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Student Learning Plans: Application Guide

The document provides guidance for using software to create and manage student learning plans. It outlines the login process and describes the main sections of the software including building student groups, selecting interventions, approving plans, and running reports. The software includes a bank of research-tested interventions that can be customized by district and school administrators.

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Student Learning Plans: Application Guide

The document provides guidance for using software to create and manage student learning plans. It outlines the login process and describes the main sections of the software including building student groups, selecting interventions, approving plans, and running reports. The software includes a bank of research-tested interventions that can be customized by district and school administrators.

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Student Learning Plans

Education Management System

Application Guide

SLP Application Guide Vol 2.2 -February, 2006


Background Information............................................................................................................. 1
Login Information....................................................................................................................... 2
Overview Tab.............................................................................................................................. 4
Intervention Tab.......................................................................................................................... 4
Intervention Bank.................................................................................................................... 5
Adding New Intervention: ...................................................................................................... 5
Build Plans Tab........................................................................................................................... 6
Build Plans Tab........................................................................................................................... 7
Creating Student Groups –...................................................................................................... 7
Selecting Interventions for plans .......................................................................................... 12
Assigning Interventions ........................................................................................................ 12
New Intervention Set ............................................................................................................ 13
Adjusting Group or Individual Plan...................................................................................... 16
Individual Student Tab.............................................................................................................. 18
Transfer Student.................................................................................................................... 19
Approve Plans........................................................................................................................... 20
Print Plans ................................................................................................................................. 21
View Plans ................................................................................................................................ 22
Reports ...................................................................................................................................... 23
User Settings ............................................................................................................................. 25

2—Student Learning Plans: Application Guide OSPI

Background Information
The Student Learning Plan software is intended to provide the only tool you will need to create,
manage, communicate, and evaluate Student Learning Plans. This guide provides step-by-step
instruction to support users of the software in creating Student Learning Plans that can help students
in their efforts to succeed on the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL).

This guide will work through the following steps in developing Student Learning Plans and will
describe how each step is managed by the software.

OSPI Student Learning Plans: Software Application Guide—1

Login Information
Logging on to the software provides access to the Student Learning Plan software.

Figure 1 shows the entry point and login screen for the Education Management System, which is
available at https://ems.wa-k12.net/.

This is a secured site so login and passwords are needed for access. Please contact your building
administrator if you have not received your login information.

Depending on permissions, users logged into the system will see different screens and have the
ability to complete different functions. The system dynamically generates these pages based on
what permissions are given.

Figure 1. Login Screen for Student Learning Plan

Š Enter User ID
and Password
Š Hit Login button
to begin

Note: The Additional Information for School Administrators guide outlines the process of
assigning the various roles that staff will need to work with the tool. Please contact OSPI to receive
a copy of the guide at 360-725-4980.

2—Student Learning Plans: Application Guide OSPI

Once logged into the Student Learning Plan System, the user will be able to select the link in the
navigation area to start the process of building student learning plans for students in their district.
Some districts will have more than one application available. All districts whose superintendent has
given OSPI consent to use their student data will have access to the student learning plan system.

Figure 2. System Selection Screen for the Student Learning Plan software

This application uses pop-up windows to enhance the user's experience and requires that all popup blockers are disabled. The following
list lists the most popular popup blockers and how to temporarily disable the pop-up blocker functionality functionality. If after you you
disbale the pop-up blocker, you are still having problems, please contact your local system administrator:

• Windows: On the Tools menu, point to Pop-up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Settings. Type the Web-addess
of this application in the Address of Web site to allow box, and then click Add.
• Google: Open this application and press the Popup Blocker button. The button text will change to read "Allow site popups,"
that the Popup Blocker is disabled on the site in question.
• Yahoo!:Add this applicatioin
Student Learning Plan Allowed List by clicking the Pop-Up Blocker menu and selecting Always Allow Pop-Ups
From.... Then select the site from the Sources of Recently Blocked Pop-Ups list and click Allow..

NOTE: Your computer may be running multiple pop-up blockers.

OSPI Student Learning Plans: Software Application Guide—3

Overview Tab
Upon entry, the user is placed on the OVERVIEW tab (see Figure 3). This tab provides access to
electronic copies of several documents (including this one) so that each can be maintained as
current as possible. In addition, links provide information about the requirements of the student
learning plans for Washington State students. The Overview page will be used on an ongoing basis
to provide updates and news to school personnel engaged in developing Student Learning Plans for
students needing additional help with their learning.

Figure 3. Overview Tab

Menu Tabs

System Support

Š Click Begin to create plans (This is a shortcut to the Build Plans

tab) and will lead you to the easiest access point for the system

Š (Only users with the Plan Editor role will see the Begin button)

4—Student Learning Plans: Application Guide OSPI

Intervention Tab
Intervention Bank
An Intervention Bank has been developed in this software for use by districts and schools. OSPI
has provided a collection of interventions that are research-tested. This database is available at any
time and will be continually updated.

Schools and districts can now have more control on what interventions are available to plan
builders. The district or school administrator role will be able to configure the interventions so that
the selections for Student Learning Plans will be more specific to the district’s or school’s resources
available for their students.

Administrators will be able to designate interventions as Required, Enabled/Disabled,

Recommended and Retired.

Interventions that are required are visible in the Intervention Bank and available to plan builders in
all entities below them and they cannot be disabled. The Required? flag can only be set at any entity
above the school level. Interventions that are not required are also visible in the Intervention Bank
to all entities below them, but the descendent entities are able to optionally disable them so that they
are not visible to the intervention bank in descendent entities and not available to plan builders in
the current or descendent entities. Interventions can be recommended by any entity. Interventions
that are retired have been discontinued by the entity that defined it. It is still visible in existing
plans, but no longer available to plan builders for future plans. Only the entity that defined the
intervention can retire it.
Figure 4 – Intervention Bank

You can use Filters to limit

intervention view
1. Select Criteria Select to add a
2. Run Filter New Intervention

Based on who created the intervention, user is

able to:
= Edit
= Delete
Link to research or
= Recommended other resources
= View Only

OSPI Student Learning Plans: Software Application Guide—5

Adding New Intervention:
Previous to implementing any intervention, staff should review the research supporting its use to
determine the likelihood of that intervention being effective with their student population. This
information, along with a number of other descriptors, should be entered into the database so that
others reviewing the intervention make informed decisions about using the intervention with their

The person developing the description for an intervention should keep the audience in mind, as with
all written material. In this case, the task should be easy for school staff because the author is
equally a part of the intended audience. Try to be as descriptive as possible so that the reader can
make an informed decision in applying the intervention to other student populations.

Figure 5 – New Intervention

Š “Save” if work on intervention is

in progress
Š “Save and Approve” if
Select or deselect settings for intervention is complete and
interventions that you would like ready to be assigned to students
available for your district/school

Name of source that is creating plan automatically entered

Enter title and description of intervention.

Select content area: Mathematics, Reading, Writing, Science or Include All

Select Performance Level(s)

Select audience: School, Student or Parent

Select grade level
Create a link to supporting research website or resource

6—Student Learning Plans: Application Guide OSPI

Build Plans Tab

The software has completely accommodated this step of Student Learning Plan development. The
data supporting the software will be preloaded periodically (as appropriate) to provide the
background data needed to identify students for whom Student Learning Plans are to be developed.
OSPI staff members have facilitated loading of student performance data into the database so that
all necessary student data will be present as schools begin to use the database. Students can not
be manually added to the tool. New students will be imported into the tool with the periodic

WSIPC/Skyward schools are updated every night. CSRS schools are updated monthly with data
from the previous month.

The importing process has a high success rate in linking students to their assessment (WASL/ITBS)
scores. The tool has a manual process to search for missing scores. This section of the tool is in the
User Management area which can only be accessed if a school administrator has assigned the SSI
User role to a staff member. The process is outlined in the Additional information for School
Administrators guide. A copy of this guide can be obtained from OSPI – call 360-725-4980.

Creating Student Groups –

Student groupings can be configured in three different ways:
• Performance Level – students are grouped based on their WASL performance levels. This
is the default grouping for the tool. The tool will continue to pre-define the groups based
on their WASL performance level (reading/L1, reading/L2, writing/L1, writing/L2,
math/L1, and math/L2). The pre-defined groups will only be for the grade levels that are
required to have SLPs. (See Figure 6)
• Score Range: membership in the group is based on a WASL score range (min/max score)
and is automatically maintained by the system. For example, a user can create a group of
students not meeting standard in mathematics who scored between 387 and 399. (See
Figures 7 & 8)
• Custom: membership in the group is based on custom criteria and is manually maintained
by the plan builder. This will accommodate students needing LAP plans and students
without WASL scores. (See Figures 9 & 10)
We import student data for all grade levels so that schools will be able to create a plan for
students non-SLP required years. For grade levels that are not required to have a Student
Learning Plan the custom plans are the only choice at this time.

OSPI Student Learning Plans: Software Application Guide—7

Figure 6 – Student Groups

Use pull down menus

to select filter group
Select to
type to view create New

Default plans
are required
for each
student group

Numbers in
Parentheses indicate
the number of
interventions in each
intervention set

Please note – Student Groupings and the default plans previously created in a prior year will be
brought forward so that schools do not need to recreate. This is a copy of the original default plan. It
can be edited with changes that a school would like to make for the current year and will not affect the
previous version.

8—Student Learning Plans: Application Guide OSPI

To create Student Grouping by Raw Score

Figure 7 – Create Raw Score Student Group


1. Select New Student Group

2. Enter Title,
3. Select Graduation Year,
4. Select Content Area,
5. Select Scale Score Range
6. Enter Min and Max range
7. Hit OK to save selections

Figure 8 - Raw Score Student Group

OSPI Student Learning Plans: Software Application Guide—9

To create Custom Student Grouping

Figure 9 – Create Custom Student Grouping

1. Select New Student Group
2. Enter Title, 7
3. Select Graduation Year,
4. Select Content Area,
5. Select Custom Names of
6. Select search specifications students will
(student name by initial or appear here
missing score)
7. Hit Search
8. Hit OK to save selections

Figure 10 - Custom Student Group

10—Student Learning Plans: Application Guide OSPI

Other features on Group Plans menu:

Groups listed on this page can be limited to those meeting all of several filter criteria. These criteria
are always treated as mutually applied—that is, any group displayed would meet all of the criteria
selected. This ability will become more valuable as groups are created relating to narrower and
more precisely defined student needs. These filters can shorten the list to include only a few groups
so that a particular group can be found easily.

Figure 11 - Filtering Student Groups

Select criteria to filter view of Initial

Student Groups and groupings
Intervention Set Titles automatically
have been

Number of
Select edit students in
pencil to group
and/or edit
intervention Select student icon to
sets view students in each
group Student Groups can
be deleted –
Remember when you
delete group you also
delete all intervention
sets associated with
the group

OSPI Student Learning Plans: Software Application Guide—11

Selecting Interventions for plans

Users can assign a set of interventions to a group default plan by clicking on the pencil to the left of
the group’s name (see Figure 11). The intervention set can be assigned at the school level, student
level, or parent level. To assign an intervention to the group, the user checks each intervention to be
included in the intervention set in the rightmost column of the list provided (see Figure 9).

Select interventions for all student group default plans.

Figure 12 - Selecting Interventions

Approve the intervention set

you are creating so that it can
be used in plans.

Save selections as you are

creating intervention set.

Link to Intervention menu

Enter intervention to create customized
set description interventions

Put check in box to select

intervention for set

Interventions available for


View entire description of intervention by selecting magnifying glass

12—Student Learning Plans: Application Guide OSPI

Assigning Interventions

All students in each group are automatically assigned the default plan. By assigning interventions
to the groups, every student within each group should have interventions assigned to them, thus
creating the foundation for Student Learning Plans for each individual student not meeting
standards on the WASL.

Figure 13 – List of Students in Grouping

Select to create New Intervention Set

Student Group Description

All students are automatically
assigned Default plan

List of students that meet the

Student Group criteria

New Intervention Set

Schools will have the option of adding new intervention sets for the Student Groups. As schools
use additional diagnostic information, they are better able to group students with similar academic
needs and assign appropriately refined interventions. These interventions might be for more
specific goals for skill improvement. To create a new intervention set select from menu (see Figure

OSPI Student Learning Plans: Software Application Guide—13

Figure 14 - Select interventions for New Intervention Set
Approve the intervention set
you are creating so that it can
be used in plans.
Save selections as you are
creating intervention set.

Student Group Description

Enter Intervention Set title

and description

Link to Intervention menu

to create customized

View entire description of intervention by selecting magnifying glass

Put check in box to select

intervention for set

Figure 15 – Comment Dialog box

A dialog box appears

when you Save and
Approve. Use these
comments to create a
history of any changes
made to a plan.

After saving and approving the new intervention set the plan is available for plan editor to
assign students.

14—Student Learning Plans: Application Guide OSPI

Figure 16 - Assigning Student Group Intervention Sets to Individual Students

Student Group Description

List of students that meet the

Student Group criteria
Name of student is a link to view
their individual plan information

Students can now be assigned to

one or more intervention sets

The technical aspects of assigning interventions to Student Learning Plans are the same, regardless
of the sophistication of the plan. What differs here is the amount of information available to staff as
they assign the interventions. If you have gone to the extent of identifying student needs through
diagnostic testing and have assigned groups based on these data, spending a significant amount of
time identifying appropriate interventions is not only justified but fully warranted. Staff should
make a concerted effort to inform their decisions fully as they work to help students learn the skills
necessary for academic success.

OSPI Student Learning Plans: Software Application Guide—15

Adjusting Group or Individual Plan
After the group intervention sets have been created users have the opportunity to adjust to
individualize for students if necessary. On the Group Plan menu each student’s name is a link to
their individual plan. You will see the plan as it has been created up to this point. You then have
the opportunity to deselect interventions from intervention set (modifying group intervention set for
this student only) and/or select individual interventions. (See Figure 17)

Figure 17 – Customize Student Plan

Student Name

Student Group Description

Select to add interventions to Individual Plan

You can modify plans by deselecting

interventions for individual student

(See Figure 15 for example of Modified

Default Plan)

Select magnifying glass to view full

description of intervention

16—Student Learning Plans: Application Guide OSPI

Figure 18 – Modified Default Plan

Level boxes are

links to strand data
See Figure 16

“M” indicates that default plan has

been modified

Figure 19 – Assessment strand information

OSPI Student Learning Plans: Software Application Guide—17

Individual Student Tab
Individual student information can be found in this section of the web-based Student Learning Plan
tool. The student’s assessment information, plan status, and plan history is available for each
student in your school.

The Plan Status area of this page will let you know if:
1. Student needs a plan but one has not been assigned as yet
2. Plan has been created but has not been approved. You will be able to view the plan and
approve the plan if the plan is complete.
3. Plan is completed and approved.
Figure 20 – Individual Student Plan

Select Last Name by Alphabet

Plan status information

List of students by alphabet

Indicator button – shows what

student’s information is being
shown on Plan Summary

Links to student’s assigned


SLP history will allow viewing

the history of any changes
that are made to plan

18—Student Learning Plans: Application Guide OSPI

Transfer Student

If a student transfer to your school from a school that is using the SLP tool then their student
learning plan moves with them and contains the interventions configured through their previous

All students in this Transfer Student area have already been placed in the appropriate Group Plan in
your school. No plan has been selected for this student until a decision can be made on if you can
support the current plan or if you need to change to a plan configured for your students in your

You should review the student’s current plan to see how his/her current interventions line up with
what can be supported in your building. If you decide you can support student’s current plan then
nothing more needs to be done at this time. You will want to place the student in a plan supported
by your building when you go through your building’s review/modify process.

Once a student is selected for a plan in your building then you need to de-activate the plan from the
previous school.

Figure 21 – Transfer Student Screen

Select magnifying glass

to view current plan

OSPI Student Learning Plans: Software Application Guide—19

Figure 22 – Interventions from selected school

New/Transfer Students without active student learning plan in system:

Students entering or transferring to your school who do not have an active student learning plan will
be listed in New Student Processing. This section of the tool is in the User Management area which
can only be accessed if a school administrator has assigned the SSI User role to a staff member.
Students will be held in a queue and await user interaction to either flag the student as a new student
or a transfer student from another school. Once the user selects which status a student is in then the
nightly processing will process the student through the system.

Select magnifying glass If the system is not able to find a

to view intervention WASL assessment for the new
student the SSI User will description need to search to see if scores are
available in the Assessment area of the User Management.
This process is outlined in the Additional Information for School Administrators guide. A copy of
the guide can be obtained from OSPI – call 360-725-6165.

Approve Plans
A student’s plan is not publicly available until an initial version has been approved. A public
version can be viewed by educational staff and is ready to be distributed to students.

Figure 23 – Approve Plans


Select plans you

would like to

List of students needing

Student name is a link to their
individual plan

20—Student Learning Plans: Application Guide OSPI

Print Plans

One of the requirements for the Student Learning Plans is to communicate the plan to students and
parents (preferably by a conference).

You can print individual plans or a several plans from this page. Only approved plans will be
available for printing.

For printing several plans (batch printing) you will need to load the Mead Publishing License (see
Figure 20). Batch printing is only supported on an Internet Explorer browser. At this time we do
not have a program that will allow MAC users to batch print their student learning plans.

You can print approved individual plans in the “View Plans” menu.

Figure 24 – Mead Publishing License

Select yes, allow

Figure 25 – Print Plans

Select to print

Make selections

OSPI Student Learning Plans: Software Application Guide—21

View Plans
The software has been designed to allow users to view plans if the plans have been approved
through the process (See Figure 26 below)

Figure 26 – View Plans

Links to Student Learning

Plan or Current High School
and Beyond Plan

History of Student Learning Plan –

List of students by alphabet select magnifying to see history

Indicator button – shows what

student’s information is being
shown on Plan Summary

22—Student Learning Plans: Application Guide OSPI

The SLP tool offers a variety of reports.
ƒ Approved Plans - Report will provide a list of students with approved plans – by graduation year
ƒ Unapproved Plans – Report will provide a list of students with unapproved plans – by graduation
ƒ Approved Plans Using Intervention - Report will provide a list of plans using the selected
ƒ Plans Needing Updates – Report will provide a list of plans needing updates (tool provides various
date selections)
ƒ Group Plans Using Intervention – Report will provide a list of student group plans using selected

Figure 27 – Report Menu

1. Use pull down menus to select

filter criteria
2. Select Graduation Year
3. Select Run Report

Figure 28 – Group Plans Using Intervention Menu



OSPI Student Learning Plans: Software Application Guide—23

Figure 29 – Group Plans that need Updates


Note the various time frames

available in report for plan
update list

24—Student Learning Plans: Application Guide OSPI

User Settings
This information shows information pertaining only to the user who is logged into the system.
Users can change their password in this location. If a user forgets or loses their password, they will
have to contact their designated building designee to obtain a new password. Passwords should
always be changed on the first entry into the system to keep security tight.

Figure 30 – User Settings

Schools should develop a process to review and adjust Student Learning Plans as needed. Progress
needs to be reported annually to parent/guardian

Additional Help

If you are experiencing difficulty with the Student Learning Plan system, would like additional
information, or just clarification, don’t hesitate to contact OSPI at (360) 725-4980.

OSPI Student Learning Plans: Software Application Guide—25

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