Gasoline Cycle

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Gasoline Engine

1. .A spark-ignition engine operating at a given load produces an

indicated power output of 190 ihp with a corresponding mechanical
efficiency of 85 percent. The engine uses 26.2 lb of gasoline
during a 20 minute test run while consuming 18.5 lb of air per
minute. The heating value of the gasoline used is 19,500 Btu/lb
fuel. Calculate (a) the AF ratio, lb air/lb fuel; (b) the
indicated thermal efficiency, %; (c) the brake specific fuel
consumption, lb fuel/bhb•hr; and (d) the engine friction power,
(a) 14.12 to 1; (b) 32.4%; (c) 0.487 lb fuel/bhp•hr; (d) 28.4

2. A twelve-cylinder four-stroke marine gasoline engine, with a

6.375 inch bore and 6.500 inch stoke, delivers 1200 bhp of brake
power output when running at 2400 rpm. The engine produces an
indicated power output of 1500 ihp while burning 126.8 gallons of
fuel per hour. The fuel has a density of 6.2 lb/gallon. Determine
(a) the brake mean effective pressure, psi; (b) the brake specific
fuel consumption, lb fuel/bhp•hr; (c) the indicated mean effective
pressure, psi; and (d) the mechanical efficiency, %.
(a) 159 psi; (b) 0.655 lb fuel/bhp•hr; (c) 198.8 psi; (d) 80%

3. A Stirling cycle operating with air as a working substance has a

pressure of 80 psia, a temperature of 250°F and a specific volume
of 3.28 ftᵌ/lb at the beginning of the isothermal heat rejection
process. The ratio of volumes at the beginning and end of
isothermal heat rejection is 2. The highest temperature involved
in the cycle is 1200°F. Calculate the heat supplied, Btu/lb. A.
78.8 Btu/lb.

4. A Stirling cycle operating with air as a working substance has a

pressure of 80 psia, a temperature of 250 deg. F and specific
volume 3.28 cu ft/ lb at the beginning of the isothermal heat
rejection process. The ratio of volume at the beginning and end of
isothermal heat rejection is 2. The highest temperature involved
in the cycle is 1200 deg F. Calculate the heat rejected, Btu/lb. A.
33.7 Btu/lb.

5. Stirling cycle operating with air as a working substance has a

pressure of 80 psia, a temperature 250 deg. F and specific
volume3.28 cu ft/lb at the beginning and end of isothermal heat
rejection is 2.The highest temperature involved in the cycle is
1200 deg. F. Calculate the thermal efficiency of the cycle, %. A.
57.2 %.

6. An ideal Joule cycle using air operates with a maximum pressure

of 600 kPa abs and Maximum temperature of 725 C. At the beginning
of the isentropic compression process, the pressure is 102 kPa abs
and the temperature is 20 C. Calculate at heat supplied, kJ/kg. A.
514.3 kJ/kg.

7. An ideal Joule cycle using air operates with a maximum pressure

of 600 kPa abs and maximum temperature of 725 deg C. At the
beginning of the isentropic compression process, the pressure is
102 kPa abs and the temperature is 20 deg C . Calculate the heat
rejected, kJ/kg. A. 310.0 kJ/kg.

8. An ideal Joule using air operates with a maximum pressure of 600

kPa abs and maximum temperature of 725 deg C. At the beginning of
the isentropic compression process, the pressure is 102 Kpa abs
and the temperature is 20 deg C. Calculate the thermal efficiency
of the cycle, %. A. 39.7%.

9. In an ideal Otto cycle, the temperature at the end of the heat

addition process is 2600°F, and the temperature at the end of the
expansion process is 883°F. What is the compression ratio?
(a) 7.84

10. An Otto cycle, with a 7 to 1 compression ratio, has 320 Btu/lb of

heat supply. At the beginning of the compression process the
pressure and temperature are 14.7 psia and 60°F. Assuming
constant specific heat, calculate the peak temperature, °F; A.
2542 deg F.

11. Otto cycle with a 7 to 1 compression ratio, has 320 Btu/lb of

heat supply. At the beginning of the compression process the
pressure and temperature are 14.7 psia and 60 deg F. Assuming
constant specific heat, constant specific Calculate the peak
pressure, psi; A. 595 psi.

12. An Otto cycle with a 7 to 1 compression ratio, has 320 Btu/lb of

heat supply. At the beginning of the compression process the
pressure and temperature are 14.7 psia and 60 deg F. Calculate the
net work, Btu/lb; A. 173 Btu/lb.

13. Otto cycle with a 7 to 1 compression ratio, has 320 Btu/lb of

heat supply. At the beginning of the compression process the
pressure and temperature are 14.7 psia and 60 deg. F. Calculate
the thermal efficiency, %. A. 54%

14. In an ideal Otto cycle the pressure at the beginning of the compression
process is 15 psia, the temperature is 70 deg F and the volume is
13.08 cu ft. The maximum temperature of the cycle 2804 deg F, and
heat supplied is 372 Btu. Using constant specific heat , Calculate
the temperature at the beginning of the combustion, °R; A. 1089
deg R.

15. In an ideal Otto cycle the pressure at the beginning of the

compression process is 15 psia and 70 deg F and the volume is
13.08 cu ft. The maximum temperature of the cycle 2804 deg .F and
the heat supplied is 372 Btu. Using constant specific heat,
Calculate the compression ratio. A. 6.05.

16. An Ideal Otto cycle the temperature at the beginning of the

compression process is 15 psia and 70 deg F and the volume is
13.08 cu ft. The maximum temperature 2804 deg F and the heat
supplied is 372 Btu. Using constant specific heat. Calculate the
temperature at the end of the expansion process, a. 1589 °R.

17. In an Ideal Otto Cycle the temperature at the beginning of the

compression process is 15 psia and 70 degF and the volume is 13.08
cu ft. The maximum temperature 2804 deg F and the heat supplied is
372 Btu. Using constant specific heat. Calculate the net work of
the cycle, Btu. A. 191 BTU

18. .In an ideal Otto cycle the temperature at the beginning of the
compression process is 15 psia and 70 deg F and the volume is
13.08 cu ft. The maximum temperature 2804 deg F and the heat
supplied is 372 Btu. Using constant specific heat. Calculate the
thermal efficiency of the cycle, %. A. 51.3%

19. An ideal Otto cycle operates with a temperature of 370 C at the

end of the compression process, a maximum temperature of 1510 C
and a minimum temperature of 20 C. What is the temperature at the
beginning of the heat rejection process, C?
A. 539.5 C

20. In an ideal Otto cycle the heat supplied is 920 kJ/kg and the
highest temperature in the cycle is 1600 C. Calculate the
temperature at the end of the isentropic compression process,
temperature deg C. a. 315 deg C.

21. An ideal Otto cycle the heat supplied is 920 kJ/kg and the
highest in the cycle is 1600 deg C. Calculate the change of
entropy of the heat process, kJ/deg K.
(a) 0.829 kJ/kg•K

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