MHT Cet PCM QP - 01

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L0 M0

PN Academya) M0
Std: MHT CET - 01 Subject: PCM Time: 3 Hrs
Date : c) L0M0 d) Marks:
Max 200
6. The standard voltage of A.C. mains in India
1. The v-t graph of an athlete is shown below. is
The distance travelled by him between t = 0 a) 110V b) 220 V
and t = 18 s is c) 50V d) 150V

7. The escape velocity of a body depends upon

mass as
a) m° b) m1
c) m d) m3

8. For which logic gate is the following

statement true?
a) 36m b) 56 m The output is high, if and only if all inputs
c) 49.5 m d) 78 m are high.
a) AND b) OR
2. The surface tension of two liquids are c) NAND d) NOR
respectively 20 and 60 dyne cm-1. The
liquids drop from the ends of two tubes of 9. The equation of a simple harmonic motion
the same radius. The ratio of the weights of is given by, x = 8 sin (8t) + 6 cos (8t), the
the two drops is initial phase angle is
a) 1 : 2 b) 1 : 3 a) tan-1 (4/3) b) tan-1 (3/4)
c) 2 : 3 d) 3 : 4 c) tan (2/3) d) tan-1(5/8)

3. A given sample of an ideal gas occupies a 10. A uniform disc of radius ‘a’ and mass ‘m’
volume V at a pressure P and absolute is rotating freely with angular speed ‘’ in
temperature T. The mass of each molecule a horizontal plane, about a smooth fixed
of the gas is m. Which of the following vertical axis through its centre. A particle of
gives the density of the gas? mass ‘m’ is then suddenly attached to the
a) mkT b) P /(kT) rim of the disc and rotates with it. The new
c) Pm / (kT) d) P /(kTV) angular speed is
 
a) b)
4. The interference pattern is obtained with 3 5
two coherent light sources of intensity ratio
 
n. In the interference pattern, the ratio c) d)
I max  I min 3 5
will be 11. One metallic sphere A is given positive
I min  I min charge whereas another identical metallic
2 n n sphere B of exactly same mass as of A is
a) b)
 n  1 n 1 given equal amount of negative charge.

2 n n a) mass of A and mass of B still remain
c) d)
n 1  n  1
b) mass of A increases.
5. If Mo and Lo denote the orbital angular c) mass of B decreases.
moment and the angular momentum of the d) mass of B increases.
electron due to its orbital motion, then the
gyrornagnetic ratio is given by

12. Shown in the figure below is a metre bridge c) right hand screw rule.
set up with null deflection in the d) both a) and c).
galvanometer. The value of the unknown
resistance R is 18. The magnetic moment of electron due to
orbital motion is proportional to .
(n = principal quantum numbers)
1 1
a) 2 b)
n n
c) n d) n

19. In a series LCR circuit R = 300 , L = 0.9

H, C = 2 F,  = 1000 rad/s. The impedance
a) 55  b) 1375  of the circuit is
c) 220  d) 110  a) 900  b) 400 
c) 1300  d) 500 
13. Maximum velocity of photoelectron
emitted is 4.8 m/s. If e/m ratio of electron is 1
20. Mass of the moon is of the mass of the
1.76  1011 C/kg, then stopping potential is 81
given by 1
earth. Its diameter is of that of the
a) 3.5  10-10 J/C b) 5.5 7J/C 3.7
c) 6.5  10-11 J/C d) 7.5  102 J/C earth. If acceleration due to gravity on the
surface of the earth is 9.8 m/s2, then the
14. A bomb at rest explodes into 3 parts of same acceleration due to gravity on the surface of
mass. The momentum of two parts is -2P i the moon
and 4P j respectively. The magnitude of a) 9.8  6 m/s2 b) m/s2
momentum of the third part is
a) P b) 5 P c) m/s2 d) 9.8  3 m/s2
c) 20 P d) 13 P
21. A sound wave has frequency 500 Hz and
15. A soap bubble of radius 2.0 cm is formed velocity 350 m/s. The distance between the
inside another soap bubble of radius 4.0 cm. two particles having phase difference of 60°
The radius of an another soap bubble which is nearly
has the same pressure difference as that a) 7 cm b) 12 cm
between the inside of the smaller and c) 70 cm d) 120 cm
outside of large soap bubble, in metres is
a) 1.3  10-2 b) 3.3  10-2 22. Two parallel SHMs have equations
c) 2.2  10 -2
d) 4.5  10-2 y1 = al sin(t + 2) and y2 = a2 sin(t + 4).
The amplitude of the resultant is
16. When a gas is in thermal equilibrium, its a) ±(a1 + a2) b) ±(a1 - a2)
molecules have c) a12  a22  a1a2 d) a12  a22
a) zero energy.
b) the same energy.
21. A parallel plate air condenser of capacity 10
c) a certain constant energy.
F is charged to a potential of 1000 V. The
d) different energies which remain
energy of the condenser is
a) 5 J b) 4 J
c) 2.5J d) 10 J
17. The direction of magnetic field produced
around a long straight conductor is given by
24. An electric dipole consists of two opposite
a) right hand thumb rule.
charges each 0.05 C separated by 30 mm.
b) left hand thumb rule. The dipole is placed in an uniform external
electric field of 106 NC-1. The maximum 29. A thermodynamic system undergoes cyclic
torque exerted by the field on the dipole is process ABCDA as shown in the figure.
a) 6  Nm b) 3  10-3 Nm The work done by the system is
c) 15  10-3 Nm d) 1.5  10-3 Nm a) P0V0
b) 2P0V0
25. How the linear velocity ‘v’ of an electron in
the Bohr orbit is related to its quantum P0V0
number ‘n’? 2
1 1
a) v  b) v  2 d) zero
n n
1 30. A circular coil has 150 turns and a mean
c) v  d) v  n
n diameter of 20 cm. It carries a current of 10
A. What is the strength of the magnetic field
26. The kinetic energy of the most energetic at a point on its axis at a distance of 5 m
photoelectron emitted from a metal surface from the centre of the coil?
is doubled when the wavelength of the a) 4  10-7 T b) 2.4  10-7 T
incident radiation is reduced from 1 to 2. c) 4  10 T
d) 2.4  10-8 T
The work function of the metal is
hc 31. Faraday’s law is the consequence of
(a)  22  1 
12 conservation of
a) energy.
(b)  21  2  b) energy and magnetic field.
c) charge.
(c)  1  2  d) magnetic field.
(d)  1  2  32. In an LCR circuit, at resonance
12 a) the current is minimum.
b) the current and voltage are in phase.
27. When the observer moves towards the c) the current leads the voltage by /2.
stationary source with velocity, ‘V1’, the d) the impedance is maximum.
apparent frequency of emitted note is ‘F1’.
When the observer moves away from the 33. In a p-type semiconductor, the acceptor
source with velocity ‘V1’, the apparent impurity produces an energy level
frequency is ‘F2’. If ‘V’ is the velocity of a) just below the valence band.
sound in air and 1  4 then = ? b) just below the conduction band.
F2 V1
c) just above the conduction band.
5 d) just above the valence band.
a) 2 b)
3 34. If two tuning forks A and B are sounded
c) d) 5
5 together, they produce 4 beats per second.
When A is slightly loaded with wax, they
28. The radius of a soap bubble is blown up to produce 2 beats when sounded again. The
double its value under isothermal frequency of A is 256 Hz. The frequency of
conditions. If ‘r’ be the initial radius of B will be
bubble, and T be the surface tension, then a) 250 Hz b) 252 Hz
energy spent in doubling the radius is c) 260 Hz d) 262 Hz
a) 4r2T b) 8r2T
c) 16r T d) 24r2T 35. Two particles A and B are located at
distances rA and rB respectively from the
centre of a rotating disc such that rA > rB. In
this case, if angular velocity to of rotation is

constant, then c) It involves transportation of energy.
a) both A and B do not have any d) It has finite speed.
b) both A and B have same acceleration. 42. A current I flows along the length of an
c) A has greater acceleration than B. infinitely long, straight and thin-walled
d) B has greater acceleration than A. pipe. Then
a) the magnetic field at all points inside the
36. The capacity of the conductor does not pipe is the same but not zero.
depend upon b) the magnetic field at any point inside
a) charge. the pipe is zero.
b) voltage. c) the magnetic field is zero only on the
c) nature of the material. axis of the pipe.
d) all of these.
d) the magnetic field is different at
37. The current which flows in a galvanometer different points inside the pipe.
of Wheatstone bridge is directly
proportional to 43. The pointer of a dead-beat galvanometer
a) the resistance of a battery. gives a steady deflection because
b) the resistance of the galvanometer. a) eddy currents are produced in the
c) value of the unknown resistance. conducting frame over which the coil is
d) ratio P/Q of ratio arms. wound.
b) its magnet is very strong.
38. Two radioactive materials X1 and X2 have c) its pointer is very light.
decay constants 10 , and . respectively. If d) its frame is made of ebonite.
initially they have the same number of
nuclei, then the ratio of the number of 44. Temperature and Heat are
nuclei of X1 to that of X2 will be 1/e after a a) same quantities.
time b) different quantities.
1 1 c) closely related quantities but they are
a) b)
10 11 not same things.
11 1 d) measured in same unit.
c) d)
10 9
45. For circuit shown in figure IE = 4 mA, IB =
39. A 4.5 cm long needle is placed 10 cm away 40 A. What are the values of  and Ic
from a convex mirror of focal length 16 cm. respectively?
Locate the image of the needle from the a) 0.99, 3.96 mA
mirror. b) 0.97, 4.04 mA
a) + 4.5 cm b) + 6.2 cm
c) - 4.5 cm d) - 6.2 cm c) 1.01, 3.96 mA
d) 0.99, 4.04 mA
40. Number of molecules in 100 cc of a gas at
N.T.P. is …………. , if mass of each 46. Two waves having the same amplitude and
molecule is 4.556  10-25 kg and R.M.S. frequency overlap near a point. The ratio of
speed is 250 m/s. the intensities when the two waves arrive in
a) 5.4  1019 b) 1.05  1021 phase to that when they arrive 90° out of
c) 5.4  1018 d) 1.05  1020 phase is
a) 1 : 1 b) 2 : 1
41. Which of the following is not a property of c) 2 : 1 d) 4 : 1
a) It requires a material medium for
b) It can travel through vacuum.
47. A stone of mass 1 kg is rotated in a reaction with excess of O2.
horizontal circle of radius 0.5 m. If it makes (d) Li and Mg form corresponding nitrides
100 on reaction with N2.
rps, then its angular momentum is

a) 50 kg m2 s-1 53. ................ is used for treatment of lead
b) 2.5  10-3 kg m2 s-1 poisoning.
c) 52  10-3 kg m2 s-1 (a) K[Ag(CN)2]
d) 800 kg m2 s-1 (b) Cisplatin
(c) EDTA
(d) Ethylenediamine
48. A sphere of radius I cm has potential of
10000 V. The energy per unit volume near 54. The SI unit of Luminous intensity is .
surface of a sphere of radius 0.02 m and (a) Candela (Cd)
maintained at a potential of 103 V is (b) metre
a) 1.1  105 J/m3 (c) Ampere
b) 1.1  102 J/m3 (d) Kelvin (K)
c) 1.1  1 0-5J/m3
d) 1.1  10-2 J/m3 55. An organic compound containing carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen is soluble in dil.
49. An ammeter having resistance Ro is H2SO4 and does not react with sodium
converted into an ammeter of range nI. The metal or KMn04. When it is heated with HI
effective resistance of the instrument is in excess, a single alkyl halide is obtained.
R R The original compound can be
a) 0 b) 0
n n 1 (a) CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - OH
R0 (b) CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - CHO
c) d) Ro(n - 1)
n2 (c) CH3 - CH2 - O - CH2 - CH3
(d) CH3 - O - CH2 - CH3
50. A radioactive substance of half-life 69.3
days is kept in a container. The time in 56. ............... will NOT undergo acetylation.
which 80% of the substance will (a) (CH3)2NH (b) (C2H5)3N
disintegrate will be (c) CH3NH2 (d) (C6H5)2NH
[take ln(5) = 1.61]
a) 1.61 days b) 16.1 days 57. Gas ‘X’ is prepared by treating sodium
c) 161 days d) 1610 days sulfite with dilute sulfuric acid. When gas
‘X’ is oxidised by dioxygen in presence of
CHEMISTRY vanadium(V) oxide, gas ‘Y’ is formed.
Identify X and Y.
51. The CORRECT relationship between heat (a) H2S, SO2 (b) SO2, SO3
of fusion (fusH), heat of vapourization (c) SO3, SO2 (d) H2S, SO3
(vapH) and heat of sublimation (subH) is
(a) fusH = vapH + subH 58. In a reaction 2A + P  A2P, the reactant
‘A’ disappears at .
(b) vapH = AfusH + subH (a) half the rate as that of disappearance of
(c) subH = fusH + AvapH P
(d) subH = vapH - AfusH (b) same rate as that of disappearance of P
(c) same rate as formation of A2P
52. Which of the following statements is
(d) twice the rate of formation of A2P
(a) LiCl and MgC12 are soluble in ethanol.
(b) LiC1 and MgC12 form corresponding 59. The energy associated with the first orbit of
hydrates on crystallization from their He+ is ............... J.
aqueous solutions. (a) - 2.18  10-18 (b) - 0.54  10 18
(c) Li2O and MgO form super oxides on (c) - 8.72  1018 (d) - 4.69  10 18
60. Alkynes when passed through warm 40% 67. Which is NOT present in Grignard
H2SO4 in the presence of ............... , gives reagent?
corresponding aldehydes/ketones. (a) Alkyl group (b) Magnesium
(c) Halogen (d) -COOH group
(a) 1% HgSO4 (b) 2% HgSO4
(c) 3% HgSO4 (d) 4% HgSO4
68. The bond angle is minimum in
(a) CH4 (b) BH3
61. The normal boiling point of ethyl acetate is
(c) SO2 (d) C1F3
77.06 °C. A solution of 50 g of a nonvolatile
solute in 150 g of ethyl acetate boils at
69. Which is the most common oxidation state
84.27 °C. The molar mass of solute is
................. for thorium in its compounds?
(Kb for ethyl acetate is 2.77 °C kg mol-1.) (a) +2 (b) +3
(a) 64 g mol-1 (b) 256 g mo1-1 (c) +4 (d) +5
(c) 128 g mol-1 (d) 100 g mol-1
70. Identify semisynthetic polymer.
62. Thin films, layers and coatings are (a) Orlon
examples of ............... nanostructures. (b) Cellulose nitrate
(a) zero-dimensional (c) Linen
(b) one-dimensional (d) Silk
(c) two-dimensional
(d) three-dimensional 71. The statement that is INCORRECT about
the interstitial compounds is:
63. Which of the following is the simplest (a) their chemical properties are similar to
amino acid? the parent metal
(a) valeric acid (b) glycine (b) their densities are less than the parent
(c) alanine (d) leucine
64. The carbonyl compound required for the (c) their , melting points are higher than
preparation of cyclohexylmethanol in the pure metals
presence of suitable Grignard reagent is (d) they are poor conductors of heat and
............... electricity
(a) methanal (b) ethanal
(c) propanone (d) cyclohexanone 72. In Clemmensen’s reaction, ketone gives
65. Select the INCORRECT statement (a) alcohol (b) alkane
regarding galvanic cell notation. (c) alkyne (d) alkene
(a) A double vertical line between two
solutions indicates that they are 73. In ABCABC type arrangement of spheres,
connected by salt bridge. the coordination number of any sphere is
(b) The right hand side electrode is anode ...............
and left hand side electrode is cathode. (a) 6 (b) 8
(c) 10 (d) 12
(c) A single vertical line between two 74. The sum of oxidation states of all atoms in
phases indicates the direct contact SnO22- and CO2 are ............... respectively.
between them. (a) 0 and - 1 (b) -2 and -1
(d) The aqueous solutions of ions are (c) -2 and -2 (d) -2 and 0
placed at the middle of the cell formula.
66. Zinc forms hcp structure. What is the 75. If 1 mole of ................ is added to 1 dm3 of
number of tetrahedral voids formed in 0.3 water, the boiling point of water will
mol of it? decrease.
(a) 1.2  1023 (b) 1.8  1 023 (a) methyl alcohol
(b) sucrose
(c) 2.4  1023 (d) 3.6  1023
(c) NaC1 (a) vapour pressure of solution increases
(d) glucose (b) boiling point decreases
(c) osmotic pressure decreases
76. Select the CORRECT statement regarding
(d) freezing point decreases
adsorption of gases on solids.
(a) The extent of adsorption decreases
with increase in surface area of 82. The enthalpy change for two reactions are
given by the equations
2Cr(s) + 1.5 O2(g)  Cr2O3(s) ;
(b) Gases having low critical temperature H1 = -1130 kJ ....(i)
liquefy easily and can readily be C(s) + 0.5 O2(g)  CO(g) ;
adsorbed. H2 = -110 kJ ....(ii)
(c) The amount of gas adsorbed is directly What is the enthalpy change, in kJ, for the
proportional to temperature. following reaction?
(d) At very high pressures, the extent of 3C(g) + Cr2O3(s)   2Cr(s) + 3CO(g) ;
adsorption becomes independent of the (a) -1460 (b) 1460
pressure. (c) -800 (d) 800

83. The oxidation state of halogen atom in

77. Which of the following will have lowest
perhalic acid and hypohalous acid are
value of electronegativity?
(a) Cl (b) F
(a) +1, +5 (b) +7, +1
(c) Br (d) I
(c) +7, +3 (d) +5, +1
78. Which of the following carboxylic acids
84. Alkaline hydrolysis of which among the
will have the highest acidity?
following compounds leads to the
(a) o-Nitrobenzoic acid
formation of a racemate?
(b) p-Nitrobenzoic acid (a) 2-Chloro-2-phenylbutane
(c) m-Nitrobenzoic acid (b) 1-Chlorobutane
(d) Benzoic acid (c) 1-Chloropropane
(d) Bromomethane
79. The coordination number of central metal
atom/ion in a complex is ................
85. Which of the following reactions is
(a) the number of only the monodentate
appropriate for converting benzamide to
ligands directly attached to it aniline?
(b) the number of ligand donor atoms (a) Hofmann bromamide degradation
directly attached to it (b) Mendius reduction’
(c) the number of only the anionic ligands (c) Gabriel phthalimide synthesis
directly attached to it (d) Ammonolysis reaction
(d) twice the number of neutral ligands
directly attached to it 86. For a given mass of an ideal gas, which of
the following statements is CORRECT?
80. The order of the reaction occurring by (a) At a constant temperature, the pressure
following mechanism should be is directly proportional to the density of
(i) A2 + B2  AB2 + A (slow) a gas.
(ii) A + B2  AB2 (fast) (b) At a constant temperature, the pressure
1 1 is directly proportional to the volume on
(a) 1 (b) 3
2 2 a gas.
(c) 2 (d) 3 (c) At a constant pressure, the volume is
inversely proportional to the
81. If mole fraction of the solvent in a solution
temperature of a gas.
decreases, then ................
(d) At a constant volume, pressure is 91. Which one of the following has AS°
inversely proportional to the greater than zero?
temperature of a gas. (a) CaO(s) + CO2(g) ⇌ CaCO3(s)
(b) NaCl(aq) ⇌NaCl(s)
87. Which of the following carbocation is the (c) NaNO3(s) ⇌ Na+(aq) + NO+3(aq)
most stable? (d) N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g)
(a) CH3
 92. The number of lone pair of electrons
CH3 - C - CH2 present on central atom in the interhalogen
 XX’3 molecule:
CH3 (a) 0 (b) 1
+ (c) 2 (d) 3
(b) CH3 - CH2 - CH - CH2
 93. Phenoxide ion is more stable than phenol
CH3 due to the
+ (a) resonating structures of benzene ring
(c) CH3 - C - CH2- CH3 (b) delocalisation of positive charge in
 phenoxide ion
CH3 (c) delocalisation of negative charge in
+ phenoxide ion
(d) CH3 - CH2 - C -CH3 (d) negative charge on oxygen atom

H 94. Which of the following has completely
filled d orbital in its ground state?
88. Which of the following salts do not (a) Ti (b) Fe
undergo hydrolysis? (c) Zn (d) Cr
i. CH3COONa ii. CuSO4
iii. NaC1 iv. NH4NO3 95. The reduction potential of a half-cell
v. K2SO4 consisting of nickel electrode in 0.1 M
(a) i and ii (b) i, ii and v NiSO4 solution at 25 °C is ................
(c) iii and v (d) iii, iv and v (E° = -0.257 V)
(a) -0.2274V
89. For the first order reaction, plot of logio (b) 0.1978 V
against time ‘t’ is a straight line with a (c) -0.2866V
negative slope equal to (d) -0.3162 V
(a) - 2.303 k (b)
k 96. What is the IUPAC name of a-methyl
k 2.303 butyraldehyde?
(c) (d) (a) Pentanal
2.303 k
(b) 3-Methylbutanal
90. Which of the following is a hetero- (c) 2-Methylbutanal
aromatic benzenoid compound? (d) Methylbutanal

97. In ethers, two C - O sigma bonds are

(a) (b) formed by ................ overlap.
(a) sp - sp
(b) sp2 - sp2
(c) (d) (c) sp2 - sp3
(d) sp3 sp3

98. The INCORRECT match for complex with

its geometry is:
(a) [Ni(CN)4]2 : square planar
(b) [Co(NH3)6]3+ : octahedral  2
a) b)
(c) [CoF6]3- : octahedral 10 5
(d) [Ni(C1)4]2- : square planar 4 7
c) d)
5 10
99. Which of the following statements are 105. The direction ratios of the line
CORRECT? 2x - 1 = 3y + 2 = z - 2 are
(a) TeO2 serves as a reducing agent. a) 3, 2, 6 b) 3, 2, -6
(b) PbC12 is more covalent than PbC14. c) 3, -1, -6 d) -3, 1, 6
(c) SeO3 is amphoteric in nature.
(d) SeF4 has sp3d hybridization.  1  x 2  sin 1 x  1 
   dx  0
106. e
 2 
 1 x 
100. The pH of a monoacidic weak base is 11.5.
The concentration of OW ions in this a) ex 1  x2  c b) c
solution is ................ M. 1  x2
(a) 10-2.5 c) ex sin-1 x + c d) ex cos-1 x + c
(b) 10-45 107. Area bounded by the curve 7xy - 7x - 7y - 2
(c) 10-70 = 0, X-axis and the lines x = 2, x = 3 is
(d) 10-11.5 7
a) 1 - log 2 sq. units
b) 1 + log 2 sq. units

 2  sin x 
c) 1 - log 2 sq. units
101.  log  2  sin x dx 
8 d) 1 + log 2 sq. units
  9
a) b)
8 2  4 
108. cos 1  cos  
  3 
c) d) 0
4 5 
102. For which values of x is the matrix a) b)
6 3
 3 1  x 2  4 2
 3 1 x  2 non-invertible?
c) d)
 3 3
 x  3 1 2  109. If A is a 3  3 matrix and A = 2, then the
a) - 4, 0 b) 2,0 matrix represented by A (adjA) is equal to
c) 4, 0 d) - 2, 0 1 0 0  2 0 0
103. If A(1, 3, 2), B(a, b, - 4) and C(5, 1, c) are 
a) 0 1 0  b)  0 2 0 
the vertices of triangle ABC and G(3, b, c)
is its centroid, then 0 0 1   0 0 2 
1 1 
a) a = , b = 1, c = 2
2 2 0 0
  0 2 0
d)  2 0 0 
1  1 
b) a = 3, b = -1, c = c) 0 0
3  2 
c) a = 3, b = 2, c = -1    2 0 0 
0 0 1
d) a = , b = 2, c = -1  2 
2 110. The volume of tetrahedron whose vertices
 are A(3,7, 4), B(5,-2, 3), C(-4, 5, 6),
104. If sin-1 x = , for some x  [- 1 , 1], then
10 D(1, 2, 3) is
the value of cos-1x is 43
a) cu.units b) 43 cu.units

46 6 c) log tan x + c
c) cu.units d) cu.units
3 43
d) log sec x + c
cos x  x sin x
111.  x  x  cos x  dx  119. The equation of circle whose diameter lies
on 3x + 5y = -7 and 2x - y = 4 which passes
a) log c  1
x  cos x through  5,  is
 2
x 2 2
b) log c a) x + y - 2x + 4y = 149
x  cos x 149
1 b) x2+ y2 - 2x + 4y =
c) log c 4
x  sin x 2 2
c) x + y + 2x - 4y = 149
1 149
d) log c d) x2+ y2 + 2x - 4y =
x  cos x 4

120. The length of the perpendicular from
sec 2 x
112. 0 1  tan x  2  tan x  dx (0, 2, 3) to the line
x  3 y 1 z  4
  is
5 2 3
8 4 a) 4 b) 21
a) log   b) log  
3 3 c) 41 d) 7
1 8 1 4 121. The combined equation of the pair of lines
c) log   d) log  
2 3 2 3 through origin such that one is parallel to 3x
113. The value of tan 57° - tan 12° - tan 57° tan + 2y = 3 and the other is perpendicular to
12° is 6x + 3y + 17 = 0 is
a) tan 69° b) tan 45°
a) 3x2 + 4xy + 4y2 = 0
c) 0 d) tan 57°
114. The XZ plane divides the line segment b) 3x2 - 4xy - 4y2 = 0
joining the points (3, 2, b) and (a, -4, 3) in c) 3x2 - 4xy + 4y2 = 0
the ratio d) 3x2 - 8xy + 4y = 0
2 2
a) 1 : 2 b) 2 : 3 122. If a  10, b  2, then \ a  b  a  b
c) 3 : 1 d) 4 : 3
     
a) 10 b) 20
115. If a  2b  c .  a  b  a  b  c 
  c) 40 d) 50
123. The area bounded by the curve y = f(x),
 k  a b c  ; then the value of k is
X-axis and ordinates x = 1 and x = a is
a) 1 b) 2 (a - 1) cos(2a + 7), then f(x) is
c) 3 d) 4 a) 2(1 - x) sin(2x + 7) + cos(2x + 7)
116. In a ABC, a(cos B + cos2C) + cos A
2 b) (a – 1)sin (2x + 7) + 2cos(2x + 7)
(c cos C + b cos B) = c) (1 - a) os (2x + 7) + 3sin(2x + 7)
a) 0 b) a d) 2(x - 1) cos(2x + 7) + sin(2x + 7)
c) b d) c 124. In ABC, if (a + b - c)(a + b + c) = 3ab, then
117. Find k, if the slope of one of the lines given a) A + B = 60°
by kx2 + 8xy + y2 = 0 exceeds the slope of b) A + B = 90°
the other by 6.
c) A + B = 120°
a) 6 b) 7
c) -6 d) -7 d) A + B = 150°
1 125. A plane passes through (1, -2, I) and is
118.  sin x  cos x dx  perpendicular to two planes 2x - 2y + z = 0
and x - y + 2z = 4. The distance of the plane
a) log sin x + c from the point (1, 2, 2) is
b) log cos x + c a) 0 b) 1
c) 2 d) 2 2

10 | P a g e
x 2  3x  2 a) F, F b) T, F
126. lim  c) F, T d) T, T
x 1 x2 1
133. The differential equation having
y   cos 1 x   P  sin 1 x   Q as its
a) 0 b) 2
7 5 general solution, where P and Q are
c) d)
3 2 arbitrary constants, is
1  5 2

   , x  0,1, 2,3, 4,5; k  0
P(x) =  k  x  a) 1  x  ddxy  x dy

 0, otherwise 2

1 b) 1  x  ddxy  x dy
is p.m.f. of a r.v. X. Then is equal to
k d2y
c) 1  x  2  x  2 y
2 dy

a) 16 b) dx dx
d) None of these
c) d) 32 134. The number of discontinuities of the
32 greatest integer function f(x) = [x],
128. Let A (2, 3), B (3, -6), C (5, -7) be three
 7 
points. If P is a point satisfying the x    ,100  is equal to
condition PA2 + PB2 = 2 PC2, then a point  2 
that lies on the locus of P is a) 104 b) 100
a) (2, -5) b) (-2, 5) c) 102 d) 103
c) (13, 10) d) (-13, -10) 135. The maximum value of P = 7x + 6y subject
129. Degree of the given differential equation to constraints x + 2y < 24, 2x + y < 30 and
2 1 x > 0, y > 0 is
 d 3 y   dy  3 a) 90 b) 120
 3   1   is
 dx   dx  c) 96 d) 240
a) 2 b) 3 16x  16 x
136. The inverse of the function y  x
1 16  16 x
c) d) 6
2 is
1 1 x
a) log16  2  x 
130. Let g(x) be the inverse of the function f(x)
b) log16
2 1 x
and f '  x   2
, then 2g’(x) is equal to
x 3 1 1 2x
c) log16  2 x  1 d) log16
1 1 2 4 2 x
a) b)
3   g  x   3   f  x   137. The probability distribution of a r.v. X is
2 2

X=x -3 -2 -1 0 1
c) 3+ [g(x)]2 d) 3 + [f’(x)]2 P (X = x) 0.3 0.2 0.25 0.1 0.15
z2 Then F(-1) =
131. If z  1 and is real, then the point
z 1 a) 0.5 b) 0.75
represented by the complex number z lies c) 0.9 d) 12
a) either on the real axis or on a circle 138. If a = mC2, then C2 is equal to
passing through the origin a) m+1C4 b) m-1C4
b) on a circle with centre at the origin c) 3. C4 d) 3. m+1 C4
c) either on the real axis or on a circle not 139. The mean and variance of a binomial
distribution are 2 and 1 respectively, then
passing through the origin
the probability of getting exactly three
d) on the imaginary axis successes in this distribution is
132. If p : Every natural number is a real number. a) 0.25 b) 0.75
q : Every integer is a complex number. c) 0.52 d) 0.57
Then truth values of p  q and p 140. y = 3 cos 2x is a solution of the differential
 q are …………. and …………. equation
11 | P a g e
dy dy 145. Ram is visiting a friend. Ram knows that his
a)  6y  0 b)  6y  0 friend has 2 children and 1 of them is a boy.
dx dx
Assuming that a child is equally likely to be
d2y d2y
c)  4y  0 d)  4y  0 a boy or a girl, then the probability that the
dx 2 dx 2 other child is a girl, is
1 1
141. The symbolic form of the statement ‘It is a) b)
not true that Mathematics is not difficult 2 3
and interesting’ is 2 7
c) d)
a) ~(~p  q) b) (~p  q) 3 10
c) (~p  ~q) d) ~(~p  q) 146. If f(x) = px5 + qx4 + 5x3 - 10 has local
142. The family of curves y = easin x, where a is maximum and minimum at x = 1 and x = 3
an arbitrary constant, is represented by the respectively then (p, q) =
differential equation a) (0, 1) b) (1, - 5)
dy c) (1, 0) d) (3, - 5)
a) log y  tan x
dx d
147. [cos (3x + 2)]
dy dx
b) y log y  tan x
dx a) sin (2x + 3) b) 2 sin (3x + 2)
dy c) - sin (2x + 3) d) - 3 sin (3x + 2)
c) y log y  sin x 148. A circular plate is contracting at the
uniform rate of 5cmz/sec. The rate at which
d) log y  cos x the perimeter is decreasing when the radius
dx of the circle is 10 cm long is
dy 1 1
143. If y  sec x  x log x , then is a) cm/sec b) cm/sec
dx 2 3
a) sec x tan x  log x   x log x 
2 1
c) cm/sec d) none of these
x 4
x 149. The means of two samples of sizes 60 and
b) sec 2 x  log x 120 respectively are 35.4 and 30.9 and the
2 standard deviations are 4 and 5. Obtain the
c) sec 2 x  log x standard deviation of the sample of. size
x 180 obtained by combining the two
d) sec x tan x  log x samples.
x a) 5.15 b) 26.5
144. If p: Reshama is hardworking, q: Reshama c) 32.4 d) 51.5
is successful, then the verbal form of ~ p 
~ q is 150. A man of height 1.9 m walks directly away
a) Reshama is not hardworking and she is from a lamp of height 4.75m on a level road
successful. at 6m/s. The rate at which the length of his
b) Reshama is not hardworking or she is shadow is increasing is
not successful. a) 1 m/s b) 2 m/s
c) 3 m/s d) 4 m/s
c) Reshama is not hardworking or she is
not successful.
d) Reshama is not hardworking and she is
not successful.

12 | P a g e

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