Rubrics Developed To Validate The PO, PSO

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Rubrics developed to validate the PO, PSO

PO / PSO Assessment Rubrics


Indirect Assessment

Program Employer Alumini

CO-PO/PSO mapping

(i) Direct Assessment Tools and Process:


Assessment is a mechanism for providing instructors with data for improving their teaching
methods and for guiding and motivating students to be actively involved in their own learning. As such,
assessment provides important feedback to both instructors and students. The techniques of outcomes
assessment as a means of measuring student learning and the use of that information to improve teaching
are considered first.

Set Benchmark Guidelines:

1. For all theory courses the benchmark will be 50%
2. For all Laboratory course the benchmark will be 80%
3. For all project courses the benchmark will be 90%

Set Target Guidelines:

Set target values is assigned by average value of Course outcome to programme outcome mapping,

PSO mapping (CO-PO mapping and CO-PSO mapping)

Sample: Formal language and Automate Theory – Course – Set target value is: 2.20

C225.1 3 3 3 1 1 2

C225.2 3 3 3 3 2 2

C225.3 2 3 3 1 2 2
C225.4 2 2 3 1 2 2

C225.5 3 3 2 2 1 1

2.60 2.80 2.80 1.60 1.60 1.80 2.20

Assessment gives us essential information about what our students are learning and about the
extent to which we are meeting our teaching goals. The following four tools are used to assess the Course

1. Internal Tests
2. Online Quiz & Assignments
3. University Results
4. Course Outcome Feedback
Sample internal test analysis: FLAT (II-II)

Code Course outcome CO attainment

C225.1 Classify machines by their power to recognize languages. 3
Summarize language classes & grammars relationship among
C225.2 3
them with the help of Chomsky hierarchy
C225.3 Employ finite state machines to solve problems in computing 3
C225.4 Illustrate deterministic and non-deterministic machines 3
C225.5 Quote the hierarchy of problems arising in the computer science 3

1. Assessment Tool – Internal Test

As per the Curriculum of JNTU Kakinada, The student has to write two internal examinations per
the Course. Each exam conducted for 30 Marks (R16) and 25 Marks (R19). First three Units in MID –I and
last three units syllabus covered in MID-II (R16). First two and half Units in MID –I and last two and half
units’ syllabus covered in MID-II (R19). Faculty will set the Question paper accordingly. The marks
obtained for each question and corresponding CO are collected from each student and then CO attainment
is calculated.

The course outcomes are written by the respective faculty member using action verbs of learning
levels. Then, a correlation is established between COs and POs in the scale of 1 to 3, 1 being the slight
(low), 2 being moderate (medium) and 3 being substantial (high). A mapping matrix is prepared in this
regard for every course in the program

In a university affiliated college, the CO attainment levels can be measured based on the results of
the internal assessment and external examination conducted by the university. This is a form of direct
measurement of attainment. As per university regulations two internal assessment tests are conducted for
each course in a semester. In each test, the percentage of students who achieve a set target (usually, 50% of
the maximum marks) in each question calculated and that value decides the level of attainment of COs
which correlated to that question.

Benchmark value is: 50%

Attainment Level 1: below 60% of students score more than 50% marks out of the maximum relevant
Attainment Level 2: 60% to 80 % of students score more than 50% marks out of the maximum relevant
Attainment Level 3: more than 80% of students score more than 50% marks out of the maximum relevant

2. Assessment Tool – Online Quiz & Assignments:

As per the Curriculum of JNTU Kakinada, The student has to write two online quiz and
assignments per the Course. Each exam conducted for 20 Marks (50% will be considered) and 10 Marks
(50% will be considered). First three Units in MID –I and last three units syllabus covered in MID-II
(R16). Faculty will set the Question paper for assignment’s and online quiz is set by the JNTUK
accordingly. The marks obtained for each question and corresponding CO are collected from each student
and then CO attainment is calculated.

The course outcomes are written by the respective faculty member using action verbs of learning
levels. Then, a correlation is established between COs and POs in the scale of 1 to 3, 1 being the slight
(low), 2 being moderate (medium) and 3 being substantial (high). A mapping matrix is prepared in this
regard for every course in the program

In a university affiliated college, the CO attainment levels can be measured based on the results of
the internal assessment and external examination conducted by the university. This is a form of direct
measurement of attainment. As per university regulations two internal assessment tests are conducted for
each course in a semester. In each test, the percentage of students who achieve a set target (usually, 50% of
the maximum marks) in each question calculated and that value decides the level of attainment of COs
which correlated to that question.

Benchmark value is: 50%

Attainment Level 1: below 60% of students score more than 50% marks out of the maximum relevant
Attainment Level 2: 60% to 80 % of students score more than 50% marks out of the maximum relevant
Attainment Level 3: more than 80% of students score more than 50% marks out of the maximum relevant
3. Assessment Tool - University Results:

At the end of the Semester University conducts examination for 70 marks (R16) and 75 marks
(R19). The marks obtained for each student is calculated to measure the attainment. After the declaration
of the university results, the percentage of students who attained the COs is computed. Here, it is assumed
that the questions answered by a student cover all the course outcomes defined for that course. The
percentage of students who achieve a set target (usually, 50% of the maximum marks,) calculated and that
value decides the level of attainment of COs which correlated to that question.
Attainment Level 1: below 60% of students score more than 50% marks out of the maximum
relevant marks.
Attainment Level 2: 60% to 80 % of students score more than 50% marks out of the maximum
relevant marks.
Attainment Level 3: more than 80% of students score more than 50% marks out of the maximum
relevant marks.

4. CO Feedback methodology

The true power of assessment comes in also using it to give feedback to our students. Improving
the quality of learning in our courses involves not just determining to what extent students have mastered
course content at the end of the course; improving the quality of learning also involves determining to what
extent students are mastering content throughout the course.

At the end of the course, on line feed backs (The model CO feedback form is given in Annexure-I (Form
3)) are collected based on COs. Each CO is asked as question and that questionnaire has been send to
Student. For example, if a course has six COs then six questions asked. The Student may grade Excellent,
Very Good, Good, Satisfactory and Poor. Their weightage are as follows.

Feedback parameter CO Attainment criteria Level of attainment

Excellent, Very Good, Percentage Students >80% Level 3

Good, Satisfactory and 60% to 80 % of students Level 2
Poor below 60% of students Level 1
5. PO attainment from Theory Course

The process of attainment of POs starts from writing appropriate COs for each course of the
program. The course outcomes are written by the respective faculty member using action verbs of learning
levels. Then, a correlation is established between COs and POs in the scale of 1 to 3, 1 being the slight
(low), 2 being moderate (medium) and 3 being substantial (high). A mapping matrix is prepared in this
regard for every course in the program
Overall Course Outcome Attainment
The overall CO attainment level in the course considered is then computed as
Overall CO attainment level = 15% of CO attainment level in Internal tests +
15% of CO attainment level in Online quiz and Assignment +
50% of CO attainment level in University test+
20% of CO attainment level in CO feed back

Overall CO attainment level = (0.15*3+0.15*2+0.5*1+0.2*3)/3=1.85

Assessment Data Faculty

Weightage Assessment Criteria
Tool Collection Responsible
Internal % of students scored set Target Marks Once in a Course In
Tests (50%) in Internal Exams Semester Charge
Online Quiz
% of students scored set Target Marks Once in a Course In
(50%) in Online Quiz and Assignment Semester Charge
University % of students scored set Target Marks Once in a Course In
Results (50%) in University Exams Semester Charge
% of students gave feedback greater than Once in a Criteria 3
Target value (50%) Semester coordinator
Once a Feedback
Program Exit Survey
year Coordinator

Indirect Once in
(15% Surveys Employer Survey two
weightage) years
Once a Feedback
Alumni Survey
year Coordinator

The above procedure of computing overall CO attainment is to be repeated for each course from
first year to final year in an academic year (including opted electives, project work and technical seminars
in final year) in order to enable computation of PO and PSO attainment levels.
Program Outcomes (POs) are one step broader statements than COs that describe what students are
expected to know and be able to do upon the graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and
behavior that students acquire in their matriculation through the program.
Program outcomes and ‘program specific outcomes’ are attained through the attainment of COs.
This is called direct attainment of POs and PSOs. The overall CO attainment value as computed in chapter
4 and the CO-PO mapping values as computed in chapter 3 are used to compute the attainment of POs.

Sample computation of PO values:

Internal attainment value = (Corresponding cell value from CO-PO mapping table X
Overall CO attainment value for CO) = (3x2) = 6
Online Quiz and Assignment attainment value = (Corresponding cell value from CO-PO mapping table X
Overall CO attainment value for CO) = (3x2) =6
University attainment value = (Corresponding cell value from CO-PO mapping table X
Overall University attainment value for CO) = (3 x 1) = 3
Feed Back attainment value = (Corresponding cell value from CO-PO mapping table X
Overall Feedback attainment value for CO) = (3 x 3) = 9

Overall attainment vale = ((Internal attainment value * 0.15) + (Online Quiz and Assignment*0.15)
(University attainment value*0.5) + (Feed Back attainment value*0.2))/3

Overall attainment of PO-1 = (0.15*3+0.15*2+0.5*1+0.2*3)/3=1.85

(ii) Indirect Assessment Tools and process:

Program Exit Survey:

An exit survey is conducted for students who have graduated out of the department for that year. The
questionnaire format in the exit survey form to evaluate the attainment of POs and PSOs.

(a) Questionnaire Format

Facility High Moderate Low


Laboratories in Curriculum

Additional Laboratories & Project Lab

Common Computer Center / Internet facilities

Software facilities

Sports & Games

Counselling / Mentoring Facilities

T & P Facilities


Entrepreneurship cell



Self-Learning Facility such as NPTEL, e-Journals,

Academic Performance

Innovative methods in Teaching

Student Seminars

Faculty guidance in Laboratories

Industrial visits / internships

Quality of projects – Technology, Social Relevance,

Annual SportsMeet
Department Association Activities

Cultural Activities (KITS YUVA)

Support for self-learning

Student peer learning opportunities

Guidance provided by the Faculty members

Training Courses beyond the University syllabus -

Training Courses beyond the University syllabus -
Additional topics taught in the courses

Additional Experiments in the Laboratories

Quality of Exam paper evaluation

Student feedbacks implementation

Syllabus & its relevance to meet the objectives

Annual Project Exhibition (KITS YUVA)

Technical Paper presentation (KITS YUVA)

(b)Relation of POs with questionnaire:

Facility Mapping
Library PO12
Laboratories in Curriculum PO2,PO9,PO12
Additional Laboratories & Project Lab PO2,PO9,PO12
Common Computer Center / Internet facilities PO4,PO5,PO12
Software facilities PO4,PO5
Sports & Games PO8,PO9
Counselling / Mentoring Facilities PO6,PO8
T & P Facilities PO6,PO9,PO10,PO11,PO12
Canteen PO7
Entrepreneurship cell PO9,PO10,PO11,PO12
Hostel PO7
Transport PO7
Self-Learning Facility such as NPTEL, e-Journals, JNTU ALL POs
Academic Performance ALL POs
Innovative methods in Teaching
Student Seminars PO12,PO5
Faculty guidance in Laboratories PO2,PO9,PO12
Industrial visits / internships PO9,PO10,PO11
Quality of projects – Technology, Social Relevance, industry PO6,PO7,PO8,PO9,PO11,PO12
Annual SportsMeet PO8,PO9
Department Association Activities PO9,PO12,PO5
Cultural Activities (KITS YUVA) PO6,PO9
Support for self-learning ALL POs
Student peer learning opportunities ALL POs
Guidance provided by the Faculty members PO12
Training Courses beyond the University syllabus - Soft skills PO10,PO12
Training Courses beyond the University syllabus - Technical PO10,PO12
Additional topics taught in the courses PO5,PO12
Additional Experiments in the Laboratories PO5,PO12
Quality of Exam paper evaluation ALL POs
Student feedbacks implementation ALL POs
Syllabus & its relevance to meet the objectives ALL POs
Annual Project Exhibition (KITS YUVA) PO9,PO11,PO12,PO5
Technical Paper presentation (KITS YUVA) PO9,PO10,PO11,PO12,PO5

Feedback is taken at a frequency of once in two years from the employers who had given jobs to our

As a part of evaluation about our Alumni working with your esteemed organization, we would like to take
a few minutes to complete this brief questionnaire. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

1. Industry Profile

Name of the Contact Person :

Name of the Industry :
Type of Industry :
Address of Industry :
Mobile No. : Office No. :
Email :

would you like to be a member of Board of Studies (BOS) of this College?

Yes/ No

2. Opinion about the existing curriculum based syllabus:

5: Excellent □ 4: Very Good □ 3: Good □ 2: Satisfactory □ 1: Poor □

3. Whether existing curriculum meets the modern technologies available in the Industries.

5: Excellent □ 4: Very Good □ 3: Good □ 2: Satisfactory □ 1: Poor □

4. Are you willing to visit KITS for Academic interactions? : Yes / No

5. Suggestions to improve Curriculum related to current Industry:


6. Any other Suggestions:


Sample Employers Feedback Analysis for the AY 2020-21

Opinion about the existing curriculum Whether existing curriculum meets the
based syllabus modern technologies available in the
4 3
5 2
1 4
2 3
0 0
Feedback is taken from alumni. The questionnaire format in the alumni survey form to evaluate
attainment of POs and PSOs.
(a) Questionnaire Format:

Parameter Description High Moderate Low

Academic Performance
Innovative methods in Teaching
Student Seminars
Faculty guidance in Laboratories
Industrial visits / internships
Quality of projects – Technology, Social Relevance, industry
Annual Sports Meet
Department Association Activities
Cultural Activities (KITS YUVA)
Support for self-learning
Student peer learning opportunities
Guidance provided by the Faculty members
Training Courses beyond the University syllabus – Soft skills
Training Courses beyond the University syllabus - Technical
Additional topics taught in the courses
Additional Experiments in the Laboratories
Quality of Exam paper evaluation
Student feedbacks implementation
Syllabus & its relevance to meet the objectives
Annual Project Exhibition (KITS YUVA)
Technical Paper presentation (KITS YUVA)

(b) Relation of POs questionnaire:

Parameter Description Mapping
Academic Performance ALL POs
Innovative methods in Teaching
Student Seminars PO12,PO5
Faculty guidance in Laboratories PO2,PO9,PO12
Industrial visits / internships PO9,PO10,PO11
Quality of projects – Technology, Social Relevance, PO6,PO7,PO8,PO9,PO11,PO12
Annual SportsMeet PO8,PO9
Department Association Activities PO9,PO12,PO5
Cultural Activities (KITS YUVA) PO6,PO9
Support for self-learning ALL POs
Student peer learning opportunities ALL POs
Guidance provided by the Faculty members PO12
Training Courses beyond the University syllabus - PO10,PO12
Training Courses beyond the University syllabus - PO10,PO12
Additional topics taught in the courses PO5,PO12
Additional Experiments in the Laboratories PO5,PO12
Quality of Exam paper evaluation ALL POs
Student feedbacks implementation ALL POs
Syllabus & its relevance to meet the objectives ALL POs
Annual Project Exhibition (KITS YUVA) PO9,PO11,PO12,PO5
Technical Paper presentation (KITS YUVA) PO9,PO10,PO11,PO12,PO5

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