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Formulas And Calculations For

Petroleum Engineering 1st Edition

Edition Cenk Temizel
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Formulas and Calculations for
Petroleum Engineering
Formulas and Calculations
for Petroleum Engineering

Cenk Temizel
Tayfun Tuna
Mehmet Melih Oskay
Luigi A. Saputelli
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Biographies of authors

Cenk Temizel is a reservoir engineer with 15 years of international experience in the industry with expertise in reservoir
simulation, smart fields, heavy oil, optimization, unconventionals and enhanced oil recovery. He was a teaching/research
assistant at the University of Southern California and Stanford University before joining the industry. He won the 2nd place
at SPE Global R&D Competition at SPE ATCE 2014 in Amsterdam and the 2nd place in Technical Excellence Awards at
22nd World Petroleum Congress in 2017 in Istanbul. He received the Halliburton Award in Innovation in 2012. He serves as
a technical reviewer for petroleum engineering journals. His interests include reaction kinetics/dynamics of fluid flow in
porous media and enhanced oil recovery processes. He served as a session chair and member of organizing committees for
several SPE conferences. He has published around 100 publications in the area of reservoir management, production opti-
mization, enhanced oil recovery processes and smart fields along with US patents. He holds a BS degree (Honors) from
Middle East Technical University—Ankara (2003) and an MS degree (2005) from University of Southern California
(USC), Los Angeles, CA both in petroleum engineering.
Tayfun Tuna is a data scientist and software developer who holds a MS and a PhD degree in computer science from the
University of Houston. His graduate research focus was on text mining; applying machine learning techniques to lecture
videos in order to segment video content for a better learning experience. He is a cofounder of Videopoints LLC, previously
known as ICS Video Project, an interactive educational video platform which have been used more than 50K users across
multiple university campuses. While he was the chief operating officer and principal investigator, his project is rewarded by
National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research (NSF SBIR) Phase I Grant.
In his professional career, he has worked with Halliburton to develop a patented machine learning-based web-based
interface that predicts chance of getting of stuck while drilling for oil. He has two patents and 20 research paper publications
on educational technology, social networks, and oil&gas field.
Mehmet Melih Oskay earned his PhD from UT Austin, and he has been in academia and industry as advisors and
managerial positions for more than 30 years at several major operators.
He has represented operators at Joint Operations Committee and Joint Operations Tender Committees.
He has taught at University of Texas—Austin, TX; Louisiana Tech University-Ruston, Louisiana; Middle East Tech-
nical University—Ankara, Turkey; and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
He has participated in several Organizing Committees and Session Chairmanship positions at many SPE Oil Show and
Technical Conferences.
Luigi A. Saputelli is a reservoir engineering senior advisor with over 28 years of experience. He worked in various
operators and services companies around the world. He is a founding member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers’
Real-time Optimization Technical Interest Group and the Petroleum Data-driven Analytics technical section. He is the
recipient of the 2015 SPE International Production and Operations Award.
He has published more than 90 industry papers on applied technologies related to reservoir management, real-time opti-
mization, and production operations. He holds a BSc. in electronic engineer from Universidad Simon Bolivar (1990), with a
master in petroleum engineering from Imperial College (1996), and a PhD in chemical engineering from University of
Houston (2003). He also serves as managing partner for, a petroleum engineering services firm based in Houston.


Formulas and Calculations for Petroleum Engineering unlocks the capability for any petroleum engineering individual,
experienced or not, to solve problems and locate quick answers, eliminating nonproductive time spent searching for that
right calculation. Enhanced with lab data experiments, practice examples, and a complimentary online software toolbox,
the book presents the most convenient and practical reference for all oil and gas phases of a given project. Covering the full
spectrum, this reference gives single-point reference to all critical modules, including drilling, production, reservoir engi-
neering, well testing, well logging, enhanced oil recovery, well completion, fracturing, fluid flow, and even petroleum
economics. provides access to calculations of these formulas.


This book is dedicated to my wife, my love, Saule who has supported me unconditionally in my endeavors and has been an
inspiration for me in life with her love, care, and understanding and to my daughter Ada Ayca who has brought joy and
happiness to our life and to my parents Yuksel and Rasim Temizel and my brother Efe for their continuous support and love.
Cenk Temizel
I am indebted to my wife Suhendan and to my daughter Ceyda for their unflagging support to finish this book.
Mehmet Melih Oskay
I dedicate this book to my parents Julia and Emilio, who are eternal symbols of unconditional love and true parenthood,
from whom I learned what exemplary human values.
Luigi A. Saputelli

My effort that went into the completion of this book is dedicated to my wife Ezgi who assisted me with her love and
patience, to Serkan who made me feel lucky to have an honest brother like him, and also to my beloved parents Fusun
and Kaya Canbaz who gave their true love without any expectations and supported me with patience in any circumstances.
Celal Hakan Canbaz
I would like to express my deepest love and respect to especially my beloved parents and wife Elif who always has sup-
ported and inspired me to contribute to this book and my self-improvement in terms of both professional and personal ways
during all my life.
Yildiray Palabiyik

Chapter 1

Reservoir engineering formulas

and calculations

Chapter Outline
1.1 API gravity 3 1.31 Effective wellbore radius of a horizontal well—van
1.2 Average permeability for linear flow—Layered beds 3 der Vlis et al. method 16
1.3 Average permeability for linear flow—Series beds 4 1.32 Effective wellbore radius of a well in presence of
1.4 Average permeability for parallel-layered systems 4 uniform-flux fractures 16
1.5 Average permeability in radial systems 4 1.33 Effective wellbore radius to calculate slant well
1.6 Average temperature of a gas column 5 productivity—van der Vlis et al. 16
1.7 Calculation of fractional flow curve 5 1.34 Estimation of average reservoir pressure—MDH
1.8 Capillary number 6 method 17
1.9 Capillary pressure 6 1.35 Formation temperature for a given gradient 17
1.10 Characteristic time for linear diffusion in reservoirs 6 1.36 Fraction of the total solution gas retained in the
1.11 Cole plot 7 reservoir as free gas 17
1.12 Communication between compartments in tight gas 1.37 Fractional gas recovery below the critical
reservoirs 7 desorption pressure in coal bed methane reservoirs 18
1.13 Communication factor in a compartment in tight gas 1.38 Free gas in place 18
reservoirs 7 1.39 Gas adsorbed in coal bed methane reservoirs 19
1.14 Compressibility drive in gas reservoirs 8 1.40 Gas bubble radius 19
1.15 Correction factor—Hammerlindl 8 1.41 Gas cap ratio 19
1.16 Critical rate for horizontal wells in edge-water drive 1.42 Gas cap shrinkage 20
reservoirs 8 1.43 Gas drive index in gas reservoirs 20
1.17 Crossflow index 9 1.44 Gas expansion factor 20
1.18 Cumulative effective compressibility—Fetkovich 10 1.45 Gas expansion term in gas reservoirs 21
1.19 Cumulative gas production—Tarner’s method 10 1.46 Gas flow rate into the wellbore 21
1.20 Cumulative oil production—Undersaturated oil 1.47 Gas flow under laminar viscous conditions 22
reservoirs 11 1.48 Gas formation volume factor 22
1.21 Deliverability equation for shallow gas reservoirs 11 1.49 Gas hydrate dissociation pressure 22
1.22 Dimensionless pressure—Kamal and Brigham 11 1.50 Gas material balance equation 23
1.23 Dimensionless radius of radial flow—Constant-rate 1.51 Gas produced by gas expansion 23
production 12 1.52 Gas saturation—Water-drive gas reservoirs 24
1.24 Dimensionless time—Myhill and Stegemeier’s method 12 1.53 Gas solubility in coalbed methane reservoirs 24
1.25 Dimensionless time for interference testing in 1.54 Geertsma’s model for porosity/transit-time
homogeneous reservoirs—Earlougher 13 relationship 25
1.26 Dimensionless vertical well critical rate 1.55 Geothermal gradient 25
correlations—Hoyland, Papatzacos, 1.56 Hagen Poiseuille equation 26
and Skjaeveland 13 1.57 Hagoort and Hoogstra gas flow in tight reservoirs 26
1.27 Dimensionless wellbore storage coefficient of 1.58 Hammerlindl method for gas in place 26
radial flow—Constant-rate production 13 1.59 High-pressure region gas flow rate 27
1.28 Effective compressibility in undersaturated oil 1.60 Horizontal well breakthrough time—With gas cap
reservoirs—Hawkins 14 or bottom water 27
1.29 Effective wellbore radius of a horizontal 1.61 Horizontal well critical rate correlation—Chaperon 28
well—Method 1—Anisotropic reservoirs 14 1.62 Horizontal well critical rate correlations—Efros 28
1.30 Effective wellbore radius of a horizontal 1.63 Horizontal well critical rate correlations—Giger
well—Method 1—Isotropic reservoirs 15 and Karcher 29

Formulas and Calculations for Petroleum Engineering.

© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1
2 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

1.64 Horizontal well critical rate correlations—Joshi 1.108 Porosity determination—IES and FDC logs 47
method for gas coning 29 1.109 Produced gas-oil ratio 47
1.65 Hydrocarbon pore volume occupied by evolved 1.110 Productivity index for a gas well 48
solution gas 30 1.111 Pseudo-steady state productivity of horizontal
1.66 Hydrocarbon pore volume occupied by gas cap 30 wells—Method 1 48
1.67 Hydrocarbon pore volume occupied by remaining oil 31 1.112 Pseudo-steady state productivity of horizontal
1.68 Hydrostatic pressure 31 wells—Method 2 49
1.69 Incremental cumulative oil production in 1.113 Pseudo-steady state productivity of horizontal
undersaturated reservoirs 31 wells—Method 3 50
1.70 Ineffective porosity 32 1.114 Pseudo-steady state radial flow equation 50
1.71 Initial gas cap 32 1.115 Relative permeability—Corey exponents 51
1.72 Initial gas in place for water-drive gas reservoirs 32 1.116 Remaining gas in place in coalbed methane
1.73 Injectivity index 33 reservoirs 51
1.74 Instantaneous gas-oil ratio 33 1.117 Roach plot for abnormally pressured gas reservoirs 52
1.75 Interporosity flow coefficient 34 1.118 Rock expansion term in abnormally pressured gas
1.76 Interstitial velocity 34 reservoirs 52
1.77 Isothermal compressibility of oil—Vasquez-Beggs 1.119 Shape factor—Earlougher 52
correlation—p > pb 34 1.120 Solution gas oil ratio—Beggs-Standing
1.78 Isothermal compressibility of oil—villena-Lanzi correlation—p < pb 53
correlation—p < pb 35 1.121 Solution gas oil ratio—Standing’s correlation 53
1.79 Isothermal compressibility of water—Osif correlation 35 1.122 Solution gas water ratio 54
1.80 Kerns method for gas flow in a fracture 35 1.123 Somerton method for formation permeability in
1.81 Klinkenberg gas effect 36 coalbed methane reservoirs 54
1.82 Kozeny equation 36 1.124 Specific gravity of gas hydrate forming components 54
1.83 Kozeny-Carman relationship 36 1.125 Time to reach the semi-steady state for a gas well
1.84 Leverett J-function 37 in a circular or square drainage area 55
1.85 Line-source solution for damaged or stimulated 1.126 Time to the end of infinite-acting period for a well
wells 37 in a circular reservoir 55
1.86 Low-pressure region gas flow rate for non-circular 1.127 Torcaso and Wyllie’s correlation for relative
drainage area 38 permeability ratio prediction 55
1.87 Material balance for cumulative water 1.128 Total compressibility 56
influx—Havlena and Odeh 38 1.129 Total pore volume compressibility 56
1.88 Maximum height of oil column in cap rock 39 1.130 Transmissibility between compartments 57
1.89 Modified Cole plot 39 1.131 Transmissibility of a compartment 57
1.90 Modified Kozeny-carman relationship 39 1.132 Transmissivity 57
1.91 Normalized saturation 40 1.133 Trapped gas volume in water-invaded zones 58
1.92 Oil bubble radius of the drainage area of each well 1.134 Two-phase formation volume factor 58
represented by a circle 40 1.135 Underground fluid withdrawal—Havlena and Odeh 59
1.93 Oil density—Standing’s correlation 41 1.136 Vertical well critical rate correlations—Craft
1.94 Oil formation volume factor—Standing’s correlation 41 and Hawkins method 59
1.95 Oil formation volume factor—Beggs-standing 1.137 Vertical well critical rate correlations—Hoyland,
correlation—p < pb 41 Papatzacos, and Skjaeveland—Isotropic reservoirs 60
1.41 Oil formation volume factor—Beggs-standing 1.138 Vertical well critical rate correlations—Meyer,
correlation—p > pb 42 Gardner, and Pirson—Simultaneous gas and water
1.42 Oil in place for undersaturated oil reservoirs coning 60
without fluid injection 42 1.139 Vertical well critical rate correlations—Meyer,
1.98 Oil in place in saturated oil reservoirs 43 Gardner, and Pirson—Water coning 61
1.99 Oil lost in migration 43 1.140 Vertical well critical rate correlations—Meyer,
1.100 Oil saturation at any depletion state below the Gardner, and Pirson—Gas coning 61
bubble point pressure 44 1.141 Viscosibility 62
1.101 Original gas in place 44 1.142 Viscosity of crude oil through API 62
1.102 Payne method for intercompartmental flow in 1.143 Viscosity of dead oil—Standing’s correlation 62
tight gas reservoirs 44 1.144 Viscosity of dead-oil—Egbogah correlation—p < pb 63
1.103 Performance coefficient for shallow gas reservoirs 45 1.145 Viscosity of live oil—Beggs/Robinson correlation 63
1.104 Poisson’s ratio 45 1.146 Viscosity of oil—Vasquez/Beggs correlation—p > pb 63
1.105 Pore throat sorting 46 1.147 Viscosity of water at atmospheric pressure—McCain
1.106 Pore volume occupied by injection of gas and water 46 correlation 64
1.107 Pore volume through squared method in tight gas 1.148 Viscosity of water at reservoir pressure—McCain
reservoirs 46 correlation 64
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 3

1.149 Volume of gas adsorbed in coalbed methane reservoirs 64 1.156 Water-drive recovery 68
1.150 Volumetric heat capacity of a reservoir 65 1.157 Water expansion term in gas reservoirs 68
1.151 Water breakthrough correlation in vertical 1.158 Water formation volume factor—McCain correlation 68
wells—Bournazel and Jeanson 65 1.159 Water influx—Pot aquifer model 69
1.152 Water breakthrough correlations in vertical 1.160 Water influx constant for the van Everdingen
wells—Sobocinski and Cornelius 66 and Hurst unsteady-state model 69
1.153 Water content of sour gas 66 1.161 Water two-phase formation volume factor 70
1.154 Water cut—Stiles 67 1.162 Waxman and smits model—Clean sands 70
1.155 Water-drive index for gas reservoirs 67 1.163 Welge extension—Fractional flow 70

1.1 API gravity

SGo: Specific Gravity of Oil Phase (fraction)

API: API Gravity (dimensionless)


API ¼  131:5

Notes: SGo ¼ r at 60 F.


1.2 Average permeability for linear flow—Layered beds

k1: Permeability for Layer 1 (mD)
k2: Permeability for Layer 2 (mD)
k3: Permeability for Layer 3 (mD)
A1 : Area of Layer 1 (ft2)
A 2: Area of Layer 2 (ft2)
A 3: Area of Layer 3 (ft2)

kavg: Average Permeability in Linear Systems when there is no crossflow between layers (mD)


k1  A1 + k2  A2 + k3  A3
kavg ¼
A1 + A 2 + A 3

Reference: Ahmed, T. (2006). Reservoir Engineering Handbook. Elsevier, Page: 238.

4 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

1.3 Average permeability for linear flow—Series beds

k 1: Permeability for layer 1 (mD)
k 2: Permeability for layer 2 (mD)
k 3: Permeability for layer 3 (mD)
L1: Length of layer 1 (ft)
L2 : Length of layer 2 (ft)
L3 : Length of layer 3 (ft)

kavg: Average Permeability in Linear Systems Series (mD)


L1 + L2 + L3
kavg ¼
L1 L2 L3
+ +
k1 k2 k3

Reference: Ahmed, T. (2006). Reservoir Engineering Handbook. Elsevier, Page: 240.

1.4 Average permeability for parallel-layered systems

k 1: Permeability for Layer 1 (mD)
k 2: Permeability for Layer 2 (mD)
k 3: Permeability for Layer 3 (mD)
h1: Height of Layer 1 (ft)
h2 : Height of Layer 2 (ft)
h3 : Height of Layer 3 (ft)

kavg: Average Permeability for Parallel-layered Systems (mD)


k 1  h 1 + k 2  h 2 + k 3  h3
kavg ¼
h1 + h2 + h3

Reference: Ahmed, T. (2006). Reservoir Engineering Handbook. Elsevier, Page: 237.

1.5 Average permeability in radial systems

k a: Permeability between rw and ra (mD)
k e: Permeability between re and ra (mD)
r e: Drainage radius (ft)
r w: Well bore radius (ft)
r a: Radius lesser than re (ft)
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 5

kavg: Average Permeability in Radial Systems Series (mD)

ka  ke  ln e
kavg ¼    
re r

ka ln 
+ ke ln a
ra rw

Reference: Applied Reservoir Engineering Vol. 1, Smith, Tracy & Farrar, Equation 7–7.

1.6 Average temperature of a gas column

Tt: Tubing Head Temperature (°R)
Tb : Wellbore Temperature (°R)

T: Arithmetic Average Temperature (°R)

Tt + Tb


Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D.2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 199.

1.7 Calculation of fractional flow curve

mw: Water Viscosity (cP)
krw: Relative Permeability to Water (dimensionless)
kro: Relative Permeability to Oil (dimensionless)
mo : Oil Viscosity (cP)

fw: Fraction of Total Flowing Stream Composed of Water (dimensionless)

fw ¼
mw  kro
krw  mo

Reference: Craig Jr. F. F., 2004, the Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Waterflooding, Vol. 3. Richardson, Texas:
Monograph Series, SPE, Page: 112.
6 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

1.8 Capillary number

mw: Viscosity of Displacing Fluid (cP)
V: Characteristic Velocity (ft/D)
sow: Surface or Interfacial Tension of Oil and Water Phases (dyn/cm)

N c: Capillary Number (dimensionless)

mw  V
Nc ¼


1.9 Capillary pressure

s: Fluid interfacial Tension (dyn/cm)
y: Angle of Wettability (degree)
r: Radius of Capillary (cm)

PC : Capillary Pressure (dyn/cm)

2  s  cos ðyÞ
PC ¼


1.10 Characteristic time for linear diffusion in reservoirs

F: Porosity (fraction)
bf: Fluid Compressibility (1/psi)
br: Rock Compressibility (1/psi)
m: Viscosity (cP)
l: Characteristic Length Scale of Diffusion (ft)
k: Permeability (mD)

τ: Time (s)
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 7

F  bf + br  m  I 2

Reference: Zoback, M. D. Reservoir Geomechanics, Cambridge University Express, UK, Page: 41.

1.11 Cole plot

Eg: Gas Expansion Term (bbl/MSCF)
We: Water influx (bbl)

F: Underground Water Withdrawal (bbl)

F ¼ G  Eg + W e

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P. D. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing House, Burlington, MA, 2015.

1.12 Communication between compartments in tight gas reservoirs

G: Gas in Place (MSCF)
Eg: Gas Expansion Term (bbl/MSCF)
We: Cumulative Water Influx (bbl)

F: Underground Fluid Withdrawal (bbl)

F ¼ G  Eg + W e

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 209.

1.13 Communication factor in a compartment in tight gas reservoirs

K: Permeability (mD)
A: Area (ft2)
T: Temperature (R)
L: Length of Compartment (ft)

C: Communication Factor (SCF/d/psi2/cP)
8 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

0:111924  k  A


Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 235.

1.14 Compressibility drive in gas reservoirs

G: Gas in place (MSCF)
G P: Gas Produced (MSCF)
B g: Gas Formation Volume Factor (MSCF/ft3)
Ef: Gas Compressibility Drive (ft3/MSCF)

CI: Compressibility Index (dimensionless)

G  Ef
CI ¼
Bg  GP

Reference: Ahmed, T. & McKinney, P. D. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing House, Burlington, MA, 2015.

1.15 Correction factor—Hammerlindl

G: Gas in Place (MSCF)
Gp: Gas Produced (MSCF)
B g: Gas Formation Volume Factor (bbl/MSCF)
Ef, w: Rock and Water Expansion Term (bbl/MSCF)

CDI: Compressibility Drive Index (dimensionless)

G  Ef , w
Gp  Bg

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 211.

1.16 Critical rate for horizontal Wells in edge-water drive reservoirs

e1: Constant for C1 Equals +0.023 or  0.023 (dimensionless)
e2: Constant for C2 equals +0.0013 or  0.0013 (dimensionless)
e3: Constant for C3 equals +0.022 or  0.022 (dimensionless)
e4: Constant for C4 equals +0.0013 or  0.0013 (dimensionless)
Dr: Density Difference between water and oil or, oil and gas (gm/cc)
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 9

h: Pay Zone Thickness (ft)

L: Length of Well (ft)
xe: Distance between Horizontal Well and Constant Pressure Boundary (ft)
mo: Oil Viscosity (cP)
kh: Vertical Permeability (mD)
kv: Horizontal Permeability (mD)

c1: Dimensionless Constant for calculation (dimensionless)
c2: Dimensionless Constant for calculation (dimensionless)
c3: Dimensionless Constant for calculation (dimensionless)
c4: Dimensionless Constant for calculation (dimensionless)
qc : Dimensionless Critical Rate per Unit length (STB/day/ft)
qo : Critical Rate (STB/day)
zc: Critical Height Representing the Difference between the Apex of the Gas/Water Crest from the Well
Elevation (ft)

c1 ¼ 1:4426 + e1
c2 ¼ 0:9439 + e2
c3 ¼ 0:4812 + e3
c4 ¼ 0:9534 + e4
0 1c 2
B xe C
qc ¼ c1  B  0:5 C
@ k A
h h
qo ¼ 4:888  104  Dr  h  ðkh *kv Þ0:5  L  c
0 1 c4
B xe C
zc ¼ c3  h  B  0:5 C
@ k A
h h

Reference: Joshi, S.D. 1991, Horizontal Well Technology. Tulsa, Oklahoma: PennWell Publishing Company. Chapter: 7,
Page: 309, 310.

1.17 Crossflow index

Npcf: Oil Recovery from Layered System with Crossflow (STB)
Npncf: Oil Recovery from Stratified System with No Crossflow (STB)
Npu: Oil Recovery from Uniform System with Average Permeability (STB)

CI: Crossflow Index (dimensionless)
10 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

Npcf  Npncf
CI ¼
Npu  Npncf

Reference: Willhite, G.P. 1986. Waterflooding, Vol. 3. Richardson, Texas: Textbook Series, SPE, Chapter: 2, Page: 166.

1.18 Cumulative effective compressibility—Fetkovich

Swi: Initial Water Saturation (fraction)
cw : Cumulative Total Water Compressibility (1/psi)
M: Dimensionless Volume Ratio (dimensionless)
cf : Total PV (Formation) Compressibility (psi–1)

ce : Effective Compressibility (1/psi)

Swi  cw + M  cf + cw + cf
ce ¼
1  Swi

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 215,216.

1.19 Cumulative gas production—Tarner’s method

N: Initial Oil-in Place (STB)
Rs : Gas Solubility (SCF/STB)
Rsi: Initial Gas Solubility (SCF/STB)
Bo : Oil Formation Volume Factor at the Assumed Reservoir Pressure (bbl/STB)
Boi: Oil Formation Volume Factor at Initial Reservoir Pressure (bbl/STB)
B g: Gas Formation Volume Factor at the Assumed Reservoir Pressure (bbl/SCF)
Np: Cumulative Oil Production (STB)

Gp: Cumulative Gas Production (SCF)

" !# " #
  Boi  Bo B
Gp ¼ N  Rsi  Rs   N p  o  Rs
Bg Bg

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 5,
Page: 340.
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 11

1.20 Cumulative oil production—Undersaturated oil reservoirs

N: Initial Oil-in Place (STB)
ce: Effective Compressibility (1/psi)
Bo : Oil Formation Volume Factor at the Assumed Reservoir Pressure (bbl/STB)
Boi: Oil Formation Volume Factor at Initial Reservoir Pressure (bbl/STB)
DP: Pressure Differential (psi)

Np: Cumulative Oil Production (STB)

N p ¼ N  ce   DP

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 5,
Page: 333.

1.21 Deliverability equation for shallow gas reservoirs

k: Permeability (mD)
h: Thickness (ft)
T: Temperature (°R)
m: Viscosity (cP)
z: Compressibility Factor (dimensionless)
re: Radius of Drainage Area (ft)
rw: Wellbore Radius (ft)

C: Performance Coefficient (dimensionless)


1422 T mg Z  ln  0:5

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 287.

1.22 Dimensionless pressure—Kamal and Brigham

Q: Flow Rate (STB/day)
k: Average Permeability (mD)
h: Thickness (ft)
12 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

B: Formation Volume Factor (bbl/STB)

m: Viscosity (cP)
DP: Pressure Difference (psi)

DPd: Dimensionless Pressure (dimensionless)

k  h  DP
DPd ¼
141:2  Q  m  B

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 1,
Page: 125.

1.23 Dimensionless radius of radial flow—Constant-rate production

r: Effective Radius/Reservoir Radius (ft)
rw: Wellbore Radius (ft)

r d: Dimensionless Radius (dimensionless)

rd ¼

Reference: Lee, J., Rollins, J. B., & Spivey, J. P. (2003). Pressure Transient Testing (Vol. 9). Richardson, Texas: Society of
Petroleum Engineers, Page: 8.

1.24 Dimensionless time—Myhill and Stegemeier’s method

M s: Volumetric Heat Capacity of Steam (btu/ft3 K)
M R: Volumetric Heat Capacity of the Reservoir (btu/ft3 K)
as: Overburden Heat Transfer Coefficient (ft2/d)
ht: Thickness of Column (ft)
t: Time (day)

tD: Dimensionless Time (dimensionless)

Ms a
tD ¼ 4   2s  t
MR ht

Reference: Prats, M. 1986. Thermal Recovery. Society of Petroleum Engineers, New York, Chapter: 5, Page: 44.
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 13

1.25 Dimensionless time for interference testing in homogeneous

k: Permeability (mD)
ø: Porosity (fraction)
t: Time (h)
k: Overall Production (mD)
m: Viscosity (cP)
ct: Total Compressibility (1/psi)
rw: Wellbore Radius (ft)

tD: Dimensionless Time (dimensionless)

0:0002637  k  t
tD ¼  
ø  ct  m  r2w

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 1,
Page: 117.

1.26 Dimensionless vertical well critical rate correlations—Hoyland, Papatzacos,

and Skjaeveland
h: Oil Column Thickness (ft)
kh: Effective Oil Permeability (mD)
rw: Water Density (g/cc)
mo : Oil Viscosity (cP)
ro : Oil Density (g/cc)
B o: Oil Formation Volume Factor (RB/STB)
qo: Critical Oil Rate (STB/day)

QoD: Dimensionless Critical Rate (dimensionless)

QoD ¼ 651:4  mo  Bo 
h2  ðrw  ro Þ  kh

Reference: Reservoir Engineering Handbook, Fourth Edition, Ahmed, Page: 607.

1.27 Dimensionless wellbore storage coefficient of radial flow—Constant-rate

h: Reservoir Thickness (ft)
C: Wellbore Storage Coefficient (STB/psi)
14 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

Ø: Porosity (fraction)
ct: Total Compressibility (1/psi)
rw: Wellbore Radius (ft)

Cd: Dimensionless Wellbore-Storage Coefficient (dimensionless)

0:8936  C
Cd ¼
Ø  ct  h  r2w

Reference: Lee, J., Rollins, J. B., & Spivey, J. P. (2003). Pressure Transient Testing (Vol. 9). Richardson, Texas: Society of
Petroleum Engineer, Page: 8.

1.28 Effective compressibility in undersaturated oil reservoirs—Hawkins

Soi: Initial Oil Saturation (fraction)
Swi: Initial Water Saturation (fraction)
c o: Oil Compressibility (1/psi)
cw: Water Compressibility (1/psi)
c f: Formation Compressibility (1/psi)

c e: Effective Compressibility (1/psi)

Soi  co + Swi  cw + cf
ce ¼
1  Swi

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 5,
Page: 334.

1.29 Effective wellbore radius of a horizontal well—Method 1—Anisotropic reservoirs

L: Horizontal Well Length (ft)
h: Pay Zone Thickness (ft)
rw: Wellbore Radius (ft)
k h: Horizontal Permeability (mD)
kv : Vertical Permeability (mD)
A: Drainage Area (acre)

reh: Effective Drainage Radius (ft)
a: Horizontal wellbore variable from Joshi (dimensionless)
b: Permeability Ratio constant (dimensionless)
rwd: Effective Wellbore Radius (ft)
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 15

reh ¼ sqrt A 
   4 !!
L reh
a¼  sqrt :5 + sqrt 0:25 + 2 
2 L
b ¼ sqrt
rwd ¼ reh  0 2 1
 2 !!   b h
L b L
a  @ 1 + sqrt 1   h* A
2a 2  rw

Reference: Horizontal Well Technology, Joshi, Page: 90.

1.30 Effective wellbore radius of a horizontal well—Method 1—Isotropic

L: Horizontal Well Length (ft)
h: Pay Zone Thickness (ft)
rw: Wellbore Radius (ft)
k h: Horizontal Permeability (mD)
kv : Vertical Permeability (mD)
A: Drainage Area (acre)

reh: Effective Drainage Radius (ft)
a: Horizontal wellbore variable from Joshi (dimensionless)
rwd: Effective Wellbore Radius (ft)

reh ¼ sqrt A 
   4 !!
L reh
a¼  sqrt :5 + sqrt 0:25 + 2 
2 L

rwd ¼ reh  0 2 1
 2 !!  h
L h L
a  @ 1 + sqrt 1   A
2a 2  rw

Reference: Horizontal Well Technology, Joshi, Page: 90.

16 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

1.31 Effective wellbore radius of a horizontal well—van der Vlis et al. method
h: Pay Zone Thickness (ft)
rw: Wellbore Radius (ft)
a: Slant Angle (degrees)

L: Length of Slant Wellbore (ft)
rw: Effective Wellbore Radius (ft)



cos ðaÞ

L h  r i h
rw ¼  0:454* sin 360  w
4 h

Reference: Joshi, S. D. 1991, Horizontal Well Technology. Tulsa, Oklahoma: PennWell Publishing Company. Chapter: 3,
Page: 96.

1.32 Effective wellbore radius of a well in presence of uniform-flux fractures

xf: Fracture Half Length (ft)
e: Logarithmic Constant ¼ 2.718 (dimensionless)

rw: Effective Wellbore Radius (ft)

rw ¼

Reference: Joshi, S. D. 1991, Horizontal Well Technology. Tulsa, Oklahoma: PennWell Publishing Company. Chapter: 5,
Page: 135.

1.33 Effective wellbore radius to calculate slant well productivity—van der Vlis et al.
h: Pay Zone Thickness (ft)
rw: Wellbore Radius (ft)
a: Slant Angle (degrees)

L: Length of Slant Wellbore (ft)
rw: Effective Wellbore Radius (ft)
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 17


cos ðaÞ
 r i h
L h
rw ¼  0:454* sin 360 
w L
4 h

Reference: Joshi, S. D. 1991, Horizontal Well Technology. Tulsa, Oklahoma: PennWell Publishing Company. Chapter: 3,
Page: 96.

1.34 Estimation of average reservoir pressure—MDH method

pws: Shut-In Pressure (psi)
pDMDH: MDH Pressure (dimensionless)
m: Semi-log Straight Line of the MDH Plot (psi/cycle)

Pr: Average Reservoir Pressure (psi)

Pr ¼ pws + m 

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 1,
Page: 59.

1.35 Formation temperature for a given gradient

Ts: Temperature Near Surface (degree °F)
D: Total Depth (ft)
gG: Geothermal Gradient (degree °F/100 ft)

Tf: Formation Temperature (degree °F)

Tf ¼ Ts + gG 

Reference: Bassiouni, Z., 1994, Theory, Measurement, and Interpretation of Well Logs. SPE Textbook Series Vol. 4.
Chapter 4, Page: 75.

1.36 Fraction of the total solution gas retained in the reservoir as free gas
N: Oil in Place (STB)
Rp: Produced Gas-Oil Ratio (SCF/STB)
Np: Cumulative Oil Production (STB)
Rsi: Initial Gas Solubility (SCF/STB)
Rs : Gas Solubility (SCF/STB)
18 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

ag: Retained Gas Volume of the Total Gas (fraction)

0 1
Np  Rp
ag ¼ 1  @   A
N  Rsi  N  Np  Rs

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 4,
Page: 314.

1.37 Fractional gas recovery below the critical desorption pressure in coal
bed methane reservoirs
V m: Langmuir (constant)
G c: Gas Content at Critical Desorption Pressure (SCF/ton)
b: Langmuir (constant)
P: Pressure of Reservoir (psi)
a: Recovery Exponent (dimensionless)

RF: Recovery Factor (fraction)

Vm bP
RF ¼ 1  *
Gc 1+bP

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 223.

1.38 Free gas in place

A: Drainage Area (acres)
h: Thickness (ft)
Ø: Porosity (fraction)
Swi: Initial Water Saturation (fraction)
Egi: Gas Expansion Factor at Initial Reservoir Pressure (SCF/bbl)

Gf: Original Free Gas-in-Place (SCF)

Gf ¼ 7758  A  h  Ø  ð1  Swi Þ  Egi

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 227.
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 19

1.39 Gas adsorbed in coal bed methane reservoirs

A: Area (acres)
h: Height (ft)
rb: Density (g/cc)
V: Adsorption Gas (SCF/ton)

Ga: Gas Adsorbed (SCF)

Ga ¼ 1359:7  A  h  rb  V

Reference: Ahmed, T. & McKinney, P.D. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing House, Burlington, MA, 2015.

1.40 Gas bubble radius

A: Drainage Area (acres)
h: Thickness (ft)
sB: Bulk (g/cc)
Gc: Gas Content (SCF/ton)

G: Gas-in-Place (SCF)

G ¼ 1359:7  A  h  sB  Gc

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 227.

1.41 Gas cap ratio

G: Initial Gas Cap Volume (SCF)
Bgi: Initial Gas Formation Volume Factor (bbl/SCF)
N: Initial Oil in Place (STB)
Boi: Initial Oil Formation Volume Factor (bbl/STB)

m: Gas Cap Ratio (dimensionless)

G  Bgi

N  Boi

Reference: Ahmed,T., McKinney,P. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing House, Burlington, MA, 2015,
Chapter: 4, Page: 317.
20 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

1.42 Gas cap shrinkage

Gpc: Cumulative Gas Production from Gas Cap (SCF)
Bg: Gas Formation Volume Factor (bbl/SCF)
m: Gas Cap Ratio (fraction)
N: Oil in Place (STB)
Boi: Initial Oil Formation Volume Factor (bbl/STB)
Bgi: Initial Gas Formation Volume Factor (bbl/SCF)

Gs: Gas Cap Shrinkage (bbl)

! !
Gs ¼ Gpc  Bg  m  N  Boi  1

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D.2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 5,
Page: 333.

1.43 Gas drive index in gas reservoirs

G: Gas Initially in Place (SCF)
Gp: Cumulative Gas Production (SCF)
Bgi: Initial Gas Formation Volume Factor (ft3/SCF)
Bg : Gas Formation Volume Factor (ft3/SCF)

GDI: Gas (dimensionless)

! !
G Bgi
GDI ¼  1
Gp Bg

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 211.

1.44 Gas expansion factor

Egi: Initial Gas Expansion Factor (SCF/bbl)
A: Drainage Area (acres)
h: Thickness (ft)
Ø: Porosity (fraction)
Swi: Initial Water Saturation (fraction)
Gp: Gas Produced (SCF)
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 21

Eg: Gas Expansion Factor (SCF/bbl)

Eg ¼ Egi   Gp
43560  A  h  Ø  ð1  Swi Þ

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D.2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 202.

1.45 Gas expansion term in gas reservoirs

Bg: Gas Formation Volume Factor (ft3/SCF)
Bgi: Initial Gas Formation Volume Factor (ft3/SCF)

Eg: Gas Expansion Term (ft3/SCF)


Eg ¼ Bg  Bgi

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D.2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 209.

1.46 Gas flow rate into the wellbore

k: Permeability (mD)
∂ P: Pressure Differential (psi)
L: Length of Section Open to Wellbore (ft)
u: Viscosity of intruding Gas (cP)
Re: Radius of Drainage (ft)
Rw : Radius of Wellbore (ft)

Q: Flow Rate (bbl/min)

0:007  k  ð ∂PÞ  L

u ln  1440

Reference: Lapeyrouse, N. J., 2002, Formulas and Calculations for Drilling, Production and Workover, Second Edition,
Gulf Professional Publishing, Page: 136.
22 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

1.47 Gas flow under laminar viscous conditions

k: Permeability (mD)
h: Thickness (ft)
’ r: Average Reservoir Real-Gas Pseudo-Pressure (psi)
’wf: Real-Gas Pseudo-flowing Pressure (psi)
T: Temperature (R)
A: Drainage Area (ft2)
CA: Shape Factor (dimensionless)
r w: Wellbore Radius (ft)
S: Skin (dimensionless)

Qg: Gas Flow Rate (MSCF/d)

k  h  ’r  ’wf
Qg ¼    
1422  T  0:5  ln +S
1:781  CA  rw2

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 188.

1.48 Gas formation volume factor

z: Gas Deviation Factor (dimensionless)
T: Temperature (R)
P: Pressure (psi)

Bg: Gas Formation Volume Factor (bbl/SCF)

0:005035  z  T
Bg ¼

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 1,
Page: 15.

1.49 Gas hydrate dissociation pressure

g h: Specific Gravity of Hydrate-forming Components (dimensionless)
Fm : Molar Ratio between the Non-hydrate-forming and Hydrate-forming Components (dimensionless)
T: Temperature (°R)
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 23

p h: Disassociation Pressure (psi)

(" #
2:50744  103    
ph ¼ 0:1450377  exp + Fm  1:214644  102 + 4:676111  104  F2m + 0:0720122
ðgh + 0:46852Þ3
3:6625  104  3

T + + Fm  ð5:44376Þ + Fm 2
3:89  10 + ð29:9351Þ
ðgh + ð0:485054ÞÞ3

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 274.

1.50 Gas material balance equation

zi : Ratio of Pressure to Compressibility Factor at Initial Conditions (psi)
PSC: Pressure at Standard Conditions (psi)
TSC: Temperature at Standard Conditions (°R)
T: Current Temperature (°R)
V: Original Gas Volume (ft3)
Gp: Cumulative Gas Production (SCF)

z: Ratio of Pressure to Compressibility Factor at Current Conditions for P/z vs Gp plot (psi)

¼   Gp
z zi TSC  V

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D.2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 203.

1.51 Gas produced by gas expansion

A: Drainage Area (acres)
h: Thickness (ft)
Ø: Porosity (fraction)
Swi: Initial Water Saturation (fraction)
Bg: Gas Formation Volume Factor (ft3/SCF)
Bgi: Initial Gas Formation Volume Factor (ft3/SCF)

Gp: Gas Produced (SCF)
24 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

1 1
Gp ¼ 43560  A  h  Ø  ð1  Swi Þ  
Bgi Bg

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 202.

1.52 Gas saturation—Water-drive gas reservoirs

G: Gas Initially in Place (SCF)
Gp: Cumulative Gas Production (SCF)
B g: Volume Factor (bbl/SCF)
Bgi: Initial Gas Formation Factor (bbl/SCF)
W e: Cumulative Water Influx (bbl)
W p: Cumulative Water Production (STB)
Bw : Water Formation Volume Factor (rb/STB)
Swi: Initial Water Saturation (fraction)
Sgrw: Residual Gas Saturation to Water Displacement (fraction)

Sg: Gas Saturation (fraction)

  We  Wp  Bw
G  Gp  Bg  S
1  Swi  Sgrw grw
Sg ¼   !
G  Bgi We  Wp  Bw

1  Swi 1  Swi  Sgrw

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 208.

1.53 Gas solubility in coalbed methane reservoirs

rB: Bulk Coal Steam Density (g/cc)
Ø m: Actual Coalbed Cleat Porosity (fraction)
Som: Initial Oil Saturation (fraction)
V: Gas Content (SCF/STB)

Rs: Equivalent Gas Solubility (dimensionless)
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 25

0:17525  rB
Rs ¼ V
Øm  Som

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 222.

1.54 Geertsma’s model for porosity/transit-time relationship

Kb: Bulk Modulus Constant for Formation (dimensionless)
sb : Bulk Density (kg/m3)
mb: Poisson Ratio for Formation (dimensionless)
Kma: Bulk Modulus Constant for Matrix (dimensionless)
sma: Matrix Density (kg/m3)
mma: Poisson (dimensionless)

Vb: Acoustic Velocity in Bulk Formation (m/s)
Vma: Acoustic Velocity in Matrix (m/s)

Kb 1  mb
Vb ¼ 3 *
sb 1 + mb
Kma 1  mma
Vma ¼ 3  *
sma 1 + mma

Reference: Bassiouni, Z., 1994, Theory, Measurement, and Interpretation of Well Logs. SPE Textbook Series Vol. 4.
Chapter 3, Page: 55.

1.55 Geothermal gradient

Tbh: Maximum Recorded Temperature (degree °F)
Ts : Temperature Near Surface (degree °F)
Dbh: Total Depth of Logged Borehole (ft)

gG: Geothermal Gradient (degree °F/100 ft)

Tbh  Ts
gG ¼  100

Reference: Bassiouni, Z., 1994, Theory, Measurement, and Interpretation of Well Logs. SPE Textbook Series Vol. 4.
Chapter 4, Page: 75.
26 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

1.56 Hagen Poiseuille equation

Po: Input Pressure (psi)
PL : Output Pressure (psi)
R: Radius (ft)
w: Mass rate of Flow (lb/s)
r: Density (ppg)
L: Length (ft)

m: Viscosity (cP)


ð P o  PL Þ  p  ð R 4 Þ  r


Reference: Bird, R.B., Stewart, W.E. and Lightfoot, E.N. (2002). Transport Phenomena (Second Ed.). John Wiley & Sons,
Chapter: 2, Page: 51.

1.57 Hagoort and Hoogstra gas flow in tight reservoirs

G: Transmissibility between Compartments (dimensionless)
P1: Pressure of Compartment 1 (psi)
P2 : Pressure of Compartment 2 (psi)
mgavg: Average Viscosity (cP)
Bgavg: Average Gas Formation Factor (MSCF/STB)

Q: Gas Flow (MSCF/d)

G  P21  P22

2  P1  mgavg  Bgavg

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 236.

1.58 Hammerlindl method for gas in place

Gapp: Apparent Gas in Place (SCF)
R: Ratio of the effective Total System Compressibility to gas Compressibility (dimensionless)

G: Gas in Place (SCF)
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 27




Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 216.

1.59 High-pressure region gas flow rate

k: Permeability (mD)
h: Thickness (ft)
Pr : Average Reservoir Pressure (psi)
Pwf: Bottom-hole Flowing Pressure (psi)
mgavg: Average Gas Viscosity (cP)
Bgavg: Average Gas Formation Volume Factor (bbl/SCF)
re: Drainage Radius (ft)
rw: Wellbore Radius (ft)
S: Skin (dimensionless)

Qg: Gas Flow Rate (MSCF/d)

7:08  106  k  h  Pr  Pwf
Qg ¼    

mgavg Bgavg  ln  0:75 + S

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 189.

1.60 Horizontal well breakthrough time—With gas cap or bottom water

ro: Oil Density (g/cc)
rq : Gas Density (g/cc)
tbt: Breakthrough Time (days)
ø: Porosity (fraction)
h: Oil Column Thickness (ft)
mo : Oil Viscosity (cP)
q o: Flow Rate (cP)
Bo : Oil Formation Volume Factor (rb/STB)
kh: Vertical Permeability (mD)
kv: Horizontal Permeability (mD)

tdbt: Breakthrough Time if breakthrough time is given (days)
qd : Dimensionless Flow Rate (dimensionless)
28 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

tdbt ¼ kv  ro  rg 
364:72h  ø  mo
qd ¼ 325:86  mo  qo   
ðkv *kh Þ 0:5
 h  ro  rg

Reference: Horizontal Well Technology, Joshi, Page: 301.

1.61 Horizontal well critical rate correlation—Chaperon

ro: Oil Density (g/cc)
rw : Water Density (g/cc)
x A: Location of a Constant Pressure Boundary (ft)
h: Oil Column Thickness (ft)
mo: Oil Viscosity (cP)
F: F ¼ 5.48 for kv/kh ¼ 1, F ¼ 4.8 for kv/kh ¼ 0.01 and F ¼ 4.16 for kv/kh ¼ 0.01 (mD)
k h: Horizontal Permeability (mD)
L: Horizontal Well Length (m)

Q c: Critical Oil Rate (m3/h)

  L F
Qc ¼ 3:486  105   h2  ðrw  ro Þ 
xA kh  mo

Reference: Chaperon, I. 1986. Theoretical Study of Coning Toward Horizontal and Vertical in Anisotropic Formations:
Subcritical and Critical Rates. SPE ATCE, New Orleans, Louisiana.

1.62 Horizontal well critical rate correlations—Efros

ro: Oil Density (g/cc)
rw : Water Density (g/cc)
y e: Half of Horizontal Well Spacing (ft)
h: Oil Column Thickness (ft)
mo: Oil Viscosity (cP)
B o: Oil Formation Volume Factor (RB/STB)
k h: Horizontal Permeability (mD)
L: Length of Reservoir (ft)

q o: Critical Oil Rate (STB/day)
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 29

qo ¼ 4:888  104  kh  h2  ðrw  ro Þ    !
 2 h2 0:5
B o  mo  2*ye + 2*ye +

Reference: Horizontal Well Technology, Joshi, Page: 286–295.

1.63 Horizontal well critical rate correlations—Giger and Karcher

Dr: Specific Gravity Difference (g/cc)
h: Thickness (m)
m: Oil Viscosity (mPa s)
B: Oil Formation Volume Factor (RB/STB)
kh: Horizontal Permeability (mD)
L: Distance Between Lines of Horizontal Wells (m)
g: Acceleration of Gravity (m/s2)

q c: Critical Oil Rate (m3/day)

     2 !!
kh  h2  g  Dr 1 h
qc ¼  1 
BmL 6 L

Reference: B.J. Karcher, E.F. Aquitaine, F.M. Giger, Some Practical Formulas to Predict Horizontal Well Behavior.1986.
SPE ATCE, New Orleans, Louisiana.

1.64 Horizontal well critical rate correlations—Joshi method for gas coning
ro: Oil Density (g/cc)
rg : Gas Density (g/cc)
re: Effective Radius of drainage (ft)
rw: Radius of Wellbore (ft)
lv: Distance between Gas/Oil interphase and perforated top of Vertical Well (ft)
h: Oil Column Thickness (ft)
mo : Oil Viscosity (cP)
B o: Oil Formation Volume Factor (RB/STB)
kh: Horizontal Permeability (mD)

q o: Critical Oil Rate (STB/day)
30 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

  h2  ð h  l v Þ 2
qo ¼ 1:535  103  ro  rg  kh   
Bo  mo  ln e

Reference: Horizontal Well Technology, Joshi, Page: 286–295.

1.65 Hydrocarbon pore volume occupied by evolved solution gas

N: Initial Oil in Place (STB)
Np: Cumulative Oil Production (STB)
Rsi: Gas Solubility at Initial Reservoir Pressure (SCF/STB)
Rs : Current Gas Solubility (SCF/STB)
Bg: Current Gas Formation Volume Factor (bbl/SCF)
Rp: Net Cumulative Produced Gas-Oil Ratio (SCF/STB)

V: Volume of the Evolved Gas that Remains in the PV (PV)

V ¼ N  Rsi  Np  Rp  N  Np  Rs  Bg

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 4,
Page: 301.

1.66 Hydrocarbon pore volume occupied by gas cap

m: Ratio of Initial Gas Cap Gas Reservoir Volume to Initial Reservoir Volume (bbl/bbl)
N: Initial Oil in Place (STB)
Boi: Initial Oil Formation Volume Factor (bbl/STB)
Bgi: Initial Gas Formation Volume Factor (bbl/SCF)
Bg: Current Gas Formation Volume Factor (bbl/SCF)

V: Volume of the Gas Cap at Current Pressure (bbl)


m  N  Boi  Bg


Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 4,
Page: 301.
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 31

1.67 Hydrocarbon pore volume occupied by remaining oil

N: Oil in Place (STB)
Np: Cumulative Oil Production (STB)
Bo : Oil Formation Volume Factor (bbl/STB)

Vro: Volume of the Remaining Oil (bbl)

Vro ¼ N  Np  Bo

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 4,
Page: 301.

1.68 Hydrostatic pressure

mw: Mud weight (ppg)
TVD: True Vertical Depth (ft)

HP: Hydrostatic Pressure (psi)


HP ¼ mw  0:052  TVD


1.69 Incremental cumulative oil production in undersaturated reservoirs

Np: Cumulative Oil Production (STB)
øo : Oil PVT Function (rb/STB)
Gp: Cumulative Gas Production (MSCF)
ø g: Gas PVT Function (rb/MSCF)
GOR: Average Gas Oil Ratio (SCF/STB)

DNp: Incremental Oil Produced (STB)
32 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

1  Np  øo  Gp  øg
DNp ¼  
ð øo Þ + GOR  øg

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 5,
Page: 335.

1.70 Ineffective porosity

Vdis: Volume of Completely Disconnected Pores (cm3)
Vb: Bulk Volume (cm3)

Øin: Ineffective Porosity (fraction)

Øin ¼

Reference: Dandekar, A. Y. 2006. Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Taylor &
Francis Group, Chapter: 3, Page: 15.

1.71 Initial gas cap

m: Ratio of Initial Gas Cap Gas Reservoir Volume to Initial Reservoir Oil Volume (bbl/bbl)
N: Original Oil in Place (STB)
Boi: Oil Formation Volume Factor (bbl/STB)
Bgi: Initial Gas Formation Volume Factor (bbl/SCF)

G: Initial Gas Cap Gas (SCF)

m  N  Boi


Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 4,
Page: 300.

1.72 Initial gas in place for water-drive gas reservoirs

Gp: Cumulative Gas Production at Depletion Pressure (SCF)
Bg : Gas Formation Volume Factor at Depletion Pressure (bbl/SCF)
W e: Cumulative Water Influx (bbl)
W p: Cumulative Water Production at Depletion Pressure (STB)
Bw: Water Formation Volume Factor (bbl/STB)
Bgi: Initial Gas Formation Volume Factor (bbl/SCF)
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 33

G: Gas Initially in Place (MSCF)

Gp  Bg  We  Wp  Bw

Bg  Bgi

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 207.

1.73 Injectivity index

q: Flow Rate of injection Well (STB/day)
p: Reservoir Pressure (psi)
pwf: Well Flow Pressure (psi)

I: Injectivity Index (STB/day/psi)


pwf  p

Reference: Horizontal Well Technology, Joshi, Page: 10.

1.74 Instantaneous gas-oil ratio

Rs: Gas Solubility (SCF/STB)
krg: Relative Gas Permeability (dimensionless)
kro: Relative Oil Permeability (dimensionless)
mo : Viscosity of Oil (cP)
mg : Viscosity of Gas (cP)
Bo : Oil Formation Volume Factor (bbl/STB)
Bg: Gas Formation Volume Factor (bbl/SCF)

GOR: Gas Oil Ratio (SCF/bbl)


krg  mo  Bo
GOR ¼ Rs +
kro  mg  Bg

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 1,
Page: 16.
34 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

1.75 Interporosity flow coefficient

A: Surface Area of the Matrix Block (ft2)
V: Volume of the Matrix Block (ft3)
x: Characteristic Length of the Matrix Block (ft)
k m: Permeability of Matrix (mD)
k f: Permeability of Fracture (mD)
rw: Wellbore Radius (ft)

a: Block-Shape Parameter (1/ft2)
l: Interporosity Flow Coefficient (dimensionless)



a  km  r2w


Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 1,
Page: 82.

1.76 Interstitial velocity

q: Flow Rate (cm3/s)
Ø: Porosity (fraction)
A: Area (cm2)

V: Interstitial Velocity (cm/s)



Reference: Civan, F. Reservoir Formation Damage: Fundamentals, Modeling, Assessment, and Mitigation. Gulf Pub-
lishing Company, Houston, Texas, Page: 493.

1.77 Isothermal compressibility of oil—Vasquez-Beggs correlation—P > Pb

p: Pressure (psi)
T: Temp (F)
g g: Specific Gravity of Gas (fraction)
Rsob: Solution oil gas ratio at bubble point (fraction)
r: Density of oil (API)
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 35

co: Isothermal Compressibility of Oil (/psi)

5  Rsob + 17:2  T  1180  gg + 12:61  r  1433
co ¼
p  105

Reference: Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, Second Edition, Craft & Hawkins, Page: 39.

1.78 Isothermal compressibility of oil—Villena-Lanzi correlation—P < Pb

p: Pressure (psi)
p b: Bubble point pressure (psi)
T: Temp (F)
Rsob: Solution oil gas ratio at bubble point (fraction)
r: Density of oil (API)

lco: Isothermal Compressibility of Oil (/psi)


lco ¼ 0:664  1:430  ln ðpÞ  0:395  ln ðpb Þ + 0:39  ln ðT Þ + 0:455  ln ðRsobÞ + 0:262  ln ðrÞ

Reference: Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, Second Edition, Craft & Hawkins, Page: 39.

1.79 Isothermal compressibility of water—Osif correlation

CNaCl: Salinity (g NaCl/L)
T: Temperature (F)
p: Pressure (psi)

cw: Isothermal Compressibility of Water (Osif Correlation) (SCF/STB)

cw ¼
7:033  p + 541:5  CNaCl  537:0  T + 403300

Reference: Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, Second Edition, Craft & Hawkins, Page: 46.

1.80 Kerns method for gas flow in a fracture

k: Permeability (mD)
m: Viscosity (cP)
P: Pressure (psi)
36 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

Vg: Gas Velocity (cc)

k  P2
Vg ¼

Reference: Ahmed, T. & McKinney, P.D. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing House, Burlington, MA, 2015.

1.81 Klinkenberg gas effect

kl: Permeability of liquid (mD)
p: Mean flowing pressure of the gas (atm)
b: Klinkenberg factor, fixed for a gas (constant)

k g: Apparent permeability of gas (mD)

kg ¼ kl  1 +


1.82 Kozeny equation

Ø: Porosity (fraction)
k z: Kozeny Constant (dimensionless)
Sp: Specific Surface Area (cm1)

k: Permeability (cm2)


kz  S2p

Reference: Dandekar, A. Y. 2006. Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Taylor &
Francis Group, Page: 52.

1.83 Kozeny-Carman relationship

B: Geometric factor (dimensionless)
Ø: Porosity (fraction)
d: Diameter of Particle (cm)
τ: Tortuosity (dimensionless)
Reservoir engineering formulas and calculations Chapter 1 37

k: Permeability (mD)


B  Ø 3  d2


Reference: Mark D. Zoback, Reservoir Geomechanics, Cambridge University Express, UK, Page: 41.

1.84 Leverett J-function

s: Fluid interfacial tension (dyn/cm2)
y: Angle of wettability (fraction)
Pc: Capillary Pressure (dyn/cm)
k: Permeability (mD)
ø: Porosity (fraction)

J: Leverett J-function (dimensionless)

Pc k

s cos ðyÞ ø

Reference: Reservoir Engineering Handbook, Fourth Edition, Ahmed, Page: 224.

1.85 Line-source solution for damaged or stimulated wells

Pi: Initial Pressure (psi)
t: Time of production (h)
k: Permeability (mD)
B: Volume factor (RB/STB)
Ø: Porosity (fraction)
ct: Compressibility (1/psi)
h: Thickness of reservoir (ft)
m: Viscosity of Oil (cP)
r: Radius of wellbore (ft)
q: Flow Rate (STB/day)
s: Skin Factor (dimensionless)

Pwf: Line-Source Solution for Damaged or Stimulated Wells (psi)
38 Formulas and calculations for petroleum engineering

1688  Ø  m  ct  r 2
ln 2s
Pwf ¼ Pi + 70:6  q  B  m 

Reference: Pressure Transient Testing, Lee, Rollins & Spivey, Page: 11.

1.86 Low-pressure region gas flow rate for non-circular drainage area
k: Permeability (mD)
h: Thickness (ft)
Pr : Average Reservoir Pressure (psi)
Pwr: Well Flowing Pressure (psi)
mgavg: Average Gas Viscosity (cP)
Zavg: Average Gas Compressibility Factor (Dimensionless) A: Drainage Area (ft2)
CA : Shape Factor (dimensionless)
r w: Wellbore Radius (ft)
S: Skin (dimensionless)
T: Temperature (R)

Qg: Gas Flow Rate (MSCF/day)

kh P2r  Pwf
Qg ¼ ! !
1422  mgavg  T  Zavg  0:5  ln   +S
1:781  CA  rw2

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney, P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 189.

1.87 Material balance for cumulative water influx—Havlena and Odeh

G: Gas in Place (SCF)
EG : Gas Expansion Term (bbl/SCF)
W e: Cumulative Water Influx (bbl)

F: Fluid Withdrawal (bbl)

F ¼ G  EG + We

Reference: Ahmed, T., McKinney P.D. 2005. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Gulf Publishing of Elsevier, Chapter: 3,
Page: 209.
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"To complete the purchase of the yacht for Gwendolen. I wanted to give
it to her absolutely unencumbered. Mr. Tracy was selling some capital for
me and said I must wait till the following settling day for the cash, and I
asked Melville to lend me the hundred I needed until the matter was
completed. But he didn't send it. He never even answered my letter."

"He tells me he sent you a hundred pounds in notes," Sir Geoffrey said
distinctly. "Isn't that true?"

"No," said Ralph indignantly; "it's an absolute lie." He paced the room
in angry impatience. It seemed incredible that his own brother could be
capable of such an utterly unworthy trick. Sir Geoffrey closed his book with
a snap and pressed his lips together.

"I ought to have known you both better," he said; "but Melville's story
was so circumstantial, and there was the evidence of your letter, too. I was
completely taken in. But now I know what to do."

Ralph stopped abruptly.

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

"Instruct Tracy to take proceedings against Melville for getting money

under false pretences."

"But that's punishable with imprisonment," said Ralph aghast.

"Certainly it is," said Sir Geoffrey grimly.

"But you can't make a convict of my brother, and your nephew!"

"Our relationship to him is our misfortune," said Sir Geoffrey, "not our
fault. I shall do what I say."

"Look here, Uncle Geoffrey," said Ralph excitedly, "after all, this is
largely my affair. I will give you back the hundred pounds—I've got the
money now—and I will go to town at once and square accounts with
Melville. Did he tell you where he was staying?"
"No," said his uncle; "I did not enquire."

"Well, I'm sure to get news of him at Jermyn Street, if he isn't actually
there. Promise to abandon all idea of prosecution, and leave this in my
hands. Promise?"

Sir Geoffrey looked with pleasure at his nephew as he stood erect before
him, glowing with just indignation, but with chivalrous desire to spare his
brother this crowning shame.

"How you two fellows are brothers passes my comprehension," he said.

"Well, Ralph, I tell you what I will do. I'll give you a week—you need not
go up to town again to-day, for that would be hard on Gwen. I'll give you a
week, and if you can make Melville disgorge the money I'll take it back
with uncommon satisfaction. If you fail, I reserve liberty of action."

"That's fair, I suppose," said Ralph reluctantly; then he added more

hopefully, "but it will be all right; of course, it will be all right."

Sir Geoffrey shook his head doubtfully, but the mellow roar of the gong
reverberated through the house announcing luncheon, and he welcomed the

"Shake hands, my boy," he said. "I'm sorry I misjudged you, even for a
moment. And now come along, or Gwen will think I've frightened away
your appetite."

He linked his arm within his nephew's, and went into the dining-room
with all his wonted cheerfulness restored.



Possession of money has an invigorating effect upon the majority of
people, and Melville, who like most gamblers lived only in the present,
awoke in the morning feeling a new man because of the open cheque for
£100 which he had secured the night before. No qualms of conscience
disturbed his equanimity because of the device he had adopted to obtain it.
As soon as his toilette and breakfast were completed he could get the
money from the bank, and the future, with its difficulties and complications,
might be left to take care of itself. The solid satisfaction derived from the
possession of money was enough for the moment.

Moreover, to-day contained an element of surprise in the shape of his

pending visit to his unknown relative, and next to money there is probably
nothing that has so much charm for the average gambler as the element of
surprise, had any kindred spirit been with him at the time Melville would
have made wagers upon the age and appearance of this Lady Holt, of whose
existence he had never heard before. She was old, of course, and most
likely intensely disagreeable; incompatibility of temper was doubtless the
reason of her separation from Sir Geoffrey, and desire to avoid scandal the
explanation of her complete seclusion from the world. The phrasing of her
letter showed that she was precise, and upon that fragmentary piece of
evidence Melville erected in imagination a complete living personality, in
much the same way as scientists "restore" an entire prehistoric mammoth
from a single tooth.

He dressed with particular care, and after an early breakfast went

cheerfully downstairs and drove to his uncle's bank. Then, with eighteen
five-pound notes in his pocket book and ten pounds in cash in his waistcoat,
he was in a position to spend in a sufficiently agreeable manner the hours
that intervened before he was due at South Kensington.

A refresher, in the shape of a sherry and bitters at the club, was followed
by a delicate but entirely adequate luncheon at the Dieu-donnée, and
Melville's enjoyment of it was not diminished by the fact that, happening to
meet a casual acquaintance there, he lunched at the same table, and
suggested that they should toss to decide which of the twain should pay the
joint account, with the result that the casual acquaintance lost. Evidently the
fickle jade was smiling on Melville; a couple of games of billiards followed
the luncheon, and another refresher the billiards, and in high good humour
Melville sauntered down the Ladies' Mile, preparatory to driving from
Albert Gate to The Vale.

Opposite the French Embassy he parted from his friend.

"Sorry I can't ask you to come with me, old man," he said genially, "but
I'm obliged to pay a duty visit to an aged aunt."

The friend expressed his sincere commiseration, but Melville only


"It's a very little flaw in an otherwise perfect day. You must lunch with
me next time, and I will give you your revenge at billiards," and carefully
choosing a well-appointed hansom he drove away.

The Vale, South Kensington, is a little-known cul-de-sac lying just off

the Fulham Road. It contains but half-a-dozen houses, with trim lawns in
front and quite large gardens in the rear; great elms shade the houses, and
the remoteness from the main road makes them very quiet; in all of them
are French windows and small verandahs, and there is an air of quietude
and refinement about the place that makes it very attractive.

"The old lady does herself pretty well," thought Melville to himself as
he walked up the gravelled path and noticed the close-cropped lawn and the
blaze of geraniums and petunias. "I wonder what she knows about me, and
what line I'd better take! The interesting musician might be diplomatic

He thought that the maid who opened the door looked curiously at him
as he enquired whether Lady Holt was at home, but, after all, that was a
trifling matter, capable of bearing many interpretations. His interest was,
however, more fully aroused by the drawing-room into which he was shown
to await his aunt's coming, for it was not at all the sort of environment in
which he had imagined he would find Sir Geoffrey's wife. It was essentially
the drawing-room of a worldly woman of the world, furnished with taste,
but evidently at great cost; photographs and silver boxes, enamels and
ivories were scattered in profusion over the many tables, water colours by
rising artists covered the walls, cushions and flowers were everywhere.

"I shall have to readjust my preconceived notions of my elderly

relative," he said to himself as he took a rapid survey of the pretty room;
"this is a veritable canary's cage."

Then the door opened, and at the rustle of silk petticoats he turned to
make a formal bow to his aunt. But as he turned, an exclamation of surprise
escaped his lips and his single eye-glass dropped upon the floor, for the
woman who entered was no precise and ringletted old lady, but the one who
had asked him for his card at Monte Carlo, and who had expressed such
sympathy with him when he was reduced to the necessity of applying for
the viaticum. It was indeed no other than the charming Mrs. Sinclair.

She came forward with perfect self-possession, but a gleam of

amusement lurked in her eyes.

"This is really a most astonishing experience," Melville said, as he

bowed over her hand. "You are quite the last person I expected to see."

"Not the last you wanted to see, I hope," she replied, "but I confess
delight is not the predominant expression upon your face at the moment.
Won't you sit down?"

Melville picked up his monocle and polished it carefully before

readjusting it in his eye.

"But tell me," he persisted, "what are you doing here?"

"Living here," Mrs. Sinclair answered. "What else do you suppose?"

"I can't quite sort things," Melville said apologetically. "To begin with,
you see, I had never heard until last night that there was a Lady Holt, and
when I got her note asking me to call here to-day I tried to picture what she
would be like."

"What was the result of your efforts?" Mrs. Sinclair enquired.

Melville laughed slightly.

"Well, I'm bound to admit that I imagined my uncle's choice in women

would be early Victorian, so to speak, and I don't think it's anything but a
compliment to say that the early Victorian brand isn't very likely to agree
with you. If you like Lady Holt, there is hope for me."

"I like her very much," Mrs. Sinclair said. "Mr. Melville, it isn't quite
fair, perhaps, to lay snares for young men, and you evidently don't grasp the
situation. You remember your last night at Monte Carlo?"

"It was not the sort of night to forget readily," Melville replied grimly. "I
never had such monstrous bad luck at the tables before."

"You gave me one of your cards and I promised to write to you."

"You did," said Melville.

"I have kept my promise," said Mrs. Sinclair. "I wrote to you yesterday
and asked you to come to see me. I am Lady Holt."

The astonishment depicted on Melville's face was ludicrous, and Mrs.

Sinclair rippled over with mirth.

"I never thought to see you so taken aback," she said. "What I like so
much about English gentlemen is that they are so imperturbable, and now
you are gazing at me as if I were a freak."

"Really, I beg your pardon," Melville said. "but to think how grossly I
have misjudged Sir Geoffrey!"

"Come, that's much better," Mrs. Sinclair replied. "Yes, Mr. Ashley, the
confession has to be made; I am your aunt."

"I'm uncommonly delighted to hear it," Melville said heartily, "and I've
only one regret in learning the fact."

"And that is——?" his new-found relative enquired.

"That I did not know it long ago," Melville replied. His wonted
composure returned, and with it his wonted desire to stand well in the
opinion of those in whose company he happened to be—a desire, it may be
said, characteristic of many men who drift into bad lives from weakness
rather than from natural vice. "Tell me, have you refrained from claiming
relationship with me all this time because you heard I was a bad lot?"

"I perceive you are not expert in drawing inferences," Mrs. Sinclair
said; "one does not associate the particularly goody-goody type of young
man with Monte Carlo, and that is where I saw you first."

"That is true," Melville admitted. "I must plead guilty to not being
goody-goody. By the way, am I to call you 'aunt'?"

Mrs. Sinclair shuddered.

"Certainly not," she said emphatically; "there is no necessity to draw

public attention to the question of my age."

"What am I to call you?" he persisted.

"Call me Mrs. Sinclair," she said. "How old are you?"

"Thirty-five," Melville answered. "Why?"

"Then you are old enough to call me Lavender when we are alone," she
said. "Out of doors it had better be Mrs. Sinclair, I suppose. It is a
censorious world."

She leaned back in her chair and surveyed her nephew critically; the
scrutiny was satisfactory, and she was glad of the impulse that had
prompted her to disclose her identity to him. Yet, shrewd and clever woman
as she was, she had taken a step which, while it could never be retraced,
was the first towards the undoing of them both. There were other things in
her life which in her hours of reflection she regretted, not least among them
being her separation from a husband whose good qualities she fully
recognised, but nothing in the past had been so fraught with peril to herself
as this alliance with her husband's nephew, which she owed to a single
moment of caprice.

"Confess now," she said presently, "you are burning with curiosity to
know all about everything?"

"That is a comprehensive way of putting it," he laughed, "but it is true.

Tell me everything that is necessary, and as much more as you think fit."

"The only thing that is necessary," Mrs. Sinclair replied, "is that I
actually am Sir Geoffrey Holt's wife. I married him years ago, when I was
too young to realise all that marriage means, especially marriage to a man
many years older than oneself. And—it didn't answer. That is really all."
She had no intention of telling Melville very much about herself, and, of
course, he could not cross-examine her. "He had not come into the title
then," she went on, "and indeed there was no reason for supposing he ever
would, for his brother was quite young enough to have married and had
sons. Perhaps——" She paused, and Melville took advantage of the pause
to give expression to the thought that was uppermost in his mind.

"I wonder that his marriage has been so completely forgotten. I never
heard of it, and I'm quite sure my brother never has, yet he has been like a
son to Sir Geoffrey, and knows a lot about his affairs."

Mrs. Sinclair flushed a little.

"Sir Geoffrey is a very proud man. He always was; indeed, that had a
great deal to do with our mutual incompatibility, and proud men are apt to
hold their tongues about their failures. Oh, yes!" she said, laughing, though
there was no mirth in her laughter, "it was a dismal failure, and so we
agreed to separate and never trouble each other again."

"And you never have?" said Melville.

"We never have."

"Sir Geoffrey is a very rich man," Melville remarked, following the line
of his own thoughts.
"I believe he is," said Mrs. Sinclair indifferently. "All the money in the
world doesn't make some things worth while."

"But I suppose he is very generous to you?"

"I wouldn't touch a penny of his money," said Mrs. Sinclair vehemently.

Melville, of course, dropped the subject, but noted her reply for future
use. What he wanted to ascertain most at the moment was Lady Holt's
feeling for her husband, but she gave him no opportunity.

"What's your brother like?" she enquired. "Anything like you?"

"Nothing," said Melville shortly. "Ralph is a paragon of all the virtues

and I'm—not."

"And he's like a son to Sir Geoffrey?" said Mrs. Sinclair. "Is he to be his

"I don't know," Melville answered moodily. "I suppose so; but, as a
matter of fact, Sir Geoffrey hasn't made his will, so I don't know what he
will do with his money."

Mrs. Sinclair yawned. The conversation really did not interest her much,
and she had her own reasons for not wishing to let it get too intimate. She
had taken a fancy to Melville when she first saw him in the Riviera; he
belonged to the type of man in whose company she was most at home, and
she foresaw a certain amount of pleasurable excitement in which she could
participate with him without being worried by demonstrations of a more
affectionate interest, which men not related to her were apt to make. A
nephew is safer than a cousin.

"You must ask me to dine with you," she said, "and we will develop our
acquaintance gradually. I hate finding out all about people at once and
having nothing left to learn."

"Dine with me to-night," said Melville promptly. The hundred pounds

were burning a hole in his pocket, and he felt convinced that more would be
forthcoming now from the same source. "Where shall it be?"

"Wherever you like," Mrs. Sinclair replied. "I'm always interested in

people's varying ideas of hospitality. Come here for me at half-past seven
and take me to the appointed place. Only don't tell me now where it is to

"All right," said Melville with alacrity. He liked her point of view and
felt amazingly sympathetic already. Moreover, he recognised as clearly as
she did the value of their relationship as a preventative of mutual
misunderstandings. "I will go and fix it up. 'Pon my honour, I'm awfully
delighted about this."

"Respect my confidence," she said gravely. "I may rely on that?"

"Absolutely," he answered. "I never interfere with other people's private

business. It's not my form; and, besides, I'm so grateful to you for
recognising me that I'm not going to forfeit a good thing."

Mrs. Sinclair was satisfied. She rang the bell for the maid to open the
door, and smiled graciously upon her nephew.

"I hope you're going to be a great success," she said, as he rose to go.
"There is an element of romance in the way fate has brought us together
that is fascinating, and really you are a very creditable nephew."

Melville smiled sardonically. His aunt's husband held such a different


"I am a particularly fortunate one, I think," was all he said, and as he

went out into the Fulham Road he thought the sun had never shone so
brightly. Fortune had turned her wheel again, and his gambler's soul


It was, indeed, with a very similar sense of satisfaction to that enjoyed

by a man who, when playing cut-throat euchre, finds the joker in his hand,
that Melville contemplated the advent of Mrs. Sinclair into his life. In many
respects she was a charming woman; vigorous and resourceful in
consequence of her somewhat adventurous career, but womanly and free
from affectation. Moreover, if she could not claim entire exoneration from
the charge of being an adventuress, she was entitled to several important
limitations in the term; she gambled, it is true, and led an extravagant life,
but she did both out of her own resources, and did not prey upon society as
do most of the evening-gowned frequenters of the Casino. What other
skeletons might be hidden in the secret cupboard of her life, Melville did
not yet trouble to surmise; he assumed that among them was the grisly relic
of her marriage with his uncle. The marriage had been a failure; the couple
had separated and agreed to let the story be forgotten; "Sinclair" was merely
a nom-de-guerre, and everything was capable of a perfectly satisfactory
explanation, with the exception of her financial independence. Melville
could not understand the feeling which prompted her to refuse assistance
from her husband, more especially in such a case as this, where she might
dictate her own terms for consenting to suppress the fact of her existence.
What her motive was in so doing was one of the first things Melville
intended to ascertain; there might be money in the knowledge. But the first
thing he intended to do was to tell Sir Geoffrey that he knew this amazing
secret of the marriage, for he felt convinced that he could make money by
holding his tongue on that subject to the world at large.

Such were the thoughts that passed through Melville's mind as he

walked from the station to The Grange at Fairbridge, where the Austens
lived. With him to decide was to act, and the previous night he had resolved
to adopt a bold policy and face Sir Geoffrey and Ralph at once; they had
had time to compare notes about the hundred pounds, and a stormy
interview with them both was inevitable, but it possessed no terrors for
Melville now. He guessed correctly that for the credit of the family neither
of them would detail the facts to the Austens, with whom he was
particularly anxious to stand well. Too selfish a man to be capable of real
love for any woman, he yet liked Gwendolen better than any other woman
he had ever seen, and he was quite willing to "range himself" if she would
be his wife. That she was engaged to his brother troubled him very little.
Engagements had been broken off before now, and the idea of cutting Ralph
out had a certain piquancy that rendered the attempt worth making.

Looking delightfully cool and well-bred in his grey flannel suit and
straw hat, with a turn-down collar that seemed to suggest an innocent
simplicity of character, Melville walked slowly down the hill from the
station and presented himself at the Austens' door. The ladies were in the
garden, the servant informed him, and there Melville sought them,
confident of a friendly greeting from them both.

Mrs. Austen was unaffectedly glad to see him. She had a tolerant feeling
for nearly all young men, and Melville's marvellous gift as a musician had
an especial charm for her. To Gwendolen he was Ralph's brother, and
hitherto Ralph had championed Melville's cause, with the result that the girl
was disposed to regard him as a somewhat maligned young man. So to-day
they made much of him, and, under the influence of their warm welcome
and gentle refinement, Melville was at his best.

"I've been sowing wild oats at Monte Carlo," he said gently, "and I
found it vanity. So I've come home. No, I had no adventures and met
nobody I knew. I lost all my money, and I'm very sorry for myself."

He congratulated Gwendolen on her engagement to Ralph, and there

was a touch of pathos in his voice that proved him to be a consummate
actor. Altogether, he enjoyed himself hugely, and awaited the critical
moment of meeting his brother with actual pleasure. Ralph was expected
early in the afternoon, and Melville lunched at the Grange and occupied the
centre of its little stage with much complacency.

After luncheon Gwendolen remained indoors to watch for Ralph, and

Melville sat in the verandah with Mrs. Austen and waxed confidential. She
liked to be regarded as the recipient of the confidences of young men, and
Melville played upon her amiable weakness, being careful to invent such
peccadilloes only as would not strain her charity unduly.

"Heaven divides its gifts very unequally," he remarked presently.

"Why that platitude?" asked Mrs. Austen.

"I was thinking of Ralph and myself," he said. "Of course, Sir Geoffrey
has been equally generous to us both, but I notice that Ralph gets all the
affection. He was always Uncle Geoffrey's favourite, and now he is
engaged to Gwen." He sighed pathetically, and Mrs. Austen considered.

"I think your uncle is just as fond of you as he is of Ralph," she said,
"but you're not a home bird and your brother is. Really, I don't think Sir
Geoffrey could have been kinder to you if you had been his own son."

"Not kinder," Melville said, "but fonder, more affectionate. You have
known him a long time, Mrs. Austen. Why do you suppose he never

"I have often wondered," Mrs. Austen said, "but I never met him until
he came into the title and estates, and he was not a young man then. He may
never have wanted to marry, or he may have had some disappointment. At
all events, it's an excellent thing for you boys that he never did."

"Excellent," Melville assented heartily. Mrs. Austen evidently had no

suspicion of the facts; that meant that Sir Geoffrey did not want her to know
them, and that, too, was excellent. "Ah! here comes Ralph, dancing on air."

Judging by the expression on Ralph's face, dancing on air was a

disagreeable mode of progression. He was, indeed, furious at finding
Melville thus established in the heart of the citadel; he was conscious, too,
of a disadvantage in being thus taken by surprise. Confident in the justice of
his indignation, he could have invaded Melville's chambers and demanded
explanations and apologies for the fraud; here all the force of his attack
would be wasted in the interval before he could deliver it.
He made no offer to shake hands, and, flushed with anger, he compared
unfavourably with Melville, sitting so imperturbable, and prepared for all

Melville employed every little artifice of which he was capable to

heighten the contrast between his brother and himself, of which he saw
Mrs. Austen was conscious. He made room for Ralph upon the verandah,
and chatted gaily of a hundred trifles, but to all his flippancies Ralph
returned only monosyllabic answers, appearing awkward and ill-mannered
even in Gwendolen's biassed judgment.

At last Melville rose to go, and with alacrity Ralph rose too.

Melville protested politely.

"Don't let me take you away, old man," he said.

"But I want to have a talk with you," Ralph answered.

"Thought you weren't particularly pleased to see me," Melville returned

placidly, "but I'm glad I was wrong. Good-bye, Mrs. Austen, and thanks
awfully for a jolly time. May I come again soon?"

"Do," she answered, "there's always cold luncheon and a warm

welcome here for you." She made the remark pointedly, for she was a little
vexed with Ralph. She even went so far as to restrain Gwendolen from
accompanying the brothers to the gate, and as they disappeared at the end of
the drive Ralph was conscious of almost being in disgrace with his future

Outside, however, on the main road his embarrassment vanished.

"What the deuce do you mean by coming here like this?" he said

"My dear Ralph," said Melville coolly, "The Grange doesn't belong to
you, nor does the Manor House—yet. I've been to The Grange because I
wanted to see the Austens, and now I'm going to the Manor House because
I want to see Sir Geoffrey."

Ralph was unfeignedly astonished.

"You want to see Sir Geoffrey?" he gasped.

"I do," said Melville. "Why not?"

"I wonder you have the audacity to look him in the face again," said
Ralph hotly. "You are a liar and a thief."

"Go slow, Ralph," said Melville, "go slow. It seems to me you're off
your chump. If your engagement hasn't turned your brain, tell me what all
this pother is about, and leave mud-slinging till afterwards. What do you

Ralph was almost deceived by his brother's calmness; at any rate, it had
the effect of making him struggle to regain command of his own temper.

"I wrote to you when you were at Monte Carlo," he said more quietly,
"and asked you to lend me a hundred pounds."

"That's so," said Melville. "Sorry I couldn't oblige you, but I didn't even
read your letter till I was on my way home, and then I was broke myself."

"But you got a hundred pounds out of Sir Geoffrey," spluttered Ralph.

"I did," said Melville. "I hope you did the same."

"Good heavens, man!" cried Ralph, as angrily as before; "don't try your
vile swindles on me too. You told Sir Geoffrey you lent me that hundred
pounds and got him to hand you over an open cheque for the amount in
repayment of what you said was my debt, leaving him to get explanations
from me afterwards."

"I hope the old man wasn't very crusty," said Melville sweetly.
"But your whole story was an infernal lie," roared Ralph, "and you got
that money by a vulgar, low-down swindle. You are a liar, Melville, and a
thief. I wish to heaven Sir Geoffrey had kicked you out of the house before
he parted with the cheque."

"I daresay you do," Melville replied, unmoved; "but really, Ralph,
you've had your whack out of the old buck, and now you're going to marry
the Austen money you needn't grudge me a bit, need you? It's not exactly

The sneering affront goaded Ralph almost to madness.

"You can thank me that you've not been arrested already for getting that
money under false pretences," he said, livid with passion. "If Sir Geoffrey
had had his own way you would have been, and 'pon my word, I'm
beginning to be sorry I begged you off."

"Perhaps it isn't too late even yet," said Melville, no less calmly than
before, "but I fancy you are exaggerating. Sir Geoffrey is always
intemperate in his language, but I can't believe he would adopt such
extremely unpleasant measures as the prosecution of his own nephew.
However, I'll talk to him about it. I came down with the intention of doing
so after I left The Grange."

Ralph was nonplussed. Such unlimited assurance as that displayed by

Melville was outside his experience, and it even began to have some effect
upon him.

"I think it was a mean and dirty trick," he said, "to make out that I owed
you anything when I didn't, but that part of the business you can settle with
your own conscience. What are you going to do now about the money?"

"How do you mean?" Melville enquired innocently.

"Well," said Ralph, "I persuaded Sir Geoffrey to drop the idea of legal
proceedings by saying that as you had used my name the matter ought to be
left in my hands. I've been to town to get the money, and I repaid him this
"That's really awfully good of you," Melville said effusively. "I am
infinitely obliged to you, but I'm afraid I shall have to owe it to you for a
little while."

"It's simple waste of time to talk to you," said Ralph with scorn, "but
there's one more remark I have to make, and you may as well remember it,
for I mean what I say. I can't undo the fact that you are my brother, but I can
do a good deal to prevent it from being forced on my attention, and one way
is to avoid seeing you. Now, in future I'll trouble you to keep away from
The Grange."

Melville coloured. This was a contingency he had not foreseen, and for
a moment he lost his judgment.

"Jealous, eh?" he enquired, with ill-affected sarcasm. He was no coward

physically, but he almost quailed before the blaze in his brother's eyes.
Ralph did not trouble to fling back the taunt. With suppressed passion he
spoke rapidly and distinctly, and each word flicked Melville on the raw.

"You are a contemptible swindler, and if you only have rope enough
you'll hang yourself in the end. I'm quits with Sir Geoffrey over your last
fraud, and it's worth every penny of the money to have learnt to know you
as you are; but now I do know you I'll take jolly good care that you don't
hang about my friends. Sir Geoffrey has ordered you out of the Manor
House, and I order you out of The Grange. Go there again, and I'll tell Mrs.
Austen all about this business and twist your neck into the bargain."

Melville forced a laugh.

"It will be time enough for you to order me out of houses when you
possess any. When you are master of The Grange I shall keep clear of the
place, you may be sure. Until then I shall call upon Mrs. Austen whenever I

"If you go to The Grange I shall tell Mrs. Austen what has happened,"
Ralph repeated, "and she will order you out then herself."
"I dare you to do it," said Melville. In reality the idea filled him with
uneasiness, but he was too shrewd to show it. Instead, he remarked
reflectively, as if considering Ralph's interests only, "Mrs. Austen might
begin to think she was allowing her daughter to marry into a queer family,
supposing for the moment that she took everything you said for gospel."

Ralph drove his hands deep into his pockets. Honesty such as his often
seems very stupid when confronted with the cleverness of a knave, and he
felt unequal to a discussion with his brother. But he wished he had been less
loyal to him in the past, less sturdy an advocate for his defence when Sir
Geoffrey arraigned him. It was humiliating to think how completely
Melville had taken him in. They walked in silence to the Manor House, and
Ralph paused by the gate.

"I'm not going to argue with you, and I have nothing to add to what I
said about The Grange. Go there and you'll see. Here is the Manor House. If
you take my advice you will leave me here and get back to town by the next

"When I ask your advice I'll consider about taking it," Melville
answered gently; he saw how his own coolness angered and flurried Ralph.
"As for The Grange, Mrs. Austen has kindly invited me to dine there and
bring my violin, and I need scarcely say I have accepted. And as for Sir
Geoffrey, I have come down to see him, and if he's at home I will see him
now; if he is out I shall wait."

"You are beyond me," Ralph said hopelessly. "Well, I don't want to keep
you away from Sir Geoffrey if you are anxious to see him, but if I were in
your shoes, which, thank heaven, I am not, I would blow out my brains
rather than face him. I don't believe you have any shame left."

He opened the gate and, with Melville, walked up the drive. As they
came in sight of the house, however, his mind shrank from the prospect of
having to be present at so painful an interview between his uncle and
brother as he felt sure this one must be. He stopped abruptly.

"You will probably find Sir Geoffrey in the library," he said. "I am
going down to the houseboat."
"All right," said Melville unconcernedly. "I dare say I shall see you
again later. If Sir Geoffrey asks me to stay, I will. By-bye," and noting with
amusement the incredulous surprise written on Ralph's countenance he
nodded cheerfully to him and walked in through the open doorway of the
Manor House.



Melville possessed in an eminent degree the gift of winning the

affection of his inferiors. Where no conflict of interest was possible he gave
full play to the sympathetic part of his nature, which was his as it is the
nature of all musicians. It was part of his policy, too, to stand well in the
favour of those upon whom his comfort depended, and thus, although he
was indifferent to the appeals of those who were inconvenienced by his
indebtedness to them, and would resort to any subterfuge rather than pay his
tradesmen's bills, yet he was a lenient and considerate master to his valet in
Jermyn Street, was regarded with admiration by the hall porters of his club,
and was held in affection by the old retainers at the Manor House, who had
known him for so many years.

With Martin Somers, Sir Geoffrey's butler, Melville was an especial

favourite. The old man had taught him all he knew of outdoor sports, and
had often stood his friend when in earlier days the boy was in disgrace with
his uncle.

Melville turned from the hall into the dining-room and rang the bell. It
was cool and shady in this room, and Melville was conscious of a pang of
regret at the knowledge that the place would never be his. His life had been
full of variety and excitement, but it had cost him all chance of ever being
master of the Manor House. Already he was an unwelcome visitor, and
when in course of time it passed into Ralph's possession, its doors would
very probably be closed to him altogether.

"Ralph is a stupid clown," he muttered, "but I'm not sure that he hasn't
done better for himself than I have. To own this place and be Gwen's
husband should be good enough for anyone."

The sigh that escaped him was born of sincerity, but he turned briskly to
face his immediate task as the butler came in answer to the ring. Melville
shook hands with him, making no reference to his previous evening visit to
his uncle.

"Here I am again, Martin," he said cheerfully, "'Pon my word, it's good

to see you."

"You've been abroad, Master Melville?" Martin asked.

"Yes," said Melville; "same old racket, same old place, same old luck."

Martin shook his head.

"I've no faith in Monte Carlo," he remarked austerely; "never heard of

any good coming from there."

"That's rude," said Melville, "seeing that I've just come from there. How
is Sir Geoffrey?"

"Pretty well, sir," the butler replied; "I may say very well."

"He's a wonderful old chap," said Melville. "He'll be marrying soon and
having a family of his own; see if he doesn't."

"Sir Geoffrey never took any account of the ladies," Martin remarked.
"It's a pity, in some ways; but, bless you, sir, he's got all the family a man
needs in Master Ralph and yourself."

"Too much, perhaps," said Melville. "Go and tell him I'm here, Martin,
will you."

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