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Instruction manual

Horizontal centrifugal
monobloc pump

CB/EN (0606) 5.0

EC Declaration of conformity
(Directive 98/37/EC, appendix II-A)

Johnson Pump Water B.V.
Dr. A.F. Philipsweg 51
P.O. Box 9
9400 AA Assen

hereby declares that the pump, in case it is delivered as an assembly with drive (last position
of serial number = A), is in conformity with the provisions of Directive 98/37/EC (as altered
most recently) and the following directives and standards:
• EC directive 73/23/EEC, "Electric equipment for use within certain voltage limits"
• standards EN 292 part 1 & 2, EN 809
The pump to which this declaration refers may only be put into operation after it has been
installed in the way prescribed by the manufacturer, and, as the case may be, after the
complete system of which this pump forms part, has been made to fulfil the requirements of
Directive 98/37/EC (as altered most recently).

Manufacturer’s declaration
(Directive 98/37/EC, appendix II-B)

Johnson Pump Water B.V.
Dr. A.F. Philipsweg 51
P.O. Box 9
9400 AA Assen

hereby declares that the pump, in case it is delivered without drive (last position of serial
number = B), is in conformity with the following standards:
• EN 292 parts 1 & 2, EN 809
and that this pump is meant to be incorporated in or combined with another machine (electric
motor, combustion engine) and may only be put into use after the complete machine of
which the pump under consideration forms part has been made and declared to comply with
that directive.

Assen, March 1st 2006

G.A. Schaafsma,
Managing Director

II-A / II-B (EN)


Instruction manual

All technical and technological information in this manual as well as possible

drawings made available by us remain our property and shall not be used
(otherwise than for the operation of this CombiBloc pump), copied, duplicated,
made available to or brought to the notice of third parties without our prior written
Johnson Pump Water BV (hereafter called Johnson Pump) is part of Johnson
Pump International AB. The core activities of Johnson Pump International AB are
the development, production, sale and maintenance of pumps and pump units.
Johnson Pump Water BV
P.O. Box 9
9400 AA Assen
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 (0)592 376767
Fax. +31 (0)592 376760

©2006 Johnson Pump Water BV

CB/EN (0606) 5.0

(CB/EN #E)

Instruction manual CombiBloc 1

(CB/EN #E)

2 Instruction manual CombiBloc


Table of contents

1 Introduction 7

1.1 Preface 7
1.2 Safety 7
1.3 Guarantee 8
1.4 Service and support 8
1.4.1 Ordering spare parts 8
1.4.2 Pump number 8
1.5 Inspection of delivered items 8
1.6 Forwarding instructions 9
1.6.1 Dimensions and weight 9
1.6.2 Use of pallets 9
1.6.3 Lifting 9
1.7 Storage 9

2 General 11

2.1 Pump description 11

2.2 Type code 11
2.3 Applications 12
2.4 Construction 12
2.4.1 Design 12
2.4.2 Materials 12
2.4.3 Shaft sealing 12
2.4.4 Bearing construction 12
2.5 Application area 13
2.6 Re-use 13
2.7 Scrapping 13

3 Installation 15

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Table of contents 3
3.1 Safety 15
3.2 Preservation 15
3.3 Environment 15
3.4 Installation of the set 15
3.5 Piping 15
3.6 Mounting accessories 16
3.7 Connection of the electric motor 16

4 Commissioning 17

4.1 Control pump 17

4.2 Control electric motor 17
4.3 Preparing the unit for commissioning 17
4.4 Checking the sense of rotation 17
4.5 Starting the pump 17
4.6 Control 18
4.7 Noise 18

5 Maintenance 19

5.1 Daily maintenance 19

5.2 Mechanical seal 19
5.3 Lubrication of the bearings 19
5.4 Environmental influences 19
5.5 Noise 19
5.6 Faults 20

6 Cause of failures 21

7 Disassembly and assembly 23

7.1 Precautionary measures 23

7.2 Tools 23
7.3 Liquid draining 23
7.4 Disassembly 24
7.4.1 Back Pull Out system 24
7.4.2 Disassembly Back Pull Out unit 24
7.4.3 Assembly Back Pull Out unit 24
7.5 Replacement of impeller and casing wear ring 25
7.5.1 Disassembly of the impeller 25
7.5.2 Assembly of the impeller 25
7.5.3 Disassembly of the casing wear ring 26
7.5.4 Assembly of the casing wear ring 26

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4 Table of contents

7.6 Mechanical seal 27

7.6.1 Instructions for mounting a mechanical seal 27
7.6.2 Disassembly of the mechanical seal 28
7.6.3 Assembly of the mechanical seal 29
7.7 Replacing the stub shaft and the motor 30
7.7.1 Disassembly of the stub shaft and the motor 30
7.7.2 Assembly of stub shaft and the motor 30

8 Dimensions and weights 33

8.1 Foot dimensions 33

8.2 Dimensions CombiBloc G1, G2 en B2 (cast iron or bronze) 34
8.3 Dimensions CombiBloc R6 (stainless steel) 37
8.4 Weights 40

9 Parts 41

9.1 Ordering parts and spare parts 41

9.1.1 Order form 41
9.1.2 Pump number 41
9.1.3 Recommended spare parts 41
9.2 Sectional drawing 42
9.3 Parts list 43
9.4 Sectional drawing shaft sealing CB 200-160 44

10 Technical data 45

10.1 Recommended locking liquids 45

10.2 Tightening moments 45
10.2.1 Tightening moments for bolts and nuts 45
10.2.2 Tightening moments for impeller nut 45
10.3 Maximum allowable speed 46
10.4 Survey curves 47
10.4.1 Cast iron/bronze pump 47
10.4.2 Stainless steel pump 49
10.5 Noise data 51
10.5.1 Noise as a function of pump power 51
10.5.2 Noise level 52

Index 53

Order form for spare parts 55

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Table of contents 5
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6 Table of contents

1 Introduction

1.1 Preface
This manual contains important and useful information for the proper functioning
and maintenance of this pump. It also contains important instructions to prevent
possible accidents and serious damage and to ensure the safe and smooth
functioning of this pump.

! Read this manual carefully before commissioning the pump. Familiarize

yourself with the operation of the pump and strictly obey the instructions!
The data published here comply with the most recent information at the time of
going to press. However they may be subject to later modifications.
Johnson Pump reserves the right to change the construction and design of the
products at any time without being obliged to change earlier deliveries accordingly.

1.2 Safety
The manual contains instructions for the safe operation of the pump. Operators and
maintenance staff shall be familiarized with these instructions.
A list of the symbols used in the aforementioned instructions as well as their
meaning is stated below:

Personal danger for the user. Strict and prompt observance of the
corresponding instruction is imperative!

! Risk of damage to or bad functioning of the pump. Obey the corresponding

instruction to avoid this risk.
² Useful direction or tip for the user.
Subjects that require extra attention are printed in bold typeface.

This manual has been compiled by Johnson Pump with the utmost care.
Nevertheless Johnson Pump cannot guarantee the completeness of this
information and therefore assumes no liability for possible deficiencies in this
manual. The buyer/user shall at all times be responsible for testing the information
and for taking possible additional and/or deviating safety measures.
Johnson Pump reserves the right to change the safety instructions at any time.

(CB/EN #E)

Introduction 7
1.3 Guarantee
Johnson Pump shall not be bound to any guarantee other than the guarantee
accepted by Johnson Pump. In particular, Johnson Pump will not assume any
liability for explicit and/or implicit guarantees such as but not limited to the
marketability and/or suitability of the articles supplied.
The guarantee shall forthwith and legally defunct in case:
• Service and/or maintenance has not been carried out strictly in accordance with
the instructions.
• Necessary repairs have not been carried out by our personnel or have been
carried out without our prior written consent.
• The articles supplied have been changed without our prior written consent.
• The spare parts used are not original Johnson Pump parts.
• Additives or lubricants used are other than those prescribed.
• The articles supplied are not used according to their nature and/or destination.
• The articles supplied are used amateurishly, carelessly, improperly and/or
• The articles supplied become defective due to outside circumstances beyond
our control.
All wearing parts shall be excluded from guarantee.
Furthermore, all deliveries are subject to our "General conditions of delivery and
payment", which will be forwarded to you free of charge on request.

1.4 Service and support

This manual is intended for technicians and maintenance staff and for those who
are in charge of ordering spare parts.
1.4.1 Ordering spare parts
This manual contains the spare - and replacement parts recommended by Johnson
Pump. A fax-order form is included in this manual. If you have questions or require
further information about specific items, please don’t hesitate to contact Johnson
1.4.2 Pump number
The pump number is stated on the pumps type plate. Please refer to this number
and the other data mentioned on the type plate when corresponding or ordering
² These pump data are also stated on the label in the beginning of this manual.

1.5 Inspection of delivered items

Check the consignment immediately on arrival for damage and conformity with the
advice note. In case of damage and/or missing parts, have a report drawn up by
the carrier at once.

(CB/EN #E)

8 Introduction

1.6 Forwarding instructions

1.6.1 Dimensions and weight
The larger pump types of the CombiBloc family are too heavy to move them by
hand. So use proper forwarding and lifting equipment. Dimensions and weight of
the pump are stated on the label in the beginning of this manual.
1.6.2 Use of pallets
In most cases the pump is packed on a pallet. In that case leave the pump on the
pallet as long as possible in order to avoid damages and facilitate possible further
transport in case the pump has to be moved elsewhere.

! When using a forklift: Always place the shovels of the forklift as far apart as
possible and lift the box with both levels to prevent it from toppling over.
1.6.3 Lifting
If a pump or a complete pump unit has to be lifted, the slings should be fixed as
shown in figure 1.

Never stand underneath a load that is being lifted!

figure 1 Lifting instructions pump.

1.7 Storage
In case the pump is not immediately being used, the pump shaft has to be rotated
manually twice a week.

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Introduction 9
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10 Introduction

2 General

2.1 Pump description

The CombiBloc is a range of horizontal non-self-priming centrifugal pumps. The
pump and the standard IEC flange motor are assembled by means of a lantern and
a stub shaft to one complete unit. The CombiBloc is available in cast iron, bronze
and stainless steel. The cast iron and bronze pump casings comply with DIN
24255, the stainless steel pump casings comply with ISO 2858 respectively DIN

2.2 Type code

Pumps of the CombiBloc family are available in various designs. The main
characteristics of the pump are shown in the type code.
Example: CB 40-200 G2 90S
Pump family: CB=CombiBloc
Pump size: 40-200
diameter discharge connection [mm] - nominal impeller diameter [ mm]

pump casing/pump cover and impeller material

G1 pump casing/pump cover: cast iron impeller: cast iron
G2 pump casing/pump cover: cast iron impeller: bronze
B2 pump casing/pump cover: bronze impeller: bronze
R6 pump casing/pump cover: stainless steel impeller: stainless steel

IEC size electric motor

80 90S 90L
100L 112M 132S
132M 160M 160L
180M 200L 225M
250M 280S 280M

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General 11
2.3 Applications
• In general, the CombiBloc pumps can be used for thin, clean or slightly polluted
liquids. These liquids should not affect the pump materials.
• Further details about the application possibilities of your specific pump are
mentioned in the order confirmation and/or in the data sheet enclosed with the
• Please do not use the pump for purposes other than those for which it is
delivered without prior consultation with your supplier.

Using a pump in a system or under system conditions (liquid, working

pressure, temperature, etc.) for which it has not been designed may hazard
the user!

2.4 Construction
2.4.1 Design
The design is characterized by a compact construction. The pump is combined, by
means of a lantern and stub shaft, with a standard IEC electric motor. type B5 for
electric motors upto and including size 112M, type B3/B5 for bigger types, in
vertical position type V1 for all types. The pump cover is clamped between the
pump casing and the lantern piece.
2.4.2 Materials
This concerns the parts that are exposed to the pumped liquid. For each individual
pump type there is only one construction of pump casing and impeller. These parts
are available in 3 different types of material: cast iron, bronze and stainless steel.
The stub shaft is made of stainless steel.
2.4.3 Shaft sealing
The CombiBloc is provided with a mechanical shaft seal with mounting dimensions
according to DIN 24960 (L1K).
Only 3 diameters are used for the whole CombiBloc range: d1 = 30 mm, 40 mm or
50 mm.
2.4.4 Bearing construction
The bearing of the CombiBloc is provided by the motor bearings. The choice of the
motor-pump is such that the bearings of the applied electric motors can absorb the
axial and radial forces without the bearing life being affected.
The electric motors must be provided with a fixed bearing.

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12 General

2.5 Application area

The application area globally looks as follows:

Maximum value
Capacity 850 m3/h
Delivery head 105 m
System pressure 10 bar
Temperature 110°C

2.6 Re-use
The pump may only be used for other applications after prior consultation with
Johnson Pump or your supplier. Since the lastly pumped medium is not always
known, the following instructions should be observed:
• Flush the pump properly
• Make sure the flushing liquid is discharged safely (environment!)

Take adequate precautions and use the appropriate personal protection

means (rubber gloves, spectacles)!

2.7 Scrapping
If it has been decided to scrap a pump, the same procedure as for Re-use (2.6)
should be followed.

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General 13
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14 General

3 Installation

3.1 Safety
² Read this manual carefully before installing and commissioning the pump.
Non-observance of these instructions may cause serious damage to the pump that
is not covered by our guarantee terms. Follow the instructions step by step.
• Make sure the motor cannot be started when work is done to the pump- motor
combination and running parts are insufficiently shielded.
• The pumps are suitable for liquids with a temperature up to 110°C. As from 70°C
the user, when installing the pump unit, should take appropriate protection and
warning measures to prevent contact with hot pump parts.
• If danger arises in case of static electricity, the entire pump unit should be
earthed properly.
• If there is a danger that the pumped liquid might be harmful to men or the
environment, the user should take appropriate measures for safe drainage. Also
possible leakage fluid from the shaft seal should be safely discharged.

3.2 Preservation
To prevent corrosion, the pump is flushed with a preserving agent before leaving
the works. Before putting the pump into operation, drain off any preservative agent
and flush the pump thoroughly with hot water.

3.3 Environment
• The foundation must be hard, level and flat.
• The area in which the pump unit is to be placed should be adequately ventilated.
A too high ambient temperature and air humidity, as well as a dusty environment
may have a negative effect on the functioning of the motor.
• Around the pump unit there should be enough space to operate and if necessary
repair the pump.
• Behind the cooling air inlet of the motor there should be a free area of at least
1/4 of the electric motor diameter, to ensure unobstructed air supply.

3.4 Installation of the set

If the unit is delivered as a complete set, pump and motor are assembled in the
works. In that case the impeller has already been properly adjusted axially. In case
of permanent arrangement, level the pump on the foundation by means of shims
and carefully tighten the nuts of the foundation bolts.

(CB/EN #E)

Installation 15
3.5 Piping
• The piping to the suction and delivery connections must fit exactly and must not
be subject to stress during operation.
• The passage of the suction pipe must be amply dimensioned. This pipe should
be as short as possible and run towards the pump in such a way that no air

figure 2 Excentric reducer to suction flange.

pockets can arise. If this is not possible, a venting facility should be provided at
the highest point of the pipe. If the inside diameter of the suction pipe is larger
than the suction connection of the pump, an excentric reducer should be applied
to prevent air pockets and whirls. See figure 2.
• The maximum allowable system pressure is stated in 2.5. If there is a risk that
this pressure might be exceeded, for instance because of an excessive inlet
pressure, appropriate measures should be taken by mounting a safety valve in
the piping.
• Sudden changes in the rate of flow can lead to high pressure impulses in the
pump and the piping (water shock). Therefore, don’t use quick-acting closing
devices, valves etc.

3.6 Mounting accessories

• Mount any parts that may have been supplied separately.
• If the liquid does not flow towards the pump, mount a foot valve at the bottom of
the suction pipe. If necessary, combine this foot valve with a suction strainer to
prevent impurities from being drawn in.
• When mounting, place temporarily (for the first 24 operating hours) a fine gauze
between suction flange and suction pipe so as to prevent internal pump parts
from being damaged by foreign matter. If the risk of damage continues to exist,
mount a permanent filter.

3.7 Connection of the electric motor

The electric motor must be connected to the mains by an approved

electrician, according to the locally prevailing regulations of the electricity
• Refer to the instruction manual belonging to the electric motor.
• If possible, mount a working switch as close as possible to the pump.

(CB/EN #E)

16 Installation

4 Commissioning

4.1 Control pump

Check whether the shaft turns freely. Do this by turning the stub shaft a few times.

4.2 Control electric motor

Check whether the fuses have been mounted.

4.3 Preparing the unit for commissioning

Proceed as follows, both when the unit is put into operation for the first time and
after the pump has been overhauled:
1 Fully open the stop valve in the suction pipe. Close the delivery stop valve.
2 Fill the pump and the suction pipe with the liquid to be pumped.
3 Turn the pump shaft a few times by hand and add more liquid, if necessary.

4.4 Checking the sense of rotation

Beware of possible non-screened rotating parts when checking the sense of

1 The sense of rotation of the pump is indicated by an arrow. Check whether the
sense of rotation of the motor corresponds with that of the pump.
2 Let the motor run for only a short time and check the sense of rotation.
3 If the sense of rotation is not correct, alter the sense of rotation. See the the
instructions in the user manual belonging to the electric motor.
4 Mount the protective cap.

4.5 Starting the pump

1 Start the pump.
2 As soon as the pump is under pressure, slowly open the delivery stop valve until
the working pressure is attained.

Make sure that when a pump is running, rotating parts are always properly
screened off by the protective cap!

(CB/EN #E)

Commissioning 17
4.6 Control
If a pump is in operation pay attention to the following:
• The pump should never run dry.
• Never use a stop valve in the suction pipe to control pump capacity. The stop
valve should always be fully opened during operation
• Check whether the absolute inlet pressure is sufficient, so that no vapour can be
• Check whether the pressure difference between suction and delivery pressure
corresponds with the specifications for the duty point of the pump.
• The mechanical seal may never show visible leakage.

4.7 Noise
The noise production of a CombiBloc pump depends to a great extent on the
operating conditions. The values stated in chapter 10 are based on normal
operation of the pump, driven by an electric motor. In case the pump is used
outside the normal operation area, as well as in case of cavitation, the noise level
may exceed 85 dB(A). In that case precautions should be taken, like building a
noise-barrier around the unit or wearing hearing protection.

(CB/EN #E)

18 Commissioning

5 Maintenance

5.1 Daily maintenance

Regularly check the outlet pressure.

No water should get into the terminal box of the electric motor when the
pump room is sprayed clean!
Never spray water on hot pump parts! The sudden cooling down may cause
them to burst and hot water may flow out!

5.2 Mechanical seal

A mechanical seal generally requires no maintenance, however, it should never
be allowed to run dry. If there are no problems it is not advisable to dismantle the
seal. As the facing surfaces are running in on one another. Dismantling always
means replacement of the mechanical seal. When the shaft seal is leaking it has to
be replaced.

5.3 Lubrication of the bearings

For maintenance of the motor bearings we refer to the instructions of the motor
supplier concerned.

5.4 Environmental influences

• Regularly clean the filter in the suction pipe or the suction strainer at the bottom
of the suction pipe, as the inlet pressure may become too low if the filter or the
suction strainer is fouled.
• If there is a risk that the pumped liquid expands during solidification or freezing,
the pump has to be drained and, if necessary, flushed after it has been put out of
• If the pump is out of service for a long time, it has to be preserved.

5.5 Noise
If, after some time, the pump starts making noise this may indicate that something
is wrong with the pump unit. For instance, a crackling noise can indicate cavitation
or an excessively noise motor can indicate deterioration of the bearings.

(CB/EN #E)

Maintenance 19
5.6 Faults

The pump, of which you want to determine the fault, may be hot or under
pressure. Take the appropriate precautions first and protect yourself with the
proper safety devices (safety goggles, gloves, protective clothing)! To
determine the source of the malfunctioning of the pump, proceed as follows:
1 Switch off the current supply to the pump unit. Block the working switch with a
lock or remove the fuse.
2 Close the stop valves.
3 Determine the nature of the fault.
4 Try to determine the cause of the fault (see chapter 6) and take the appropriate
Contact your installer!

(CB/EN #E)

20 Maintenance

6 Cause of failures

In general, failures in a pump unit are attributable to the following causes:

1 Failures in the pump.
2 Failures or faults in the piping system.
3 Failures due to wrong installation or commissioning.
4 Failures due to a wrong pump selection.
A number of the most frequently occurring failures as well as their possible causes
are set forth in the table below:
Most frequently occurring failures Possible causes
Pump doesn’t deliver any liquid 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 13 14 17 19 20 21 29
The volume flow of the pump is insufficient 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 28 29
The discharge head of the pump is insufficient 2 4 13 14 17
Pump stalls after it has been put into operation 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11
The power consumption of the pump is higher than
12 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 32 38 39
The power consumption of the pump is lower than normal 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 28 29
Mechanical seal has to be replaced too often 23 25 26 30 32 33 36

Pump vibrates or makes noise 1 9 10 11 15 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 37 38

39 40
Bearings wear too soon or get hot 23 24 25 26 27 37 38 39 40 42
Pump runs with difficulty, gets hot or gets stuck 23 24 25 26 27 37 38 39 40 42

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Cause of failures 21
Possible causes
1 Pump or suction pipe not sufficiently filled or de-aerated
2 Gas or air coming from the liquid
3 Air lock in the suction pipe
4 Suction pipe leaks air
8 The manometric suction head is too high.
9 Suction pipe or suction strainer is blocked.
10 Insuffiecient immersion of foot valve or suction pipe during operation of the pump.
11 NPSH available too low.
12 Speed too high.
13 Speed too low.
14 Wrong sense of rotation.
15 Pump doesn’t work at the right duty point.
16 Liquid density differs from the calculated liquid density.
17 Liquid viscosity differs from the calculated liquid viscosity.
18 Pump works when the liquid flow is too low.
19 Wrong pump selection.
20 Obstruction in impeller or pump housing.
21 Obstruction in the piping.
22 Wrong installation of the pump unit.
23 Pump and motor not well aligned.
24 Rotating part running out of true.
25 Imbalance in rotating parts (for instance impeller, stub shaft)
26 Pump shaft is running out of true.
27 Bearings faulty or worn out.
28 Sealing ring faulty or worn out.
29 Damaged impeller.
30 Running surfaces of the mechanical seal are worn out or damaged.
32 Bad mounting of the mechanical seal.
33 Mechanical seal not suitable for the operation liquid or operation circumstances.
36 The flushing liquid to the mechanical seal is polluted.
37 Axial retaining of impeller or pump shaft is defective.
38 The bearings have been mounted wrongly.
39 Too much or too little bearing lubrication.
40 Wrong or polluted lubricant.
42 Too high axial force because of worn dorsal blades or excessive inlet pressure.

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22 Cause of failures

7 Disassembly and assembly

7.1 Precautionary measures

Take adequate measures to avoid that the motor is started while you are
working on the pump. This is especially important for electric motors with
remote control:
• Switch the operating switch near the pump (if available) to "off".
• Switch off the pump switch on the switchboard.
• If necessary remove the fuses.
• Hang a danger board near the switchboard cabinet.

7.2 Tools
For assembly and disassembly no special tools are required. However: special
tools can make certain jobs easier, like replacing a mechanical seal. When this is
the case it will be stated in the instructions.

7.3 Liquid draining

! Make sure no liquid gets into the environment!

Before starting any disassembly the pump should be drained by removing the drain
plug (0310). If necessary, close the valves in the suction and delivery pipe. Take
the following precautions if harmful liquids are pumped:
1 Wear protective gloves, shoes, glasses, etc.
2 Flush the pump properly.
3 Then put the draining plug back.

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Disassembly and assembly 23

7.4 Disassembly
7.4.1 Back Pull Out system
CombiBloc pumps have a Back Pull Out system. The entire rotating part can be
removed together with the motor. This means that almost the whole pump can be
demounted without having to detach the suction and delivery piping.
7.4.2 Disassembly Back Pull Out unit

figure 3 Disassembly of Back Pull Out unit.

1 Open the terminal box and loosen the wires.

2 If the electric motor has been mounted on a separate foundation, loosen the
electric motor.
3 Remove the allen screws (0800).
! NEVER start dismantling by loosening the motor bolts (0850) and nuts (0900).
This may result in irrepairable damage to the shaft seal and the impeller!
4 Pull the motor together with the entire lantern out of the pump casing. The Back
Pull Out unit of big pumps is heavy. Support it for instance with a beam, or use
a pulley.
7.4.3 Assembly Back Pull Out unit
1 Mount a new pump casing packing (0300).
2 Mount the complete lantern with motor back into the pump casing. Fit the Allen
screws (0800) and tighten them crosswise with the proper tighting moment, see
paragraph 10.2.

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24 Disassembly and assembly


7.5 Replacement of impeller and casing wear ring

The play between the impeller and the casing wear ring is 0,3 mm to the diameter
at delivery. In case the play has increased to 0,5-0,7 mm due to wearing, the
impeller and the casing wear ring should be replaced.

figure 4 Disassembly of impeller.

7.5.1 Disassembly of the impeller

The item numbers used are referring to figure 4
1 Remove the Back Pull Out unit.
2 Remove the impeller cap nut (1820), spring washer (1825) and washer (1830).
Sometimes the nut has to be heated to break the Loctite-contact.
3 Remove the impeller (0120) with a pulley puller (or by inserting for instance 2
big screwdrivers between the impeller and the pump cover (0110).
4 Remove the impeller key (1860).
7.5.2 Assembly of the impeller
1 Place the impeller key in the key way of the pump shaft.
2 Push the impeller onto the pump shaft against the spacer (1100)(CB 200-160:
against the shaft shoulder).
3 Degrease the thread on the pump shaft and the thread in the impeller nut.
4 Put a drop of Loctite 243 on the thread and mount the impeller nut with spring
washer and washer. For the tightening moment of the nut please refer to the
table in paragraph 10.2.
5 Mount the Back Pull Out unit.

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Disassembly and assembly 25

7.5.3 Disassembly of the casing wear ring
This concerns CB 32-250/ 80-200/ 100-160 /100-200 / 150-160/150-200 and all R6
(=stainless steel) versions.

b d


figure 5 Disassembly of casing wear ring.

After removing the Back Pull Out unit the casing wear ring can be removed. In
most cases this ring is fixed so tightly that it cannot be removed undamaged.
1 Measure the thickness (d) and the width (b) of the ring, see figure 5A.
2 Make a centre hole in the middle of the edge of the ring at two opposite points,
see figure 5B.
3 Use a drill with a diameter just a little bit smaller than the thickness (d) of the
ring and drill two holes in the ring, see figure 5C. Don’t drill deeper than the
width (d) of the ring. Take care not to damage the fitting edge of the pump
4 Use a chisel to cut the remaining part of the ring thickness. Now you can
remove the ring in two parts from the pump casing, see figure 5D.
5 Clean the pump casing and carefully remove all bore dust and metal splinters.
7.5.4 Assembly of the casing wear ring
1 Clean and degrease the fitting edge of the pump casing where the casing wear
ring is to be mounted.
2 Degrease the outer edge of the casing wear ring and put a few drops of Loctite
641 on it.
3 Mount the casing wear ring in the pump casing. Take care it is not pushed out
of alignment!

(CB/EN #E)

26 Disassembly and assembly


7.6 Mechanical seal

7.6.1 Instructions for mounting a mechanical seal
² First read the following instructions regarding the mounting of a mechanical seal.
Follow these instructions closely when mounting a mechanical seal.
• Leave the assembly of a mechanical seal with PTFE (Teflon) covered
O-rings to a specialist. These rings are easily damaged during assembly.
• A mechanical seal is a fragile precision instrument. Leave the seal in its original
packing until you are ready to mount it!
• Clean all receiving parts properly. Make sure your hands and working
environment are clean!
• Never touch the sliding surfaces with ones fingers!
• Take care not to damage the seal during assembly. Never put the rings down on
their sliding surfaces!
² Special tools:
Mounting the shaft seal unit is easier when you use a special tapered mounting
bush. That way, the sharp shaft edges are covered so that the risk of damaging the
seal during assembly is reduced. See figure 6.

figure 6 Assembly of mechanical seal by means of a special mounting sleeve.

(CB/EN #E)

Disassembly and assembly 27

7.6.2 Disassembly of the mechanical seal
The item numbers used are referring to figure 7 and figure 8.

figure 7 Disassembly of mechanical seal.

1 Remove the impeller, see 7.5.1.

2 (Only for CB 200-160: Loosen the set screws (1260), see figure 11).
3 Pull the distance sleeve (1100) (CB 200-160: spacer sleeve (1200)) and the
rotating part of the shaft seal (1220) off the shaft.
4 Mark the position of the pump cover (0110) in relation to the lantern (0250).
Knock the pump cover loose and remove it.
5 Push the counter-ring of the shaft seal out of the pump cover.

(CB/EN #E)

28 Disassembly and assembly


7.6.3 Assembly of the mechanical seal

1 Make sure the stub shaft (2200) is not damaged. If it is, replace it.
2 Place the electric motor with the shaft upright.
3 Put the pump cover down flat and press the counter-ring of the seal straight into
it. If necessary, use a plastic pressure piece. Never hammer it inside! The
maximum axial turn of the counter-ring is 0,1 mm.
4 Mount the pump cover in the right position in the collar of the lantern. Check
whether the pump cover is at right angles to the pump shaft.
5 Push the rotating part of the shaft seal and the distance sleeve (1100) (CB
200-160: spacer sleeve (1200)) onto the stub shaft.
Put some glycerine or silicon spray on the bellows to prevent it from
rolling on the shaft sleeve.
6 CB 200-160: Set the distance between the spacer sleeve and the shaft shoulder
at 44 mm. Then fix the spacer sleeve by means of set screw (1260). See figure
7 Mount the impeller and the other parts, see 7.5.2.

figure 8 Adjusting the mechanical seal of CB 200-160.

(CB/EN #E)

Disassembly and assembly 29

7.7 Replacing the stub shaft and the motor

figure 9 Assembly of stub shaft.

The item numbers used are referring to figure 9.

7.7.1 Disassembly of the stub shaft and the motor
1 Remove the impeller and the shaft seal, see 7.5.1 and 7.6.2.
2 Loosen the bolts (0850) and nuts (0900) and remove the lantern (0250) from the
3 Remove both the protective caps (0270).
4 Loosen the set screws (2280) and pull the stub shaft (2200) from the motor
7.7.2 Assembly of stub shaft and the motor
1 For electric motors with IEC-size 80 upto and including 112M: remove the key
from the motor shaft.
2 Put the motor in vertical position, shaft end up. Slide the stub shaft (2200) over
the motor shaft. Don’t fix the stub shaft yet.
3 For electric motors with IEC size 80 upto and including 112M: make sure the
set screws (2280) are positioned over the key way in the motor shaft.
4 Place shims between the lantern and the motor flange and mount the lantern
(0250) to the electric motor. See the following table for the proper thickness of
the shims.
Pump type shim thickness
32-125 R6 (stainless steel) 2 mm
32-160 R6 (stainless steel) 2,5 mm
40-125 R6 (stainless steel) 3,5 mm
all other types 0,5 mm
5 Then mount the pump cover (0110), the shaft seal (1200) and the impeller

(CB/EN #E)

30 Disassembly and assembly


6 Push the impeller over the motor shaft until the back blades lie against the
pump cover.
7 Secure the stub shaft on the motor shaft with the set screws (2280).
8 Slightly loosen the fastening bolts (0850) of the electric motor and remove the
9 Tighten the fastening bolts (0850) of the electric motor crossways with the
prescribed tightening moment, see chapter 10.2.
10 Mount the pump casing and the protective caps (0270).

(CB/EN #E)

Disassembly and assembly 31

(CB/EN #E)

32 Disassembly and assembly


8 Dimensions and weights

figure 10 Dimensions.

8.1 Foot dimensions

IEC dc IEC dc ds vm vn vo vp vr vs
80 80 132S 132 150 202 140 47 216 255 12
90S 90 132M 132 150 240 178 47 216 255 12
90L 90 160M 160 175 270 210 60 254 314 15
100L 100 160L 160 175 314 254 60 254 314 15
112M 112 180M 180 175 300 241 65 279 346 15
180L 180 175 338 279 65 279 346 15
200L 200 200 385 305 80 318 398 19
225S 225 200 370 286 85 356 441 19
225M 225 200 370 311 85 356 441 19
250M 250 275 439 349 90 406 496 24
280S 280 275 454 368 100 457 557 24
280M 280 275 520 419 100 457 557 24

(CB/EN #E)

Dimensions and weights 33

8.2 Dimensions CombiBloc G1, G2 en B2 (cast iron or bronze)
CB aa* ab* db tu va vb vc vd ve vf vj zb zh
32-125 50 32 112 100 100 140 190 14 70 10 50 80 140
32-160 50 32 132 100 100 190 240 14 70 12 50 80 160
32-200 50 32 160 100 100 190 240 14 70 12 50 80 180
32-250 50 32 180 100 125 250 320 14 95 14 65 100 225
40-125 65 40 112 100 100 160 210 14 70 10 50 80 140
40-160 65 40 132 100 100 190 240 14 70 12 50 80 160
40-200 65 40 160 100 100 212 265 14 70 12 50 100 180
40-250 65 40 180 100 125 250 320 14 95 14 65 100 225
50-125 65 50 132 100 100 190 240 14 70 10 50 100 140
50-160 65 50 160 100 100 212 265 14 70 12 50 100 160
50-200 65 50 160 100 100 212 265 14 70 12 50 100 180
50-250 65 50 180 100 125 250 320 14 95 14 65 100 225
65-125 80 65 160 100 125 212 280 14 95 10 65 100 180
65-160 80 65 160 100 125 212 280 14 95 12 65 100 200
65-200 80 65 180 140 125 250 320 14 95 14 65 100 225
65-250 80 65 200 140 160 280 360 18 120 14 80 100 250
80-160 100 80 180 140 125 250 320 14 95 14 65 125 225
80-200 100 80 180 140 125 280 345 14 95 14 65 125 250
80-250 100 80 200 140 160 315 400 18 120 15 80 125 280
100-125 100 100 180 100 125 250 320 14 95 14 65 125 250
100-160 125 100 200 100 160 280 360 18 120 15 80 125 315
100-200 125 100 200 140 160 280 360 18 120 15 80 125 280
100-250 125 100 225 140 160 315 400 18 120 16 80 125 280
125-125 125 125 225 100 125 250 320 14 95 14 65 140 300
125-250 150 125 250 140 160 315 400 18 120 18 80 140 355
125-315 150 125 280 140 200 400 500 23 150 20 100 140 355
150-125 150 150 280 140 160 315 400 18 120 18 80 160 400
150-160 150 150 250 100 160 315 400 18 120 18 80 160 315
150-200 150 150 250 140 160 315 400 18 120 18 80 160 315
150-250 200 150 280 140 200 400 500 23 150 20 100 160 400
200-160 200 200 280 140 200 400 500 23 150 22 100 200 400
200-200 200 200 280 100 200 400 500 23 150 22 100 200 400
250-200 250 250 315 140 200 450 550 23 150 22 100 200 450

* 32-... - 150-...ISO 7005 PN 16 ≅DIN 2533

* 200-... ISO 7005 PN 10 ≅DIN 2532

(CB/EN #E)

34 Dimensions and weights


IEC electric motor

CB 80 90S 90L 100L 112M 132S 132M 160M 160L 180M 180L 200L 225S 225M 250M 280S 280M

32-125 453 467 487 566 601
32-160 453 467 487 566 601 658
32-200 453 467 487 566 601 658 769
32-250 473 487 507 586 621 678 789 839
40-125 453 467 487 566 601 658
40-160 453 467 487 566 601 658 769
40-200 473 487 507 586 621 678 789
40-250 473 487 507 586 621 678 789 839 865
50-125 473 487 507 586 621 678 789
50-160 473 487 507 586 621 678 789
50-200 473 487 507 586 621 678 789 839 865 999
50-250 473 487 507 586 621 678 789 839 865 1019
65-125 473 487 507 586 621 678 789
65-160 473 487 507 586 621 678 789 839 865 999
65-200 473 487 507 586 621 678 789 839 865 999
65-250 502 522 601 636 693 731 804 854 880 900 1034 1045
80-160 512 532 611 646 703 814 864 890 1024
80-200 528 548 627 662 719 757 830 880 906 1040 1071 1118 1136
80-250 527 547 626 661 718 756 829 879 1059 1070 1137 1155
100-125 498 512 532 611 703 814
100-160 548 627 662 719 830 880 906 1040
100-200 627 662 719 757 830 880 906 1040 1071 1118 1136
100-250 641 676 733 771 844 894 920 1074 1085 1152 1170 1255
125-125 547 626 661 718 829
125-250 641 676 733 771 844 894 920 940 1074
125-315 726 726 861 861 943 981 1049
150-125 646 681 738
150-160 662 697 754 792 941 1075 1106 1153
150-200 697 754 792 865 915
150-250 732 732 867 867 949 987
200-160 794 832 905
200-200 793 831 904 954 980 1000 1134
250-200 772 772 907 907 989 1027

(CB/EN #E)

Dimensions and weights 35

IEC electric motor
CB 132S 132M 160M 160L 180M 180L 200L 225S 225M 250M 280S 280M

32-160 229
32-200 229 278
32-250 217 266 266
40-125 229 278
40-160 229 278
40-200 229 278
40-250 217 266 266 279
50-125 229 278
50-160 229 278
50-200 229 278 278 291 303
50-250 217 266 266 279 311
65-125 217 266
65-160 217 266 266 279 291
65-200 217 266 266 279 291
65-250 219 219 268 268 281 281 313 339
80-160 217 266 266 279 291
80-200 232 232 281 281 294 306 352 371 393
80-250 219 219 268 268 313 339 378 400
100-125 217 266 266
100-160 220 269 269 282 294
100-200 220 220 269 269 282 294 340 359 381
100-250 219 219 268 268 281 313 339 378 400 400
125-125 217 266
125-250 216 216 265 265 278 278 310
125-315 225 225 275 275 288 288 300
150-125 204
150-160 220 220 282 294 340 359
150-200 220 220 269 269
150-250 212 212 261 261 274 274
200-160 205 205 254
200-200 204 204 253 253 266 266 298
250-200 212 212 261 261 274 274

(CB/EN #E)

36 Dimensions and weights


8.3 Dimensions CombiBloc R6 (stainless steel)

CB aa* ab* db tu va vb vc vd ve vf vj zb zh

32-125 50 32 112 100 100 140 190 14 70 14 50 80 140

32-160 50 32 132 100 100 190 240 14 70 14 50 80 160

32-200 50 32 160 100 100 190 240 14 70 14 50 80 180

32-250 50 32 180 100 125 250 320 14 95 16 65 100 225

40-125 65 40 112 100 100 160 210 14 70 14 50 80 140

40-160 65 40 132 100 100 190 240 14 70 14 50 80 160

40-200 65 40 160 100 100 212 265 14 70 14 50 100 180

40-250 65 40 180 100 125 250 320 14 95 16 65 100 225

50-125 80 50 132 100 100 190 240 14 70 12 50 100 160

50-160 80 50 160 100 100 212 265 14 70 14 50 100 180

50-200 80 50 160 100 100 212 265 14 70 14 50 100 200

50-250 80 50 180 100 125 250 320 14 95 16 65 125 225

65-125 100 65 160 100 125 212 280 14 95 12 65 100 180

65-160 100 65 160 100 125 212 280 14 95 14 65 100 200

65-200 100 65 180 140 125 250 320 14 95 16 65 100 225

65-250 100 65 200 140 160 280 360 18 120 14 80 125 250

80-160 125 80 180 140 125 250 320 14 95 16 65 125 225

80-200 125 80 180 140 125 280 345 14 95 16 65 125 250

80-250 125 80 225 140 160 315 400 18 120 18 80 125 280

100-200 125 100 200 140 160 280 360 18 120 15 80 125 280

100-250 125 100 225 140 160 315 400 18 120 16 80 140 280

125-250 150 125 250 140 160 315 400 18 120 28 80 140 355

* ISO 7005 PN 16 ≅DIN 2543

(CB/EN #E)

Dimensions and weights 37

IEC electric motor
CB 80 90S 90L 100L 112M 132S 132M 160M 160L 180M 180L 200L 225S 225M 250M 280S 280M

32-125 453 467 487 566 601
32-160 453 467 487 566 601 658
32-200 453 467 487 566 601 658 769
32-250 473 487 507 586 621 789 839 865 1019
40-125 453 467 487 566 601 658
40-160 453 467 487 566 601 658 769
40-200 473 487 507 586 621 678 789
40-250 473 487 507 586 621 678 789 839 865 1019
50-125 473 487 507 586 621 678 789
50-160 473 487 507 586 621 678 789
50-200 473 487 507 586 621 678 789 839 865 999
50-250 498 512 532 611 646 703 814 864 890 1044 1055
65-125 473 487 507 586 621 678
65-160 483 497 517 596 631 688 799 849 875 1009
65-200 483 497 517 596 631 688 799 849 875 1009
65-250 527 547 626 661 718 756 829 879 905 925 1059 1070
80-160 522 542 621 656 713 824 874 900 1034
80-200 528 548 627 662 719 757 830 880 906 926 1040 1071 1071 1118 1136 1221
80-250 527 547 626 661 718 756 829 879 905 925 1059 1070 1070 1137 1155 1240
100-200 642 677 734 772 845 895 921 1055 1086 1133 1151
100-250 641 676 733 771 844 894 920 1074 1085 1152 1170 1255
125-250 641 676 733 771 844 894 920 940 1074

(CB/EN #E)

38 Dimensions and weights


IEC electric motor

CB 132S 132M 160M 160L 180M 180L 200L 225S 225M 250M 280S 280M

32-160 229
32-200 229 278
32-250 266 266 279 311
40-125 229
40-160 229 278
40-200 229 278
40-250 217 266 266 279 311
50-125 229 278
50-160 229 278
50-200 229 278 278 291 303
50-250 217 266 266 279 311 337
65-125 217
65-160 227 276 276 289 301
65-200 227 276 276 289 301
65-250 219 219 268 268 281 281 313 339
80-160 227 276 276 289 301
80-200 232 232 281 281 294 294 306 352 371 393 393
80-250 219 219 268 268 281 281 313 339 378 400 400
100-200 220 220 269 269 282 294 340 359 381
100-250 219 219 268 268 281 313 339 378 400 400
125-250 202 202 251 251 264 264 296

(CB/EN #E)

Dimensions and weights 39

8.4 Weights
Weight [kg] without electric motor
IEC electric motor
80/90S/90L 100L/112M 132S/M 160M/L 180M/L 200L 225S/M 250M 280S/M
32-125 27,5 27,5
32-160 31 31 32,5
32-200 38,5 40 41 43,5
32-250 54,5 54,5 55,5 57,5 57,5 62,5
40-125 26 26 28,5
40-160 32 32 33,5 36,5
40-200 40,5 42 43 45,5
40-250 55,5 55,5 56,5 58,5 58,5 63,5
50-125 27 27 29,5 37
50-160 34,5 34,5 35,5 38,5
50-200 40,5 41,5 43 45,5 45,5 50
50-250 53,5 53,5 54,5 56,5 56,5 61,5 62,5
65-125 33 33 35,5 43
65-160 38,5 38,5 40 43 43 46,5
65-200 46 47 48,5 51 51 55,5
65-250 59 59 60 62 62 67 68
80-160 46,5 46,5 47,5 50,5 50,5 54
80-200 58,5 60 61 63,5 63,5 68 68 75 75
80-250 67,5 67 68,5 70,5 70,5 75,5 76,5 82,5 82,5
100-125 52,5 52,5 54 57 57 60,5
100-160 71,5 72,5 74 76,5 76,5 81 81 88 88
100-200 71 72 73,5 76 76 80,5 80,5 87,5 87,5
100-250 87,5 87,5 88,5 90,5 90,5 95,5 96,5 102,5 102,5
125-125 62,5 62,5 64 67 67
125-250 108,5 108 109,5 111,5 111,5 116,5
150-125 105 106 107,5
150-160 86,5 87,5 89 91,5 91,5 96 96 103
150-200 87 88 89,5 92 92
200-160 144 145 145,5 149
200-200 141 141 142 144 144 149 150

(CB/EN #E)

40 Dimensions and weights


9 Parts

9.1 Ordering parts and spare parts

9.1.1 Order form
You can use the order form included in this manual for ordering parts.
You must always state the following on the order:
1 Your address information.
2 The quantity, the item number and the description of the part.
3 The pump number.
4 In the event of different voltages for the electric motor you should state the
correct voltage.
9.1.2 Pump number
When ordering parts for a pump, please quote the pump reference number on your
You can find the pump number on the type plate on the pump and on the label
on the first page of these operating instructions.
9.1.3 Recommended spare parts
Parts marked with a * are recommended spare parts.

(CB/EN #E)

Parts 41
9.2 Sectional drawing

figure 11 Sectional drawing pump.

(CB/EN #E)

42 Parts

9.3 Parts list

Item Number Description
G1 G2 B2 R6
0100 1 pump casing cast iron bronze
0110 1 pump cover cast iron bronze
0120* 1 impeller cast iron bronze bronze
0130* 1 casing wear ring cast iron bronze bronze
0250 1 lantern piece cast iron
0270 2 protecting guard aluminium
0300* 1 gasket --
0310 1 plug steel
0320 1 plug steel
0800 ** Allen screw steel
0810 12 washer steel
0850 4 bolt steel
0900 4 nut steel
1100 1 distance sleeve stainless steel
1200 1 spacer sleeve stainless steel
1220* 1 mechanical seal --
1260 1 set screw stainless steel
1390 1 O-ring rubber
1820* 1 impeller nut stainless steel
1825* 1 spring washer stainless steel
1830* 1 washer stainless steel
1860* 1 impeller key stainless steel
2200* 1 stub shaft stainless steel
2210 1 coupling key steel
2280* 2 set screw stainless steel
2400 1 nameplate stainless steel
2410 1 arrow plate aluminium = stainless steel

** Number dependent on pump type 4, 8, or 12
Item 0130: not for pumps in cast iron and bronze (G1, G2 and B2), except
CB 32-250, CB 65-200, CB 80-200, CB 80-250, CB 100-160, CB 100-200,
CB 100-250, CB 125-250, CB 150-160, CB 150-200 and CB 200-200.
Item 0810: only for CB 200-200.
Items 1200 and 1260: only for CB 200-160.

(CB/EN #E)

Parts 43
9.4 Sectional drawing shaft sealing CB 200-160

figure 12 Sectional drawing mechanical seal CB 200-160.

(CB/EN #E)

44 Parts

10 Technical data

10.1 Recommended locking liquids

Part Locking liquid

Impeller nut Loctite 243
Casing wear ring Loctite 641

10.2 Tightening moments

10.2.1 Tightening moments for bolts and nuts

Thread Tightening moment [Nm]

Material 8.8 A2, A4
M6 9 6
M8 20 14
M10 40 25
M12 69 43
M16 168 105

10.2.2 Tightening moments for impeller nut

Size Tightening moment [Nm]

M12 (bearing bracket 1) 43
M16 (bearing bracket 2) 105
M24 (bearing bracket 3) 220

(CB/EN #E)

Technical data 45
10.3 Maximum allowable speed
Max. speed [min-1]
CB G1 G2 B2 R6
(cast iron/bronze pump) (stainless steel pump)
32-125 3600 3600
32-160 3600 3600
32-200 3600 3600
32-250 3000 3000
40-125 3600 3600
40-160 3600 3600
40-200 3600 3600
40-250 3000 3000
50-125 3600 3600
50-160 3600 3600
50-200 3600 3600
50-250 3000 3000
65-125 3600 3600
65-160 3600 3600
65-200 3600 3600
65-250 3000 3000
80-160 3600 3600
80-200 3600 3600
80-250 3000 3000
100-125 3600 -
100-160 3600 -
100-200 3000 1800
100-250 3000 1800
125-125 1800 -
125-250 1800 1800
125-315 1800 -
150-125 1800 -
150-160 1800 -
150-200 1800 -
150-250 1800 -
200-160 1800 -
200-200 1800 -
250-200 1800 -

(CB/EN #E)

46 Technical data

10.4 Survey curves

10.4.1 Cast iron/bronze pump

figure 13 Survey curve 3000 min-1 (G1, G2, B2).

figure 14 Survey curve 1500 min-1 (G1, G2, B2).

(CB/EN #E)

Technical data 47
figure 15 Survey curve 3600 min-1 (G1, G2, B2).

figure 16 Survey curve 1800 min-1 (G1, G2, B2).

(CB/EN #E)

48 Technical data

10.4.2 Stainless steel pump

figure 17 Survey curve 3000 min-1 (R6).

figure 18 Survey curve 1500 min-1 (R6).

(CB/EN #E)

Technical data 49
figure 19 Survey curve 3600 min-1 (R6).

figure 20 Survey curve 1800 min-1 (R6).

(CB/EN #E)

50 Technical data

10.5 Noise data

10.5.1 Noise as a function of pump power

figure 21 Noise level as function of pump power [kW] at 1450 min-1.

figure 22 Noise level as function of pump power [kW] at 2900 min-1.

(CB/EN #E)

Technical data 51
10.5.2 Noise level

L [dB]

|L1 - L2| [dB]

figure 23 Noise level entire pump unit.

To determine the noise level of the entire set the noise level of the motor must be
added to the noise level of the pump. This can simply be done by means of the
graph printed above.
1 Determine the noise level of the pump (L1, see graph) and the motor (L2).
2 Calculate the absolute difference between both levels |L1 - L2|.
3 Find this value on the X-axis.
4 Go straight up to the curve.
5 Go left to the Y-axis.
6 Read the value on this Y-axis.
7 Add this value to the highest noise level (L1 or L2).

1. Pump 75 dB; motor 78 dB
2. |75 - 78| = 3 dB
3. 3 dB on X-axis = 1,75 dB on Y-axis
4. Highest noise level + 1,75 dB = 78 + 1,75 = 79,75 dB

(CB/EN #E)

52 Technical data


Application area 13 Failures
Applications 12 causes 21, 22
Assembly Faults 20
casing wear ring 26
impeller 25
Guarantee 8
Back Pull Out system 24
Back Pull Out unit
assembly 24 Impeller
disassembly 24 replacement 25
delivered items 8
C Installation 15, 16
Casing wear ring pump set 15
replacement 25
Commissioning 17, 18
Bearing 12 Lifting 9
Design 12 Liquid
Materials 12 draining 23
Shaft sealing 12
Control 18 M
electric motor 17
pump 17 Mechanical seal 27
assembly 29
disassembly 28
D instructions for mounting 27
Dimensions 9 Motor
cast iron or bronze pump 34 assembly 30
foot 33 disassembly 30
stainless steel pump 37 Mounting
Disassembly accessories 16
casing wear ring 26
impeller 25 N
Noise 18, 19
E as a function of pump power 51
Electric motor Noise data 51
connection 16 Noise level 52

(CB/EN #E)

Index 53
pallets 9
Preservation 15
Pump description 11

Re-use 13
Recommended locking liquids 45
motor 30

Safety 15
Scrapping 13
Sense of rotation 17
Special tools 27
Starting the pump 17
Storage 9
Stub shaft
assembly 30
disassembly 30
replacing 30
Survey curves 47

Tightening moments
for bolts and nuts 45
for impeller nut 45
Tools 23
Type code 11

weight 9
Weights 40
Working switch 16

(CB/EN #E)

54 Index
Order form for spare parts


Your order will only be dealt with if this order form has been correctly completed and signed.

Order date:

Your order number:



Quantity Pos.Nr Part Article number pump

Delivery address: Invoicing address:

Ordered by: Signature: Telephone:

Johnson Pump Group

Parent Company FINLAND NORWAY Business Units

Johnson Pump Oy Johnson Pump A/S
Tel. +358 (0)9 348 3800 Tel. +47 22 74 08 40
Johnson Pump AB Fax +358 (0)9 348 38495 Fax +47 22 28 03 30 Johnson Pump Brussels N.V.
Tel. +46 (0)19 21 83 00 Tel. +32 (0)53 60 27 15
Fax +46 (0)19 27 23 30 FRANCE SPAIN Fax +32 (0)53 60 27 01
Johnson Pompes Johnson Pump España, S.L.
Tel. +33 (0)1 39 20 50 00 INDIA
Tel. +34 972 58 08 01
National Sales Fax +33 (0)1 39 56 54 22 Fax +34 972 58 08 03 Johnson Pump (India) Ltd.
Organisations Sales Office: Tel. +91 (0)79 287 03 11
GERMANY Madrid: Tel. +34 91 888 79 22 Fax +91 (0)79 287 25 22
AUSTRALIA Johnson Pumpen GmbH
Johnson Pump (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Tel. +49 (0)5731 480 80 SWEDEN NETHERLANDS
Tel. +61 (0)7 3899 9933 Fax +49 (0)5731 414 00 Johnson Pump Svenska Johnson Pump Water B.V.
Fax +61 (0)7 3899 8574 Tel. +46 (0)19 21 83 70 Tel. +31 (0)592 37 67 67
ITALY Fax +46 (0)19 27 23 18 Fax +31 (0)592 37 67 60
Johnson Pump Italiana S.r.l.
Tel. +39 039 604 14 63
Belgium: Fax +39 039 604 90 97 Johnson Pumpen AG Johnson Pump AB
Tel. +32 (0)2 422 15 50 Tel. +41 (0)43 477 71 22 Tel. +46 (0)19 21 83 00
Fax +32 (0)2 422 15 59 NETHERLANDS Fax +41 (0)43 477 71 20 Fax +46 (0) 19 27 23 72
the Netherlands: Centrifugal Pumps.
Tel. +31 (0)592 34 28 33 Positive Displacement Pumps, UNITED KINGDOM USA
Fax +31 (0)592 40 93 51 contact Belgium. Johnson Pumps of America, Inc.
JP Pumps Ltd.
Johnson Pump B.V. Tel. +44 (0)1293 55 34 95 Tel. +1 847 671 7867
DENMARK Tel. +31 (0)592 37 67 67 Fax +1 847 671 7909
Fax +44 (0)1293 52 46 35
Johnson Pumper A/S Fax +31 (0)592 37 67 60
Northern Regional Office:
Tel. +45 43 52 24 00 Johnson Pump Horticulture: Bradford: Tel. +44 (0)1274 74 22 47
Fax +45 43 52 15 77 Tel. +31 (0)174 51 84 10 Fax +44 (0)1274 74 22 28
Fax +31 (0)174 51 84 44

Johnson Pump Water B.V.

Dr. A.F. Philipsweg 51, P.O. Box 9, 9400 AA Assen, The Netherlands. Tel. +31 (0)592-37 67 67. Fax +31 (0)592-37 67 60
E-mail: [email protected]

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