête, ne sont pas faciles à manier, et si vous
oubliez de maintenir les talons bien au sol, l’arrière traînant sur la
neige, c’est la pirouette avec la sensation de tomber dans l’eau
profonde, les chevilles attachées à une ceinture de sauvetage. Si
vous perdez l’équilibre, n’essayez pas de le reprendre, mais laissez-
vous choir, moitié assis, moitié à genoux, en couvrant le plus
d’étendue possible. Puis, lorsque vous aurez attrapé le pas du loup,
c’est-à-dire lorsque vous saurez glisser adroitement un pied par-
dessus l’autre, vous oublierez bien vite vos chevilles endolories pour
jouir du plaisir qu’on trouve à traverser des épaisseurs de neige
profondes de six pieds et à prendre des raccourcis par-dessus les
barrières ensevelies.
L’homme de l’Ouest me traduisit les marques faites sur la neige ;
il me montra comment un renard (cette partie du pays est remplie de
renards qu’on tire au fusil parce que la chasse à cheval est
impossible) laisse derrière lui un certain genre de piste, car il marche
avec circonspection, comme un voleur, différente de celle du chien
qui, n’ayant rien à se reprocher, plonge et enfonce de ses quatre
pattes écartées ; comment les racoons et les écureuils s’endorment
tout l’hiver et comment les daims, à la frontière canadienne, font, en
piétinant, de longs sentiers profonds appelés cours, où ils sont
surpris par des hommes importuns, munis d’appareils
photographiques, qui les tiennent par la queue lorsqu’ils sont
enlisés, et par ce moyen parviennent à reproduire sur l’écran leur
dignité apeurée. Il m’a parlé aussi des gens, des mœurs et des
coutumes de ces habitants de la Nouvelle Angleterre ; comment ils
fleurissent et prospèrent dans le Far-West, le long des lignes de
chemin de fer les plus récentes, où la rivalité de deux compagnies
se disputant les mêmes défilés provoque presque la guerre civile ;
comment il existe un pays pas très loin d’ici, appelé la Calédonie,
peuplé d’Écossais, gens très forts en affaires, capables à ce point de
vue d’en remontrer aux habitants de la Nouvelle Angleterre eux-
mêmes, et qui, Américains-Écossais de naissance, nomment encore
leurs villes d’après les cités de leur race économe et prospère…
Tout cela était plein de charme pour moi, aussi nouveau que le bruit
régulier des snow-boots mordant la neige, et le silence éblouissant
des collines.
Au delà de la chaîne des montagnes la plus éloignée, où les pins
se détachant sur l’unique pic solitaire s’estompent et ne forment plus
qu’une légère brume bleue, une véritable montagne, et non pas une
colline, pointait vers le ciel, pareille à quelque gigantesque ongle de
— Ça, c’est Monadnock, me dit l’homme de l’Ouest, toutes les
collines portent un nom indien. Vous avez laissé Wantastiquet à
droite en quittant la ville.
Vous avez dû remarquer que bien souvent un mot revient à la
mémoire au bout de plusieurs années, réveillant toutes sortes
d’associations saugrenues. J’avais rencontré ce nom de Monadnock
sur le papier dans une parodie éhontée du style d’Emerson, avant
même que le style ou les vers n’eussent présenté quelque intérêt
pour moi. Mais le mot m’avait frappé à cause de certains rythmes,
entre autres ceux-ci :

… sommet couronné, contemporain

de la crête de Monadnock ;
et mes ailes étendues
touchent l’Est et l’Ouest…

Plus tard, le même mot, recherché pour le même motif que le

nom béni de la Mésopotamie, me conduisit à Emerson, à son poème
sur le pic lui-même, vieux géant sage « absorbé dans ses affaires
avec le ciel », qui nous rend sensés et sobres, et nous libère de
toute petitesse lorsque nous mettons notre confiance en lui. Aussi
Monadnock en était-il venu à vouloir dire tout ce qui aide, guérit ; tout
ce qui calme, et lorsque, ayant gagné le centre du New-Hampshire,
je le vis apparaître, il ne manqua point à ses promesses. Dans cette
tranquillité absolue, une branche de sapin pliant sous son trop lourd
fardeau de neige s’affaissa d’un pied ou deux, avec un petit soupir
de fatigue ; puis la neige glissa et le rameau oscillant se redressa et
vivement rejoignit ses camarades.
En l’honneur de Monadnock nous fîmes cet après-midi-là une
statue de neige représentant Gautama Bouddha, portrait un peu trop
ramassé et non d’une symétrie parfaite, mais à la taille impériale et
reposante. Lui, faisait face à la montagne et tout à coup, des
hommes passant en traîneau sur la route, s’arrêtèrent pour le
regarder. Or, les réflexions pleines d’étonnement de deux fermiers
de Vermont sur la nature et les propriétés d’un dieu ventru valent la
peine qu’on les écoute. Ce n’était nullement sa race qui les intriguait,
car il était d’un blanc agressif, mais les tailles arrondies ont l’air de
n’être plus à la mode dans l’État de Vermont, du moins l’affirmèrent-
ils avec force jurons curieux et rares.
Le lendemain, toutes les vaines futilités disparurent dans une
tempête de neige qui remplit les creux des collines d’une
tourbillonnante brume bleue, inclina les branches des arbres si bas
qu’il fallait baisser la tête en passant et ne pas craindre d’être
saupoudré et effaça la trace des traîneaux.
Notre Mère Nature est merveilleusement ordonnée si on la laisse
faire. Ce jour-là, elle arrondit tous les angles, nivela toutes les
pentes, et borda si bien le lit blanc, qu’il s’étendait sans le moindre
pli jusqu’à l’échine des sapins et des pins qui ne voulaient pas
— En ce moment, me dit l’homme de l’Ouest, tandis que nous
nous dirigions vers la gare et, hélas ! vers New-York, toutes mes
traces ont disparu ; mais à la fonte des neiges, d’ici une semaine ou
un mois, elles reparaîtront et montreront où j’ai passé !
Idée bizarre, n’est-ce pas ? Imaginez un meurtre commis dans
les bois déserts, une rafale de neige qui recouvre les traces du
meurtrier s’enfuyant avant que le vengeur du sang versé n’ait
enseveli le cadavre, et puis, une semaine plus tard, le retrait de la
neige traîtresse, révélant pas à pas le chemin que Caïn avait pris,
découvrant une à une les empreintes fatales de ses snow-boots
comme autant de disques noirs sur le blanc du chemin, jusqu’au
Il y aurait tant et tant à écrire, si cela en valait la peine, sur cette
drôle de petite ville près de la gare du chemin de fer, dont la vie
semble glisser, en toute apparence, aussi doucement que les
coupés montés sur les traîneaux, mais qui à l’intérieur est troublée
par les haines, les soucis et les jalousies tourmentant toutes les
âmes, sauf celles des dieux. Par exemple, — mais non, il vaut mieux
se rappeler la leçon que donne Monadnock, et Emerson qui dit
d’autre part : « Zeus hait les gens officieux et ceux qui font trop. »
Qu’il existe de pareilles gens, une voix traînante et nasillarde qui
traverse la Grand’Rue, l’atteste. Un fermier est en train de détacher
ses chevaux d’un poteau faisant face à un magasin, il reste le licol à
la main et exprime son opinion, à un voisin, et au monde en
général :
— Pour quant à ces Andersons ! c’te clique-là, je t’ dis moi, que
ça n’a aucune idée de saveoir vivre !

On ne se soustrait pas facilement à une grande ville. Nous

avions encore tout un continent à traverser et pour cette raison nous
nous attardions dans New-York, tant et si bien que nous avions des
remords à l’idée de quitter cette ville qui nous rappelait le foyer.
Pourtant, plus on l’étudiait, plus elle nous révélait ses grotesques
tares : ses rues mal pavées, ses rues elles-mêmes, sa mauvaise
police municipale et des conditions sanitaires qui, sans la mer
charitable, seraient pires encore. Personne, jusqu’ici, n’a abordé le
problème de l’administration de New-York dans l’esprit voulu ; c’est-
à-dire, en le considérant comme le résultat d’une incapacité, d’un
manque de civilisation barbare, crasseux, et d’un gaspillage effréné.
Personne non plus ne le fera, très probablement, car toute réflexion
qu’on oserait émettre sur cette auge longue et étroite serait
interprétée comme une attaque malveillante dirigée contre l’esprit et
la majesté de la Grande Nation Américaine et se terminerait en
comparaisons irritantes. Pourtant, même à supposer que d’une
façon permanente toutes les rues de Londres fussent sens dessus
dessous et tous les réverbères renversés, cela n’empêcherait pas
les rues de New-York, prises en bloc, de ressembler étonnamment à
une plage de Zanzibar ou aux abords d’un village zoulou. Des
rigoles, des trous, des ornières ; des pavés pointus et tout de
travers ; des trottoirs mal entretenus, aux bordures dépassant le
niveau de deux à trois pouces ; des rails de tramways faisant saillie
sur la chaussée ; des matériaux de construction éparpillés jusqu’au
milieu de la rue ; de la chaux, des planches, des pierres taillées et
des boîtes à ordures semées généreusement partout ; les voitures
s’aventurant au hasard ; de lourds camions rencontrant des coupés
aux croisements des rues ; des poteaux chancelants, grossièrement
taillés et non peints ; des becs de gaz titubants et tordus ; et,

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