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Operational Procedure: Underground Cable Testing: High and Low Voltage

30 June 2011 Change picture according to document

30 June 2011 ISSUE 5


OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE - Underground Cable Testing: High and Low Voltage




Underground Construction and Design Manager


Group Manager Standards and Demand Management


C EO P4 005 I S S U E 5

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2011 ESSENTIAL ENERGY 30 June 2011 - Issue 5 Approved By: Group Manager Standards and Demand Management Page 2 of 10



OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE - Underground Cable Testing: High and Low Voltage



1 2 3 4 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 4 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT ................................................................................. 4 TRAINING ..................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Training, Assessment and Authorisation ........................................................... 4

PRELIMINARY CHECKS ................................................................................... 4

4.1 4.2 4.3 Visual Check ................................................................................................. 4 Notification ................................................................................................... 4 Worksite Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control (worksite HIRAC) ..... 4

METHOD ....................................................................................................... 5
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 High Voltage Cable Tests ................................................................................ 5 Insulated Resistance Test Level 1.................................................................. 5 High Voltage Test Level 2 (Paper Lead Cables Only) ........................................ 6 Delayed Connection to Network ....................................................................... 6 Low Voltage Cable Test .................................................................................. 7 Continuity Test 1 ........................................................................................ 7 Serving Insulation Resistance Test 2 ............................................................. 8 Insulation Resistance Test 3 ......................................................................... 8 Method Streetlighting Cable Tests ................................................................. 8
5.9.1 Polarity Test ............................................................................................. 8

Failure to Comply .......................................................................................... 9

6 7 8 9

RECORDS ..................................................................................................... 9 KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ........................................................................ 9 REFERENCES................................................................................................ 10 REVISIONS ..................................................................................................10

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OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE - Underground Cable Testing: High and Low Voltage



This document proves the high and low voltage cable integrity after installation or jointing work is completed and before connection or reconnection to the Essential Energys Network. Such testing and commissioning will be undertaken by people, who are both qualified and authorised, and the relevant test results will be duly entered into the relevant test report form (refer to CEOF6022 and CEOF6023). This document is intended for use by Essential Energys Accredited Service Providers and internal staff for testing of cables before being energised.


Danger HV Test Signs Insulating Gloves Insulated Ground Matting Suitable HV Test Equipment 1000V DC Megger 500V DC Megger Low Voltage Tester Foster Test Set (For paper cable only)


Training, Assessment and Authorisation
Where there is exposure to risk from electrical apparatus a person undertaking work will be appropriately qualified, trained and assessed as competent and authorised to carry out the work.


Visual Check
A visual check is carried out by the Authorised Person to ensure that the workmanship of both the installation of the cable and cable jointing work meets Essential Energys requirements before being connected to the Network.


The Quality Control Coordinator will be notified 3 working days prior to the commencement of the cable tests. The Accredited Service Provider will be responsible for ensuring that the completed work is tested and test reports are forwarded to the Quality Control Coordinator promptly. The Quality Control Coordinator may be present to witness the testing procedure.


Worksite Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control (worksite HIRAC)

Tests on underground cables are potentially hazardous to both personnel undertaking the test and the general public in the vicinity. A Worksite HIRAC will be carried out, by the Authorised Person, which will determine the precautions that need to be adopted. For public areas warning signs may need to be displayed and barricades erected around the test area (including all exposed cable terminations) prior to commencing any testing activity.

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OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE - Underground Cable Testing: High and Low Voltage



For HV and LV cable Insulation Resistance tests, a Test Access Permit is not mandatory if the Insulation Resistance test is performed at a 1000 volts DC or less and the cable is discharged to earth for a time duration equal to the test time. If an Access Permit for Testing is deemed necessary after a HIRAC evaluation it will be completed and issued in accordance with CEOP2045 Access Permits. If currently on a Work Access Permit, remove earths and cancel the Access Permit If the cable has previously been commissioned and connected to Essential Energys System call System Operations and inform them if you require a Test Access Permit to test a high voltage cable, and at all times give full details of location, open points etc Insulating gloves and ground matting to be utilised.


High Voltage Cable Tests
Authorised Persons will complete the prescribed tests as specified. All cables must be fully discharged for a time duration equal to the test time upon completion of each test by means of discharge function on test equipment or an independent earth. Test results will be recorded on the HV Underground Cable Test Report form, refer to CEOF6022.


Insulated Resistance Test Level 1

Screen to Earth Test for XLPE insulated cables will record an insulation resistance as per table below at 500V after one (1) minute. This test will be performed first so as to assist in the reconnection process of the screen to earth connection Phase to Screen/Earth, and Phase to Phase testing requires the Authorised Person to measure insulation resistance at 1.kV after one (1) minute duration. Minimum IR as per table below. Insulation Resistance (IR) Values for HV Cables Minimum IR @ 1kV DC New Cables Ph-Ph, Ph-E 400 megohms 400 megohms 800 megohms 800 megohms 800 megohms Minimum IR @500V Screen E New Cables 100 megohm 100 megohm 100 megohm 100 megohm 100 megohm Minimum IR @ 1kV DC Existing Cables Ph-Ph, Ph-E 100 megohms 100 megohms 200 megohms 200 megohms 200 megohms Minimum IR @ 500V Screen E Existing Cables 1.0 megohm 1.0 megohm 1.0 megohm 1.0 megohm 1.0 megohm

Cable Rated Voltage kV 11kV 22kV 33kV 66kV 132kV

Note: Insulation Resistance Tests will be applied for a period of 1 minute for cables less than 100 m in length and 3 minutes for cables greater than 100 m in length.

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OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE - Underground Cable Testing: High and Low Voltage

UNCLASSIFIED 5.3 High Voltage Test Level 2 (Paper Lead Cables Only)


If the insulation resistance results for Paper Lead (PLY) cables are below the prescribed minimum values, a high voltage DC test will be applied. See CEOF6022 HV Underground cable Test Report for the prescribed minimum values. If prescribed minimum values are required for higher voltage Paper Lead (PLY) cables, contact Quality Control Coordinator. It is performed by applying a DC voltage between phases and between phases and sheath. When making these tests, the voltage will be increased gradually to the full specified value and be maintained for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the leakage current should be steady or falling and less then 0.1mA with no transient spikes occurring. Higher readings may be acceptable provided they are steady. For further advice, contact Quality Control Coordinator Commissioning new cables a cable not previously energised will be tested by applying: 11kV cable 34kV DC between phases; and 25kV DC between phases and sheaths 22kV cable 68 kV DC between phases; and 50 kV DC between phases and sheath

The 3 phases can be bonded for the phase to sheath test and only 1 test made unless a failure occurs. If a failure occurs, each phase will be tested individually to determine the faulty phase. Recommissioning Existing Cables where a cable that has been in service, is to be tested prior to recommissioning, it will be tested at approximately 75% of the voltages for a new cable, i.e. 11kV cable 26kV DC between phases; and 15kV DC between phases and sheath 22kV cable 52kV DC between phases; and 30kV DC between phases and sheath

The phases can be bonded for the phase to sheath test, and only one test made unless a failure occurs.


Delayed Connection to Network

Insulation Integrity Test If a cable is to be connected to the Network and the testing has occurred within 4 weeks preceding this, a visual inspection of the cable location will be undertaken, for any obvious signs that cable insulation integrity may have been compromised. After 4 weeks has elapsed the standard test must be repeated before connection is carried out. This time frame also applies to cables which have been removed from service for repair or have been decommissioned. If live line techniques are to be utilised for cable connection a documented cable test must be carried out (CEOF6022 HV Underground Cable Test Report) to determine the insulation integrity of the cable prior to carrying out live line technique.

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OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE - Underground Cable Testing: High and Low Voltage



If an Insulation Integrity test is to be undertaken the live line gang must inform System Operations of the insulation integrity test before the live line work is carried out. Once the integrity of the insulation is proven, inform System Operations of the result (if the cable fails the test, commissioning of the cable will not proceed any further and Quality Control Coordinator will be contacted for further advice). Live Line work will be carried out as per switching sheet. The Standard Tests, Phase to Phase and Phase to earth: Measure insulation resistance at 1kV after one (1) minute. Acceptable values for existing cables may be used as cable will now be connected to switchgear etc. A Phase to B Phase B Phase to C Phase C Phase to A Phase A Phase to Screen and Earth B Phase to Screen and Earth C Phase to Screen and Earth Greater than 100 megohms Greater than 100 megohms Greater than 100 megohms Greater than 100 megohms Greater than 100 megohms Greater than 100 megohms.

All cables must be fully discharged for a time duration equal to the test time upon completion of each test by means of discharge function on test equipment or an independent earth. The purpose of this test is to prove that the integrity of the insulation has not been damaged since the original test date. The energising/de-energising of an underground cable which is to be directly connected to the overhead system and is isolated from the transformer must only be undertaken using a temporary EDO (cut-out tool) fitted with a 25 amp K class fuse element.


Low Voltage Cable Test

Authorised Persons will complete the prescribed tests as specified. All cables must be fully discharged for a time, duration equal to the test time upon completion of each test by means of the discharge function on test equipment or an independent earth. Test results will be recorded on CEOF6023 LV Underground Cable Test Report form.


Continuity Test 1
The continuity test (DC resistance measurement) will be carried out on each low voltage circuit from the end of each branch or open point, to the origin of the circuit. Step 1 At the circuit origin, to be tested, (normally at the Padmount transformer), connect each of the phase conductors to the neutral of the cable circuit in turn, ensuring all MEN points are disconnected. Step 2 At the remote ends of the circuit, check for continuity between each phase and neutral. Results very close to a short circuit value should be obtained. Step 3 At the circuit origin (normally at the Padmount transformer) connect the phase conductors together, remaining separate from neutral conductor. Alternatively, if cable is to be energised immediately after testing, neutral polarity may be tested by lamping out conductors at each pit or pillar.

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OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE - Underground Cable Testing: High and Low Voltage



Step 4 Proceed to each pit or pillar on the circuit and check neutral polarity with 500V megger. If any reading other than an open circuit is recorded between the connected phases and neutral, it will mean a phase has been connected to the neutral which will be located, rectified and retested before connection to Essential Energys Distribution System.


Serving Insulation Resistance Test 2

The integrity of the covering sheath will be proved by bonding the 4 cores and applying 500V DC for 1 minute between the bonded cores and earth. The minimum insulation resistance will be 200 Megohms for new cables and 20 Megohms for cables older than 1 year. If the cables fail this test, the point of failure will be located, rectified and retested before connection to Essential Energys Distribution System.


Insulation Resistance Test 3

Ensuring all cores are separated from each other and using a 500V instrument measure the insulation resistance between 2 cores in rotation, i.e.: N-R, R-W, N-W, R-B, N-B, B-W. The minimum insulation resistance will be 200 Megohms for new cables and 20 Megohms for cables older than 1 year. If a cable fails to achieve the required minimum values, contact Quality Control Coordinator or the Principals Superintendent for further advice. Ensure all MEN points have been reconnected.


Method Streetlighting Cable Tests

Polarity Test
CHECK all connections in the service pit/pillar and ensure they are correct ENSURE primary fuse is removed or circuit breaker is switched off, incoming neutral isolated, earths disconnected, PE cell and tubes/globes removed CONFIRM visually the colour coding of internal wiring at terminal block is correct. Ensure terminal block is not earthed at light fitting USING 500V megger measure insulation resistance between internal wiring and standard (reading to exceed 1 megohm), test for short circuits and reconnect earth if applicable TEST and identify streetlight active and neutral. Connect service neutral to streetlight neutral first, then service active to streetlight active CHECK all connections in the street light column and ensure they are correct INSERT PE cell, tube/globe, fuse or circuit breaker. Ensure streetlight operates CONDUCT final test with streetlight on measuring between an independent earth and neutral and earth or metal work for any voltage.

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OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE - Underground Cable Testing: High and Low Voltage

UNCLASSIFIED 5.10 Failure to Comply


If a cable or associated equipment fail a prescribed test, the Accredited Service Provider will be responsible for the location of the fault, repair or replacement of faulty cable and/or accessories, and any subsequent testing, as directed by Quality Control Coordinator. Prior to the application of any fault location methods which have the potential to affect the long-term insulation integrity of the installation, the Authorised Service Provider will submit to Essential Energy a proposed fault location methodology. No fault location work will proceed until Essential Energys Quality Control Coordinator has given approval.

The relevant test results will be duly entered on the relevant Test Report form, (See CEOF6022 and CEOF6023.) The Cable Test Report will be sighted by the person carrying out the commissioning who completes the clearance certification by signing, therefore accepting the new asset. The person carrying out the commissioning will quote the Cable Test Report No. to System Operations when requesting energisation of new asset. This will be System Operations record of compliance until paper copy is received. The Quality Control Coordinator is also responsible for correct distribution of Cable Test Report copies. 1 2 3 4 Quality Control Coordinator WHITE Project File BLUE System Operations YELLOW Book copy PINK.


Accredited Service Provider: refers to companies/sole traders who have gained accreditation through the Department of Fair Trading allowing them to perform contestable works. Authorised Person: means a person with technical knowledge or sufficient experience who has demonstrated competency and has been approved by Essential Energy to carry out specific duties with the supply or use of electricity. Contestable Works: those works where the customer has a choice of Service Provider. Continuity test: test to ensure correct cable core identity and continuity. Essential Energys Network: Essential Energy Transmission and Distribution System Assets. Insulation Resistance: quantified measurement of insulation value. Polarity test: test to ascertain correct identification and connection of active and neutral conductors. Principals Superintendent: Project Manager of the Accredited Service Provider. Quality Control Coordinator: is the person nominated by Essential Energy with the responsibility for auditing construction works to Essential Energys standards and quality. System Operations: Essential Energy 24 hour Operational Control Centre.

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OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE - Underground Cable Testing: High and Low Voltage



CEOF6022 HV Underground Cable Test Report CEOF6023 LV Underground Cable Test Report CEOP2018 Polarity and Neutral Identification Testing CEOP2045 Access Permits CEOP8029 Network Management Plan CEOP8030 Electrical Safety Rules Olex Cables Technical Informative PT-I 316 24th May 2001 Electricity Supply (Safety and Network Management) Regulation 2002

Section All Sections All Sections Clause 8.1.3 Details of Changes in this Revision Reduction in Meggering voltages to align with Manufacturers recommendations. Document changed to Plain English Second paragraph was.If live line techniques are to be utilised for cable connection it maybe prudent to undertake an insulation integrity test regardless of the elapsed time period. Accredited Service Provider was. refers to companies/sole traders who have gained accreditation through NSW Ministry of Energy and Utilities allowing them to perform contestable works. Step 1, Sentence 1 added, .. connect each of the phase conductors to the neutral of the cable circuit in turn Step 2 was Each phase and neutral, and Each phase Second paragraph was . The Cable Test Report will be signed by the Quality Control Coordinator.. Third paragraph, first sentence was.. The Quality Coordinator Update to rebrand to Essential Energy

Revision Number 2

3 Definitions

Clause 5.6 4 Clause 6 5 All

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