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1. The motion of a particle is defined by the 2.

The motion of a particle is defined by the

relation � = 1.5�4 − 30�2 + 5� + 10, where x relation � = 12�3 − 18�2 + 2� + 5, where x
and t are expressed in meters and seconds, and t are expressed in meters and seconds,
respectively. Determine the position, the respectively. Determine the position and the
velocity, and the acceleration of the particle velocity when the acceleration of the particle
when � = 4 �. is equal to zero.
3. On a certain stretch of track, trains run at 4. An automobile starting from rest speeds up
60 mph. How far back of a stopped train to 40 ft per sec with a constant acceleration of
should warning torpedo is placed to signal an 4 ft per sec², runs at this speed for a time, and
oncoming train? Assume that the brakes are finally comes to rest with a deceleration of 5 ft
applied at once and retard the train at the per sec². If the total distance travelled is 1000
uniform rate of 2 �2 . ft, find the total time required.
5. An automobile is moving at a constant 6. The car in the figure moves in a straight line
velocity of 45 ft per sec passes a gasoline such that for a short time its velocity is defined
station. Two seconds later, another by � = 3�2 + 2�
, where � is in seconds.

automobile leaves the gasoline station and
Determine its position and acceleration when
accelerates at the constant rate of 6 ft/s². How
� = 3 �. When � = 0, � = 0.
soon will the second automobile overtake the
7. A ball is dropped from the top of a tower 80 ft 8. During a test, a rocket travels upward at 75
high at the same instant that a second ball is m/s, and when it is 40 m from the ground its
thrown upward from the ground with an initial engine fails. Determine the maximum height
velocity of 40 ft/s. When and where do they reached by the rocket and its speed just before
pass, and with what relative velocity? it hits the ground. While in motion, the rocket is
subjected to a constant downward acceleration
of 9.81 m/s² due to gravity. Neglect the effect of
air resistance.
9. A stone is dropped down a well and 5 s later 10. Pin A, which is attached to link AB, is
the sound of the splash is heard. If the velocity constrained to move in the circular slot CD.
of the sound is 1120 ft/s, what is the depth of Knowing that at t=0 the pin starts from rest
the well? and moves so that its speed increases at a
constant rate of 0.8 in/s2, determine the
magnitude of its total acceleration when (a) t=0,
(b) t=2 s
11. A particle moves on a circle in accordance 12. A team of engineering students designs a
with the equations � = �4 − 8�, where s is the medium-size catapult which launches 8-lb steel
displacement in feet measured along the spheres. The launch speed is �� = 80 ft/sec,
circular path and t is in seconds. Two seconds the launch angle is ɵ= 35 degrees above the
after starting from rest, the total acceleration of horizontal, and the launch position is 6 ft above
the particle is 48 2 ft/s². ground level. The students use an athletic field
with an adjoining slope topped by an 8-ft fence
as shown. Determine:
(a) the x-y coordinates of the point of first
(b) the time duration of the flight
(c) the maximum height h above the horizontal
field attained by the ball
13. The pilot of an airplane carrying a package 14. A shell leaves a mortar with a muzzle
of mail to a remote outpost wishes to release velocity of 150 m/sec. directed upward at 60
the package at the right moment to hit the deg. with the horizontal. Determine the position
recovery location A. What angle theta with the of the shell and its resultant velocity 20 sec.
horizontal should the pilot's line of sight to the after firing. How high will it rise?
target make at the instant of release? The
airplane is flying horizontally at an altitude of
100 m with a velocity of 200 km/h.
15. Determine the speed at which the
basketball at A must be thrown at an angle of
30 degrees so that it makes it to the basket B.

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