Interim Results 2023 Media Release

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News Release

1 August 2023



– Profit before tax up 95% to HK$83,210m (HK$42,772m in the first half of 2022).
– Attributable profit up 97% to HK$66,017m (HK$33,452m in the first half of 2022).
– Return on average ordinary shareholders' equity of 16.6% (8.6% in the first half of 2022).
– Total assets up 2% to HK$10,413bn (HK$10,198bn at the end of 2022).
– Common equity tier 1 ratio of 15.8% (15.3% at the end of 2022), total capital ratio of 19.6% (18.8% at the end of 2022).
– Cost efficiency ratio of 41.2% (59.0% for the first half of 2022).

From 1 January 2023, we adopted HKFRS 17 'Insurance Contracts', which replaced HKFRS 4 'Insurance Contracts'. Comparative data have
been restated. For further details on our adoption of HKFRS 17, see Note 15 'Accounting Policies' on page 15.

This document is issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (‘the Bank’) and its subsidiaries (together ‘the group’).
References to ‘HSBC’, ‘the Group’ or ‘the HSBC Group’ within this document mean HSBC Holdings plc together with its subsidiaries. Within
this document the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China is referred to as ‘Hong Kong’. The abbreviations
‘HK$m’ and ‘HK$bn’ represent millions and billions (thousands of millions) of Hong Kong dollars respectively.
Consolidated income statement and balance sheet data by reportable segments
Wealth and Markets and
Personal Commercial Global Securities Corporate Other (GBM
Banking Banking2 Banking2 Services Centre3 – other) Total
HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m
Half-year to 30 Jun 2023
Net interest income/(expense) 38,850 30,084 11,680 2,384 (18,011) 840 65,827
Net fee income 10,078 5,674 2,696 1,418 160 — 20,026
Net income from financial instruments measured
at fair value through profit or loss 30,249 2,491 102 13,535 17,828 337 64,542
Gains less losses from financial investments (5) 9 — — — 7 11
Insurance finance income/(expense) (26,662) — — — 2 — (26,660)
Insurance service result 3,113 — — — 8 — 3,121
Other operating income/(expense) 1,328 66 212 707 730 (314) 2,729
Net operating income before change in
expected credit losses and other credit
impairment charges 56,951 38,324 14,690 18,044 717 870 129,596
Change in expected credit losses and other credit
impairment charges (962) (2,534) (55) (39) (4) 23 (3,571)
Net operating income 55,989 35,790 14,635 18,005 713 893 126,025
Operating expenses (24,386) (10,595) (5,314) (7,454) (4,465) (1,160) (53,374)
Operating profit/(loss) 31,603 25,195 9,321 10,551 (3,752) (267) 72,651
Share of profit in associates and joint ventures 218 — — — 10,341 — 10,559
Profit/(loss) before tax 31,821 25,195 9,321 10,551 6,589 (267) 83,210
Balance sheet data at 30 Jun 2023
Loans and advances to customers (net) 1,560,869 1,219,984 809,792 44,593 1,338 3,447 3,640,023
Customer accounts 3,466,037 1,656,191 750,569 202,614 29 556 6,075,996

Half-year to 30 Jun 2022

Net interest income/(expense) 20,058 16,036 8,029 1,909 (2,072) 1,166 45,126
Net fee income/(expense) 10,259 5,459 2,667 2,151 151 (55) 20,632
Net income/(expense) from financial instruments
measured at fair value through profit or loss (77,927) 1,959 (23) 11,828 1,994 273 (61,896)
Gains less losses from financial investments (58) (58) — — — (110) (226)
Insurance finance income 80,217 — — — 16 — 80,233
Insurance service result 2,229 — — — 25 — 2,254
Other operating income 1,667 12 110 565 78 — 2,432
Net operating income before change in expected
credit losses and other credit impairment charges 36,445 23,408 10,783 16,453 192 1,274 88,555
Change in expected credit losses and other credit
impairment charges (618) (3,090) (419) 16 (24) (4,135)
Net operating income 35,827 20,318 10,364 16,469 192 1,250 84,420
Operating expenses (23,972) (10,348) (5,251) (7,342) (4,060) (1,250) (52,223)
Operating profit/(loss) 11,855 9,970 5,113 9,127 (3,868) — 32,197
Share of profit in associates and joint ventures 31 — — — 10,544 — 10,575
Profit before tax 11,886 9,970 5,113 9,127 6,676 — 42,772
Balance sheet data at 30 Jun 2022
Loans and advances to customers (net) 1,542,659 1,333,398 914,045 48,029 1,460 14,736 3,854,327
Customer accounts 3,432,308 1,637,900 834,008 208,583 27 840 6,113,666

1 From 1 January 2023, we adopted HKFRS 17 ‘Insurance Contracts‘, which replaced HKFRS 4 ‘Insurance Contracts‘. Comparative data have been
restated accordingly.
2 From 1 January 2023, we have transferred a portfolio of our Global Banking ('GB') customers within our entities in Australia and Indonesia from Global
Banking to Commercial Banking ('CMB') for reporting purposes. Comparative data have not been re-presented.
3 Includes inter-segment elimination.

2 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023
Financial review
The commentary in this financial review compares the group's financial performance for the half-year ended 30 June 2023 with the half-year
ended 30 June 2022 unless otherwise stated.

Result commentary
The group reported profit before tax of HK$83,210m, an increase of HK$40,438m, or 95%.
Net interest income increased by HK$20,701m, or 46%. Excluding the unfavourable foreign exchange impact, net interest income increased
by HK$21,760m, or 49%, primarily driven by Hong Kong with wider customer deposit spreads and higher reinvestment yields as market interest
rates increased. Net interest income in Singapore also increased, benefiting from higher market interest rates.
Net fee income decreased by HK$606m, or 3%. Excluding the unfavourable foreign exchange impact, net fee income decreased by HK$265m,
or 1%, mainly in Hong Kong from securities brokerage income due to lower equities turnover, and to a lesser extent funds under management
income. The decreases were partly offset by higher net payment and card service income in Hong Kong, mainly from increased consumer
spending following the release of Covid-19 restrictions.
Net income from financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss increased by HK$126,438m, or 204%.
Net income from assets and liabilities of insurance business, including related derivatives, measured at fair value through profit or loss increased
by HK$106,298m, or 134% primarily in Hong Kong and Singapore reflecting fair value gains on financial assets measured at fair value through
profit or loss which back insurance and investment contracts. There is an offsetting impact within the associated insurance liability accounting
reported in ‘Insurance finance income/(expense)’.
Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis increased by HK$19,358m, or 109%, principally in Hong
Kong from higher gains on derivatives benefiting from rising interest rates and foreign exchange movements.
Insurance finance income/(expense) reduced by HK$106,893m, or 133%, offsetting gains reported on underlying assets held to support
insurance contract liabilities.
Insurance service result increased by HK$867m, or 38%, reflecting increases to the release of contractual service margin ('CSM') as a result
of increases to the CSM balance from the effect of new business written, favourable experience variances, and updates to lapse rate
assumptions impacting the CSM measurement, as well as the impact of higher interest rates on the CSM duration profile. It also reflected a
reduction to onerous contracts notably in Hong Kong and Singapore.
Other operating income increased by HK$297m, or 12%, mainly driven by an increase in net income from reinsurance contracts, partly offset
by a provisional gain of HK$556m of the acquisition of AXA Insurance Pte Limited ('AXA Singapore') in prior year.
Change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges decreased by HK$564m, or 14%. This was largely driven by a net
release in mainland China of HK$190m, compared with a charge of HK$1,080m in 2022, reflecting concerns over continued Covid-19 restrictions
in 2022, and improved economic forecasts in 2023. Expected credit losses ('ECL') in Hong Kong increased by HK$598m due to further
downgrades in the offshore mainland China commercial real estate ('CRE') portfolio.
Total operating expenses increased by HK$1,151m, or 2%. Excluding the favourable foreign exchange impact, operating expenses increased
by HK$1,944m, or 4%, primarily reflecting our continued investment in technology to support business growth.
Share of profit in associates and joint ventures decreased by HK$16m, or less than 1%. Excluding the unfavourable foreign exchange
impact, share of profit in associates and joint ventures increased by HK$658m, mainly from Bank of Communication Co., Ltd ('BoCom').

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023 3
Consolidated income statement
Half-year to
30 Jun 30 Jun
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Net interest income 65,827 45,126
– interest income 137,949 59,331
– interest expense (72,122) (14,205)
Net fee income 20,026 20,632
– fee income 26,280 26,101
– fee expense (6,254) (5,469)
Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis 37,150 17,792
Net income/(expense) from assets and liabilities of insurance businesses, including related derivatives, measured at fair
value through profit or loss 27,023 (79,275)
Changes in fair value of designated debts issued and related derivatives 213 (447)
Changes in fair value of other financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss 156 34
Gains less losses from financial investments 11 (226)
Insurance finance income/(expense) (26,660) 80,233
Insurance service result 3,121 2,254
– Insurance revenue 5,854 5,460
– Insurance service expense (2,733) (3,206)
Other operating income 2,729 2,432
Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges 129,596 88,555
Change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges (3,571) (4,135)
Net operating income 126,025 84,420
Employee compensation and benefits (18,971) (18,991)
General and administrative expenses (26,288) (25,852)
Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment (4,654) (4,551)
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets (3,461) (2,829)
Total operating expenses (53,374) (52,223)
Operating profit 72,651 32,197
Share of profit in associates and joint ventures 10,559 10,575
Profit before tax 83,210 42,772
Tax expense (13,455) (7,230)
Profit for the period 69,755 35,542
Attributable to:
– ordinary shareholders of the parent company 63,620 31,599
– other equity holders 2,397 1,853
– non-controlling interests 3,738 2,090
Profit for the period 69,755 35,542

1 From 1 January 2023, we adopted HKFRS 17 ‘Insurance Contracts‘, which replaced HKFRS 4 ‘Insurance Contracts‘. Comparative data have been
restated accordingly.

4 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Half-year to
30 Jun 30 Jun
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Profit for the period 69,755 35,542
Other comprehensive income/(expense)
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss when specific conditions are met:
Debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income 938 (12,831)
– fair value gain/(losses) 1,517 (16,382)
– fair value (gains)/losses transferred to the income statement (5) 196
– expected credit (recoveries)/losses recognised in the income statement (231) 157
– income taxes (343) 3,198
Cash flow hedges (219) (1,576)
– fair value gains 5,290 6,099
– fair value gains reclassified to the income statement (5,576) (8,001)
– income taxes 67 326
Share of other comprehensive income/(expense) of associates and joint ventures 367 (787)
Exchange differences (16,158) (21,988)
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Property revaluation 2,863 1,672
– fair value gains 3,430 2,013
– income taxes (567) (341)
Equity instruments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income 74 1,268
– fair value gains 77 1,270
– income taxes (3) (2)
Changes in fair value of financial liabilities designated at fair value upon initial recognition arising from changes in own credit risk (3,443) 5,656
– before income taxes (4,109) 6,766
– income taxes 666 (1,110)
Remeasurement of defined benefit asset/liability 139 146
– before income taxes 170 179
– income taxes (31) (33)
Other comprehensive expense for the period, net of tax (15,439) (28,440)
Total comprehensive income for the period 54,316 7,102
Attributable to:
– ordinary shareholders of the parent company 48,183 3,763
– other equity holders 2,397 1,853
– non-controlling interests 3,736 1,486
Total comprehensive income for the period 54,316 7,102

1 From 1 January 2023, we adopted HKFRS 17 ‘Insurance Contracts‘, which replaced HKFRS 4 ‘Insurance Contracts‘. Comparative data have been
restated accordingly.

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023 5
Consolidated balance sheet
30 Jun 31 Dec
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Cash and balances at central banks 209,456 232,740
Items in the course of collection from other banks 45,538 28,557
Hong Kong Government certificates of indebtedness 332,284 341,354
Trading assets 822,701 699,805
Derivatives 499,401 502,877
Financial assets designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss 684,651 653,030
Reverse repurchase agreements – non-trading 853,141 927,976
Loans and advances to banks 494,948 515,847
Loans and advances to customers 3,640,023 3,695,068
Financial investments 1,881,938 1,749,707
Amounts due from Group companies 193,664 140,485
Interests in associates and joint ventures 187,298 185,898
Goodwill and intangible assets 37,744 36,863
Property, plant and equipment 130,470 130,926
Deferred tax assets 7,751 7,582
Prepayments, accrued income and other assets 391,867 349,128
Total assets 10,412,875 10,197,843
Hong Kong currency notes in circulation 332,284 341,354
Items in the course of transmission to other banks 51,531 33,073
Repurchase agreements – non-trading 497,762 351,093
Deposits by banks 155,648 198,908
Customer accounts 6,075,996 6,113,709
Trading liabilities 126,474 142,453
Derivatives 495,006 551,729
Financial liabilities designated at fair value 179,178 167,743
Debt securities in issue 92,736 100,909
Retirement benefit liabilities 1,523 1,655
Amounts due to Group companies 485,960 398,261
Accruals and deferred income, other liabilities and provisions 303,885 246,614
Insurance contract liabilities 700,074 654,922
Current tax liabilities 11,343 6,009
Deferred tax liabilities 22,439 21,912
Subordinated liabilities2 3,134 3,119
Total liabilities 9,534,973 9,333,463
Share capital 180,181 180,181
Other equity instruments 52,465 52,386
Other reserves 96,339 108,837
Retained earnings 490,673 466,148
Total shareholders’ equity 819,658 807,552
Non-controlling interests 58,244 56,828
Total equity 877,902 864,380
Total liabilities and equity 10,412,875 10,197,843

1 From 1 January 2023, we adopted HKFRS 17 ‘Insurance Contracts‘, which replaced HKFRS 4 ‘Insurance Contracts‘. Comparative data have been
restated accordingly.
2 On 31 July 2023, subordinated liabilities of US$400m undated floating rate primary capital notes were redeemed and repaid at par.

6 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Half-year to 30 Jun 2023
Other reserves
Financial Cash Total
Other Property assets at flow Foreign share- Non-
Share equity Retained revaluation FVOCI hedge exchange holders’ controlling Total
capital1 instruments earnings reserve reserve reserve reserve Other4 equity interests equity
HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m
At 1 Jan 2023 180,181 52,386 466,148 65,148 (11,186) (1,487) (38,470) 94,832 807,552 56,828 864,380
Profit for the period — — 66,017 — — — — — 66,017 3,738 69,755
Other comprehensive
income/(expense) (net of
tax) — — (3,343) 2,665 1,492 (336) (15,844) (71) (15,437) (2) (15,439)
– debt instruments at
fair value through other
income — — — — 927 — — — 927 11 938
– equity instruments
designated at fair value
through other
income — — — — 128 — — — 128 (54) 74
– cash flow hedges — — — — — (336) — — (336) 117 (219)
– changes in fair value of
financial liabilities
designated at fair value
upon initial recognition
arising from changes in
own credit risk — — (3,447) — — — — — (3,447) 4 (3,443)
– property revaluation — — — 2,665 — — — — 2,665 198 2,863
– remeasurement of
defined benefit asset/
liability — — 103 — — — — — 103 36 139
– share of other
income/(expense) of
associates and joint
ventures — — 1 — 437 — — (71) 367 — 367
– exchange differences — — — — — — (15,844) — (15,844) (314) (16,158)
Total comprehensive
income/(expense) for
the period — — 62,674 2,665 1,492 (336) (15,844) (71) 50,580 3,736 54,316
Other equity instruments
issued2 — 7,850 — — — — — — 7,850 — 7,850
Other equity instruments
redeemed3 — (7,771) — — — — — — (7,771) — (7,771)
Dividends to
shareholders5 — — (37,897) — — — — (37,897) (2,251) (40,148)
Movement in respect of
share-based payment
arrangements — — (53) — — — (82) (135) 6 (129)
Transfers and other
movements6 — — (199) (1,902) 19 — 1,561 (521) (75) (596)
At 30 Jun 2023 180,181 52,465 490,673 65,911 (9,675) (1,823) (54,314) 96,240 819,658 58,244 877,902

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023 7
Consolidated statement of changes in equity (continued)
Half-year to 30 Jun 2022 (restated)7
Other reserves
Financial Cash Total
Other Property assets at flow Foreign share- Non-
Share equity Retained revaluation FVOCI hedge exchange holders’ controlling Total
capital1 instruments earnings reserve reserve reserve reserve Other4 equity interests equity
HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m
At 31 Dec 2021 172,335 44,615 488,055 64,990 3,869 153 (7,130) 89,922 856,809 66,702 923,511
Impact on transition to
HKFRS17 — — (65,593) — (294) — — — (65,887) (9,546) (75,433)
At 1 Jan 2022 172,335 44,615 422,462 64,990 3,575 153 (7,130) 89,922 790,922 57,156 848,078
Profit for the period — — 33,452 — — — — — 33,452 2,090 35,542
Other comprehensive
income/(expense) (net of
tax) — — 5,828 1,572 (12,385) (1,351) (21,663) 163 (27,836) (604) (28,440)
– debt instruments at
fair value through other
income — — — — (12,414) — — — (12,414) (417) (12,831)
– equity instruments
designated at fair value
through other
income — — — — 975 — — — 975 293 1,268
– cash flow hedges — — — — — (1,351) — — (1,351) (225) (1,576)
– changes in fair value of
financial liabilities
designated at fair value
upon initial recognition
arising from changes in
own credit risk — — 5,655 — — — — — 5,655 1 5,656
– property revaluation — — — 1,572 — — — — 1,572 100 1,672
– remeasurement of
defined benefit asset/
liability — — 177 — — — — — 177 (31) 146
– share of other
income of associates
and joint ventures — — (4) — (946) — — 163 (787) — (787)
– exchange differences — — — — — — (21,663) — (21,663) (325) (21,988)
Total comprehensive
income/(expense) for the
period — — 39,280 1,572 (12,385) (1,351) (21,663) 163 5,616 1,486 7,102
Shares issued1 7,846 — — — — — — — 7,846 — 7,846
Other equity instruments
issued2 — 7,771 — — — — — — 7,771 — 7,771
Dividends to
shareholders5 — — (20,198) — — — — — (20,198) (1,832) (22,030)
Movement in respect of
share-based payment
arrangements — — 39 — — — — (83) (44) 6 (38)
Transfers and other
movements6 — — (342) (1,691) 44 — — 1,107 (882) (605) (1,487)
At 30 Jun 2022 180,181 52,386 441,241 64,871 (8,766) (1,198) (28,793) 91,109 791,031 56,211 847,242

8 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023
Consolidated statement of changes in equity (continued)
Half-year to 31 Dec 2022 (restated)7
Other reserves
Financial Cash Total
Other Property assets at flow Foreign share- Non-
Share equity Retained revaluation FVOCI hedge exchange holders’ controlling Total
capital instruments earnings reserve reserve reserve reserve Other4 equity interests equity
HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m HK$m
At 1 Jul 2022 180,181 52,386 441,241 64,871 (8,766) (1,198) (28,793) 91,109 791,031 56,211 847,242
Profit for the period — — 42,949 — — — — — 42,949 2,200 45,149
Other comprehensive
income/(expense) (net of
tax) — — (1,056) 2,074 (2,419) (288) (9,677) 37 (11,329) (404) (11,733)
– debt instruments at fair
value through other
comprehensive income — — — — (980) — — — (980) 106 (874)
– equity instruments
designated at fair value
through other
comprehensive income — — — — (230) — — — (230) (173) (403)
– cash flow hedges — — — — — (288) — — (288) (101) (389)
– changes in fair value of
financial liabilities
designated at fair value
upon initial recognition
arising from changes in
own credit risk — — (1,065) — — — — — (1,065) (3) (1,068)
– property revaluation — — — 2,074 — — — — 2,074 117 2,191
– remeasurement of
defined benefit asset/
liability — — 14 — — — — — 14 25 39
– share of other
comprehensive income
of associates and joint
ventures — — (5) — (1,209) — — 37 (1,177) — (1,177)
– exchange differences — — — — — — (9,677) — (9,677) (375) (10,052)
Total comprehensive
income/(expense) for the
period — — 41,893 2,074 (2,419) (288) (9,677) 37 31,620 1,796 33,416
Dividends to shareholders5 — — (14,623) — — — — — (14,623) (1,013) (15,636)
Movement in respect of
share-based payment
arrangements — — 96 — — — — (54) 42 7 49
Transfers and other
movements6 — — (2,459) (1,797) (1) (1) — 3,740 (518) (173) (691)
At 31 Dec 2022 180,181 52,386 466,148 65,148 (11,186) (1,487) (38,470) 94,832 807,552 56,828 864,380

1 Ordinary share capital includes preference shares which have been redeemed or bought back via payments out of distributable profits in previous
years. During the first half of 2022, there were 3,138.4m new ordinary shares issued at an issue price of HK$2.5 each.
2 During the first half of 2023, an additional tier 1 capital instrument amounting to US$1,000m was issued for which there were no issuance costs.
During the first half of 2022, an additional tier 1 capital instrument amounting to US$1,000m was issued for which there were US$10m issuance
3 During the first half of 2023, an additional tier 1 capital instrument was redeemed at fair value (US$1,041m).
4 The other reserves mainly comprise share of associates’ other reserves, purchase premium arising from transfer of business from fellow subsidiaries,
property revaluation reserve relating to transfer of properties to a fellow subsidiary and the share-based payment reserve. The share-based payment
reserve is used to record the amount relating to share awards and options granted to employees of the group directly by HSBC Holdings plc.
5 Including distributions paid on perpetual subordinated loans classified as equity under HKFRS.
6 The movement from retained earnings to other reserves includes the relevant transfers in associates according to local regulatory requirements, and
from the property revaluation reserve to retained earnings in relation to depreciation of revalued properties.
7 From 1 January 2023, we adopted HKFRS 17 ‘Insurance Contracts‘, which replaced HKFRS 4 ‘Insurance Contracts‘. Comparative data have been
restated accordingly.

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023 9
1 Net interest income
Half-year to
30 Jun 30 Jun
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Net interest income 65,827 45,126
Average interest-earning assets 7,247,640 7,102,937
% %
Net interest spread 1.66 1.24
Contribution from net free funds 0.17 0.04
Net interest margin 1.83 1.28

Net interest income ('NII') increased by HK$20,701m, or 46%. Excluding the unfavourable foreign exchange impact, net interest income
increased by HK$21,760m, or 49%, primarily driven by Hong Kong with wider customer deposit spreads and higher reinvestment yields as
market interest rates increased. Net interest income in Singapore also increased, benefiting from higher market interest rates.
Average interest-earning assets increased by HK$145bn, or 2%, driven by Hong Kong, from growth in financial investments.
Net interest margin ('NIM') increased by 55 basis points ('bps'), with increases noted across the region, including Hong Kong, Singapore, and
Malaysia with higher market interest rates compared to the first half of 2022.
As a result, the NIM at the Bank's operations in Hong Kong increased by 48 bps to 1.30%, and at Hang Seng Bank, the NIM increased by 62
bps to 2.09%.

2 Net fee income

Half-year to
30 Jun 30 Jun
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Funds under management 3,566 3,752
Unit trusts 2,596 2,743
Broking income 1,794 2,463
Cards 4,588 3,750
Global custody 1,907 2,135
Credit facilities 1,610 1,529
Imports/exports 1,650 1,591
Remittances 1,477 1,443
Account services 1,178 1,147
Underwriting 416 327
Insurance agency commission 889 866
Other 4,609 4,355
Fee income 26,280 26,101
Fee expense (6,254) (5,469)
Net fee income 20,026 20,632

3 Net income/(expense) from financial instruments measured at fair value

through profit or loss
Half-year to
30 Jun 30 Jun
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Net income/(expense) arising on:
Net trading activities 40,416 17,133
Other instruments managed on a fair value basis (3,266) 659
Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis 37,150 17,792
Financial assets held to meet liabilities under insurance and investment contracts 27,466 (82,679)
Liabilities to customers under investment contracts (443) 3,404
Net income/(expense) from assets and liabilities of insurance businesses, including related derivatives, measured at
fair value through profit or loss 27,023 (79,275)
Changes in fair value of designated debts issued and related derivatives1 213 (447)
Changes in fair value of other financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss 156 34
Net income/(expense) from financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss 64,542 (61,896)

1 Includes debt instruments which are issued for funding purposes and are designated under the fair value option to reduce an accounting mismatch.

10 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023
4 Other operating income
Half-year to
30 Jun 30 Jun
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Gain on acquisition of subsidiary1 — 556
Gains/(losses) on investment properties 37 (57)
Other2 2,692 1,933
Other operating income 2,729 2,432

1 Includes a provisional gain of HK$556m from the acquisition of AXA Insurance Pte Limited which the final adjustments were made in the second half
of 2022.
2 Includes the recovery of operating expenses from other Group companies.

5 Insurance manufacturing
The following table shows the results of our insurance manufacturing operations by income statement line item.
Results of insurance manufacturing operations
Half-year to
30 Jun 30 Jun
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Insurance manufacturing operations1
Net interest income 197 392
Net fee income/(expense) (8) 47
Other income 4,608 3,311
Insurance service result 3,310 2,261
– release of contractual service margin 3,267 2,666
– risk adjustment release 72 107
– experience variance and other (141) 149
– gain/(loss) from onerous contracts 112 (661)
Net investment returns (excluding net interest income) 295 53
– insurance finance income/(expense) (26,661) 80,254
– other investment income/(expense) 26,956 (80,201)
Other operating income 1,003 997
Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges 4,797 3,750
Change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges (48) 2
Net operating income 4,749 3,752
Total operating expenses (1,720) (1,656)
Operating profit 3,029 2,096
Share of profit in associates and joint ventures 218 31
Profit before tax of insurance business operations 3,247 2,127
Annualised new business premiums of insurance manufacturing operations 13,617 8,658

1 The results presented for insurance manufacturing operations are shown before elimination of intercompany transactions with the group's
non-insurance operations.

Profit before tax of insurance business operations increased by HK$1,120m, or 53%, compared with the first half of 2022. This was primarily
driven by the increase in insurance service result of HK$1,049m, reflecting an increase to the release of CSM of HK$601m as a result of a
higher closing CSM balance from the effect of new business written, favourable experience variances, and updates to lapse rate assumptions
impacting the CSM measurement, as well as the impact of higher interest rates on the CSM duration profile. The improved insurance service
result also reflected a reduction to losses from onerous contracts of HK$773m primarily in Hong Kong and Singapore in part due to improved
economic conditions in the first half of 2023.
Net investment returns (excluding net interest income) increased by HK$242m, with improved asset returns in the first half of 2023 compared
to losses in the prior period.

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023 11
6 Change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges
Half-year to
30 Jun 30 Jun
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Loans and advances to banks and customers 3,840 3,842
– new allowances net of releases 4,231 4,291
– recoveries of amounts previously written off (391) (449)
Loan commitments and guarantees (112) 174
Other financial assets (157) 119
Change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges 3,571 4,135

The annualised change in ECL as a percentage of average gross customer advances was 0.21% for the first half of 2023 (first half of 2022:

7 Operating expenses
Half-year to
30 Jun 30 Jun
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Employee compensation and benefits 18,971 18,991
General and administrative expenses 26,288 25,852
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 4,654 4,551
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets 3,461 2,829
Operating expenses 53,374 52,223

Employee compensation and benefits decreased by HK$20m. Excluding the favourable foreign exchange impact, employee compensation and
benefits increased by HK$402m, or 2%, mainly from the impact of rising inflation.
General and administrative expenses increased by HK$436m, or 2%, reflecting our continued investment in technology to support business
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets increased by HK$632m, or 22%, driven by increased capitalisation of technology software.

8 Associates and joint ventures

At 30 June 2023, an impairment review on the group's investment in Bank of Communications Co., Limited (‘BoCom’) was carried out and it
was concluded that the investment was not impaired based on our value-in-use calculation (see Note 5 ‘Interests in associates and joint
ventures’ on the Interim condensed consolidated financial statements 2023 for further details). As discussed in that note, in future periods,
the value-in-use may increase or decrease depending on the effect of changes to model inputs. It is expected that the carrying amount will
increase due to retained profits earned by BoCom. Impairment, if determined, would be recognised in the income statement. The impact on
group’s common equity tier 1 ratio is expected to be minimal in the event of an impairment, as the adverse impact on common equity tier 1
capital from the impairment would be partly offset by the favourable impact from a lower carrying amount. The group would continue to
recognise its share of BoCom’s profit or loss, but the carrying amount would be reduced to equal the value-in-use, with a corresponding
reduction in the income statement. An impairment review would continue to be performed at each subsequent reporting period, with the
carrying amount and income statement adjusted accordingly.

12 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023
9 Dividends
Dividends to shareholders of the parent company
Half-year to
30 Jun 2023 30 Jun 2022
HK$ per share HK$m HK$ per share HK$m
Dividends paid on ordinary shares
– fourth interim dividend in respect of the previous financial year approved and paid
during the half-year 0.27 13,500 0.23 10,584
– first interim dividend paid 0.44 22,000 0.17 7,761
Total 0.71 35,500 0.40 18,345
Total coupons on other equity instruments 2,397 1,853
Dividends to shareholders 37,897 20,198

The Directors declared a second interim dividend in respect of the half-year ended 30 June 2023 of HK$0.43 per ordinary share (HK$21,500m)
(half-year ended 30 June 2022 of HK$0.12 per ordinary share (HK$5,887m)) and a special dividend for 2023 of HK$0.16 per ordinary share

Total coupons on other equity instruments

Half-year to
30 Jun 30 Jun
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
US$1,000m Fixed rate perpetual subordinated loan (interest rate fixed at 6.090%) 478 477
US$1,200m Fixed rate perpetual subordinated loans (interest rate fixed at 6.172%) 581 580
US$600m Fixed rate perpetual subordinated loan (interest rate fixed at 5.910%) 277 278
US$1,100m Fixed rate perpetual subordinated loan (interest rate fixed at 6.000%) 516 518
US$1,000m Floating rate perpetual subordinated loan (Interest rate at compounded SOFR plus 5.090%.) 545 —
Total 2,397 1,853

10 Loans and advances to customers

30 Jun 31 Dec
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Gross loans and advances to customers 3,679,785 3,734,987
Expected credit loss allowances (39,762) (39,919)
3,640,023 3,695,068

The following table provides an analysis of gross loans and advances to customers by industry sector based on the Statistical Classification of
economic activities in the European Community ('NACE').

Analysis of gross loans and advances to customers

30 Jun 31 Dec
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Residential mortgages 1,212,890 1,177,615
Credit card advances 90,060 92,023
Other personal 250,449 254,729
Total personal 1,553,399 1,524,367
Real estate 512,504 569,842
Wholesale and retail trade 368,530 377,326
Manufacturing 359,493 371,718
Transportation and storage 107,848 104,933
Other 457,993 483,944
Total corporate and commercial 1,806,368 1,907,763
Non-bank financial institutions 320,018 302,857
3,679,785 3,734,987
By geography1
Hong Kong 2,291,926 2,322,684
Rest of Asia-Pacific 1,387,859 1,412,303

1 The geographical information shown above is classified by the location of the principal operations of the subsidiary or the branch responsible for
advancing the funds.

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023 13
Gross loans and advances to customers decreased by HK$55bn, or 1.5%, which included unfavourable foreign exchange translation effects of
HK$28bn. Excluding this impact, the underlying decrease of HK$27bn was driven by a decline in corporate and commercial lending of HK$85bn,
mainly in Hong Kong, partly offset by an increase in residential mortgage lending of HK$42bn in Hong Kong.

11 Financial investments

Carrying amounts of financial investments

30 Jun 31 Dec
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Financial investments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 1,323,735 1,239,941
– treasury and other eligible bills 699,838 612,990
– debt securities 616,937 619,826
– equity securities 6,960 7,125
Debt instruments measured at amortised cost 558,203 509,766
– treasury and other eligible bills 83,783 129,174
– debt securities 474,420 380,592
1,881,938 1,749,707

12 Customer accounts
Customer accounts by country/territory
30 Jun 31 Dec
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Hong Kong 4,149,553 4,229,531
Singapore 534,308 479,241
Mainland China 421,828 443,954
Australia 220,879 222,222
India 189,209 176,466
Malaysia 117,727 124,792
Taiwan 119,253 119,400
Indonesia 44,884 45,529
Other 278,355 272,574
6,075,996 6,113,709

13 Contingent liabilities, contractual commitments and guarantees

30 Jun 31 Dec
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Guarantees and contingent liabilities 411,228 398,007
Commitments 3,297,060 3,191,864
3,708,288 3,589,871

The above table discloses the nominal principal amounts of commitments (excluding capital commitments), guarantees and other contingent
liabilities, which represents the amounts at risk should contracts be fully drawn upon and clients default. The amount of commitments shown
above reflects, where relevant, the expected level of take-up of pre-approved facilities. As a significant portion of guarantees and commitments
is expected to expire without being drawn upon, the total of the nominal principal amounts is not indicative of future liquidity requirements.

14 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023
14 Capital
The following tables show the capital ratios, risk-weighted assets (‘RWAs’) and capital base on a consolidated basis, in accordance with the
Banking (Capital) Rules.

Capital ratios
30 Jun 31 Dec
2023 2022
% %
Common equity tier 1 (‘CET1’) capital ratio 15.8 15.3
Tier 1 capital ratio 17.5 16.9
Total capital ratio 19.6 18.8

Total regulatory capital and RWAs

30 Jun 31 Dec
2023 2022
HK$m HK$m
Common equity tier 1 capital 499,296 491,562
Additional tier 1 capital 53,799 54,010
Tier 2 capital 66,012 61,740
Total regulatory capital 619,107 607,312
RWAs 3,166,612 3,222,168

15 Accounting policies
The accounting policies and methods of computation adopted by the group for this document are consistent with those set out in Note 1 on the
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements 2023.

Standards adopted during the half-year to 30 June 2023

On 1 January 2023, the group adopted the requirements of HKFRS 17 ‘Insurance Contracts’ retrospectively with comparatives restated from the
transition date, 1 January 2022. At transition, group total equity reduced by HK$75,433m. Further details are set out in Note 1 'Basis of
preparation and material accounting policies' and Note 12 ‘Effects of adoption of HKFRS 17’ of the Interim condensed consolidated financial
On adoption of HKFRS 17, HKFRS 4 based balances, including the present value of in-force long-term insurance business (‘PVIF’) asset in
relation to the upfront recognition of future profits of in-force insurance contracts, were derecognised. Insurance contract liabilities have been re-
measured under HKFRS 17 based on groups of insurance contracts, which include the fulfilment cash flows comprising best estimate of the
present value of the future cash flows (for example premiums and payouts for claims, benefits, and expenses), together with a risk adjustment
for non-financial risk, as well as the contractual service margin (‘CSM’). The CSM represents the unearned profits that will be released and
systematically recognised in Insurance revenue as services are provided over the expected coverage period.
In addition, the group has made use of the option under the standard to re-designate certain eligible financial assets held to support insurance
contract liabilities, which were predominantly measured at amortised cost, as financial assets measured at fair value through profit of loss, with
comparatives restated from the transition date.
Further details on the adoption of HKFRS 17 are set out in Note 1 of the Interim condensed consolidated financial statements. There were no
other new standards or amendments to standards that had an effect on the Interim condensed consolidated financial statements. Accounting
policies have been consistently applied to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated.

16 Statutory accounts
The information in this document is not audited and does not constitute the Bank’s statutory accounts.
Certain financial information in this document is extracted from the Interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the half-year ended
30 June 2023, which were approved by the Board of Directors on 1 August 2023. The Bank’s statutory annual consolidated accounts for the
year ended 31 December 2022 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. The auditor has
reported on those financial statements in their report dated 21 February 2023. The auditor’s report was unqualified; did not include a reference
to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying its report; and did not contain a statement under
sections 406(2), 407(2) or (3) of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622). The Interim Report 2023, which includes the Interim
condensed consolidated financial statements, will be published on the Bank‘s website: A press release will be issued to
announce the availability of this information.

17 Ultimate holding company

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited is an indirectly-held, wholly-owned subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc, which is
incorporated in England.
Media enquiries to: Aman Ullah Telephone no: + 852 3941 1120
Vinh Tran Telephone no: + 852 2822 4924

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Interim News Release 2023 15
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
HSBC Main Building
1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
Telephone: (852) 2822 1111

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