103 CRT System User Manual

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MXCRT System User Manual Rev1.

CRT System User Manual

MINIMAX(Beijing) Fire Fighting System Co.Ltd

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MXCRT System User Manual Rev1.1

1. Introduction.................................................................................................................... 3

2. Running Environment ................................................................................................... 3

3. User Operation Mode .................................................................................................... 4

3.1 User Login and Logout....................................................................................................... 4

3.2 Display Window.................................................................................................................... 5

3.2.1 Information Display and Counting ........................................................................... 5

3.2.2 Ichnography device information bar ........................................................................ 6

3.2.3 Ichnography directory tree ........................................................................................ 7

3.2.4 Ichnography Display Bar ........................................................................................... 8

3.2.5 Icon Description.......................................................................................................... 8

3.2.6 Information Popup Window ...................................................................................... 9

3.2.7 Detector Information Dialog .................................................................................... 10

3.3 Parameter Setup Dialog...................................................................................................... 11

3.3.1 User Mode and Admin Mode.................................................................................. 11

3.3.2 Communicaiton Setup,History Record and Autoprint ......................................... 14

3.3.3 Color of Alarm Information Setup .......................................................................... 14

3.3.4 Ichnography Auto Switch Setup ............................................................................. 14

3.4 History Record Operation Dialog ....................................................................................... 15

4. Admin configuration mode ........................................................................................ 17

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1. Introduction
MXCRT System released by MINIMAX(Beijing) Fire Fighting System
Co.Ltd can display the information collected from the fire control center
in the form of a detecting point dynamic icon display on the ichnography.

In addition,it also include the function as following:

the ichnography popup function of information receiving bar ,the class
display function of information receiving bar, the automatic switching
function of ichnography ,the printing function of history record query,and
so on.

Thereby enabling the user to obtain the monitored fire equipment

information in an instant and accuraely

2. Running Environment
User must read this manual before hardware and software installation
and software operation, it is forbidden for outsiders or unauthorized user
to operate without authorization.

The resolution of the computer monitor should be set to 1440*900 for

best display.

The fire control center is connected to the PC via RS232 cable. One end
of the RS232 cable is connected to the SIO module of the fire control
center, and the other end is connected to the COM serial port of the PC.
According to the requiremens of RS232 protocol,the length of the cable
should not exceed 15 meters,and has shielding function to ensure
stability data transmission.

All detecting points will be reset after the software is reinstalled,

Therefore ,after reinstallation, a hardware reset of the fire control center
is required to allow the software to receive the detecting point
information again.

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3. User Operation Mode

3.1 User Login and Logout
There are two types of login methods, one is general user login and the
other is administrator login.The difference between the two types is
described in Section 3.2.1.

User can logout by the corresponding password of the user name.

User Name:User

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3.2 Display Window

User Interface mainly includes the following four Parts:
- Information receiving bar, information count bar(Figure 1)
- Ichnography device information bar(Figure 2)
- User operation bar(Figure 3)
- Ichnography display bar(Figure 4)

3.2.1 Information Display and Counting

The information receiving bar will displays the information received from
the fire control center in text form, and the information content including
serial number,control panel number,group number,address ,information
type,information code ,date,time and so on.Information type include fire
alarm ,fault,shutoff,reset and other information.

The information counting bar mainly includes:fire alarm count,fault

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count,shutoff count,supervision count,other count.The count value is

updated synchronously with the fire control center,when the fire control
center hardware is reset the count value is automatically cleared.

When the information in the message receiving bar is clicked,the

ichnography where the alarm point is located is displayed in the
ichnography display bar.

The information in the message receiving bar can be set to display with
color classification.The fault is yellow,fire alarm is red,shutoff is
purple,and the reset is green.

3.2.2 Ichnography device information bar

The ichnography device information bar records the panel number,

group number ,address,and description of all devices in the displayed
ichnography,and displays the current device status by color.When the
user clicks on a device in the device information bar,an arrow will point
to the device in the ichnography display bar,which is convenient for the
customer to search for a device.

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3.2.3 Ichnography directory tree

User can display the corresponding ichnography by clicking the

ichnography name on the directory tree.

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3.2.4 Ichnography Display Bar

The user can display the corresponding ichnography in the ichnography

display bar by clicking on any node in the ichnography directory tree.
The ichnography shows the name of the ichnography, room name, and
the icon corresponding to the probe point. These icons indicate the
probe position, status, etc.

3.2.5 Icon Description

There are some kind of icons in this CRTsystem: ex-proof smoke

detector, smoke detector, ex-proof heat detecotr, heat detector, flame
detector, ex-proof flame detector, fire hydrant, ex-proof manual call point,
manual call point, manual release button, manual stop button, fire
horn,water-proof fire horn, flashing light, water-proof flashing light, fire
horn light, ex-proof fire horn light, linear heat detector, gas release light,
module box, fire damper, pressure switch, manual-auto switch, solenoid
valve ,alarm bell and so on.
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There are four kind of displaying status for detector:

- Green means normal status,
- Yellow means fault status,
- Purple means Shutoff status,
- Red means fire alarm status.
Ex-proof Smoke Manual Release
Smoke Detector Detector Button
Ex-Proof Heat Heat Manual Stop
Detector Detector Button
Ex-Proof Flame Flame Linear Heat
detector Detector Detector
Fire Manual Release Gas Release
Hydrant Button Light
Water-Proof Fire Horn Module Box
Fire Horn
Flashing Light Fire Damper
Flashing Light
Ex-Proof Fire Fire Horn Light Pressure Switch
Horn Light
Manual Auto Solenoid Valve Alarm Bell

3.2.6 Information Popup Window

When the user places the mouse over the detector icon,a window will
popup.The type of the detector, the panel number ,group
number ,address and status information are included in the window.

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3.2.7 Detector Information Dialog

User can also click on the icon to bring up the detector information dialog
to get the details of the detector.

When the system receives the alarm information,click on the icon to get
the Information dialog box to display the relevant information. Yellow
indicates fault information and red indicates fire alarm information. As
shown below.

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Module Box information Dialog

User can click on the module box icon to popup the module box
information dialog box, which lists the detector information included in
the module box. When the detector receives the alarm information will
be marked by color, red for fire alarm status,yellow for fault status,
purple for shutoff status.

3.3 Parameter Setup Dialog

User can click on the “Setup” button to enter the parameter setting
dialog. The parameter setting dialog box will be different depending on
the user login method.

3.3.1 User Mode and Admin Mode

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Parameter setting dialog for logging in as a general user is as follows

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User can enter the administrator mode by entering the administrator

password in the input box at the right of the dialog box.

Administrator Name:Admin

User can of course login directly as an administrator account when

logging in. In administrator mode, the user can switch back to user mode
by clicking the “User mode” button.

In administrator mode,the user can clear the historical database by

clicking the “Clear Histroy Record” button. Consider this button when
there is too much historical data and user want to receive it again.

User can restore the database to the initial state of the program just after
installation by clicking the“Recover Database” button.This action will
also clear the history database.

User can reset all detector states via the “Reset Detectors in
In administrator mode, user can change the login passwords for general
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users and administrators.

After recovering the database or reinstalling the software ,the login
passwords of users and administrator will be restored to the initial

3.3.2 Communicaiton Setup,History Record and Autoprint

User can see the setting information of the serial port of the computer in
the upper left part of the dialog box.

User can view and set the save path of the history.

User can choose whether to automatically print the alarm message.In

the Autoprint mode,each time 90 alarm message are received,one page
will be automatically printed.

3.3.3 Color of Alarm Information Setup

The user can tick the information color selection box to make the
background color in the information receiving bar display with the
corresponding color. The background color in the message receiving bar
is grayed before the information color box is ticked.

3.3.4 Ichnography Auto Switch Setup

User can tick the ichnography automatically switch the selection box so
that the information of the detecting point is displayed in the information
receiving bar, and the ichnography display bar is automatically switched
to the ichnography corresponding to the detecting point information. The
ichnography does not automatically switch when the information is
received in the information receiving bar before the automatic switching
of the ichnography is not ticked.

Due to the actual factors of fire protection, the software sets the
automatic switching function of the fire alarm ichnography to the highest
priority. When there is a fire alarm message at the detecting point, no
matter how the previous ichnography selection box is set, the
ichnography where the fire alarm information detecting point is displayed
will be displayed in the ichnography display bar.

When the user places the mouse on the detector icon to view the
automatic prompt information, or clicks the detector icon to view the
detector information dialog box, the automatic switching function of the
ichnography will be blocked until the above operation ends.

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3.4 History Record Operation Dialog

History operation interface is as shown in the figure, the operation of the

history record,including query ,screening ,print ,export,etc.

User can query the required history in the following three methods. The
three query methods can be used simultaneously or only one of them
can be used.

- Detector information selection

User can query all the history records of the detectors by entering the
panel number ,group number and address number of the detector. Or
only query records for a certain panel number or group number.

- Alarm record type selection

User can query according to the category of the information ,which is
divided into all types, fire alarm records,fault records,shutoff
records,other records,user reset.

- Alarm period selection

User can query history records within a certain time range.
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- History record printing

User can print out the query result by pressing the button“Print”.
- History record export
User can export the query results to text format by click the button
“Output”.The default storage path is “D:\CRT History Record”.This path
can be changed in the parameter setting dialog.

The file default file name is “HistroyRecord-YYYY_MM_DD-H_M_S”.

The following figure shows the exported history file format.Each history
record takes up two lines,and the second line is the specific content of
the alarm message.

- History is automatically saved and exported

Each time the stored history reaches 1000,the system will be
automatically export the first 100 history records to the “D:\CRT History
Record”path, the file name is “HistroyRecord-YYYY_MM_DD-H_M_S”
and clear the first 100 history record.

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4. Admin configuration mode

In user mode can enter the configuration mode by entering the configure
password in the input box at the right of the dialog box.

Configure Name:Admin
Password:current system time of the computer:MM-DD-HH-MM

User can of course login in directly in the configuration mode when

logging in.

In the configuration mode,the user can switch back to user mode by

clicking the “User mode” button.

In the configuration mode, the user can import the point table file sorted
in the specified format by clicking the "input table" button. All points in
the point table will be displayed in the initial position of the
corresponding ichnography according to the settings.

After importing the point table, the user must click on the “Init Table” to
initialize the imported points.

Check the “config” checkbox to enter the configuration operation mode.

In this mode, you can drag the point by holding down the left mouse
button to realize the layout function in the ichnography view.

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