Animal Testing Case Study

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Animal testing has been a widely debated topic for many years.

While some argue that it is necessary

for scientific and medical advancements, others believe that it is cruel and unnecessary. In this case
study, we will examine the pros and cons of animal testing and its impact on both animals and

The Pros of Animal Testing

Proponents of animal testing argue that it is necessary for the development of new medicines and
treatments. They claim that without animal testing, many life-saving drugs and procedures would not
have been possible. Animals are used as models for human diseases and reactions, as their biology is
similar to humans in many ways. This allows scientists to test the safety and effectiveness of drugs
before they are used on humans.

The Cons of Animal Testing

On the other hand, animal rights activists and ethical groups argue that animals should not be
subjected to testing for human benefit. They argue that it is cruel and inhumane to use animals for
experiments, as they are living creatures with the ability to feel pain and suffer. Furthermore, they
claim that there are alternative methods of testing, such as computer simulations and human tissue
cultures, that can provide accurate results without harming animals.

The Impact on Animals

Animal testing involves subjecting animals to various procedures, such as force-feeding, injections,
and surgeries, which can cause pain, distress, and even death. While there are regulations in place to
ensure that animals are treated humanely, there are still cases of abuse and mistreatment. Animals are
also often kept in small cages and deprived of natural behaviors, leading to psychological distress.

The Impact on Humans

While animal testing has led to many medical advancements, there are also cases where drugs that
were deemed safe in animal trials ended up causing harm to humans. This is because animals do not
always react the same way as humans do, and there are differences in biology and metabolism.
Furthermore, the use of animals in testing can also delay the development of new treatments, as the
results may not always be applicable to humans.

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After examining both sides of the argument, it is clear that animal testing is a complex and
controversial issue. While it has its benefits, it also has ethical and practical concerns. If you are
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In 1957, the Russian geneticist Dmitry K. Belyaev had a plan. He wanted to see whether he could
duplicate the domestication of dogs in another species. It had taken humans thousands of years to
tame dogs through selective breeding. Could Belyaev accomplish the same thing with foxes in a
single human lifetime? Inaccuracy • Many illnesses that are tested using animals are not found within
the animals they are testing. For example, primates are used to testing HIV treatments. Primates
cannot get HIV though, so they implant the primates with an artificial form of HIV which they call
SIV. • They realized after testing primates for years using this artificial form of HIV that it reacts
differently form the actual HIV virus. Actually, long before Galen, in the fourth century B.C.E.,
Aristotle had performed some live-animal testing as well, with imperfect results. And not long after,
another early Greek physician by the name of Erasistratus tried his hand at animal experimentation.
The argument goes something like this: While researchers have been able to cure cancer in mice for
years, the treatments used have never translated to humans. The same goes for the 85 HIV/AIDS
vaccines successfully tested on primates. In fact, one such vaccine might have actually made people
more, rather than less, prone to contracting the disease. Even the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
has admitted that nine-tenths of all drugs in development fail in humans during early testing phases
because animal experimentation can't accurately predict how well they work on us [source: PETA].
24. Military Researches: Soviet Russia did horrible experiments on dogs. - The two headed dog
experiment - The cut headed dog experiment information weighing up the ethical issue of animal
testing By: Oisin Curran | Updated: Jun 9, 2023 Animal testing. Is there still a need?. Our interview
with Dr Christopher Adda what happens at Latrobe? . 2. The earliest references to animal testing are
found in the writings of the Greeks in the 2nd and 4th centuries BC Much research in the field of
evolutionary biology is conducted using fruit flies and tiny nematode worms, thanks to their rapid
rates of reproduction and ease of breeding. Researchers sometimes use nematodes like C. elegans,
for instance, to identify an effective antibiotic by infecting a group of worms with a disease, then
exposing a control group to a potential antibiotic to see who survives [source: AnimalResearch.Info].
Animal Testing: The History. Matthew Moiczek Ryan Evans Randy Barnes. The start of a
Revolution. Goes back to ancient Greece Aristotle and Erasistratus were two of the first men to
conduct experiments on live animals An Arabic physician in the 12 th century, Avenzoar, was: By:
Olivia Wahler. Animal Testing. What is animal testing?. Scientists don’t always call it animal testing.
Sometimes they refer to it in other terms such as: Research experimentation Animal research Vivo
testing. The Dilemma. Should they test on animals for the safety of humans? See more reviews,
articles and interviews here - and please share them! Selection of an animal model • What kind of
animal in testing? Next Move Career Plan - Tacoma Public Schools Animal Testing. Why Animal
Testing Happens. People test cosmetics and other products an animals because they don’t want to
test them on themselves. This can cause the animals discomfort or a better life. It can find cures but
can kill the testers. Animal testing Heading into the twentieth century, scientists pledged to avoid
unnecessary cruelty in response to the increase in regulations. A shift towards the three Rs,
replacement, reduction and refinement, took place. Many studies began to limit themselves to
undesirable species such as rodents as well. Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social
Sciences Mars Candy Company • According to Peta, Mar’s is “inhumane”: • Included a study of
angiogenesis and spatial memory by feeding mice catechins and made them exercise on a wheel or
water maze • Mar’s was also criticized for buying cocoa beans from West Africa where they have
child labor Download Now Download presentation by click this link. While downloading, if for
some reason you are not able to download a presentation, the publisher may have deleted the file
from their server. Distribute our leaflet to friends and family California Becomes the First State In
The USA To Ban Sales of Animal Your email address will not be published. Required fields are
marked * Animal Testing. Lachlan Newman Rosie Kerr Monique Opdecoul Kyle Brereton. Medical.
Cosmetic. Conclusion. Bibliography. Medical. What is animal testing? Medical research on animals is
the use of animals to test new drugs or toxic substances that could affect or kill a human. Home. Is
the category for this document correct? In the area of disease research, it all depends on which
animals are susceptible to what. Armadillos, for instance, are the only creatures other than humans
known to suffer from leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease. Just like Goldilocks' favorite
porridge, their body temperature is justright to allow them to harbor the M. leprae bacteria. As a
result, scientists used those armored critters to better understand leprosy and create an experimental
vaccine [source: AnimalResearch.Info]. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception,
Obstetrics and Gynecology
PETA • Also known as the “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals” • Has been encouraging
people to boycott any company not on their list • Labels that state “Not Tested on Animal” could be
misleading A harrowing chapter in the "Little House on the Prairie" book series describes the near
annihilation of the Ingalls family by malaria after a plague of mosquitoes besieged them. In the
1870s, when people like the Ingallses were settling the Midwestern U.S., common opinion blamed
everything from "damp air" to watermelons for the disease. Nobody had any idea that tiny blood-
borne bacteria carried by mosquitoes were the killers. DMITRY KOROTAYEV/EPSILON/GETTY
IMAGES Sperimentazione animale Animal Testing. Pro and Against. Pro e Contro. Pro e Contro.
secondo gli animalisti l ’ uso degli animali rallenterebbe la ricerca (es. talidomide, isoproterenolo,
mediator) Nessuna specie paragonabile del tutto all ’ uomo Animal Testing. Level 5A Yu Li Yueqing
LI. Introduction. What is animal testing Scope Selection of an animal model Advantage
Disadvantage Discussion. What is Animal Testing:. non – human being Biology and Medicine New
scientific knowledge The Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery Some hold the idea that using
less “sentient” animals is acceptable, but this is paradoxical considering humans use animals in order
to try and model human reaction and feelings. In addition, while living vertebrates are supposed to
be protected, many undesirable animals such as rodents are still used, despite the fact that rats or
mice are not less biologically sentient than higher prioritized animals such as dogs or cats. Animal
testing had proven its value in the area of research. A few decades later, the Elixir Sulfanilamide
disaster would make it a mandatory element of all drug development. 43. If you were a scientist,
would you spend a long time in your carreer/life looking for new ways instead of testing on animals?
Famously, rats are common denizens of laboratories, but mice are even more ubiquitous thanks to the
fact that their genes and ours overlap by a whopping 90 percent, not to mention the fact that their
cell structure and organ organization are essentially the same as ours. Much of the research
conducted with mice consists of breeding and genetic modification together with behavioral
experiments, which often involve memory tests and mazes. In fact, the president of the company
infamously parried accusations by pointing out that while the incident was unfortunate, S.E.
Massengill had done nothing wrong. Watkins seems to have disagreed by promptly taking his own
life [source: Ballentine]. call for evidence as a Word document. The Ethics of it • Animal testing is
not ethical to some but not always most • Some think it’s better to risk the lives of animals than their
species • Others think it is unethical to reference to the fact that it is killing February 26, 2015 / 6:44
PM EST / CBS News For nearly as long as researchers have been using animals in scientific
experiments, a debate has raged over the ethics of the practice. No less an authority than Charles
Darwin himself waded into the controversy. Darwin believed passionately in the study of animal
physiology, but he was equally driven to support the humane treatment of animals. But before he
could begin the procedure, a noted philosopher named Alexander Damascenus objected that, even if
the pig stopped squealing, it wouldn't prove that humans had a comparable nervous system. And in
any case, said Damascenus, demonstrations were pointless. Galen's claim couldn't be true. When you
walk into your neighborhood pharmacy to grab a few essentials, you probably don’t think much
about the process that put the products on the shelves. From formulation to development, consumer
goods including pharmaceutical drugs, cosmetics, and other products go through extensive testing
for safety and efficacy before they are approved for sale. Unfortunately, some of that testing
involves animal subjects. If animal-rights advocates and pro-animal testing scientists can agree on
one thing, it's the 3Rs. But organizations like PETA contend that much more should be done to
replace, reduce and refine testing. They cite studies that demonstrate the superiority of alternative
testing techniques. They say researchers should focus on using human volunteers, sophisticated
computer modeling, and in-vitro human cells and tissues, which, they argue, have been shown to
produce more accurate results than animal testing. Home » News » Animal testing – science or
fiction? Animal testing is when animals are used in experiments to test products or treatments. It is
bad because it is cruel and inhumane. Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you
AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared on other
websites without getting consent from its author. Distribute our leaflet to friends and family Animal
Testing. By: Daniel Calabrese/Researcher, Jay Palmeri/ Tech Designer, and Amanda Savas/Writing
Coordinator and Group Leader . Introduction of Animal Testing. The debate on the ethical issues
surrounding animal testing has been reignited by the increasing number of animal-associated medical
procedures, such as the experimental administration of human medicines that have resulted in mass
animal injury or death. However, we can all agree that it is unethical to use human subjects,
particularly newborn infants, for medical research, leaving the use of animals as the best and most
viable alternative. Animal testing is crucial to our understanding of biological processes and for the
development of new medical techniques involving the treatment of human diseases. It is the best way
to prevent the unnecessary suffering of both animals and humans. It should be continued for the sake
of life. Mathematical prowess is an extremely critical, yet often overlooked ability. But once you
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... [Show full abstract] Copyright ©2024 We're All About Pets Michael Casey covers the
environment, science and technology for
Mice represented the largest increase in research with their numbers going from 1.2 million to nearly
1.9 million in that period. Other animals also saw increases. Nonhuman primates, for example,
increased from 7,292 to 11,167, though the change was not statistically significant. Cats and dogs
saw their numbers decline slightly. Animals are not like humans. It’s not reliable. It’s not the same to
recreate a disease & give it to a animal. Then you test the drug on Animals. You just want money .
There is absolutely no reason to torture animals. Test on yourself. I The study, in the Journal of
Medical Ethics, found the number of animals tested rose from 1,566,994 in 1997 to 2,705,772 in
2012 in testing by the top 25 institutional recipients of National Institute of Health grants. Client
Informed Consent and Procedure Chart # 2 Every year of the 20th century saw human life
expectancy go up by roughly three months. Advocates of animal testing argue that this near-
miraculous life extension is thanks, in part, to animal experimentation. Modern medicine as we know
it, they point out, would be impossible without it. From antibiotics and vaccines to surgeries and
cancer treatments, every major advance has involved experimenting on animals. For that reason,
those in favor of animal testing argue that the practice must continue in order to further the goals of
medical advancement. After all, they say, more than 50 percent of human illnesses extant in the
world today still have no known treatment [source: Oxford University]. 12. Alternatives • There is a
variety of different methods other than animal testing to check the safety of a product. • Cell-based
test and tissues models are used to test the safety of different substances. • Computer modeling is a
also a way of predicting the effect of different substance of human body as it allows to create a
model of a human body • Tests can be carried out on almost every type of human and animal cells
grown in laboratories • Donated human tissue, both healthy and diseased can be used for
experiments and provide more relevant results. BRANDON ROSENBLUM/MOMENT OPEN
/GETTY IMAGES Stop Animal Testing. David M. Brianna M. Marguerite S. Cheyenne T. Tyler T.
Sam S. Alex L. Animal Testing. Courtesy of PETA. Testing products on animals often to meet safety
requirements Animal Testing. By: Daniel Calabrese/Researcher, Jay Palmeri/ Tech Designer, and
Amanda Savas/Writing Coordinator and Group Leader . Introduction of Animal Testing. 6. Types of
animal testing • Education – animals are often use on universities for dissecting as a form of
educating students about body functions. • Military researches – there has been many examples of
horrible experiments done in Soviet Russia in the past such as The two headed dog experiment. But
then, on Oct. 11, doctors in Tulsa, Oklahoma, contacted the American Medical Association (AMA)
to report their suspicions that this fancy new elixir wasn't curing people — it was killing them. The
AMA got its hands on a sample and tested it. The sulfanilamide was fine; that wasn't the problem.
The problem was the diethylene glycol, which happened to be pure poison. Not the kind of poison
that makes you feel ill for a few hours; the kind of poison that makes you scream and writhe in agony
as you die. February 26, 2015 / 6:44 PM EST / CBS News Copyright © 2024 NU Sci Magazine |
Powered by Astra WordPress Theme Ah, but there's the rub. Remember, the only tests S.E.
Massengill conducted on the elixir were for taste, smell and appearance. They didn't bother testing to
see whether it happened to kill people. Why? They didn't have to. Download to read offline 4. Types
of animal testing • Pure research – it includes basic experiments on how organisms function and
behave under the influence of different substances or conditions. • Xenotransplantation researches –
it is based around transplanting tissues and organs from one organism to another to investigate how
it behaves and develops for different species and is used as a way to overcome shortage of human
organs that are needed for organs transplants. Banning Animal Testing. By Justin Counts. Do you
own a pet? A mouse or rat? A dog or cat or even a pig or primate. Every year millions of animals are
killed because of scientific testing, medical research and all the alternatives. . Mice and Rats. Given
that prescription medicines are the fourth biggest killer in the western world, why hasn’t the
effectiveness of drug safety testing on animals been subjected to greater scrutiny? Animal Testing.
This information is not deemed 100% fact and does not reflect the opinion of your teacher. This
information is available on the internet. Know Understand Do!. Know Types of Companion and Lab
Animals Common products tested on animals Download Now Animal testing in toxicology.
Learning objectives. Understand the principles that underpin animal use in New Zealand Be able to
define and discuss the principle of the 3Rs Animal testing. Is there still a need?. Our interview with
Dr Christopher Adda what happens at Latrobe?. International journal of biomedical science : IJBS 4
page article by Europeans for Medical Progress in the May issue of the Ecologist: Copyright © 2024
HowStuffWorks, a System1 Property Animal Testing. By: Daniel Calabrese/Researcher, Jay Palmeri
/ Tech Designer, and Amanda Savas/Writing Coordinator and Group Leader . Introduction of Animal
Inaccuracy • Eye Irritation cosmetic testing: The structure of the cornea of the eye of a rabbit differs
significantly from that of a human. Rabbits also produce a smaller volume of tears than humans,
allowing chemicals and other irritants placed in rabbit eyes to linger longer and cause more irritation.
Not only does this make the Draize eye test unreliable, but it also adds to the immense suffering
caused by this test. Download to read offline Sperimentazione animale Animal Testing. Pro and
Against. Pro e Contro. Pro e Contro. secondo gli animalisti l ’ uso degli animali rallenterebbe la
ricerca (es. talidomide, isoproterenolo, mediator) Nessuna specie paragonabile del tutto all ’ uomo
But before he could begin the procedure, a noted philosopher named Alexander Damascenus
objected that, even if the pig stopped squealing, it wouldn't prove that humans had a comparable
nervous system. And in any case, said Damascenus, demonstrations were pointless. Galen's claim
couldn't be true. Animal testing had proven its value in the area of research. A few decades later, the
Elixir Sulfanilamide disaster would make it a mandatory element of all drug development.
Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and
personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared on other websites without getting consent from
its author. A spokesman for the National Institute of Health dismissed the study, saying the methods
could not be used to quantify the numbers of animals being used in research. Download presentation
by click this link. While downloading, if for some reason you are not able to download a
presentation, the publisher may have deleted the file from their server. Animal Testing. Lachlan
Newman Rosie Kerr Monique Opdecoul Kyle Brereton. Medical. Cosmetic. Conclusion.
Bibliography. Medical. What is animal testing? Medical research on animals is the use of animals to
test new drugs or toxic substances that could affect or kill a human. Home. © 2024 SlideServe. All
rights reserved Download Now including biological research, testing chemicals, medicines, and even
Columbus also said the increased numbers of animals could simply be due to the fact that "research
grant awards has increased over the time period reported in the paper." Animal Testing. Taemin Ahn,
Jonathan Chang, Liam Hardiman, Travis Kim, Aram Nazarian. Definition. "Use of animals in
experiments and development projects usually to determine toxicity, dosing and efficacy of test
drugs before proceeding to human clinical trials." Society’s View • Always on the fence about the
issue • A person doesn’t always research the subject of animal testing • There are groups that care,
like PETA Very helpfull for a project that i needed to do on this topic have similar physiology to
human, scientists use them in their research Implementation of GMP`s for Cosmetics in a Changing
Global The Ethics of it • Animal testing is not ethical to some but not always most • Some think it’s
better to risk the lives of animals than their species • Others think it is unethical to reference to the
fact that it is killing Product labels like to boast that the contents of their containers have been
created without testing any animals. The only problem is that there are no rules regulating the use of
such reassuring phrases as "cruelty-free" or "not tested on animals." That means that a cosmetics
company, for instance, could refrain from testing its final product on animals but rely on suppliers to
do the dirty work on the raw ingredients. Also, since many raw ingredients have been tested on
animals in the past, manufacturers don't need to retest them [source: FDA]. So in that case, the
labeling should really read, "Not tested on animals ... recently." For nearly as long as researchers have
been using animals in scientific experiments, a debate has raged over the ethics of the practice. No
less an authority than Charles Darwin himself waded into the controversy. Darwin believed
passionately in the study of animal physiology, but he was equally driven to support the humane
treatment of animals. Let’s delve more into it and get to know everything about animal testing. The
Food and Drug Administration swung into action, firing up a national public awareness campaign
and sending inspectors far and wide to locate and account for every single drop of the fatal fluid
that had killed more than 100 people in 15 states. 6. Where can I get more information? • http:/
/vivisection- • eachers/citizenship_11_14
/subject _areas/human_rights/newsid_3430 000/3430169.stm •
s/pages/0,,622679,00.html • ce-research/animal-testing/ • http:/
/ ntlife/debate/2008/44_shouldanimal sbetestedon.shtml Your email
address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Animal Testing. Level 5A Yu Li Yueqing
LI. Introduction. What is animal testing Scope Selection of an animal model Advantage
Disadvantage Discussion. What is Animal Testing:. non – human being Biology and Medicine New
scientific knowledge Those who support continued use of animals in testing argue that while
alternative testing procedures are highly valuable, they haven't yet replaced every process. In certain
cases, in-vitro testing and computer modeling can't be substituted for real bodies [source: Oxford
University]. Animal Testing. By: Daniel Calabrese/Researcher, Jay Palmeri/ Tech Designer, and
Amanda Savas/Writing Coordinator and Group Leader . Introduction of Animal Testing. Mental

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