16 GHH A1
16 GHH A1
16 GHH A1
76-PA1 (818)
This standard, defining the requirements of materials to be furnished or services to be performed, is not subject to interpretation
FORM 160.76-PA1
ISSUE DATE: 8/31/2018
1. Connect the contacts of any voltage sensitive device(s) in circuits 13-1 rather than circuit 53-13. Any safety device(s) in the starter that may
drop out due to loss of power must reset automatically when power is restored.
2. Each 115V inductive load: i.e., motor starter coil, relay coil, etc., shall have a transient suppressor wired in parallel with its coil, physically lo-
cated at the coil. Transient suppressor shall be a series RC device, 0.1µf, 100 ohms, 250 VAC, UL approved - Rifa P/N PMR210ME6100M100
or Electrocube P/N RG-1782-6 or equal.
3. The jumper between terminals 53 & 15 in the chiller control panel must be removed when electromechanical starter overloads and/or safety
devices are used.
FORM 160.76-PA1
ISSUE DATE: 8/31/2018
1. Connect the contacts of any voltage sensitive safety device(s) in circuit 13-1 rather than circuit 53-15. Any safety device(s) in the starter that
may drop out due to loss of power must reset automatically when power is restored.
2. Switchgear with automatically operated circuit breaker(s) may be used in lieu of contactors on medium voltage units (above 600V), and shall
be used above 5000 volts.
3. Each 115V inductive load: i.e., motor starter coil, relay coil, etc., shall have a transient suppressor wired in parallel with its coil, physically lo-
cated at the coil. Transient suppressor shall be a series RC device, 0.1µf, 100 ohms, 250 VAC, UL approved - Rifa P/N PMR210ME6100M100
or Electrocube P/N RG-1782-6 or equal.
4. OL shown above will generally involve separate current transformers and an electronic relay. See 3.10.
3.9 Solid State Motor Overload protection is provided in d. OL’s may sense motor current directly (within the
the York Control Center. current and voltage limitations of the OL coils),
or they may be fed through two or three current
3.10 For 2300 to 5000 VAC motor starters, and 5001-15kv
transformers (CT’s). Refer to Paragraph 3.10(h).
switchgear, additional UL approved Manual Reset
Overload Relays (OL’s) are required as follows when e. The OL’s shall be factory set by the starter man-
the Purchase Order specifies UL or cUL approved ufacturer for ultimate trip point corresponding to:
1. For Model YK units with open motors per ESG
a. Three (3) (OL’s) shall be supplied. Standard C-143 D-flange open motors: 105%
of motor full load current (FLA).
b. OL’s shall be UL approved manual reset, ambient
compensated, adjustable type, either thermal or f. If OL’s sense the motor phase current of del-
magnetic or a JCI approved solid state device such ta-connected low voltage motors, the ultimate trip
as the Eaton MP-3000, GE Multilin or equivalent. point shall correspond to the values as shown in
Paragraph 3.10(e) divided by 1.73.
c. OL’s may sense either line or phase current.
FORM 160.76-PA1
ISSUE DATE: 8/31/2018
1. For units with power factor correction capac- 3.12 Sequencing of Steps - Sequencing of multiple step
itors on the load side of the OL relays, the starters shall be a function of time or current
OL ultimate trip point must be decreased as
a. When control by current is provided, transition shall
be programmed to occur at 1X motor FLA, with
OL ultimate trip setting = OL setting without PF X PF before correction an incomplete sequence shutdown and opening
with PF correction correction PF after correction
of circuit #53 taking place if transition does not
occur within 30 seconds.
g. OL’s shall be adjusted for locked rotor trip time
b. When control by current is not provided, the starter
(seconds) as shown in Table 1 on page 5.
manufacturer shall furnish timer(s) with an adjust-
OL’s shall be temperature compensated to operate
able range of sixty (60) seconds, factory set by
within the specified locked rotor trip time limits over
the starter manufacturer for a 30 second final step
an ambient temperature range of 40°F to 110°F.
transition. An incomplete sequence shutdown and
Table 1 - STARTER TYPE opening of circuit #53 shall take place if transition
Percent Percent LRA Overload Relay
does not occur within 35 seconds of start initiation.
Type of Starting
Voltage Line Load Trip time (Sec.)
c. Reduced voltage starters shall be designed such
Across the Line 100 100 100 8-10 that the starter cannot return to any intermediate
Wye Start-Delta Run** 100+ 33 33 20-30 starting step from the “Run” mode. The starter
80 64 80 10-22
can only transition from “Run” to “Stop”. This shall
include operation during abnormal power events.
65 42.3 65 18-30
57.7** 33 57.7 20-30 3.13 Run Interlock - All starters must be furnished with a
50* 25 50 *
normally open interlock which closes when full voltage
is applied to the motor. The run interlock contacts shall
80 80 80 10-22
be pilot duty type, 125 VA at 115 volts. The interlock
65 65 65 18-30
Primary Resistor (terminals 3-4) must be suitable for reliable switching
Primary Reactor 57.7** 57.7 57.5 20-30 of 12 to 30 VA at 24 volts AC.
50* 50 50 *
3.14 Control Power Transformer - A control power trans-
+ For Wye Start, line voltage is 100%, motor phase voltage is 57.7%. former shall be standard, complying with the following
* Refer all cases for 50% tap to York, PA JCI Applications Dept. for approval.
Standard YK motors will not start with this tap ratio.
** Wye-Delta and 57.7% tap available only for 200-600 volts.
a. Capacity of the control transformer shall be 2.0
h. When used, current transformers must comply Net KVA.
with ANSI/IEEE Requirements for Instrument b. Primary shall be connected to power supply
Transformers, C57.13. The turns ratio shall appear terminals through dual-element fuses in both
in a readily visible location. conductors that are sized for no more than 250%
1. Current transformers feeding overloads must of the primary current.
be sized to meet the accuracy and burden c. Secondary voltage output shall be 115 volts
requirements of the overload relays. ± 10%, single phase, 50 or 60 Hertz as specified
2. The same current transformers may be used by the Purchase Order. The secondary windings
to feed overload relays and a three-phase am- shall be wired to control terminals “L” (line) and
meter circuit provided the accuracy and burden “2” (ground). A 20 amp dual element fuse shall be
requirements of both functions are satisfied. provided in the “L” (line) circuit.
See Paragraph 3.11. d. Circuit 2 (grounded circuit) shall be bonded to
3.11 Current Transformers Supplying Current Signal the starter enclosure for grounding. A No. 10-32
to Optional Ammeter - The turns ratio shall appear wire binding screw shall be provided adjacent to
in a readily visible location. Current transformer shall terminal 2. Circuit 2 shall be grounded at this point.
be sized to provide 2.4 to 4 amperes at motor full load e. Regulation must be such that the output voltage
current and have an accuracy class of 0.6 and burden is 100-130V with load variations of 25-100% of
rating of B-0.1 with continuous thermal current rating rated load.
factor of 1.0 at 30°C. See Paragraph 3.15.
FORM 160.76-PA1
ISSUE DATE: 8/31/2018
3.15 Ammeters - When specified by the Purchase Order, 3.16 Space Requirements for Stress Cones - The fol-
an ammeter shall be furnished to measure motor lowing minimum distance between point of entry of
line current. The ammeter shall have a 5 ampere conduits and line and load connections shall be pro-
movement and a direct reading scale which indicates vided when the use of stress cones for field wiring is
actual motor current. Two (2) different arrangements indicated.
are recommended as follows:
Voltage Minimum Distance
a. Single-phase ammeter circuit - The ammeter is 2-5 KV 14 inches
installed in series with the current transformer and
5.1-15 KV 19 inches
a shorting switch is connected across the ammeter
as shown in Figure 3 on page 6. 3.17 Power Factor Correction Capacitors - When PF
correction capacitors are specified on the Purchase
Order they shall be connected to the load side of each
starter in all cases except for open-transition auto-
transformer or Wye-Delta starting where they shall
be connected to the line side per NEMA Std. MG-1,
Part 20. See paragraph 3.10(f) and 3.15(c) for other
3.18 Three Phase Oil Pump Power Supply - Optional
when specified
3.18.1 ( 200-600V only) - When specified on the Purchase
Order, a protected branch circuit, as shown in Fig-
Figure 3 - SINGLE PHASE AMMETER CIRCUIT ure 1 on page 3, shall be provided to supply
three-phase power to the oil pump motor controller
mounted on the YORK YK chiller. The circuit shall
b. Three-phase ammeter circuit - Where indication comply with the following:
of all three phase currents is specified on the Pur-
a. It shall be fed through either a 3-pole, 30 amp fuse
chase Order, a 4-position selector switch shall be
block or a 3-pole circuit breaker as specified on
provided with a common ammeter. This is wired
the Purchase Order.
in conjunction with two CT’s as shown in Figure 4
on page 6. b. Cartridge-type fuse holders, rated 30 amperes and
of the proper voltage rating, shall be provided. For
maximum dual element fuse size and oil pump
motor FLA, see Table 2 on page 7.
3.18.2 ( Above 600 volts) - When specified on the order,
a 3-phase Oil Pump power transformer with
transformer disconnect and both primary and
secondary transformer fusing shall be provided.
FORM 160.76-PA1
ISSUE DATE: 8/31/2018
(c) S
econdary voltage output shall be as specified 4. CERTIFICATION
by the Purchase Order. Secondary cartridge-type
4.1 The starter manufacturer must provide three (3) sets
fuse holders rated 30 amperes and of the proper
(or more as specified on the Purchase Order) of
voltage rating shall be provided. For maximum
certified drawings, identified with job name and ESG
dual element fuse size and Variable Speed Oil
Sales Order Number and showing dimensions and
Pump Panel FLA, see Table 2 on page 7.
wiring diagram, as follows:
The secondary fuses shall be wired to control
terminals 67, 68 and 69 (corresponding to phases a. T
wo (2) sets (or more as specified) to source of
L1, L2 & L3). Purchase Order.
Table 2 - OIL PUMP FUSE SIZES b. One (1) set, for record purposes only, to Product
Oil Pump Fuse Size Technical Support W3, Johnson Controls Inc.,
Freq.(Hz) Oil Pump FLA
Voltage (Amps) 5000 Renaissance Drive, New Freedom, PA
60 200/208 7.2 10 17349.
60 220/230/240 7.2 10
60 380/416 4.3 8
60 440/460*/480 3.6 7
60 575 2.9 5 5.1 The container used in shipment of the starter must be
50 220 7.2 10 identified with the JCI Purchase Order, Job Name and
50 346 6.6 10 JCI Sales Order Number, and any special markings
50 380/400*/415 4.3 8 specified.
50 440 3.6 7
(d) Transformer load regulation must be such that the Example: Contract Special
output voltage remains within the range as shown One (1) Model ABC, Auto-Transformer, Closed Transition
in Table 3 on page 7. 65% Tap Starter, NEMA 1 enclosure, floor mount-
3.19 Voltage Limits - Low voltage starters must operate ed, for use with York Model YKCDCPQ4-EHG
properly within the voltage limits listed below: Chiller at 460 volts -3-60 with 225 FLA, 1380 LRA
and 583 amps maximum inrush, per ESG Standard
Table 3 - VOLTAGE
R-1132, 2 KVA (20 amp) control power transformer,
Continuous Operation door mounted ammeter and three (3) phase am-
Rated Distribution Dip Voltage
Voltage Voltage (60 sec. Min.) meter selector switch, 3-phase power supply with
Min Vtg Max Vtg
30 amp fuse block for oil pump, customer XYZ,
60 200V 200-208V 170V 180V 220V
JCI Sales Order Number 00-000000.
60 230V 220-240V 196V 207V 254V
60 460V 440-480V 391V 414V 508V
60 575V 550-600V 489V 518V 635V
60 380V 380V 323V 342V 402V
50 400V 400V 340V 360V 423V
50 415V 415V 353V 374V 440V
5000 Renaissance Drive, New Freedom, Pennsylvania USA 17349 800-861-1001 Subject to change without notice. Printed in USA
Copyright © by Johnson Controls 2018 www.johnsoncontrols.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Form 160.76-PA1 (818)
Issue Date: August 31, 2018
New Release