3-Bch202 Carbohydrates Modified

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King Saud University

College of Science
Department of Biochemistry

General Biochemistry (BCH 202)

Chapter 3

Prepared by Dr. Farid Ataya http://fac.ksu.edu.sa/fataya

Topic No of Lectures
Carbohydrates: function and classification:
-Simple sugar, monosaccharides structure (Types and classification), 1 2-4
- Functional groups
- Sterochemistry and optical Activity,
- Solubility, epimers, cyclic structure, anomers,
- reducing vs nonreducing sugars
- monosaccharide derivatives.
-Functions of glucose , fructose and galactose
-Reactions of simple sugars (oxidation-reduction, esterification and
- Amino derivatives
Glycosidic bonds (types and structure) 1.33 5-8
- structure of disaccharides (e.g. maltose, lactose, sucrose),
- structure of trisaccharides
- oligosaccharides:
- polysaccharides: classification, structure and Function.
Storage polysaccharides: starch. glycogen
Structural Polysaccharides:, cellulose, chitin,

Functional polysaccharides: glycosaminoglycans and heparin. 1.33 9-12

Gylcoproteins and their functions : adhesion immunology, recognition
Introduction to sugar metabolism
Carbohydrates are the most abundant biomolecules on Earth.
It is synthesized by plants through the process known as
photosynthesis which converts more than 100 billion metric
tons of CO2 and H2O per year into cellulose and other plant
Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones, or
substances that yield such compounds on hydrolysis. ??

The simplest form is called monosaccharides.

Many, but not all, monosaccharides have the empirical formula
(CH2O)n or Cn(H2O)n where n>3; some also contain
nitrogen, phosphorus, or sulfur.
Biological significance of carbohydrates
1- It represents 50-60% of most human food and 0.6% of his weight.
2- It is important rapid source of energy (4.2 Cal/g).
3- It can act as storage of energy in plants in the form of starch and less frequently in
mammals as glycogen.
4- It can act as structural components of many organisms (supporting function in
plants as cellulose).
5- It can be cell-membrane components mediating intercellular communication.
6- It can be cell-surface antigens (it participates in recognition and adhesion between
7- It can be part of the body’s extracellular ground substance (carbohydrate polymers
lubricate skeletal joints).
8- It can be associated with other biological macromolecules like proteins and lipids to
form glycoproteins and glycolipids, respectively.
9- It forms part of nucleic acids (ribose and deoxyribose in RNA and DNA, respect-)
10- It forms part of several coenzymes (like NAD+, NADP+, FAD, CoA).
There are three major size classes of carbohydrates:
- monosaccharides,
- oligosaccharides, and
- polysaccharides
(the word “saccharide” is derived from the Greek sakcharon, meaning

Monosaccharides, or simple sugars, consist of a single polyhydroxy

aldehyde or ketone unit.
The most abundant monosaccharide in nature is the six-carbon sugar D-
glucose, sometimes referred to as dextrose.
Monosaccharides of more than four carbons tend to have cyclic
Examples of monosaccharides are glucose, fructose, mannose, ribose, etc.
Notice, all common monosaccharides end with the suffix “-ose.”
Oligosaccharides consist of short chains of monosaccharide units (2-20 units or
residues), joined by characteristic linkages called glycosidic bonds.
The most abundant are the disaccharides, with two monosaccharide units.
Like monosaccharides, all disaccharides have names ending with the suffix “-
In cells, most oligosaccharides do not occur as free entities but are joined to
nonsugar molecules (lipids or proteins) in glycol-conjugates.
Polysaccharides are sugar polymers containing more than 20 or so
monosaccharide units, and some have hundreds or thousands of units.
Some polysaccharides, such as cellulose, are linear chains; others, such as
glycogen and starch, are branched.
Both glycogen and cellulose consist of repeated units of D-glucose, but they
differ in the type of glycosidic linkage and consequently have strikingly different
properties and biological roles.
Monosaccharides are colorless, crystalline solids that are freely soluble in water
but insoluble in nonpolar solvents.
Are they hydrophobic or hydrophilic?
Most have a sweet taste. Give reason.
The backbones of common monosaccharide molecules are unbranched carbon
chains in which all the carbon-carbon atoms are linked by single bonds.
It can be found in open-chain form or in cyclic form
In the open-chain form,
- one of the carbon atoms is double-bonded to an oxygen atom to form a
carbonyl group; What is the structure of carbonyl group?
- each of the other carbon atoms has a hydroxyl group.
So, monosaccharides can be found in the form of aldehydes or ketones
If the carbonyl group is at an end of the carbon chain (that is, in an aldehyde form)
the monosaccharide is called aldose;
If the carbonyl group is at any other position (in a ketone form) the monosaccharide
is called ketose.
(Cont.) are named by:
Prefix of the Latin number of the carbon atoms forming the sugar + the suffix -ose

Arabic Latin sugar


3 Tri- AldoTriose KetoTriose

4 Tetr- AldoTetrose KetoTetrose

5 Pent- AldoPentose KetoPentose

6 Hex- AldoHexose KetoHexose

7 Hept- AldoHeptose KetoHeptose

8 Oct- AldoOctose KetoOctose

Notice, you can find two forms of monosaccharides having the same number of carbon atoms
(aldose and ketose)
Monosaccharides (Cont.)
- The simplest monosaccharides is trioses having
3 carbons.
Two trioses are present; glyceraldehyde and
Notice, Both can be written C3H6O3 or (CH2O)3
One is aldotriose and the other is ketotriose.

- Monosaccharides having 6 carbons are glucose

and fructose.
Notice, Both can be written C6H12O6 or (CH2O)6
One is aldohexose and the other is ketohexose.

Notice, Many other aldohexoses and ketohexoses are

Monosaccharides, Aldoses, opened form

Lehninger, Principles of Biochemistry, 4th ed.

Monosaccharides, Ketoses opened form

Write short note about tagatose.

Lehninger, Principles of Biochemistry, 4th ed.

Compounds with the same molecular formula but having different structures or
different orientation.

Biochemistry, Berg, et al., 8Th Ed. (Stryer)

a- Structure (constitutional) isomers
it can be divided into: functional group isomers and positional isomers

- Functional group isomers

with different functional groups
e.g. glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone (aldehyde and ketone)

- Positional isomers
with substituent groups on different C-atoms
e.g. 2-Phosphoglycerate and 3-Phosphoglycerate


2-Phosphoglycerate 3-Phosphoglycerate
b- Stereoisomers
Compounds with the same molecular formula, functional groups, and position
of functional groups but have different conformations.
It can be divided into: cis-trans isomers and optical isomers

- cis-trans isomers
Compounds with different conformation around double bonds

Notice, compounds of
this example are not
C C sugar



Fumaric acid (trans) Maleic acid (cis)

b- Stereoisomers
- optical isomers
Compounds with different conformation around chiral or asymmetric carbon atoms

B The carbon C is asymmetric if A, B, D, and E are different groups

A C D The four different groups A, B, D, and E can be arranged in space

around the C-atom in two different ways to generate two different

The mirror image isomers constitute an

B B enantiomeric pair;
one member of the pair is said to be the
A C D D C A enantiomer of the other
The mirror images can’t be superimposed
E E on each other, i.e. they are different



One member of an enantiomeric pair will rotate a plane of polarized light in a clockwise direction.
It is said to be dextrorotatory which is labelled (+)

The other member of the pair will rotate the light in a counterclockwise direction.
It is said to be levorotatory which is labelled (-).

Compound with optical activity means it has chiral carbon
and it can rotate the plane of polarized light as it travels
through it to either right, dextrorotatory (clockwise) or to the
left, levorotatory (anticlockwise)
Do you know the meaning of polarized light and optical activity?
In general, a molecule with n chiral centers can have 2n stereoisomers.
e.g. Glyceraldehyde has 21 = 2;
Aldohexoses, with four chiral centers, have 24 = 16 stereoisomers.

Number of Number of Number of optical

carbon atoms Aldose/Ketose asymmetric carbon (n) isomers (2n)

3 Aldose 1 2
4 Aldose 2 4
5 Aldose 3 8
6 Aldose 4 16

3 Ketose 0 --
4 Ketose 1 2
5 Ketose 2 4
6 Ketose 3 8
- Glyceraldehyde is used as a reference for optical isomers because it is the simplest
monosaccharide with an asymmetric carbon. Q1

Chiral C C CH2OH
H- C - OH HO- C - H C O


D-Glyceraldehyde L-Glyceraldehyde Dihydroxyacetone

D-Glyceraldehyde is the isomer that has the hydroxyl group on the RIGHT when the aldehyde group is
at the top in a Fischer projection formula.
It is also dextrorotatory, so it is also D(+)-Glyceraldehyde

L-Glyceraldehyde is the isomer that has the hydroxyl group on the LEFT when the aldehyde group is
at the top in a Fischer projection formula.
It is also levorotatory, so it is also L(-)-Glyceraldehyde
Dihydroxyacetone has only one form. It does not have D nor L form . Explain why? Q2
D & L designate absolute configuration of the asymmetric carbon atom farthest
from the aldehyde or ketone group. Notice: enantiomers are two isomers of
the same sugar


H – C – OH OH – C – H OH – C – H H – C – OH
H – C - OH OH – C - H H – C - OH OH – C - H

D-Erythrose L-Erythrose D-Threose L-Threose

The 6-C aldoses have 4 asymmetric centers. Thus there are 16 stereoisomers (8
D-sugars and 8 L-sugars).
Calculate the number of stereoisomers
Most naturally occurring sugars are D isomers. of glucose and name them?
Enantiomers vs diastereomers

Optical isomers that are not enantiomers are diastereomers

Diastereomers are pairs of stereoisomers that are not mirror images of each other.

C6H12O6 C6H12O6 C6H12O6 C6H12O6 C6H12O6

Lehninger, Principles of Biochemistry, 4th ed.

Diastereomers vs Epimers

Epimers are types of diastereomers that differ by their configuration on a single

asymmetric carbon.
Ex. D-glucose and D-mannose, are epimers differ only in the stereochemistry at C-2.
Ex. D-glucose and D- galactose are also epimers at C-4

Lehninger, Principles of
Biochemistry, 4th ed.
 Q2: Explain the meaning of epimer and identify the epimers of (a) D-allose, (b) D-gulose, and (c) D-
ribose at C-2, C-3, and C-4 in the Fig.

 Ans: Epimers differ by the configuration about only one carbon.

 (a) D-altrose (C-2), D-glucose (C-3), D-gulose (C-4)
 (b) D-idose (C-2), D-galactose (C-3), D-allose (C-4)
 (c) D-arabinose (C-2), D-xylose (C-3)
Three ways to represent the two stereoisomers of
- Ball and stick models show the actual configuration of

- Fischer projection formulas, horizontal bonds project

out of the plane of the paper, toward the reader; vertical
bonds project behind the plane of the paper, away from
the reader.
The chiral carbon presents at the intersection of vertical
and horizontal lines

- Perspective formula solid wedge-shaped bonds point

toward the reader, dashed wedges point away.

Lehninger, Principles of Biochemistry, 4th ed.

Monosaccharides (Cont.)
The Common Monosaccharides Have Cyclic Structures
In fact, in aqueous solution, aldotetroses and all monosaccharides
with five or more carbon atoms in the backbone occur
predominantly as cyclic (ring) structures in which the carbonyl
group has formed a covalent bond with the oxygen of a hydroxyl
group along the chain.
The formation of these ring structures is the result of a general
reaction between alcoholic OH and the carbonyl group of the
aldehydes or ketones to form derivatives called hemiacetals or
hemiketals, respectively.
This results in the formation of an additional asymmetric carbon
atom and thus can exist in two stereoisomeric forms ( and ).
Formation of hemiacetals and hemiketals.

- An aldehyde or ketone can react with an alcohol to form a hemiacetal or hemiketal,

respectively, creating a new chiral center at the carbonyl carbon.
- Substitution of a second alcohol molecule produces an acetal or ketal.
- When the second alcohol is part of another sugar molecule, the bond produced is a
glycosidic bond.
Formation of the two cyclic forms of D-glucose
Alpha () versus Beta () form
 Anomers are isomeric forms of the same monosaccharide that
differ only in their configuration about the hemiacetal or
hemiketal carbon atom.
 The hemiacetal carbon atom (or carbonyl) is called the
anomeric carbon.
 For example, D-glucose exists in solution as an intramolecular
hemiacetal in which the free hydroxyl group at C-5 has reacted
with the aldehydic C-1, rendering the latter carbon asymmetric
and producing two anomers designated as α and β.
Formation of the two cyclic forms of D-glucose
Mutarotation is the interconversion of α- and β- anomers when polarized Q1
light is passed through an aqueous solution of the monosaccharide to reach








-D-glucose D-glucose -D- glucose

(%63) (%1) (%36)
Formation of the two cyclic forms of D-glucose
(Haworth perspective formulas)

Reaction between the aldehyde group at C-1

and the hydroxyl group at C-5 forms a
hemiacetal linkage, producing either of two
stereoisomers, the α and β anomers, which
differ only in the stereochemistry around the
hemiacetal carbon.

These six-membered ring compounds are called

pyranoses because they resemble the six
membered ring compound pyran.

The systematic names for the two ring forms of

D-glucose are α-D-glucopyranose and β-D-

Lehninger, Principles of Biochemistry, 4th ed.

Pyranoses versus furanoses (Haworth perspective form)
and Chair conformation
Like glucose (aldohexose), fructose (ketohexose) forms ring

Reaction between the ketone group at C-2 and the hydroxyl

group at C-5 forms a hemiketal linkage, producing the α and β
anomers of fructose, which differ only in the stereochemistry
around the hemiaketal carbon (C2).

In Haworth perspective formulas of glucose and fructose, the

edges of the ring nearest the reader are represented by bold

Surprisingly, fructose form both pyranose and furanose rings.

Although the Haworth perspective form is commonly used in

biochemistry, the six-membered pyranose ring is not planar, as
Haworth perspectives suggest, but tends to assume either of
two “chair” conformations.
Enantiomers and anomers:
are two forms of the same sugar D/L and /, respectively)

Quiz are isomers two different sugars

 Indicate whether each of the following pairs of sugars

consists of
 A- anomers,
 B- epimers,
 C- aldose-ketose pair:
( c ) D-glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone
( b ) D-glucose and D-mannose
( c ) D-glucose and D-fructose
( a ) α-D-glucose and β-D-glucose
( c ) D-ribose and D-ribulose
( b ) D-galactose and D-glucose
Types of isomers of carbohydrates

Biochemistry, Berg, et al., 8Th Ed. (Stryer)

Solubility of carbohydrates
 In a common monosaccharide, most carbon atoms have a hydroxyl group
attached. This accounts for their high solubility in water: the hydroxyl groups
are very polar and prone to hydrogen bonding.
 As a rule:
 If something has hydrogen bonding its an extreme form of polar bonds as well as
vanderwaals forces.
 Water is a polar compound that also has hydrogen bonding.
 So if you have hydrogen bonding you have a polar compound which will be soluble in
 All monosaccharides are soluble in water
 Smaller sugars are more soluble in water than larger ones.
 Oligosaccharides are less soluble than monosaccharides.
 Polysaccharides like starch and glycogen are slightly soluble or nearly insoluble
although they have too many –OH groups because of their high molecular
Examples of

• The main source of energy CH2OH
• Binds to other sugars to give O
disaccharides, oligo and poly
saccharides H
• It is aldo hexose, glucopyranose OH H H
• It is called Dextrose H OH
• (dextro-rotarory) +52.5 (this value
represents the mix of  and  at equilibrium) -D-Glucose
• i.e it rotates the rout of polarized
light to the right by 52.5 degree
• It is reducing sugar
• It is called also grape sugar
• It is Keto hexose
• The most sweet sugar
• It is called levulose (levo rotatory) -92.3
• It is reducing sugar
• It is called also fruit sugar
• It binds to glucose to give sucrose
• Surprisingly, fructose form both pyranose and furanose rings.
• The pyranose form predominantly found when fructose is free in solution while
furanose is predominant in many fructose derivatives.
• β-D-Fructopyranose, found in honey, is one of the sweetest chemicals known.
• The β -D-Fructofuranose form isn't nearly as sweet.
• Heating converts β -pyranose into β -furanose form, reducing sweetness.
• For this reason, corn syrup with high concentration of fructose in β -D-pyranose
form is used as sweetener in cold drinks but not in hot drinks.
Fructose of highest sweet taste is the form of ………………
a- β -D-Fructofuranose b- β -D-Fructopyranose c-  -D-Fructofuranose d-  -D-Fructopyranose
• It does not found free in nature
• Binds to glucose to give lactose
• It is aldo hexose
• It is reducing sugar
• It is epimer to glucose at C-4
• Galactose can be converted in the cell into glucose to be used for
energy production.
• It has an important role in cell communication.
• It is also synthesized by the body and forms part of glycolipids
(carbohydrates-containing lipids), glycoproteins (carbohydrates-
containing proteins) and galactolipids that occur in the brain and
other tissues of most animals.
2 O

• The sugar in the nucleic acid H H

• Aldo pentose H
• Also, it forms part of some enzyme’s
cofactors OH OH
• The DNA contains the deoxy form of
ribose, lack of Oxygen in position C2
• The RNA contains the normal form of 2 O
ribose H H
• It is reducing sugar H

Reactions of simple sugars
 The anomeric carbon can react with alcohol, nitrogen of amine or phosphate to form
glycosidic bond
 Other carbons in the sugar backbone can react phosphate or with amine to form sugar
Phosphate or sugar amine, respectively.
 These modifications give the carbohydrate more characteristics enabling them to serve as
signal molecules or facilitate the metabolism of the carbohydrate.

 So, we can divide the reaction of sugar into:

 Oxidation-reduction (required for monosaccharide metabolic breakdown)

 Esterification, Phosphorylation (reaction with alcohol, production of phosphate esters)

 Amino derivatives (used to produce structural components)

 Glycoside formation (linkage of monosaccharides to form oligo- and polysaccharides)

Reducing vs nonreducing sugars
 The hemiacetal linkage is weak and can be dissociated to give the open form.
 This process makes the carbonyl group available to reduce mild oxidizing agent such as ferric
(Fe+3) or cupric (Cu+2) ion and the carbonyl carbon is oxidized to a carboxyl group plus
ferrous (Fe+2) or cuprous (Cu+) .
 This property is the basis of Fehling’s reaction, a test for the presence of reducing sugar.
 By measuring the amount of oxidizing agent reduced by a solution of a sugar, we estimate the
concentration of that sugar.
 Sugars with a free or potentially free aldehyde or ketone group (hemiacetal or
hemiketal) have reducing properties and are called reducing sugars.
 So, all monosaccharides are reducing sugars.
 In case of converting all the hemiacetal or hemiketal linkage to the strong acetal or ketal, the
sugar loses the reducing ability and is called nonreducing sugar.

 Cu2O
- Oxidation of aldoses (using Fehling reagent)
The presence of the hydrogen atom in the aldehyde group gives reducing properties to the
aldehyde molecule.
Aldehydes are easily oxidized by mild oxidizing agents such as Fehling’s reagent to
carboxylic acids
Thus, aldoses are reducing agents.
Any sugar that has a free aldehyde group is referred to as a reducing sugar.
The product name is made by changing the –ose ending to –onic acid (-onate)
Glucose  gluconic acid or gluconate
Tests for reducing sugars: Fehling’s reaction [Cu(II)  Cu(I)]

- Oxidation of ketoses (using Fehling reagent)
 Ketones do not have such reducing properties of the aldehyde group due to the
lack of H attached to C=O and are not oxidized under similar conditions.
 BUT, fructose reduces such reagents even though it contains no aldehyde group.
 Reduction occurs because the reagents are basic solutions and fructose is readily
isomerized to a mixture of aldoses (glucose and mannose) under basic
The most important biological esters of carbohydrates are phosphate esters.
In the cell, phosphate esters are produced NOT by using the very acidic
phosphoric acid, but most often by transfer of phosphate group from ATP to
carbohydrate hydroxyl group, a reaction catalyzed by enzymes called kinases.
 The addition of phosphoryl groups is
common in sugar metabolism.
 Glucose in converted in the glycolysis
pathway to glucose 6-phosphate, which
undergo a series of reactions, all of them
contain phosphate group including fructose
6-Ph, Fructose 1,6-diPh, Glyceraldehyde 3-
Ph, Dihydroxyacetone Ph., 6-
Phsphoglycerate and PhosphoinolPyruvate.

 Phosphorylation makes sugars anionic,

negative charge prevents sugars from
spontaneously leaving the cell by crossing
lipid-bilayer membranes. Creates reactive
intermediates-that will more readily form
linkages to other molecules.
3- Amino derivatives
 The replacement of a hydroxyl group on a carbohydrate with amino
group results in an amino sugar.

 Uses for amino sugars:

It is used to produce structural component in many organisms
 Structural components of bacteria; cell wall.
 A component of chitin, the carbohydrate polymer forming the exoskeleton of insects.
 A major structural unit of chondroitin sulphate, a component of cartilage of vertebrates.
 A component of glycoproteins and glycolipids.
3- Amino derivatives (cont.)

The amino group of glucosamine may be H
acetylated, as in N-acetylglucosamine. OH OH OH O OH
-D-glucosamine -D-N-acetylglucosamine

N-acetylneuraminate (N-acetylneuraminic
acid, also called sialic acid) is often found as O H

a terminal residue of oligosaccharide chains H3C C NH O COO

of glycoproteins. R HC OH
H H R=
Sialic acid imparts negative charge to H OH
glycoproteins, because its carboxyl group OH H
tends to dissociate a proton at physiological N-acetylneuraminate (sialic acid)
4- Glycoside formation
 There are many types of glycosidic bond.
 It is formed between the anomeric carbon of a carbohydrate and the oxygen,
nitrogen or phosphorous of other compound.

 R-OH + HO-R'  R-O-R' + H2O

 After glycosidic bond formation, the anomeric carbon involved in bond formation
is stabilized and the bond converts to acetal or ketal (strong bond) with no
potentially free aldehyde or keto groups.

 Glycosidic bonds between monosaccharides yields oligo- and polysaccharides.

 The glycosidic bond has direction and orientation and could affect the reducing
character of the sugar (see the disaccharides coming next lecture).
Glycosylation Reaction
 There are several types of glycosylation, although the first two are the
most common.
 In N-glycosylation, sugars are attached to nitrogen, typically on
the amide side-chain of asparagine.
 In O-glycosylation, sugars are attached to oxygen, typically
on serine or threonine but also on non-canonical amino acids such
as hydroxylysine & hydroxyproline. Also bond between monosaccharides to
form oligosaccharides and polysaccharides is o-glycosylation.
 In P-glycosylation, sugars are attached to phosphorus on a phosphoserine.
 In C-glycosylation, sugars are attached directly to carbon, such as in the
addition of mannose to tryptophan.
 In glypiation, is the covalent bond of Glycosyl Phosphatidyl Inositol (GPI)
anchor and is a common post-translational modification that localizes proteins
to cell membranes. Glycolipid is attached to the C-terminus of a polypeptide,
serving as a membrane anchor.
N-linked glycosylation
Sugar molecules can be attached to asparagine or glutamine by N-linked glycosylation


H O HN C CH2 CH Asn Gal Gal Gal

H HN N-linked oligosaccharide
OH Man Man
H HN C CH3 Man Key:
O NAN = N-acetylneuraminate
HN NAG Gal = galactose
NAG = N-acetylglucosamine
Initial sugar in N-linked
HC R Ser or Thr NAG Fuc
Man = mannose
glycoprotein oligosaccharide C O Fuc = fucose

N-linked oligosaccharides of glycoproteins tend to be complex and branched.

First N-acetylglucosamine is linked to a protein via the side-chain N of an
asparagine residue in a particular 3-amino acid sequence (-Asn-X-Ser/Thr).
Additional monosaccharides are added, and the N-linked oligosaccharide chain is
modified by removal and addition of residues, to yield a characteristic branched
O-linked glycosylation

Oligosaccharides can bind to a protein H O O CH2 CH

via O-glycosidic bond between the sugar H NH serine
OH H residue
residue & the serine or threonine OH to
form linear or branched chains.

O-linked oligosaccharide chains of
glycoproteins vary in complexity.
O-linked oligosaccharides have roles in recognition, interaction, and enzyme
N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) is a common O-linked glycosylation of protein
serine or threonine residues.
Many cellular proteins, including enzymes & transcription factors, are regulated by
reversible GlcNAc attachment.
Often attachment of GlcNAc to a protein OH alternates with phosphorylation, with
these 2 modifications having opposite regulatory effects (stimulation or
O-linked versus N-linked glycosidic bond

Oligosaccharide linkages in glycoproteins.

(a) O-linked oligosaccharides have a glycosidic bond to the hydroxyl group of Ser or Thr residues (shaded
pink), illustrated here with GalNAc as the sugar at the reducing end of the oligosaccharide. One simple
chain and one complex chain are shown.
(b) N-linked oligosaccharides have an N-glycosyl bond to the amide nitrogen of an Asn residue (shaded
green), illustrated here with GlcNAc as the terminal sugar. Three common types of oligosaccharide chains
that are N-linked in glycoproteins are shown.
What is the difference between glycosides, glycosidic
bond, O-glycosidic bond and N-glycosidic bond
 Q1-
Glycoside formation
 Hemiacetals/Hemiketals react with alcohols to form acetal/ketal

O-glycosidic bond

 OH reacts with anomeric C, lose OH and replaced with RO

-O attached to anomeric C
-linkage between 2 sugars
- form of oligo/polysaccharides from these reactions
- Thr and Ser (not Tyr) can be used to make glycoprotein

N-glycosidic bond
 amine (NH) substitutes for OH,
- N reacts with anomeric C
- seen in formation of nucleic acids
- asparagine can be used to make glycoprotein
 N-Glycosides can substitute for hydroxyl groups and react at the anomeric carbon center of carbohydrates
 This linkage is called an N-glycosidic bond .
 This type of bond is of paramount importance in the construction of nucleotides such as ATP and in the
nucleic acids RNA and DNA
Glucose in the blood and the glycated HbA1c
eAG (estimated average
hemoglobin (mmol/
% (mmol/L) (mg/dL)
Glucose is the main sugar in our diet and in the body. 5 31 5.4 (4.2–6.7) 97 (76–120)
The normal blood glucose is 70-110 mg%. 6 42 7.0 (5.5–8.5) 126 (100–152)
Blood glucose reacts with the N-terminal of the beta 7 53 8.6 (6.8–10.3) 154 (123–185)
chain of the hemoglobin nonenzymaticaly. 8 64 10.2 (8.1–12.1) 183 (147–217)
This glycosylation (glycation) reaction forms a Schiff 9 75 11.8 (9.4–13.9) 212 (170–249)
base which is itself converted to 1-deoxyfructose. 10 86 13.4 (10.7–15.7) 240 (193–282)

In diabetic patients, the blood glucose levels are 11 97 14.9 (12.0–17.5) 269 (217–314)
12 108 16.5 (13.3–19.3) 298 (240–347)
high, glucose molecules attach to the hemoglobin in red
13 119 18.1 (15–21) 326 (260–380)
blood cells. So, the glycated hemoglobin is higher.
14 130 19.7 (16–23) 355 (290–410)
The level of glycated hemoglobin within the red cell,
15 140 21.3 (17–25) 384 (310–440)
therefore, reflects the average level of glucose to which
16 151 22.9 (19–26) 413 (330–480)
the cell has been exposed during the RBCs life-cycle (120 17 162 24.5 (20–28) 441 (460–510)
days). 18 173 26.1 (21–30) 470 (380–540)
So, measuring glycated hemoglobin in the form of plasma 19 184 27.7 (23–32) 499 (410–570)
glucose concentration assesses the effectiveness of
therapy by monitoring long-term serum glucose regulation
during 3 months.
Sugar derivatives

D-ribitol D-glucuronic acid
D-gluconic acid

 Sugar alcohol - lacks an aldehyde or ketone; e.g., ribitol.

 Sugar acid - the aldehyde at C1, or OH at C6, is oxidized to a
carboxylic acid; e.g., gluconic acid, glucuronic acid.
Examples of

Disaccharides Contain a Glycosidic Bond
 Disaccharides (such as maltose, lactose, and sucrose)
consist of two monosaccharides joined covalently by an
O-glycosidic bond, which is formed by dehydration
(removal of H2O), a hydroxyl group of one sugar and
hydrogen from OH of other sugar.
 This reaction form an acetal from a hemiacetal.
 Glycosidic bonds are readily hydrolyzed by acid but resist
cleavage by base.
 Thus, disaccharides can be hydrolyzed to yield their free
monosaccharide components by boiling with dilute acid.
It is also called maltobiose or malt sugar.
The disaccharide maltose contains two D-glucose residues joined
by a O-glycosidic linkage between C-1 (the anomeric carbon)
of one glucose residue and C-4 of the other.
Because the disaccharide retains ONE free anomeric carbon
maltose is a reducing sugar.
The configuration of the anomeric carbon atom in the glycosidic
linkage is α-(14).
The glucose residue with the free anomeric carbon is capable of
existing in α- and β–pyranose forms.
Non-reducing reducing

Two units of glucose bound by -16

glycosidic bond.
Because the disaccharide retains ONE
free anomeric carbon isomaltose is a
reducing sugar.
It is produced by the hydrolysis of
glycogen or amylopectin.
It is also called milk sugar.
It is composed of galactose and glucose linked by is β-(14) glycosidic bond.
So, galactose lose its reducing ability because the hemiacetal is converted to
acetal bond, while the anomeric carbon of the glucose residue is available
for oxidation and retains its reducing potential.
Thus lactose is a reducing disaccharide.
Its abbreviated name is Gal(14)Glc.

How you can define the reducing ability from the sugar name without looking for the chemical structure?
Sucrose (table sugar or cane sugar) is a disaccharide of glucose and fructose.
It is formed by plants but not by animals.
In contrast to maltose and lactose, sucrose contains no free anomeric carbon atom;
the anomeric carbons of both monosaccharide units are involved in the glycosidic bond
(,  12).
So, sucrose is therefore a non-reducing sugar.

Explain why sucrose is nonreducing while maltose is reducing sugar?

-The hydrolysis of sucrose by acid makes the following changes:

 It gives glucose and fructose. So, it is more sweaty,
 It changes from non-reducing to reducing,
 The optical rotation changes from right to left (+52.5, -92.3 for glu and fru,
 It is called invert sugar

What are the changes that appear on sucrose when treated with acid and heating?

 The full name of sucrose is -D-glucopyranosyl-(12)--D-fructopyranose).

Compare and contrast between sucrose, maltose and lactose?
Two units of glucose bound by -14 glycosidic bond.
Because the disaccharide retains ONE free anomeric carbon
cellobiose is a reducing sugar.
It is produced by the hydrolysis of cellulose.
1-Which of the following is non-reducing sugar?
A- Glucose B- sucrose C- maltose D- galactose

2-An example of ketohexose is ……………….

A- Fructose B- glucose C- lactose D- sucrose

3-Glucose is ……………….
A- aldohexose B- dextrose C- Grape sugar D- all of the above

4-We can find the acetal bond in ……………….

A- All mono saccharides B- disaccharides C- polypeptide D- protein

5-The bond between the sugars of maltose is ……………….

A- β(1 4) B- α(1 4) C- β(1 6) D- hydrogen bond

6-The molecular formula C5H10O5 could be of ……………….

A- ribose B- fructose C- tetrose D- sucrose

7- Sucrose is formed from ……… and ………..

A- 2 Glucose B- Glucose + fructose C- Glucose + galactose D- ribose + Glucose

8- The glycosidic bond between the sugarse of lactose is ………..

A- β(1 4) B- α(1 4) C- β(1 6) D- hydrogen bond
1-Circle the structure of glucose

A- B- C- D-

2-The following compound is ……………….

A-Monosaccharide B- dipeptide C- disaccharide D- non of the above

3-The following structure represents ……………….

A-sucrose B- lactose C- maltose D- mannose

4-The sugars lactose, maltose and sucrose all belong to which category of carbohydrates?
A-Monosaccharides B- Disaccharides C- oligosaccharides D- polysaccharide
 How many different oligosaccharides can be made by linking one
glucose, one mannose, and one galactose? Assume that each sugar is
in its pyranose form. Compare this number with the number of
tripeptides that can be made from three different amino acids.
 Three amino acids can be linked by peptide bonds in only six different
ways. However, three different monosaccharides can be linked in a
plethora of ways.
 - linear or branched manner,
 - α or β linkages,
 - with bonds between C-1 and C-3, between C-1 and C-4, between C-1 and
C-6, and so forth.
 Consequently, the number of possible trisaccharides greatly exceeds the
number of tripeptides.
Q: A disaccharide, which you know to be either maltose or
sucrose, is treated with Fehling’s solution, and a red color is
formed. Which sugar is it, and how do you know?
Ans: Maltose is the reducing sugar;
sucrose has no reducing (oxidizable) group, as the anomeric
carbons of both monosaccharides are involved in the glycosidic

Q: Although lactose exists in two anomeric forms, no anomeric

forms of sucrose have been reported. Why?
Ans: Lactose (Gal( 1->4)Glc) has a free anomeric carbon (on the
glucose residue).
In sucrose (Glu(1->2)Fru), the anomeric carbons of both
monosaccharide units are involved in the glycosidic bond, and
the disaccharide has no free anomeric carbon to undergo
 Q: Gentiobiose (D-Glu(1->6)D-Glu) is a disaccharide found in
some plant glycosides. Draw the structure of gentobiose based on
its abbreviated name. Is it a reducing sugar? Does it undergo

 Ans: It is a reducing sugar; it undergoes mutarotation.

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