Meli Training (Merged)

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(Local or Duration 1st Quarter

S.No Training Description

Foreign) (Days)
Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost
Wet and Fire Assay Training &
1 Foreign 7 0 350000 0
Exprience Sharing
Trouble Shooting On FAAS & Simple
2 FAAS Compartment Maintenance Local 15 2 52,000 110,000

Standard solution & sample Preparation &

3 Calculation and Recovery of Fire Assay Local 15 0 16000 0
& Required Parameters

Prepare Samples Free from Contamination

4 & Loss, Handling of Machine & Devices Local 15 2 12000 24000

Cleaning & Handling Lab

5 Local 7 1 6000 6000
Glasswears & Equipments
6 Instrumentatio & PLC Programming Foreign 7 0 350000 0

7 Hayrdaulic & Pneumatic Systems Local 5 0 37000 0

8 Compressor Maintenance Local 5 0 25000 0
9 Boiler Operation Local 5 0 18000 0
Instrumentatio, Automation &
10 Local 7 0 90000 0
11 Motor Winding Local 5 0 12000 0
12 Engine Maintenance Local 7 0 27000 0
Ore Grade Control Procedure 0 0
13 Foreign 7 350000
ኣብ ተመሳሳሊ ኩባንያ ስልጠናን ተሞክሮን
14 ምውሳድ Foreign 7 0 350000 0

Metallurgical Accounting and 7 0 350000 0

15 Foreign

16 ቀሊል ናይ ፅገና ናይ ምርመራን ስራሕቲ Meli 4 0 400 0

(Parameters control and trouble Meli 4 0 2000 0


18 Safe data recording and retriving A.A/Mekelle 7 0 10000 0

ተመኩሮ ኣብ CCR ኦፕሬት ዝገብራ A.A/Mekelle 7 0 10000 0

19 ኩባንያታት
Training about ISO 14001
20 10 1 112500 112500

Make research about impacts of heavy

21 metals and cyanide on the environment in 20 1 225000 225000
collaboration with Mekelle university.

TOTAL 7 477,500
2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total Remark
Total No of
Quantity Total Cost Quantity Total Cost Quantity Total Cost Cost
2 700,000 0 0 0 0 2 700,000 LAB

0 0 3 156,000 0 0 5 266,000 LAB

2 32000 0 0 2 32000 4 64000 LAB

2 24000 2 24000 2 24000 8 96000 LAB

1 6000 1 6000 1 6000 4 24000 LAB

2 700000 0 0 0 0 2 700000 Maint.

0 0 4 148000 4 148000 8 296,000 Maint.

4 100,000 0 0 0 0 4 100,000 Maint.

0 0 2 36,000 0 0 2 36,000 Maint.
0 0 6 540,000 0 0 6 540,000 Maint.
0 0 0 0 2 24000 2 24,000 Maint.
2 54,000 0 0 0 0 2 54,000 Maint.
0 0 2 700000 0 0 2 700000 Mining

4 1400000 0 0 0 0 4 1400000 Process


0 0 3 1050000 0 0 3 1050000 Division/Dep.

10 4000 0 0 0 0 10 4000 Junior OP

10 20000 0 0 0 0 10 20000 Senior OP

4 40000 4 40000 0 0 8 80000 Servil. OP

4 40000 4 40000 0 0 8 80000 CCR OP

1 112500 1 112500 1 112500 4 450000 Environment

1 225000 0 0 0 0 2 450000 Environment

49 3,457,500 32 2852500 12 346500 100 7,134,000

(Local or Duration 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter
Foreign) (Days) Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Quantity Total Cost

Foeign Training Foreign 0 350000 0 0 0

Hayrdulic &
Pneumatic Systems Local
2. 0 37000 0 0 0

3. Maintenance Local 0 25000 0 4 100,000

4. Boiler Operation Local 0 18000 0 0 0

5. Automation & 0 90000 0 0 0
6. Motor Winding Local 0 12000 0 0 0

7. Engine Maintenance Local 0 27000 0 2 54,000

Total 6 6 154,000
3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total
Total Cost
Quantity Total Cost Quantity Total Cost Quantity

0 0 2 700000 2 700,000

4 148000 4 148000 8 296,000

0 0 0 0 4 100,000

2 36,000 0 0 2 36,000

6 540,000 0 0 6 540,000

0 0 2 24000 2 24,000

0 0 0 0 2 54,000

8 724,000 6 872,000 26 1,750,000

ዓይነት በዝሒ ስልጠና በዝሒ ዘድሊ በጀት ዘድሊ በጀት ዝፍፀመሉ ርብዒ ዓመት
ተ.ቑ ዝበሃወሉ
ስልጠና ሰልጠንቲ መዓልቲ ንሓደ ጠቕላላ
ቦታ 1ይ ርዓ 2ይ ርዓ 3ይ ርዓ

1. Control 2 Foreign 7 350000 700,000 0 0 2

ድምር ንስልጠና ዘድሊ በጀት 700,000 700,000

ርብዒ ዓመት

4ይ ርዓ

ዘድሊ ስልጠና ዝስልጥን ኣካል በዝሒ ቦታ ዘድሊ ዘድሊ በጀት ጠቕላላ በጀት
ተ.ቁ ሰልጠንቲ መዓልቲ ንሓደ

ኣብ ተመሳሳሊ ኩባንያ ስልጠናን

1. ተሞክሮን ምውሳድ ሱፐርቫይዘራት 4 ወፃኢ 7 350000 1,400,000

ዲቪዥንን ወፃኢ/ኣዲስ
2. ኣካውንቲንግ/ኦዲትንግ(Metallurgi ዲፓርትመንትን 3 ኣበባ 7 350000 1,050,000
cal accounting and auditing)

ቀሊል ናይ ፅገና ናይ ምርመራን ሜሊ (ብበዓል

3. ስራሕቲ ጁንየር ኦፕሬተር 10 4 400 4,000

ፓራሜትር ኮንትሮልንግን
ሜሊ (ብበዓል
4. ትራብልሹትንግ(Parameters ሲንየር ኦፕሬተር 10 4 2000 20,000
control and trouble shooting)

Safe data recording and

5. ሰርቭልያንስ ኦፕሬተር 8 መቐለ /ኣ.ኣ 7 10000

ተመኩሮ ኣብ CCR ኦፕሬት ዝገብራ ሲሲኣር ኦፕሬተር

6. ኩባንያታት 8 መቐለ/ኣ.ኣ 7 10000 80,000

ድምር 43 36 2,634,000
1ይ ርዓ 2ይ ርዓ 3ይ ርዓ 4ይ ርዓ

0 4 0 0

0 0 3 0

0 10 0 0

0 10 0 0

0 4 4 0

0 4 4 0

0 1,504,000 1,090,000 0

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