ToR - CBA Assessment of BCRL Project, DAE

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Section 6.

Terms of

Selection of Consulting Firm for Conducting Community Based Adaptation

(CBA) Assessment under Building Climate Resilient Livelihoods (BCRL)
Project, DAE

1. Background of the
The Government of Bangladesh (GoB), through public institutions such as the
Department of
Agricultural Extension (DAE) and the Department of Environment (DoE) is executing a
‘Building Climate Resilient Livelihoods (BCRL) in Vulnerable Landscapes in
Bangladesh’ with technical support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO). This initiative allocated a budget of US$ 8.93 million, is set to be
carried out from the fiscal year 2023-
2024 to the fiscal year 2027-2028. The BCRL project aims to enhance local livelihoods
in three
different climate vulnerable geographies of the country such as drought-impacted zone
in the northwest i.e. High Barind Tract (HBT), salinity- and waterlogging-prone coastal
areas of Khulna district in the south-west, and extreme rainfall and erosion-prone
areas in the south-east i.e. Chattagram Hill Tract (CHT) by increasing resilience
through various strategies. These include scaling up climate-resilient adaptation options,
technology transfer, and capacity building through effective knowledge management,
monitoring, and evaluation at local and national levels, establishing market linkages,
developing innovative financial instruments, and implementing crop- specific early warning
The project upazilas
 High Barind Tract(HBT): Nachole, Godagari, and Bholahat upazilas,
 Waterlogged/Saline: Paikgachha, Dumuria, and Batiaghata upazilas
 Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT): Manikchhari, Khagrachari Sadar, and Kawkhali

The project comprises of 4 components as

Sl. Component Lead agency
1 Strengthen national capacities for Department of Environment (DoE)
of adaptation measures in agriculture
sector planning, budgeting, and policy
2 Demonstrate and scale up climate Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE)
adaptation solutions in targeted landscapes
3 Scale up investments for climate adaptation Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE)
4 selected
Enablingvalue chains,knowledge
effective and Department of Environment (DoE)
management, 1
Consulting evaluation,
for Conducting Community and
Based Adaptation (CBA) Assessment for BCRL Project, DAE Part
2. Objectives of the
The primary objective of this study is to assess the Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) to
climate change in the Barind areas, saline-prone regions, and Hill tracts of Bangladesh.
The study aims to conduct community or village-level assessments of CBA practices
along with its past and future challenges in Bangladesh and to develop the CBA planning
for drought, Hill tracts, and saline prone areas of Bangladesh.
Specifically, the study seeks to achieve the following

Consulting Firm for Conducting Community Based Adaptation (CBA) Assessment for BCRL Project, DAE Part
 Conduct approximately 400 community or village-level assessments of CBA practices
related to drought, saline intrusion, landslides, and floods in Bangladesh.
 Identify community perceptions, views, needs, and priorities regarding local climate
change adaptation (CBA) in the HBT, CHT, and saline regions of Bangladesh.
 Assess the economic viability of all Community-Based Adaptation practices (CBA)
within the project areas.
 Conduct detailed socio-environmental analyses of each climate change adaptation
(CBA) at the community level.
 Provide lessons learned and case stories of community experiences with climate
change adaptation (CBA) in the study areas.
3. Scope of the
The primary scope of this assignment will encompass, but is not limited to: a) compiling an
inventory of all local-level Climate Change Adaptation (CBA) practices and their
current utilization. b) Assessing the perceptions and opinions of local farmers and
community members regarding CBA practices in agriculture aimed at mitigating climate
risks and vulnerabilities. c) Investigating community perceptions, needs, and priorities
concerning CBA practices for addressing climate risks, as well as identifying local
constraints and their impacts on community livelihoods. d) Prioritizing adaptation options
for the agriculture sector within project areas, including detailed Participatory Rural
Appraisal (PRA) analysis.
Activities to be
 Conduct a comprehensive analysis to identify CBA options, agricultural adaptation
strategies, community based adaptation needs, and support mechanisms, and prioritize
them at the village level using the PRA process.
 Organize Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with farmer groups at the village level using
tools, with at least one-third of participants being women farmers.
 Compile a detailed list of all CBA options for climate change in project areas,
assessing their economic and financial viability at the community level.
 Assess the current status of climate-induced disasters and community adaptation
structures in the study areas.
 Establish baseline conditions for disaster risk and climate change adaptation,
including population demographics, natural resources, land use, farming systems,
and agricultural practices, along with their constraints and opportunities.
 Ensure the participation of various socioeconomic groups and identify their
specific adaptation needs, including those of women and marginal farmers.
 Incorporate community needs, views, and preferences regarding climate change
adaptation options, sectoral demands, and indigenous adaptation practices
through participatory consultations at the local level using the PRA approach.
 Validate the PRA results on CBA through stakeholder workshops at the upazila or 3
Consulting level, inCommunity
Firm for Conducting collaboration with the(CBA)
Based Adaptation client DAE. for BCRL Project, DAE Part
 Prepare the CBA to climate change report, including the development of land use
inventory, sectoral adaptation options using GIS application collected from
various primary and secondary sources, and integrating them with PRA
findings to prepare detailed CBA

Consulting Firm for Conducting Community Based Adaptation (CBA) Assessment for BCRL Project, DAE Part
assessment reports for drought-prone areas, saline-prone areas, and the Chittagong Hill
 Compile lessons learned and case studies on Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) to
climate change in the study areas of High Barind Tracts (HBT), Chittagong Hill
Tracts (CHT), and Waterlogging/Saline regions of Bangladesh.
4. Data Collection and
The methodology and tools employed for conducting the Community-Based Adaptation
(CBA) to climate change will adhere to standard practices used in PRAs conducted in
similar projects. However, the consultant must submit their proposed approach for
executing the CBA study through PRA, along with plans for collecting socio-environmental
data, before the study begins.
The assessment will employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative
methods to
comprehensively address CBA options within the study areas. Activities involved in
the CBA assessment will include household surveys, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs),
Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), case studies, etc. Prior to commencement, all draft tools,
including questionnaires for household surveys, guidelines for FGDs and KIIs, checklists,
etc., must be submitted alongside the proposed technical approach and assessment/survey
design. These tools will undergo review and approval by both the FAO and DAE teams.

5. Work plan and manning

The consultant must submit the work plan and staffing schedules for the CBA assessment
study prior to its commencement.

6. Duration of the
The consultant for the CBA study will be contracted for a duration of 3 (three) months,
starting from the commencement date as per the contract.
7. Professional
The CBA assessment will be carried out as a single package. The consultant team for this
package will comprise a Team Leader, Climate Change Adaptation Expert, Socio-economist,
Statistician, and Field Coordinator. The professional input for this package are outlined

SL Position Number of Man-Months

No. Consultants
i Team Leader 1 3
ii Climate Change Adaptation Expert 1 3
iii Livelihoods Expert 1 3
iv Statistician or Economist 1 3
v Survey Coordinator 1 2
Total 5 14
Consulting Firm for Conducting Community Based Adaptation (CBA) Assessment for BCRL Project, DAE Part
8. Qualifications, Experiences, and Responsibilities of the
The assessment team should be comprised with the following
i. Team
Qualifications: PhD or Post Graduate Degree in Environmental Science/ Agriculture/
Agro- meteorology/ Meteorology/ Agronomy/ Agricultural Economics/ Economics/
Natural Resource Management or related subjects.

Consulting Firm for Conducting Community Based Adaptation (CBA) Assessment for BCRL Project, DAE Part
Experiences: Having a minimum of 15 years working experience in climate resilient
livelihoods/ climate smart agriculture/ Agro-meteorology/ agricultural project evaluation.
Moreover, practical field experience at the community or village level is essential,
particularly in conducting Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) assessments for similar
climate change adaptation projects, climate risk and vulnerability assessments, feasibility
studies, baseline surveys, and report writing).
Responsibilities: Overall responsibility for conducting the Community-Based Adaptation
(CBA) assessment through Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) data collection within the
project. Take full charge of all aspects of questionnaire and data collection tool
development, survey planning, coordination, and reporting for the CBA team. Conduct a
comprehensive review of previous CBA projects related to climate change in the study
areas. Facilitate PRA meetings and stakeholder consultations, ensuring fair representation
of views from various socioeconomic groups. Coordinate and supervise the tasks of other
experts within the CBA study team. Prepare detailed reports on the CBA assessment and
validation workshop proceedings. Maintain close communication with the DPD, DAE, and
undertake activities assigned by them in the interest of the project and to prevent
duplication in data collection with VRA studies.
ii. Climate Change Adaptation
Qualifications: PhD or Post Graduate Degree in Climate Change/ Environmental
Science/ Agro- meteorology/ Meteorology/ Agriculture/ Natural Resource Management or
related subjects.
Experiences: Having a minimum 15 years of experience in conducting
Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) assessment/studies and community-led adaptation
projects in Bangladesh. Additionally, practical experience in working with mitigation/
conservation projects or similar project evaluation, feasibility studies, and baseline
surveys at the community or village level with multidisciplinary teams.
Responsibilities: Conduct an analysis and evaluation of past Community-Based Adaptation
(CBA) projects conducted in the study areas. Perform a thorough CBA assessment using
the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) process, ensuring fair representation of viewpoints
from diverse communities and groups. Evaluate the needs and perspectives of the
community, including women, regarding community-led adaptation projects in
Bangladesh. Draft a preliminary CBA assessment report addressing concerns related to
drought, saline intrusion, landslides, and floods. Lead PRA activities at the
community/village level. Support the Team Leader in the preparation of the CBA
assessment report.
iii. Livelihoods
Qualifications: Post Graduate Degree in Agricultural Economics/ Economics/ Social
Experiences: Having a minimum 10 years of experience in different adaptability/
livelihoods/food security/agricultural project evaluation, feasibility study, baseline survey, 7
Consulting Firm for Conducting Community Based Adaptation (CBA) Assessment for BCRL Project, DAE Part
Responsibilities: Conduct a comprehensive examination of previous Community-Based
Adaptation (CBA) projects undertaken in the study areas. Develop data collection tools and
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) checklists for primary data collection purposes.
Conduct economic analyses of targeted climate change adaptation options within the study
areas. Evaluate the needs and perspectives of the community, with a specific focus on
women, regarding community-led adaptation projects in Bangladesh. Prepare initial CBA
assessment reports addressing concerns related to drought, saline

Consulting Firm for Conducting Community Based Adaptation (CBA) Assessment for BCRL Project, DAE Part
intrusion, landslides, and floods. Facilitate PRA activities at the community/village level.
Support the
Team Leader in drafting the CBA assessment
iv. Statistician or
Qualifications: Post Graduate Degree in Statistics/Economics/Agricultural Economics or
related subjects.
Experiences: Having a minimum of 10 years working experience in climate change,
related project and 05 years of experience in advanced data analysis, statistical and
econometric software operation, sampling etc.
Responsibilities: Establish a data-driven status of Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) in
the Barind
Tracts (HBT), Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), and Waterlogging/Saline (WL) regions of
Bangladesh. Develop the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) data collection
checklist and household questionnaire for primary data collection activities. Analyze all
primary and secondary qualitative and quantitative data related to CBA within the project
areas. Offer essential assistance to the team in conducting PRA activities at the community
level. Aid the Team Leader in preparing region- specific CBA assessment reports.
v. Survey
Qualifications: Post Graduate or Bachelor Degree in Statistics/ Economics/ Agriculture/
Science or related
Experiences: Having a minimum of 05 years experiences in the areas of survey
management, participatory research, qualitative and quantitative study design).
Responsibilities: Facilitate communication and coordination among field enumerators,
the team leader, and other team members. Monitor and supervise field-level staff,
including Sub Assistant Agriculture Officers (SAAOs) and Upazila Agriculture Officers
(UAOs), and address any issues raised at the field level. Ensure the quality of Participatory
Rural Appraisal (PRA) data and actively participate in the PRA data collection process.
Collaborate with UAOs and SAAOs to select communities/villages for conducting PRA
activities. Conduct Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), and
In-Depth Interviews (IDIs) with relevant stakeholders as needed. Provide field data to the
team leader and other members of the CBA study team. Fulfill any other responsibilities
assigned by the team leader.
9. Major Deliverables and payment

Deliverable Description Timeline Paymen

Inception Report - The firm should submit the Inception 9
Consulting Firm for Conducting containing
Community the agreed
Based Adaptation points,
(CBA) workforplan
Assessment BCRLfor 15DAEdays
Project, Part after
tasks as described under the scope of work signing
a schedule consistent within the duration contract 15 the
and activities required, a staff plan, a logistics plan
with a timeline, detailed methodology and
approach and a full list of indicators to be
- measured.
In consultation with the FAO and DAE team, the
firm should include the detailed
methodology and technical approach for the
- CBA assessment in the inception report.

Consulting Firm for Conducting Community Based Adaptation (CBA) Assessment for BCRL Project, DAE Part
Deliverable Description Timeline Paymen
survey to be carried out by the firm, coordination,
and logistics arrangements needed.
- Consulting firm will submit the 5 copies of
inception report incorporating the comments
from FAO and DAE team
Development of - The firm should develop instruments for the
the survey assessments that should be agreed by the Client-DAE Within 1st 25
instrument and month and FAO.
Field Executions - This instrument will cover the PRA checklist,
HH questionnaire, group discussion, key
informant interview, etc
- This report will show the electronic version of
all study instruments and pre testing details
and versions.
Draft CBA - The consulting firm is required to produce
assessment distinct and independent reports focusing Within 3rd
Report/s Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) 30 months
for the High Barind Tracts (HBT), Chittagong
Hill Tracts (CHT), and Waterlogging/Saline
(WL) regions. applied Theseresearch
reports should
findings, recommendations, and
Submission of these reports should be completed
month prior to the project deadline.
- The consulting firm will organize three (3)
with respectiveresults-sharing
region specific UAOs. The Department
workshops in
Agricultural Extension (DAE) will facilitate
provision of venues and participant lists for
these workshops.
- In conjunction with the DAE, the consulting firm
will organized a national-level validation
Final CBA - The Firm should finalize the CBA assessment
Assessment incorporating suggestions and comments of Within 3rd
Reports workshop and from the Clients within two 30 months
from the date of the workshop.
- The final report should be submitted to DAE
on agreed formats and in print.
- The firm should submit 100 copies of final
Methodology, Findings, Discussions,
Learned, Recommendations/ Suggestions,
The Consulting Firm will report to the DPD of the BCRL project, DAE Part, and
maintain close collaboration with other relevant project personnel. Additionally, the service
provider (SP) may liaise with respective Regional Coordinators, Upazilla Agriculture
Officers, Farmers Organization Facilitators (FOF), and Sub Assistant Agriculture Officers
(SAAO) during the data collection process at the field level. The consulting firm will also
arrange workshops, seminars, monitoring tours, and similar events for the DPD of the BCRL
project, DAE division, and other related officials.
Consulting Firm for Conducting Community Based Adaptation (CBA) Assessment for BCRL Project, DAE Part
10. Property
All information gathered under the contract will be the property of DAE. The selected
firm must deliver all data with proper labelling and self-explanatory formatting;
documents, background information and other relevant information gathered during the
course of the activities carried out while under contract must be delivered to DAE in their

11. Qualifications and Experiences for the

The consulting firm is required to submit essential documentation alongside its proposal,
including its profile detailing its business nature, field of expertise, certifications, financial
capacity, licenses, certifications, accreditations, and evidence of relevant experience to
meet the specified eligibility criteria for shortlisting:
i. The firm must be registered under the joint stock company of Bangladesh,
possessing all
necessary legal documents (audited financial statements for the past three years,
valid trade license, tax, and VAT registration certificates) to substantiate its legal
capacity for service provision.
ii. A minimum of 15 years demonstrable experience is required in conducting and
assessments related to climate change, community-based adaptation (CBA),
climate vulnerability, and risk mapping, among others.
iii. Demonstrated expertise in baseline/impact evaluation, data management, and
statistical analysis for large-scale surveys/assessments within the past 05 years.
iv. Proven experience in climate change impacts and adaptation database development,
as well as generating knowledge products for climate resilience building,
including conducting climate change impact assessments on agriculture in
Bangladesh or similar contexts.
v. A track record of conducting climate change impact assessments and locally led
adaptation projects in the HBT, Coastal zone, and CHT of Bangladesh.
vi. Proven experience in Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) studies for climate change-
related projects, particularly in mapping climate vulnerability and adaptation in
various agro- ecosystems of Bangladesh.
vii. The firm having at least 3 evidence of contracted similar work experience with worth
2 crore
BDT or more in the impact assessment studies in the last 10 years will be given
viii. Firm convicted by the court or debarred by any procuring entity or by any donor
funded project or blacklisted at home and abroad is not eligible for application;
ix. Preference will be given to firms with experience in working with donor-funded
projects, especially those funded by FAO, ADB, WB, UNDP, USAID etc.

Consulting Firm for Conducting Community Based Adaptation (CBA) Assessment for BCRL Project, DAE Part

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