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readme.txt - autocad release 13c2


march 16, 1995


r13c0 - general information

windows-specific information

dos-specific information

manual corrections and additions

r13c1 update

what problems does it fix?

additional information

r13c2 update

what problems does it fix?

additional information

platform independent issues

documentation issues

general information - autocad release 13c0 - november, 1994

general notes

windows-specific information

dos-specific information

manual corrections and additions

see the following documents for more readme information:

readdrv.wri contains additional information on adi 4.2 device


readads.wri describes the text files that explain how to

compile, link, and debug autocad development system
(ads) applications, and tells where to find them.
readase.wri contains additional information on the autocad sql
environment (ase).

readren.wri contains additional information on autocad render.

readnet.wri contains additional information on networked autocad

and the hardware lock.

general notes

what's new in release 13


for information on what's new in autocad 13, select "what's new in

release 13" from the help menu. for a history of all autocad
revisions see the history.txt file (for dos) or history.wri file
(for windows).

using release 12 help files


you can't use release 12 help files in release 13. if you keep
release 12 help files on your system, make sure your support path
lists the directory for the release 13 help file first.

editing associative hatched geometry


editing operations on geometry containing multiple associative hatch

blocks can produce unpredictable results. for best results when
editing hatched geometry, edit the bounding geometry.

associativity may also be lost when editing a hatch boundary if the

hatch pattern is not available at the time of editing. you can either
complete the edit, erase the hatch and re-hatch the boundary, or cancel
the edit, make the pattern available, and reedit.

mtext and vertical fonts


tolerances, multiple lines, underlined text, stacked fractions and

obliqued characters created with vertical fonts in mtext don't display

dxfout precision for release 12 ame solids


it's recommended that you use the maximum precision (16) when using
dxfout on release 12 ame solids for use in release 13. if you use a
low precision with dxfout, data might be incorrect and some operations
might fail.

using release 12 files in release 13

when you load an autocad release 12 file into release 13, it will be
converted to release 13 format. release 12 drawings display differently
as they are loaded into autocad release 13 than do release 13 drawings.
release 12 drawings regen after they are loaded into memory, causing a
delay before you see anything drawn on screen. release 13 drawings regen
as they are being loaded.

in the unlikely event that release 13 crashes, the file is automatically

saved in release 13 format (you won't be given the opportunity to save
the file as release 12 during an error abort.)

if you need to keep the drawing in release 12 format, either mark the
file as "read only," or load it into release 13 and use the saveasr12
command to save it to a file in release 12 format.

saveasr12 command and symbol names


if you create a block and then use saveasr12, there's a chance that
some extended characters might be removed. this can result in duplicate
symbol naming. it's recommended that you check the messages displayed
in the text window before quitting autocad.

using autolisp to access objects contained in an autocad group


to get access to the entities contained in a group you should do the


1. (setq objname (namedobjdict))

2. (setq ls (dictsearch objname "acad_group"))

as an example, this returns:

((-1 . <entity name: 8dc10468>) (0 . "dictionary") (5 . "d") (102 .

"{acad_reactors") (330 . <entity name: 8dc10460>) (102 . "}") (100 .
"acdbdictionary") (3 . "g1") (350 . <entity name: 8dc41240>))

3. (setq group1 (dictsearch (cdar ls) "g1"))

in this example, this returns the actual group definition:

((-1 . <entity name: 8dc10518>) (0 . "group") (5 . "23") (102 .

"{acad_reactors") (330 . <entity name: 8dc10468>) (102 . "}") (100 .
"acdbgroup") (300 . "one circle") (70 . 0) (71 . 1) (340 . <entity name:

4. the 340 code is the entity that belongs to the group.

general help api


the file extension is no longer required on the file name parameter

for the autolisp functions (help) and (setfunhelp), or the ads functions
ads_help() and ads_setfunhelp(). by not requiring a file extension,
developers can call for windows help or platform independent (pi) help
on other platforms with no source code change.

the following is the search rule:

if the file has an extension, look for that file,

- find it succeed
- don't find it fail

if file has no extension

- if this is autocad for windows, append .hlp

- try again to find that file
- find it succeed
- don't find it fail
- try again by appending .ahp
- find it succeed
- if still not found try original file name with no extension
- find it succeed
- don't find it fail

note: the file without an extension isn't tried until last, so that
for example on unix, acad.ahp will be searched for before acad.

platform-independent help from a cd-rom or a read-only directory


autocad writes a binary index (.hdx) file the first time it reads a
platform independent (pi) help file. normally, this file is written to
the same directory where the help source file is found. if the source
file is in a read-only directory (for example, a restricted network
drive or a cd-rom), this file can't be written to the help source file

the following sequence illustrates how pi help places the .hdx file.
you can force autocad to place the .hdx file anywhere on the acad path
by placing a dummy .hdx file in that directory.

- find the help source file

- can i open an index file for writing that directory?
- yes succeed
- no
- look for an index file of that name on the acad path
- find one?
- yes, can i open an index for writing there?
- yes, succeed
- no, keep trying
- no, look for acad.ini on acad path
- find it?
- yes, can i open an index for writing there?
- yes succeed
- no fail

the next time, the same logic is used to find the built index file.
the message "help index in: xxx." displays on the command line
to indicate where the file was written.

sample solid models on cd-rom


solid models are included with the release 13 base system. these models
provide full 3d descriptions of an object, suitable for rendering. one
model, steering.dwg, is included with the examples and samples option of
the autocad install/setup. additional example models have been included
on the cd-rom. because of their size, they're not installed as part of
release 13, however, you can either copy them to your hard drive or open
them directly from the cd. to provide the best display of each model,
use the hide command.

the sample directory of the cd contains:

file name description

--------- -----------
robot.dwg industrial robot
shave.dwg disposable razor
carwheel.dwg car wheel
ductpath.dwg profile along a path
steering.dwg steering wheel

loading acadr13.lsp

the file acadr13.lsp is loaded immediately before acad.lsp to ensure

that the autocad features provided by acadr13.lsp are always available
regardless of which menu is loaded.

the file acad.lsp extends basic autocad. you should not modify

known geometry limitations


using ctrl+c in modeling operations

there are known memory leaks when you cancel solid and region
modeling operations by pressing ctrl+c. if you cancel a lot of
modeling operations in one autocad session, autocad might use
up all available memory and crash.

solids with poles

solids with poles can lead to failures during boolean operations,

mass property computations, sectioning, slicing, interference
checking, and so on.

such solids result mostly from the torus command where the major
and minor radii are equal, and from the revolve command where the
region being revolved touches the axis of revolution.

boolean operations

boolean operations between solids with nearly tangent faces don't

work reliably. eliminating the tangency or making the faces
exactly tangent should help.

revolved solids
if the axis of revolution touches the region being revolved,
further operations on the solid created could fail. some possible
workarounds include

- making sure that the region isn't tangential to the axis at

the point(s) of contact.

- making sure that the edges that touch the axis are as simple
as possible. if an edge touching the axis is a spline curve,
replacing a small portion of that curve near the point of
contact with a line or a circular/elliptical arc will help.

tapered extrusions

extruding a region with a taper angle can result in a self-

intersecting solid. further operations on such a solid won't
work reliably. the extrude command doesn't catch and report
self-intersections in the solid created. self-intersections can
be eliminated by reducing the extrusion height or the taper angle.

section and slice through rolling ball fillets

sectioning or slicing a solid through rolling ball fillet faces

doesn't work reliably. this problem occurs more frequently when the
plane passes through the edge where the fillet face meets the
neighboring face.

non-manifold edges and vertices

non-manifold edges and vertices may cause problems during boolean

operations, particularly when the two solids intersect at these
non-manifold objects.

coincident faces, edges, and vertices

coincident or almost coincident faces, edges and vertices and

other singular cases may cause problems during boolean operations.

using fillet and chamfer with 3d solids

the following are issues to note while using the fillet or chamfer
commands for 3d solids.

- filleting is a local operation, so if the fillet data causes

the new fillet geometry to interfere with nonadjacent edges or
faces, the result could be failure of the fillet command or even
an invalid solid.

- filleting a mixed-convexity edge case quite often has problems.

that is, if one of the three edges at a vertex has a different
convexity than the other two, then it is susceptible to failure.
one workaround is to fillet the odd convexity edge separately,
and then select the smooth sequence (of three edges) created.

- if all the edges incident at a vertex have their tangents lying

in the same plane and it's desired to fillet them, and simultaneous
selecting of them fails, try selecting (and blending) them singly.
- filleting an edge results in a new blend surface. often, this surface
needs to be "capped" by extending nearby surfaces, so that the
blend surface is restricted properly to define a valid resulting
solid. acis has problems when the capping operation requires
the extension of spline surfaces. this isn't currently supported.

in general, operations involving spline curve and surface geometry

are more prone to failure than other operations. this will continue
to improve with subsequent releases of acis.

- in some situations, single edge filleting, where the edge is c1

continuous with an adjacent edge, is not possible. this mainly
happens when one of the two edges is a spline curve. typically,
however, where one of the edges is a line and the other is an arc,
single edge filleting works.

- an edge whose two adjacent faces are c1 continuous throughout can't

be filleted. in general, if acis isn't able to fillet an edge since
it's invalid, or it's a current acis limitation, the message
"cannot blend this edge" is displayed.

- chamfer of a single edge that has at least one adjacent tangent edge
isn't well handled in acis currently, and isn't being allowed.

- only chamfers of line and circle-arc edges are permitted.

- chamfering is a local operation, so if the chamfer data causes

the new chamfer geometry to interfere with nonadjacent edges or
faces, the result could be failure of the chamfer command or even
an invalid solid.

- acis has problems handling simultaneous selection of mixed-convexity

adjacent edges sometimes and fails to chamfer the selected edges. in
such cases, chamfering each edge individually often provides the
desired results.

section planes

the section command says that the section plane does not intersect
the solid even though the plane may be passing through an edge or
a vertex of the solid. if there's some common area shared between
the solid and the section plane, a region enclosing that area will
result. otherwise, the section command will say that there's no
intersection between the section plane and the solid.

effects on objects using acisout to acisin

some acdb3dsolid objects will become acdbbody objects when they're

written out through acisout and read back in through acisin. because
all non-manifold acis bodies are converted to acdbbody objects
during acisin. some of these acis bodies could qualify as acdb3dsolid
objects even though they are non-manifold. but there's no reliable
way to check at this time if an acis body is a valid (manifold or
non-manifold) solid.

effect of dispsilh with hide

if the dispsilh variable is on, the hide command will display
acdb3dsolid objects with silhouette edges only. it won't show the
internal edges produced by facetting the object.

effect of offset operation on higher order splines

offset operation on higher order splines may not be successful.

also, multiple offset operations on splines, i.e. offset of an
offset spline, has the potential of splitting the resulting spline
into multiple small segments resulting in a curve that might not
be very useful for future operations. for example, you might not
want to use such a spline as a path to extrude along since it
will end up creating a large number of sweep sections.

extruding profiles along a path

while extruding profiles along path, avoid creating profile and

path combinations that could result in self-intersecting solids.
for example, this could happen in extruding larger profiles along
paths that have high areas of curvature, i.e. tight corners.

how acisout saves acis bodies

acisout command saves the acis bodies using the api_save_entity_list()

call. to read these bodies, api_restore_entity_list() must be used.

shape (.shp) files


the shape (.shp) files are provided on the cd only.

windows-specific information

moving an electronic document to hard disk


the autocad release 13 documents are available as electronic

documents (e-docs). when the e-doc viewer is installed, it's set up
for you to view the documents from your cd-rom drive.

to use a document, you need to change your setup so that you use
the electronic book from your hard disk. (if you copy the entire
document set, you will use about 90 megabytes of memory on your hard

use the following collection directory structure. when creating your

directories, you must use the /books, /ents, and /figures naming
structure as indicated below.

collection level --> acad_bks

| | |
book level --> books ents figures
| | | |
individual books --> agibook tutbook acrbook augbook
with associated
and files

the individual autocad release 13 e-doc titles are

e-doc full title

agibook documentation guide (roadmap to the docs and master index)
tutbook learning autocad for dos
acrbook command reference
augbook user's guide
custman customization guide
devbook developer's guide
igdbook installation guide for dos
igdbook installation guide for windows

to change the setup so it uses books from your hard disk:

1. on your hard disk, create the following directories:


2. copy the "book" into the /books directory. for example, to copy the
autocad command reference onto your hard disk, copy all the files
and directories from acad_bks/books/acrbook from the cd-rom.

3. copy the /ents and /figures directories from the cd-rom into your
/collection directory.

4. copy the booklist.txt file from the cd-rom into your /collection
directory. the booklist.txt file contains the complete list of
the autocad documents and their aliases in dynatext.

5. update the booklist.txt file in a text editor by removing the

book entry names that aren't in the /collection directory.

6. update your dynatext.ini file collection line to point to the

collection level directory, as follows:

collection=;c:\acad_bks=autocad documents;

if you don't update your .ini file with the proper location, you'll
receive an error message telling you to install your cd-rom disk.

menu file locking


windows menu files aren't locked in release 13. it's recommended that
if you use a network, you reference menu files locally.

dell computer systems and electronic document display problems

on certain dell optiplex 466/l systems with a tseng video adaptor
and on the dell et 4000 version 1.11 vesa display driver, text might be
"blacked-out" (highlighted in black). this results in certain portions
of text from the electronic version of the autocad documentation to be

norton desktop problems with autocad dialog boxes


when you have the norton desktop for windows loaded, you might
encounter some difficulties with autocad's file dialog boxes. to
workaround any problems, press esc to cancel the dialog box, and then
reenter the command.

postscript and truetype font mapping in acad.ini


the acad.ini file assumes that autocad's truetype fonts are not
installed in windows. if you do install autocad's truetype fonts
(by using the control panel), the following items in the [mte fonts]
section should be changed as follows:

bgothl=bankgothic lt bt;400;0
bgothm=bankgothic md bt;400;0
compi=commercialpi bt;400;0
comsc=commercialscript bt;400;0
dutch=dutch801 rm bt;400;0
dutchb=dutch801 rm bt;700;0
dutchbi=dutch801 rm bt;700;1
dutcheb=dutch801 xbd bt;900;0
dutchi=dutch801 rm bt;400;1
monos=monospace821 bt;400;0
monosb=monospace821 bt;700;0
monosbi=monospace821 bt;700;1
monosi=monospace821 bt;400;1
stylu=stylus bt;400;1
swiss=swis721 bt;400;0
swissb=swis721 blk bt;;400;0
swissbi=swis721 blk bt;400;1
swissbo=swis721 bdoul bt;400;0
swissc=swis721 cn bt;400;0
swisscb=swis721 blkcn bt;400;0
swisscbi=swis721 blkcn bt;400;1
swisscbo=swis721 bdcnoul bt;400;0
swissci=swis721 cn bt;400;1
swissck=swis721 blkcn bt;400;0
swisscki=swis721 blkcn bt;400;1
swisscl=swis721 ltcn bt;400;0
swisscli=swis721 ltcn bt;400;1
swisse=swis721 ex bt;400;0
swisseb=swis721 ex bt;700;0
swissek=swis721 blkex bt;400;0
swissel=swis721 ltex bt;400;0
swissi=swis721 it bt;400;1
swissk=swis721 blk bt;400;0
swisski=swis721 blk bt;400;1
swissko=swis721 blkoul bt;400;0
swissl=swis721 lt bt;400;0
swissli=swis721 lt bt;400;1
umath=universalmath1 bt;400;0
vinet=vineta bt;400;0

the syntax of each of the above acad.ini entries is as follows:



name is the autocad font name

face is the windows typeface name
weight 1-1000 or 0 for default font weight
italic 0 for upright or 1 for slanted (italic)

compaq deskpro xl 566 users


users of compaq deskpro xl 566's need to make sure that windows is

configured to disable 32-bit disk access. failure to do this can cause
problems in window's virtual memory subsystem, which will prevent
windows from running properly.

to disable 32-bit disk access, edit the [386enh] section of window's

system.ini file, setting the 32bitdiskaccess flag off. for example:

;32-bit access needs to be turned off in compaq xl 5/66


deskpro xl 566 user's can also use the 386 enhanced icon from the
windows control panel to change the 32-bit disk access setting. see
the microsoft windows user's guide for more information on changing
swap file settings.

windows virtual memory and the swap file


to utilize the full potential of the windows swap file, based on

available disk space, you can use the windows virtual memory multiplier
"pageovercommit". this switch is placed in the windows system.ini file.
the default of this multiplier is 4, when no value is given.

as an example, if you've set a 128mg permanent swap file and you have
16mgs of ram, windows will use only 64mgs of that swap file with the
default settings. if you put the following line under the [386enh]
section of the system.ini file:


windows will use 16mgs ram x 8 = 128mgs virtual swap space.

you can verify this by checking "about program manager" in the help
pull down menu in the windows program manager.

clipboard issues

the clipboard features for release 13 don't gray out depending on data
in the clipboard viewer. the features affected by this are cut, copy,
copy view, paste, paste special, links, and insert object.

using pasted objects (ole) in paper and model space


when tilemode is off (set to 0), pasting ole objects into autocad
from other applications, such as paintbrush, will result in the
object's belonging to the paper space viewport regardless of any
model space viewports that might be active.

when tilemode is on (set to 1), pasting ole objects into autocad

from other applications, such as paintbrush, will result in the
object's belonging to the viewport into which they're pasted. they
won't move with the viewport when tilemode is turned off (set to 0).

lack of response from 16-bit ole 2.0 applications


autocad might not respond to ole requests from 16-bit ole 2.0
applications. for example, using insert, object, from microsoft
word for windows 6.0 and selecting autocad will result in a message
that the application can't be found. this is recognized as a known
problem with windows and not necessarily an autocad problem.

microsoft mouse driver 9.01


using the microsoft mouse driver 9.01 can cause known errors, such as
growstub errors. your pointer might not snap to the default button in
a dialog box; attempts to access the mouse manager in the windows
control panel cause the mouse manager to crash and the control panel
to quit. to correct the problem, exit windows and reload.

autocad sessions

only one session of autocad can be run at a time. before you begin a
new session of autocad, please wait until any previous session has
exited completely.

updated shaft application


release 13 includes an updated shaft sample application, which

demonstrates a dynamic data exchange (dde) link between autocad and
microsoft excel. the shaft menu is now a partial menu that can be
inserted anywhere on the windows menu bar. for more information on
this application, see the comments in the file shaft.mnu, which is
located in the windows sample directory.

default mtext editor font


when you choose cancel in the select font dialog box for a font to be
used in the mtext editor, autocad uses the arial font as the default
rtf text and the mtext editor

rtf text isn't recognized by the mtext editor. text from other
programs with embedded formatting will lose formatting when imported
or pasted into the mtext editor.

using acadfull.mnu

the acadfull.mnu file includes pull-down menu access to menu items

and toolbar items from acad.mnu. since acadfull.mnu closely matches
the dos menu with the addition of windows only tools, such as ole,
it can provide a means of making the transition between dos and
window's autocad.

dos-specific information

vibrant driver and scripts


you can't use scripts to configure this driver.

mtext and memory


if you run out of memory when mtext attempts to use the dos editor,
configure your system so that you have more memory. you can put dos
in high memory or use the shroom command before invoking autocad.
consult your dos manual for instructions on how you do this.

importing a file with mtext and the temporary file name


when you import a file for mtext, load the file into the editor and
save it using the name ac000512. (the period or fullstop [.] after
"ac000512" is required). when you're prompted whether you want to
overwrite the existing file of the same name, choose y (yes).

the temporary file name ac000512. must exist when using mtext in a
dos editor. if you attempt to rename the temporary file to a name
other than ac000512., the mtext operation will be canceled.

manual corrections and additions

general notes

leader associativity

information which implies that leader objects and their

annotation become associated with each other is incorrect.
leader objects and their annotation aren't associated
with each other.

autocad command reference, publication #00105-010000-5030


bhatch, "default properties," page 113

the section "default properties" should be removed.

ddim, "arrowheads," page 184

in the paragraph describing different arrowheads,

add the information about the dimsah system so that
it reads as follows:

if you select different arrowheads for the first

and second arrowheads, autocad stores the names in
the dimblk1 and dimblk2 variable respectively, and
turns dimsah on.

ddim, "fit" option, page 186

the following option is missing:

arrows only

if space is available, autocad places text and

arrowheads between the extension lines. when space
is available for the arrowheads only, autocad
places them between the extension lines and the
text outside. when no space is available for the
arrowheads, autocad places them both outside the
extension lines.

ddim, "prefix," page 189

the following sentence is incorrect:

autocad displays how the prefixed dimension text appears in

the image tile.

the sentence should read:

autocad displays the tolerance text depending on the current

type of tolerance (see "tolerance," page 190).

the image tiles change as you pick them, and the value of
the method list updates. if you select an item from the
method list, the image tiles change to reflect that type of
tolerance setting.

ddim, "suffix," page 189

the following sentence is incorrect:

autocad displays how the suffixed dimension text appears in

the image tile.
the sentence should read:

autocad displays the tolerance text depending on the current

type of tolerance (see "tolerance," page 190).

the image tiles change as you pick them, and the value of
the method list updates. if you select an item from the
method list, the image tiles change to reflect that type of
tolerance setting.

hatchedit, "inherit properties," page 355

the following sentence should be removed:

autocad does not allow the properties of a nonassociative

hatch pattern to be inherited.

lengthen, page 375

the following sentence should be removed:

spline objects can be extended linearly.

mtext, pages 434 and 435

the illustration showing the edit mtext dialog box erroneously

shows a button for spell-checking (spell). on the following page
this button is described in the "spell" section.

spell-checking within mtext is not available. to spell-check any

text, complete the text creation and then use the spell command.

preferences, page 516

the render area of the preferences dialog box is incomplete.

add the following options and their descriptions:

raster preview options

specifies the format of a preview drawing.

save wmf preview saves the preview drawing in

windows metafile format (wmf).

save bmp preview saves the preview drawing in

bitmap format (bmp).

purge, page 528

the following paragraph is incorrect:

to purge every unreferenced object from a drawing, use

purge, then end, and then restart autocad and try purge
again. repeat this sequence until purge reports that there
are no unreferenced objects.

the paragraph should read:

purge removes only one level of reference. repeat the
use of purge until there are no unreferenced objects.

saveasr12, page 576

the following sentence is incorrect:

autocad saves the original release 13 drawing to a .bak

backup file with the same file name.

the sentence should read:

if you specify the current drawing as the file name

to save, autocad saves the original release 13 to
a .bak backup file.

scene, page 582

in the paragraph describing scenes, add the information

about the ambient light intensity so that it reads as follows:

if there are no lights in the drawing and `none' is selected,

autocad assumes a default `over-the-shoulder' distant light
source with an intensity of 1, and an ambient light intensity
of 0.

sketch, page 594

the descriptions of the buttons, beginning with the

section "pen (pick button)," assume that tablet mode is
turned on.

style, page 618

in the sentence describing valid file types, include all the

valid file types so that the sentence reads as follows:

in the select font file dialog box, valid file types include
.pfa, .pfb, .shx, and .ttf.

in the sentence following the "obliquing angle <current>:

specify an angle or press return" prompt, correct the
values as follows:

entering values between -85 and 85 italicizes the text.

delobj, page 705

the values for objects deleted and retained need to be

reversed to read as follows:

1 objects are deleted.

0 objects are retained.

dimalttz, page 706

the description of the dimalttz system variable is incorrect

and should be replaced with the following:
type: integer
saved in: drawing
initial value: 0

controls suppression of zeros for alternate tolerance

values. dimalttz stores this value when entered on the
command line or set in the alternate units dialog of the
annotation dialog box.

0 suppresses zero feet and precisely zero inches.

1 includes zero feet and precisely zero inches.
2 includes zero feet and suppresses zero inches.
3 includes zero inches and suppresses zero feet.

dimalttz values 0-3 affect feet-and-inch dimensions only,

but you can add 4 to suppress leading zeros in all
decimal dimensions (e.g., 0.5000 becomes .5000), and add
8 to suppress trailing decimal zeros (e.g., 12.5000
becomes 12.5 and 30.0000 becomes 30). adding 12 (both 4
and 8) suppresses both leading and trailing zeros (e.g.,
0.5000 becomes .5 and 0.0000 becomes 0).

dimaltz, page 707

the description of the dimaltz system variable is incorrect

and should be replaced with the following:

type: integer
saved in: drawing
initial value: 0

controls the suppression of zeros for alternate unit

dimension values. dimaltz stores this value when entered
on the command line or set in the alternate units dialog
of the annotation dialog box.

0 suppresses zero feet and precisely zero inches.

1 includes zero feet and precisely zero inches.
2 includes zero feet and suppresses zero inches.
3 includes zero inches and suppresses zero feet.

dimaltz values 0-3 affect feet-and-inch dimensions only,

but you can add 4 to suppress leading zeros in all
decimal dimensions (e.g., 0.5000 becomes .5000), and add
8 to suppress trailing decimal zeros (e.g., 12.5000
becomes 12.5 and 30.0000 becomes 30). adding 12 (both 4
and 8) suppresses both leading and trailing zeros (e.g.,
0.5000 becomes .5 and 0.0000 becomes 0).

dimfit, page 710

replace the descriptions of dimfit 2 and dimfit 3

with the following:

2 if space is available, places text and

arrowheads between the extension lines.
when space is available for the arrowheads
only, autocad places them between the extension
lines and the text outside. when no space is
available for the arrowheads, autocad places
them both outside the extension lines.

3 if space is available, places the text and

arrowheads between the extension lines. when
enough space is available for text, autocad
places the text between the extension lines
and the arrowheads outside the extension lines.
when enough space is available for arrowheads,
autocad places them between the extension lines
and the text outside the extension lines. when
no space is available for both text and arrowheads,
autocad places them outside the extension lines.

dimtzin, page 717

the description of the dimtzin system variable is incorrect

and should be replaced with the following:

type: integer
saved in: drawing
initial value: 0

controls the suppression of zeros for tolerance values.

dimtzin stores this value when entered on the command line
or set in the primary units dialog of the annotation dialog

0 suppresses zero feet and precisely zero inches.

1 includes zero feet and precisely zero inches.
2 includes zero feet and suppresses zero inches.
3 includes zero inches and suppresses zero feet.

dimtzin values 0-3 affect feet-and-inch dimensions only,

but you can add 4 to suppress leading zeros in all
decimal dimensions (e.g., 0.5000 becomes .5000), and add
8 to suppress trailing decimal zeros (e.g., 12.5000
becomes 12.5 and 30.0000 becomes 30). adding 12 (both 4
and 8) suppresses both leading and trailing zeros (e.g.,
0.5000 becomes .5 and 0.0000 becomes 0).

dimzin, page 718

the description of the dimzin system variable is incorrect

and should be replaced with the following:

type: integer
saved in: drawing
initial value: 0

controls the suppression of the primary unit value. dimzin

stores this value when entered at the command line, or in the
primary units dialog of the annotation dialog box. dimzin also
affects real-to-string conversions performed by the autolisp
rtos and angtos functions

0 suppresses zero feet and precisely zero inches.

1 includes zero feet and precisely zero inches.
2 includes zero feet and suppresses zero inches.
3 includes zero inches and suppresses zero feet.

dimzin values 0-3 affect feet-and-inch dimensions only,

but you can add 4 to suppress leading zeros in all
decimal dimensions (e.g., 0.5000 becomes .5000), and add
8 to suppress trailing decimal zeros (e.g., 12.5000
becomes 12.5 and 30.0000 becomes 30). adding 12 (both 4
and 8) suppresses both leading and trailing zeros (e.g.,
0.5000 becomes .5 and 0.0000 becomes 0).

menuname, page 725

the entry for this system variable isn't correct and should
be changed as follows:

type: string
saved in: application header

the menuname system variable stores the menugroup name. if the

current primary menu has no menugroup name, the menu file includes
the path if the file location isn't specified in autocad's environment

pickstyle, page 728

the initial value of the pickstyle system variable is 1 and

not 3 as documented.

saveimages, page 734

type: integer
saved in: drawing
initial value: 0

the saveimages system variable controls writing graphics

metafiles for application-defined objects, solids, bodies,
and regions.

the saveimages system variable is used to specify whether to

save the images of application-defined objects, solids, bodies,
and regions with the drawing.

0 the application's definition of the objects controls whether

to save the graphical descriptions of objects. solids, bodies
and regions aren't saved.
1 always saves images
2 never saves images
if 1 or, for certain classes, when 0, then application-defined
objects will be visible if the drawing is reloaded without the
supporting application present. the image displayed will be the
image that was last described by the supporting application.

if 2 or, for certain classes and solids, bodies, and regions, when
0, then no image data will be saved for these application defined
objects if the drawing is reloaded without the supporting

the ability to display application defined objects without

their application present is very desirable. however, when
graphical metafiles are saved, your drawing size will be larger
and the save time will be longer.

textfill, page 739

the initial value for textfill is 0, not 1.

autocad user's guide, publication #00105-010000-5020


"creating an associative hatch," page 71

the following note should be included immediately following the

steps "to hatch an area":

when creating an associative hatch, specify one internal

point per hatch block placement. specifying more than one
internal point can produce unexpected results when you edit
the hatch boundary.

"editing hatches," page 197

the following sentence is only partially correct:

to select an associative hatch without its associative boundary,

set pickstyle to 0.

it should be fully corrected to read:

to select an associative hatch without its associative boundary,

set pickstyle to 0 or 1.

"control keys used to edit text in windows," page 248

the keys ctrl+z don't undo typing. you can, however, still
paste back text that you've cut.

"creating paragraph text in windows," page 248

the illustration showing the edit mtext dialog box erroneously

shows a button for spell-checking (spell).

spell-checking within mtext is not available. to spell-check any

text, complete the text creation and then use the spell command.

"adding text to drawings," page 250

add the following information in a new section:

"special unicode characters in mtext"

when using mtext, you can create the special characters for the
degree symbol, plus/minus tolerance symbol, and the diameter
symbol by entering the following unicode character strings:

%\u+00b0 draws degree symbol

%\u+00b1 draws plus/minus tolerance symbol
%\u+2205 draws diameter symbol

at the command line or with an external editor (such as the dos

editor), you enter the same character strings, but without the
% sign:

\u+00b0 draws degree symbol

\u+00b1 draws plus/minus tolerance symbol
\u+2205 draws diameter symbol

for more information on unicode, see "unicode font descriptions"

in chapter 3, "shapes, fonts, and postscript support" in the
autocad customization guide. also see "using unicode and big
fonts" on page 255 in the autocad user's guide.

"formatting paragraph text in a text editor," page 266

the following information is absent from the discussion

on formatting paragraph text and should be included
immediately following the table of format codes for

mtext objects use word-wrap to break long lines into

paragraphs. if you want autocad to break lines automatically,
you can create continuation lines by ending lines with
either a backslash (\) or a space character.

for example, if you enter the following text into the text
editor, autocad treats the text as one long line and breaks
the line based on the width allowed for the mtext object:

this is a test of the \

emergency broadcast system.

"using font mapping," page 274 - 275

the following information is absent from this section and should

be included after the section "specifying an alternative default
font," under the following new section title:

"font mapping and mtext in windows"

autocad fonts must be identified in the mte fonts section of the

acad.ini file. when windows doesn't recognize a font, autocad
displays the select font dialog box and prompts for a substitute
font to be used. select a substitute font and then choose ok.
you can also manually edit the acad.ini, to map the fonts to ones
that the mtext editor recognizes. the following example of the
mte fonts section of the acad.ini shows autocad fonts mapped to
fonts recognized by the mtext editor. when a pathname is required
to locate the font, you must include it as shown in the last line
of this example.

[mte fonts]
complex=times new roman;400;0
gothice=lucida blackletter;400;0
gothicg=lucida blackletter;400;0
gothici=lucida blackletter;400;0
italic=times new roman;400;1
italicc=times new roman;400;1
italict=times new roman;700;1
monotxt=courier new;400;0
monotxt8=courier new;400;0
romanc=times new roman;600;0
romand=times new roman;500;0
romans=times new roman;400;0
romant=times new roman;700;0
c:\fonts\tt\dutch.ttf=times new roman;400;0

the syntax of each entry is as follows:



name is the autocad font name

face is the windows typeface name
weight 1-1000 or 0 for default font weight
italic 0 for upright or 1 for slanted (italic)

"adding primary units," page 318

the following sentence is incorrect:

an image tile displays a representation of the prefix and

suffix you supply.

the sentence should be corrected to read:

an image tile displays a representation of the tolerance text

depending on the current type of tolerance (see "adding lateral
tolerances," on page 322).

"adding alternate units," page 320

the following sentence is incorrect:

an image tile displays a representation of the prefix and

suffix you supply.

the sentence should be corrected to read:

an image tile displays a representation of the tolerance text

depending on the current type of tolerance (see "adding lateral
tolerances," on page 322).

"compatibility with release 12," page 592

freeplotting (acad -p)

freeplotting, the ability to plot from autocad without using a

network license with the -p command line argument, has been

autocad customization guide, publication #00105-010000-5040


ssget, page 472

add the information about pt_list so that the paragraph

reads as follows:

the following examples of ssget require that a list of points

be passed to the function. the pt_list can't contain zero-length

"group codes by entity type," dimension, page 549

the dimension group code 70 flag value of 32 is missing from

the table, and should be described as follows:

32 added to other codes if the block reference in

group code 2 is only referenced by this dimension

"group codes by entity type," spline, page 555

the meanings of group codes 70 and 71 are incorrectly reversed.

they should read as follows:

70 spline flag (bit values):

1 closed spline
2 periodic spline
4 rational spline
8 planar
16 linear (planar bit is also set.)

71 degree of the spline curve

"predefined attributes"

add the following new attribute definitions to the specified pages:

page 623, fixed_width_font = <true-false>;

if true, specifies that a list box or popup list will display text
in a fixed pitch font. this provides for easier spacing or tab
alignment of columns. the fixed_width_font attribute is functional
on windows/nt only.

page 627, password_char= "<char>";

specifies the character to be used as the password character. if

password_char is specified and is not null, that character is
displayed in the edit box instead of the characters entered by the
user. the use of this attribute has no effect on the retrieval of
the value entered by the user, it only alters the display of the
characters in the edit box.

page 627, tab_truncate = <true-false>;

if true, specifies that text in a list box or popup list is

truncated if it is larger than the associated tab stop. this
prevents text with lots of m's followed by a tab, for example, from
pushing the following text past its tab stop. the tab_truncate
attribute is functional on windows/nt only.

autocad installation guide for dos, publication #00105-010200-5000 and


autocad installation guide for windows, publication #00105-011400-5000


"calcomp 3300 series tablets, page 117 (dos), page 104 (windows)

add the following paragraph after the last item in

configuring the switch settings:

note: if the autocad cursor oscillates while using the calcomp

drawingboard digitizer, change the setting of soft switch
number 7 on bank b from 1 to 0 on the digitizer.

"raster file format," page 171 (dos), page 148 (windows)

you can't modify the raster file export adi 4.2

(plexport.exp) configuration at plot time by using a
plot configuration parameters file (.pcp). nor
can you do this in the plot command's change device
requirements dialog box. you must, instead, reconfigure
the driver using the config command.

"configuring the tablet," page 114 (dos), page 100 (windows)

add the following section after the "configuring the tablet" section

"using the tablet swap"

tablet swap lets you change the function of each of the four menu areas
on the template. three areas are reserved for use by autocad; the fourth
can be used for a custom menu or an independently developed application.

to make a swap, pick one of the four tablet icons located below the
lower-right corner of the screen area. you can swap at any time, even
when a command is active. picking an icon a second time swaps to the
original menu.
the first icon on the left swaps the top area of the template to a
blank menu. this blank menu area is the same as previous versions of
the autocad template and can be used for personal applications and
menu items.

the second icon swaps the left area of the template. zoom and other
display commands cancel the command in progress. vpoint and dview
commands refer to the current ucs. when you swap back, display
commands are transparent, and vpoint and dview refer to the world

the third icon swaps the right area of the template. this swap
changes units from imperial (english) to metric.

the fourth icon swaps the bottom area of the template. this swap
changes the osnap picks (t12-22) to running osnap by resetting
the osmode system variable. when you swap back, the last running
osnap is the default for osnap override.

when you make a swap, a number (1-4) replaces one of the four stars
at the top of the screen menu. for instance, picking s19 and s21
replaces two stars. to reset all menus areas to their original
state, pick the heading autocad above the line of stars.

command line prompts inform you of each swap if the expert system
variable is in the range of 0-3. a setting of 0 (default) gives
you full prompts, while a setting of 1-3 gives you shorter prompts.
a setting of 4 or above suppresses all prompts.

enabling the metric numeric menu

the numeric menu (tablet menu area 3) on the tablet template is set
to imperial units (e.g. inches) by default. the default should be
determined by the measurement setting in the acad.ini file or the
configured units in autocad. to enable the metric numeric menu,
swap this area by selecting the tablet swap icon (s21 on tablet).
at the command line autocad displays the message:

alternate tablet area 3 loaded. select metric units from

the numeric menu.

selecting this swap icon again will return the numeric menu back to
imperial units

autocad developer's guide (electronic document)


all occurrences of the file name acad.arx should be replaced with

the correct file name: acad.rx.

r13c1 update - january, 1995
what problems does it fix?

additional information

what problems does it fix?
the following problems were fixed with the r13a patch and are included
in the r13c1 release:

-- attaching an xref drawing with missing nested attachments or

opening a drawing with missing nested attachments works correctly. the
same is true for drawings that are overlayed.

-- editing an associative hatch's boundary when the hatch pattern

is on a frozen layer works correctly.

-- performing a dimtedit/left or right on a dimension in a

paperspace viewport works correctly.

-- switching to paperspace when an object's grips are active works


-- mline styles are now associated with the correct layers in all

-- when running the dos version on fast pc's such as 90mhz or

faster pentium computers, autocad for dos was overzealous in polling the
keyboard, possibly leading to a performance slowdown. this has been
corrected (this problem is not related to the pentium floating point

the following problems are fixed with the r13c1 update:

-- postscript and truetype font mappings are now included in the

acad.ini file.

-- anonymous group definitions within xrefs correctly translate

into new definitions.

-- group name definitions within block references and xrefs are

no longer retained within the drawing database which allows access to
these names by editing commands. group naming conflicts within block
references has been corrected.

-- the speed of group selection has been increased.

-- group add correctly adds entities removed from group

membership via group remove.

-- the combo boxes are now accessible after respacing buttons on

the object properties toolbar. autocad now correctly handles the
creation of a custom toolbar and the modification of a toolbar flyout.

-- circles drawn perpendicular to the wcs display the correct


-- the break and trim commands properly duplicate associated


-- a semicolon in the ***aux and ***buttons menu sections is now

correctly interpreted as a return in menu macros, and the plus sign is
now a valid character for screen menu labels. a backslash in a menu
macro in the ***aux menu section is now correctly replaced with the
coordinates of the pick point.

-- the autolisp (grvecs) function properly highlights entities as


-- the ads function ads_printf() properly responds to format


-- in arx ads, the ads_command(rtnone) function properly cancels

a currently running autocad command.

-- trimming and grip-copying splines now works correctly.

-- a full plot preview now displays ole objects properly.

-- autocad now imports dde data correctly.

-- autocad properly saves the status of "keystrokes" when the

preferences dialog is accessed from the command window or the text

-- psout now correctly renders 8-bit text objects on dos.

-- render properly uses subentities' colors in a 3dsolid,

resulting in more consistency between shade and render.

-- the bhatch dialog user, normal, inner and outer options now
return the proper values to the hpname system variable in localized
versions of autocad.

-- hatch patterns beginning with letter used for the "user"

hatch pattern option (such as 'u' on us english versions) are now

-- ddchprop now properly handles a selection set of objects with

varying thickness or linetype scale.

-- coordinate display and view centering problems with the aerial

viewer have been fixed.

-- long path names in the open drawing dialog box do not force
the read only check box to be selected.

-- transparent help is disallowed from autolisp on dos - calling

for help by typing 'help as a prompt generated from an autolisp or
ads program has been disabled for dos only. you may still ask for
help in these situations in autocad for windows. note that this means
that the autolisp function (setfunhelp) and the ads function
ads_setfunhelp() are useless for dos, since the information they
register will never be used.

additional information

-- the relative sizes of numbers in stacked fractions are now

based on the dimtfac system variable (in the same way that tolerance
values use this system variable).

-- unloading of ads and rx apps fails on windows if you

are using share.exe. to maintain file protection in a multiuser
environment, use vshare.386 instead of share. you have three
options, each explained in greater detail below:

- use vshare.386 instead of share.exe

- continue to use share.exe
- use neither share.exe nor vshare.386

vshare comes with newer microsoft windows products such as office,

word, windows for workgroups, etc. vshare is a total replacement for
share.exe, so you don't need both. take share.exe out of your
autoexec.bat, and add the following line to the [386enh] section of
your system.ini file:


continuing to use share is not a problem assuming that you don't care
about being able to unload ads or rx applications. if you try to
unload an application with share loaded, the unload fails cleanly with
a command line notice of the failure to unload -- autocad continues
on without a problem.

it is also possible to run autocad without loading share or vshare.

doing so will allow you to unload ads and rx applications but does
have the following consequences:

- you are unable to use ase and ade without share or vshare
- many microsoft programs require share or vshare to be loaded
- file protection in a multiuser environment is compromised

-- the acad.pgp file is common to all platforms, however it

references external commands that work only in dos (such as catalog,
dir, edit, and type). these are not meant to work on other platforms
such as windows.

-- the diskette version of autocad release 13 contains basic

customization tools such as autolisp and associated documentation. the
programming interface files for ads and asi development, as well as
all the advanced customization documentation, are only available on the
cd version of autocad release 13. this electronic documentation is part
of the complete documentation set available on the cd version.

r13c2 update - march 16, 1995

what problems does it fix?

additional information

platform independent issues

documentation issues

updates to the windows/nt installation guide

updates to the autocad customization guide

updates to the autocad developer's guide

what problems does it fix?
this section explains the problems that are fixed with the r13c2 update.
the fixes are organized by the following topics:

- dimensioning and tolerance fixes

- dxfin, saveasr12, open, and new fixes
- object creation and editing fixes
- ase fixes
- rendering and file export fixes
- viewing and on-line fixes
- customization/developer fixes

dimensioning and tolerance fixes

-- ddim now gives you the choice of stacked or longhand fraction
formats for both architectural and fractional units styles. you now have
a full range of choices over available styles for fractional unit formats.

these choices are available through the ddim annotation dialog

primary units and alternate units options. they can also be specified with
the dimensioning system variables dimunit and dimaltu. both dimunit and
dimaltu now accept values of 6 or 7, where the values are as follows:

1 scientific
2 decimal
3 engineering
4 architectural (stacked)
5 fractional (stacked)
6 architectural
7 fractional

the new values are not accepted by the lunits system variable because
the units formatting controlled by lunits cannot result in an mtext stack.

-- the block name for the right-angle arrowhead is now "open90"

to make it consistent with the international versions of autocad.
-- underscored commands are now recognized at the dim prompt.

-- dimensioning commands now correctly handle instances where the

font file is not available by generating a text-free dimension block.

-- dimtedit no longer changes the position of the selected dimension

when the ucs is near to perpendicular.

-- the dimdiameter and dimradius commands properly handle dimension

placement using a dimblk of "dot".

-- the dimangular command correctly displays an error message for

an invalid object selection and returns to the object selection prompt.

-- the first point of a leader is placed properly when ortho mode

is on.

-- autocad properly handles the canceling of the dim:leader command

at the "dimension text <>:" prompt.

-- the text in a tolerance object is correctly centered.

-- autocad now allows an endpoint osnap on a tolerance object.

dxfin, saveasr12, open, and new fixes

-- the dxfin command correctly assesses the contents of the current
drawing when making the decision to do a partial or full dxfin.

-- a partial dxfin of an mline no longer causes the mline to lose

its scale.

-- the saveasr12 command converts overlaid xrefs into attached

xrefs. if this causes a circular reference, the xref is rejected when the
drawing is opened.

-- the saveasr12 command converts xlines and rays into lines by

clipping them based on the current drawing extents. if there are no
extents (for example, there are no objects other than xlines and rays),
the drawing is clipped based on the current view. if xlines or rays pass
through the current view, that portion is converted into lines.
note: due to the "infinite" nature of xlines and rays, they are not taken
into consideration when autocad calculates the extents.

-- the saveasr12 command now converts the background color of mlines

into the proper color solid-filled objects.

-- when opening an r12 drawing with layers marked as deleted

(typically converted from other cad applications), autocad places objects
on those layers on layer 0.

-- the open command's find file, search option now handles wild
cards in the following way: if the search string does not contain path
separators, the search will try to match either the full path or just the
file name portion of the path.
-- when you start a new drawing (with the new command) after opening
a drawing as read-only, the new drawing's status is no longer sets as

-- the savename system variable is properly updated.

object creation and editing fixes

-- many problems with the object grouping and associative hatching
features have been resolved.

-- ddmodify properly modifies aspects of leader objects and

functions properly with r12 dimensions.

-- the perp osnap interacts properly with spline endpoints.

-- ddattdef now uses a default of 0,0,0 for the insertion point of

middle justified text if no insertion point is specified.

-- the rectang command functions properly with running osnaps.

-- autocad properly handles the rejection of non-closable splines

by the splinedit command.

-- the mline, xline, and ray commands now display polar coordinates
(dist>ang) in the status bar when coords is set to 2.

-- mline objects can now be used as a reference when creating an


-- mtext properly handles more than 256 text styles.

-- mtext objects can now be exploded into text objects.

-- the mtprop command correctly converts vertical text to

horizontal text.

-- ctrl+x properly deletes selected objects.

-- the time required for autocad to create layers has been reduced,
and objects on frozen layers now display properly in paper space.

-- the bhatch command correctly handles invisible attributes.

-- the -group (command line version) command properly applies

wild-card specifications.

-- the text in a complex linetype scales properly.

-- edits performed on a group now affect the objects within the

group that are on a layer that is off.

-- autocad properly handles drawings with xrefs nested three or more

levels deep.

ase fixes
-- the ase bit and bit varying data types work properly with the
oracle 6 driver.

-- in ase, the datatypes date and time are now prohibited.

-- the ase oracle 6 driver correctly handles tables with a foreign

key references constraint.

-- ase correctly processes sql files containing a line with

only <tab> or <space>.

-- autocad correctly handles exploded blocks that contain ase link

path names that already exist in the current drawing.

rendering and file export fixes

-- the stlout command now uses the facetres system variable.

-- by default the bmpout command creates a compressed bmp file. to

generate a non-compressed file, add the line 'bmpoutcompression=0' to the
[general] section of the acad.ini file. compressed bmp files use less
disk space but may be unreadable by certain applications. the c0 and c1
releases of r13 always write compressed bmp files.

-- polyface mesh colors render properly.

-- autocad renders properly to a tga file.

viewing and on-line fixes

-- ddview properly handles view names that include a hyphen.

-- an aerial view alert message now tells users that fast zooming
must be enabled in order to use the aerial viewer.

-- the quicktour feature runs properly when the tutorial directory

is added to the support path.

-- on-line help is now available during the config command.

customization/developer fixes
-- autocad now allows support paths of greater than 256 characters.

-- autocad now allows editing of toolbar icons.

-- the sample application bmake is now included with autocad.

-- the new dcl attribute 'password_char' functions properly on dos.

-- the ads functions ads_setcfg, ads_getcfg, ads_dictsearch, and

ads_dictnext work properly.

-- the autolisp (set_tile) function correctly handles a value of ""

(the null string).

-- the autolisp (grvecs) function properly honors xor ink.

-- the autolisp and ads entmake functions now properly accept a

group code 48 in an entity definition list.

-- 1005 xdata group codes within an exploded block are correctly

updated to the new handles.

-- the 2 group code (block name) of a dimension object is now

optional for the entmake function. if the block name is omitted from the
entity definition list, autocad creates a new one. otherwise, autocad
creates the dimension using the name you provide.

-- the autolisp and ads/arx initget function can now provide

localized keywords. the following syntax for the keyword string allows
input of the localized keyword while it returns the 'language independent'

"<local1> <local2> <localn> _<indep1> <indep2> <indepn>"

where <local1> through <localn> are the localized keywords, and <indep1>
through <indepn> are the 'language independent' keywords. there must
always be the same number of localized keywords as language independent
keywords, and the first language independent is prefixed by an underscore.

for example:

(initget "abc def _ghi jkl")

(getkword "\nenter an option (abc/def): ")

entering 'a' returns 'ghi' and entering '_j' returns 'jkl'.

-- when passing selection sets between autolisp and ads/arx

applications, the following should be observed:

if a selection set is created in autolisp and stored in an autolisp

variable, then overwritten by a value returned from an ads or arx
application, the original selection set is eligible for garbage
collection (i.e. it will be freed at the next automatic or explicit
garbage collection).

warning: this is true even if the value returned from the ads/arx
application was the original selection set. for example:

(setq var1 (ssget))

(setq var1 (adsfunc var1))

if the "adsfunc" ads function returns the same selection set it was
fed as an argument, then this selection set will be eligible for
garbage collection even though it is still assigned to the same

if you want the original selection set to be protected from garbage

collection, then you must not assign the ads_name (selection set)
return value of the ads/arx application to the autolisp variable
that already references the selection set. changing the example
above to:

(setq var1 (ssget))

(setq var2 (adsfunc var1))

prevents the selection set referenced by var1 from being eligible

for garbage collection.

additional information
this section provides additional information on the following topics:

- platform independent issues

- documentation issues

platform independent issues

-- the names of two autocad directories have been changed
as follows:

- the main directory (previously acadr13) is now r13.

- the common files directory (previously common) is now com.

-- the ase application (the ase.arx file) must first be loaded

before you use the open, insert, xref or dxfin commands with any files
containing ase link information if you want that data to be recognized.
this rule also applies to the dxfout command if you want links preserved
in the exported dxf file.

to load the ase application you should do one of the following:

- enter any ase command, which automatically loads the application.

- use the autolisp arxload function, for example, by entering
'(arxload "ase")' at the command line.
- adding the line "ase.arx" to the acad.rx file automatically loads
the ase application when autocad starts. see the documentation on
the acad.rx file for further details on its use.

-- release 13 does not currently perform automatic purging of

unreferenced anonymous blocks. therefore you should periodically use the
purge command to reduce the number of unreferenced anonymous blocks in a
drawing. anonymous blocks are used for hatch patterns and dimensions.
each time you grip edit an associative hatch pattern, autocad generates a
new anonymous block. depending on your drafting style you can end up with
a large number of unreferenced anonymous blocks, which needlessly
increases the drawing file size.

-- the menu file syntax has been modified for r13 autocad for
windows to provide additional functionality. these menu files are not
recognized by r13 dos autocad. if you save a drawing in windows and then
open it in a dos version, the menu may not appear as desired. use the
menu command to load the dos menu file. autocad for windows recognizes
both the old and the new syntax.
-- the object pager (opg) is a new component of release 13 c2,
which allows you to limit the amount of virtual memory that autocad uses
to store the drawing currently being edited. when you enable the object
pager, autocad keeps part of the current drawing in virtual memory and
part of it in the object pager's swap files. the object pager shuttles
the data back and forth between virtual memory and the pager files, so
that it always has what it needs in virtual memory.

if you are editing large drawings that are causing heavy disk swapping
or are causing the system to crash or otherwise act in an unstable way,
then you might benefit from enabling the object pager. this will reduce
the strain on the system's swapping mechanism and should stabilize and
perhaps speed up autocad r13.

the object pager is controlled by the maxobjmem variable. this variable

specifies approximately how much virtual memory autocad will allow the
drawing to take up before it starts paging the drawing out to disk. for
example, if maxobjmem is set to 1000000 (one million), then autocad will
limit the current drawing's virtual memory use to 1,000,000 bytes.

you can set the maxobjmem variable by entering maxobjmem on the command
line. you can also set the environment variable acadmaxobjmem. note
that environment variables can be specified in the acadenv.ini file as
well as in the actual environment. see your installation guide for
information on setting environment variables.

the default value of maxobjmem is 0, which disables the object pager.

when maxobjmem is set to a negative value, 0 or to 2,147,483,647, the
object pager is disabled. when maxobjmem is set to any other value, the
object pager is enabled and that value is used as the upper limit for how
much virtual memory the pager will use. we recommend setting maxobjmem
to the approximate size of your system's physical memory. for example, if
your system has 24mb of ram, you could set maxobjmem to 24000000.

the object pager creates two temporary swap files. these swap files use
a naming scheme of mpgr<nnnn>, where the <nnnn> varies per session. these
files are created when you begin a drawing and are destroyed when you
exit. by default, they are created in the directory pointed to by the
acadpagedir environment variable. if that variable is undefined, they are
created in the autocad temp directory. if you reboot the system without
exiting autocad, these files won't be properly deleted, so you should
delete them yourself. do not attempt to delete them from within autocad!

the object pager is separate from the other pager used by autocad. the
other pager uses different swap files (pg*) and other variables
(acadmaxmem and acadmaxpage) to control its memory usage. the one thing
both pagers have in common is that they both use acadpagedir to decide
where to place their swap files.

if acadpagedir is set to an invalid directory, autocad disables the object

pager and displays a warning message. you should change acadpagedir to
point to a writeable directory.

if you change maxobjmem, the pager will not turn on (or off) until you
exit the current drawing and enter another. once the pager is turned on
(or off), it remains in that condition for the duration of that drawing
session (until the next new or open). however, if the pager is on, then
changes to the value of maxobjmem (to raise or lower the size of the
virtual memory used) are noticed immediately.

-- as a side effect of the splinedit move vertex option, the fit

points which define the spline, if any, are purged.

documentation issues
the following sections provide updates to the autocad documentation set.

updates to the windows/nt installation guide
the following sections contain information that updates the autocad
windows/nt installation guide.

-- in addition to testing on windows nt 3.50, automated

compatibility tests were run using a pre-release version of nt 3.51
(build 944). no problems were encountered, but compatibility with
nt 3.51 has not been thoroughly tested.

-- this release of autocad r13 for nt is not ntfs aware. autocad

files stored on an ntfs volume must use fat 8.3 compatible file names.

-- you cannot access files stored on an ntfs volume when booted in

dos. do not install or move common files from fat volumes onto ntfs
volumes. be especially aware that converting a fat volume to ntfs will
make all files on that volume inaccessible when booted in dos.

-- initiating "learning autocad" from the help menu generates the

following "winhelp mode error" message:

executing winhelp.exe rather than winhlp32.exe because

this help file uses a 16 bit dll.

select the ok button to continue with the tutorial, this is expected


-- the autocad r13c2 update provides network license server

functionality for the nt platform. the nt platform also provides multi
session functionality with the c2 update. nt users should be aware that
all of the license server drivers have been updated by the c2 patch. if
you are adding nt clients to an existing network installation of autocad,
then your existing novell and dos tsr license servers should be upgraded
to the c2 versions of the following files:

nsrvni.nlm -- novell file server license server driver.

nsrvdi.exe -- dos license server driver for ipx protocol.
nsrvdn.exe -- dos license server driver for netbios protocol.

the autocad r13 network license management system - network issues

this section provides up-to-date information that was not included
in the printed documentation.

installing r13 autocad for network operation now requires the installation
and use of the autocad network license management system by rainbow
technologies. the following sections will discuss the network issues as
it pertains to the individual platforms.

running the network version of autocad for each workstation client
requires a license from the autocad license server. a license server must
be installed on the network before any requests from client autocads can
be made. when a license request is made, autocad must wait for the
license server to grant this before it can complete its startup. autocad
will display its logo screen while the license request is being processed.
if the network is very large or extremely busy, the license granting
process can take several minutes to complete.

one way to minimize installation problems is to plug the network hardware

lock on a client workstation. install autocad and run it from that
workstation. this would allow you to test whether autocad and its
requisite files and subdirectories have been properly installed/created on
the file server without the worry of possible license server problems due
to network issues. once you know autocad is running properly, you can
return the hardware lock to its intended place (typically at the file
server) and check the license server for proper operation.

as mentioned previously, requests to the license server can take some time
to respond on networks. this is compounded with the use of a long
department name list. each department name will be queried for a license
in turn until one is found that can grant a license. be sure to order
your list from left to right with the left being most likely to grant a
license to the least likely. if you have a list as follows:

set acadserver=server1;server2;server3;

the department name server1 will be queried first, then server2, then
server3. currently, each license server can only have one department name
assigned to it and a maximum of 10 license servers can use the same
department name. you can have more than one network hardware lock for
each license server with the limitation of one lock per parallel port for
each machine. you cannot cascade multiple autocad network locks on a
single parallel port. the license server will auto scan for these locks
on the standard parallel ports, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3. you can also override
these ports with the /p option as described in the installation guide
under security server command line options. multiple license servers are
allowed on the network but only one license server per machine. if you
plan to have more than one network hardware lock to distribute licenses
from several servers with pre-authorized licenses, be sure to have
autodesk authorize these locks for one autocad serial number. use only
that autocad on the network. this also holds true for field authorizing
multiple network locks. autocad will only run with its authorized network
lock, providing the lock has been authorized for more than the default 2

if you plan to use the netbios/netbeui network protocol as the base

protocol for the network license server, be sure that the lana number on
both your server and client machines are matched and set to zero. the
netbios license server will only communicate on lana0. network systems
that support multiple network protocols, such as windows for workgroups,
must have their netbios/netbeui protocol assigned to lana0.
the latest set of autocad license servers can support license issuance
from autocad clients on any of the dos, windows, and nt platforms. this
provides the widest support across multiple platforms.

nt v3.5 network issues

the nt sap agent must be installed and started on workstations
exchanging autocad licenses via the ipx protocol. both nt license
servers running nsrvgx.exe and nt client workstations require the sap
agent to operate on the ipx protocol. before installing this service, be
sure to have available the nt3.5 installation diskettes/cd-rom. the
required file, as is the service, is not part of the standard nt install.
you must install this yourself. to install the service, follow these

1. go to the control panel and run the network applet

2. the network settings dialog box displays, choose add software.
3. select the sap agent item from the software list.
4. enter the path to where it can locate the sap agent file,

restart nt if it requests that you do so. to verify that the sap agent
has been installed and started properly, run the services applet in the
control panel and scan the list for sap agent. it should show that it
has been started.

if you are a nt client serviced by a netbios/netbeui license server or an

nt license server supporting netbios license clients, be sure the netbios
protocol support is configured and assigned to lana0. to check this,
follow these steps:

1. go to the control panel and run the network applet.

2. the network settings dialog box displays.
3. double click on the netbios interface item in the list to see
the lana assignments.
4. check the lana list to be sure of the following:
0: nbf->...
if not, then reassign the numbers to comply.
5. exit the applet.

restart nt if it requests that you do so. if you are still having

problems with acquiring a license from the netbios license server, try
changing step 4. to select:

0: nwlnknb->...

the nt license server is a multi-protocol server. this means it is

capable of granting licenses to either ipx or netbios autocad clients.
you may have to install one or the other protocol if you haven't done so
already at install time. you can limit which protocol you want the
license server to support by using the following command line option
switch for nsrvgx:

/sn:0 - defines no netbios/netbeui support.

/sw:0 - defines no nwlink(ipx/spx) support.

this might be useful in testing your network protocol support.

if the nt license server is installed, a status screen is available to
show the current status of the licenses it is managing. the screen
information is updated automatically every 4 seconds. the nt license
server will not warn you of in-use licenses if you exit the license
server or nt. no warning broadcast is sent to the existing autocad
clients when the license server is being shut down. if the license
server is shut down while autocad clients are still running, an error
message will display indicating that there is a network license problem.
this will force you to abort autocad with the option to save your current

to use the department name feature for license management under nt, for
a nt license server, specify the department name with the command line
option /dn:deptname when you start the server, as you would with any
other server. for a nt client, you need to set the environment variable
acadserver with the department names to use. this is done through the
system applet in the control panel. once it is set, you can run the
autocad client immediately without restarting nt.

windows for workgroups issues

when the default network configuration for windows for workgroups
(wfw) is installed, it uses the microsoft netbeui network protocol as its
network communications. to properly communicate with a netbios license
server, the netbuei protocol must be set lana number 0, by editing the
protocol.ini file in the windows subdirectory. determine if the
following line is there:


be sure that lana0 and ms$netbeui are on the same line. the ms$ne2clone
will define the lan adapter card you are using. in this case, it is a
novell 2000 clone card.

ipx network protocol support, such as a novell client, is transparent.

no special instructions are needed if your wfw is running as a novell
client, providing you have a ipx license server operational.

to set up a department name for wfw, you need to set the acadserver
environment variable before you start wfw. unfortunately, this does not
provide you with a dynamic way of selecting a different department name
without exiting wfw.

updates to the autocad customization guide
the following sections contain information that updates the autocad
customization guide.

part ii - chapter 16
the group code tables presented here are intended to update those in the
customization guide. ellipsis (...) in the "group codes" column indicate
that the remaining codes in the original documentation are correct, and
ellipsis in the "description" column indicate that the description in the
original documentation is correct.

graphical entities

common group codes

group codes that can apply to all graphical entities
group if omitted
codes description defaults to
------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------
-1 ...
0 ...
5 ...
100 subclass marker (acdbentity) not omitted
67 ...
8 ...
62 ...
6 ...
48 ...

group codes by entity type

for information on group codes of entities, refer to "part iii -
chapter 13, entities section" in the "updates to the autocad developer's
guide" below.

dimension style overrides

the example return value should be as follows:
(-3 ("acad" (1000 . "dstyle")
(1002 . "{")(1070 . 177)(1070 . 3)
(1070 . 71)(1070 . 1)(1002 . "}")

nongraphical entities
the section "common group codes" does not apply to dictionary objects, it
should be moved to the section "block and symbol table group codes."

dictionary group codes

for information on group codes of dictionaries, refer to "part iii -
chapter 13, objects section" in the "updates to the autocad developer's
guide" below.

block and symbol table group codes

for information on group codes of blocks and symbol tables, refer to
"part iii - chapter 13, entities section" in the "updates to the autocad
developer's guide" below.

updates to the autocad developer's guide
the following sections contain information that updates the autocad
developer's guide.

part i - ads
sending commands to nt/win autocad
you can send command strings directly to autocad from an ads (or other)
application. this is done by sending a wm_copydata message to autocad's
main frame window. this is similar to but not exactly the same as the
wm_acad method used with r12 autocad for windows.

the first thing you need to do is get the window handle of the main
frame window. this handle is passed in to ads apps in the variable
adsw_hwndacad. it can also be found using the enumwindows call. for
each window, call getwindowtext() and see if the initial text matches
"autocad -".

next, you need to construct a wm_copydata message to send to this window.

please see the win32 documentation on wm_copydata and the copydatastruct.
your copydatastruct should have 1 in the dwdata field, string length
(including null) in the cbdata field, and pointer to the string in the
lpdata field. then send the address of the structure as the lparam of
the wm_copydata message. autocad will return a 1 if it processes the
message and a 0 otherwise. it will not process the message if a 1 is not
in the dwdata field, or if the string does not appear to be

part iii - chapter 13

the group code tables presented here are intended to update those in the
developer's guide. ellipsis (...) in the "group codes" column indicate
that the remaining codes in the original documentation are correct, and
ellipsis in the "description" column indicate that the description in the
original documentation is correct.

new for autocad release 13

the new dxf file sections are classes and objects. a new table,
block_record, has been added to the tables section.

delete information about group code 90 (ade object lock) from the "new
group codes" table.

dxf file structure

add block_record to the list of symbol tables.

group code description by number

delete information about group code 90 (ade object lock) from the "autocad
group codes (by number)" table.

delete information about group code 90 (ade object lock) from the "overall
object (or entity) structure" table.

tables section
add "block_record" to the list of valid table names in the second

add "a group 100 (acdbsymboltable subclass marker)" to the list of lines
in the table header following group 5 and before group 70.

appid group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
5 handle
100 subclass marker (acdbsymboltablerecord)
100 subclass marker (acdbregapptablerecord)
2 user-supplied application name; these table entries
maintain a set of names for all registered applications
70 standard flag values

block_record group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
5 handle
100 subclass marker (acdbsymboltablerecord)
100 subclass marker (acdbblocktablerecord)
2 block name

dimstyle group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
105 handle
100 subclass marker (acdbsymboltablerecord)
100 subclass marker (acdbdimstyletablerecord)
2 dimension style name
274 dimalttd
340 handle of referenced style object (used instead of storing
dimtxsty value)
275 dimaunit
280 dimjust
281 dimsd1
282 dimsd2

layer group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
5 handle
100 subclass marker (acdbsymboltablerecord)
100 subclass marker (acdblayertablerecord)
2 layer name

ltype group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
5 handle
100 subclass marker (acdbsymboltablerecord)
100 subclass marker (acdblinetypetablerecord)
2 linetype name
73 number of linetype elements
40 total pattern length.
49 dash, dot or space length (one entry per element).
74 complex linetype element type (one per element)
0 = not complex
2 = embedded text string
4 = embedded shape
75 complex shape code (one per element if code 74 > 0)
1 if code 74=2
<shape_number> if code 74=4
340 pointer to style object (one per element if code 74 > 0)
46 s= scale value (one per element if code 74 > 0)
50 r= rotation value (one per element if code 74 > 0)
44 x= x-offset value (one per element if code 74 > 0)
45 y= y-offset value (one per element if code 74 > 0)
9 text string (one per element if code 74 = 2)

style group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
5 handle
100 subclass marker (acdbsymboltablerecord)
100 subclass marker (acdbtextstyletablerecord)
2 style name

ucs group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
5 handle
100 subclass marker (acdbsymboltablerecord)
100 subclass marker (acdbucstablerecord)
2 ucs name

view group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
5 handle
100 subclass marker (acdbsymboltablerecord)
100 subclass marker (acdbviewtablerecord)
2 view name

vport group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
5 handle
100 subclass marker (acdbsymboltablerecord)
100 subclass marker (acdbviewporttablerecord)
2 viewport name

blocks section

blocks group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
5 handle
100 subclass marker (acdbentity)
8 layer name
100 subclass marker (acdbblockbegin)
2 block name
70 ...
10, 20, 30 ...
3 block name
1 xref path name

endblk group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
5 handle
100 subclass marker (acdbentity)
8 layer name
100 subclass marker (acdbblockend)

entities section

group codes common to all entities

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
0 entity type
5 handle
100 subclass marker (acdbentity)
67 absent or 0 indicates that the entity is in model space.
one indicates that the entity is in paper space. other
values are reserved. (optional)
8 layer name
6 linetype name (if not bylayer). the special name byblock
indicates a floating linetype. (optional)
62 color number (if not bylayer). zero indicates the byblock
(floating) color. 256 indicates the bylayer color.
48 linetype scale (optional)
60 object visibility (optional)
0=visible, 1=invisible

3dface group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbface)

3dsolid group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbmodelergeometry)

arc group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbcircle)
10, 20, 30 ...
40 ...
100 subclass marker (acdbarc)

attdef group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbtext)
10, 20, 30 ...
40 ...
1 ...
100 subclass marker (acdbattributedefinition)

attrib group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbtext)
10, 20, 30 ...
40 ...
1 ...
100 subclass marker (acdbattribute)

body group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbmodelergeometry)

circle group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbcircle)

dimension group codes common to all dimension types

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbdimension)
2 ...
10, 20, 30 ...
11, 21, 31 ...
70 ...
1 ...
53 ...
51 ...
210,220,230 ...
3 ...

group codes for aligned, linear, and rotated dimensions

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbaligneddimension)
12, 22, 32 ...
13, 23, 33 ...
14, 24, 34 ...

group codes for linear, and rotated dimensions

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbrotateddimension)
50 ...
52 ...

group codes for radial and diameter dimensions

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbradialdimension or
15, 25, 35 ...
40 ...

group codes for angular dimensions

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdb3pointangulardimension)
13, 23, 33 ...
14, 24, 34 ...
15, 25, 35 ...
16, 26, 36 ...

group codes for ordinate dimensions

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbordinatedimension)
13, 23, 33 ...
14, 24, 34 ...

ellipse group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbellipse)
10, 20, 30 ...
11, 21, 31 ...
210, 220, 230 extrusion direction
40 ratio of minor axis length to major axis length
41 ...
42 ...

insert group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbblockreference)
210, 220, 230 extrusion direction

leader group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbleader)
3 dimension style name
71 arrowhead flag
72 leader path type
0=straight line segments
73 leader creation flag (default = 3)
0=leader created with text annotation
1=created with tolerance annotation
2=created with block ref annotation
3=created without any annotation
74 hookline direction flag
0=hookline (or end of tangent for a splined leader)
is the opposite direction from the horizontal vector
1=hookline (or end of tangent for a splined leader)
is the same direction as horizontal vector (see below)
75 hookline flag
0=no hookline
1=has a hookline
40 text annotation height
41 text annotation width
76 number of vertices in leader (ignored for dxfin)
10, 20, 30 vertex coordinates (one entry for each vertex)
77 color to use if leader's dimclrd=byblock
340 hard reference to associated mtext entity
(currently not used)
210,220,230 normal vector
211,221,231 "horizontal" direction for leader
212,222,232 direction of annotation offset from last leader vertex
(currently not used)

line group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbline)

mline group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbmline)
2 string of up to 32 characters. the name of the style used
for this mline. an entry for this style must exist in the
mlinestyle dictionary.
340 pointer handle/id of mlinestyle dictionary
40 scale factor
70 justification: 0=top, 1=zero, 2=bottom
71 open/closed flag: 1=open, 3=closed
72 number of vertices
73 number of elements in mlinestyle definition
10,20,30 mline start point
210,220,230 extrusion direction; present only if the entity's
extrusion direction is not parallel to the wcs z axis
(optional; default = 0, 0, 1)
----------- the remaining codes repeat (as a group) for each vertex
11,21,31 vertex coordinates (one entry for each vertex)
12,22,32 direction vector of segment starting at this vertex
(one entry for each vertex)
13,23,33 direction vector of miter at this vertex
(one entry for each vertex)
----------- the remaining codes repeat (as a group) for each element
in this segment
74 number of parameters for this element
(one entry for each element in segment)
41 element parameters (repeats based on previous code 74)
75 number of area fill parameters for this element
(one entry for each element in segment)
42 area fill parameters (repeats based on previous code 75)

note: the group code 2 in mline objects should only be used to retrieve
the current mlinestyle name. to change the mlinestyle associated
with an mline, modify the group code 340 to point to the new
mlinestyle object.

oleframe group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdboleframe)
310 binary data (multiple lines)
1 end of ole data (the string "ole")

point group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbpoint)

polyline group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdb2dpolyline)

ray group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbray)

region group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbmodelergeometry)

shape group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbshape)

solid group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbtrace)

spline group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbspline)
210,220,230 ...
70 spline flag (bit coded)
1 = closed spline
2 = periodic spline
4 = rational spline
8 = planar
16 = linear; planar bit is also set
71 degree of the spline curve
42 fit tolerance (default = 0.0000001)
43 control-point tolerance (default = 0.0000001)
44 fit tolerance (if a fit spline)

text group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbtext)

tolerance group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbfcf)
3 ...
10,20,30 ...
1 ...
210,220,230 extrusion direction
11,21,31 ...

trace group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbtrace)

vertex group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbvertex)
100 subclass marker (acdb2dvertex or acdb3dpolylinevertex)

viewport group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbviewport)

xline group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbxline)
10,20,30 ...
11,21,31 unit direction vector (in wcs)

objects section
common object group codes table
group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
5 handle
102 start of persistent reactors group, always
"{acad_reactors" (persistent reactors group appears in
all dictionaries except the main dictionary)
330 soft pointer id/handle to owner dictionary
102 end of persistent reactors group, always "}"

dictionary group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbdictionary)
3 entry name (one for each entry)
350 handle of entry object (one for each entry)

group group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbgroup)
300 group description
70 "unnamed" flag: 1=unnamed, 0=named
71 selectability flag: 1=selectable, 0=not selectable
340 handle of entity in group (one entry per object)

mlinestyle group codes

group codes description
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
100 subclass marker (acdbmlinestyle)
2 mline style name
70 flags (bit coded)
1 = fill on
2 = display miters
16 = start square end (line) cap
32 = start inner arcs cap
64 = start round (outer arcs) cap
256 = end square (line) cap
512 = end inner arcs
1024 = end round (outer arcs) cap
3 style description (string, 255 characters max)
62 fill color (integer, default = 0). multiple entries can
exist; one entry for each element.
51 start angle (real, default is 90 degrees)
52 end angle (real, default is 90 degrees)
71 number of elements
49 element offset (real, no default). multiple entries can
exist; one entry for each element
62 element color (integer, default=256). multiple entries
can exist; one entry for each element
6 element linetype (string, default=bylayer). multiple
entries can exist; one entry for each element

note: the group code 2 in mlinestyle objects should only be used to

retrieve the mlinestyle name. to change an mlinestyle name, modify
the group code 3 of the dictionary object that owns the mlinestyle

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