Genetic Composition of Coffee

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Received: 29 December 2020 | Revised: 9 March 2022 | Accepted: 16 March 2022

DOI: 10.1111/mec.16458


Genetic composition and diversity of Arabica coffee in the

crop’s centre of origin and its impact on four major fungal

Beyene Zewdie1 | Yves Bawin2,3,4,5 | Ayco J. M. Tack1 | Sileshi Nemomissa6 |

Kassahun Tesfaye7 | Steven B. Janssens5,8,9 | Sabine Van Glabeke3 |
Isabel Roldán-­Ruiz3,4 | Tom Ruttink3 | Olivier Honnay2,9 | Kristoffer Hylander1

Department of Ecology, Environment
and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University, Abstract
Stockholm, Sweden
Conventional wisdom states that genetic variation reduces disease levels in plant
Plant Conservation and Population
Biology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
populations. Nevertheless, crop species have been subject to a gradual loss of genetic
Plant Sciences Unit, Flanders Research variation through selection for specific traits during breeding, thereby increasing their
Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and vulnerability to biotic stresses such as pathogens. We explored how genetic varia-
Food (ILVO), Melle, Belgium
4 tion in Arabica coffee sites in southwestern Ethiopia was related to the incidence of
Department of Plant Biotechnology
and Bioinformatics, Ghent University, four major fungal diseases. Sixty sites were selected along a gradient of management
Zwijnaarde, Belgium
intensity, ranging from nearly wild to intensively managed coffee stands. We used
Crop Wild Relatives and Useful Plants,
Meise Botanic Garden, Meise, Belgium genotyping-­by-­sequencing of pooled leaf samples (pool-­GBS) derived from 16 indi-
Department of Plant Biology and vidual coffee shrubs in each of the 60 sites to assess the variation in genetic composi-
Biodiversity Management, Addis Ababa
tion (multivariate: reference allele frequency) and genetic diversity (univariate: mean
University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Institute of Biotechnology, Addis Ababa
expected heterozygosity) between sites. We found that genetic composition had a
University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia clear spatial pattern and that genetic diversity was higher in less managed sites. The
Department of Biology, KU Leuven, incidence of the four fungal diseases was related to the genetic composition of the
Leuven, Belgium
9 coffee stands, but in a specific way for each disease. In contrast, genetic diversity was
Leuven Plant Institute, Heverlee, Belgium
only related to the within-­site variation of coffee berry disease, but not to the mean
incidence of any of the four diseases across sites. Given that fungal diseases are major
Beyene Zewdie, Department of Ecology,
Environment and Plant Sciences, challenges of Arabica coffee in its native range, our findings that genetic composition
Stockholm University, SE-­106 91
of coffee sites impacted the major fungal diseases may serve as baseline information
Stockholm, Sweden.
Email: [email protected] to study the molecular basis of disease resistance in coffee. Overall, our study illus-
trates the need to consider both host genetic composition and genetic diversity when
Funding information
Research Foundation –­Flanders (FWO), investigating the genetic basis for variation in disease levels.
Grant/Award Number: G056517N;
Swedish Research Council, Grant/Award
Number: VR2015-­03600
Coffea Arabica, fungal diseases, genetic composition and genetic diversity, genotyping-­by-­
Handling Editor: Tatiana Giraud
sequencing, management gradient, Southwestern Ethiopia

Zewdie and Bawin have equal contribution.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-­NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2022 The Authors. Molecular Ecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Molecular Ecology. 2022;00:1–20. | 1


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2 ZEWDIE et al.

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N of the most commonly cultivated Arabica coffee (i.e., Typica and
Bourbon varieties) were found to be genetically differentiated from
Genetic variation is a key determinant of the persistence of natu- wild accessions, suggesting that wild accessions have a large poten-
ral populations when exposed to pathogen infections (Jump et al., tial for improvement of the globally cultivated Coffea genepool (Hein
2009). Disease levels are often lower in genetically heterogeneous & Gatzweiler, 2006; Sant’Ana et al., 2018; Scalabrin et al., 2020;
natural populations, which could be attributed to the presence of Silvestrini et al., 2007; Tesfaye et al., 2014).
diversity in resistance mechanisms among individuals compared to The primary center of origin and diversity of C. arabica is situ-
genetically homogenous populations (Burdon & Laine, 2019; Ekroth ated in the southwestern Ethiopian highlands (Davis et al., 2012),
et al., 2019). The positive relationship between genetic variation and a region characterized by a mosaic landscape with some larger
disease resistance has also been observed in agricultural systems, areas of moist evergreen Afromontane forests, many small forest
where fields with cultivar mixtures or multiline cultivars often have patches, and open areas for cultivation of annual crops, communal
lower disease levels than fields with single cultivars (Mundt, 2002; grazing areas and home gardens (Lemessa et al., 2013). Arabica cof-
Reiss & Drinkwater, 2018; Zhu et al., 2000). Conventional wisdom fee is endemic to the understory of the moist Afromontane forest
states that parasites transmit more readily between closely re- in Ethiopia, where human disturbance is limited to the harvest of
lated individuals and that genetic variation in the host populations ripe coffee berries and spices (Gole et al., 2008). Arabica coffee is
reduces disease burdens. Nevertheless, the relationships between also the major cash crop in southwestern Ethiopia, where it is grown
host diversity and parasite burden is context-­dependent and might under native forest trees across a broad management intensity gra-
vary for example between experimental and wild host populations dient. At the lowest levels of management intensity, coffee is grown
(Gibson & Nguyen, 2020). The impact of a disease on host popula- by smallholder farmers under a diverse tree canopy, both in forest
tions may depend on many variables and the relationship between edges and in patches embedded in a matrix of annual crop lands
genetic variation in host populations and the intensity of a specific (Lemessa et al., 2013). The thinning of the understory and the re-
disease remains understudied. moval of herbaceous vegetation is a common practice in smallholder
Despite the potential benefits of genetic diversity in agricultural farms, while the use of plant protection agents and fertilizers is un-
systems, modern agriculture still heavily relies on improved crop usual due to a lack of resources. Farmers also additionally plant self-­
varieties cultivated in monocultures (Zhou et al., 2002). The low generated seedlings or seedlings from selected cultivars to increase
levels of genetic diversity in managed agricultural fields might have yield (Aerts et al., 2011; Schmitt et al., 2010). At the other end of the
facilitated the spread of diseases in several crops, resulting in some management intensity gradient, coffee is cultivated in intensively
cases in total crop losses. One striking example is the wipe-­out of managed plantations, which consist exclusively of selected coffee
monoclonal banana plantations by Fusarium wilt (Dita et al., 2018). cultivars (often resistant to coffee berry disease) and a few sparsely
Existence of genetic variation in crops is important for resistance placed shade trees. More intensive management practices like prun-
or tolerance to biotic stresses such as diseases (Colque-­Little et al., ing, fertilization, and weeding or herbicides are applied in this sys-
2021; Rodenburg et al., 2017). Therefore, a better understanding tem. Pesticides are not used in this landscape for control of diseases
and management of genetic variation in crops is essential to opti- and pests. In contrast to the high number of traditional smallholder
mize the conservation and use of crop genetic resources in breeding coffee farms, intensively managed coffee plantations are rare and
programmes (Brozynska et al., 2016; Fu, 2015; Zhou et al., 2002). much more recent in Ethiopia (Labouisse et al., 2008). However, in
Arabica coffee, Coffea arabica L., is widely grown across the trop- practice, coffee management has intensified during the last four
ics and subtropics for its beans, which are used to produce one of the decades, imposing a high pressure on the natural coffee forests.
most consumed beverages in the world (ICO, 2020). Nevertheless, As a result, forest degradation and fragmentation in southwestern
Arabica coffee cultivation is highly vulnerable to pests and diseases, Ethiopia rapidly increased (Aerts et al., 2017; Geeraert et al., 2019;
of which coffee leaf rust (causal agent Hemileia vastatrix Berk & Shumi et al., 2019), threatening the wild Arabica gene pool (Berecha
Broome) is one of the best known problems for the production of et al., 2014). The diversity of Arabica coffee genetic resources is also
Arabica coffee due to its worldwide presence on coffee plantations at risk due to climate change (Davis et al., 2012; Moat et al., 2017,
(Avelino et al., 2018; McCook, 2006). The intensity of coffee leaf 2019) and genetic erosion through admixture of wild individuals with
rust infection is predicted to increase due to global warming, posing cultivars (Aerts et al., 2013).
a major threat to global coffee production (Talhinhas et al., 2017; Arabica coffee stands in Ethiopia are threatened by several fun-
Toniutti et al., 2017). The high susceptibility of cultivated coffee for gal diseases, including coffee leaf rust, coffee berry disease (causal
pests and diseases can partly be ascribed to the low genetic diversity agent Colletotrichum kahawae Waller & Bridge), coffee wilt disease
within and among coffee cultivars (Labouisse et al., 2008; Setotaw (causal agent Gibberella xylarioides Heim & Saccas), and Armillaria
et al., 2013; Silvestrini et al., 2007; Steiger et al., 2002). To increase root rot (causal agent Armillaria mellea Vahl ex and Fries) (Avelino
the resistance of cultivated Arabica coffee against biotic stressors, et al., 2018; Hindorf & Omondi, 2011; Zewdie et al., 2020). Coffee
the introduction of genetic variation from wild C. arabica individu- leaf rust is recognized by orange powdery spores on the abaxial side
als to the cultivated genepool has recently been encouraged (Davis of leaves. These dry spores can be dispersed over long distances by
et al., 2019; Scalabrin et al., 2020). Interestingly, the progenitors wind or insects, while local dispersal is facilitated by rain splashes

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ZEWDIE et al. 3

or coffee workers. Coffee berry disease infects young developing of environmental variables, coffee management intensity, and spa-
berries, displaying black sunken spots that grow to cover the whole tial location? (2) How does the incidence of coffee leaf rust, coffee
berry and eventually result in completely mummified beans that fall berry disease, coffee wilt disease, and Armillaria root rot relate to
from the shrub (Hindorf & Omondi, 2011; Waller et al., 1993). Coffee the genetic composition and genetic diversity of the coffee stands?
berry disease occurs more frequently in forested areas at higher al- (3) Does the among-­coffee shrub variation in the incidence of coffee
titudes, whereas coffee leaf rust is severe in more intensively man- leaf rust and coffee berry disease relate to the genetic diversity in
aged systems, especially at lower altitudes (Daba et al., 2019; Zewdie coffee stands along the management intensity gradient?
et al., 2020). Coffee wilt disease infects coffee shrubs through We expected differences in genetic composition (allele fre-
wounds and blocks the vascular system, eventually leading to the quency spectrum) among the natural and more intensively managed
wilting of the coffee shrubs (Girma et al., 2001, 2009). Armillaria root sites and a higher level of genetic diversity in more natural forest
rot kills infected coffee shrubs as it completely damages the roots sites compared to more intensively managed sites. We also expected
(Gezahgne et al., 2004). Coffee wilt disease and Armillaria root rot that genetic composition in the coffee stands would relate to the
spread mainly through contact with infected soil or movement of variation in disease levels, that higher genetic diversity in coffee
diseased plant material between sites (Waller et al., 2007). The in- stands would coincide with a lower disease incidence at site-­level,
crease in the severity of coffee berry disease in particular has forced and that higher genetic diversity at site-­level would correlate with
Ethiopian coffee growers to gradually replace their landraces by re- a higher variation in the incidence of diseases among coffee shrubs
sistant cultivars, a process that has drastically reduced the genetic within the same site.
diversity of cultivated coffee in the area (Aerts et al., 2013). While
the temporal aspect of the coevolutionary history of these fungal
diseases with coffee in this landscape is not well known, the diseases 2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS
have been present in the landscape for at least several decades, if
not longer. This suggests that some host-­pathogen coevolution has 2.1 | Site selection and environmental variables
taken place. Coffee leaf rust is believed to have a long coevolu-
tionary history in East Africa (McCook, 2006), coffee berry disease The present study was conducted in the Gomma and Gera districts
probably originated in the neighbouring country Kenya (Hindorf & of the Jimma zone in the Oromia regional state in southwestern
Omondi, 2011), and coffee wilt disease was first reported in the Ethiopia. Collection sites were located between 7°37’–­7°56’ N and
Central African Republic on Excelsa coffee, Coffea liberica var. dew- 36°13’–­36°39’ E (Figure 1a,b). The region is characterized by a uni-
evrei, although a different strain of the pathogen infects Arabica modal rainfall pattern with the main rainy season between May and
coffee in Ethiopia (Girma et al., 2001). Consequently, southwestern September and the main dry season between December and March.
Ethiopia harbours a unique landscape to investigate the existence of The altitude of the area ranges from 1506 to 2159 m above sea level.
host-­pathogen coevolutionary relationships in Arabica coffee. Taken We selected 60 coffee sites representing a broad gradient of man-
together, a thorough characterisation of the incidence of these fun- agement intensity including nine intensively managed commercial
gal diseases in Arabica coffee stands in Ethiopia in relation to their coffee plantations. At each site, we established a plot of 50 × 50 m
genetic variation is needed to optimally conserve and exploit Arabica where we recorded biotic and abiotic environmental and manage-
coffee genetic resources for disease resistance. Nevertheless, stud- ment variables, and marked 16 coffee shrubs at the intersections of
ies that investigate the relationship between genetic composition 10 × 10 m grid cells in the central 30 × 30 m grid (Figure 1c). More
and genetic diversity of coffee on one hand and the incidence of specifically, we recorded (i) altitude, (ii) canopy cover, (iii) number
diseases on the other hand across the Arabica coffee landscape in of shade trees >20 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) in the 50
Ethiopia are lacking. × 50 m plot, (iv) coffee density as a count of coffee shrubs >1.5 m
In this study, we aimed to link genetic variation in Arabica coffee height in the central 30 × 30 m plot, and (v) coffee shrub structure
to the incidence of four major fungal diseases along a gradient of index. Canopy cover was based on the average of five canopy im-
management intensity in southwestern Ethiopia. We collected leaf ages taken above the coffee shrub layer with a Nikon Coolpix S2800
samples from 16 coffee shrubs per site in a total of 60 sites rang- camera tied to a long stick to rise above coffee canopy and analysed
ing from nearly wild to intensively managed coffee. We estimated separately using imageJ software (Schneider et al., 2012). Coffee
genetic variation by performing genotyping-­by-­sequencing on structure index was created based on five attributes measured on
pooled samples (pool-­GBS), to capture global patterns of sequence each of the 16 coffee shrubs per site: (i) number of primary and
polymorphisms at the population level. Pool-­GBS is a cost-­efficient secondary orthotropic (vertical, vegetative) shoots, (ii) number of
library preparation method for genome-­wide allele frequency fin- plagiotropic (horizontal, fruit bearing) shoots, (iii) average stem di-
gerprinting (GWAFF) of large numbers of samples (Bélanger et al., ameter at knee height, (iv) average of two perpendicular diameters
2016; Byrne et al., 2013; Verwimp et al., 2018). After the experi- of the ground projection of the coffee shrub canopy, and (v) pro-
mental validation of the pool-­GBS method in C. arabica, we ad- portion of the coffee height with plagiotropic branches. The index
dressed the following questions: (1) Does the genetic composition accounts for variation in coffee shrub architecture as a result of vari-
and genetic diversity of Arabica coffee stands vary along gradients ation in management and ranges from 1 (less intensive management)

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4 ZEWDIE et al.

F I G U R E 1 Study area and plot design. (a) Shows a map of Ethiopia with the study area marked with a red polygon. (b) Shows an aerial
view of the study landscape with the 60 study sites (white dots) in Gomma and Gera districts (black stars). The sites are overlaid on Google
Maps (Map data ©2021 Google) using the geocode function in ggmap library in R. (c) Shows layout of an individual plot, each 50 × 50 m. The
numbers 1–­16 indicate the 16 coffee shrubs selected at the intersections of 10 m gridlines in the central 30 × 30 m of the plot. Shade canopy
pictures were taken from five locations at the center of the 10 × 10 m quadrat, as indicated by the blue dots

to 3 (intensive management). The environmental and management of leaves with coffee leaf rust out of the total number of assessed
variables (Table S1) were assessed in 2017 from March to May and leaves at the shrub level. Coffee berry disease was assessed during
from July to August and were also used in a previously published the wet season of 2017 and 2018 from July to August. We recorded
study (Zewdie et al., 2020). the total number of berries and berries with coffee berry disease
infection on three branches per shrub for the 16 coffee shrubs per
site. Coffee berry disease incidence was calculated as the proportion
2.2 | Fungal disease assessment of berries with coffee berry disease symptoms divided by the total
number of berries counted. Coffee wilt disease and Armillaria root
We recorded coffee leaf rust on 16 coffee shrubs per site during the rot were assessed within the whole 50 × 50 m plot at each site dur-
dry season in 2017 (March to May) and 2018 (January to February). ing the 2017 wet season from July to August. Their respective inci-
We assessed leaves for coffee leaf rust infection on three branches dence was calculated as the proportion of coffee shrubs with coffee
per shrub and calculated coffee leaf rust incidence as the number wilt disease or Armillaria root rot symptoms out of the total number

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ZEWDIE et al. 5

of coffee shrubs in the 50 × 50 m plot. For the two fungal diseases individuals, and in turn, their allele frequency varies between popu-
that were assessed at coffee shrub level (coffee leaf rust and coffee lations. Because between-­subgenome polymorphisms carry signals
berry disease), we further investigated the magnitude of variation in related to evolutionary genetics, they should be excluded before
the incidence of the diseases among coffee shrubs within a site. We estimating population genetic parameters such as genetic differenti-
calculated the standard deviation for the incidences of each disease ation and genetic diversity based on “true” within-­subgenome SNPs
from the 16 coffee shrubs per site. (see Supplementary Materials for further details). In this regard, a
previous study that processed high-­throughput sequencing data of
individual C. arabica samples (one genotype per sample) removed
2.3 | Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) in polymorphic positions that were consistently called as “hetero-
pooled and individual samples zygous state” across the set of individuals (Sant’Ana et al., 2018).
Nevertheless, the detection of between-­subgenome polymorphisms
Leaf samples were collected from March to May 2017 from young based on their fixed heterozygous state is not sufficiently accurate in
but fully expanded leaves from the 16 selected shrubs at each of high-­throughput sequencing data of pooled samples (multiple gen-
the 60 sites resulting in a total of 960 leaf samples. Per site, a sin- otypes per sample). In particular, the allele frequency (quantitative
gle tissue pool sample was created by pooling c. 3 mg of silica-­dried variable between 0 and 1) of between-­subgenome polymorphisms
leaf material from all individuals belonging to the same site. In paral- in pooled samples may substantially deviate from an allele frequency
lel, c. 20 mg of silica-­dried leaf material of each of the 16 individual of 0.5 in every sample due to stochastic fluctuations in the contribu-
samples from two of the sites representing two different manage- tion of each allele to the read depth of a given locus (Andrews et al.,
ment intensities (Gera 1 and Gomma 16) were analysed as individual 2016; Limborg et al., 2016). We therefore implemented a more suit-
samples to validate the pool-­GBS method. A PstI single-­enzyme GBS able filtering method for the removal of between-­subgenome poly-
protocol slightly adapted from Elshire et al. (2011) was used to con- morphisms in pool-­Seq data based on the relative stability of allele
struct GBS libraries of the 60 pooled samples (two GBS ligation rep- frequencies across populations (measured as FST values), instead of
licates per sample) and 32 individual DNA samples (one GBS ligation strict allele frequency thresholds as filter criterion.
replicate per sample) (Figure S1). Although the RAFpool value of a between-­subgenome polymor-
Coffea arabica is an allotetraploid species (2n = 4x = 44) most phism may differ from its expected value (0.5) in a single pooled sam-
probably originating from a single interspecific hybridization event ple (i.e., per locus determined by near-­equal read depth derived from
between the diploid species C. canephora and C. eugenioides (Bawin both subgenomes in each constituent individual), its RAFpool value in
et al., 2021; Scalabrin et al., 2020; Tesfaye et al., 2007). The C. ara- all 60 pooled samples was expected to be stable and often centred
bica genome thus comprises two subgenomes, each derived from around 0.5. Because of the high expected consistency of RAFpool
one of its progenitor species. Because sequence-­based genotyping values per sample, the genetic differentiation on that single poly-
relies on mapping reads obtained by high-­throughput sequencing morphic position measured over all 60 pooled samples (therefore,
onto a reference genome sequence and identifying read-­reference estimated by FST ) is expected to be relatively low. Consequently,
polymorphisms, the choice of the reference genome sequence is between-­subgenome polymorphisms can be identified based on
critical. In allotetraploids, one may choose either one subgenome as their level of genetic differentiation among a large set of pooled
a non-­redundant reference (to avoid ambiguous read mapping) or samples and removed, by FST threshold, irrespective of their RAFpool
both subgenomes (to capture the entire sequence space). In our ap- value in a single pooled sample.
proach, reads of C. arabica were mapped onto the genome sequence The GBS read data were preprocessed and mapped onto the
of C. canephora (Denoeud et al., 2014). Consequently, an equal num- reference genome sequence of C. canephora (Denoeud et al., 2014),
ber of reads derived from both C. arabica subgenomes may map which was the only published reference genome sequence of the
onto their respective homoeologous region in the reference genome genus Coffea with full access to all (meta)data at the time of data
sequence, creating “genome-­collapsed” loci (Limborg et al., 2016). processing. The Bayesian variant calling algorithm implemented in
Importantly, variant calling algorithms will identify, but not discrimi- SNAPE-­pooled (Raineri et al., 2012) was used to identify variant
nate between, within-­subgenome polymorphisms (derived from the positions in pool-­GBS data. For each variant position, the allele
different alleles of a given locus on one of the subgenomes; “true” frequency per pool sample is calculated as the number of reads
single nucleotide polymorphisms [SNPs]; relevant for estimates of representing the reference allele (i.e., the allele in the C. canephora
population genetic diversity and genetic composition), and between-­ reference genome sequence) divided by the total number of reads
subgenome polymorphisms (derived from reads of homoeologous mapped to that position, with a minimal read count of 30 reads
loci; resulting from the evolutionary sequence divergence between (denoted as reference allele frequency, RAFpool). Variants in the 32
the founder species of the allotetraploid; not relevant for population individual-­GBS samples were called using the Unified Genotyper in
genetics). Given the assumed single interspecific hybridization event the Genome Analysis ToolKit (GATK) v3.7 (McKenna et al., 2010).
at the origin of C. arabica (Scalabrin et al., 2020), such between-­ After variant filtering, the reference allele frequency per variant
subgenome polymorphisms are probably shared by all individuals of position across all individuals per site (for the 32 individuals from
this species, whereas within-­subgenome SNPs differentiate between 2 sites) was calculated as the number of discrete called reference

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6 ZEWDIE et al.

alleles divided by the total number of discrete called alleles in the we calculated the genetic differentiation between all pairs of sites as
set of genotypes per site (RAFind) for comparison with RAFpool. A FST following (Weir & Cockerham, 1984) using the stamppFst func-
detailed overview of the individual-­GBS and pool-­GBS protocol and tion in the R package StAMPP (Pembleton et al., 2013). The ploidy
read data analyses is provided as Supplementary Materials, part 1. level of each site was set to 64, which equals the ploidy level of C.
To remove between-­subgenome polymorphisms from pool-­GBS arabica (4) multiplied by the number of individuals collected per site
data, we calculated FST across the 60 sites for each variant sepa- (16). For genetic diversity, we calculated three different metrics: the
rately following Nei and Chesser (1983) and variants with an FST mean expected heterozygosity (mean HE), nucleotide diversity pi (π),
value lower than 0.03 were removed. Calibration of the FST thresh- and Watterson's estimator theta (θ). The expected heterozygosity at
old value is described in detail in the Supplementary Materials, each SNP position was calculated as HE = 2*RAF*(1−RAF). The mean
part 2. In the individual samples, positions with heterozygous gen- expected heterozygosity is relatively robust to fluctuations caused
otype calls in at least 75% of the individuals were considered as by low frequency alleles, representing a conservative measure for
between-­subgenome polymorphisms and subsequently removed genetic diversity in populations (Luikart & Cornuet, 1998; Nei et al.,
(Sant’Ana et al., 2018). The number of within-­subgenome SNPs in 1975). The nucleotide diversity pi and Watterson's estimator theta
the individual-­GBS data and the corresponding pool-­GBS data was were first calculated for each pool-­GBS ligation replicate separately.
compared to determine the agreement between both SNP sets and Subsequently, the mean of the two replicates was calculated to ob-
effects of various parameters during variant calling and filtering. The tain one value for each site. The calculations of π and θ were also
python scripts used to discard between-­subgenome polymorphisms restricted to the set of within-­subgenome SNPs that was retained
in pools and individuals are available on Gitlab (Supplementary after all filtering steps (Figure S1). Both π and θ were estimated with
Materials, part 2). NPstat v1 (Ferretti et al., 2013) using the filtered Samtools mpileup
files that were created for SNP calling. NPstat was run with a win-
dow size of 10,000, a maximum coverage of 500, and without a
2.4 | Validation of pool-­GBS minimum allele count filter (m = 0). Because the values of the three
genetic diversity estimates (mean HE, π, and θ) were highly correlated
The number of GBS loci with a minimum depth of 30 reads that was (r ≥ 0.69, Figure S6), we chose to conduct all further analyses with
shared between a pooled sample and the corresponding individual one parameter for genetic diversity (i.e., mean HE).
samples was determined using BEDTools v2.27.1 (Quinlan & Hall,
2010). The reproducibility of RAFs in every pooled sample (n = 60)
and the accuracy of RAFpool values in the pooled sample of sites Gera 2.6 | Genetic composition and genetic diversity of
1 and Gomma 16 (n = 2) was assessed by the variance explained by coffee stands along gradients in environmental,
predictive models based on cross-­validation (VEcv) (Li, 2016, 2017). management intensity, and spatial variables
VEcv shows the percentage of variation in the reference data that
is explained by the observed data. A VEcv value higher than 80% is The variation in genetic composition of coffee stands was assessed
considered as excellent (Li, 2016). The RAFpool of within-­subgenome with a principal component analysis (PCA) on the Hellinger trans-
SNPs in the first pool-­GBS ligation replicate and the RAFpool of formed RAFpool data using the rda function in the R package vegan

within-­subgenome SNPs in the second pool-­GBS ligation replicate (Oksanen et al., 2019). The Hellinger transformation was used to
of each pooled sample (Figure S1) were set as the reference and the standardize the data for the multivariate approach. To be able to vis-
observed data, respectively, to assess the reproducibility of RAFs ualise the variation in genetic composition across the landscape we
between both replicates. The RAFind of within-­subgenome SNPs performed a cluster analysis on the RAFpool data. We did not intend
were considered as reference values for the RAFpool in their corre- to delineate distinct clusters of sites with similar genetic composi-
sponding pool-­GBS samples (Supplementary Materials, Figure S1) tion, but we aimed to visualize to what extent the variation in ge-
to assess the accuracy of RAFs in pools. The VEcv was calculated netic composition also displayed spatial patterns. This was obtained
between the reference and the observed values using the vecv func- by subsequent colour-­marking of the cluster groups on a map. The
tion in the R package spm (Li, 2016) in R v3.6.1 (R Core Team, 2019). clusters were defined with a hierarchical cluster algorithm using the
hclust function in base R. To determine the appropriate clustering
algorithm and optimal number of clusters, we first performed cluster
2.5 | Estimation of genetic composition and validation using the clValid function in the R package clValid (Brock
genetic diversity et al., 2008). This function allows the simultaneous selection of mul-
tiple clustering algorithms, validation measures, and number of clus-
Genetic variation was quantified with several metrics divided into ters in a single function call. We also illustrated the spatial variation
two groups: multivariate genetic composition and univariate ge- in genetic diversity of the coffee sites on a map of the study area
netic diversity. Genetic composition consisted of the RAFpool of all using the geocode function in the R package ggmap (Kahle & Wickham,
within-­subgenome SNPs across all sites. This allele-­frequency-­by-­ 2013) and colour-­marked the sites according to their mean expected
site matrix was used for ordination analyses (see below). Moreover, heterozygosity. We assessed the relationship between the genetic

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ZEWDIE et al. 7

composition of coffee sites and environmental variables, manage- in coffee stands, we included the mean HE as explanatory variable
ment intensity, and altitude variation with a constrained redundancy along with the five environmental and management variables in a
analysis (RDA) on the Hellinger transformed RAFpool data using the separate model. We fitted generalized linear mixed models (GLMM)
rda function in the R package vegan . Five constraining variables (al- with a binomial distribution and a logit link function for coffee leaf
titude, canopy cover, number of shade trees with DBH >20 cm, cof- rust and coffee berry disease with the disease incidence as response
fee density, and coffee structure index) were included in the RDA variable using the glmer function in the R package lme4 (Bates et al.,
model. The collinearity between these variables, which was deter- 2015). Generalized linear models (GLM) were fitted with a bino-
mined with the vif function in the R package car (Fox & Weisberg, mial distribution and a logit link function for coffee wilt disease and
2019), was low (variance inflation factor <3). Selection of variables Armillaria root rot incidence using the glm function in base R. For the
that contributed to variation in genetic composition was performed incidence of coffee leaf rust and coffee berry disease, which was as-
using a forward selection method with Bonferroni correction. sessed at coffee shrub level for two successive years, the parameter
To determine the presence of spatial structure in genetic com- “year” was included in the models as a fixed effect term to account
position and genetic diversity among sites, we created Moran's ei- for variation in disease incidence between different years. In addi-
genvector maps (MEMs: Dray, 2020; Dray et al., 2006). MEMs are tion, the parameter “site” was included in these models as random
orthogonal vectors with a unit norm that maximize Moran's coeffi- effect.
cient of spatial autocorrelation (Dray et al., 2006, 2012). Only MEMs
with positive eigenvalues were considered for further selection to
test for spatial autocorrelation (Borcard & Legendre, 2002; Dray 2.8 | Relationship between genetic diversity and
et al., 2006). The significance of spatial autocorrelation in each MEM among shrub variation in disease incidence
was tested by calculating Moran's I using the function moran.randtest
in the R package adespatial (Dray, 2020). To select MEMs that might In order to assess if the variation in the incidence of coffee leaf rust
have structured the genetic composition of coffee stands, we per- and coffee berry disease among coffee shrubs was correlated with
formed forward selection (Dray, 2020) on the Hellinger transformed variation in genetic diversity, we ran a linear model with the stand-
RAFpool values. Based on the selected MEMs and environmental and ard deviation of the incidence of coffee leaf rust and coffee berry
management variables, the variation in genetic composition was disease as response variables and genetic diversity (mean HE) as ex-
partitioned into environmental, management, and spatial variables planatory variable. The season of sampling of the diseases (“year”)
using the varpart function in the R package vegan. We performed a was included in the models as a fixed effect to account for variation
partial RDA on Hellinger transformed RAFpool values, with the se- in disease incidence among years. Before all analyses, we evaluated
lected MEMs and environmental variables as explanatory variables the model fit using the package sjPlot (Lüdecke, 2020). All analyses
and explored their significance using the anova.cca function in the R were performed in R v3.6.1 (R Core Team, 2019). For more details
package vegan. We used the adjusted R2 to evaluate the contribution about our research questions, response variables and the models fit-
of each fraction. ted, see Table S2.
To assess the relationship between genetic diversity in coffee
stands and environmental variables and management intensity, we
fitted a linear model with the mean HE as response variable and the 3 | R E S U LT S
environmental and management variables as explanatory variables
using the base R function lm. The significance of the spatial struc- 3.1 | GBS summary data and validation of pool-­
ture of genetic diversity was tested by permutation, using the moran. GBS
randtest function in the R package adespatial.
More than 85% of the reads of every pool-­GBS sample mapped
onto the C. canephora reference genome sequence with a minimum
2.7 | Relationship between diseases and genetic mapping quality score of 20, indicating that a unique read mapping
composition and genetic diversity location could be identified. In total, 4523 loci (mean length of 161
base pairs) with a depth of minimum 30 reads per locus were found
To examine the relationship between the incidence of fungal dis- in the 60 pools, covering 726,318 nucleotides of the 471 Mbp C.
eases and genetic, environmental and management variables at the canephora reference genome sequence (0.15%). Of these 4523 loci,
site-­level, we ran separate generalized linear (mixed) effects models 3605 (79.7%) were present in at least 57 out of 60 pools. The set
for each of the four fungal diseases with disease incidence as re- of 32 individual samples used for pool-­GBS validation contained
sponse variable. The five environmental and management variables 4148 loci with a read depth of minimum 30 reads, covering 653,981
(listed above) were included in all models as explanatory variables, nucleotides (0.14%) of the C. canephora reference genome sequence.
as well as the first three PCA-­axes from the indirect ordination to The majority of those loci (3,105 out of 4,148, 74.9%) were observed
account for variation in genetic composition. In order to understand in at least 31 out of the 32 individual samples, indicating a relatively
how the incidence of fungal diseases related to the genetic diversity low level of missing loci and fair saturation of read depth across the

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8 ZEWDIE et al.

entire sample set. After all filtering steps, 487 SNPs in the pools and managed forest in the western part of the landscape fell into one
292 in the individuals were retained (Figures S1–­S5). The VEcv value cluster (G1), while the sites dominated by smallholder's landraces in
of the comparisons between the RAF spectra of within-­subgenome the eastern part of the landscape were grouped into another clus-
SNPs shared between individual-­GBS and pool-­GBS for the two ter (G2) (Figure 4a). These two clusters showed some overlap in the
sites was on average 90.7%, indicating a high correspondence be- PCA space (Figure 3a) even though the sites were geographically
tween RAFind and RAFpool and a high accuracy of the pool-­GBS separated (Figure 4a). However, sites from the other two clusters (G3
method. Furthermore, the VEcv values of the comparisons between and G4) were more spread apart in the PCA plot, and most of them
pool-­GBS ligation replicates at each of the 60 sites were on aver- were also spread out geographically across the landscape (Figure 4a).
age 94.4 (range 88.3–­97.8), showing that the pool-­GBS ligation repli- These two clusters (G3 and G4) contain the intensively managed com-
cates displayed high reproducibility and accuracy of RAFpool spectra mercial plantation sites and some of the more intensively managed
(Table S3). smallholder farmer sites, and tended to be more similar to the forest
sites (G1) than the smallholder sites (G2) (Figure 3a). The pairwise FST
values showed similar patterns of genetic differentiation (Figure S7).
3.2 | Genetic composition and genetic diversity of The highest and lowest FST values for the pairwise comparisons were
coffee stands along gradients in environmental, 0.378 and 0.007, respectively (Figure S7). A direct gradient analysis
management and spatial variables with redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that coffee structure index,
canopy cover, and coffee density were related to the variation in ge-
The hierarchical cluster analysis partitioned the sites into four clus- netic composition of the coffee stands (Figure 3b; Table S4). The four
ters based on similarities of their genetic composition (Figure 2), cluster groups differed from each other in the RDA space in a similar
which also to a large extent is mirrored in how they occupy different way as in the PCA, but with less overlap between the groups (see
areas in a two-­dimensional principal component analysis (PCA) plot Figure 3a and b). The MEM global test that was used to assess spatial
(Figure 3a). However, note that the clusters do not represent geneti- autocorrelation in the genetic composition was highly significant (p <
cally differentiated groups in the sense that all sites in one cluster .001). Environmental and management variables and spatial variables
are more similar to each other than to sites in another cluster, since explained a nearly similar amount of variation and together, spatial
the genetic composition is changing gradually (as seen by the large and environmental variables explained 23% of the variation in ge-
cloud with all sites in the PCA, Figure 3a). Rather the clusters fa- netic composition of the coffee stands (Figure S8).
cilitate the division of sites into groups that can be used to illustrate The genetic diversity (mean HE) of coffee ranged between 0.157
how the variability in genetic composition, that still is substantial, and 0.253 (Table S5). The genetic diversity of the coffee stands was
is distributed across the landscape. The sites in the less intensively positively related to altitude (F(1, 57) = 12.49, SC = 0.40, p < .001) and

F I G U R E 2 Dendrogram based on hierarchical clustering of the pool-­GBS reference allele frequency (RAFpool) data across 60 Arabica
coffee sites. Cluster results validation using the clValid function in the R package clValid showed that the stability measure with the
hierarchical clustering algorithm was the most appropriate method. The optimum number of clusters suggested with this clustering
algorithm was four. The different groupings are based on the similarities in the genetic composition of coffee stands. The clusters (identified
by the colours) are represented in ordination space in Figure 3a and b and in geographic space in Figure 4a

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ZEWDIE et al. 9

F I G U R E 3 Principal component analysis (PCA) (a) and redundancy analysis (RDA) (b) plot showing the ordination of 60 coffee stands
based on the reference allele frequency (RAFpool) on 487 variant positions per coffee stand. Coffee stands are labelled by group (G1–­G 4)
based on hierarchical clustering. G1 (green, n = 9) mainly include less intensively managed forest sites; G2 (red, n = 28) mainly include
smallholder farmers sites using landraces in the eastern part of the landscape with long history of coffee management; G3 (blue, n = 14)
and G4 (light blue, n = 9) mainly include commercial plantations and some intensively managed smallholder farmers sites (see also Figure
4a). The symbols differentiate commercial plantations from other sites. GePlant (star) refers to commercial plantations in the Gera district
that were recently established (2010/2011) in montane forests/agroforest sites; GoPlant (crossed square) refers to commercial plantations
in the Gomma district that were established in the early 1980s, and “Others” refers to smallholder farmers sites. The arrows in the RDA
plot indicate environmental and management variables that significantly explain part of the variation in genetic composition of coffee.
Arrowheads point to the direction of increasing gradient (for the corresponding variable) in the ordination space

decreased with coffee structure index (F(1, 57) = 6.87, SC = –­0.30, composition of the coffee sites (Table 1). The relationships were spe-
p = .011) (Figure 5, Table S6). However, we did not detect a spatial cific to each of the four diseases. Incidence of the fungal diseases
structure in the genetic diversity of coffee stands (MEM global test: was also related to several environmental and management vari-
observed = 0.026, p = .32; see also Figure 4b). ables, but the relationship varied for the different diseases (Table 1).
For example, coffee leaf rust incidence decreased with altitude,
whereas the incidence of coffee berry disease and Armillaria root
3.3 | The relationship between genetic rot were positively related to altitude. Coffee leaf rust incidence de-
composition and genetic diversity in coffee creased, whereas Armillaria root rot incidence increased, with coffee
stands and incidence of fungal diseases structure index (Table 1).
Genetic diversity, as based on the pooled sample of 16 coffee
The incidence of each of the four fungal diseases was related shrubs per site, did not explain any of the variation in among-­site
to at least one of the first three PCA axes describing the genetic incidence of any of the four fungal diseases (Table 2).

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10 ZEWDIE et al.

(a) F I G U R E 4 Variation in (a) genetic

composition (reference allele frequencies,
RAFpool) and (b) genetic diversity (mean
expected heterozygosity, mean HE) in
coffee stands across the landscape.
Sites in (a) are coloured according to
their cluster groups in the hierarchical
cluster analysis on RAFpool values (Figure
2). G1 (green, n = 9) mainly include less
intensively managed forest sites; G2 (red,
n = 28) mainly include smallholder farmers
sites using landraces in the eastern part
of the landscape with long history of
coffee management; G3 (blue, n = 14)
and G4 (light blue, n = 9) mainly include
intensively managed plantations and some
intensively managed smallholder farmers
sites. Sites in (b) are coloured according
to mean expected heterozygosity. Sites
marked with triangles represent less
(b) intensive to medium level of management
while those marked with crossed squares
and stars represent plantation coffee
systems in Gomma and Gera districts,
respectively. The sites are overlaid on
Google Maps (Map data ©2021 Google)
using the geocode function in the ggmap
library in R

3.4 | The relationship between genetic while the genetic diversity did not show a spatial pattern, but was
diversity and among shrub variation in related to for example elevation and the number of shade trees. The
disease incidence incidence of the four major fungal diseases on coffee was related
to the genetic composition of the coffee sites, but in different ways
The variation among coffee shrubs in the incidence of coffee leaf for the different diseases. On the other hand, the incidence of the
rust was not significantly related to genetic diversity in coffee sites diseases was not lower in sites with a high genetic diversity even if
(Figure 6a; Table S7). However, the variation among shrubs in the the variability in the incidence of coffee berry disease among shrubs
incidence of coffee berry disease was positively related to genetic within sites was higher in such sites. Overall, our study illustrates the
diversity in the coffee sites (Figure 6b, Table S7). need to consider both the genetic composition and genetic diversity
of the host species when investigating the genetic basis for variation
in disease levels.

We studied to what extent genetic composition and genetic diver- 4.1 | Pool-­GBS validation
sity of coffee stands could explain the variation in fungal diseases
across a landscape where Arabica coffee is native and managed with The high mapping success rate in the pool-­GBS data suggests that
different intensities. Genetic composition showed a clear spatial the majority of the reads from the C. eugenioides-­derived subgenome
pattern, to some extent related to environmental and management mapped well onto the C. canephora reference genome sequence, de-
variables (e.g., canopy cover, coffee structure index, coffee density), spite the relatively high genetic differentiation that was reported

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ZEWDIE et al. 11

amount of genetic variation can be explained by the assumed recent

origin of the species after a single hybridization event (Bawin et al.,
2021; Scalabrin et al., 2020).
We implemented an FST-­based filter and optimized the FST
stringency threshold to balance between removing most between-­
subgenome polymorphisms and retaining most within-­subgenome
SNPs. A lower FST threshold may increase the number of retained
between-­subgenome polymorphisms, thus masking patterns in the
genetic variation among populations. Conversely, a higher FST thresh-
old value may exclude too many within-­subgenome SNPs, possibly
leading to incorrect inferences of genetic relationships across popu-
lations. A careful evaluation of the filtering procedure showed that it
removed the majority of the between-­subgenome polymorphisms in
the pool-­GBS data, without affecting the relative differences in the
genetic diversity among the 60 Arabica coffee sites.
About half of the SNPs in the individual-­GBS samples of the
two sites were not present in their constituent pool-­GBS sample.
The majority of those SNPs had alleles with a low frequency in the
individual-­GBS samples (RAFind < 0.05 or RAFind > 0.95), which sug-
gests that pool-­GBS is not very sensitive to the detection of low-­
frequency alleles. Such alleles were often missing in the pool-­GBS
data because they were not detected (absent in both pool-­GBS li-
gation replicates), not reproducible (present in only one out of two
pool-­GBS ligation replicates), or removed during SNP filtering due
to their low posterior probability value assigned by SNAPE-­pooled.
SNPs in a pool-­Seq sample with low-­frequency alleles often have
a similar (low) read depth as read errors, and are therefore inevita-
bly discarded during data cleaning (Dorant et al., 2019; Inbar et al.,
2020). However, low-­frequency alleles in pool-­Seq data are believed
to mainly provide information about recent demographic changes
F I G U R E 5 The relationship between genetic diversity (mean
between closely related populations, hence they may not be re-
expected heterozygosity, mean HE) of coffee among sites as a
quired to infer broad-­scale genetic patterns in the pool-­GBS data
function of elevation and coffee structure index. (a) Genetic
diversity of coffee among sites as a function of altitude as of C. arabica (Baye et al., 2011; Génin et al., 2015). The high VEcv
proxy for environment. (b) Genetic diversity of coffee among values of the comparison between RAFind and RAFpool indicated that
sites as a function of coffee structure index as proxy for coffee the RAFs in the pool-­GBS data accurately reflected the RAFs in the
management. The red, solid lines indicate regression lines for individual-­GBS data (Li, 2016). The pool-­GBS approach also resulted
significant relationships and the grey shaded areas indicate the 95%
in highly reproducible RAFpool values, as shown by the high VEcv
confidence limits for the fitted regression lines (panel a) SC = 0.40,
p < .001; (panel b) SC = –­0.30, p = .011, See Table S6) values of the comparison between the data of pool-­GBS ligation rep-
licates. Both observations are in line with previous pool-­GBS stud-
ies, confirming that pool-­GBS is accurate and reproducible if each
between the two subgenomes (Scalabrin et al., 2020). Consequently, individual equally contributes to the pooled DNA sample (Bélanger
the mapping of C. arabica reads onto a C. canephora reference ge- et al., 2016; Verwimp et al., 2018).
nome sequence does not seem to systematically exclude reads from
the C. eugenioides-­derived subgenome, indicating that this reference
genome sequence is suited for genome-­wide fingerprinting studies 4.2 | Variation in genetic composition and genetic
of C. arabica. The number of within-­subgenome SNPs identified in diversity across the landscape
the pool-­GBS data was low, yet within the expected order of mag-
nitude based on SNP numbers reported by previous GBS studies on Our results show that the genetic composition of the coffee stands
C. arabica (Sant’Ana et al., 2018; Scalabrin et al., 2020). The esti- varied between the coffee sites across the landscape with both spa-
mated nucleotide diversity pi in the pool-­GBS samples of C. arabica tial and environmental imprints. We suggest that some of this varia-
also strongly corresponds to the estimate of Scalabrin et al. (2020), tion in genetic composition across the landscape could be attributed
who found that this diversity was about ten times lower than the to the history of coffee production in these landscapes. According
diversity in a set of samples from each progenitor species. This low to the historian McCann (1995, p. 159), active coffee cultivation
| 12

TA B L E 1 Incidence of each of the four fungal diseases on coffee as a function of genetic composition (PCA scores of the reference allele frequencies for the 487 within-­subgenome SNPs),
environmental and management variables, and sampling year.a

Canopy Shade trees Coffee Coffee structure

Response variable Estimate Yeara PC1 PC2 PC3 Altitude cover >20 cm DBH density index

Coffee leaf rust incidence (GLMM) SC 1.43 –­ –­0.26 –­ –­0.38 –­ –­ –­ –­0.27

ᵡ 10077 –­ 7.63 –­–­ 17.16 –­ –­ –­ 8.27
p <.001 –­ .006 –­ <.001 –­ –­ –­ .004
Coffee berry disease incidence (GLMM) SC 0.85 –­1.20 0.82 –­ 2.11 –­ –­ –­ –­
ᵡ2 1571 11.02 7.18 –­ 42.52 –­ –­ –­ –­
p <.001 <.001 .007 –­ <.001 –­ –­ –­ –­
Coffee wilt disease incidence (GLM) SC 0.18 –­0.30 0.13 –­ 0.24 0.26 –­0.16 0.11
ᵡ 9.83 49.11 10.96 –­ 25.94 28.96 18.74 5.90
p .002 <.001 <.001 –­ <.001 <.001 <.001 .015
Armillariaroot rot incidence (GLM) SC –­ –­0.16 –­0.36 0.51 –­0.20 0.70 –­ 0.95
ᵡ2 –­ 3.90 20.83 35.09 4.62 74.73 –­ 183.84
p –­ .048 <.001 <.001 .032 <.001 –­ <.001
Note: Shown are standardized coefficients (SC) and chi-­squared values (χ ) for the minimum adequate model (p < .05) as estimated from the GL(M)Ms.
Abbreviations: GLMM, generalized linear mixed model; GLM, generalized linear model.
Sampling year was added to coffee leaf rust and coffee berry disease models for which we used data from two seasons.
ZEWDIE et al.

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ZEWDIE et al.

TA B L E 2 Incidence of each of the four fungal diseases on coffee as a function of genetic diversity (mean expected heterozygosity), environmental and management variables, and sampling

Genetic diversity Shade trees Coffee Coffee

Response variable Estimate Yeara (mean HE ) Altitude Canopy cover >20 cm DBH density structure index

Coffee leaf rust incidence (GLMM) SC 1.43 –­ –­0.36 –­ –­ –­ –­0.21

χ 10076 –­ 14.16 –­ –­ –­ 4.82
p <.001 –­ <.001 –­ –­ –­ .028
Coffee berry disease incidence (GLMM) SC 0.85 –­ 2.03 –­ –­ –­ –­0.82
χ2 1570 –­ 36.33 –­ –­ –­ 6.74
p <.001 –­ <.001 –­ –­ –­ .009
Coffee wilt disease incidence (GLM) SC –­ –­ 0.12 0.34 –­0.25 –­
χ –­ –­ 8.73 67.21 61.57 –­
p –­ –­ .003 <.001 <.001 –­
Armillariaroot rot incidence (GLM) SC –­ 0.43 –­0.35 0.80 –­0.33 1.00
χ2 –­ 27.57 15.22 94.73 17.53 211.44
p –­ <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
Note: Shown are standardized coefficients (SC) and chi-­squared values (χ ) for the minimum adequate model (p < .05) as estimated from the GL(M)Ms.
Abbreviations: GLMM, generalized linear mixed model; GLM, generalized linear model
Sampling year was added to coffee leaf rust and coffee berry disease models for which we used data from two seasons.
| 13

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14 ZEWDIE et al.

area were originally planted with cultivars in the 1980s, as part of a

government-­initiated coffee expansion plan, and then were distrib-
uted to smallholder farmers after the fall of the Derg (the socialist)
regime. We suggest that the spread of cultivars across the landscape
explains the wide geographical distribution of coffee sites with a ge-
netic composition from the two cluster groups that contain more
intensively managed sites (note again that the genetic composition is
gradual across all sites and that the clusters are used for illustrative
purposes to be able to refer to groups of sites with similar genetic
composition). These cultivars were selected using germplasm from
the genetic reservoirs of the forest coffee systems of southwestern
Ethiopia (Labouisse et al., 2008), which could explain the tendency
of the sites from the more intensively managed smallholder farmers
and plantation coffee systems to be more similar to the forest type
of coffee than other smallholder coffee with medium management.
The intensively managed plantations were also much spread out in
the PCA plot, showing that there could be more differentiation in
the genetic composition among plantations than among stands from
smallholders landraces and forest systems. Thus, it seems as if the
variation in genetic composition across the landscape is consistent
with the historic development of coffee cultivation in this region.
These patterns support the notion that the genetic composition of
crops varies across landscapes due to anthropogenic influences and
dispersal limitation (Orsini et al., 2013; Sertse et al., 2019).
F I G U R E 6 Within-­site variation in incidence of fungal diseases Even if we did not detect any spatial pattern of genetic diversity
as a function of genetic diversity (mean expected heterozygosity, among the coffee stands, there was some genetic variation that was
mean HE). (a) Standard deviation of coffee leaf rust incidence as a related to environmental variables. We expected a higher genetic
function of mean expected heterozygosity. (b) Standard deviation
diversity in the less intensively managed forest sites, which might
of coffee berry disease incidence as a function of mean expected
be confirmed by the positive relationship between genetic diver-
heterozygosity. The coloured dots represent the standard deviation
of (a) coffee leaf rust and (b) coffee berry disease from 60 sites sity and altitude and the negative relationship with a management
during the two-­year assessments. Regression lines are fitted for a variable (i.e. coffee structure index). However, the pattern did not
significant relationship (a) Year: SC = 1.41, p < .001; Mean HE: SC = become evident when plotting the mean expected heterozygosity
0.06, p = .337; (b) Year: SC = 0.37, p = .041; Mean HE: SC = 0.21, p of each site on the map, with only a few intensively managed plan-
= .017)
tations towards the eastern, lower altitude areas showing relatively
lower genetic diversity. Surprisingly, both the highest (HE = 0.247)
in the area started in the early twentieth century in the nowadays and lowest (HE = 0.157) amounts of genetic diversity were observed
more degraded forest patches in the eastern part of our study area in intensively managed coffee sites, indicating that these sites could
(Gomma), where coffee occurs less as a wild species. Increasing de- be more variable in their genetic diversity than less managed sites.
mand for coffee export in the late-­nineteenth century and close ac- While coffee management is expected to reduce the genetic diver-
cess to the emerging trade routes encouraged the King of Gomma sity of coffee through allelic loss associated with genetic drift and
to stimulate coffee cultivation in his kingdom. In contrast, the Gera inbreeding (Aerts et al., 2013; Frankham, 2005), this might have
king and the farmers close to the more intact forest areas in Gera been compensated by farmers via the introduction of new geno-
relied mostly on collecting wild coffee from the large forests pre- types to their plots from the forest systems or via improved cultivars
sent in this area (McCann, 1995), which is still a common practice in (Labouisse et al., 2008).
some areas in the western part of our focal landscape, even if many
farmers currently are introducing more intensive coffee production
here. Perhaps the imprint of the early coffee cultivation by small- 4.3 | Variation in fungal diseases in relation to
holder farmers in the eastern part of the landscape is the reason for genetic composition and genetic diversity
the stronger genetic cluster in this area. More recently in the 1980s,
intensively managed plantation coffee systems started growing dif- We know from our previous studies that the different diseases have
ferent improved cultivars that are resistant to coffee berry disease different niches in relation to various environmental and manage-
in our focal landscape. Since then, some farmers have started to mix ment variables (Zewdie et al., 2020, 2021). Here, we show that ad-
cultivars with their landraces. Some of the coffee sites in our study ditional variation in the incidence of the fungal diseases across the

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ZEWDIE et al. 15

landscape was attributed to the difference in genetic composition by Pyrenophora tritici-­repentis was lower on the susceptible culti-
of the coffee stands. The strong relationship between genetic com- vars when resistant and susceptible cultivars are grown in mixture
position and incidence of coffee berry disease across the sites could compared with monoculture. Introduction of 25% disease-­resistant
be attributed to the fact that varieties resistant to this disease have cultivars into a pure stand of durum wheat cultivar susceptible to
been widely used in the plantations as well as spread to smallholder Septoria tritici blotch has resulted in 50% reduction in the severity
farmers (Labouisse et al., 2008). These cultivars were mainly selec- of the disease compared to the susceptible pure stand (Ben M’Barek
tions from the forest systems that were established as an immediate et al., 2020). Disease suppressions by the use of cultivar mixtures
response to the catastrophic effects of coffee berry disease out- have also been reported on wheat strip rust caused by Puccinia st-
break in the main coffee growing areas in the early 1970s (Van der riipformis (Chaulagain et al., 2017; Huang et al., 2011; Sapoukhina
Graaff, 1978; Van der Graaff & Pieters, 1983). Yet, there is no clear et al., 2013) and potato late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans
information on what proportion of the coffee sites contain cultivars (Andrivon et al., 2003; Garrett & Mundt, 1999; Yang et al., 2019).
that have been introduced. The three other fungal diseases (coffee However, such negative relationships between host genetic diver-
leaf rust, coffee wilt disease and Armillaria root rot) also showed a ge- sity and disease levels could also be inconsistent among study sys-
netic signal in how their incidences varied across the landscape, even tems specifically for observational studies (Gibson & Nguyen, 2020;
though the relationships were weak compared to the relationship Mundt, 2002). As an important caveat, in host-­pathogen systems,
between genetic composition and coffee berry disease incidence. the effect of host diversity could be cancelled out by the diversity in
There are also indications of a genetic component for resistance to the pathogen population (Ganz & Ebert, 2010; Jeger et al., 1981), an
other diseases than coffee berry disease, for example, coffee wilt effect which was not considered in this study. Important information
disease (Pieters & van der Graaff, 1980; Van der Graaff & Pieters, lacking in this study, but which could have been vital, is that of his-
1978) and coffee leaf rust (Barka et al., 2020; Eskes, 1983; Hindorf torical outbreak of disease. This might be possible in future studies
& Omondi, 2011; Ribas et al., 2011; Silva et al., 2006). Studies that through the gathering of information via extensive interviews with
link disease dynamics to genetic variation in coffee are limited in local smallholder farmers.
this landscape. On the main crops, host genetic variation has been
highlighted to have a (strong) link to the resistance response to dis-
eases. As an example, genetic variation in tomato has been shown 4.4 | Variability within sites in fungal diseases
to alter virulence of the generalist pathogen Botrytis cinerea (Soltis
et al., 2019); maize inbred lines with different genetic background We expected that variation in incidence of the fungal diseases among
are shown to have varying levels of resistance to Striga hermonthica, coffee shrubs would be higher in sites with higher genetic diversity,
the severe disease of maize limiting production in the sub-­Saharan due to the variation in resistance among the genetically variable in-
Africa (Stanley et al., 2020); and genetic variation in several barely dividual coffee shrubs. Such a pattern was detected for coffee berry
landraces is highlighted to have contributed favourable alleles for disease, but not for coffee leaf rust. This could be explained by the
improvement of the crop for resistance of diseases such as barely introduction of cultivars resistant to coffee berry disease in some
yellow dwarf virus and barely powdery mildew (Muñoz-­Amatriaín smallholder sites, which might have reduced the infection on some
et al., 2014). The existence of a genetic component in the incidence shrubs, but also increased the genetic variation between shrubs at
of the diseases found in this study adds interesting aspects to the site level. Yet, the pattern is not strong and might be driven by a
opportunity for breeding programmes to screen for genotypes that few intensively managed coffee plantations that grow a selected re-
are resistant to these diseases. sistant cultivar (i.e., low within-­site genetic diversity but almost no
Unlike the genetic composition of coffee stands, the genetic di- incidence of coffee berry disease). An increase in genetic diversity in
versity of the coffee stands did not relate to the mean incidence some sites, for example, by mixing cultivars and original plants, did
of any of the fungal diseases. In contrast, a negative relationship not increase the within-­site variation of coffee leaf rust incidence,
between host genetic diversity and the level of pathogen infection which could be due to lack of resistance in cultivars to coffee leaf
has been found both in other natural (Ekroth et al., 2019; Gibson rust unlike to the coffee berry disease (Daba et al., 2019). Several
& Nguyen, 2020) and crop systems such as wheat (Ben M’Barek mechanism might lead to reduced disease levels in mixtures of host
et al., 2020; Huang et al., 2011), rice (Zhu et al., 2000) and potato populations, namely: (i) occurrence of higher proportion of resist-
(Garrett & Mundt, 2000). Despite the lack of a relationship in our ant cultivars in mixtures and reduced disease inoculums, (ii) resistant
study, the use of mixtures of cultivars or multiline cultivars have cultivars could serve as barriers for the dispersal of the disease inoc-
been reported to have greater significance in the management of ulums, and (iii) shallow pathogen dispersal gradients (Andrivon et al.,
crop diseases (Mundt, 2002; Wolfe, 1985). For example, susceptible 2003; Garrett & Mundt, 1999; Mundt, 2002). Our finding on the
and resistant variety mixtures had 94% lesser rice blast caused by positive relationship between within-­site variation in coffee berry
Magnaporthe grisea severity as compared to single variety (mono- disease and genetic diversity is in line with the first two mechanisms.
culture) rice (Zhu et al., 2000). Using two-­cultivar mixtures with dif- On the other hand, wind-­dispersed pathogens with shallow dispersal
ferent resistance profiles, Cox et al. (2004) showed that the severity gradients (e.g., Hemileia vastatrix) have previously been suggested
of wheat leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina and tan spot caused to result in higher effect of host-­diversity on disease suppression

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16 ZEWDIE et al.

as compared to splash-­dispersed pathogens (e.g., Colletotrichum ka- decision-­makers to improve management and facilitate the use of
hawae) (Garrett & Mundt, 1999, 2000), which was not the case for crop genetic resources to combat future climate related disease
coffee leaf rust in our study. The incidence of coffee leaf rust could outbreaks.
thus be driven more by environmental variables than by the genetic
diversity of coffee per se. For example, the low coffee leaf rust inci- AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S
dence in the little managed forest sites was mainly related to eleva- This study was supported by the Swedish Research Council (grant
tion (Zewdie et al., 2020). no. VR2015-­0 3600 to KH) and by Research Foundation –­Flanders
(FWO) (grant no. G056517N to OH, IRR, and TR). We thank the
coffee owners for allowing us to work in their coffee plots, the
4.5 | Implications for the conservation and local and regional administrations for providing necessary per-
breeding of Arabica coffee mits and Tijani Ibrahim and Raya A/Oli for their assistance during
data collection. We are also grateful to the Ethiopian institute of
Coffee production in the world is challenged by the outbreak of sev- Biodiversity for the permit to export coffee leaf material for the
eral pests and diseases (Avelino et al., 2018; Bedimo et al., 2008; genetic analysis.
Hindorf & Omondi, 2011; Jaramillo et al., 2011; McCook, 2006). To
increase resistance against diseases in cultivated coffee, wild genetic AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S
variation is believed to be of utmost importance for coffee breeding Beyene Zewdie, Ayco J. M. Tack, Kristoffer Hylander, Yves Bawin,
(Davis et al., 2019; Scalabrin et al., 2020). The forests of southwest- Tom Ruttink, Steven B. Janssens, Sileshi Nemomissa, Kassahun
ern Ethiopia represent the native habitats for Arabica coffee and are Tesfaye, Olivier Honnay, and Isabel Roldán-­Ruiz conceived the
unique reservoirs of the genetic diversity of coffee (Labouisse et al., idea. Beyene Zewdie assessed the fungal diseases, environmental
2008; Tesfaye et al., 2007, 2014). The finding that the genetic com- variables and collected coffee leaf samples for genetic analysis. Yves
position of coffee in different sites was related to the incidence of Bawin, Beyene Zewdie, Sabine Van Glabeke conducted the DNA ex-
major fungal diseases indicate that these landscapes harbour valu- traction and GBS library preparation, and prepared samples for se-
able genetic resources for breeding disease resistance in Arabica quencing. Yves Bawin, Sabine Van Glabeke, Isabel Roldán-­Ruiz and
coffee. Nevertheless, the spread of cultivars across the landscape Tom Ruttink performed bioinformatics for genotype calling. Beyene
could be problematic in terms of introgression of genetic material Zewdie, Ayco J. M. Tack, Kristoffer Hylander and Yves Bawin ana-
from cultivars into wild C. arabica plants (Aerts et al., 2013). With the lysed the data. Beyene Zewdie and Yves Bawin lead the writing of
increasing intensification of coffee management in the region, cof- the manuscript, and all authors contributed to the development of
fee genetic resources might be even more under threat (Aerts et al., the manuscript.
2013; Labouisse et al., 2008). This suggests that there is an urgent
need to safeguard the genetic diversity of coffee in its native state C O N FL I C T O F I N T E R E S T
for a sustainable future of coffee production (Aerts et al., 2017). The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Among the four fungal diseases, coffee berry disease is the major
challenge in Ethiopia, as it causes severe yield losses, forcing farmers DATA AVA I L A B I L I T Y S TAT E M E N T
to gradually replace their original landraces that are susceptible to Data have been made available via the Dryad Digital Repository
the disease by coffee berry disease resistant cultivars. Smallholder​dc0n. FASTQ read files of all
farmers must obtain revenue to sustain themselves, and just advis- GBS libraries were deposited at the NCBI sequence read archive
ing them to refrain from using cultivars in their plots to avoid loss of (SRA) in BioProject PRJNA783522.
genetic diversity is unlikely to work. An alternative option is to use
strict protection measures on the less intensively managed natural ORCID
forests that restrict the introduction of cultivars, in combination with Beyene Zewdie
ex situ conservation of the sources of coffee genetic diversity in the Yves Bawin
farmers’ landraces for potential use in future breeding work (Aerts Ayco J. M. Tack
et al., 2015). We hope that our study will provide a path forward Tom Ruttink
for more detailed analyses, surpassing the individual and population Olivier Honnay
level genetics, and moving from reduced-­representation sequencing Kristoffer Hylander
to screenings of the entire genome complement. This would enable
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