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Acta logistica

logistica - International Scientific

Scientific Journal about Logistics
Volume: 8 2021 Issue: 2 Pages: 133-139 ISSN 1339-5629


Jozef Husár; Lucia Knapčíková

doi:10.22306/al.v8i2.212 Received: 04 Jan. 2021; Revised: 01 Feb. 2021; Accepted: 04 Mar. 2021


Jozef Husár
The Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Prešov, Department of
Industrial Engineering and Informatics, Bayerova 1, 080 01 Prešov, Slovak Republic, EU,
[email protected]
Lucia Knapčíková
The Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Prešov, Department of
Industrial Engineering and Informatics, Bayerova 1, 080 01 Prešov, Slovak Republic, EU,
[email protected] (corresponding author)

Keywords: warehouse management, augmented reality, Pick-by-Vision system, smart glasses

Abstract: The presented manuscript points to the possibilities of implementing Smart glasses in warehouse management.
With the introduction of augmented reality (AR), it is possible to speed up warehouse employees' processes must ensure
significantly. The first part of the article deals with the issue of augmented reality and the object sensing system. The
second part is focused on the possibilities of AR in warehouse management to increase productivity. The main part of the
study focuses on comparing four systems that operate in distribution centres. The study evaluated and described the
benefits of their implementation. Overall, the findings show that the performance of Smart technologies focusing on
augmented reality is becoming a novelty in warehousing with significant services for businesses. AR is also pointed out
by implementing Industry 4.0 ideas in the concept of creating digital twins of manufacturing companies, which is a current

1 Introduction translation capture is the process of recognising, scanning,

The time we live in is technologically advanced and segmenting and analysing the environment performed
offers us new challenges. Augmented reality as a form of using a camera and various sensors (GPS sensor,
perception of the environment is its result. It provides us accelerometer, gyroscope, digital compass, etc.) [1].
with a worldview that enriches us to create added value for The blog blippAR.com writes that augmented reality
society. Currently, the display of reality with added objects can be divided into three basic methods according to how
is very popular and trendy. Therefore, this article's main digital objects are displayed. Let's look at the options we
purpose is to analyse the use of augmented reality in know to start displaying digital content [2].
warehousing as a tool to facilitate the activities of
employees in a human-warehouse relationship. Perception 1.1 Marked- Based AR
of augmented reality we can say that we use a mobile Marker-based AR or augmented reality based on
display unit to display 3D models and information. A markers is a typical way that real-time object tracking can
mobile phone, tablet and smart glasses can serve as our work. The marker is the starting point and characteristic of
unit. this method. It can be characters, pictures, and real objects,
Division according to AR display whose main task is to carry digital information. The
The technology we use to display augmented reality technology uses a marker to recognise the position,
includes: orientation of an element in space, or other properties that
• Imaging device - we consider it a camera or a camera describe an object. Subsequently, using the software makes
that captures the real environment. it possible to turn the marker into a digital item using AR.
• Computing devices — smartphones, tablets, Markers also developed, which led to the fact that any
computers, and other similar devices that perform image, even a living element of the physical world, could
software operations. be considered a marker. Bar codes and later QR codes are
• Imaging device - its task is to draw the resulting considered among the first markers. Clear development
image. These are devices such as a monitor, projector, and division of markers into groups was prepared by
HMD glasses, smartphone or tablet. Professor Vladimir Geroimenko and shown in the
following diagram in Figure 1 [3].
AR's accessibility to the general public is the result of
an advanced time that has given us such devices that can
operate easily and contain all three components working
synchronously and together. Tracking, tracking or in full

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Copyright © Acta Logistica, www.actalogistica.eu
Acta logistica
logistica - International Scientific
Scientific Journal about Logistics
Volume: 8 2021 Issue: 2 Pages: 133-139 ISSN 1339-5629


Jozef Husár; Lucia Knapčíková

space. It is a method where the user can move entire virtual

objects in a real environment. We will also give an example
to clarify this way of displaying AR: Imagine an
application that can help us furnish an apartment's interior.
The application must be available on a device with a
camera; the most commonly used are smartphones or
tablets. Subsequently, the user must decide where to insert
the virtual object (in our case furniture), and the camera
captures the space. The table does not float when stored in
the area; we can anchor it on a flat surface for a realistic
idea. Many such markerless AR applications are more
accessible to the general public, especially on smartphones.

1.3 Location - Based AR

This kind of augmented reality does not need markers
Figure 1 Development of markers according to V. Geroimenko to track. Position recognition is important. Spatial
[3] orientation is performed using GPS coordinates, electronic
gyroscope or compass. Location-based AR is more suitable
To better understand the use of marker-based AR, we especially for the exterior. A device using this AR method
can give an example with animation in a book: If we want knows with sufficient accuracy where it is located or
to display an educational application in a book, the user rotated. As with the previous types, it is better to
must have a device with appropriate software and a camera. understand AR's workings with an example: Imagine we
The user must recognise this marker on the relevant side, are walking down an urban street. We see a landmark we
where a distinctive image serves as a marker, and point the would like to know more about. A device with the
device's camera at it. Subsequently, a digital visualisation appropriate location-based AR application registers a
will be displayed, i.e. an animation hidden in the virtual tag with the camera. It will then display information
appropriate tag. The user can also move through the about the object. However, to ensure that digital AR
physical book and see how the virtual object "holds" on the content appears in the right place, your device must
page's actual surface [2]. pinpoint its location. The Pokemon GO application is also
known for this way of displaying AR [4].
1.2 Markerless - Based AR
As the name implies, we can deduce that markerless Division according to the use of the senses
AR applications do not use markers to recognise and Defining the division of AR according to the senses is
mediate augmented reality. This augmented reality method shown in Figure 2, which depicts all kinds of reasons that
does not require prior knowledge of the user environment a person can perceive and the corresponding kind of
for the 3D content to occur and be held in a fixed place in augmented reality.

Figure 2 Augmented Reality divided according to senses [5]

• Visual AR - Most of the information a person has simultaneously. It is the most common way of
visually acquired. AR enhances the visual sense and administering AR, applicable almost everywhere.
allows people to see the digital and physical worlds • Audio AR - Audio-transmitted AR mainly uses
glasses and headsets to, e.g. the workers had their

~ 134 ~
Copyright © Acta Logistica, www.actalogistica.eu
Acta logistica
logistica - International Scientific
Scientific Journal about Logistics
Volume: 8 2021 Issue: 2 Pages: 133-139 ISSN 1339-5629


Jozef Husár; Lucia Knapčíková

hands free and could operate the handling equipment. 2 Methodology

The kit has the attenuating effects of external Picking goods is one of the most important phases and
background noise and can provide product operations in the warehouse, where proper warehouse
information at work. logistics can save the company considerable financial
• Haptic AR - This AR is based on tactile sensors and costs. This initial phase of fulfilling a customer order is
their feedback. It can play an important role in most important, as it is essential for the functionality of
medicine by using 5G haptic gloves in remote surgery other processes such as order packaging, shipping, and
and teaching doctors in large numbers through real- after-sales activities. Besides, this basic warehousing
time professional cooperation. process covers the highest part of the warehouse's
• Olfactory AR, Gustatory AR - Smell and taste are operating costs and expenses. Therefore, the selection of
theoretically also usable in augmented reality, but at goods from the warehouse, respectively. Picking must be
the moment they are just thoughts of the future. It is flawless, and automated systems and technology are also
assumed that these types of AR could sensory identify needed to streamline the whole process. In this area,
the threat in the company. According to the blog of augmented reality is engaged and implemented as a
the ericsson.com portal, they are more likely to be management tool for picking goods.
used in the gaming industry, to improve the To streamline and speed up the entire order picking
enjoyment and enjoyment of the game [5]. process, employees are looking for ever newer solutions
through new technologies and picking systems [9]:
Division according to the way the image is joined • The Pick-by-Paper system is a traditional way for
There are three different ways to combine a physical employees to remove goods from the warehouse. In
environment image and a virtual environment image. We their work, they use a paper list of goods, which
know the so-called "See-through AR" (optical and video contains the number of goods, the number of required
display) and "Spatial AR" (PA model) [6]. pieces and the location in which the assortment is
OPTICAL SEE-THROUGH located. Working with such a system is inefficient and
This optical display method uses normal or semi- very laborious.
transparent mirrors to display the real environment. The • The RF picking system is a very popular picking
virtual object is implemented in these mirrors, and thus the system, where all products must be marked with
real and digital world and its combination are connected. It RFID codes. Using radiofrequency mobile devices -
belongs to the older ways of clicking the image, today we terminals, the appropriate RFID code is scanned from
already know much more advanced methods. the tag, and then the action is performed. RFID
VIDEO SEE-THROUGH scanning can be easily disturbed by the close presence
A well-known system using a camera for recording the of some devices, amounts of fluids or metals.
surroundings, where the connection and display of the • The Pick-by-Light system is more difficult to install,
relationship between the digital and real image on the as you need barcode scanners and special LEDs
display is performed utilising a computing device (e.g. located directly on the shelves and racks of the
smartphone, tablet). The great advantage of this system is warehouse, so this system is costly.
the possibility of interaction with augmented reality. • The Pick-by-Voice system is another way to help an
employee and streamline their work in selecting and
Projection augmented models (PA Model) picking goods through a headset that provides him
Spatial AR is a type of augmented reality where with an input flow of information and instructions.
computer-generated information is projected directly into This system's disadvantage is the impossibility of use
the user environment. The PA model belongs to this AR- in a noisy environment because the employee would
type and is closely related to the tactile user environment not hear instructions from the system.
(TUI). TUI was developed by Hiroshi Ishii, a professor at • Pick-by-Vision system
MIT Media Laboratory, who presents tangible bits as a
vision that seeks to give a physical form of digital It is the Pick-by-Vision system that will interest us from
information. The bits can then be directly manipulated and the perspective of augmented reality. It is one of the most
tactile, thus seeking a seamless connection between modern techniques for the order picking process and differs
physical and virtual objects [7]. significantly from the systems mentioned above. The
The PA model can be understood as imaging using a interest of this system supported by augmented reality is
projector, where the object can be projected directly into navigation based mainly on visualisation, which can be
the real environment on a wall, objects or as a hologram. divided into 3 types, which are mutually supported [10]:
According to Di Donat, when casting on a wall or on • Meta navigation- Draws the user's attention to objects
objects, it is not always necessary to speak of AR, but this that are out of the HMD's field of view at a particular
is quite certain [8]. time.
• Rough navigation - The goal is to transport the user
to the correct aisle and shelf of the warehouse.

~ 135 ~
Copyright © Acta Logistica, www.actalogistica.eu
Acta logistica
logistica - International Scientific
Scientific Journal about Logistics
Volume: 8 2021 Issue: 2 Pages: 133-139 ISSN 1339-5629


Jozef Husár; Lucia Knapčíková

• Fine navigation - From it, the user has the best focuses on vision picking, which describes in detail the use
experience of augmented reality, because the system of pick-by-vision by DHL, which has long been involved
navigates him directly to the field he needs. in developing this innovation and, in addition to annual
Subsequently, he can pick up the goods from the reports, also provided an expert study on this topic. We also
found box. know other companies in the world known for
implementing such tools to support and streamline the
With augmented reality, Vision picking has created a entire logistics process [14].
completely new way of managing warehouses and has
made it possible for many companies to streamline their 3.1 Vision picking by DHL
accuracy and productivity level. This relatively new DHL's global supply chain is one of the first companies
technology advances warehouse management by saving to introduce augmented reality technology into the Vision
manual effort, time, and eliminating individual errors. Picking program. In cooperation with Google, Vuzix and
There are development companies on the market. There are Ubimax, it was first tested in 2014 at the Dutch DHL plant.
currently systems from Knapp, SAP, DHL and Ubimax The entire system runs on a platform from Ubimax, where
creating an extended environment using HMD for the pick- a worker uses Google Glass or Vuzix smart glasses and a
by-vision system, from which large companies can choose ring scanner to pick up goods. These devices provide the
to address them [11]. operator with several functions and information. The first
step for working with the system is to log in the operator
3 Results and Discussion and turn on the necessary equipment. After being greeted
In terms of sales and logistics, the two areas are closely by the device, the user selects an available cart to pick and
linked. The importance of logistics for total sales lies in the scans it into the machine. A visual aid is graphically
speed and efficiency of the delivery of goods in a displayed through the glasses, where you will find the
warehouse-customer relationship. This section will look at information needed to pick up the order. The user sees the
how the logistics process has changed and how AR aisle number in the graphical tool, the exact allocation of
technology is implemented in this area. the goods, the quantity he has to select, and the next item.
In recent years, the entire logistics process has been This information accurately, quickly and efficiently guides
technologically improved by transforming and digitising the worker to a given order item. Therefore, this method of
various processes, resulting in Logistics 4.0. [12]. picking goods is much more efficient than the classic paper
Technological improvements can also be seen in the form of picking. After reading the item's barcode with
introduction of advanced computer vision techniques, such glasses, the system automatically indicates in which of the
as augmented reality. It can influence and streamline key boxes on the cart the item should be inserted and in what
processes in the warehouse, such as collecting, sorting, and number. The system knows exactly the position of the
loading goods. This technology makes the warehouse boxes on the trolley. By using the headset, the worker's
smarter by making it easier for operators to pick goods, hands are released, so he can work more efficiently. The
show them the right way to sort the range, help operators visual aid in the glasses helps sort the products (Figure 3),
load goods in the best possible order, and identify and alert thus ensuring the speed and overall quality of work.
the risk of damage when distributing goods [13]. All this is Regarding training workers and comprehensive integration
done with IoT, which helps us connect devices, objects and into the work process, we can say that this technology is
people to the Internet. In warehouses, this will provide not difficult to use and will be quickly adopted by the
much faster access to data and information. There are many worker. DHL's vision is to integrate AR into the entire
possibilities for using augmented reality in the logistics process of distributing goods in the warehouse across
system, but the most common is vision picking. As multiple operations to increase and improve customer
mentioned above, pick by vision is mediated by an HMD benefits [15].
display, i.e. smart glasses of various brands. This article

Figure 3 DHL Vision Picking [15]

~ 136 ~
Copyright © Acta Logistica, www.actalogistica.eu
Acta logistica
logistica - International Scientific
Scientific Journal about Logistics
Volume: 8 2021 Issue: 2 Pages: 133-139 ISSN 1339-5629


Jozef Husár; Lucia Knapčíková

DHL is considered to be one of the first companies to information technologies such as IoT, AI, Blockchain and
address the topic of augmented reality through pick-by- the like. As part of the Samsung Cello project, they
vision in logistics. However, we also know other world introduced vision picking in 2015 and incorporated it into
giants in their field who have also started picking goods their intelligent storage program at a European distribution
using this technology because they saw potential. All the centre in the Netherlands. The entire technology runs on
companies use xPick from Ubimax for picking goods, as the Ubimax platform. After switching on the device, the
well as DHL, xPick. This augmented reality solutions user starts picking the goods by finding the goods' position
company is among the best in its field. Because all selected using smart glasses. Employee checks (Figure 4) the
companies use xPick, the way the software works and number of the selected goods if everything fits, he confirms
works is very similar. it with a smartwatch and enters the number. The employee
continues by checking the other goods with glasses and
3.2 Samsung SDS going over them. The visual aid mediated by the glasses
SAMSUNG SDS is a subsidiary of Samsung provides information to a similar extent as in the DHL
Corporation, which develops and researches new system [16].

Figure 4 Samsung Vision Picking [16]

3.3 Coca-Cola HBC image in the field of view, the worker sees the picked
Coca-Cola HBC is a company based in Thessaloniki, objects, picking points and quantities. He gives instructions
Greece, known to everyone as a beverage company. The by voice and confirms the process. The hands-free set also
difference between the method of picking goods in this includes a camera, with which the worker reads the QR
company and the previous two is using the device. In code of the pallet needed when picking the goods. They
northern Greece, in 2019, they began this method of combined this innovation with the Coca-Cola SAP and
picking through the RealWear HMT-1, which have a more WMS production system for fast real-time information
powerful appearance than Google Glass. In the virtual flow [17].

Figure 5 Coca – Cola HBC [17]

3.4 Intel ADC and shelf position where the goods are located. The left part
The Intel distribution centre in Arizona tested vision of the field of view is the remaining information, such as
picking in 2017. The xPick software was supplemented by the product code, the number of goods and the next item.
Intel Recon Jet Pro glasses developed specifically for their When picking up the product, a Zebra ring scanner is also
distribution centre. These glasses are designed to fit used, which scans individual objects' barcodes. The system
ergonomically in a given work environment. The automatically notifies the employee to document (Figure
information about the goods is graphically displayed in the 6) the delivery note before proceeding to the next order
glasses. In the upper right corner, the worker sees the aisle [18,19].

~ 137 ~
Copyright © Acta Logistica, www.actalogistica.eu
Acta logistica
logistica - International Scientific
Scientific Journal about Logistics
Volume: 8 2021 Issue: 2 Pages: 133-139 ISSN 1339-5629


Jozef Husár; Lucia Knapčíková

Figure 6 Intel ADC Pilot [18]

Table 1 shows the technologies used by selected

companies when picking goods in a pick-by-vision manner
for better clarity.

Table 1 Equipment used by selected companies for Vision Picking [authors own processing]


Each of the analysed companies using vision picking Chain SDS HBC ADC
for the distribution of goods praises the technology over Productivity Productivity Increase Speed
time and sees great benefits. In the following points, the increase by 15% increase by performance increase
benefits brought by augmented reality technology for the speed increase 12-22% by 6-8% by 29%
support of warehouse logistics are subjectively evaluated: by 25%
• improving ergonomics at work Increased Reduction Accuracy Error rate
• increased safety by releasing the hands accuracy of error rate 99,9% 0%
• faster picking by 10%
• amount of information in one device Table 2 Equipment used by selected companies for Vision
Picking [authors own processing]
• connection to the entire warehouse system and
response speed
• no rugged scanners and papers The analysis of the way of using augmented reality in
• ease of use picking goods brings added value in two points - the share
• clarity of information about the goods in the of the use of augmented reality in the logistics of global
facility companies and a description of the benefits of the
• speed of training technology based on research activities of these
companies. It is known that more than half of the resources
• use even in noisy environments
in the warehouse are involved in order picking work, and
• eliminates the risk of causing an error to personnel
therefore major global companies are trying to reduce these
• change in the work environment and the
costs. One of the innovative tools is the vision picking just
absorption effect on the worker
researched. Selected companies (DHL Supply Chain,
Samsung SDS, Coca-Cola GBC, Intel ADC) adopted this
These benefits are reflected in the overall increase in
method in their operations in 2014-2020, but all these
productivity. The error rate will be reduced many times
with the introduction of vision picking. companies had uniform conclusions. Implementing
Accuracy is very important for customer satisfaction. augmented reality through smart glasses with appropriate
In the following Table 2, we can see how the use of software reduces errors and the risk of injury at work. On
augmented reality in selected companies has contributed. the contrary, it increases the accuracy, performance, speed
and flexibility of the worker, which bears fruit in higher
overall productivity. From the point of view of this issue,

~ 138 ~
Copyright © Acta Logistica, www.actalogistica.eu
Acta logistica
logistica - International Scientific
Scientific Journal about Logistics
Volume: 8 2021 Issue: 2 Pages: 133-139 ISSN 1339-5629


Jozef Husár; Lucia Knapčíková

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