5G Security Challenges and Opportunities

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5G Security Challenges and Opportunities: A

System Approach
Ashutosh Dutta Eman Hammad
Applied Physics Lab Department of Computer Science
Johns Hopkins University Texas A&M University - Commerce/RELLIS
Baltimore, MD, USA College Station, TX, USA
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—The digital transformation brought by 5G is re- access to the next billion users on earth at much lower cost
defining current models of end-to-end connectivity and service because of its use of new spectrum and its improvements in
reliability to include security-by-design principles necessary to spectral efficiency [1]–[3]. An alternative view of the use-
enable 5G to achieve its promise. 5G trustworthiness high-
lights the importance of embedding security capabilities from cases and innovation that will be driven by 5G is illustrated
the very beginning while the 5G architecture is being defined by Figure 1. The Figure differentiates between four advanced
and standardized. Security requirements need to overlay and capabilities of 5G that are directly relating to innovation:
permeate through the different layers of the 5G systems (physical,
network, and application) as well as different parts of an E2E
5G architecture within a risk management framework that takes
into account the evolving security threats landscape. 5G presents
a typical use-case of wireless communication and computer
networking convergence, where 5G fundamental building blocks
include components such as Software Defined Networks (SDN),
Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and the edge cloud.
This convergence extends many of the security challenges and
opportunities applicable to SDN/NFV and cloud to 5G networks.
Thus, 5G security needs to consider additional security require-
ments (compared to previous generations) such as SDN controller
security, hypervisor security, orchestrator security, cloud security,
edge security, etc. At the same time, 5G networks offer security
improvement opportunities that should be considered. Here, 5G
architectural flexibility, programmability and complexity can be
harnessed to improve resilience and reliability.
Fig. 1. Key dimensions of 5G Network - courtesy of 5G Lab Germany [4]
Index Terms—5G security, vulnerabilities, challenges, mitiga-
tion, resilience, performance, reliability • Massive Content: cellular network data rates increase
about 10x every five years and that’s going to leap
I. I NTRODUCTION ahead with 5G. This has big implications for mobile data
5G technologies provide ubiquitous connectivity while also networks.
addressing the demands of both individual consumers and • Massive IoT: 5G will enable connectivity of sensors,
businesses [1]. 5G technologies are expected to provide higher devices, objects, and so forth in a massive Internet of
throughput, and lower latency and a higher density and mo- Things network.
bility range without compromising reliability. By virtue of its • Massive Control: 5G will enable us to build infrastructure
flexibility and an agile development methodology that uses for remote controls, often known as, “tactile Internet.”
modular network functions, it supports various use cases that This means we can have an interaction with virtual envi-
are both scalable and cost effective. 5G can support exciting ronments just as we are used to from tactile interaction
use cases, including IoT, smart transportation, e-Health, smart with objects around us, which means real and virtual
cities, tactile computing and kinaesthetic communication, and object will be able to interact with a reaction time of one
Holographic interactions. 5G introduces a paradigm shift into to 10 milliseconds to enable a human to control things in
wireless mobile communication [1]. Not only is 5G evolu- a steady state that mimics reality.
tionary (providing higher bandwidth and lower latency than • Massive Resilience: in order to provide the massive sens-
current-generation technology), more importantly, 5G is rev- ing, massive IoT and massive control (low latency type
olutionary in that it is expected to enable fundamentally new applications) the network needs to flexible and adaptive
applications with much more stringent requirements in latency enough. SDN, NFV, Cloud RAN, Mobile Edge Cloud,
(e.g., real time) and bandwidth (e.g., streaming). 5G could help Network Slicing are some of the functions that are needed
solve the last-mile/-kilometer problem and provide broadband to support flexibility and availability.

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In order to support various 5G use-cases and applications, (threat actors) in the network [9], [10]. These attacks could
there is a critical need to design a secure and trusted end-to- come from many sources such as end devices, untrusted
end network [5]. 5G networks need to be flexible, adaptive, networks, roaming networks, Internet, application service
scalable and able to dynamically react to the changes in the providers. Knowledge about the types of attacks and network
network quite rapidly. To better understand the security risks assets that could be targeted helps to define the mitigation
and implications, this article proposes an approach to divide techniques. Table 1 lists different types of cyber-attacks and a
the complex 5G ecosystem into domains/pillars to facilitate a description of how attackers can launch such attacks.
more focused discussion of the security threats and risks. This T1 through T10 illustrate different types of threat categories.
would help better model and assess the cyber risks to the 5G These are categorized as loss of availability, loss of confiden-
network itself and to 5G-enabled use-cases. The progress of tiality, loss of integrity, loss of control, loss of integrity, loss
the 5G and beyond revolution may well be hindered if security of control, malicious insider, and theft of service, respectively.
issues are not tackled early on while the systems are being The attackers can launch these types of attacks by various
designed, standardized and deployed [2]. means and pose threats to the network assets. However, in
SDN and NFV are the main technologies needed in order Table 2 we provide a few examples of threat categories and
for 5G to support 5G-type applications. SDN/NFV typically attack mechanisms associated with these types of threats. For
includes additional network components including: SDN con- example, an attacker can launch denial of service attack and
troller, Orchestrator, Hypervisor, Security Function Virtual- make the network unavailable by flooding a specific network
ization, all of which introduce security risks. In addition interface or crashing a network element. Similarly, an attacker
to SDN/NFV specific components, there are other network can launch a man-in-the-middle attacks to modify the traffic
functions such as cloud RAN, Mobile Edge Cloud (MEC) by way of eavesdropping.
and Network Slicing that enable optimal resource sharing and An attacker may also change the configuration of the
support low latency applications. However, these additional network element through management interface. There are also
network functions also give rise to additional security risks. theft of service type attacks and malicious insider attacks that
Various standards bodies including 3GPP, IEEE, and ETSI need to be dealt with. While Table 1 describes different types
have been looking into security issues for 5G networks. Cao of attacks and how an attacker could potentially demonstrate
et al. [6] provide a survey of security aspects of 5G networks these attacks, mitigation techniques are not spelt out here.
as defined in 3GPP. While these authors present an overview Various types of mitigation techniques and security controls
of the network architecture and security functionality of the can be developed to take care of each of these threats.
3GPP’s 5G networks and focus on the new features and Operators and service providers can analyze these potential
techniques including the support of massive Internet of Things threats and devise their mitigation techniques accordingly.
(IoT) devices, Device to Device (D2D) communication, Vehi- Hence, a careful analysis of potential threats is needed and
cle to Everything (V2X) communication, and network slice. mitigation techniques need to be developed. Tables II, III
This paper does not address the threat taxonomy or security and IV in section IV, highlight some mitigation techniques
pillars or opportunities and challenges associated with 5G. associated with the threats posed by some 5G specific security
ETSI NFV security working group [7] group has developed 12 pillars, namely cloud RAN, mobile edge cloud and network
different security specifications including problem statement, slicing, respectively.
best current practice for security virtualization, security moni- III. 5G S ECURITY P ILLARS
toring and management specification, security for VNFs, how-
ever, those specifications have not done any end-to-end threat
analysis of 5G network, nor do these specifications discuss
about the security opportunities 5G. 5GPP Ensure project [8]
has developed 5G-ENSURE architecture for 5G networks that
revises the 3GPP security architecture from TS 33.401 and
integrates key features and the domain concept to support trust
models for a 5G beyond vision. This architecture however does
not provide a systems approach to threat taxonomy nor does it
discuss about security controls or mitigation techniques. This
paper complements the existing work in 5G security, fill some
of the gaps in threat taxonomy, and take a systems approach
to security by analyzing the threats at various parts of the
network and discusses the security pillars in more detail.
Figure 3 helps illustrate few example 5G threat vectors Fig. 2. 5G Security Pillars
including points of attack of various points of the 5G network. This work proposes establishing a high-level framework
The figure also highlights the potential sources of attacks to enable a holistic approach for studying 5G end-to-end

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No. Category Threat Description

T1 Flooding an interface Attackers flood an interface resulting in DoS condition (e.g. multiple authentication failure on
N1, N2 interface)
Loss of Availability
T2 Crashing a network element Attackers crash a network element by sending malformed packets
T3 Eavesdropping Attackers eavesdrop on sensitive data on control and bearer plane
Loss of Confidentiality
T4 Data leakage Unauthorized access to sensitive data on the server (UDR, UDSF) profile, etc.)
T5 Traffic modification Attackers modify information during transit in user plane N3 (SIP header modification, RTP
Loss of Integrity
T6 Data / Configuration modification Attackers modify data on network element (change the NE configurations through Admin
T7 Control the network Attackers control the network via protocol or implementation flaw
Loss of Control
T8 Compromise of network element Attackers compromise of network element via management interface
T9 Malicious Insider Insider threats Insiders make data modification on network elements, make unauthorized changes to NE
configuration, etc.
T10 Theft of Service Fraud or configuration modification Attackers exploits a flaw to use services without being charged

security for vertical use-cases. At the base of this approach is that in turn controls the firewalls and routers to mitigate
distinguishing between different security domains/pillars for the attacks. Simultaneously, the orchestrator can instantiate
5G networks which will help focus on both 1) identifying additional VNFs as needed, and scale down as the attack sub-
system vulnerabilities as well as associated risks, and 2) sides. This built-in orchestration flexibility introduces potential
envisioning suitable mitigation techniques. Figure 2 illustrates vulnerabilities, where an attacker may use legitimate access to
the security pillars identifies by this work thus far, where 5G the orchestrator to manipulate its configuration in order to run
security needs to take into account all those pillars and their a compromised VNF.
interdependencies. We elaborate on some of those below
A. 5G VIRTUALIZATION / SOFTWARIZATION SECURITY An SDN controller can enable dynamic security control
With the advent of virtualization, hypervisors and containers based on the intelligence gathered through north bound API
are becoming more prevalent. While these technologies allow and then controlling the routers and switches through south
multiple tenants and virtual network functions to reside on bound API. This improves network resilience and enhances
the same physical hardware, they also increase the systems’ the ability to mitigate cyber-attacks quickly. However, an SDN
attack surface to threats such as data exfiltration, resource controller can be a target for attacks through its north bound
starvation, and side channel attacks. Some applicable mitiga- and south bound interfaces. SDN controllers can be targeted
tion techniques that can be applied to such scenarios include by specific threat vectors including denial of service attacks;
hypervisor introspection schemes and hypervisor hardening. REST API parameter exploitation; API flood attack; man-in-
These mechanisms can protect a hypervisor’s code and data the middle attack (MiTM), spoofing; protocol fuzzing, and
from unauthorized modification and can guard against miscon- SDN controller impersonation. Proper mitigation mechanisms
figurations. need to be put in place to detect these kinds of attacks and take
On the other hand, virtualization enables operators to dy- appropriate mitigation techniques to ensure reliable operation
namically provision security resources and functions such as of the SDN controller.
DDOS protection, intrusion detection system IDS, intrusion
prevention system (IPS), and firewall functionalities. However, D. 5G NETWORK SLICING SECURITY
successful dynamic provisioning is dependent on other system While network slicing enables sharing resources in the
components such as the orchestrator, SDN controller, network network more efficiently and facilitate the allocation of re-
controller, and the NFV security orchestrator. Hence, this sources to support different types of applications, these also
dependence extends the risks and vulnerabilities of underlying give rise to security concerns [11]. Proper security controls
elements to the security functions themselves. Further risks in must be implemented to ensure proper isolation of slices
security function virtualization stem from relevant integrated and enabling trusted virtualization infrastructure. Such security
automation techniques. controls include slice categorization and adequate provisioning
B. OPTIMIZATION / ORCHESTRATION SECURITY of resources. Further, strong security controls must be imple-
5G resource allocation and optimization complexity levels mented to limit and secure information flow between slices.
have motivated the increased utilization of artificial intelli- This would prevent and mitigate many threats such as side-
gence (AI)/machine learning (ML) algorithms in the manage- channel attacks across slices, DoS attack via virtual resources
ment and orchestration layer. In an SDN/NFV environment, depletion, etc.
an orchestrator could provision VNFs based on the network
condition and intelligence. For example, in case of overload E. EDGE SECURITY
or security attacks,the orchestrator is notified of the condition The increasingly critical role of the edge in 5G architecture
of the network and communicates with the SDN controller and use-cases amounts to high adverse impacts if the edge

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Fig. 3. 5G Threat Vectors

is compromised. When this is combined with the increased the 5G NFV would need to evolve to enable attacks or
threat surface as the edge extends to the end user, the edge malicious incidents detection/prediction.
becomes an attractive target for cyber-attacks. This is further
complicated as the edge hosts security controls such as au-
thentication, authorization and real-time attack detection to Currently, there are various open source activities that
provide security controls for other 5G use-cases (as it has expedite the deployment of SDN/NFV and 5G. These in-
been illustrated previously). Security controls on the edge clude Open Networking Foundation (ONF), OPNFV, Open
should also consider complex and multi-step user handling Day Light, Open Network Operating System (ONOS), Open
scenarios, such as in the case of subscriber authentication vSwitch (OVS), and the Linux Foundation among others.
with a visited network, for a low-latency application. In this Operator community and vendor community are collaborating
case, delay constraints will make authenticating against the to develop open source that can be scalable and reliable enough
HSS infeasible, and alternative solution should be considered. to be deployed. While open source has various opportunities
Strong layered security controls must be implemented on the such as flexibility and agility, faster time to market, cost-
edge to provide adequate protection and availability for the effectiveness, long-term cost savings, reducing the vendor
security functions, and any sensitive security contexts that lock-in, and better information security. However, open source
may be stored on the edge, or communicated between the is also challenged with various issues, namely level of sup-
edge and the core. Proper separation of third-party applications port, intellectual property concerns, lack of documentation
and management/network functions would help minimize risks and graphical user interfaces (GUIs), extent of customization
of bi-lateral movement to 5G control plane. Computationally needed for various use cases. All of these also give rise to
feasible trust platforms could help limiting the attack surface security concerns that need to be addressed by the open source
from the user/RAN side. community.
Data will be an integrated part of 5G, where the different
The continuing increased trend of leveraging commodity types of data (including user data, data about the users, system
modular hardware and software is introducing a multitude configurations, system logs and monitoring data) will be used
of security risks. Example risks include backdoors, dor- to 1) enable core functions and use-cases, and 2) enable
mant malicious code or compromised hardware certificates. automation of decision-making in applications and system
Promising solutions will need to address this on multiple management and orchestration. From a security perspective
levels—computationally feasible trust platforms similar to several cases should be considered here including classification
blockchain will enable establishing some security controls and proper protection for at-rest and in-transit data. Privacy
over commodity hardware and integrated software. However, should be taken into account when designing/configuring the
capabilities in security monitoring and anomaly detection in system to ensure only necessary data is collected and stored.

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Data sharing between subsystems of 5G, and across use-cases • Open Source/API community: It is important to make
and slices should have a structured framework with defined sure that the Open Source software goes through proper
objectives, monitoring and controls. review process and there is proper documentation avail-
able. The code also needs to be reviewed thoroughly.
I. PREDICTIVE SECURITY/MONITORING & ANALYTICS • Government: Security and Privacy compliance should be
While it may be effective to detect cyber-attacks quickly and strictly enforced (lessons can be taken from Energy and
be able to mitigate in a timely manner, stopping the attacks Utilities industry).
altogether by taking proactive measures is also desirable. This
can be achieved by applying AI/ML techniques for anomaly V. C ONCLUSION
detection, enabling behavior analytics of bad actors through Finally, following are some key takeaways that we need
traffic analysis and deep packet inspection, combined with the to keep in mind as we begin to deploy future networks
analysis of past attacks. This approach could improve Zero- while taking care of security. Emerging services are evolving
Day attacks detection and mitigation. rapidly and will be all pervasive, and these applications are
Digital forensics solutions have evolved in the last years not only bandwidth intensive but also have stringent latency
to address new challenges imposed by a contextual change. and control requirements. Hence, 5G networks need to be
As 5G enables critical use cases, it should incorporate and designed to be adaptable, resilient, and flexible to support these
enable digital forensic solutions to increase the trustworthiness applications. 5G technologies such as SDN and NFV are the
in the 5G infrastructure from a user-centric perspective. It must foundation to support 5G type services. These technologies
be known that, if something happens (malfunction, error or will be utilized to enable the network functionality as well as
cybercrime), the appropriate technologies will be available to the much of the security controls, thus underlying the extreme
help in the process of identifying the problem and establishing importance of a comprehensive security architecture. This is
responsibilities. essential to address security challenges introduced by SDN,
IV. O PPORTUNITIES , C HALLENGES AND M ITIGATION NFV and 5G. Operators, vendors, academia, research labs, and
T ECHNIQUES regulators need to work together to form a security ecosystem
for future networks with continuously emerging technologies
In this section we focus on three 5G enablers, namely cloud and evolving threat landscape. Further, it is important to utilize
RAN, Edge Cloud, and Network Slicing as described in Figure Standards, Testbeds, and Proof-of-concepts on various security
2. We expand on some of the capabilities offered by the 5G use cases to act as catalysts for SDN/NFV and 5G deployment
enablers, related security challenges and potential mitigation and benefits realization.
approaches. We further highlight how capabilities of those
enablers present unique opportunities to improve security [2], R EFERENCES
[5], [12], [13].
Table II lists the opportunities offered by cloud RAN [1] 3gpp, “The mobile Boradbacnd Standard.” www.3gpp.org. Accessed:
June 30, 2020.
deployment, associated security challenges, and potential mit- [2] IEEE, “IEEE Future Networks Enabling 5G and Beyond.”
igation techniques associated with each of these security chal- https://futurenetworks.ieee.org/. Accessed: June 30, 2020.
lenges. It further expands on security benefits of cloud RAN. [3] ngmn, “Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance.” www.ngmn.org.
Accessed: June 30, 2020.
A similar treatment for both Mobile Edge Cloud and Network [4] 5G Lab Germany, “5G Lab Germany.” https://5glab.de//. Accessed: June
Slicing is included in Table III and Table IV, respectively. 30, 2020.
[5] Ericsson, “A look at key innovation areas of 3GPP Rel-17.”
A. Collaborative Efforts https://www.ericsson.com/en/blog/2019/12/3gpp-rel-17. Accessed: June
30, 2020.
Scale and complexity of securing 5G and beyond requires [6] J. Cao, M. Ma, H. Li, R. Ma, Y. Sun, P. Yu, and L. Xiong, “A survey on
coordinated and focused efforts between Enabling Technolo- security aspects for 3gpp 5g networks,” IEEE Communications Surveys
& Tutorials, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 170–195, 2019.
gies and Organizational Capabilities (Education, Regulators, [7] ETSI, “ETSI Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Specifications.”
Infrastructures, Policy): https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi gs/NFV-SEC/001 099/. Accessed: Au-
• Industry and academia: Further development is
gust 9, 2020.
[8] 5G PPP, “5G Eenablers For Network and System Security and Re-
needed to achieve computationally feasible and tamper- silience.” https://5g-ppp.eu/5g-ensure/. Accessed: August 9, 2020.
proof trust platforms, AI/ML algorithms for predic- [9] GSMA, “Mobile Telecommunications Security Threat Landscape.”
tive/protective security decision making, cross-domain https://www.gsma.com/security/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/GSMA-
Security-Threat-Landscape-31.1.19.pdf. Accessed: June 30, 2020.
anomaly detection, data sharing platforms with privacy [10] Z. Tian, Y. Sun, S. Su, M. Li, X. Du, and M. Guizani, “Automated attack
controls, etc. and defense framework for 5g security on physical and logical layers,”
• Standards and regulatory: An end-to-end security re- arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.04009, 2019.
[11] fundarc, “3gpp Network Slicing Requirements.” https://fundarc-
quires a strongly coordinated and agile standards de- comm.xgnlab.com/2018/07/3gpp-5g-network-slicing-requirements.html.
velopment including the different standardization bodies. Accessed: June 30, 2020.
An additional standardization effort might be required to [12] huawei, “The Cybersecurity Framework and 5G RAN.”
provide governance, align and synchronize 5G security Cybersecurity-Framework-and-5G-RAN-Whitepaper.pdf. Accessed:
standardization efforts to ensure minimal gaps if any. June 30, 2020.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of New South Wales. Downloaded on November 02,2020 at 03:01:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

5G Capabilities Potential Security Challenges Potential Mitigation

The 5G networks will facilitate many more devices Huge number of infected M2M/IOT devices that at- Hypervisor Separation, Intelligent VM resource allo-
(IoT) accessing the RAN with shared access. tempt to gain access resulting in shared resource star- cations, vFirewalls
vation, VM/Guest OS manipulation, data exfiltration
Programmability and Virtualization of RAN will adapt Programmable and Software RAN will increase the Use of analytical techniques like anomaly detection
to dynamic nature of traffic and multi provider access chance of Man-In-The-Middle Attack at the base sta- can be leveraged for such analysis
Resource starvation at cRAN VNFs by additional Hypervisor separation, capping of resources
vFirewall functions during DDOS attack
External flooding attacks may be launched by a botnet Develop DDoS detection and mitigation functions into
consisting of large number of bots and Distributed Cloud RAN functions
Denial of Service (DDoS)
Jamming can be launched against control-plane signal- Deploy DDOS detection, IDS, vFirewall functions,
ing or user-plane data messages Dynamic Service Chaining
Potential Security Opportunities/Benefits
SoftRAN (cRAN) in 5G networks will have embedded DoS detection and mitigation functions
Dynamic Radio Resource Scheduling would significantly reduce the risk of jamming attacks targeting mission critical devices
Access to control plane and media plane at the base station will enable security monitoring of traffic


5G Capabilities Potential Security Challenges Potential Mitigation

Server Computation at the edge of the network. If third party applications are run on the same platform Run both the edge computing applications and the
as network functions, there are risks of poorly designed network function(s) in robustly segregated virtual ma-
applications that allow the hackers to infiltrate the chines.
Security Context at the Edge of the network. Sensitive security assets are compromised at virtual- Sensitive Security Assets stored at the mobile edge
ized functions at the edge. Man-In-The-Middle Attack should be encrypted
at the Mobile Edge Server
MEC Servers provide caching, local processing and Persistent caching of old Security Association by both Understand the security implications and take mea-
application aware optimization the UE and visited network will weaken security by sures to protect these caches.
way of cache poisoning, cache overwhelming
Reduced handover time and Data off-loading Attacker can gain connectivity or carry out a spoof- Encrypted transfer of security context, IDS/IPS for
ing, eavesdropping or data manipulation attack during proper monitoring and mitigation, proper security level
context transfer
Reduced Latency for authentication for time sensitive Subscriber authentication within the visited network Reuse old security association (SA), while in the
applications gives rise to additional security vulnerabilities at the meantime running AKA and acquiring a new security
edge of the network association. Delegate some of the HSS functions to the
visited network such as Delegated Subscriber Server
Potential Security Opportunities/Benefits
The Edge provides an opportunity to embed security detection and mitigation functions to stop and isolate attacks before they can impact other parts of the 5G


5G Capabilities Potential Security Challenges Potential Mitigation

Network slicing enables service differentiation and Controlling Inter-Network Slices Communications Proper security mechanism to ensure operations within
meeting end-user SLAs. expected parameters and security needs
Allocates appropriate amount of network resources to Denial of service to other slices – attacker may exhaust Capping of resources for individual slices, Ring-
a specific slice based on service (e.g. IOT, Priority resources common to multiple slices fencing resources for individual slices to guarantee
services) minimum level of resource
Overcomes all the drawbacks of ”DiffServ-based” QoS Attacker attacks the resources in slice A and in turn Ring-fence the network resource for security protocols
solution. slice B’s resources get exhausted so that the slice has always has the ability in spite of
resource exhaustion in other slices.
Enables the operators to provide networks on an as- Side Channel attacks across slices extract information Avoid co-hosting the slices that have very different
service-basis that minimizes CAPEX and OPEX. about cryptographic keys levels of sensitivity on the same hardware. Hypervisor
A single network can offer various services based on If UE is attached to several slices. UE may receive Security mechanisms to address this should exist in the
the requirements of the user and various use cases. sensitive data via one slice and publish data via other network and potentially in UE.
Vastly improves operational efficiency and time to Impersonation attacks against a Network slice instance All virtual functions within a Network Slice instance
market for the delivery of 5G network services. within an operator network need be authenticated and their verified.
Potential Security Opportunities/Benefits
Network Slicing provides a native approach to isolate highly sensitive contexts or applications which would be very beneficial for several security use cases.
Slice specific SLAs enable a context-aware orchestration and optimization of security virtual functions.

[13] fortinet, “Heavy Reading’s 2019 5G Security Survey.”

reports/Heavy-Reading-5G-Security-Survey-Report.pdf. Accessed:
June 30, 2020.

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