Basic Switch Configuration

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Basic Switch ,Router And End

Device Configuration
➢ Module Title: Basic Switch and End Device Configuration
➢ Module Objective: Implement initial settings including passwords,
IP addressing, and default gateway
➢ parameters on a network switch and end devices.
Topic Title Topic Objective
Cisco IOS Access Explain how to access a Cisco IOS device for configuration purposes.

The Command Structure Describe the command structure of Cisco IOS software.

Basic Device Configuration Configure a Cisco IOS device using CLI.

Save Configurations Use IOS commands to save the running configuration.

Ports and Addresses Explain how devices communicate across network media.

Configure IP Addressing Configure a host device with an IP address.

Verify Connectivity Verify connectivity between two end devices.

➢ Cisco IOS (Internetwork Operating System) is a
proprietary operating system that runs on Cisco Systems
routers and switches
➢ Operating Systems turn ugly hardware
into beautiful abstractions.
➢ Shell - The user interface that allows
users to request specific tasks from the
computer. These requests can be made
either through the CLI or GUI
➢ Kernel - Communicates between the
hardware and software of a computer
and manages how hardware resources
are used to meet software requirements.
➢ Hardware - The physical part of a
computer including underlying
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
➢ A GUI allows the user to interact with the
system using an environment of graphical
icons, menus, and windows.
➢ A GUI is more user-friendly and requires
less knowledge of the underlying command
structure that controls the system.
➢ Examples of these are: Windows, macOS,
Linux KDE, Apple iOS and Android.
➢ GUIs can fail, crash, or simply not operate
as specified. For these reasons, network
devices are typically accessed through a
Command-line Interface (CLI)
➢A command-line interface (CLI) is a computer application that
executes instructions in the format of paragraphs.
➢A command-line interpreter or command-line parser is the software
that implements the interaction.
➢Operating systems (OS) incorporate a command-line interface in a
shell regarding interactive access to OS services and features.
Command-line Interface (CLI)
➢A command-line interface (CLI) is a text-based user interface (UI)
used to run programs, manage computer files and interact with the
➢Command-line interfaces are also called command-line user
interfaces, console user interfaces and character user interfaces.
➢CLIs accept as input commands that are entered by keyboard; the
commands invoked at the command prompt are then run by the
Cisco IOS Access
Purpose of an OS
PC operating system enables a user to do CLI-based network operating system
the following: enables a network technician to do the
➢Use a mouse to make selections and following:
run programs ➢Use a keyboard to run CLI-based network
➢Enter text and text-based commands programs
➢View output on a monitor ➢Use a keyboard to enter text and text-
based commands
➢View output on a monitor
➢ Console – A physical management port
used to access a device in order to
provide maintenance, such as
performing the initial configurations.
➢ Secure Shell (SSH) – Establishes a
secure remote CLI connection to a
device, through a virtual interface, over
a network. (Note: This is the recommended method
for remotely connecting to a device.)
➢ Telnet – Establishes an insecure remote
CLI connection to a device over the
network. (Note: User authentication, passwords and
commands are sent over the network in plaintext.)
➢ Terminal simulation programs are used to connect to a network
device by either a console port or by an SSH/Telnet connection.

➢ There are several terminal emulation programs to chose from such as

PuTTY, Tera Term and SecureCRT.
Switch Device
➢ A switch is a device used in a computer network to physically connect
the devices together.
➢ How a switch transfer packet use to MAC address table by recording the
MAC address of each device connected to each of its ports. Use Arp
➢ Every single link is a separate collision domain.
➢ No collisions can occur between a switch and a single device, so we can
turn off CSMA/CD by running full duplex .
➢ Error Checking– After receiving the entire frame, the switch compares
the frame-check-sequence (FCS) value in the last field against its own
FCS calculations. Only error-free frames are forwarded
Router Device
➢ A router is connected to two or more data lines from different
networks( subnetting ). When a data packet comes in on one of
the interface then router reads the address information in the
packet to control final to destination. Use to NAT protocol
➢ A data packet is typically forwarded from one router to another
through the networks that establish the internetwork until it
gets to its destination node.
➢ It contains a routing table in which all information about the
address of connected networks. (NAT - Network Address
Translate )
➢ OSI Reference Model: Network Layer(Layer Three)
Types of Switch
➢There are mainly two types of switches in the
➢Unmanaged Switches
➢Managed Switches
Unmanaged Switches
➢ Unmanaged network switches are frequently used in home
networks, small companies and businesses.
➢ An Unmanaged Switch allows devices connected to a network
(LAN) to communicate with each other.
➢ It is a plug-and-play switch that does not require or allow any user
intervention, setup, or configuration to be usable.
➢ The Unmanaged Switch is manufactured with a standard
configuration that cannot be changed
Managed Switches
➢ A Managed Switch allows connected network devices to
communicate with each other, and also gives the network
administrator greater control over managing and prioritizing LAN
➢ It manages the data traveling over a network as well as the security
access to the data by using protocols like SNMP (Simple Network
Management Protocol), which monitors all devices connected to the
➢ SNMP also allows remote management of the network and
connected devices, without having to physically work on the
➢User EXEC Mode:
➢Privileged EXEC Mode:
User EXEC Mode:
➢The user EXEC mode has limited capabilities but is useful for some
basic operations.
➢The user EXEC mode is at the most basic level of the modal
hierarchical structure.
➢This mode is the first mode encountered upon entrance into the CLI of
an IOS device.
User EXEC Mode:
➢The user EXEC mode allows only a limited number of basic
monitoring commands.
➢This is often referred to as view-only mode.
➢The user EXEC level does not allow the execution of any commands
that might change the configuration of the device.
Privileged EXEC Mode:
➢The execution of configuration and management commands requires
that the network administrator use the privileged EXEC mode or a
more specific mode in the hierarchy.
➢This means that a user must enter user EXEC mode first, and from
there, access privileged EXEC mode.
➢The privileged EXEC mode can be identified by the prompt ending
with the # symbol.
➢ Global Configuration Mode:
➢ Used to access configuration options on the device

➢ Line Configuration Mode:

➢ Used to configure console, SSH, Telnet or AUX access

➢ Interface Configuration Mode:

➢ Used To Configure A Switch Port Or Router Interface
➢ Privileged EXEC Mode:
➢ To move from user EXEC mode to privilege EXEC
➢ mode, use the enabled command.

➢ Global Configuration Mode:

➢ To move in and out of global configuration mode, use the Configure Terminal
command. To return to privilege EXEC mode, use the exit command.

➢ Line Configuration Mode:

➢ To move in and out of line configuration mode, use the line command followed by the
management line type. To return to global configuration mode, use the exit command.
➢Sub configuration Modes:
➢To move out of any sub configuration mode to get back to global
configuration mode, use the exit command.

➢To return to privilege EXEC mode, use the end command or key
combination Ctrl +Z.

➢To move directly from one sub configuration mode to another, type
in the desired sub configuration mode command.

➢In the example, the command prompt changes from (config-line)# to


➢ Keyword – This is a specific parameter defined in the operating

system (in the figure, IP Protocols).
➢ Argument - This is not predefined; it is a value or variable
defined by the user (in the figure,
• The command syntax provides the pattern, or format, that must be used when entering a
▪ The command is ping and the user-defined argument
is the ip-address of the destination device. For
example, ping

▪ The command is traceroute and the user- defined

argument is the ip-address of the destination device.
For example, traceroute
▪ If a command is complex with multiple arguments, you may see it represented like this
The IOS has two forms of help available: context-sensitive help and command
syntax check.
➢ Context-sensitive help enables you to ➢ Command syntax check verifies that
quickly find answers to these questions: a valid command was entered by the
➢ Which commands are available in user.
each command mode? ➢ If the interpreter cannot
➢ Which commands start with specific understand the command being
characters or group entered, it will provide feedback
➢ of characters? describing what is wrong with
➢ Which arguments and keywords are the command.
available to
➢ particular commands?
Keystroke Description

Tab Completes a partial command name entry.

Backspace Erases the character to the left of the cursor.

Left Arrow or Ctrl+B Moves the cursor one character to the left.

Right Arrow or Ctrl+F Moves the cursor one character to the right.

Recalls the commands in the history buffer, beginning with the

Up Arrow or Ctrl+P
most recent commands.
•When a command output produces more text than can be displayed in a terminal
window, the IOS will display a “--More--” prompt. The table below describes the
keystrokes that can be used when this prompt is displayed.

Keystroke Description

Enter Key Displays the next line.

Space Bar Displays the next screen.

Ends the display string, returning
Any other key to
privileged EXEC mode.
➢Display the switch IOS image version.

After the switch has completed its startup

process, the following message is
displayed. Enter n to continue.

Would you like to enter the initial


dialog? [yes/no]: n

While you are in the user EXEC mode,

display the IOS version for your switch.

Switch> show version

➢ The first configuration command on any
device should be to give it a unique

➢ By default, all devices are assigned a

factory default name. For

example, a Cisco IOS switch is "Switch.”

• Guideline for naming devices:
• Start with a letter Note: To return the switch to the default prompt,
• Contain no spaces use the no hostname global config command.
• End with a letter or digit
• Use only letters, digits, and
• Be less than 64 characters
in length
To Change Device Names
➢Cisco switch by default have a host name “switch”.
➢To change this name follow the instructions below:
➢Click on the Switch. A popup window will be opened.
➢Go to CLI tab in the popup window.
➢Click in command box.
➢Press “Enter”.
➢To enable the switch give give following command:
➢To enable configuration mode give following command:
➢configure terminal
➢To change the host name give following command:
➢hostname <NAME>
Configure The Clock
•As you learn more about networking, you will see that
configuring the correct time on a Cisco switch can be helpful
when you are troubleshooting problems. The following steps
manually configure the internal clock of the switch.

• Display the current clock settings.

• The clock setting is changed from within

the privileged EXEC mode then configure
the clock setting
➢ Weak or easily guessed passwords are a security concern.
➢ All networking devices should limit administrative access by securing
privileged EXEC, user EXEC, and remote Telnet access with
passwords. In addition, all passwords should be encrypted and legal
notifications provided.

➢ Password Guidelines: Note: Most of the labs in this

course use simple passwords
➢ Use passwords that are more than
eight characters in length. such as cisco or class. These
passwords are considered
➢ Use a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers,
special characters, and/or numeric sequences. weak and easily guessable
➢ Avoid using the same password for all devices. and should be avoided in
➢ Do not use common words because they are easily guessed. production environments.
Enable Mode Security Password Protection
Cisco switch by default have no password.
To set a password or change previous password follow the instructions below:
➢Click on the Switch. A popup window will be opened.
➢Go to CLI tab in the popup window.
➢Click in command box.
➢Press “Enter”.
➢To enable the switch give give following command:
➢To enable configuration mode give following command:
➢configure terminal
➢To change or set a password give following command:
➢enable password <PASSWORD>
To Reset Enable Mode Password
After saving a password if you want to reset the password then you
should follow the instructions below:
➢Click on the Switch. A popup window will be opened.
➢Go to CLI tab in the popup window.
➢Click in command box.
➢Press “Enter”.
➢To enable the switch give give following command:
➢Give Password.
➢To enable configuration mode give following command:
➢configure terminal
To Reset Enable Mode Password (Cont.)
➢To reset the password give following command:
➢no enable password
➢To save the configuration give following command:
➢do write memory
➢To exit the configuration mode give following
➢To exit enable mode give following command:
User Mode Security
➢Simple Password
➢Username and Password
Simple Password
To set a password or change previous password follow the instructions below:
➢To enable configuration mode give following command:
➢Switch# config terminal
➢ To enable Line configuration mode give following command
➢Switch(config)#line console 0
➢To change or set a password give following command:
➢Switch(config-line)#password cisco
➢To exit the configuration mode give following command:
➢To exit enable mode give following command:
To Remove Simple Password
To reset a password previous password follow the instructions below:
➢ To enable configuration mode give following command:
➢ Switch# config terminal
➢ To enable Line configuration mode give following command
➢ Switch(config)#line console 0
➢ To change or set a password give following command:
➢ Switch(config-line)# no password
➢ Switch(config-line)#login
➢ To exit the configuration mode give following command:
➢ exit
➢ To exit enable mode give following command:
➢ exit
Username and Password
To set username and password follow the instructions below:
➢To enable configuration mode give following command:
➢Switch# config terminal
➢ To enable Line configuration mode give following command
➢Switch(config)#line console 0
➢To change or set a password give following command:
➢Switch(config-line)#login local
➢Switch(config)#username admin password cpu123
➢To exit the configuration mode give following command:
➢To exit enable mode give following command:
To Remove Username and Password
To reset a password previous password follow the instructions below:
➢To enable configuration mode give following command:
➢Switch# config terminal
➢ To enable Line configuration mode give following command
➢Switch(config)#line console 0
➢To change or set a password give following command:
➢Switch(config-line)#no password
➢To exit the configuration mode give following command:
➢To exit enable mode give following command:

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