Tema 04

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Present perfect

I. The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have and
the past participle of a verb. El tiempo presente perfecto se forma con el verb
“tener” en presente y pasado participio de un verbo.

It is formed by have/has + a verb in past participle.

We use the present perfect: Usamos el presente perfecto.

A) For something that started in the past and continues in the present.Para algo
que inicio en el pasado y continua en el presente.

1.They have been married for nearly fifty years. Ellos han estado casados por
casi 50 años.
2. She has lived in Xalapa all her life. Ella ha vivido en Xalapa toda su vida.
B) when we are talking about our experience up to the present: Cuando estamos
hablando de nuestra experiencia en el presente.

1. My last birthday was the worst day I have had. Mi último cumpleaños
fue el peor día que he tenido.
C) for something that happened in the past but is important in the present:
Para algo que sucedió en el pasado pero es importante en el presente.

1. I can not open my car, I have lost my keys. No puedo abrir mi carro, yo he
perdido mis llaves.

We CAN NOT use the present perfect with specific time expressions such
as yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in Japan, at
that moment, that day, one day, etc. We CAN use the present perfect with
unspecific expressions such as ever, never, once, many times, several
times, before, so far, already, yet, this, since, for, ago.etc.

No podemos usar el presente perfecto con expresiones de tiempo especifico,

como son: ayer, hace un año,,,
PRESENT PERFECT – How long, since and for

Present Perfect Tense

Remenber El Present Perfect Tense se usa para hablar sobre una acción que
comenzó en el pasado pero tiene relación con el presente o sigue vigente hasta
ahora. Esto explica por qué este tiempo gramatical recibe el nombre de Present

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE + how long, since and for

(Cuánto tiempo, hace cuánto tiempo, por cuánto tiempo, qué tiempo)

HOW LONG …? Esta palabra interrogativa se utiliza para preguntar por la

cantidad de tiempo en que algo viene sucediendo hasta ahora.


How long has your father had that car? = ¿Hace cuánto tiempo ha tenido tu papá
ese carro?

How long have you lived in this city? = ¿Hace cuánto tiempo has vivido en esta

How long have you been at this school? = ¿Hace cuánto tiempo has estado en
este colegio?


Usamos since para referirnos cuándo la acción tuvo su comienzo, es decir desde
qué año, fecha, mes, semana, día, etc. viene ocurriendo la acción.


1. My father has had that car since February.

Mi papá ha tenido ese carro desde febrero.

2. I have lived in this city since I was born.

Yo he vivido en esta ciudad desde que nací.

3. I have been at this school since 2010.

Yo he estado en este colegio desde el año 2010.

(Hace, por)

FOR: Usamos for para mencionar el periodo total de tiempo que una acción viene
ocurriendo, es decir aquí calculamos el tiempo desde el inicio de la acción hasta
ahora, puede ser: hace dos años, hace siete meses, hace seis semanas, etc.


1. Pedro has had that car for ten years.

Pedro ha tenido ese carro por diez años.

2. My father has lived in this city for a long time.

Mi papá tiene ese carro hace siete meses.

3. I have worked at the UV for twenty one years..

Yo he trabajado en a UV por veinte años.

4. I have practiced Karate – Do for 12 years

Yo he practicado Karate _ Do por doce años.

Take a look to these links:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6CPgZ6Ic_Q
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EhNfSI5WkM
3. https://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/present-perfect-verb-te


1. Yesterday. 1. This morning / week / month /
2. Last night / week / month / year .
vacation / year 2. Recently / Lately /
3. In 1998. 3. Yet / already / still / for / since /


a) I ate hamburguers with my best friend last Wednesday.

b) I have eaten hamburgers once this month.

Yet We use yet most commonly in questions and negatives, to talk about
things which are expected but which have not happened.
Still We use still to refer to the continuation of a situation.

I. Match the questions on the left with the corrrect answer on the
1. Has he finished university yet? A) No, he hasn´t. He´s still talking.
2. Have you eaten breakfast yet? B) No, I haven´t. My wife´s still
reading it.
3. Have they gotten married yet? C) No, he hasn´t graduated yet.
4. Has the president finished speaking yet?D) No, It hasn´t. The teacher isn´t
here yet.
5. Has Mary watered the plants yet? E) No, they haven´t finished yet.
6. Has the doctor seen you yet? F) No, they haven´t. They are still
7. Has the sun come out yet? G) No, she hasn´t. They are still
8. Have they finished their homework H) No, I haven´t. I´ll eat in a few
yet? minutes.
9. Has the class begun yet? I) No, he hasn´t. He is with another
10.Have you read the paper yet? J) No, it isn´t. It´s still raining.
II. Use present perfect tense or past simple.
1. We ____________________ (move) to Vancouver last April. We
__________________ (live) here for six months now.
2. I _____________________ (go) to every hockey game this season. I
_____________________ (go) to the game last night with my brother.
3. I _____________________ ( lose) my house key last week and I still
________________ ( not / find) it.
4. When ___________________ you ____________(quit) smoking? I
_____________ ( not / smoke) for over five years now and I will never
smoke again.
5. De la Cruz ___________________ (buy) a lot of souvenirs yesterday.
6. Would you like another cup of coffee? No, thanks, I ____________ already
_________ three cups.(drink)
7. William _________________ (work) for ABC Electric from 1999 to 2002.
Now he owns his own business. He ____________ ( have ) it for six years.
8. Her Grandma _________________ (fall) and _____________ (break) her
lip last week. She ______________ (be) in the hospital since then.
9. My last teacher _______________ (be) Mr. Ruiz. My present teacher is
Mrs.Brown. she ____________________ (be) my teacher for five months.
10. In my whole life, I ______________ never _____________ (meet) a famous
person, but my brother ______________ (speak) to three famous actors
when he was in Hollywood last vacation.
11.Last year we ________________ (drive) to three cities in Veracruz state.
Now we are traveling in puebla. We _______________ already _________
(go) to five cities.
12.This English course ____________ (start) last year. I ___________ already
_______________ (learn) some structures and vocabulary.
Answer key

Activity I.

1. c 2. h 3. f 4. a 5. g 6. I 7. j 8. e 9. d 10. b

Activity II.

1. Moved / have lived

2. have gone / went
3. lost / have not found
4. Did…..quit / have not smoked
5. bought
6. have / drunk
7. has worked / has had
8. fell / broke / has been
9. was / has been
10. have / met / spoke
11. drove / have / gone
12. started / have / learnt ( learned)

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