Carcass Characteristic

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Journal of Animal Research: v.7 n.6, p. 1035-1041.

December 2017
DOI: 10.5958/2277-940X.2017.00155.3

Carcass Characteristic and Physico-chemical Properties of Broiler Chicken Meat

Supplemented with Azolla pinnata
Divya Rana1, Shivani Katoch1, B.G. Mane2*, Daisy Rani1 and Varun Sankhyan3
1Department of Animal Nutrition, DGCN College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, CSK HPKV, Palampur, H.P., INDIA
2Departmentof Livestock Products Technology, DGCN College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, CSK HPKV,
Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA
3Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, DGCN College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, CSK HPKV,

Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA

*Corresponding author: B mane; Email: [email protected]

Received: 04 Aug., 2017 Revised: 30 Oct., 2017 Accepted: 15 Nov., 2017

An experiment was conducted on 110, day old commercial poultry broiler birds which were divided into 5 groups (1 control
and 4 treatments) within 2 replicates having 11 chicks in each replicate. Four levels of Azolla were included in the diet i.e. 2.5
percent Azolla, 2.5 percent Azolla with carbohydrase and phytase enzymes, 5.0 percent Azolla and 5.0 percent Azolla with
carbohydrase and phytase enzymes served as components of treatment T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively, where as T0 served as
standard control diet. These dietary treatments were arranged in complete randomized block design and analyzed for the carcass,
physico-chemical and sensory quality of meat. Results revealed that the overall acceptability of cooked meat was significantly
higher (P<0.05) in broilers offered Azolla meal at 5 percent substitution. The breast meat yield and cooking yield value was
significantly (P<0.05) higher in Azolla fed groups. There was significantly (P<0.05) higher gizzard weight in treatment T1 and
treatment T2 offered 2.5 percent Azolla substituted feed as compared to the control T0. The results may be attributed to improved
digestibility of nutrients because of better gizzard functioning owing to increased thickness and increased gastro-duodenal
reflexes facilitating the contact between nutrients and digestive enzymes. Based on the findings it can be concluded that dried
Azolla meal can be safely administered as unconventional feed ingredient in commercial poultry broiler feed up to 5 per cent
level without affecting the organoleptic parameters.
Keywords: Azolla feeding, carcass characteristics, broiler meat, physico-chemical properties

The intensifying income and changing consumer by 2050, of which 12.5 kg would be chicken (Alexandratos
preferences lead to significant market opportunities for and Bruinsma, 2012). Poultry meat is widely accepted
higher-value agricultural products. India is one of the due to its rich taste high protein content, low fat content
largest poultry producing country in Asia. Before 1960s, and comparatively economical than other meat products
from being largely a backyard endeavor, Indian poultry without disparity among regions and religions (Manning
sector has evolved into an effervescent agribusiness spurred and Baines, 2004). The poultry industry in India has
by domestic economic growth and consumption dynamics. benefited from scientific advances in poultry breeding
The share of poultry in domestic meat production has and disease control but an additional factor has been the
grown swiftly. By 2006, India was producing 2.0 million accessibility of low-priced, high-quality feed (Ravindran,
metric tons of poultry-meat (Hellin and Erenstein, 2009) 2013). Feed is the largest single input cost for broiler
and presently producing approximately 3.2 million metric production (Davis et al., 2013) and can constitute up to
tons (DAHD, 2016-17). By 2030, it is expected to reach 70 percent of the total cost. Thus, of the feed proteins
about 3.0 million metric tons per annum (Joshi and Kumar, that are generally used in poultry most are of plant origin
2012). The per-capita consumption of meat is expected to and economically cheaper than protein of animal origin.
increase in India, from its current level of 3.1 kg to 18 kg Though, very limited work has been done in our country,
Rana et al.

on the use of unconventional feed ingredients in poultry At the end of trial five birds per treatment close to the
diet. Thus poultry nutritionist’s world over are exploiting average weight were selected randomly and slaughtered
the use of various un-conventional feed ingredients in by Jhatka method. The carcass yield was recorded. The
poultry feeding to enhance the consumer demand for eggs birds were immediately eviscerated and dressed to find out
and meat. the dressing percentage. The dressed meat was packed in
aluminum foil and stored at –20°C for further evaluation.
One of such plant which can be used as non conventional
Thereafter the weights of giblet (liver, heart, gizzard),
feed resource (NCFR) is Azolla (Azolla pinnata). Azolla
spleen, pancreas, proventriculus, skin, feet, head, wing,
is a floating fern and belongs to the family of Azollaceae.
tail and dressing percentage was recorded.
Azolla (Azolla pinnata) is found ubiquitously in ponds,
ditches and paddy fields in tropical and subtropical
regions of the world. Azolla is very rich in proteins, Breast muscle yield
essential amino acids, vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin
The frozen dressed carcass was thawed at 7°C for 48 hrs.
B12, ß-Carotene), growth promoter intermediaries and
Breast muscles (Pectoralis major and P. minor) were
minerals including calcium, phosphorous, potassium,
manually dissected and their yield was recorded.
ferrous, copper, magnesium (Kamalasanana et al., 2002).
Azolla’s composition therefore makes it one of the most
economic and efficient feed substitutes for livestock, since Estimation of pH of broiler meat
it can be easily digested by livestock owing to its high
The pH of fresh minced chicken was determined (Trout et
protein and low lignin content (Rana et al., 2017). Azolla
al., 1992) by combination electrode digital pH meter; 10
can be used as a food, mosquito inhibitor, green manure,
gram of sample was homogenized with the help of tissue
herbicide, water saver, water purifier, nitrogen fertilizer
homogenizer for about 2-3 minute in 50 ml of distilled
saver, and drug for reclaiming saline soils. Azolla can
water. The pH was recorded by immersing the electrode
survive a water pH range of 3.5–10, but optimum growth
directly into the meat homogenate.
occurs when the water is between pH 4.5 - 7.0. Thus,
Azolla appears to be a potential source of nutrients and
has a considerably high feeding. The present study was Estimation of cooking yield
undertaken to evaluate the carcass characteristics and The weight of meat before and after cooking was recorded.
meat physico-chemical properties of broiler chickens fed Cooking yield was calculated using formula:
graded dietary supplement of Azolla.
Weight of cooked meat
Cooking loss (%) = × 100
MATERIAL AND METHODS Weight of raw meat
A biological trial was conducted for a period of 42 days
using one hundred and ten commercial broiler chicks Proximate analysis of broiler fresh and cooked meat
(Vencobb). The chicks were weighed individually and The proximate analysis such as moisture and ash
there after randomly allotted to five dietary groups viz., T0, (determined by oven drying), fat (by Soxhlet extraction
T1, T2, T3 and T4. Each group comprised of two replicates with petroleum ether) and protein (Kjeldahl nitrogen
of eleven birds each. The group T0 was fed a control ration estimation) were estimated following the procedure as
formulated as per the BIS (1992) and this diet was included recommended in AOAC (2005). The pressure cooker was
with dried Azolla at 2.5 percent T1, 2.5 percent with used for meat cooking and 10 percent water along with 1
enzymes i.e. carbohydrase (CE) and Phytase (PE) T2, 5.0 percent salt was used as ingredient before cooking.
percent T3 and 5.0 percent with enzymes i.e. carbohydrase
(CE) and Phytase (PE) T4 levels respectively. The birds
were provided with starter ration from 0 to 3 weeks of age Sensory evaluation
and thereafter finisher ration from 4 to 6 weeks of age. All The cooked chicken chunks was evaluated by the standard
the rations were made isocaloric and isonitrogenous. sensory evaluation method using 8-point descriptive scale

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Azolla feeding to broiler chicken meat

(Keeton, 1983) with modifications where 8=excellent; crude fibre (CF) content affect the development and the
1=extremely poor. The raw chicken chunks samples were function of the digestive organs including size of gizzard
applied with 1 percent salt and 1 percent spices before and of gastrointestinal tract. Inclusion of Azolla increased
being cooked to the internal temperature of 80°C±2°C in the overall CF content of the test diet T1, T2, T3 and T4. The
a pressure cooker. The time-temperature was noted before results are in accordance to Pinkihan (2013) who reported
the start of trials. The 6 panelists consisting of scientists that the weight of giblets from birds fed with 15 percent
from the institute evaluated chicken for sensory attributes Azolla meal was heavier although no significant difference
(appearance, flavor, juiciness, tenderness and overall was noted compared to those in other treatments. This
acceptability). The panelists were briefly explained finding showed that the levels of Azolla meal incorporated
about the nature of the experiment without disclosing the in the diet in broiler had no detrimental effects on the
identity of samples/treatments. The experiment of sensory growth performance of the experimental birds. Also
evaluation was repeated three times. similar results were obtained by Basak et al. (2002) who
reported that percent giblet yield was significantly higher
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION in 15 percent Azolla meal fed group followed by 10
percent, 5 percent and control group.
The results obtained regarding the non edible parts (spleen,
Carcass characteristics of broiler chicken supplemented
pancreas, proventriculus, feet, head, skin, wing, tail) of
with Azolla pinnata
broiler chicken were determined at the end of trial and have
The results obtained regarding the carcass characteristics been presented in Table 1. Perusal of the results revealed
and weights of important by products of broiler chicken that the average value of spleen, pancreas, proventriculus,
were determined at the end of trial and have been presented feet, and head weight in control T0 and treatment T1, T2, T3
in Table 1. Perusal of the results revealed that the average and T4 did not exhibit any significant (P<0.05) difference
value of live weight (g), carcass weight (g), dressed weight amongst different treatments compared to control. The
(g) and dressing percent in control T0 and treatment T1, highest average value of skin weight was recorded in T2
T2, T3, and T4 exhibited no significant (P<0.05) difference and the lowest value in T4 exhibiting significant (P<0.01)
compared to control. However, in recent study (Pinkihan, difference. Similarly the average value of wing weight
2013) reported no significant effect of Azolla meal in terms (g) in control T0 and treatment T1, T2, T3 and T4 were
of dressing percentage. The results are in accordance to significantly (P<0.05) higher in control T0 compared to
Dhumal et al. (2009) who reported that there were non- all the treatments. The average value of tail weight (g)
significant differences amongst the means of various were significantly (P<0.05) higher in treatment T1 as
traits such as carcass yield percentage, abdominal fat and compared to the control T0. Naghshi et al. (2014) also said
abdominal pad thickness signifying the non-influence that supplementation of Azolla powder up to 5 percent
of Azolla meal on carcass quality. The results obtained significantly increased carcass efficiency percentage (P<
regarding the giblet yield (liver, heart, gizzard) of broiler 0.05) and thigh relative percentage (P<0.05 ) while, lower
chicken were determined at the end of trial. Perusal of the percentage is related to diets containing 15 percent Azolla.
results revealed that the average value for liver weight and
The results obtained regarding the breast yield (gm) of
heart weight (g) in control T0 and treatment T1, T2, T3 and
broiler chicken were determined at the end of trial and
T4 both revealed no significant (P<0.05) difference.
have been presented in Table 1. Perusal of the results
The average value of gizzard weight (g) in control T0 and revealed that the average value of boned breast yield
treatment T1, T2, T3 and T4 were significantly (P<0.05) and deboned breast yield (g) (Pectoralis minor) in
higher in treatment T1 and treatment T2 as compared to control T0 and treatment T1, T2, T3 and T4 did not exhibit
the control T0. Average value of gizzard weight ranged any significant (P<0.05) difference amongst different
between 39.60±2.48 to 50.00±2.68 g with the lowest treatments compared to control. Whereas the average
weight recorded in T0 and highest in T1 followed by T2. value of deboned breast yield (g) (Pectoralis major) were
Results exhibited corroborated the findings of Mateous et significantly (P<0.05) higher in treatment T1 and treatment
al. (2012) that the change in the quantity and quality of T3 as compared to the control T0. The average value of

Journal of Animal Research: v.7 n.6, December 2017 1037

Rana et al.

Table 1: Carcass characteristics and weight of important by-products of broiler chicken supplemented with different doses of Azolla

Particulars T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
Live weight(g) 2178.8±18.78 2160.4±12.32 2238.2±13.34 2172.4±35.05 2280.4±34.34
Carcass weight(g) 2132.8±17.35 2032.8±15.84 2103±12.41 2107.2±23.68 2134±15.89
Dressed weight(g) 1464.4±26.66 1442.8±39.00 1499±54.12 1371.2±23.78 1516.8±47.73
Dressing per cent 66.64±1.02 66.75±1.50 66.92±2.04 63.19±1.61 64.30±1.82
Giblet yield
Liver 47.60±1.32 41.60±2.13 43.60±2.63 44.00±3.52 51.20±5.67
Heart 12.40±0.40 11.60±0.74 11.60±0.40 12.00±0.63 12.40±0.74
gizzard 39.60±2.48a 50.00±2.68c 46.60±1.53b 41.60±1.72a 40.80±1.85a
Non edible parts
Spleen 2.03±0.04 2.00±0.31 1.80±0.37 1.96±0.07 1.78±0.11
Pancreas 5.00±0.44 5.20±0.37 4.40±0.50 5.40±0.40 6.20±0.37
Proventriculus 9.60±0.74 9.60±0.40 9.20±0.80 10.20±0.66 9.60±0.40
Skin 127.50±11.85ab 122.00±9.83ab 149.00±8.49 b 115.20±10.92ab 102.00±8.04a
Feet 85.00±2.23 79.00±2.23 82.00±4.47 79.60±3.18 79.00±2.23
Head 53.00±3.13 48.00±0.89 54.00±0.89 48.00±6.03 45.00±1.34
Wing 94.00±3.57b 72.40±3.35a 83.00±0.44ab 79.60±3.65a 82.00±0.89a
Tail 17.00±1.34ab 18.00±0.89 b 14.00±0.89a 14.00±0.89a 15.00±0.44ab
Breast meat attributes
Breast yield with bone 481.4±4.26 424.0±2.45 434.8±3.88 532.0±6.27 466.4±2.02
Breast meat lean yield 390.4±8.75ab 401.8±18.99b 376.4±9.10a 457.8±2.48c 396.8±5.41b
Pectoralis major (yield) 297.4±8.74a 315.4±13.67a 290.0±8.96a 374.4±1.57b 308.4±5.60a
Pectoralis minor (yield) 90.6±2.68 86.4±4.70 86.4±1.57 83.4±1.57 88.4±0.68

Value with common super scripts in a row does not vary statistically (P<0.05)

total breast yield (g) in control T0 and treatment T1, T2, T3 (1.48±0.11) offered 5 percent Azolla and 2.5 percent
and T4 were significantly (P<0.05) higher in treatment T1 Azolla with enzyme in test diet respectively as compared
and treatment T3 as compared to the control T0. to the control T0 (1.06±0.05). The average value for crude
protein was significantly (P<0.05) higher in treatment T0,
T1 and T2 as compared T3 and T4 offered 5 percent Azolla
Proximate composition of broiler meat supplemented
substituted feed. The average value for ether extract
with Azolla pinnata
was significantly (P<0.05) higher in treatment T1, T2 and
The results obtained regarding proximate principles of treatment T3 as compared to control T0.
broiler fresh and cooked meat viz: dry matter, ash, crude
Overall results exhibited significant (P<0.05) changes
protein, ether extract, estimated from the muscle samples
in the proximate principles viz dry matter, ash, crude
of control and different levels are presented in Table 2.
protein and ether extract on feeding Azolla substituted
Perusal of the results revealed that the average value for
feed in commercial broilers at 5 percent level exhibiting
dry matter was significantly (P<0.05) higher in T0, T1,
higher ash, EE content, lower CP and lower DM whereas
T2 and T4 as compared to T3. Results exhibited revealed
supplementation of enzymes improved the EE, DM and
significant (P<0.05) reduction in dry matter yield of the
total ash content but CP content was low compared to
experimental broilers offered 5 percent Azolla substituted
control T0 and Treatment T1. 2.5 percent substitution of
feed. The average value for total ash was significantly
Azolla exhibited higher proximate principles compared to
(P<0.05) higher in treatment T2 (1.31±0.00) and T4

1038 Journal of Animal Research: v.7 n.6, December 2017

Azolla feeding to broiler chicken meat

Table 2: Physico-chemical and sensory attributes of Broiler meat supplemented with Azolla pinnata

Proximate analysis (fresh meat)

DM 73.83±0.32b 74.38±0.31b 74.10±0.31b 70.61±0.20a 73.33±0.19b
Ash 1.06±0.05a 1.02±0.08d 1.31±0.00c 1.18±0.03b 1.48±0.11d
CP 85.99±1.73b 86.46±0.39b 85.39±0.34b 81.82±0.45a 80.13±0.22a
EE 1.21±0.01a 1.93±0.02b 4.3±0.06c 4.24±0.30c 1.33±0.04a
pH (fresh) 4.99±0.03a 5.19±0.09ab 5.22±0.00b 5.24±0.05b 5.32±0.01b
Proximate analysis (Cooked meat)
DM 66.37±0.41bc 64.86±0.50ab 67.30±0.58c 65.09±0.21ab 64.35±0.12a
Ash 1.69±0.04a 2.73±0.03c 1.75±0.01a 2.52±0.01bc 2.48±0.10b
CP 74.03±1.13a 72.64±0.45a 85.75±0.51c 83.1±0.22b 85.69±0.35bc
EE 1.62±1.61 1.62±0.00 1.91±0.00 1.47±0.02 2.46±0.17
pH (cooked) 5.45±0.10a 5.52±0.03a 5.79±0.01b 5.75±0.00b 5.81±0.05b
Cooking yield (%) 81.71±0.06b 82.33±0.93b 78.37±0.43a 80.38±0.06ab 86.17±0.73c
Sensory attributes
Appearance 7.00±0.25 6.83±0.47 6.00±0.36 7.16±0.30 6.83±0.40
Flavor 6.58±0.37 6.41±0.27 5.91±0.37 6.66±0.21 6.37±0.24
Juiciness 6.16±0.30 6.00±0.36 6.00±0.36 6.66±0.21 5.83±0.30
Tenderness 5.75±0.25ab 6.25±0.31ab 5.25±0.51a 6.83±0.30b 6.16±0.30ab
C T residue 5.91±0.20ab 5.91±0.41ab 4.75±0.65a 7.16±0.30b 6.16±0.47ab
Overall acceptability 6.33± 0.21ab 6.75± 0.17ab 5.50± 0.50a 6.83± 0.30b 6.54± 0.24ab

Value with common super scripts in a row does not vary statistically (P<0.05)

control T0 where as enzyme supplementation increased the ash, ether extract, nitrogen free extract estimated from
content of EE and TA. the muscle samples of control and different treatments
with Azolla substitution at different levels exhibited no
The results obtained regarding proximate compositions
significant (P<0.05) difference between the treatments.
of broiler cooked meat viz dry matter, ash, crude protein,
Also, in a study involving use of probiotics, Khaksefidi
ether extract, estimated from the muscle samples of
and Rahimi (2005) revealed that the leg and breast meat
control and different levels are presented in the Table
of probiotic fed chickens was higher (P<0.05) in moisture,
2. Perusal of the results revealed that the average value
protein, ash and lower in fat as compared to the leg and
for dry matter yield was numerically more than control
breast meat of control chickens.
T0 where as it was significantly (P<0.05) higher in T2
compared to T1, T3 and T4. The average value for total ash Physico-chemical attributes of chicken meat
was significantly (P<0.05) highest in treatment T1 and T3 supplemented with Azolla pinnata
compared to control T0 and treatment T2, T4. The average
The results obtained regarding the pH of fresh and cooked
value for crude protein was significantly (P<0.05) highest
meat and the cooking yield per cent of broiler meat were
in treatment T2 offered 2.5 percent Azolla with enzyme in
determined at the end of trial and are presented in Table 2.
test diet and T4 offered 5 percent Azolla with enzyme in
Perusal of the results revealed that the average pH value of
test diet as compared to control T0 and T1. The average
fresh meat was significantly (P<0.05) higher in treatment
value of ether extract exhibited no significant (P<0.05)
T3 and T4 as compared to control T0. Further, Jones and
difference amongst Azolla fed and control treatments.
Grey (1989); Sams and Mills (1993) reported that at the
Contrary to the results obtained, Sharma (2014) reported end of the post-mortem process, the normal pH range lies
that proximate composition of broiler meat i.e. dry matter, between 5.6 and 5.8 or 5.78 to 5.86, respectively. Therefore,
crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat, total ash, acid insoluble the pH value exhibited in the present study after Azolla

Journal of Animal Research: v.7 n.6, December 2017 1039

Rana et al.

feeding both at 2.5 and 5 percent confer to the pH range general acceptability. Baked meats of broilers from the
as reported in the literature. Also Pelícia et al. (2004) also two control diets were moderately tender and juicy while
reported no differences in these qualitative characteristics the baked meats from the treated treatments were slightly
due to the administration of probiotics and prebiotics tender and juicy. The flavor and aroma, and the general
to free-range broiler chickens. Further the average pH acceptability of baked meat from all the treatment were
value of cooked meat was significantly (P<0.05) higher moderately liked and accepted except the baked meat
in treatment T2 and T4 compared to control T0. Similar taken broilers fed with commercial feed which is like
work done by supplementing probiotics/ prebiotics by slightly and accepted.
ERL Pelicano et al. (2005) reported that breast meat pH
values measured 5 hours after slaughter were not affected CONCLUSION
(P>0.05). The average value of cooking yield percent was
significantly (P<0.05) higher in treatment T1 and T4 as The carcass and edible by-products yield was in higher
compared to control T0. side in broiler chicken fed with Azolla. The values of
breast meat yield were significantly higher in Azolla
feed broiler chicken compared to control and Azolla
Sensory attributes of broiler meat plus enzymes. However, no significant differences were
The results obtained regarding the sensory attributes of observed in proximate analysis of broiler meat of different
broiler meat were determined at the end of trial and have groups. Higher pH value increase the shelf life of chicken,
been presented in Table 2. The appearance of cooked meat which was observed in the Azolla feed broiler chicken
from experimental broilers fed with different treatments in the present study. Tenderness, juiciness and overall
groups were not significantly affected by the diet. acceptability were significantly higher by feeding Azolla at
Panelists agreed that samples in all treatments have good 5 percent level without any adverse effect on meat flavor.
appearance. The flavor of all treatment groups ranged Therefore, it is concluded that 2.5 or 5.0 per cent Azolla
from 5.91 to 6.66. Thus there was no significant difference can be incorporated in broiler feed without any adverse
in terms of flavor among the diets containing Azolla meal effect on meat quality.
than those in control diet. However, the panelists agreed
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