Bible Knowledge
Bible Knowledge
Bible Knowledge
V. Give the names of Books and Chapters where these are recorded.
1.The Lord's Prayer- Matthew 6:9-13/Luke 11:1-4
2.Parable of the Prodigal's son- Luke 15:11-32
3.Parable of a Shepherd seeking a sheep- Luke15:1-7
4.Parable of a woman seeking a coin- Luke 15:8-10
5.Rejection by His own countrymen- Matthew 13:53-58
6.Miracle of feeding Five thousand- Matthew 14:14-21/Mark 6
7.Miracle of walking on the sea- Matthew 14:22-23/Mark 6
8.Healing by the fringe of the King's garment- Matthew 14:34-36
9.The faith of a Gentile woman- Matthew 15:21-28
10.Miracle of feeding Four thousand- Matthew 15:32-39/Mark 8
12.Healing a blind man in Bethsaida- Mark 8:22-26
13.Healing the blind Bartimaeus- Mark 10:46-52
14.Cursing the fig tree and cleansing the temple- Mark 11
15.Instituting His supper- Mark 14:12-26
16.Experiencing Gethsemane; charging disciples to watch and pray- Mark 14:32-42
17.Nazareth Manifesto- Luke 4:18,19 34.The Good Samaritan- Luke 10:25-37
18.Conversion of Zacchaeus- Luke 19:1-10 35.Death of Lazarus- John11
19.The widow's offering- Luke 21:2-4 36.Nicodemus and Jesus- John
20.Wedding at Cana/Jesus' first miracle-John 2 37.The Beatitudes- Matthew 5:1-11
21.Parable of 10 bride-maids/Virgins-Matthew 25 38.Transfiguration of Jesus- Mathew 17
22.Sermon on the mount- Matthew 5 39.Jesus' triumphal entry to Jerusalem-Matthew 21
23.The Christian armour- Ephesians 6:10-20 40.Parable of a sower- Mark 4:3-8
24.The Christian armour- Ephesians 6:10-20 41.Jerusalem Council- Acts 15:6
25.The fruit of the Spirit- Galatians 5:22 42.Letters to 7 Churches- Revelation 2,3
26.The first battle in the Bible-Revelation 12:7-9 43.Number of wild beast- Revelation 13:18
27.Letters to 7 Churches- Revelation 2,3 44.The fall of man-Genesis 3
28.Nevuchadnezzar's dreams- Daniel 2,4 45.Mene, mene, tekel upharsin- Daniel 5
29.Joseph and Potiphar's wife- Genesis 39 46.The birth of Samson- Judges 13
30.The valley of dry bones- Ezekiel 37:1-14 47.David and Goliath- I Samuel 17
31.Balaam's donkey talking- Numbers 22:28 48.Suffering Servant- Isaiah 52:13-53:12
32.Payment of Tithe- Malachi 3:10 49.The first Passover- Exodus 12
33.The story of the Sun standing still-Joshua 10:12
10. Choose the correct answer of the following:
1) A street called "straight" is in Tarsus/Ephesus/Damascus
2) The garden of Gethsemane lays beyond Jordan/Jarbok/Kidron
3) Sparrow/Swallow/Raven rested in the temple
4) Terah was the father of Moses/David/Abraham
5) The mountain of the burning bush is Sinai/Horeb/Gilboa
11. Write the names of the (a)Twelve tribes of Israel (b) the Twelve disciples of Jesus.
(a) Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Joseph, Benjamin.
(b) Peter, Andrew, John, James, Philip, Matthew, Bartholomew, Thomas, James(son of Alphaeus),
Simon (called Zealot), Judas (son of James), Judas Iscariot.
12. Name Five fruits of the Spirit.
-Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Faithfulness
13. Five works of the Flesh.
-Idolatry, Enmities, Strife, Jealousy, Anger.
3. Name the Book (chapter with verses as far as possible) in which we find the following important
passages in the Bible. (12x11/2=18)
1.The Conquest of Jericho. Joshua 6:1-27
2. The valley of dry bones. Ezekiel 37:1-14
3. The genealogy of Jesus which starts with Abraham. Matthew 1:1-17
4. The Tower of Babel. Genesis 11:1-9
5. Nazareth manifesto. Luke 4:16-19
6. the washing of the disciple's feet. John 13:1-20
7. The vision of the flying scroll. ______________
8. The parable of the good Samaritan. Luke 10:25-37
9. The fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-26
10. The festival of Purim. Esther 9:1-32
11. Appointment of Seven. Acts 6:1-15
12. The Great Commandment. Matthew 22:34-40; Luke 10:25-28; Mark 12:28-34