Model Paper 01 - English

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(O/L) Result Uplifting Programme

Ibbagamuwa Education Zone
Practice paper 01
Grade 11
English Language
Paper 1
One hour
Answer all questions on this paper itself.
Test 01
Match words given under A with their opposites given under B. One is done for you.
1. honest a) cruel
2. generous b) stupid
3. kind- hearted c) pessimistic
4. clever d) dishonest
5. optimistic e) tight fisted
6. selfless f) selfish
Test 02
Fill in the blanks of the following sentences with given prepositions
(in, for, on, by, at)
3. a dog
4. fifty rupees

Test 03
Study the picture and fill in the blanks. Use only one word in each blank.
s park near the beach.
Eleven e playing happily. A little boy
the slide. There are two 3)

One boy

is getting
the slide. The picture shows the

freedom, children, leaning, on, sliding, swings, swinging, kids, running, trees

Test 04
Complete the text. Use the given words.

he/she some practical 10)

round us who show us that we can do many things.

also become famous can invent

people many are area people

Test 05

Read the paragraph and fill in the grid. The first one is done for you.

Sir Charles Spence Chaplin was born on 16 th April 1889 in Walmorth, London, in the United Kingdom. His
parents were singers and actors. He was an English actor, comedian and filmmaker, who became world famous.

talents made him a stage actor and comedian. Charlie could win the hearts of the audience very soon. In 1913 he
entered the cinema world.

Name Birthday Birthplace Famous for The year he entered

the cinema

1.Sir Charlie 2. 3.

Test 06

Imagine you are the secretary of the Environmental Society. Write a notice to be displayed on the school notice
board giving details about the poster competition on
groups and rules.

Test 07

Read the passage and answer the questions.

to have a shower. He washed himself swiftly and was back in his room within seconds.

Oh! Look at my shoes, they need to be polished but I have no

Thasith ran out of the house in a hurry. His mother was outside, sweeping the garden.

y breakfast

When he went to the bus stop, his friends were not to be seen to catch the next bus. He could catch the next bus
to school. Within few minutes he was in school. He looked around. There was nobody. Thasith was baffled.

keep his bag but it was locked. Just then school security guard was passing by.

1. Who woke up late?

2. Did he polish his shoes?
3. Why was Thasith baffled?
4. Who was in school?
5. Underline the correct answer.

a) each one
b) no one
c) every one

Test 08

Write a paragraph on one of the following topics. Use about 50-60 words.

1. The animal I like most

2. The value of reading books

G.C.E. (O/L) Result Uplifting Programme
Ibbagamuwa Education Zone
Practice paper 01
Grade 11
English Language
Paper 11
Two hours
Answer all questions on this paper itself.

Test 09

Complete the following text by underlining the correct word given within brackets. One is done for you.

Some plants can catch insects and kill 01. (they / them). The pitcher plant that 02. (grow / grows) in Malaysia is
a cruel plant. Its leaves 03.( are / is) like small jugs or pitchers. Some of the pitchers are only two centimeters
04.( length / long) but some can be fifty centimeters long. The 05. (brighter / bright) colour at the top 06. ( in /
of) the pitcher is very slippery. When the insects climb in to 07. ( a / an) pitcher to drink sweet nectar, they slip
and fall in to a pool of water at the bottom of the pitcher. Little hairs just above water 08.(stop /stops) the
insects from 09. (climbing / climb) out of the pool. That is the end of the insects and they 10.( die / kill) there
and they 11. (digest / are digested) by the plant.

Test 10

Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word given in the brackets. One has been
done for you.

there, and now 3)

d this idea. He is

rubbish to cover three football pitches. F to climb to the

Test 11

Read the text and fill in the blanks using the given words.

Kurunegala city. It is a rock mountain 3
climbers. The hermitage which is

beauty of this smal water springs

the small

visitor, monks, quiet, rare, flows, gives, rock,

situated, difference, from, easily, surrounded, difference
from, easily, surrounded, mountain, as

Test 12

Given below is a conversation between two friends regarding a book. Complete it using the correct tense
of passive form.

Sithum : Hi Ruchira, I read your book. It is very interesting. Who gave you the idea?
Ruchira : Hello S y our English sir. (give)
Sithum : Oh! How did you collect facts for the book?
newspapers, books and internet. (take)
Sithum : I think your parents provided money for publication.
y a voluntary organization. (provide)
Sithum : How nice, who did the editing of the book?
Ruchira (do)
Sithum : The title of your book is very interesting. Who suggested it?

Sithum : Will they give a prize for the best creation?

Sithum : Good Luck Sithum, I think you will definitely be the winner this time.
Ruchira : Thanks
Test 13
Given below are some advantages and disadvantages of television. Write the letter of the statements in
the correct column. The first one is done for you.
a) Some students are addicted to watch T.V and they neglect home work
b) You can see different important programmes from your home.
c) It makes people lazy and reduces the working hours.
d) Family members struggle to decide what programmes to watch
e) It brings the world to your living room
f) Members of the family are deprived of chances to chat together.
g) It gives people pleasure and entertainment
h) People have neglected other good habits like reading books
i) It creates problems for the culture
j) You can get news quickly
k) Different documentary programmes help a lot for education

Advantages Disadvantages

Test 14

a) You are the secretary of science club in your school. The club has decided to hold a quiz competition
between your school and another school to celebrate Science Day.
Write a letter to the principal of another school requesting him to send a team consisting five contesters.
b) The following bar graph shows the details of favourite T.V progarmmes of grade 11 students in your
school. Study the bar graph and write a description about it.
Use the following words. Use about 100 words.
(equal, highest, least, most popular, less popular, than, more)

Number of students

news cartoons tele dramas movies documentaries sports

Test 15

Read the following text and answer the questions given below

The dinning-room of the inn was full of tobacco smoke and the smell of chocolate. The waiter came
forward to show the travelers to their seats and brought them an excellent supper. De Soysa thoroughly
enjoyed it. He looked round and saw the fat man sitting at the corner of the table, doing all he could to
attract the attention of the waiter.
g me a cup of tea- strong black tea? It must be strong and black,

The waiter went on serving large plates of chicken and many other kinds of delicious food, and there
was plenty of excellent wine to drink. The company grew quite merry and some of the passengers from
the coach began to sing. And in the midst of all his feasting and merriment, the fat passengers sat with a
dismal face, eating nothing and waiting patiently for his cup of tea. Then someone shouted that the
coach was leaving in five minutes and instantly there was a lot of excitement and confusion. Everyone
rushed to take his seat in the coach and De Soysa heard the fat passenger saying to the waiter in
, what
All the passengers except the fat man, were now seated in the coach. A strong team of twelve oxen, gay
with red caps and brass bells, was attached to the coach because the road now led up the steep mountain-

Suddenly the waiter came running with a steaming cup of tea on a tray. The fat passenger had one foot
on the step of the coach but he stopped, gave a cry of joy and lifted the cup to his eager lips. The next

can I drink it? Why did you bring it like that just
opposite De Soysa and the young man saw tears of pain and disappointment in his eyes.

1) Who brought an excellent supper? ....................................................................

5) Underline the correct answer

The fat man cried because

b) The guard shouted at him
c) His lips got burnt by the hot tea
7) Why did the guard shout to the fat man?
8) Find similar words from the passage to the following words.
a. Tasty -
b. Connected -

Test 16

Write on one of the following. Use about 200 words.

a) -
b) Write a speech to be ma
c) Garbage Problem in Sri Lanka
d) Write a dialogue between Rahal and Deneth. They are discussing on their plans after G.C.E.O/L exam.

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