Brand Guidelines March 2017

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Brand Guidelines

March 2017

The purpose of this document is to provide a framework that allows our
members to deliver a consistent and relevant brand experience throughout
all communications on all levels of the organization.

There are those who guide us to be better. Inspire us to learn. Enable us to
grow. Like the professor who makes us smarter.

Not just feel smarter, but actually be smarter. Never just giving us the
answer but helping us to discover it, and more importantly discover
abilities we didn’t know we had.

These educators span all skill levels, unified in their understanding that
knowledge alone is not enough, but that it is the application of knowledge
that empowers us. They are driven by a voracious appetite for personal
development and set the highest standard for themselves. Their curiosity
becomes our curiosity.

By guiding discovery, they pique our desire to learn. They make

intelligence contagious. These people are members of the American
Marketing Association, and we are proud to serve them.

AMA — Answers In Action.

Table of Contents

5 8 9 10 11 12
Logo Color Support Center Professional Collegiate Social Media
Lockups Chapter Lockups Chapter Lockups wProfiles

13 14 15 16 17 19
Support Center Sponsor Chapter Sponsor Logo Tagline Usage Graphic Elements Typography Patterns
Logo Placement Placement

20 22 25 30
Photography Toolkit Usage Print Collateral Conferences and
Samples Events

Master Brand

Main Logo Mark

Main Logo Lockup Secondary Logo Lockup

Logo Clearance Logo Clearance

The minimum clear space around

the logo is equal to the height and
width of the “A.” The only exception
is the main logo lockup where the
minimum clear space is 1.5x the
height of the “A.”

Recommended Small Scale

The logo may be reduced in size but 1.5x

must remain legible. See diagrams

for the minimum size for each logo

Logo Color
The logo should always appear in
one solid color. The main colors are
French Navy Blue, Bone White, and
Black. If color is an option, French
Navy Blue is preferred.

Logo Placement
The logo should be placed at the
top or bottom of all collateral, web
banners or ads and should flow with
the rest of the content. The only
exception would be a website or
mobile application, which would be
addressed in a separate guidelines
Recommended Small Scale Usage
document on digital usage.

.65 inch 1.5 inch .85 inch

Logo: Incorrect Usage
The AMA supports animation of the logo for usage in video and similar applications. In those
instances, you are encouraged to separate the > from the rest of the mark and rotate it or
move it to demonstrate action and energy. However, the mark should always be shown in its
preferred form at the end of the animation.

Do not use non-approved colors or mix multiple colors Do not condense or distort the logo in any way.
in the logo mark.

American Marketing

Do not use sentence case for the wordmark. Do not rotate the logo.


Do not recreate the wordmark with another typeface.

Do not place the wordmark in a non-approved position.

Do not scale any graphic elements.

The following color palette has been created for use in Secondary Brand Color
print and digital communications.
The secondary brand color should be used as an accent with the primary
The brandmark should always appear in one of the brand colors. The brandmark should never be used in the secondary
primary brand colors: Bone White, French Navy Blue, brand color.
or Black.
Primary Brand Colors
1805 C
The primary brand colors combined with hints of the
secondary brand color red make up the preferred R178G41B31
palette for the AMA brand.

Tertiary Brand Colors

The tertiary palette is intended for driving differentiation between specific
events, conferences, training programs and content. The tertiary colors can
be used with or without the accent red. A maximum of two accent colors
can be used together, and it is preferred that one primary brand color
Bone White French Navy Blue Black always be included.
Warm Gray 1C (50%) 2965 C Black 6C
#f3f2ee #1f304f #201c0f Blue Purple
C3M2Y5K0 C94M81Y42K38 C64M62Y76K79
3015 C 2607 C
R242G242B237 R31G48B79 R28G23B0
#0071a5 #553b6b
C100M31Y5K20 C75M86Y30K17
R0G102B161 R86G59B108

Aqua Orange
325 C 1595 C
#69b5a4 #e87531
C60M9Y41K0 C5M66Y92K0
R105G181B164 R230G118B48

Green Yellow
364 C 143 C
#476d3d #e8a32a
C73M36Y90K24 C8M39Y96K0
R72G110B61 R232G163B42

Support Center Lockups
Community Lockups Product Lockups
There are three lockup options for communities to choose from based on When combining the AMA logo mark with product names, use
the layout of the collateral and the needs. The community names should Gotham Rounded Bold, with a tracking of -10, in sentence case.
use Gotham Rounded Bold, with a tracking of -10, and be in sentence case. The font size should remain consistent (it can be resized smaller
The font size should remain consistent (it can be resized smaller only if only if the name is exceptionally long). The name should be
the community name is exceptionally long). The community name should centered vertically, and the cap height should be approximately
be centered vertically, and the cap height should be approximately 1/3 the 1/3 the height of the divider line. The negative space to the left
height of the divider line. Option 1 should only be used if the full “American and right of the divider line should be equal. Designations, awards
Marketing Association” name is featured prominently nearby. and special badges will be addressed and designed on a case
by case basis and will most likely take on a form other than the
lockup shown below.

Knowledge Center

Corporate Training

Scholarly Insights


Academic Special Interest Groups

Consumer Behavior

Professional Chapter Lockups
There are four chapter lockup options to choose from based on the layout of the collateral
and the needs. The chapter names should use Gotham Rounded Bold, with a tracking of -10,
and be in sentence case. The font size should remain consistent (it can be resized smaller only
if the community name is exceptionally long). The chapter name should be centered vertically,
and the cap height should be approximately 1/3 the height of the divider line. Option 1 should
only be used if the full “American Marketing Association” name is featured prominently nearby.

Professional Chapter Lockups Community and Product Lockups

Iowa Fairfield County

Consumer Behavioral SIG

Iowa New Jersey

Executive Circle

Iowa New York

CMO Circle

Incorrect Usage

Consumer Behavioral SIG

IOWA Fairfield County

Collegiate Chapter Lockups
There are five lockup options Collegiate Chapter Lockups
for collegiate chapters to
choose from based on the
layout of the collateral and
length of the university’s
name. The chapter or
university name should use
Gotham Rounded Bold with
a tracking of -10 and be in
sentence case. The font size
should remain consistent
with the template provided.
The chapter name should
be centered vertically, and
the cap height should be
approximately 1/3 the height
of the divider line. If your
university brand guidelines
conflict with this guidance,
please contact the AMA
Support Center to align on
a lockup that works for both
the AMA brand and your
university brand. Do not
abbreviate school names. Community and Product Lockups

Marketing Week Marketing Week

Incorrect Usage

Social Media Profiles
Chapter Profiles
In an effort to adhere to the scale restraints, all city chapters should use
the Main Logo Mark in their profile images. This is the mark that only
utilizes the three characters.

The primary and tertiary brand colors noted in the Style Guide are
available for use in social profile images as long as the color combinations
follows the guidelines outlined.

Social profile images are always accompanied by the name on the profile.
Be sure to list the chapter name as AMA ____ or American Marketing
Association ____.

Samples In Use

AMA Boston

American Marketing Association

Boston Chapter

American Marketing Association

Utah Valley University

AMA University of Wisconsin

Support Center Sponsor Logo Placement
When the AMA brandmark is placed next to Singular
an additional sponsor or supporter, consider
size, placement and relevance.

When possible, the sponsor logos should

be placed on the side or bottom of the
communication. When that is not possible,
please use the guidance shown. When that
is not possible, select the most proportional
logo lockup.

When the full “American Marketing

Association” name logo lockup is nearby, a
simple logo mark placement is preferable.

Sponsors cannot use the AMA logo or

trademarks in communications without
explicit written approval or direction from
the AMA.

Simple Logo Mark Multiple

Chapter Sponsor Logo Placement
When the chapter lockup is placed next Singular
to an additional sponsor or supporter,
consider size, placement and relevance.

When possible, the sponsor logos should

be placed on the side, bottom or body

of the communication. When that is

not possible, please use the guidance
shown. In those instances, select the most
proportional logo lockup.

When the full “American Marketing

Association” name logo lockup is nearby, a
simple logo mark placement is preferred.

Sponsors cannot use the AMA logo

or any of its related trademarks in
communications without explicit written
approval or direction from the AMA.



Tagline Usage
Answers in Action. Support Center Usage
The AMA tagline should only be used in approved lock
ups and provided layouts.

The AMA tagline should always stand alone and not

be part of a sentence or paragraph. Contact the AMA
Answers In Action™
brand team with any questions.

In video presentations the AMA tagline should be part

of the logo lockup but need not be part of the audio.
If the tagline floats independently in a video, the final
action of the segment of animation should end with the
tagline in place within the lockup.

The tagline should use only approved AMA fonts and

adhere to the standards of the American Marketing Answers In Action™
Association name.

When used in local chapter lock-ups the AMA tagline

may be preceded by the local chapters, city or region
name. E.g. AMA Chicago. Answers in Action.

The tagline should include appropriate trademark or

Collegiate Chapter Usage
copyright symbols.

Professional Chapter Usage Answers In Action™

Answers In Action™
Answers In Action™

Graphic Elements
Each letterform that makes up the AMA logomark may be used as
a graphic element. We recommend incorporating these forms into
photography, as interactive pieces of the photo in front of and/or behind
the person in focus.

The divider bar is recommended to separate headlines from body copy.

When directional arrows are needed, use the “A” from the logo within a circle.

Example of graphic incorporation


Typography plays a critical role in all AMA
communications. The AMA uses Gotham Rounded in key
marketing communications because it is professional,
modern, and maintains its integrity regardless of scale.

All typography within communications should be Gotham Rounded Book

presented in a user-friendly manner to convey meaning
clearly and simply.
The primary headline of a piece of collateral should be in
Gotham Rounded Book. The secondary headline (ex. the abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
presenter) should be in Gotham Rounded Bold/all caps.
Body copy should be separated by a divider line and be in 0123456789!@#$%^&*(,.;:?)
Gotham Rounded Book.

Sample Usage
Gotham Rounded Bold
Learn Marketing 101
Apit utest offici voluptatecae conecaborem voluptiaes audit, quam rempedic to
con placcus molutessim explanda quis dolest, sequid enis ellorunt imi, con cuptat abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
voluptaquias nessit reptur atur? Ut liquist et laut quam, cum raecestiae estrum
facepre rferciis nis explabo rempore stissit volorpo restem ut moluptata isit eum
num in nem volorum ut fugia nonem del is aut latiati usaperum re quunt dolorum
quidelisque mo dem que nati deligni hilisque lant doloreheni cores et repernat.

Secondary Typography

Alternative typography that is readily available for most
of our network has been selected for use in general
communications like meeting minutes, emails and
presentations. Those fonts include Arial Regular, Arial
Bold and Times New Roman Regular.
Arial Regular
Times New Roman should only be used as a secondary
option for body copy.
Sample Usage

Learn Marketing 101
Apit utest offici voluptatecae conecaborem voluptiaes audit, quam rempedic to con placcus
molutessim explanda quis dolest, sequid enis ellorunt imi, con cuptat voluptaquias nessit
reptur atur? Ut liquist et laut quam, cum raecestiae estrum facepre rferciis nis explabo
rempore stissit volorpo restem ut moluptata isit eum num in nem volorum ut fugia nonem Arial Bold
del is aut latiati usaperum re quunt dolorum quidelisque mo dem que nati deligni hilisque
lant doloreheni cores et repernat.

Learn Marketing 101 0123456789!@#$%^&*(,.;:?)

Apit utest offici voluptatecae conecaborem voluptiaes audit, quam rempedic to con placcus mo-
lutessim explanda quis dolest, sequid enis ellorunt imi, con cuptat voluptaquias nessit reptur atur?
Ut liquist et laut quam, cum raecestiae estrum facepre rferciis nis explabo rempore stissit volorpo
restem ut moluptata isit eum num in nem volorum ut fugia nonem del is aut latiati usaperum re
quunt dolorum quidelisque mo dem que nati deligni hilisque lant doloreheni cores et repernat.

Times New Roman


There are four distinct approved patterns for AMA branding. These may be scaled, but must
be legible. Patterns should never be rotated. The maximum number of colors used in each
pattern should be limited to three: AMA Bone White as either background or pattern plus one
or two of the approved colors from page 8.

Content & Style
Photography should relate to the subject of the article. It should
help tell a story, and like our brand voice, photography should
draw the reader in and pique curiosity.

Photography choices should be rooted in our design principles:

intuitive, inspiring, smart, credible and inviting. Also, it should
elevate the image of the AMA while exalting the profession.

Photography should never look like stock photography. It should
have a lifestyle feel with natural lighting. The overall tone should
be slightly desaturated with a cool tint. These examples have a
cool tint/blue filter applied.

Use cropping as needed to focus on the relevant content or
subject matter.


Each chapter should be able to celebrate their city through the

use of photography.

Content & Style

Photography should capture the essence of the city. Cityscapes
are preferred if the skyline is distinguished, however other
characteristics may be captured as well. Outdoor environments
are recommended. People may be in the frames if they are not
the main focus. If there are people in the frame, we prefer that
they are not looking at the camera.

Photography should never look like stock photography. It should
instead have a lifestyle feel with natural lighting. Photos may be in
color with a cool tint, or one color with French Navy Blue.

Use cropping as a compositional tool to showcase the
distinguishing architectural or geographical features of each
chapter location.

Toolkit Usage Samples
All communications should be intuitive, inspiring, smart, credible and inviting. All
AMA communications should be presented in a user-friendly manner to convey their
meaning clearly and simply. Communications should elevate our image while exalting
our profession. Communications should keep viewers engaged with provocative ideas
presented in an accessible manner.

Corporate Templates

Email Signature
------- ---- ----
645 N Michigan Ave. [email protected]

Justine Massa
Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60611 312.344.5607


To whom it may concern,

Email: [email protected] | Phone: 312.555.3436

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus accumsan enim
felis, eu lacinia leo egestas vitae. In rutrum, eros a elementum commodo, nulla velit
dapibus augue, at vehicula mi tellus et nunc. Curabitur nisi enim, vulputate at porta
nec, vulputate non arcu. Integer turpis mi, gravida nec tristique dapibus, convallis
non ex. Nulla cursus tortor in feugiat varius. Nulla lectus neque, sollicitudin non tortor
quis, molestie rutrum est. Pellentesque semper erat eros, ac semper urna tempus
at. Nulla non maximus eros, a venenatis purus. Fusce eu mattis dolor. Quisque eget
porttitor risus.

Pellentesque gravida nisi finibus, convallis metus non, pulvinar lacus. Phasellus
Business Card pretium nisl vel orci iaculis luctus. Nam ac arcu vel purus ullamcorper blandit quis a
ligula. Suspendisse cursus lorem a convallis commodo. Maecenas ac mauris ornare,
sodales neque ut, venenatis augue. Duis hendrerit aliquam bibendum. In ac lacinia
nibh. Nulla in tellus bibendum neque dignissim sagittis. Maecenas vestibulum et
nulla id pellentesque. Cras lectus ante, vehicula in nulla sit amet, gravida finibus sem.
Maecenas aliquet dictum felis, quis varius ipsum commodo ac.

Sed fringilla eros vitae ligula tincidunt, quis mollis velit rutrum. Pellentesque eu sapi-

Answers In Action™ en at velit facilisis semper. Morbi tristique neque faucibus, tempor est eget, maximus
nisl. Phasellus consectetur, lorem rutrum ultrices feugiat, urna quam malesuada velit,
a vulputate augue massa at odio. Pellentesque justo magna, suscipit quis diam id,
faucibus eleifend velit. Integer volutpat feugiat elementum. Ut id ante elit. Sed nec
magna dapibus nisi rhoncus pellentesque ut in lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc
pharetra sem mi, in pulvinar quam malesuada non. Vestibulum ultrices aliquam
congue. Cras vel nisl et mauris suscipit accumsan. Proin nec sem dui.

Matthew Jacobson
Creative Director

Creative Director
---- ----
[email protected] 645 N Michigan Ave. Suite 800
312.224.4234 Chicago, IL 60611

Corporate Templates
Presentation Template

Print Collateral
All AMA communications should be intuitive, inspiring, smart, credible and
inviting. They should be presented in a user-friendly manner to convey
their meaning clearly and simply. Collateral should clearly curate the
essential issues while filtering out the noise and distractions. It should draw
members in by piquing their curiosity with relevant information. All print
collateral at the chapter level must include a chapter lockup.

Conference Signage

Print Collateral
Conference Badges

Print Collateral
Conference Signage

Print Collateral
Conference Badges

Print Collateral
Branded Merchandise

Conferences and Events
All AMA communications should be intuitive, inspiring, smart, credible
and inviting. They should be presented in a user-friendly manner to
convey their meaning clearly and simply. Conference and event collateral
should clearly curate the essential issues while filtering out the noise
and distractions. It should draw members in by piquing their curiosity
with relevant information. All conference and event communications and
signage at the chapter level must include a chapter lockup.

Usage with AMA logo

Conferences and Events
Web banner

Conferences and Events
Event Program

Front Cover Page Back Cover Page

Conferences and Events
Event Program

Front Cover Page Back Cover Page

Conferences and Events
Event Program

Front Cover Page Sample 1 Front Cover Page Sample 2

Conferences and Events
Direct Mailer

Conferences and Events
Social Media Graphic Examples


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