Plant Based Recipes

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Plant Based

Marta Martín
Vegan Cacao Barry®

What It Means to Be Plant-Based Why a bulletin on the “plant-based” trend

Being plant-based typically refers specifically to one's diet alone. I decided to write this “plant-based” bulletin because I feel a great
Many people use the term "plant-based" to indicate that they eat affinity with the movement. I therefore wanted to share it with
a diet that either entirely or mostly comprises plant foods. my fellow professionals in the confectionery industry. We want to
Source: Ecowatch give people the option of enjoying confectionery crafted in a way
“Plant-based” refers to whole, plant foods and not just foods that does not involve animal use.
considered to be “vegan”. For example, French fries or Oreo are Plant-based sweets do not have exactly the same taste or texture
in essence vegan, but are not considered to be “plant-based”, as traditional sweets, because they are not made using the same
as neither product resembles that of their original plant form. ingredients. People who eat plant-based products already know
A “plant-based” meal may by definition be vegan, but a person this, but we still have to educate others who would not normally
who follows a plant-based diet is not necessarily a vegan (n.) choose these products in order to make them aware of the
– whereas they may consume only plant-based products but wear/ differences.
use products that are derived from animals. Source: Eatbychloe You may notice that the recipes in this bulletin do not contain
ingredients such as plant-based margarine or cream. This is
Plant-Based: from niche to mainstream because we wanted to keep the use of processed products
to a minimum. This matters of fact limit us when it came to
Traditionally driven by indulgence, the chocolate confectionery
developing our recipes. However, we wanted to design products
category experienced a surge in better-for-you options for the
with as few additives on the label as possible.
past few years: less sugar, allergy-friendly... With the rise of
In this bulletin, I will give alternatives to animal products
flexitarianism, it was only a matter of time before plant-based
for making confectionery, together with a few basic recipes
chocolate became more than a niche.
to practice and inspire you to make your own plant-based
Consumers’ expectations have changed: beyond dairy allergy
confectionery, and a few recipes for finished products.
or lactose intolerance, younger consumers look for plant-based
chocolates that are tasty, yet “ethical” i.e. do not harm the
Marta Martin Gil, Cacao Barry® Chef
planet nor the animals. It has been picked up by confectioners in
Western Europe, where launches of vegan chocolate confectionery
products doubled between 2014 and 2018, reaching 465 in 2019
(Source: Innova, 2019). With the UK and Germany being the
countries with the most NPD plant-based launches in the past
year, 195 and 128 respectively.

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 3
Raw ingredients for confectionery
Within the confectionery industry, when we talk about raw ingredients of animal origin
we are basically referring to three main groups: egg products, diary products and gelling
agents. Nowadays there are alternatives to all these products that did not exist before.

Eggs used by the confectionery industry Dairy products include cream (35% fat Animal-based gelling agents may come
are egg whites, egg yolks and whole content), whole milk, butter and yoghurt. from beef, pork or fish.
eggs. Each is used for the different
effect it has on the recipe, such as
aeration, coagulation and binding. We
therefore need to find alternative ways
of producing these effects.

There are various alternatives to egg Dairy alternatives include plant Instead of gelatin leaves or bovine
products, depending on whether "milks” such as soy, rice and coconut and porcine gelatin, we use iota, kappa,
aeration is needed. milk, and plant-based butters and agar agar, pectin or other plant-based
margarines. Another method is to gelling agents, depending on the desired
For mousses, marshmallows and
“convert” the product into a vegan effect in each particular recipe.
meringues, we use a “vegan meringue”
alternative by breaking it down into its
made from ingredients such as soy
nutritional content and finding suitable
protein, xanthan gum, water, inulin
and sugar.

For products that do not need the same

aeration, such as cakes, biscuits and
muffins, we suggest a binding mixture
similar to egg but made with ingredients
such as coconut oil or flavourless oils,
potato protein, xanthan gum, water
and citrus fibre.

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Plant-based alternatives to animal gelatins Plant-based alternatives to animal fats
Firmness rating:

Gelling agent Firmness Sunflower oil Coconut oil

LM pectin 0 Test 1 10 90

Alginate 20 Test 2 20 80

Kappa 150 Test 3 30 70

Iota 120 Test 4 40 60

Pectin X58 0 Test 5 50 50

Gelatin leaves 100 (reference texture)*

We designed an experiment to find a butter alternative by mixing
HM pectin 0
different ratios of sunflower oil (melting point 0ºC = liquid at
LM pectin 0 room temperature) and coconut oil (melting point 24-25ºC). The
Agar agar 145 goal was a product with a texture similar to that of butter.

NH pectin 0
Test 3 produced a texture that was most similar to butter
Gellan gum 140 at 20ºC.
Guar gum 130

* > 100 = firmer / > 100 = softer

"Tests have been done with all the gelling agents to create this table"

Test proportions
82% 100 g Water
1.64% 2 g Gelling agent
16.40% 20 g Sugar (to help the gelling agent

Based on our experiment, we concluded:

- Kappa produces a much firmer texture than gelatin leaves.
- Iota is more like gelatin leaves, but is also firmer.
- Agar Agar is firmer than gelatin leaves and very similar to
kappa, but the solution is not as clear.
- Gellan gum is very similar in texture to iota, but firmer still.
- Goma gum gave a very creamy texture.
The fact that all pectins are rated 0 does not mean they shouldn't
be used. However, much larger quantities are needed since in the
proportions we tested, they were ineffective as a texturiser.

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 5
Nutritional content

When replacing one ingredient for another, it is important to

consider the relative nutritional content.
Here are the figures for the most commonly used animal-based
products for confectionery, taken from ‘Food Composition and
Nutrition Tables’ by Souci, Fachmann & Kraut (ISBN 3-88763-

Egg x 100 g % 35% cream x 100 g %

Water 74.4 Water 62
Protein 12.8 Protein 4.6
Fat 11.3 Fat 35
Carbohydrates 0.7 Carbohydrates 3.2

Egg yolk x 100 g % 82% butter x 100 g %

Water 50 Water 15
Protein 16.1 Protein 0.6
Fat 31.9 Fat 83.2
Carbohydrates 0.3 Carbohydrates -

Egg white x 100 g % Condensed milk x 100 g %

Water 87 Water 26
Protein 11.1 Protein 9.4
Fat 0.2 Fat 8.8
Carbohydrates 0.7 Carbohydrates 51

Whole milk x 100 g %

Water 87.2
Protein 6.5
Fat 3.7
Carbohydrates 4.7

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Example of a traditional recipe adapted for vegans:
We used a recipe for a ground almond crumble.

Crumble > Vegan Crumble

200 g Demerara sugar 200 g Demerara sugar
200 g Butter 82% 164 g Test P3 (fat substitute)
200 g Flour 200 g Flour
2 g Salt 36 g Water
200 g Ground almonds 200 g Ground almonds

The only ingredient that needs replacing is butter, which contains 82% fat and 18% water.
This recipe uses 200 g butter, which therefore breaks down as 164 g fat and 36 g water.

We replaced the 164 g animal fat with vegetable fat, using the butter alternative from
Test 3 (70% coconut oil, approx. 114.8 g / 30% sunflower oil, approx. 49.2 g), then added
36 g water.

Do not allow the mixture to form clumps.

Remove from the mixer bowl and sprinkle in a thin layer onto a silicone baking mat.
Bake at 160ºC for as long as needed.

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 7
Chocolate bar C2

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Chocolate bar C2
Four 10-bar moulds

Coffee reduction Other

100 g Glucose syrup DE 40 QSP Inaya™ 65% dark chocolate couverture
100 g Sugar QSP Dark coating (7:3 dark chocolate to cocoa butter)
500 g Espresso coffee QSP Gold dust
QSP Titanium white coating (cocoa butter and titanium
Combine all ingredients and bring to the boil. colouring)
Reduce to 65ºBrix. QSP Black coating (7:3 dark chocolate to cocoa butter
Set aside until needed. and black colouring)
QSP Milk coating (cocoa butter and brown colouring,
Espresso ganache titanium white)
215 g Espresso coffee
7 g Soy protein Assembly
70 g Dextrose Paint the inside of the mould with a thin layer of black coating.
35 g Inverted sugar (Trimoline) Dust with gold dust.
60 g Glucose syrup DE 40 Paint with a layer of milk coating and cover with the titanium
470 g Inaya™ 65% dark chocolate couverture white coating.
40 g Coconut oil Line the mould with the dark chocolate.
60 g Grapeseed oil Fill the moulds with a line of coffee reduction, then fill comple-
tely with the ganache.
Combine the coffee and sugars, add the soy protein then Leave to set for 12 hours.
mix with a hand-held mixer. Cover the base with dark chocolate.
Heat the coconut oil to 35ºC. Heat the couverture and
grapeseed oil to 45ºC.
Pour the liquid onto the couverture and emulsify.
Next add the coconut oil.
Once the mixture is fully emulsified, temper at 30ºC.

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 9

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Choco - Coco
30 units

Pineapple, ginger and lime jelly

98 g Pineapple pulp
24 g Ginger syrup
1.23 g NH pectin
61 g Sugar
12 g Glucose syrup DE 40
1.48 g Kappa
1 g Lime zest

Heat the pineapple pulp with the ginger syrup.

Combine the sugar with the pectin and kappa, drizzle onto the
pineapple/ginger and mix. Add the glucose syrup.
Bring to the boil.
Allow to simmer for a few minutes then remove from the heat.
Add the lime zest, then combine with a hand-held mixer before
pouring into spherical silicone moulds 2 cm in diameter.

Coconut cream
350 g Coconut pulp
60 g Warmed inulin

Place in a bowl and combine with a hand-held mixer for a few

Pass through a very fine sieve.
Pour into 3.5 cm spherical silicone moulds.

Dark chocolate coating

700 g Ocoa™ 70% dark chocolate couverture
200 g Grapeseed oil

Heat the couverture to 45 ºC then add the oil and combine.

Set aside in the warmer at 40ºC until needed.


Fill the moulds with the coconut cream then insert a frozen
jelly sphere into the middle of each.
Freeze the entire ball.
Dip the frozen ball directly into the chocolate, tempered
at 23ºC.
Rake the outside with a metal brush to create a texture like
a coconut husk.
Heat a spike and pierce the shell to create the three holes
on the coconut.

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 11
Smoked olive
oil chocolates

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Smoked olive oil chocolates
40 units

Cocoa sablé Other

340 g All-purpose flour QSP Arbequina olive oil
125 g Ground almonds QSP Gold flakes
3 g Salt QSP 4.5 cm discs of Ocoa™ 70% dark chocolate
190 g Coconut oil couverture
120 g Icing sugar
100 g Water
50 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24% Assembly
Take one cocoa sablé without a teardrop cut-out.
Sieve all dry ingredients into the stand mixer with the paddle Layer it with a disc of cocoa and hazelnut cream.
attachment. Next place a couverture disc.
Melt the coconut oil and add to the mixer with the water. Next place a smoked oil disc.
Mix until evenly combined. Finally, top with a cocoa sablé with teardrop cut-out.
Place between two silicone sheets and roll to 2 mm thick. Fill the cut-out with a drop of arbequina olive oil and some
Chill in the refrigerator. gold flakes.
Cut into rounds using a 4.5 cm cutter. In half of the rounds, use Serve at 18ºC.
teardrop cutter to cut out the centre for decoration.
Bake at 160ºC.

Smoked arbequina olive oil discs

75 g Arbequina olive oil
75 g Smoked arbequina olive oil
55 g Cocoa butter
Q.S Maldon sea salt

Heat the oils to 50ºC.

Heat the cocoa butter to 50 ºC.
Combine and temper at 30 ºC.
Using a frame, pour to a thickness of 0.5 mm, then sprinkle with
Maldon sea salt.
Leave to cool in the refrigerator then cut into 4 cm discs.
Store in the refrigerator until assembly.

Cocoa and hazelnut cream

20 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24%
12 g Cocoa butter
6 g Sunflower oil
68 g 100 % pure hazelnut paste
224 g Praliné 50% Hazelnuts
1.6 g Soy lecithin
67 g Ocoa™ 70% dark chocolate couverture

Heat the cocoa butter to 50 ºC. Heat the couverture to 45ºC.

Combine the sunflower oil with the cocoa powder to make a
paste, then add the praliné and hazelnut paste and mix until
Add the soy lecithin. Finally, combine with the cocoa butter and
Temper at 23ºC.
Using a frame, pour to a thickness of 0.5 mm.
Leave to set in the refrigerator. Cut into rounds using a 4 cm

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 13
Citric Geometric

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Citric Geometric 18 units

Lemon cream Yuzu caviar

150 g Lemon juice 190 g Yuzu juice
150 g Water 25 g Sugar
100 g Icing sugar 1g Agar agar
88 g Warmed inulin 1.2 g Kappa
14 g Lemon zest QSP Sunflower oil

Place all ingredients in a measuring jug and combine with Combine the yuzu juice, sugar, agar agar and kappa and bring
the hand-held mixer for a few minutes. to the boil. Cool to 50ºC.
Pass through a very fine sieve or cloth. Chill the sunflower oil to 10ºC and place in a 20 cm tall container,
Line 6 cm rings with plastic film and fill with 25 g of mixture then use a dropper to squirt droplets of the juice mixture into
each. Leave to set in the refrigerator. the oil.
Briefly allow to solidify, then recover the caviar from the oil and
*Methyl base chill.
3 g Methyl
100 g Water Lime shoots
500 g Lime juice
Combine using a hand-held mixer and place in the refrigerator 2 g Xanthan gum
for at least 24 hours. 250 g Sugar

Kaffir lime meringue Combin all ingredients and process with a hand-held mixer for a
250 g Lime juice few minutes.
17.5 g Soy protein Using a dropper, squirt droplets into liquid nitrogen and remove
150 g Sugar as they form drops. Store at -18ºC.
35 g *Methyl base Set aside until needed.
6 g Kaffir lime zest
Coconut ice cream
Combine the sugar with the protein. Add the lime juice and 300 g Coconut milk
blend with the hand-held mixer. Leave to steep for a few 250 g Water
minutes. 100 g Dextrose
Beat in a food processor with the whisk attachment. When the 45 g Sugar
meringue develops a thread-like texture, add the methyl base 50 g Glycerine
and kaffir lime zest then beat a little more to obtain a firmer 5 g Neutral stabiliser
texture. Use a number 5 nozzle to pipe lines onto a silicone mat. 250 g Coconut pulp
Leave to dry in the warmer at 40ºC for 12 hours. Remove from
the mat and cut into irregular shapes approximately 1 cm in Combine the water, coconut milk and coconut pulp in a pan.
size. Set aside in the warmer. Heat to 40ºC then add the neutral stabiliser and powdered
*Coconut chocolate Add the glycerine. Heat to 85ºC.
140 g Icing sugar Cool rapidly, then leave to mature in the refrigerator for
420 g Cocoa butter 12 hours. Use a piping bag to pipe 50 g portions into 6 cm
180 g Coconut milk powder greased rings.
5 g Soy lecithin
Heat the cocoa butter to 45 ºC. Combine the cocoa butter, QSP Fresh mint tips
coconut milk and soy lecithin. Process with a hand-held mixer
for a few minutes. Place in the chocolate refiner for 12 hours. Assembly
Set aside until needed. Place half an ice cream disc and half a lemon cream disc on
a plate.
Kaffir lime rocks Sprinkle the Kaffir lime rocks around the lemon cream, with
200 g *Coconut chocolate the yuzu caviar and lime shoots.
8 g Kaffir lime zest Decorate with fresh mint tips on the caviar and shoots.
50 g Kaffir lime meringue

Melt the coconut chocolate and add the kaffir lime zest.
Temper at 29ºC. Add the meringue pieces.
Roll into small rocks on ovenproof paper and leave to set.
Set aside until needed.
Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 15
Pistachio, Raspberry,
Long Pepper and Lime

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Pistachio, Raspberry, Long Pepper and Lime
36x36x1 cm frame
Raspberry and long pepper paste QSP Inaya™ 65% dark chocolate couverture
500 g Raspberry pulp QSP Metallic green paint (cocoa butter, titanium
4 g Yellow pectin colouring, metallic green colouring)
35 g Sugar (1)
420 g Sugar (2) Assembly
70 g Glucose syrup DE 40 Dip the squares in the couverture.
6 g 1:1 citric acid solution Place a drop of metallic green paint on top.
3 g Powdered long pepper Use an empty dropper to blow air over the droplet of glaze.
2 g Lime zest Store at 18ºC.

Combine the sugar (1) with the pectin. Heat the pulp in a pan.
When it reaches 40ºC, add the sugar and pectin mixture.
Gradually add the sugar (2) and glucose syrup.
When it reaches 65º Brix, add the citric acid, powdered long
pepper and finely chopped lime zest.
Using the frame, pour to a thickness of 0.5 cm.

Pistachio ganache
95 g Water
3.5 g Soy protein
22.5 g Dextrose
30 g Powdered sorbitol
25 g Glucose syrup DE 40
160 g Praliné 70% Pistachios
45 g Pure 100% pistachio paste
127 g Cocoa butter
2.5 g Salt

Heat the cocoa butter to 45 ºC.

Head the water to 35ºC, add the sugars then the soy protein
and combine using a hand-held mixer.
Combine the praliné and pistachio paste.
Pour the water mixture over the praliné and paste, and emulsify
using a hand-held mixer. Then gradually add the cocoa butter.
Temper at 23ºC then pour into the frame on top of the fruit
paste, filling to the top.
Leave to set in the refrigerator for several hours, and then trans-
fer to a chocolate warmer at 18 ºC.
Decorate with the glaze and cut into squares using a guitar

Pistachio glaze
700 g Praliné 70% Pistachios
300 g Cocoa butter

Heat the cocoa butter to 45 ºC and combine with the praliné.

Set aside in the warmer at 40ºC until needed.

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 17
Tribute to

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Tribute to chocolate Recipe for 12 units

Cocoa sablé Store in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.

340 g All-purpose flour Reheat the glaze to 40ºC then process with the hand-held mixer
125 g Ground almonds again to remove all bubbles.
3 g Salt Apply the glaze at 35ºC. Once glazed, return the products to the
190 g Coconut oil freezer.
120 g Icing sugar
100 g Water Dark chocolate ganache
50 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24% 90 g Inaya™ 65% dark chocolate couverture
200 g Water
Sieve all dry ingredients into the stand mixer with the paddle 2.2 g Soy protein
attachment. Melt the coconut oil and add to the processor with 30 g Cocoa butter
the water. Process until evenly combined. Place between two 30 g Warmed inulin
silicone sheets and roll to 3 mm thick. Chill in the refrigerator. 20 g Glucose syrup DE 40
Cut into 7 cm rounds and 3 cm wide strips. Pre-bake at 160ºC 30 g Sugar
in 7 cm perforated tartlet moulds.
Separately, heat the couverture and cocoa butter to 45ºC.
*Vegan meringue for a mousse Combine the sugar with the protein and inulin. Heat the water
10 g Soy protein to 35ºC and dissolve the glucose syrup. Add the sugar mixture
144 g Water and combine using a hand-held mixer. Pour onto the cocoa
2 g Xanthan gum butter and couverture mixture, then emulsify well with the
80 g Sugar hand-held mixer. Temper to 30ºC and set aside.
1.20 g Carob gum
Cocoa frangipane
Combine the xanthan gum, carob gum, soy protein and sugar. 80 g All-purpose flour
Drizzle into the water and mix using a hand-held mixer for a 4 g Sodium bicarbonate
few minutes. Leave to steep in the fridge for 12 hours. Beat the 7 g Baking powder
desired quantity in the stand mixer with the whisk attachment. 90 g Ground almonds
30 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24%
Dark chocolate mousse 80 g Inverted sugar (Trimoline)
290 g Water 27 g Grapeseed oil
10 g Maize starch 140 g Coconut milk
330 g Ocoa™ 70% dark chocolate couverture 63 g Coconut oil
330 g *Vegan meringue for the moussee
Combine all dry ingredients and sieve. Heat the coconut oil to
Heat the couverture to 45 ºC. Combine the water with the starch 35ºC. Add the inverted sugar and coconut milk and mix.
and heat until it begins to thicken. At the same time, beat the Finally, add the coconut oil and finish mixing. Place in a piping
meringue in the stand mixer with a whisk attachment. bag and store at room temperature until needed. Pipe into the
When it begins to boil, pour onto the couverture and emulsify pre-baked tart case and finish baking at 160ºC.
with a whisk. When the temperature is 35 ºC, combine with a
small amount of the vegan meringue in the stand mixer with Dark chocolate glaze
the whisk attachment. Remove from the stand mixer, add the 700 g Ocoa™ 70% dark chocolate couverture
rest of the meringue and finish mixing with a spatula. Pour into 300 g Cocoa butter
6.5 cm stone moulds.
Freeze and set aside until needed. Heat separately at 45ºC then combine.
Set aside in the warmer at 40ºC until needed.
Cocoa glaze
264 g Water Other
307 g Coconut milk QSP 5.5 mm discs of Ocoa™ 70% dark chocolate
307 g Saccharose couverture
114 g Glucose syrup DE 40 QSP Ocoa™ 70% dark chocolate couverture strands
46 g LM pectin nappage (Toufood) with cocoa powder
92 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24%
12 g Citric acid Assembly
Pipe the ganache into the tartlet case, filling to the brim, then
Combine the saccharose, cocoa and pectin. Place all liquid leave to set in the freezer. Place a 5.5 cm chocolate disc on top.
ingredients in a pan with the glucose. Heat to 40ºC then Glaze the mousse with the cocoa glaze at 35ºC.
sprinkle the dry ingredients into the liquid. Bring to the boil Check the edges then place on top of the frozen tart. Sprinkle
then add the citric acid. Simmer for one minute then remove the powdered chocolate strands around the mousse.
from the heat and combine with a hand-held mixer.
Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 19
Plant Based

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 21
Heat the coconut milk, water,
Chilled chocolate salt and ground tonka beans
in a pan. Combine the sugar

drink with the neutral stabiliser, then

add to the pan when it reaches
40ºC. Bring to the boil, then
remove from the heat and pour
Chilled dark chocolate couverture drink onto the couverture. Emulsify
1000 g Coconut milk well with a hand-held mixer.
400 g Water Chill rapidly and serve.
… g Dark chocolate couverture
1 g Salt
8 g Tonka beans
5 g Neutral stabiliser
50 g Sugar

Pureté range
310 g Extra Bitter Guayaquil couverture 64%
180 g Inaya™ 65% couverture
380 g Excellence couverture 55 %
300 g Ocoa™ 70% couverture

Hot chocolate
drink Plant Based
Hot dark chocolate couverture drink
800 g Coconut milk
200 g Water
… g Dark chocolate couverture
30 g Maize starch
1 g Salt
1 Vanilla pod

Pureté range
360 g Extra Bitter Guayaquil couverture 64% Place the coconut milk, salt and
300 g Inaya™ 65% couverture vanilla pod in a pan.
430 g Excellence couverture 55 % Combine the maize starch and
380 g Ocoa™ 70% couverture water then add to the pan.
Bring to the boil, then remove
from the heat and pour onto
the couverture. Emulsify well
with a hand-held mixer.
Serve hot.

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Firm vegan
Firm vegan meringue
200 g Water
23 g Potato protein
5 g Xanthan gum
Place all ingredients in a bowl
and combine with a hand-held
mixer for a few minutes.
Store in the refrigerator for
12 hours.
Set aside until needed.
When needed, beat with
the whisk attachment.

Plant Based

Soft vegan
Soft vegan meringue
144 g Water
10 g Soy protein
0.5 g Xanthan gum
1.2 g Carob gum
80 g Icing sugar

Place all ingredients in a bowl

and combine with a hand-held
mixer for a few minutes.
Store in the refrigerator for
12 hours.
Set aside until needed.
When needed, beat with
the whisk attachment.

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 23
Vegan cocoa
Cocoa cake

623 g Water
150 g Inverted sugar
348 g Icing sugar
150 g Ground almonds
285 g All-purpose flour
25 g Citrus fibre
16 g Baking powder
200 g Grapeseed oil
135 g Coconut oil
150 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24%
Heat the coconut oil to 35ºC.
Combine the citrus fibre with
the water with the hand-held
Add the fats to this mixture,
and blend until thick.
Sieve all solid ingredients, then
combine everything together
until evenly mixed.
Pour into greased and floured
cake moulds.
Bake at 160ºC.

Brownies Combine all dry ingredients
and sieve.
112 g Ocoa™ 70% dark chocolate couverture Heat the coconut oil and
63 g Coconut oil couverture separately to 45ºC.
27 g Grapeseed oil Combine the milk and citrus
100 g Icing sugar fibre using a hand-held mixer,
70 g All-purpose flour then add the fats.
1.5 g Baking powder Mix until evenly combined.
1g Salt Finally, add the hazelnuts and
6g Citrus fibre couverture and mix well. Pour
210 g Coconut milk into moulds.
Bake at 180ºC.
*100 g Toasted peeled hazelnuts
*100 g Ocoa™ 70% dark chocolate couverture

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Cream spread
Cocoa, chocolate and hazelnut spread

96 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24%

56 g Cocoa butter
24 g Grapeseed oil
326 g Pure hazelnut paste
1070 g Praliné 50% Hazelnuts
8g Soy lecithin
…g Dark chocolate couverture

Pureté range
325 g Extra Bitter Guayaquil couverture 64%
220 g Inaya™ 65% couverture
320 g Excellence couverture 55 %
320 g Ocoa™ 70% couverture

Separately, heat the cocoa

butter and couverture to 45ºC.
Combine the grapeseed oil with
the cocoa to make a paste, then
mix with the hazelnut paste and
Add the soy lecithin and mix
together with the couverture
and butter.
Temper at 23ºC, then place in a
suitable container and leave to
set in the fridge.
Store at 18-20ºC.

Dark chocolate crème
Heat the water to 35ºC, mix
240 g Water the sugars and citrus fibre.
4g Citrus fibre Separately, heat the couverture
25 g Glucose syrup DE 40 and coconut oil to 45ºC.
…g Dark chocolate couverture Pour the liquids over the
48 g Coconut oil couverture and emulsify
31 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24% with a hand-held mixer.
50 g Sugar Combine the fats and cocoa
powder then add to the bowl
Pureté range and finish mixing.
80 g Extra Bitter Guayaquil couverture 64% Temper at 30ºC, then leave to
50 g Inaya™ 65% couverture set in the fridge.
90 g Excellence couverture 55 %
70 g Ocoa™ 70% couverture

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 25
Vegan crumble
Cocoa crumble
200 g Ground almonds
200 g Demerara sugar
132 g Coconut oil
140 g All-purpose flour
36 g Water
50 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24%

Sieve all dry ingredients into

the stand mixer with the paddle
Melt the coconut oil and add
to the stand mixer with the Crumble
water. 200 g Ground almonds
Process until evenly combined. 200 g Demerara sugar
Sprinkle on a sheet, breaking up 132 g Coconut oil
any clumps. 200 g All-purpose flour
Bake at 160ºC. 36 g Water

Sieve all dry ingredients into

the stand mixer with the
paddle attachment.
Melt the coconut oil and add

to the stand mixer with the
water. Process until evenly
combined.Sprinkle on a sheet,
frangipane breaking up any clumps.
Bake at 160ºC.

Cocoa frangipane
80 g All-purpose flour
4 g Sodium bicarbonate
7 g Baking powder
90 g Almond flour
30 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24%
80 g Inverted sugar (Trimoline)
45 g Grapeseed oil
140 g Coconut milk
45 g Coconut oil

Combine all dry ingredients in

a food processor with a blade
attachment and process to a
fine texture.
Heat the coconut oil to 35ºC.
Pour the milk and syrup over
the dry ingredients and mix.
Finally, add the oil.
Pour into a 60x40x1 cm mould.
Bake at 200ºC.

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Confectioner’s dark chocolate couverture ganache
340 g Water
50 g Inverted sugar (Trimoline)
25 g Glucose syrup DE 40
5.50 g Soy protein
… g Dark chocolate couverture
165 g Coconut oil
93 g Grapeseed oil

Pureté range
460 g Extra Bitter Guayaquil couverture 64%
435 g Inaya™ 65% couverture
570 g Excellence couverture 55 %
440 g Ocoa™ 70% couverture

Heat the water to 35ºC, mix the

sugars and soy protein.
Separately, heat the couverture
and coconut oil to 45ºC. Pour the
liquids over the couverture and
emulsify with a hand-held mixer.
Add the fats and complete the
Temper at 30 ºC, then leave to set
in the fridge.
When needed, remove from the
fridge and allow to reach room
temperature before using.

Plant Based

Ganache Combine the sugars with

for macarons the water and heat to 35ºC.

Add the soy protein and
combine using a hand-held
Ganache for macarons Separately, heat the couverture
200 g Water and cocoa butter to 45ºC.
… g Dark chocolate couverture Pour the liquid over the melted
2.2 g Soy protein
couverture and emulsify.
30 g Cocoa butter
Finally add the cocoa butter
30 g Warmed inulin
and emulsify again.
20 g Glucose syrup DE 40
Temper at 30ºC, then cover and
30 g Sugar
place in the fridge until needed.
Pureté range
105 g Extra Bitter Guayaquil couverture 64%
110 g Inaya™ 65% couverture
125 g Excellence couverture 55 %
90 g Ocoa™ 70% couverture

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 27
Cocoa glaze
Cocoa glaze
264 g Water
307 g Coconut milk
307 g Saccharose
114 g Glucose syrup DE 40
46 g LM pectin nappage (Toufood)
92 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24%
12 g Citric acid

Combine the saccharose, cocoa

and pectin.
Place all liquid ingredients in a pan
with the glucose.
Heat to 40ºC then sprinkle the dry
ingredients into the liquid.
Bring to the boil then add the citric
acid. Simmer for one minute then
remove from the heat and combine
with a hand-held mixer.
Store in the refrigerator for at least
12 hours.
Reheat the glaze to 40ºC then mix
with the hand-held mixer again
to remove all bubbles. Freeze the
products to be glazed, then apply
the glaze at 35ºC.

Chocolate couverture
mirror glaze
Dark chocolate couverture glaze
422 g Water
80 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24%
352 g Sugar
350 g Glucose syrup DE 40
160 g Cocoa butter
12 g Pectin X58
… g Dark chocolate couverture Combine a small amount of the
sugar with the pectin.
Pureté range Put the water on to boil, and
300 g Extra Bitter Guayaquil couverture 64% when it reaches 40ºC add the
230 g Inaya™ couverture 65 % sugar/pectin and cocoa.
350 g Excellence couverture 55 % Add the glucose syrup.
300 g Ocoa™ 70% couverture When it begins to boil, pour onto
the couverture and cocoa butter.
Mix in the food processor, cover
with film and chill in the fridge
for 12 hours before use.
When needed, heat to 45ºC and
blend again to remove any air

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Ambient glaze
Dark chocolate couverture glaze
500 g Ocoa™ 70% dark chocolate couverture
145 g Grapeseed oil

Heat the couverture to 45 ºC and

combine with the oil.
Set aside in the warmer at 40ºC.
When needed, temper at 23ºC.
The products to be glazed should
first be chilled in the fridge or

ice cream
Dark chocolate couverture ice cream
210 g Coconut milk
417 g Water
20 g Inulin
30 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24%
78 g Liquid glycerine
60 g Sugar
… g Dark chocolate couverture
5 g Neutral stabiliser

Pureté range
230 g Extra Bitter Guayaquil couverture 64%
180 g Inaya™ 65% couverture
270 g Excellence couverture 55 %
220 g Ocoa™ 70% couverture

Boil the milk and water with the

Combine all dry ingredients with
the stabiliser at 35ºC.
When the mixture reaches 85ºC,
pour onto the couverture.
Emulsify well with a hand-held
mixer, then cool rapidly.
Leave to mature in the refrigera-
tor for 12 hours. Churn.

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 29
Vegan sablé
Cocoa sablé
340 g All-purpose flour
125 g Ground almonds
3 g Salt
190 g Coconut oil
120 g Icing sugar
100 g Water
50 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24%

Sieve all dry ingredients into the

stand mixer with the paddle
Melt the coconut oil and add to
the processor with the water.
Process until evenly combined.
Place between two silicone sheets
and roll to 2 mm thick.
Chill in the refrigerator.
Cut into the desired shape.
Bake at 160ºC.

Normal sablé
400 g All-purpose flour
125 g Ground almonds
3 g Salt
110 g Coconut oil
120 g Icing sugar
100 g Water

Sieve all dry ingredients into the

food processor with the paddle
Melt the coconut oil and add to
the processor with the water.
Process until evenly combined.
Place between two silicone sheets
and roll to 2 mm thick.
Chill in the refrigerator.
Cut into the desired shape.
Bake at 160ºC.

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Dark chocolate
mousse Heat the couverture to 45ºC.
Combine the water with the starch
and heat until it begins to thicken.
Dark chocolate mousse At the same time, beat the vegan
290 g Water meringue in the stand mixer
10 g Maize starch with the whisk attachment.
… g Dark chocolate couverture When it begins to boil, pour onto
330 g *Vegan meringue for the mousse the couverture and emulsify with a
When the temperature is 35ºC,
combine with a small amount of
the meringue in the stand mixer with
the whisk attachment.
Add the rest of the meringue and
finish mixing with a spatula.
Pour into moulds.
Freeze and set aside until needed.

Pureté range
320 g Extra Bitter Guayaquil couverture 64%
320 g Inaya™ 65% couverture
400 g Excellence couverture 55 %
330 g Ocoa™ 70% couverture

*Vegan meringue for a mousse

10 g Soy protein
144 g Water
2 g Xanthan gum
80 g Sugar
1.20 g Carob gum

Plant Based
Combine the xanthan gum, carob
gum, soy protein and sugar.
Drizzle into the water and mix using
a hand-held mixer for a few minutes.
Leave to steep in the fridge for 12
Beat the desired quantity in the stand
mixer with the whisk attachment.

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 31
Italian meringue cocoa macaron
237 g Ground almonds
237 g Icing sugar
100 g *Vegan meringue, unbeaten
25 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24%
150 g *Italian vegan meringue
100 g Water
350 g Sugar Italian meringue macarons
250 g Ground almonds
250 g Icing sugar
100 g *Vegan meringue, unbeaten
Place the ground almonds, icing 150 g *Italian vegan meringue
sugar and cocoa powder in a 100 g Water
food processor with the blade 350 g Sugar
attachment and process to a fine
Heat the water and sugar. When Place the ground almonds and
it reaches 110ºC, begin beating icing sugar in a food processor
the *Italian vegan meringue. and blend to a fine dust.
At the same time, Heat the water and sugar.
combine the dry ingredients with When it reaches 110ºC, begin
the vegan meringue, but do not beating the *Italian vegan
beat. meringue.
When the syrup reaches 117ºC,
add slowly to the meringue. At the same time, combine
Continue beating the meringue the dry ingredients with the
until it cools slightly. Combine unbeaten vegan meringue.
with the previous mixture and When the syrup reaches 117ºC,
beat until it can be piped. add slowly to the meringue.
Pipe the macarons. Continue beating the meringue
Leave to dry at room temperature until it cools slightly.
for 35-45 minutes. Combine with the previous
Bake at 135ºC for 15-20 minutes. mixture and beat until it can
be piped.
Pipe the macarons. Leave to dry
at room temperature for 35-45
Bake at 135ºC for 15-20 minutes.

*Italian vegan meringue

210 g Water
23 g Potato protein
2 g Xanthan gum
250 g Icing sugar

Combine all ingredients using

a hand-held mixer for a few
Store in the refrigerator for
12 hours.
Plant Based
Set aside until needed.

Vegan Cacao Barry®

French meringue cocoa macaron *Vegan meringue
237 g Ground almonds 210 g Water
237 g Icing sugar 23 g Potato protein
485 g *Vegan meringue 5 g Xanthan gum
25 g Extra Brute cocoa powder 22-24%
250 g Icing sugar
Combine all ingredients using
a hand-held mixer for a few
Place the ground almonds and minutes. Leave to rest in the
icing sugar in a food processor fridge for 12 hours.
and blend to a fine dust. Set aside until needed.
Beat half the vegan meringue
with the 250g icing sugar, and
combine the other half with the
mixture of dry ingredients.
When the meringue reaches the
desired consistency, combine
with the rest in three stages, until
it reaches a pipeable consistency.
Pipe the macarons.
Leave to dry at room temperature
for 30 minutes.
Bake at 150ºC for 13-16 minutes.

French meringue macarons

250 g Ground almonds
250 g Icing sugar
485 g *Vegan meringue
250 Icing sugar

Place the ground almonds and

icing sugar in a food processor
and blend to a fine dust.
Beat half the vegan meringue.
with the 250g icing sugar, and
combine the other half with the
mixture of dry ingredients.
When the meringue reaches the
desired consistency, combine
with the rest in three stages, until
it reaches a pipeable consistency.
Pipe the macarons.
Leave to dry at room temperature
for 30 minutes.
Bake at 150ºC for 13-16 minutes.

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 33
Marta Martín Gil

Vegan Cacao Barry®

Marta Martín is the daughter of a baker and a chef.
Her career in gastronomy began with a course at the Barcelona
School of Hospitality and Tourism in 2013-2014.
During her first year of studies, she worked for six months as an
apprentice at the famous Turris bakery, alongside Xavier Barriga.
They decided to offer her a full-time position and she stayed with
Turris for a further two years, combining work with her studies.

In her second year she met Sergi Vela, her confectionery professor,
who was keen to recommend her to the Chocolate Academy in

Once she completed her studies, she began a 6-month

apprenticeship at the Chocolate Academy. She was then hired as
its academic and student coordinator for apprentices.

After a year in this role, and having realised her potential, Ramón
Morató, Cacao Barry ® Creative Director, offered her the position
of Assistant Chef and she soon became his right-hand woman for
all his projects.

Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef 35


Marta Martín
Cacao Barry® Chef

Cacao Barry®

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