Traditional Sports-Based Learning Innovative Learning Method To Improve
Traditional Sports-Based Learning Innovative Learning Method To Improve
Traditional Sports-Based Learning Innovative Learning Method To Improve
Rifqi Festiawan1, Lim Boon Hooi2, Mohad Anizu Mohd Nor3, Ngadiman Ngadiman1, Prisca
Widiawati 4, Erick Burhaein5 and Diajeng Tyas Pinru Phytanza6
Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia
Centre for Sports & Exercise Sciences, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Faculty of Sports Science and Recreation, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Department of Sport Coaching, Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Department of Sports Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Ma’arif Nahdlatul
Ulama Kebumen, Indonesia
Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
This research aims to create new models in physical education learning that are suitable for use and can
develop children's fundamental movement skills. Research and Development (R&D) is the research approach
used, and it consists of the following steps: 1) potential and problems, 2) data collection, 3) product concept,
4) design validation, 5) design revision, 6) product experiments, 7) product revision, 8) sample use, 9)
product revision and feasibility evaluation, and 10) final product. The research sample consisted of 68
students. The testing instrument, a questionnaire, included expert-validated claims, and the results were
analyzed and translated into product evaluation requirements. The results of this study get a final grade of
91.12% or the category of "Very Good". From the results of the effectiveness test, it is known that there is a
significant effect of the game being developed on the improvement of children's fundamental motor skills
(p=0.000) and learning motivation (p=0.001). Thus it can be concluded that the product developed is very
feasible to use and has proven effective in increasing children's fundamental movement skills and learning
Keywords: Traditional Sport-Based, Learning Method, Learning Innovation, Fundamental Movement Skills,
Learning Motivation.
Childhood is a crucial phase of play in the formation Fundamental movement skills are the construction
of the body's motion system (motor system) (lai et pieces for the composite drive progressions requisite
al., 2014). During the children's form, the physical for a cooking stove of fun and unpaid actions
evolution of the child, manful and feminine grows including area amusements and unionized fun
speedily (Burhaein, Tarigan, et al., 2021; Dedi, 2019; (Lubans et al., 2010). They can be divided into two
Mumpuniarti et al., 2021). Their muscles, intrepidities, categories: locomotor abilities (ls) and goal
and skeletal forms lead inn to maturity. Stirring coordination abilities (ac) (os). Ls involve the body's
talents dispatch ranging from big muscleman fluid coordination as it moves in one direction or
repositioning’s diminished muscles, and coordination another and includes skills such as riding, galloping,
(Brian et al., 2014; S. Purwanto & Burhaein, 2021). propulsion jumping, saltation, and sideways skipping
Learning fundamental drive talents is one aspect of (Engel et al., 2018; Nanda et al., 2021; P. Purwanto,
physical evolution. The Main Drive The activation of Nopembri, et al., 2021). Os requires the efficient
massive muscleman assemblies is ordered by talents, control of another aim much as a bat or ball and
who are usually classified as object control and includes continuing pa into adolescence and
locomotor talents (Phytanza, Purwanta, Hermanto, adulthood. New ground points out that children birth
Burhaein, & Demirci, 2021; Vlahov et al., 2014). Aim the developmental potency to original near key drive
coordination abilities include carrying, intercepting, or talents by 6 daysprings aged during strong-arm
projecting objects like tossing, communicable breeding strong-arm agility (pa), and sport (Burhaein,
propulsion motioning underhanded roll, and hitting Demirci, et al., 2021; Phytanza, Burhaein, Lourenço,
(Irawan & Prayoto, 2021; Prasetya, 2021; Sibarani & et al., 2021). A recent taxonomic analysis by logan et
Manurung, 2021). Locomotor talents accommodate al. Establish relations between key drive talents and
run propulsion hopping, saltation galloping, and pain early buttoned up to former puerility in cross-
sliding (S. W. Logan et al., 2012; Phytanza, Purwanta, sectional studies (Jannah et al., 2021; Ngadiman et
Hermanto, Burhaein, & Lourenço, 2021). al., 2021; Van Capelle et al., 2017). Samuel W.
Festiawan, et al.: Traditional Sports-Based Learning Sport Science 15 (2021) 1: 202-210
Logan et al. (2015) suggested low to lead relations (Phytanza, Burhaein, & Pavlovic, 2021; P. Purwanto,
between key drive talents potency and strong-arm Lumintuarso, et al., 2021; Putra et al., 2021). The
agility in early puerility (r = 0.16 to 0.48; r2= 3–23%, results show the level of Fundamental Movement
4 studies), low to high-pitched relations in middle to Skills of children classified as "very poor" by 3%,
late puerility (r = 0.24 to 0.55; r2= 6–30%, 7 "less" by 30.3%, "moderate" by 33.3%, "good" by
studies), and low to moderate relations in 27.3%, and "very good" by 6, 1%.
adolescence (r = 0.14 to 0.35; r2= 2–12. 3%, 2 Seeing the potential of the traditional game boy-
studies). boyan, dul-dulan, pecah piring, and sintren, a
Many sports and physical activities depend on modified model of the four games was made. This
fundamental movement skills. Higher levels of modification aims to be able to create a new game
Fundamental Movement Skills are correlated with a mode that has the elements forming the fundamental
lower BMI in terms of fitness (veldman et al., 2016), motor skills of children. Other skills that can
improved cardiorespiratory fitness (okely et al., potentially be developed in the game are the close
2004), as well as enhanced cognitive development motor skill, which is when throwing into tile shards at
and physical activity (s. W. Logan et al., 2012), social the beginning of the game, and open motor skills
development and language skills (best, 2010; jan et when it can hit the tile shards then start the game.
al., 2008; leonard & hill, 2014), Furthermore, According to freitas et al. (2018) explains that 1)
children with impaired Fundamental Movement Skills closed motor skills are the skills of motion with
are on likely to have low self-esteem and anxiety. stimuli occurring in a stable environment and
Based on Kamaludin et al. (2020) the level of movements arising from within oneself, such as
fundamental motor skills in Jombor Lor Sleman throwing, running, climbing. 2) open motor skills are
Yogyakarta elementary school children is classified as movement skills that occur in changing environments
"very low" by 8%, "low" by 36%, "moderate" by 32%, that adjust to the stimulus in their environment, for
"high" by 8%, and " very high 16%. The above example playing badminton, soccer. Modification is
research shows the level of fundamental motor skills done by combining and modifying the tools and rules
of elementary school children has a high low of the game from the two games, to produce a game
percentage. This was reinforced by a preliminary that can correct the flaws in the previous game.
study conducted on 33 students in grades iv, v, vi at
mersi state elementary school 02, Banyumas. Methods
Observations were made by test instruments from
Astikasari et al. (2021); Febrianta et al. (2021); Research Methods
This study employs a modified Research and
Tirtayasa et al. (2020), namely running 40 meters,
Development (R & D) research process (Sugiyono,
throwing catches for tennis balls, dodging run,
2016). The following are the research and
standing broad jump, and standing one foot. Using development steps:
the norms of motor skills assessment according to
Festiawan, et al.: Traditional Sports-Based Learning Sport Science 15 (2021) 1: 202-210
This stage is the stage of designing a draft product aged 6-9 years. The results obtained are used as a
design that matches the potential and existing reference to determine product design. The
problems. preparation of a draft product design consists of
Next, make the rules of the game and supporting several stages.
infrastructure for games that are suitable for children
No Stage Detail
Designing Success
The first step is to compile an indicator of the success of the design
1 Indicators for Design
carried out by the author, assisted by a validator to set standards
Making this game design includes game rules, facilities, and
infrastructure needed starting from the tools and materials, the
Determine Game Design shape of the playing field. This design is made so that it can be
played easily and fun and has the potential to improve the
fundamental motor skills of children aged 6-9 years.
The next step is writing the rules of the game and illustrating the
design drawings. Writing the rules of the game is made in a
Writing Game Rules and
3 language that is easily understood by readers. Image illustrations
Design Drawing Illustrations
are used to clarify the rules and facilities and infrastructure needed.
Image illustrations created using Corel Draw X6 software.
The product design in the form of a traditional game that will be
developed is assessed by the validator to get the value and input.
Stage 1 Validation
4 The feasibility assessment was obtained from 3 experts, namely:
Game Expert, Educational Expert, Growth, and Development
Design Revision The revision is based on the results of an expert feasibility
assessment on the initial product to produce a better product next.
The steps in the second validation stage are assessed by game
6 Stage 2 Validation experts, education experts, and growth and development experts
on the revised products
The product trial phase is carried out after the product has received
a feasibility assessment by game, education, and growth and
development experts that the product being developed is feasible to
Trial of Small-Scale be tested in the field. The trials included evaluating traditional
7 Products games by the teacher. The instrument was used in the form of an
assessment questionnaire for students and elementary school PE
teachers. The technique of collecting data through questionnaires
after students and elementary school PE teachers observe or play
Product Revision Revisions were made based on input and assessment when limited
trials were conducted.
The result is a traditional game that is suitable as a game for
The final product
9 children aged 6-9 years that has the potential to develop children's
fundamental movement skills.
Data Collection the phase-1 validation test. Retrieval of data using the
Data collection in this study consisted of several same feasibility test instrument as stage-1 validation
stages as follows: accompanied by revised product design results. At this
1. Validation Data Collection Phase-1 stage, expert validators will decide whether or not the
Data retrieval is done by submitting product designs product design is appropriate. If the product design is
in the form of videos and product design drafts to not feasible, a revision must be carried out again.
each expert validator. After the product design is
observed by the experts, the next step is to submit 3. Product Trial Data Collection By PE Elementary
the feasibility test instrument that has been prepared. School Students and Teachers
The results obtained will be used as a reference in After the product design has been declared feasible
revising the product design. by expert validators, the product can be tested on a
small scale. Before data retrieval, students and
2. Validation Data Collection Phase-2 teachers explained in advance the game tools used,
This stage is carried out after an improvement in and the rules of the game by way of demonstration.
product design is based on the advice of experts in After that, the child is given the task to play
traditional games alternately 10 minutes every 1
Festiawan, et al.: Traditional Sports-Based Learning Sport Science 15 (2021) 1: 202-210
match. While waiting for their turn to play the child sports. The qualitative evidence from the validators
observes the game. One team consists of 5 children, and research subjects in the form of feedback,
so with a sample of 30 children, there are 3 matches. critiques, and recommendations. The inference drawn
from the data review findings is used as a reference
When the children are playing, the teacher
oversees observing the path game. Filling out the material to decide whether a product revision is
product assessment instrument questionnaire is required or the viability of product implementation.
carried out together with being guided. The numerical results on the scores from filling out
the validator questionnaire and the test subject
Instruments questionnaire is processed for quantitative data
The instrument for measuring the feasibility of the analysis. The following formula was used to interpret
developed model used expert validation sheets which the results.
measured the level of validity and reliability. The
Fundamental Movement Skills were assessed using ∑x
P= x 100%
the valid and Test of Gross Motor Development-Third
Edition (TGMD-3) which includes 13 skills, including P = The percentage
the locomotor skills category and the ball skills ∑x = Total number of responses in all things from
category (Webster & Ulrich, 2017). Although, all respondents
Learning Motivation were assessed using STMSL test ∑xi = Total perfect score for each object
(Tuan et al., 2005). 100% = Consistent The percentage of the evaluation
results is generated as a result of these estimates.
Data Analysis
The data was analyzed quantitatively and The percentage of calculated results is used as a
qualitatively from the outcomes of filling out the guideline for evaluating product requirements. The
questionnaire during product validation and research. scale is used to assess the product parameters, as
Quantitative evidence in the form of Validator seen in Table 2. For effective testing using the paired
evaluation scores and test subjects for standard t-test formula was calculated with the help of SPSS.
Expert Validation Results This expert assessment is a description of the quality
The expert validation phase consists of two stages, of developed product drafts. For expert, validation
namely the first validation phase and the second results can be seen in Table 2 below.
validation stage.
From table 3. above, it is known that the assessment second validation stage gets a value of 95% with a
of the game expert gets a value of 80% with a B value of A and the category of "Very Good", an
grade and the category "Good", the assessment of assessment of the education expert gets a value of
the education expert gets a score of 79% with a B 88% with a value of A and the category of "Very
grade and the category "Good", and the assessment Good", and growth and development expert get a
of the growth and development expert gets a score of score of 90% with an A and the "Very Good"
80 % with a value of B and the category "Good", category. An overview of the results of expert
Whereas in the second validation stage it is known validation can be seen in Figure 2.
that the assessment of the game experts in the
Festiawan, et al.: Traditional Sports-Based Learning Sport Science 15 (2021) 1: 202-210
Teacher and Student Assessment Results From the data in the table 4, it is known that the
The results of the assessment by the teacher and assessment of the physical education teacher from
students can be seen in Table 4. the aspect of games gets a value of 90% with an A
grade and the category "Very Good", the assessment
Table 4. Teacher and Student Assessments. of the aspect of education gets a value of 91% with
value A and the category "Very Good", and the
assessment of the aspects of growth and
Scoring Presented development get a value of 92% with a value of A
No Assessment
points (%) and the category "Very Good". Overall from the three
aspects get an average value of 91% with a value of
Game 90
A and the category of "Very Good". For the
Education 91 assessment of students from the aspect of games get
Physical a value of 93% with a value of A and the category of
Growth and
1 Education "Very Good", assessment of the aspects of education
Developmen 92
Teacher get a value of 92% with a value of A and the category
Overall of "Very Good", and the assessment of the aspects of
91 growth and development get a value of 90% with an
A and a "Very Good" category. Overall from the three
Game 93 aspects get an average value of 91.6% with a value
Education 92 of A and the category of "Very Good".
Table 5. Fundamental Movement Skill and Laearning Motivation Effectiveness Test Results.
Fundamental Learning
Movement Skills Motivation
Group Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest
Value Value
(M ± (M ± (M ± (M ±
Control 44.5 45.3 ± 68.5 69.9 ±
0.074 0.081
Group ±1.9 2.8 ±1.8 2.7
Experiment 43.2 ± 58.6 ± 68.2 ± 81.6 ±
0.000 0.001
Group 2.2 2.6 2.1 2.1
Table 5 shows that from the pretest and posttest 0.000) and learning motivation (p = 0.001). whereas
results it can be seen that there were significant the control group did not have a significant impact on
changes in the experimental group both from the fundamental movement skills (p = 0.074) and
results of the fundamental movement skills test (p = learning motivation (p = 0.081).
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