07 Mass Movements in The Tropics
07 Mass Movements in The Tropics
07 Mass Movements in The Tropics
Figure 2c Tropical rainforest climate: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Figure 2e Tropical wet and dry savannah climate: Lagos, Nigeria
There can be a ‘reversal’ of typical climatic conditions for a A reduction in shear strength can come from (i) changes
particular place during El Niño years and an exaggeration in pore-water pressure when slope material becomes
of typical conditions during La Niña, during which ‘wet’ saturated and softened, (ii) the effects of weathering,
locations would experience even more rainfall than the which may encourage disintegration and breakdown of
norm. Added to this is the impact of global warming, rocks, or (iii) the effects of burrowing animals and tree
which further complicates climatic patterns throughout root decay. Forces applied to slopes, which increase shear
the tropics. stress, can derive from a number of sources:
●● Loading of the slope through added weight of
Slope Stability water, vegetation or debris.
Slopes are inclined surfaces in which the gradient ●● The undercutting of slopes by waves and/or
determined by the angle of inclination of the surfaces rivers.
from the horizontal plane (see Figure 3). ●● The creation of steeper surfaces through
When the gravitational force acting on a slope exceeds the previous mass movements.
resisting force, slope failure (mass movement) occurs. The ●● The stress of earthquakes or trees being
strength and cohesion of the material on the slope as well moved by wind (causing roots to move surface
as the forces of internal friction within the material are material).
known collectively as shear strength. These forces help to
maintain the slope’s stability. A slope is said to be stable if Factors Influencing Slope Stability
the shear strength of the rock and material which covers Many factors contribute to a slope being either stable or
the slope is equal to or exceeds the shear stress acting on unstable, and it is usually an accumulation of interrelated
the slope. factors that lead to mass movement taking place. The
Mass movements occur when the equilibrium maintaining volume, intensity, and frequency of precipitation are crucial
a slope’s stability (the potential for slopes to withstand variables in determining the nature and characteristics of
movement) is disturbed. A slope may become unstable, mass movements in the humid and arid tropics, although
leading to slope failure, when there is a reduction in its aspects of geology, weathering, relief, vegetation cover, as
shear strength, or an increase in shear stress, which is the well as human influences, also play a part.
force trying to pull a mass downslope (see Figure 4).
Both shear strength and shear stress can be altered to
Water can act to both increase and decrease slope stability,
contribute towards the onset of a mass movement event.
depending on the amount of water that is present/
A number of factors, both physical and human, which act
added to slope material. Small amounts of water act to
to influence the level of shear stress and/or shear strength,
strengthen soils because the surface tension of water aids
can be identified in the tropics.
soil cohesion, thus increasing shear strength and causing
it to remain stable and resist erosion to a greater extent
than the material could if it was dry. This can lead to the
deduction that unconsolidated slope material in the most
arid areas within the tropics may lack cohesion due to the
severe shortage of water, thus making slopes vulnerable
to some types of mass movement events (see Page 7).
However, the presence or addition of too much water will
increase pore water pressure, reduce friction and accelerate
the erosion process. Shear strength is thus reduced and
the material becomes unstable (see Figure 5).
Figure 4 Shear strength and stress Figure 5 The influence of pore water on slope stability
Diagram adapted from Waugh (2002) p. 50.
Again, volcanoes are present in both the humid and arid Another scenario is that weight can be added to lower
tropics and so their impact on mass movement affects all slopes as mass movements descend from the upper
areas, although the extent to which they have an impact slopes in areas of high relief, adding shear stress to the
depends on a variety of interrelated factors. lower slope. Areas of particularly high altitude such as
the Andes and Himalayas are affected by the action of
Seismic activity which is associated with all plate
glaciers, which too can influence the incidence of mass
boundaries as well as at volcanic hot spots (although the
movement events (see Page 7).
effects are likely to be most frequent and intense at destructive,
collisional and conservative margins) is also not unique to
any one zone within the tropics. Seismic tremors would
increase shear stress on slopes and these events often act Weathering is the breakdown of rock in situ, i.e. the rock
as the trigger for mass movement. breaks down in the place in which it is located and the
material is not removed. It can take place to different depths,
Relief depending on the climate and geological properties of an
area. The amount of weathered material on slopes and
Geological factors, climate, and history of previous mass
the rate at which it is produced will determine the degree
movements each affect the nature of relief (the variations
to which shear strength of slope material is reduced as it
in elevation/altitude and slope within a given area of the
is broken down, and also the extent to which shear stress
earth’s surface) and slope profiles, which in turn influences
is added to the slope by loading of surface material or the
the likelihood of mass movements taking place. Steep
addition of water.
slopes are more likely to generate mass movements as the
shear stress is increased. Areas of high relief with steep
slopes may experience falls and landslides most frequently, Types of Weathering
especially when combined with other contributing factors. Weathering is usually classified as chemical,
Areas of high relief occur throughout the tropics and the mechanical (or physical), and biological. Chemical
influence of relief on mass movement is present throughout weathering involves rocks being broken down as its
the humid and arid zones, although the difference in mass constituents react chemically with air, water, or another
movement events experienced will also depend on other infiltrating solution by processes such as oxidation,
carbonation, hydrolysis, or hydration. Mechanical or
factors. Slope surfaces where landslides have previously
physical weathering is most commonly associated
occurred can produce areas of weakness where mass
with extremes of temperature where fluctuations in
movements could reoccur. As the weight of overlying
temperature in either very hot or cold conditions can
material is removed by mass movement, the remaining break down rocks into smaller parts by freeze-thaw or
material may expand as the stress of the overlying mass is insolation weathering. Another form of mechanical
removed, reducing shear strength. This can create cracks weathering is pressure release where rocks expand as
in the surface material, allowing more water to enter. surface weight is removed, creating joints within the
rock, assisting in its breakdown. Biological weathering
results from organic elements – i.e. the action of
plants, animals or the process of chelation (a complex
process where humus in the soil releases agents which
change the chemical structure of the rocks) that results
in chemical or mechanical breakdown of rocks.
The Philippines can be attributed to typhoons, and the islands are usually
affected by around 10 typhoons per season. Typhoon
The group of islands that make up the Philippines (Figure and monsoon rains, as well as equatorial rain, lead to
8) are situated between 5° and 20° north of the Equator flooding and subsequent landslides, made worse by the
in Southeast Asia. They experience humid climatic deforestation of many hillslopes.
conditions in which high temperatures and rainfall are
experienced throughout the year. The islands are situated Given the mountainous nature of the Philippines, mass
on the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’ and experience considerable movement events are common. The frequent mass
seismic and volcanic activity due to their position on an movement events, often with rapid onsets and large areal
active destructive plate margin. Earthquake events are extents, can be largely attributed to high total annual
frequent and often of high magnitude. The country has 200 rainfalls ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 mm per annum
volcanoes, 17 of which are active. The subduction zone throughout the archipelago (Figure 9).
on which the islands are located mean that the eruptions However, slope failures in the Philippines usually result
are explosive and much ash and lapilli are scattered on from a combination of interrelated factors. The tectonically
slopes. Due to their volcanic nature, the islands are mostly active nature of the region plays an important role. The
mountainous, with high peaks of almost 3,000 metres eruption of Mount Pinatubo in June 1991 triggered lahars
above sea level. when material from the pyroclastic blast combined with
The Philippines is a rapidly developing lower-middle heavy rains. Annual rainfall at Pinatubo ranges from
income country with aspirations to become a Newly 2,000 to 4,000 mm.
Industrialised Country (NIC). The population is increasing The eruption deposited more than 5km³ of volcanic
apace, with growth rates standing at +1.7% per annum material on the volcano’s flanks and combined with heavy
in 2014, and a high population density of 328 persons rains that exceeded 12 mm in 30 minutes, generating rapid
per km². Many people are forced to live and work on the runoff on the slopes. The runoff encapsulated the tephra
steeply sloping and volcanic land, while exploitation is in its path to create rapid-onset, fast-flowing lahars. These
putting pressure on the country’s resources. Deforestation mass movements were not temporally confined to the
is rife, with clearing taking place to make way for the June of the eruption, but continued to remove around half
growing population and to enable the development of of the material, which had settled on the volcano’s slopes
agri-businesses. over the next four rainy seasons. Pinatubo’s lahars were
The country experiences a tropical monsoon climate with capable of transporting millions of m³ of mud every day
heavy rainfall, added to by the country’s positioning in – they can be up to 10 metres thick and 300 metres wide,
the typhoon belt. Around 30% of the country’s rainfall travelling at over 30 km per hour.
The weight of the volcanic material, increased by the
heavy rainfall, greatly increased the shear stress on the
slopes. The water also served to reduce shear strength,
reducing the internal resistance of the ash and lapilli to
movement. This increase in shear stress, combined with a
reduction in shear strength, led to the fast-flowing lahars
being triggered and covering a large area.
Figure 8 Map of major islands in the Philippines Figure 9 Climograph of Manila, Philippines
Intense, heavy rainfall was also responsible for the The Aravalli Hills are situated in the north-east of the
Guinsaugon mudslide that occurred in Southern Leyte desert, with the highest peak at just over 1700 metres.
in February 2006. A 15 million m³ landslide travelled Rajasthan in India accounts for 90% of India’s share of
550-600 metres from its original position, triggered by the Thar. This state experiences an arid desert climate.
unseasonable torrential rain (attributed to the effects of The area receives less than 300 mm precipitation per
La Niña), which amounted to 2,000 mm falling over 10 annum on average.
days. Related factors included geological weakening of
Although large scale mass movements are uncommon in
the rocks in the area due to tectonic forces, exacerbated
this region, they can occur when rain is brought in to the
by the excessive deforestation that had taken place in the
area by unpredictable monsoon winds in July-September.
area, where native forest had been replaced with shallow-
For example, in 2012, flash floods and landslides were
rooted trees, reducing the soil’s protection from the heavy
generated. Arid regions such as Rajasthan are prone to
such events due to the lack of vegetation to bind the soil
The heavy rains increased shear stress by loading the and poor infiltration capacity of thin or hard-baked soils.
slope, whilst the seismic activity also added stress. Nonetheless, such large scale mass movement events are
Deforestation acted to reduce shear strength. Significant few and far between in comparison to the wet humid
slides are frequent in the Philippines, with landslide risk tropics.
said to affect up to 80% of the country. Rainfall is a key
factor, triggering moisture-driven slides and flows, whilst Conclusion
both tectonic factors and deforestation, which can be
In returning to the original question ‘to what extent are
linked to population growth and the quest for economic
the mass movement processes that occur in the humid and
development, also play an important role.
arid tropics similar?’ it can be deduced that the majority
of types of mass movements are experienced in both the
The Thar Desert humid and arid tropics, as the required conditions for the
The Thar Desert is an arid region in the north-western part mass movements to occur may be present in both.
of the Indian subcontinent (Figure 10). The transboundary
However, mass movement processes occur far more
desert is situated in both India and Pakistan, with about
frequently in the humid tropics due to the greater, more
85% of its area falling in India, covering an area of
consistent presence of rainfall. Given the plentiful rainfall
around 320,000 km². The Thar, although a desert, is not
in the humid tropics, slope failure is common, especially in
particularly arid and very little of it has less than 100mm
tropical rainforests areas or in the wet season for tropical
of mean annual rainfall (Figure 11).
monsoon and savannah regions. In the arid tropics, rain,
when it does occur, falls as irregular heavy downpours.
This means that slope failure, especially for flows, is
episodic and coincides with intense rainfall events.
Some types of mass movement are associated more closely
with specific types of areas within the tropics. Some
varieties require dry conditions, such as debris avalanches,
and are therefore largely confined to more arid regions.
Rock falls are limited to areas of high altitude in the
tropics, in both humid and arid zones.
Lahars require a volcanic influence so whether an area is humid or arid reduces in importance. Water-driven creep is
confined to the tropical rainforest zone where thick layers of weathered material and soils exist.
Mass movement events in the tropics are rarely the result of one single factor. Instead, they are due to the complex,
interrelated nature or cumulative effect of a number of factors. It is this complexity which means that spatial patterns
showing the variation in nature and characteristics of mass movements across the tropics are far from being clear cut.
Thus, the pattern of most types of mass movement throughout the tropics does not strictly follow the humid/arid
Besides the influence of climates, at the regional and local scale, such as the influence of factors such as geology and
relief also affect the type, nature and frequency of the the mass movements that occur.
Changes in the factors affecting mass movements and therefore the nature of the mass movements experienced may
occur temporally too, due to fluctuations in weather conditions attributed to tropical cyclone and El Niño events.
1. Atkinson, D. (2004) Weathering, Slopes and Landforms Hodder & Stoughton
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6. Goudie, A.S. (2013) Arid and Semi-Arid Geomorphology Cambridge University Press
7. Gupta, A. (2011) Tropical Geomorphology Cambridge University Press
8. Hill, M. (2002) Arid and Semi-Arid Environments Hodder Education
9. Holden, J. (Ed) (205) An Introduction to Physical Geography and the Environment Pearson: Prentice Hall
10. Huggett, R.J. (2011) Fundamentals of Geomorphology (Second Edition) Routledge
11. Lockwood, J.G. (1976) The Physical Geography of the Tropics: An Introduction Oxford University Press
12. Summerfield, M. A. (1991) Global Geomorphology Pearson, Prentice Hall
13. Thomas, D.S.G. (Ed) (1997) Arid Zone Geomorphology (Second Edition) Wiley
14. U.S. Geological Survey Lahars of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines Fact Sheet 114-97 Online Version 1.1
15. Waugh, D. (2002) Geography: An Integrated Approach (Third Edition) Nelson Thornes
Acknowledgements: This article was researched and written by Kate Cowan (a Teacher of Geography at King Edward VI High School
for Girls, Birmingham, UK) and published in September 2017 by Edupress Ltd in Wolverhampton, UK. GeoPress+ is a title from the
Edupress Factsheets series (ISSN: 2399-9721). No part of this article may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any
other form or by any other means, without prior permission from the publisher.