Report Project

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Project Report
in partial fulfilment
for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology in
Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Submitted By:
Sahnwaaz Ali
Enrolment No.: MUIT0121017092

Maharishi School of Engineering &Technology

Maharishi University of Information Technology, Lucknow
April 2024

Candidate’s Declaration
I hereby declare that the work, which is being presented in the Dissertation, entitled “Employee
Management Smart System” in partial fulfilment for the award of Degree of “Bachelor of
Technology” and submitted to the Maharishi School of Engineering & Technology, Maharishi
University of Information Technology, Lucknow is a record of my own study and investigations
carried as my understanding and knowledge.
I have not submitted this report or presented in anywhere for the award of any other Degree or

Enrolment No.: MUIT0121017092
Maharishi University of Information Technology

Counter Signed by
(Faculty Co-Ordinator) Dean Engineering, SOET
………………………………… …………………………….
…………………………………. …………………………….


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Dr. Kalyan

Acharya for his able guidance and support in completing this minor project.
Secondly, I would also like to thank my friends who helped me in finishing this
minor project within the limited time just because of their help and guidance.

Date: SAHNWAAZ ALI CSE 6th sem


1. Introduction…………………………………………………….5
2. Objective………………………………………………………..7
3. Methodology……………………………………………………8
4. Feasibility Study………………………………………………..10
5. Implementation and Result……………………………..……..11
6. Testing…………………………………………………………..14
7. Discussion………………………………………………………15
8. Future Scope…………………………………………………...16
9. References……………………………………………………...17



In today's dynamic work environment, efficient management of human resources is crucial for
the success of any organization. A “EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT SMART SYSTEM”
leverages technology to streamline various HR processes, enhance productivity, and optimize
workforce utilization. Java, a versatile programming language, combined with SQL (Structured
Query Language), a powerful database management tool, offers a robust framework for
developing such a system.
Key Features:
1. Employee Database Management: The system maintains a comprehensive database of
employee information including personal details, job roles, department assignments, and
performance metrics.
2. Attendance Tracking: Automated attendance tracking features enable employees to clock
in and out using various methods such as biometric scanners, RFID cards, or mobile apps.
These records are stored in the database for further analysis.
3.Leave Management: Employees can request leaves through the system, which is then routed
to the appropriate authority for approval. The system tracks available leave balances and
manages leave requests efficiently.
4.Performance Evaluation: Performance evaluation modules facilitate regular assessments of
employee performance based on predefined criteria. Managers can generate performance
reports to identify top performers and areas for improvement.
5. Task Allocation and Tracking: Managers can assign tasks to employees through the system
and monitor their progress in real-time. This ensures optimal task allocation and timely
completion of projects.
6.Training and Development: The system identifies skill gaps among employees and
recommends training programs to bridge these gaps. It tracks employee participation in training
activities and evaluates their effectiveness.
7.Reporting and Analytics: Utilizing SQL, the system generates comprehensive reports on
various HR metrics including attendance, leave utilization, performance
ratings, and training effectiveness. These reports provide valuable insights for strategic

Technology Stack:
- Java: The core programming language for building the system's backend logic and business
logic. Java's object-oriented nature and platform independence make it ideal for developing
scalable and maintainable enterprise applications.

- SQL Database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL): SQL databases are used to store and
manage the system's data efficiently. SQL queries are employed to retrieve and manipulate
data for generating reports and performing data analysis.

- Java EE (Enterprise Edition): Java EE technologies such as Servlets, JSP (JavaServer

Pages), and JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) are utilized for developing the web-based user
interface and integrating with the database.

- Spring Framework: Spring provides a comprehensive framework for building enterprise

Java applications, offering features such as dependency injection, aspect-oriented
programming, and transaction management.

- HTML/CSS/JavaScript: Frontend development technologies are used to create an intuitive

user interface for interacting with the system. HTML for markup, CSS for styling, and
JavaScript for client-side interactivity.


A smart employee management system developed using Java and SQL empowers organizations
to streamline HR processes, improve workforce efficiency, and make data-driven decisions. By
leveraging technology to automate routine tasks and optimize resource allocation,
organizations can focus on fostering a positive work culture and driving business growth.

This introduction provides a broad overview of the system's features, technology stack, and
benefits. Depending on your specific requirements, you can further expand and customize the
system to suit your organization's needs.


The objective of this work is to give a complete approach to personnel information

management. This will be accomplished by developing and deploying an HR management
system that will result in a significant shift in the way employee data is managed.

This system's objectives include the following:

1.Design of an HR management system to meet needs such as adding and deleting employees,
viewing and printing employee data, and updating employee information.
1.Employee data is stored in a well-designed database.
2.An easy-to-use interface that will let user interact with the system.


The methodology to complete this project is as follows:

1. I explored net beans, concepts of swings and applets.
2. For further and a deeper understanding, I even referred to some articles, books, journals,
websites and new articles
Below are the important concepts on which the work has been done and with the support of
these I was able to work on my project.

NET BEANS- NetBeans is a Java-based integrated development environment (IDE).

NetBeans enables the creation of applications using a set of modular software
components known as modules. NetBeans is compatible with Windows, Mac OS X,
Linux, and Solaris. It also allows other programming languages to be extended. In
addition to Java programming, Third-party developers can expand NetBeans-based
applications, including the NetBeans IDE.

JAVA- High-level, Object-Oriented programming language which help programmers

to run their applications efficiently. JAVA is the programming language which comes
into our minds when we talk about android application. By using JAVA as a
programming language, programmer can develop any type of android application
easily. JAVA also provides many libraries which also helps in making efficient android
application. Swing is a Java GUI widget toolkit. It's part of Oracle's Java Foundation
Classes (JFC), which provides an API for creating graphical-user- interfaces for Java

SWING- Swing is a Java GUI widget toolkit. It's part of Oracle's Java Foundation
Classes (JFC), which provides an API for creating-graphical-user-interfaces for Java
programmes. Swing was created to give a more advanced collection of graphical user
interface components than the previous Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). Swing offers
a pluggable look and feel that allows applications to have a look &feel that is
unconnected to the underlying platform, as well as a look & feel that emulates the look
& feel of numerous platforms.

SQL- SQL (Structured Query Language) is a computer language that is used to manage
data in a relational database management system (RDBMS) or for stream processing
in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS). It's especially beneficial for
dealing with structured data, or data that has relationships between entities and

In order to do a feasibility study, we must consider the following:

1. Technical Feasibility:
The availability of hardware & Software necessary for the creation of the system, as-well- as
the compatibility and maturity of the technology planned to be used, and the availability of
the requisite technical staff to create the system, are all factors to consider.

2. Operational Feasibility
Problems that may develop during operations are the focus of operation feasibility. There
are two parts to this problem to consider:
What are the chances that the solution provided will not be used or will not work?
What is the inclination of-the management and end users towards the solution?

3. Economic Feasibility
The concept of economic feasibility is determining whether or not the potential benefit of
fixing difficulties is worth while. Because member needs &alternative solutions haven’t been
specified at this point, it is difficult to estimate the cost at this level.



Following are the screens of the Employee Management System where you can see all the
features of this system in use and you can also see the GUI of the system:

1.Login frame – This is the login frame of this system where user have to enter the required
credentials to have access for the main dashboard.

Fig. 1

2.Main Dashboard – After login in, user is directed to the main dashboard of this

system where user can perform various operations like adding an employee,
deleting an employee

Fig. 2

3. Add employee – Here user have to enter all the required credentials to add a new

employee to the system.

Fig. 3

4. Remove employee – User has to enter the employee id in order to delete his

information from the system.

Fig. 4

5.View and update employee – In order to view and update employee information,

the user have to enter employee ID.

Fig. 5



Test ID Test- Test-Condition Expected-Output Output Remark


TC1 Check If user details are not Grant access to main Access Test
Username correct, display error dashboard. granted to successful
& Password message main

TC2 To add new If user already exists, New user should be New user Test
user to the error message should be added. added Successful
system displayed. successfully

TC3 To view If employee exists, then Employee information Employee Test

existing information should be should be displayed. information Successful
employee displayed, else error displayed.
information message should be

TC4 To remove If employee exists, then Employee should be Employee Test

an employee should be removed. removed Successful
employee removed else error successfully.
message should be

TC5 Update If employee exists, then Employee information Employee Test

employee information should be should be updated. information Successful
information updated. updated


1. Efficiency Improvement: Implementing a smart employee management system
streamlines HR processes, reducing manual tasks such as attendance tracking, leave
management, and performance evaluation. This frees up HR personnel to focus on strategic
initiatives and employee development.
2. Data-Driven Decision Making: By leveraging Java and SQL for report generation,
organizations gain access to actionable insights derived from comprehensive data analysis.
Reports provide valuable metrics on employee performance, attendance trends, and resource
utilization, enabling informed decision-making at all levels of the organization.
3. Enhanced Employee Experience: A well-implemented employee management system
improves the employee experience by providing self-service options for tasks such as leave
requests, performance feedback, and training enrollment. Java-based interfaces offer intuitive
user experiences, while SQL-driven reports offer transparency and visibility into HR
4. Scalability and Adaptability: Java and SQL provide a robust foundation for building
scalable and adaptable systems that can grow with the organization's needs. As the business
expands or undergoes organizational changes, the smart employee management system can be
easily customized and extended to accommodate new requirements.
5. Compliance and Security: Java's security features and SQL's data integrity mechanisms
ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and safeguard sensitive employee
information. The system can enforce access controls, encryption, and audit trails to protect
against data breaches and privacy violations.



1. Integration with AI and ML: Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
(ML) capabilities into the employee management system opens up new possibilities for
predictive analytics, sentiment analysis, and personalized recommendations. AI algorithms can
analyze employee data to identify patterns, predict future trends, and optimize HR strategies.
2. Mobile and Cloud Solutions: Developing mobile applications and leveraging cloud
technologies for the employee management system enhances accessibility and flexibility.
Employees can access HR services from anywhere, anytime, using their mobile devices, while
cloud-based infrastructure offers scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.
3. Advanced Reporting and Visualization: Future iterations of the system can incorporate
advanced reporting tools and visualization techniques to present data in more meaningful and
interactive ways. Features such as dashboards, heatmaps, and predictive analytics empower
users to derive actionable insights from complex datasets.
4. Employee Engagement and Wellness: Expanding the scope of the system to include
modules for employee engagement, wellness, and satisfaction promotes a holistic approach to
workforce management. Features such as feedback mechanisms, recognition programs, and
wellness initiatives contribute to a positive work culture and employee retention.
5. Blockchain for HR Transparency: Exploring the use of blockchain technology for ensuring
transparency, traceability, and immutability in HR processes holds promise for enhancing trust
and accountability. Blockchain-based solutions can facilitate secure and tamper-proof
recording of employee credentials, certifications, and performance evaluations.

6. Globalization and Localization: As organizations operate in diverse geographical regions,

future iterations of the system may need to support multilingual interfaces, localization of HR
policies, and compliance with regional labor laws. Java's internationalization features and
SQL's support for localization facilitate the development of globally scalable solutions.
In conclusion, the future of smart employee management using Java and SQL for report
generation is characterized by innovation, collaboration, and a relentless focus on improving
the employee experience and organizational performance. By embracing emerging
technologies, leveraging data-driven insights, and prioritizing employee well-being,
organizations can stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape of HR management.

1) Renae Broderick, John W. Boudreau, “Human resource management, information
technology, and the competitive edge”, Academy of Management Executive, 1992 Vol. 6 No.
2) Julie Bulmash, “Human Resource Management and Technology”, Chapter 3.
3) Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, 9th Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2011.
4) Avison, D. and Fitzgerald, G. (2003). Information systems Development.
5) Methodologies, Techniques and Tools.3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill Education Limited
6) Juan Manuel Munoz Palacio, Information systems development methodologies for Data-
driven Decision Support Systems, 2010.
7) Deitel, PJ & Deitel, HM, 2008, Internet & World Wide Web How To
Program,Dorling Kindersley, India.


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