With the 940 Professional IC Vario system, Metrohm Based on one and the same system, you can configure HIGHLIGHTS
sets a new standard in ion chromatography. 940 any IC system you want or need – just like a modular
Professional IC Vario stands for maximum flexibility kit. Try out our online configurator and you will realize − M odular high-performance ion chromatography − F ree choice of suppressor and column
combined with most easy operation and perfect that with the 940 Professional IC Vario system, your system − All gradient options
reliability. wish for a custom IC system has finally become true! − Unlimited possibilities for system configuration − Inline eluent preparation integrated in the system
− Microbore ion chromatography systems available − Multi-language MagIC Net software for intuitive
Maximum flexibility – a single system for even better efficiency and increased sensitivity and simple operation
for all requirements − Compact dimensions, small footprint − Complies with GLP and the FDA regulations
The requirements of the analysis system vary, depen − For routine analyses and research applications − Compatible with the unique and partly patented
ding on which analytes you want to determine, the in the ng/L- to %-range Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation
structure of the sample matrix, and how many sam − Highest sensitivity for lowest detection limits techniques (MISP)
ples you need to analyze. Entirely modular by design, − Intelligent system components for reliable results − Complete automation for high sample throughput
the 940 Professional IC Vario meets your particular − Wide range of detection options: conductivity, − Low maintenance costs and long lifetime
requirements while keeping you perfectly flexible. UV/VIS, amperometry, … − Rugged Swiss quality
The online configurator for the 940 Professional IC Vario system allows you to put together your customized IC system.
With six main areas and a maximum of two additional decision levels, it is just a few clicks to select from up to 125 different
devices and accessories and combine them in your personal IC system – depending on your application requirements.
2 3
940 Professional IC Vario – Swiss quality with superior flexibility
OPTIONS Various gradient options are available in the 940 Every application has its ideal eluent, whether it is a APPLICATION
A wide range of detectors are used in the 940 Profes Professional IC Vario system, depending on the ana combination of different salts or the addition of Whether sequential, chemical or without suppres
sional IC Vario, depending on the requirements of lytical requirements: high-pressure gradient, low- organic solvents. The 940 Professional IC Vario system sion, with the 940 Professional IC Vario you are free
the application. Be it conductivity detection, UV/VIS pressure gradient, and Dose-in Gradient. Up to five masters this challenge fully automatically with the to choose. Just select the suitable rotor depending
detection or amperometric detection – each kind eluents can be mixed, depending on the application. 941 Eluent Production Module. The system module on the application and the column dimensions:
of detection has its particular benefits regarding selec enables inline preparation of eluents in any com «MSM-HC», «MSM» or «MSM-LC». Each of them fits
tivity and sensitivity. Detectors can also be coupled DEDICATED SOLUTIONS FOR AUTOMATED position and of any concentration. With a direct into the transparent suppressor housing. Go the
in series in order to solve more complex tasks; apart SAMPLE HANDLING connection to a water purification system (e.g., green way of suppression with the STREAM (Suppres
from the detectors mentioned, these can also be Automated sample handling knows no limits: Capa ELGA® PURELAB® flex 5/6), the IC can be operated sor Treatment with Resued Eluent After Measuring)
mass spectrometers. cities range from a few samples to over 200 and from unattended 24/7. setup: By using the suppressed eluent for rinsing
volumes of a few microliters to half a liter. Metrohm there is no need of an additional rinsing medium.
UNLIMITED SYSTEM EXPANSION offers multiple options for sample processors. Virtually FREE CHOICE OF SEPARATION COLUMN
The 940 Professional IC Vario system can be adapted any kind and shape of vials can be accommodated. With the 940 Professional IC Vario system you are ROBUST SWISS QUALITY FOR A LONG
and/or expanded at any time with different versions Whether your samples need cooling or be any kind free to choose any analytical separation column you INSTRUMENT LIFETIME AND LOW RUNNING
of the 942 Extension Module Vario as well as with of intelligent injection techniques, there are many need and want. You can select columns with different COSTS
other upgrade options. solutions to meet your requirements. base materials, selectivities, capacities, and dimensions. Benefit from almost 40 years of experience in ion
Apart from columns with a 4 mm inner diameter, chromatography. Metrohm ion chromatographs are
you can also use 2-mm-columns to reduce eluent Swiss Engineered and Swiss Made. In comparison to
consumption. our competitors, we offer unique warranties:
− 3-year warranty on all IC systems
− 10-year warranty on the anion suppressor
− 10 years guaranteed availability of spare parts
− 5-year software support warranty
940 Professional IC Vario with conductivity and 940 Professional IC Vario with the 947 Professional 889 IC Sample Center – The 942 Extension Modules for sup Metrohm provides a wide range of
amperometric detection. The high-pressure gradient UV/VIS Detector Vario SW, a 943 Professional Reactor sample changer for keeping pression, Inline Sample Preparation IC and guard columns, trap and
system is extendable with the 942 Extension Vario, and a 858 Professional Sample Processor for your samples cooled. The or Liquid Handling and the 941 preconcentration columns, and
Modules to up to a quaternary high-pressure gra automated sample handling. ideal sample changer for Eluent Production Module for suppressor rotors for your most
dient system or the 941 Eluent Production Module. small sample volumes with automated eluent production. precise analysis.
fast delivery and a high
sample throughput.
4 5
940 Professional
IC Vario –
Easy to use
and perfect
The peristaltic pump and 800 Dosino are All results produced on your 940 Professio The 940 Professional IC Vario system is com
available for transporting auxiliary solutions nal IC Vario can be traced back to every single prised of intelligent components (iDetector,
in sample preparation, for sample transfer, step of the analysis (including sample iPump, iColumn, iCell). They are automatically
and for rinsing or regeneration procedures. preparation). For this purpose, the para- recognized by the software and the respec
The 940 Professional IC Vario can manage meters of the separation column, detector, tive parameters are integrated directly into
entirely without a peristaltic pump for and amperometric measuring cell (with the method. Moreover, all system and meth
suppressor regeneration. In this case, we serial numbers!) are precisely documented od parameters are permanently monitored.
recommend the «DR» setup, the so called in the MagIC Net software. Of course, they This ensures that you are always working
Dosino Regeneration. are available for review at any time later, within the defined specifications. If limits are
e.g., for an audit. exceeded, the system automatically sends
you a message – in plain text. Errors on
the user’s part, which could theoretically
cause damage, for example to the column,
are thus ruled out in practice.
The 940 Professional IC Vario system is com MagIC Net ion chromatography software
patible with all «MISP» Metrohm Inline Sample allows convenient control of the 940 Profes
Preparation techniques. The same applies to sional IC Vario system and offers state-of-the-
all intelligent injection techniques (Full Loop, art data management. Freely configurable
Internal Loop, «MiPT», «MiPuT»). The Liquid user windows and graphic symbols for the
Handling Station also allows logical dilution individual system components make the
of samples with an unlimited dilution factor. software simple and intuitive to use. MagIC
Net is available in no less than 16 languages!
The IC system that grows with your
The 942 Extension Module Vario units give you the option to
expand and upgrade your 940 Professional IC Vario system at any
time adapting it to meet the respective new requirements.
The 942 Extension Module Vario does not take up Detector Vario, and the 945 Professional Detector Samples can be analyzed directly without any
any additional space on the laboratory bench be Vario – a truly modular system allowing any system manual preparation. With the Metrohm Inline
cause it can be inserted on top of or beneath the variant to be configured as required! The 942 Sample Preparation techniques «MISP», sample
940 Professional IC Vario and is thus integrated into Extension Module Vario too is controlled by MagIC preparation can be completely integrated into
the system. The 942 Extension Module Vario can Net software. your 940 Professional IC Vario system. Some
also be combined with the 943 Professional Thermo of these extended systems use the 942 Extension
stat/Reactor Vario, the 947 Professional UV/VIS Module Vario LQH or the 942 Extension Module
Vario Prep 2 for filtration, dilution, dialysis or
ProfIC Vario systems Professional IC Vario system
with Inline Dilution and Inline
ProfIC Vario 6 Anion
Anion & Cation
inse, process, and waste water
Extractions and digestion solutions
Food samples
Professional IC Vario system ProfIC Vario 7 Anion − Process, wash, and waste water
with Inline Dilution and Inline Cation − Samples containing oil
Dialysis − Inline extraction for biodiesel analysis
Professional IC Vario system ProfIC Vario 8 Anion − Trace analysis in polar solvents
with Inline Matrix Elimination Cation − Quality controls in fuels, fuel mixtures, and biofuels
− Quality management of chemicals
Whether determining anions in a contract laboratory, All ProfIC Vario systems comprise the components
Professional IC Vario system ProfIC Vario 9 Anion − ltratrace analysis in samples from nuclear power
where highest sample throughput is a must, or deter for a fully automated IC system. This means that, with Inline Preconcentra Cation plants and conventional power plants
mining cations in the ultratrace range, as is required apart from the 940 Professional IC Vario, all ProfIC tion and Matrix Elimination Anion & Cation − Trace and ultratrace analysis in extraction agents
in nuclear power plants – the ProfIC Vario systems Vario packages always also include an 858 Profes «MiPCT-ME» and organics
offer a customized solution for every application sional Sample Processor, a detector and, depending Professional IC Vario system ProfIC Vario 10 Anion − Trace analysis in bases and acids
in ion chromatography, no matter how complex. on the application, various additional modules with Inline Neutralization − tarter substances from the electroplating industry
− Contaminations in galvanic baths
More than 35 preconfigured systems for a wide (e.g., 942 Extension Module Vario, 800 Dosino,
range of applications can be found on our website. 741 Magnetic Stirrer) as well as any required acces Professional IC Vario system ProfIC Vario 11 Anion − Ultratrace analysis in concentrated bases and acids
with Inline Preconcentration − ltratrace analysis for nuclear power plants in
sories (e.g., IC Equipment: Inline Ultrafiltration 2).
and Neutralization matrices such as lithium hydroxide/boric acid
Professional IC Vario system ProfIC Vario 14 Anion − F or universal application for all types of samples
with Metrohm intelligent Cation when only small sample volumes are available
Pick-up Injection Technique Anion & Cation − Investigation of biochemical processes
«MiPuT» − Environmental sample extracts
Professional IC Vario system ProfIC Vario 15 Anion − F or universal application for all types of samples
with Metrohm intelligent Par Cation − From trace analysis to waste water analysis
tial Loop Injection Technique Anion & Cation − Great differences in concentration in a single
«MiPT» sample series
Professional IC Vario system ProfIC Vario 2 Anion − amples with slight to medium loads
with Inline Ultrafiltration Cation of particles, algae or bacteria
Anion & Cation − Drinking and surface water
− Process and waste water
Professional IC Vario system ProfIC Vario 3 Anion − Samples with high loads of particles, algae or bacteria
with Inline Dialysis Cation − rocess, wash, and waste water
− Emulsions, dispersions, cutting oils,
and samples containing petroleum
− Milk products and other samples containing protein
Professional IC Vario system ProfIC Vario 4 Anion − Samples with high ion concentration
with Inline Dilution Cation − amples from all industries
Anion & Cation
Professional IC Vario system ProfIC Vario 5 Anion − umerous applications, ranging from ultrapure
with Inline Preconcentration Cation water analysis to drinking water analysis
«MiPCT» Anion & Cation − Analyses of different samples from power plants
− Process control and monitoring of rinsing
solutions, e.g., in the semiconductor industry
940 Professional IC Vario microbore MagIC Net – the ion chromatography
ion chromatography systems for even software
more efficiency
2-millimeter columns, microbore capillaries, to 4-mm standard bore IC are possible. Signal sensi The proven MagIC Net ion chromatography software THE BENEFITS OF MAGIC NET
and a new detector with reduced cell volume tivity can be increased by up to 20% with microbore contributes to the flexibility of the 940 Professional
are at the heart of the Metrohm microbore ion IC. The new microbore detector tolerates even IC Vario systems. MagIC Net not only controls the − Simple and intuitive operation
chromatography systems. challenging eluents such as methanesulfonic acid 940 Professional IC Vario instruments, but also any − Freely configurable user interface thanks to layout
(MSA). With its outstanding features the Metrohm other intelligent ion chromatographs as well as management
Microbore capillaries guarantee a precise eluent microbore IC systems qualify for new application their peripheral devices for Liquid Handling and − Great flexibility in configuration and programming
flow, resulting in outstanding stability for applica fields and are ideally suited for hyphenation with automation. MagIC Net records the results, enables − Modern data management
tions with isocratic or gradient elution. In combina high-end mass spectrometers. modern data management, and permits reporting − Powerful report generator
tion with our microbore columns and their reduced according to your requirements. − Comprehensive monitoring and control functions
flow rates, eluent savings of up to 75% compared − Complete traceability of all data
− Client-Server option possible
− Meets all FDA and GLP requirements
− Available in 16 language versions
− Compatible with Windows 11 Pro/Enterprise
Technical information
General Professional ion chromatography system Conductivity detector MB Intelligent high-performance microbore conductivity detector
− modular system in compact design Design Detector block (2.850.9020)
− intelligent system components Measuring principle DSP – «Digital Signal Processing»
− combination with various detectors possible Measuring range 0–15000 μS/cm – without range switching
− microbore systems available Max. backpressure 10 MPa
− metal-free flow path Cell temperature 20–50 °C in 5 °C steps
− operation pressure range 0–35 MPa Temperature constancy < 0.001 °C
− 3-year warranty Cell volume 0.3 μL
Cell constant Individual calibration data saved in the detector,
Intelligent system Intelligent technology is integrated in the following components, among others:
adjustable in the range: 13.0–21.0 /cm
components iPump, iDetector, iCell, iReactor, iColumn, 800 Dosino
Electrodes Ring-shaped electrodes made of stainless steel, compatible with MSA
Metrohm Inline Sample Among other things, these can be optionally integrated in the system: Measuring frequency 10 Hz
Preparation «MISP» − Ultrafiltration – Neutralization Electronic noise < 0.1 nS (at 1 μS/cm)
− Dialysis – Matrix Elimination Baseline noise < 0.2 nS/cm (typical for sequential suppression)
− Dilution – Calibration Capillaries ID 0.18 mm
− Preconcentration – Extraction
UV/VIS detector Professional UV/VIS diode array detector
Metrohm injection Every 940 Professional IC Vario is pre-installed with Full Loop injection; the following can be integrated Design Stand-alone detector 2.947.0010 (SW), 2.947.0020 (MW)
techniques in the system as an option: Wavelength Single Wavelength (SW) or Multi Wavelengths (MW),
− Internal Loop Injection 8 wavelengths in the range 190–900 nm (increment 1)
− Metrohm intelligent Partial Loop Injection «MiPT» Bandwidth 1–50 nm (increment 1)
− Metrohm intelligent Pick-up Injection «MiPuT» Integration duration 10–247 ms
Duration of measurement 50–2’000 ms
Eluents and sample Organic modifier 0–100% (no PFC [Perfluorocarbons]) Measuring principle Diode array with 512 diodes
degasser Material Fluoropolymer
Amperometric detector Microprocessor-controlled amperometric detector
High-pressure pump Serial dual-piston pump with two valves and flow range-optimized, intelligent pump heads Design Detector block (2.850.9110) or stand-alone detector (2.945.0020)
Flow rate 0.001–20 mL/min Detection mode DC, PAD, flexIPAD, CV
Reproducibility <0.1% deviation from set value Potential range –5.0 to +5.0 V in 0.001 V steps
Pulsation <1% (typical) Potential profile DC mode 1 potential
PAD mode 40 potentials
Injection valve Injection volume:
flexIPAD mode 40 potentials (steps and ramps)
Internal loops 0.25, 1 μL
Data output channels Current and charge
Sample loops 1.5, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 1'000 μL
Digital signal range DC mode 0.00012 pA to 2 mA, Autorange
Column thermostat Temperature range 0...+80 °C (ambient temperature -20...+50 °C) PAD mode 0.012 pA to 2 mA
Stability <0.05 °C flexIPAD mode 0.12 pC to 200 µC
CV mode 0.12 pA to 20 mA
Suppressors «MSM», «MSM-HC» and «MSM-LC» Metrohm Suppressor Modules for chemical suppression
Electronic noise DC mode <5 pA
Type «Micro Packed Bed» suppressor
PAD mode <10 pA
Regeneration STREAM with peristaltic pump or 800 Dosino
flexIPAD mode <30 pC
Organic modifier 0–100%
Measuring cell management Intelligent measuring cells with automatic recognition
Warranty 10-year warranty for anion suppressor rotors
and monitoring functions
«MCS» Metrohm CO2 Suppressor
Cell geometry Wall-Jet cell and thin-layer cell
Type CO2 removal with fluoropolymer technology
Working electrodes Replaceable gold, silver, platinum, copper, and glassy
Organic modifier 0–100% (no PFC [Perfluorocarbons])
carbon working electrodes (2 and 3 mm diameter)
Detectors Among other things, these can be optionally integrated in the system: Reference electrode Replaceable solid-phase Pd and gel Ag/AgCl reference electrode
− Conductivity detection Auxiliary electrode Stainless steel auxiliary electrode incorporated in the measuring cell
− UV/VIS detection
Peristaltic pumps Rotational speed 0–42 rpm in steps of 6 rpm
− Amperometric detection
Shift direction turning Clockwise and counterclockwise
Conductivity detector Intelligent high-performance conductivity detector
Gradients − High-pressure gradient: binary, ternary, quaternary
Design Detector block (2.850.9010) or stand-alone detector (2.945.0010)
− Low-pressure gradient: binary, ternary
Measuring principle DSP – «Digital Signal Processing»
− Dose-in Gradient: binary, ternary, quaternary, quinary
Measuring range 0–15'000 μS/cm – without range switching
− Progression step, linear, convex*, concave*
Max. backpressure 5 MPa
(*... for high and low-pressure gradients)
Cell temperature 20–50 °C in 5 °C steps
Temperature constancy <0.001 °C Automation Combinable autosampler 858 Professional Sample Processor, 919 IC Autosampler plus,
Cell volume 0.8 μL 863 Compact IC Autosampler, 889 IC Sample Center, 814 USB Sample
Cell constant 16.7 (nominal), calibrated value is saved, can be recalibrated Processor, 815 Robotic USB Sample Processor XL
Measuring frequency 10 Hz
Control MagIC Net Professional and Multi ion chromatography software
Electronic noise <0.1 nS/cm (at 1 μS/cm)
Electrodes Ring-shaped electrodes made from stainless steel
Baseline noise <0.2 nS/cm (e.g. A Supp 5, standard conditions)
14 15
Ordering Information
2.940.1430 940 Professional IC Vario ONE SeS/Prep 3
2.940.1100 940 Professional IC Vario ONE 2.940.1530 940 Professional IC Vario ONE SeS/PP/Prep 3
2.940.1110 940 Professional IC Vario ONE Prep 1 2.940.1540 940 Professional IC Vario ONE SeS/PP/HPG
2.940.1120 940 Professional IC Vario ONE Prep 2 2.940.1550 940 Professional IC Vario ONE SeS/PP/LPG
2.940.1140 940 Professional IC Vario ONE HPG 2.940.2100 940 Professional IC Vario TWO
2.940.1150 940 Professional IC Vario ONE LPG 2.940.2200 940 Professional IC Vario TWO ChS
2.940.1200 940 Professional IC Vario ONE ChS 2.940.2300 940 Professional IC Vario TWO ChS/PP
2.940.1240 940 Professional IC Vario ONE ChS/HPG 2.940.2400 940 Professional IC Vario TWO SeS
2.940.1250 940 Professional IC Vario ONE ChS/LPG 2.940.2500 940 Professional IC Vario TWO SeS/PP
2.940.1340 940 Professional IC Vario ONE ChS/PP/HPG 2.940.1580 940 Professional IC Vario ONE/SeS/PP/MB
2.940.1350 940 Professional IC Vario ONE ChS/PP/LPG 2.940.2580 940 Professional IC Vario TWO/SeS/PP/MB
2.940.1410 940 Professional IC Vario ONE SeS/Prep 1 6.05802.000 MB retrofit kit, Upgrade for systems with or without chemical suppression
2.940.1420 940 Professional IC Vario ONE SeS/Prep 2 6.05802.010 MB retrofit kit, SES, Upgrade for systems with sequential suppression
16 17
942 Extension Module Vario
2.889.0010 889 IC Sample Center with injector and syringe including sample racks and sample vials
2.889.0020 889 IC Sample Center – cool, with injector, syringe and cooling function including sample racks and sample vials
2.889.0030 889 IC Sample Center Basic including sample racks and sample vials
2.889.0040 889 IC Sample Center Basic – cool, with cooling function including sample racks and sample vials
858 Professional Sample Processor – selection of accessories
6.2743.070 PP stopper with perforation, for sealing the sample vessels; 2'000 units
6.02743.090 Screw cap with septum for 50 and 125 mL bottle, 12 pieces
Liquid Handling
Suppressor rotors
6.2842.020 Adapter sleeve for Suppressor Vario (always required if 6.2832.000 or 6.2844.000 is used)