Climate Change

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Climate change: addressing global crisis for sustainable future

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the urgency and significance of addressing climate change
B. Overview of the key components of addressing the global crisis for a sustainable future
2. Understanding Climate Change and Sustainable Future
✓ The UNFCCC defines climate change : "a change of climate which is attributed directly or
indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in
addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods."
✓ sustainable future, as implied by the UN's framework:” refers to a future where societies have
achieved sustainable development goals, ensuring that the needs of the present generation are met
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This entails
achieving economic prosperity, social equity, and environmental sustainability in a balanced and
integrated manner. It involves transitioning towards.”

4. How climate change is impacting sustainable future:

• Economic Disruptions: Climate change can cause significant economic disruptions, including
damage to infrastructure, loss of agricultural productivity, and increased healthcare costs due to
climate-related health impacts. These economic shocks can undermine efforts to achieve
sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction
✓ Case in Point : To the Swiss Re Institute, climate change wipe off up to 18% of GDP off
the worldwide economy by 2050 if global temperatures rise by same pace.

• Social Inequities: Climate change disproportionately affects vulnerable and marginalized

communities, exacerbating social inequities and widening existing disparities. This can undermine
social cohesion and hinder efforts to achieve social justice and inclusivity, which are essential
components of sustainable development.
✓ Case in Point: To The UN Women Deputy Executive Director, By 2050, climate change
will push up to 158 million more women and girls into poverty and lead to 236 million more
women into hunger.

• Agricultural Degradation : Climate change increases the frequency and intensity of extreme
weather events such as droughts, floods, and storms. These events can cause crop damage, soil
erosion, and loss of infrastructure, leading to significant economic losses for farmers and
disruptions to food supply chains.
✓ Case in Point: Floods in Pakistan 2022
To Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Pakistan’s agriculture sector was the second
most impacted sector. The total damages and losses in the agriculture sector amounted to
approximately USD 12.9 billion, including damages to 1.7 million hectares of agricultural
• Educational Backwardness: infrastructural loss and migration of families
✓ Case in Point: To The Academia Report, 2022, the country faced a climate catastrophe
in the form of floods, damaging more than 20,000 schools and halting more than 3 million
students from going to School in most parts of Sindh, Baluchistan and South Punjab.

5. Addressing the global crisis for Sustainable Future:

Mitigation Measures:
❖ Transition to Renewable Energy
o Expansion of solar, wind, hydro, and other renewable energy sources
o Phasing out of fossil fuels and subsidies for renewable energy(Agenda cop28)
❖ Energy Efficiency
o Implementation of energy-efficient technologies in buildings, transportation, and
o Promotion of energy conservation practices and behavior changes
❖ Sustainable Transportation
o Investment in public transportation and infrastructure for walking and cycling
o Promotion of electric vehicles and alternative fuels
❖ Reforestation and Afforestation: Billion Tree Project of PAKISTAN
o Restoration and protection of forests to enhance carbon sequestration
o Promotion of tree planting initiatives and sustainable land management practices
❖ Carbon Pricing and Regulation
o Implementation of carbon pricing mechanisms such as carbon taxes or cap-and-
trade systems
o Enactment of regulations to limit greenhouse gas emissions from industries and

Adaptation Measures:
❖ Climate-resilient Infrastructure
o Upgrading infrastructure to withstand extreme weather events and sea-level rise
o Incorporating climate projections into infrastructure planning and design
❖ Disaster Preparedness and Early Warning Systems
o Establishment of effective disaster preparedness and response mechanisms
o Development of early warning systems for extreme weather events and natural
❖ Agricultural Adaptation
o Adoption of climate-resilient crop varieties and agricultural practices
o Investment in irrigation and water management systems to cope with changing
precipitation patterns
❖ Ecosystem Restoration and Conservation
o Protection and restoration of ecosystems such as wetlands, mangroves, and coral

o Creation of protected areas and wildlife corridors to enhance biodiversity and
ecosystem resilience

❖ International Cooperation and Funding :Cop 27 and Cop 28

❖ Collaboration Among Nations
o Strengthening international agreements such as the Paris Agreement
o Sharing knowledge, technologies, and best practices for climate mitigation and
❖ Financial Support for Developing Countries
o Provision of climate finance to support developing countries in their efforts to
address climate change
o Capacity building and technology transfer to enhance climate resilience and
sustainable development

❖ Public Awareness and Engagement

❖ Education and Outreach
o Raising awareness about climate change and its impacts
o Promoting climate literacy and fostering public understanding of the need for action
❖ Community Engagement
o Engaging communities in climate action initiatives and decision-making processes
o Encouraging individual and collective actions to reduce carbon footprints and
promote sustainable lifestyles
6. Actions done by Global community to address issue of climate change:
✓ the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) 1991
✓ the Kyoto Protocol 1997
✓ the Paris Agreement 2015
✓ United Nations Climate Change Conference( cop27 and cop28)
These agreements provide frameworks for countries to set emissions
reduction targets, report on their progress, and collaborate on climate
7. Conclusion
• Recap of the key points discussed in the essay
• Call to action for individuals, governments, and organizations to prioritize climate action
• Emphasis on the collective responsibility to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

The era of global warming has ended. The era of global boiling has arrived.”

United Nations secretary general Antonio Guterres

We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last
generation who can do something about it.”Former US President Barack

“Climate change knows no borders. It will not stop before the Pacific Islands
and the whole of the international community here has to shoulder a
responsibility to bring about sustainable development.”

Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany

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