Environment 25 - Daily Class Notes

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Lecture – 25
Pollution (Part-2)

Pollution (Part-2)
Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Amendment Rules, 2021:
❖ Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) has notified the Plastic Waste
Management Amendment Rules, 2021, which prohibits identified single use plastic items which have low
utility and high littering potential by 2022.
❖ India has defined SUP as “a plastic commodity intended to be used once for the same purpose before being
disposed of or recycled” in its PWM Amendment Rules, 2021.
❖ These include plastic bags, straws, coffee stirrers, soda and water bottles etc.
❖ The assessment of SUP was conducted by comparing two pillars — the utility index of a particular type of
SUP and the environmental impact of the same.
❖ The product that scores low on utility and high on environmental impact should be considered for immediate
phase out.
❖ Key Provisions:
➢ Prohibition on Manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of single-use plastic, including
polystyrene and expanded polystyrene, commodities with effect from 1st July 2022.
➢ The ban will not apply to commodities made of compostable plastic.
❖ Thickness of plastic carry bags increased from 50 microns to 75 microns with effect from 30th September
2021 and to 120 microns with effect from the 31st December, 2022 [The thickness has been increased so that
bags becomes expensive as well as can be reused]
❖ Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): Plastic packaging waste not covered under present notification
shall be collected and managed in an environmentally sustainable way through EPR of the producer, importer
and brand owner (PIBO) as per PWM Rules, 2016.
❖ EPR Guidelines have been given legal force through PWM Amendment Rules, 2021
❖ Implementing agency: Along with state pollution bodies, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) will
monitor the ban, identify violations, and impose penalties already prescribed under the Environmental
Protection Act, 1986.
❖ Task Force: States and UTs had constituted the special task force for elimination of SUP and effective
implementation of the PWM Rules, 2016.
➢ Environment Ministry has also set up a national level task force for making coordinated efforts in this
➢ State /UT Governments and concerned Central Ministries/Departments have also been requested to
develop a comprehensive action plan for elimination of SUP and its implementation in a time bound
Steps taken by the Government to ensure enforcement of the ban
Mascot ❖ PRAKRITI mascot to spread greater awareness among masses and bring behavioural

E- ❖ National Dashboard on Elimination of Single Use Plastic and Plastic Waste

governance Management set up by MoEFCC to bring all stakeholders at one place and track the
portals &
apps progress.
❖ Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) launched-
➢ Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Portal for Plastic Packaging for
compliance to EPR Obligations by Producers, Importers and Brand-owners.
➢ Mobile App for SUP Grievance Redressal to empower citizens to check sale/usage/
manufacturing of SUP in their area.
➢ Monitoring module for SUP for local bodies, State Pollution Control Boards
(SPCBs)/ Pollution Control Committees (PCCs) and CPCB, to inventorize details of
SUP production/ sale & usage in commercial establishments at district level, and on-
ground enforcement of ban on SUP.
Directions ❖ All leading petrochemical industries to not supply plastic raw materials to the industries
issued at engaged in banned SUP production.
state and ❖ SPCB/PCCs to modify/revoke consent to operate issued under Air/Water Act to
local level industries engaged in banned SUP production.
❖ Customs Authority to stop the import of banned SUP items.
❖ Local authorities to issue fresh commercial licenses with the condition that SUP items
will not be sold on their premises.

❖ Microplastics are shreds of plastic less than 5 mm in length but larger than 1 micrometre.
❖ Microplastics are used in cosmetics, personal care products, industrial scrubbers, microfibers in textiles and
virgin resin pellets used in plastic manufacturing processes.
❖ Several studies have established the presence of microplastics in groundwater. A study estimated that the
average human ends up consuming at least 50,000 microplastics in food every year. Their impact on tiny
marine organisms is even significant since their injection leaves them starved and affects the marine food web.
❖ According to a study, we may inhale substantial quantities of microplastics with every breath. And these
plastics will eventually flow into our blood and accumulate in our organs.
❖ Scientists have been discussing the possibility that microplastic mists and clouds exist in the atmosphere but
this is the first study to quantify the magnitude of the problem.

❖ Microbeads (>0.1 µm and < 5 mm) are very tiny pieces of plastic that are added to health and beauty products,
such as in some cleansers and toothpaste (cooling crystals).

❖ However, one of the main contributors to microbeads pollution is not manufactured microbeads, but regular
plastic waste, 90% of which are not recycled.
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET Plastic):
❖ PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is the chemical name for polyester. It is a clear, strong,
lightweight plastic widely used for packaging foods and beverages, especially
convenience-sized soft drinks, juices, water, cooking oils, etc.
❖ PET is entirely recyclable and can easily be identified by the #1 in the triangular "chasing
arrows" code, which is usually molded into the bottom or side of the container. No other
plastic carries the #1 code.
Status of e-waste in India:
❖ India is the 3rd largest producer of electronic waste in the world after China and the United States.
❖ It produces about 4 million metric tonnes (mMT) of e-waste, a figure expected to increase 40-fold by 2050.
Computer devices account for nearly 70% of annual e-waste production, followed by the telecom sector,
medical equipment, and electric equipment.
❖ Only 1.5% of electronic waste generated is recycled through institutional processes. Uttar Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu, and Haryana are among the states that have a larger capacity to dismantle and
recycle e-waste.
E-waste (Management) Rules 2022
❖ Context: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) has notified E-waste
(management) Rules 2022, in the exercise of the powers conferred by the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
[Recall our discussion that EPA is an “umbrella” legislation]
❖ E-waste' Definition: Electrical and electronic equipment, whole or in part discarded as waste, and rejects from
manufacturing, refurbishment and repair processes
❖ Key Provisions:
➢ Every manufacturer, producer, refurbisher, dismantler, and recycler involved processing of e-waste with
certain exceptions
➢ Compulsory Registration of manufacturer, producer, refurbisher, or recycler of the e-products with
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).
➢ Introduction of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Certificates to incentivize registered electronic
waste recyclers by introducing (not part of 2016 Rules).
➢ CPCB to conduct random sampling of electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market to monitor
and verify the compliance of reduction of hazardous substances provisions.
The Right To Repair Movement:
❖ Right to Repair electronic products is a reference to the need for government legislation that is intended to
allow consumers the ability to repair and modify their own electronic devices.
❖ The movement traces its roots back to 1950s.
❖ The concept originated from USA from the automotive industry.
❖ In July 2022, the United States passed the Fair Repair Act, 2022, on the right to repair.

❖ The United Kingdom and European Union passed legislation such as Right to Repair Regulations and Right
to Repair regarding this right.
❖ Recently, in India, the Department of Consumer Affairs announced the formation of a committee under
the chairmanship of Nidhi Khare to develop a comprehensive framework for the right to repair.
Solid Waste Management Rules (2016):
❖ The Solid Waste Management Rules (2016) replace the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and
Handling) Rules, 2000, as notified under the Environment Protection Act, 1986. These rules now apply
beyond municipal areas and extend to urban agglomerations, notified industrial townships, areas under the
control of Indian Railways, airports, defense establishments, places of pilgrimage, etc.
❖ Responsibilities of generators have been introduced to segregate waste into three streams before handing it
over to the collector:
➢ Wet waste (Biodegradable)
➢ Dry waste (Plastic, Paper, Metal, Wood, etc.)
➢ Domestic hazardous wastes (Diapers, Napkins, Containers of cleaning agents, Mosquito repellents, etc.)
Segregation at Source:
❖ Source segregation of waste has been mandated to channel waste to wealth by recovery, reuse and recycling
❖ Hotels and restaurants will also be required to segregate biodegradable waste & set up a system of
collection to ensure that such food waste is utilised for composting/biomethanation.
❖ All resident welfare and market associations and gated communities with an area of above 5,000 sq m will
have to segregate waste at the source. They have to hand over recyclable material to authorised pickers and
recyclers or the urban local body.
❖ Collect Back scheme for packaging waste:
➢ Brand owners who sell or market their products in non-biodegradable packaging materials should have a
system to collect back the packaging waste generated due to their production.
❖ User Fees for Collection:
➢ Municipal authorities will levy user fees for collection, disposal, and processing from bulk generators.
➢ According to the rules, generators will have to pay a "User Fee" to the waste collector and a "Spot Fine"
for littering and non-segregation. The amount of these fees will be determined by the local bodies.
Waste Processing & Treatment:
❖ Bio-degradable waste should be processed and disposed of through composting/biomethanation.
❖ Rules have mandated bioremediation or capping of old and abandoned dump sites within 5 years.
❖ Waste processing facilities will have to be set up by local bodies within the stipulated time frame.
Promotion of Waste to Energy:
❖ All industrial units within 100 km of a solid waste-based Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Plant must make
arrangements to replace at least 5 per cent of their fuel requirement with RDF so produced.
❖ Ministry of New and Renewable Energy should facilitate infrastructure creation for Waste to Energy plants
and provide appropriate subsidies or incentives for such Waste-to-Energy plants.

Revision of Parameters:
❖ The landfill site must be located 100 meters away from a river, 200 meters from a pond, 500 meters from
highways, habitations, public parks, and water supply wells, and 20 km away from airports/airbases.
❖ Emission standards have been completely revised for dioxins, furans, particulate matter, etc.
❖ Compost standards have been updated to align with the Fertilizer Control Order.
Formation of the Central Monitoring Committee:
❖ A Central Monitoring Committee, chaired by the Secretary of MoEFCC, has been established to oversee the
implementation of the rules.
Treatment of solid waste
❖ As per 12th schedule and 74th Amendment act, ULB (urban local bodies) are responsible for keeping cities
❖ Incineration plants:
➢ The process of burning waste in large furnaces at high temperatures is known as incineration.
➢ In these plants, the recyclable material is segregated, and the rest is burnt.
➢ Burning garbage is not a clean process, as it produces tons of toxic ash and pollutes the air and water.
➢ At present, incineration is kept as a last resort and is used mainly for treating infectious waste.
❖ Pyrolysis:
➢ Pyrolysis is a process of combustion (burning) of material in the absence of oxygen, or under a controlled
atmosphere of oxygen.
➢ It is an alternative to incineration.
➢ Pyrolysis of carbonaceous wastes like firewood, coconut, palm waste, corn combs, cashew shells, rice
husk paddy straw and sawdust, yields charcoal and products like tar, methyl alcohol, acetic acid, acetone
and fuel gas.
❖ Plasma gasification:
➢ Plasma gasification is an extreme thermal process (uses a combination of electricity and high
temperatures) using plasma (without combustion) which converts organic matter into a syngas (synthesis
gas - made up of hydrogen and carbon monoxide).
➢ The inorganic wastes are converted into slag, a solid waste.
➢ Plasma gasification is a cleaner alternative to landfills, reducing or eliminating toxicity while avoiding
the landfilling of huge amounts of garbage
Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2016:
❖ Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 is an improvement to the 1998 rules. (notified under Environment
Protection Act, 1986)
❖ Biomedical waste comprises human & animal anatomical waste and treatment apparatus like needles used in
health care facilities (HCF – hospitals, laboratories, immunisation programmes, etc.)
❖ Salient features:
➢ Phase out chlorinated plastic bags, gloves and blood bags within two years.

➢ Pre-treatment of the laboratory waste, microbiological waste, and blood samples through sterilisation
➢ It establishes a bar-code system for bags or containers containing bio-medical waste for disposal.
➢ Bio-medical waste has been classified into 4 categories instead earlier ten to improve segregation at
➢ State Government to provide land for common bio-medical waste treatment and disposal facilities.
➢ No occupier shall establish an on-site treatment and disposal facility if a service of it is available at a
distance of seventy-five kilometers
➢ Operator of a common bio-medical waste treatment and disposal facility to ensure the timely collection
of bio-medical waste from the HCFs.
➢ Vaccination camps, blood donation camps, etc., will come under the ambit of these rules.
❖ Procedure to be followed:
➢ The hospitals must put in place the mechanisms for effective disposal either directly or through common
biomedical waste treatment and disposal facilities.
➢ The hospitals servicing 1000 patients or more per month must obtain authorisation and segregate
biomedical waste into categories as specified by the rules.
➢ For example, syringes, needles and blood-soiled bandages should be all disposed of in a red-coloured bag
or bin, where they will later be incinerated (destroy by burning).
➢ If body fluids are present, the material needs to be incinerated.

Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2016:

❖ It has been notified under Environment Protection Act, 1986.
❖ For the first time, Rules have been made to distinguish between hazardous Waste & other wastes.
❖ Other wastes include waste tyres, paper waste, metal scrap, used electronic items, etc. and are recognised as a
resource for recycling and reuse.
❖ Salient Features:
➢ The ambit of the Rules has been expanded by including ‘Other Waste’.
➢ Waste Management hierarchy in the sequence of priority of prevention, minimisation, reuse, recycling,
recovery, co-processing; and safe disposal has been incorporated.
➢ The rules encourage the reduction of hazardous waste generation and encourage its recycling and
➢ They specify strict guidelines related to the import/export or even storage and transportation of hazardous
❖ Import & Export of Hazardous Waste.
➢ No country can export hazardous waste to India for final disposal. This means that India only imports
hazardous wastes to recycle, reuse or for other utilisation.
➢ The rules specify the procedure for importing and exporting hazardous waste to and from India.
❖ Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility for Hazardous Wastes:
➢ 2016 rules give a clear direction of how the facility for treatment, storage and disposal is to be established.
➢ Permission from the SPCB is required for the layout in this regard.
❖ Packaging, Labelling and Transport of Hazardous and Other Wastes:
➢ CPCB provides extensive guidelines for packaging and labelling. If the waste is to be transported to a
facility in a different state for its final disposal, a ‘No Objection Certificate’ is required on the sender’s
part from the SPCBs of both states.
❖ 2019 Amendment:
➢ Amendment has been made considering the “Ease of Doing Business” & boosting the “Make in India”
initiative by simplifying the procedures under the Rules, while simultaneously upholding the principles
of sustainable development & ensuring minimal impact on the environment.
➢ Salient Features:
✓ Solid plastic waste has been prohibited from being imported into the country, including in Special
Economic Zones (SEZ) and by Export Oriented Units (EOU).
✓ Exporters of silk waste have now been given an exemption from requiring permission from
✓ Electrical and electronic assemblies and components manufactured in and exported from India, if
found defective, can now be imported back into the country without obtaining permission from

✓ Industries that do not require consent under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981, are now exempted from requiring
authorization also under the Hazardous and Other Wastes Rules, 2016.
Measuring Pollution Load in Water Dissolved Oxygen (DO):
❖ Optimal DO content in water is crucial for the survival of aquatic organisms. The presence of organic and
inorganic wastes reduces DO content due to high decomposition rates and O2 consumption.
❖ Various factors, including surface turbulence, photosynthetic activity, O2 consumption by organisms, and
organic matter decomposition, determine DO levels in water.
❖ Water with DO content below 8.0 mg/L may be deemed contaminated, while levels below 4.0 mg/L are
considered highly polluted.
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD):
❖ Water pollution caused by organic wastes is measured in terms of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD).
BOD represents the quantity
of dissolved oxygen required
by bacteria to break down
the organic wastes present in
❖ It is typically expressed in
milligrams of oxygen per liter
of water.
❖ A higher BOD value indicates significant pollution resulting from biodegradable organic wastes and a low
dissolved oxygen (DO) content in the water. Because BOD only accounts for biodegradable materials, it is not
a dependable method for measuring water pollution.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD):
❖ It is a more accurate method used to measure the pollution load in water.
❖ It quantifies the amount of oxygen, in parts per million, needed to oxidize both organic (biodegradable and
non-biodegradable) and oxidizable inorganic compounds present in a water sample.
Eutrophication and Ageing of Lakes:
❖ The nutrient enrichment of lakes promotes the growth of algae, aquatic plants, and various fauna. This
process is known as natural eutrophication.
❖ Human activities cause similar nutrient enrichment of lakes at an accelerated rate, and the consequent aging
phenomenon is known as cultural eutrophication.
❖ Based on their nutrient content, lakes are categorized as Oligotrophic (very low in nutrients), Mesotrophic
(moderate nutrients), and Eutrophic (highly nutrient-rich). Most lakes in India are either eutrophic or
mesotrophic because of the nutrients derived from their surroundings or the organic wastes entering them.

Eutrophication and Algal Blooms:

❖ Eutrophication is the response to the addition of nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates naturally or
artificially, fertilising the aquatic ecosystem.
❖ Phytoplankton thrives on the excess nutrients, and their population explosion covers almost the entire surface
layer, restricting the penetration of sunlight. This condition is known as an algal bloom.
❖ It results in the death of aquatic plants and hence restricts the replenishment of oxygen.
❖ Phytoplankton are photosynthetic during the daytime, adding oxygen to the aquatic ecosystem. However,
during the night, they consume far more oxygen as they respire aggressively. Therefore, algal blooms
accentuate the rate of oxygen depletion as the population of phytoplankton is exceedingly high.
❖ The primary consumers like zooplankton and small fish are killed due to oxygen deprivation caused by
algal blooms, adversely affecting the food chain. Furthermore, more oxygen is taken up by microorganisms
during the decomposition process of dead algae, plants, and fish. The new anaerobic conditions (absence of
oxygen) created promote the growth of bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum, which produces toxins deadly
to aquatic organisms, birds, and mammals.
Harmful Algal Blooms:
❖ Most algal blooms are not harmful, but some produce toxins (neuro and hepatotoxins), which can kill aquatic
organisms (E.g., Shellfish poisoning) and pose a threat to humans and are known as Harmful Algal Blooms
❖ They adversely affect commercial and recreational fishing, tourism, and valued habitats.

Dead zones:
❖ Dead zones (biological deserts or hypoxic zones) are areas in the ocean with very low oxygen concentrations
(hypoxic conditions). They emerge when the influx of excess chemical nutrients spurs algae growth (algal
blooms). These zones usually occur 200-800 meters (in the saltwater layer) below the surface.
❖ Hypoxic zones can occur naturally (due to the upwelling of excess nutrients). They can be created or
enhanced by human activity to form dead zones. Dead zones are detrimental to animal life. Most of the animal
life either dies or migrates from the zone.
❖ Dead zones are increasing in the coastal delta and estuarine regions. One of the largest dead zones forms
in the Gulf of Mexico every spring (farmers fertilise their crops, and rain washes fertiliser off the land into
rivers). There’s a dead zone in the Gulf of Oman, and it’s growing.
Ocean Acidification:
❖ Oceans are an important reservoir of CO2 as they absorb a significant quantity.
❖ Ocean acidification is the change in ocean
chemistry, resulting in a lowering of ocean
pH (i.e., an increase in the concentration of
hydrogen ions), driven by the uptake of
carbon compounds by the ocean from the
❖ As the uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide
by the ocean increases, the concentration of hydrogen ions in the ocean increases, the concentration of
carbonate ions decreases, the pH of the oceans decreases, and the oceans become less alkaline – this process
is known as ocean acidification.
Mechanism of Ocean Acidification:
❖ An estimated 30-40% of the carbon dioxide from human activity released into the atmosphere dissolves
into oceans, rivers, and lakes. To achieve chemical equilibrium, a part of it reacts with water to form carbonic
❖ Some carbonic acid molecules react with a water molecule to give a bicarbonate ion and a hydronium ion (H+),
thus increasing ocean acidity (H+ ion concentration).
❖ The pH of the ocean surface waters has decreased by about 0.1 pH unit (i.e. 26% increase in ocean hydrogen
ion concentration) since the beginning of the industrial revolution.
Effects of Ocean Acidification
❖ Reduced Buffering Capacity: Oceans are an essential reservoir of CO2, absorbing a significant quantity of it
(one-third) produced by anthropogenic activities and effectively buffering climate change.
❖ The uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide is occurring at a rate exceeding the natural buffering capacity of the
❖ Increasing acidity depresses metabolic rates and immune responses in some organisms.
Effects on Marine Calcifying Organisms:
❖ Seawater absorbs CO2 to produce carbonic acid, bicarbonate, and carbonate ions. However, the increase in
atmospheric CO2 levels leads to a decrease in pH level and an increase in the concentration of carbonic acid
and bicarbonate ions, causing a decrease in the concentration of carbonate ions.

❖ The decreased amount of carbonate ions makes it more difficult for marine calcifying organisms, such as coral
(calcareous corals) and some plankton (calcareous plankton), to form biogenic calcium carbonate.
❖ This accentuates coral bleaching, and commercial fisheries are also threatened as the calcifying organisms
form the base of the aquatic food webs.
Polluting Industries:
Iron and Steel Industry:
❖ Processes involved:
➢ Unwanted impurities are removed by smelting iron ore in a blast furnace.
➢ Major impurities include sulphur (which forms iron sulphide, which dramatically reduces the strength
of steel), lead (improves the machinability of the steel when present in small quantities), oxygen (oxides
make iron and steel weak), etc.
➢ In a blast furnace, fuel (coke, which has far fewer impurities than coal), iron ore, and flux (limestone,
which removes sulphur and other impurities into slag), are continuously supplied.
➢ The byproducts obtained are liquid slag, liquid iron (pig iron, an intermediate product of smelting iron
ore that contains oxides), and gases.
➢ Oxygen in the iron oxides is reduced by a series of chemical reactions that produce CO and CO2.
➢ The progression from pig iron
to steel involves liquid (pig)
iron, cast iron (cooled liquid
iron; brittle; carbon content
greater than 2%), wrought iron
(weak, made from liquid iron +
slag), and steel (carbon content
is up to 2.1%; it does corrode),
with stainless steel being the
final product (made from steel
+ 10.5% chromium + Nickel, manganese, molybdenum, etc.; it does not corrode).
❖ Steel Slag:
➢ Slag is full of impurities such as calcium sulphide (CaS) and oxides of silica, alumina, magnesia, calcium
(CaO), etc., that enter with the iron ore or coke.
➢ Only a small percentage of slag goes into landfills.
➢ Cement made with blast furnace slag has lower permeability and is more durable than Portland (regular)
cement. It is used as an aggregate in concrete, cement clinker, asphalt concrete, asphalt, and road bases.
➢ The dissolution of slag generates alkalinity that can be used to precipitate out metals, sulfates, and excess
nutrients (like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) in wastewater treatment.
➢ Ferrous slags have been used to rebalance soil pH and as fertilizers (as sources of calcium and

Air Pollution:
❖ The industry burns a lot of coal (thermal power; coke in the blast furnace), causing air pollution in the form of
PM2.5 and PM10, Carbon Dioxide, Sulphur Oxides (sulphur is eliminated as SO 2 in the blast furnace),
Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulphide, Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds
(NMVOC), etc.
❖ Coke ovens emit naphthalene which is highly toxic and can cause cancer (carcinogenic).
Magnetite Pollution:
❖ Magnetite pollution refers to the presence of a magnetic mineral called Magnetite (Fe3O4) in the
environment, as a result of human activities such as mining, steel production and industrial processes.
❖ Magnetic particles can interfere with the migratory patterns of birds and the operation of electronic equipment,
such as compasses and navigation systems.
Heavy Metals:
❖ Thay are naturally occurring elements, with high atomic weight and density at least 5 times greater than that
of water. Examples: Lead, iron, nickel, cadmium, arsenic, chromium and copper.
❖ Effects of heavy metals exposure:
➢ Health: Slowly progressing physical, muscular, and neurological degenerative processes that mimic
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease etc.
➢ Environment: Affect biodegradability of organic pollutants, making them less degradable.
➢ Plants: Influences soil fertility, disturbs photosynthesis etc.

Lead Poisoning:
❖ A report about lead poisoning was prepared jointly by government think tank Niti Aayog and Council of
Scientific & Industrial Research.
❖ It says India bears world’s highest health, economic burden due to lead poisoning.
❖ Sources of lead:
➢ Naturally occurring in the
Earth’s crust.
➢ Mining, smelting, and
refining industries and
their waste products.
➢ Household items such as
cosmetic products and
Ayurvedic medicines.
➢ Found in printed circuit
boards and batteries due to
improper recycling
➢ Pottery items like utensils
and glazed ceramic wares,
as well as water bodies.
Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAs)
❖ Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are termed as
"forever chemicals" because of their tendency to persist in
the atmosphere, rainwater, and soil for long periods of time.
❖ PFAS are used to make non-stick cookware, water-repellent
clothing, stain-resistant fabrics, cosmetics, and many other
products that resist grease, water, and oil.
❖ Chemicals with partially or completely fluorinated carbon
chains of varied lengths. They are referred as “forever
chemicals” as do not degrade easily in the environment due to
strong carbon-fluorine bonds.
❖ There is no known method that can extract and remove
PFAS from the atmosphere itself.
❖ PFAS like perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and
perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) listed under Stockholm
Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (their production
and use are restricted or eliminated in the Parties.)

Concerns associated with use of PFAS:

❖ Found in the blood of people and animals.
❖ High exposure associated with health risks like decreased fertility, developmental effects in children,
interference with body hormones, increased cholesterol levels, liver damage, kidney and testicular cancer etc.
❖ Difficult to capture and destroy.
Measures to reduce PFAS contamination:
❖ Safe disposal of PFAS using methods like filtration through activated carbon tanks, incineration etc.;
❖ Phasing out PFASs listed under the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants and replacing them
with safer alternatives;
❖ Avoid PFAS-based non-stick pans and kitchen utensils; etc.
Nonylphenol (NP):
❖ Nonylphenol (NP) is commonly used in the production of Nonylphenol Ethoxylates (NPEs).
❖ NPEs are used as surfactants and in day-to-day consumer products such as detergents, wetting agents, and
❖ A study revealed the presence of high levels of the toxic chemical NP in drinking water across India.
❖ The impacts on humans include endocrine disruption associated with adverse effects like birth defects, skin
and eye irritation, etc.
❖ The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has designated NP as a chemical of global concern.
❖ There are no standards exclusively for NP in drinking and surface waters in India.
❖ Bioremediation uses microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) to degrade environmental contaminants into less
toxic forms.
❖ Microorganisms can be specifically designed for bioremediation using genetic engineering techniques.
❖ The process of bioremediation can be monitored indirectly by measuring the Oxidation Reduction Potential
or redox in soil and groundwater, together with pH, temperature, oxygen content, electron acceptor/donor
concentrations, and concentration of breakdown products (e.g. carbon dioxide).
❖ Researchers have reported the presence of naturally occurring chloropyrifos- resistant bacteria (E.Coli and
Pseudomonas fluorescens) in the environments of Kashmir Valley. Chloropyrifos is an organophosphorous
insecticide widely used in the region.
❖ The finding, according to the researchers, could lead to the use of microbial systems for removal of pollutants
from contaminated.

In-situ (at the site) Bioremediation:

❖ Bioventing: Supply of nutrients through wells to contaminated soil to stimulate the growth of bacteria. It is
used for simple hydrocarbons and can be used where the contamination is deep under the surface.
❖ Biosparging: Injection of air under pressure below the water table to increase groundwater oxygen
concentrations and enhance the rate of biological degradation of contaminants by bacteria.
❖ Bioaugmentation: Microorganisms are imported to a contaminated site to enhance the degradation process.
Ex-situ Bioremediation
❖ Landfarming: contaminated soil is excavated and spread over a prepared bed and periodically tilled until
pollutants are degraded. The goal is to stimulate indigenous biodegradative microorganisms and facilitate their
aerobic degradation of contaminants.
❖ Bioreactors: involve the processing of contaminated solid material (soil, sediment, sludge) or water through
an engineered containment system.
❖ Biopiles: It is a hybrid of landfarming and composting. Essentially, engineered cells are constructed as aerated
compost piles. Typically used for treatment of surface contamination with petroleum hydrocarbons.
❖ Composting: Composting is nature's recycling of decomposed organic materials into a rich soil known as
Advantages of Bioremediation:
❖ Destroys a wide variety of contaminants.
❖ The destruction of target pollutants is possible.
❖ Less expensive and environment-friendly.
Disadvantages of Bioremediation:
❖ Bioremediation is limited to biodegradable compounds.
❖ Not all compounds are susceptible to biodegradation.
❖ It often takes a longer than other treatment processes
❖ Phytoremediation is the use of plants to remove contaminants from soil and water. Mangroves, estuarine
vegetation and other wetland vegetation carry out natural phytoremediation.
❖ Phytoextraction/phytoaccumulation: It is the accumulation of contaminants into the roots and aboveground
shoots or leaves of plants. E.g. Water hyacinth (an aquatic weed, invasive species) can purify water by taking
some toxic materials and several heavy metals from water. Planting eucalyptus trees all along sewage ponds
is suggested. These trees absorb all surplus wastewater rapidly and release pure water vapour into the
❖ Phytotransformation or phytodegradation: It refers to the uptake of organic contaminants from soil,
sediments, or water and their transformation to more stable, less toxic, less mobile form.
❖ Phytostabilization: It is a technique in which plants reduce the mobility and migration of contaminated soil.
Leachable constituents are adsorbed and bound into the plant structure so that they form unstable mass of plant
from which the contaminants will not re-enter the environment.

❖ Mycoremediation: It is a form of bioremediation in which fungi are used to decontaminate the area.
❖ Mycofiltration: It is a similar process, using fungal mycelia to filter toxic waste and microorganisms from
water in soil.
Stockholm Convention on POPs (UNEP convention):
❖ Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) is an international treaty enacted in 2004 to
eliminate or restrict the production and use of POPs.
❖ Membership: 186 parties (185 states and the European Union). India ratified in 2006.
❖ The Ministry of Environment notified the 'Regulation of POP Rules' in 2018, under the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986.
❖ The chemicals targeted are listed in the annexes of the convention text.
❖ Notable non-ratifying states: the United States, (no surprises there) Israel, and Malaysia.

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs):
❖ POPs are defined as “chemical substances that persist in the environment, bioaccumulate through the food
web, & pose a risk of causing adverse effects to human health & the environment”.
❖ The most commonly encountered POPs are organochlorine pesticides.
Why POPs are so harmful?
❖ They remain intact for exceptionally long periods of time (many years).
❖ They become widely distributed throughout the environment as a result of natural processes involving soil,
water and, most notably, air, long range environment transport (LRET)
❖ They accumulate in the fatty tissue of living organisms including humans, and are found at higher
concentrations at higher levels in the food chain;
❖ They are toxic to both humans and wildlife.
❖ Exposure to POPs can lead to cancer, damage to central & peripheral nervous systems, diseases of Endos
immune system, reproductive disorders and interference with normal infant and child development.
❖ In addition, POPs concentrate in living organisms through another process called bioaccumulation. (upto
70000 times)

Included Listed PoPs Use

Aldrin Insecticide
Endrin Agricultural insecticide
Heptachlor Termiticide
Hexachlorobenzene Chemical intermediate and a solvent for pesticides.
DDT Chlorine-containing pesticides

❖ Endosulfan is an organochlorine biocide used to control pests and mites by inducing neurotoxic effects. It is
sprayed on crops such as cotton, cashews, fruits, tea, paddy, and tobacco, among others. The substance was
banned in 2011 by the Supreme Court and is included in the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
❖ A complete ban effective from December 2020 was also imposed on Alachlor, Dichlovos, Trichlorfon,
Phosphamidon, methyl parathion, phorate, and triazophos.
❖ The Supreme Court directed Kerala to compensate each victim of toxic Endosulfan pesticide with ₹5 lakh in
the Kasargod Tragedy.
❖ Context: Researchers have developed a new, metallic fingerprint-based method to detect and measure amount
of nanoplastics in organisms.
❖ Researchers exposed lettuce plants to nanoplastics from commonly found plastic waste in environment —
polystyrene (PS) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) nanoplastics.
❖ Nanoplastics are smaller than 1,000 nanometre (1 nm is equal to one billionth of a metre).
❖ It can lead to cell damage and inflammation in humans; growth impairments, larval deformities and other toxic
effects in marine organisms.
Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of hazardous wastes (UNEP):
❖ The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal
was adopted on 22 March 1989 by the Conference of Plenipotentiaries in Basel, Switzerland, in response to a
public outcry following the discovery, in the 1980s, in Africa and other parts of the developing world of
deposits of toxic wastes imported from abroad.
❖ It entered into force in 1992.
❖ As of 2018, 190 members are parties to the Convention. The United States has signed the Convention but
has not ratified it.
❖ India is a member of the Basel Convention. It ratified the convention in June 1992 and brought it into force
on 22nd September
Basel Convention was designed to:
❖ Reduce the movement of hazardous waste between nations.
❖ Prevent the transfer of hazardous waste from developed to less developed countries (LDCs).
❖ Minimize the amount and toxicity of wastes generated.
❖ Assist LDCs in environmentally sound management of the hazardous and other wastes they generate

❖ Annex I of the Convention: as further clarified in Annexes VIII and IX, lists those wastes that are classified
as hazardous and subject to the control procedures under the Convention.
❖ Annex II of the Convention identifies those wastes that require special consideration (known as "other
wastes", and which primarily refer to household wastes).
❖ Examples of Waste Included: Biomedical and healthcare wastes, Used oils, Used lead acid batteries,
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs).
Rotterdam Convention (UNEP):
❖ It was adopted in 1998 by a Conference of Parties in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and entered into force on
24 February 2004.
❖ The Convention creates legally binding obligations for the implementation of the Prior Informed Consent (PIC)
❖ It built on the voluntary PIC procedure, initiated by UNEP and FAO in 1989 and ceased on 24 February 2006.
❖ The Convention covers pesticides and industrial chemicals that have been banned or severely restricted for
health or environmental reasons by Parties and which have been notified by Parties for inclusion in the PIC
❖ Prior Informed Consent
➢ A mechanism under Rotterdam Convention for formally obtaining and disseminating the decisions of
importing parties on their willingness to receive future shipments of hazardous chemicals listed in Annex
III of the Convention and for ensuring compliance with these decisions by exporting Parties.
❖ India has been a member of the convention since 2005, the objective of which is to promote shared
responsibility among parties in the international trade of certain hazardous pesticides and chemicals for health
and environmental reasons.
❖ The Prior Informed Consent (PIC) is a mechanism for formally obtaining and disseminating the decisions of
importing parties regarding whether they wish to receive future shipments of chemicals.
❖ Other key information:
➢ It covers pesticides and industrial chemicals that have been banned or severely restricted for health or
environmental reasons by Parties.
➢ It creates legally binding obligations for the implementation of the PIC procedure. Information Exchange
is facilitated among Parties for a very broad range of potentially hazardous chemicals.
➢ A subsidiary body Chemical Review Committee (CRC) was established to review chemicals and pesticide
formulations according to criteria set out by Convention.
Hong Kong Convention on Recycling of Ships:
❖ The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009,
was developed in cooperation with the International Labour Organization and the Parties to the Basel
Convention. The Hong Kong Convention intends to address all the issues around ship recycling, including the
fact that ships sold for scrapping may contain hazardous substances such as asbestos, heavy metals etc.
❖ It also addresses concerns about the working conditions at many of the world's ship recycling locations.

India and Ship Recycling:

❖ India is the leader in the global ship recycling industry, with a share of over 30% of the market. Around 800
vessels are sent for breaking every year around the world. India accounts for around 30% of that work, with
an average 250 ships recycled majorly at centre in Alang, Gujarat.
❖ Under Ship Recycling Act, 2019, India has acceded to Hong Kong Convention for Ship Recycling under
International Maritime Organization (IMO).
London Convention (Convention on Dumping of Wastes at Sea):
❖ An inter-governmental conference on the Convention on the Dumping of Wastes at Sea met in London in 1972
to adopt this instrument, the London Convention. The Convention has a global character and is aimed at
international control and putting an end to marine pollution.
❖ The definition of dumping under the Convention relates to the deliberate disposal at sea of wastes or other
materials from vessels, aircraft, platforms & other man-made structures.
❖ ‘Dumping’ here does not cover wastes derived from the exploration & exploitation of sea-bed minerals.
❖ The 1978 amendment to the convention banned the incineration of wastes at sea.
❖ It phased out the dumping of industrial wastes by 1995.
Blue Flag Certification:
❖ This Certification is accorded by an international agency “Foundation for Environment Education,
Denmark” based on 33 stringent criteria in four major heads i.e
➢ Environmental Education and
➢ Bathing Water Quality,
➢ Environment Management and
Conservation and
➢ Safety and Services on the
❖ It started in France in 1985 and has
been implemented in Europe since
1987, and in areas outside Europe
since 2001 when South Africa
❖ Spain tops the list with 566 such
beaches; Greece and France follow
with 515 and 395, respectively.
❖ Mangroves are salt-tolerant (halophytes) evergreen shrubs or small trees (vary in height from 8 to 20 m)
that represent a characteristic littoral (near the seashore) forest ecosystem.
❖ They grow below the highwater level of spring tides.
❖ The best locations are where abundant silt is brought down by rivers or on the backshore of accreting sandy

❖ Such locations include brackish waters of sheltered low-lying coasts, estuaries, mudflats, tidal creeks,
backwaters (coastal waters held back on lagoons of tropical and land), marshes and subtropical regions.
Adaptive Mechanisms of Mangroves:
❖ Succulent leaves (thick leaves adapted to store water and reduce evapotranspiration),
❖ Sunken stomata (to protect from drying winds),
❖ Leaves with salt-secreting glands (to flush out excess salt),
❖ Aerial breathing roots called pneumatophores,
❖ Vivipary (seeds or embryos begin to develop before detaching from the parent),
❖ Stilt and prop roots (they are fibrous (adventitious) support roots),
❖ Buttresses (large, wide support roots on all sides of a shallowly rooted mangrove tree).
❖ The adventitious roots (prop and stilt roots), which emerge from the main trunk above ground level, act as
support roots. The complex root system helps mangroves overcome the strong wave action and diurnal tidal
❖ The pneumatophores (blind roots), prop roots and stilt roots help mangroves overcome the respiration problem
in anaerobic (low oxygen — anoxic) soil conditions (classic example of adaptation).
❖ Mangroves exhibit a viviparity mode of reproduction, i.e., seeds germinate in the tree itself (before falling to
the ground). This is an adaptive mechanism to overcome the problem of germination in saline water.
Why are mangroves not found beyond subtropics?
❖ Mangroves are confined to the tropics and subtropics, occurring mainly in the intertidal regions between
latitudes 24° N and 38° S.
❖ This is because the mangrove vegetation contains a complex salt filtration system that facilitates high water
loss at the root level itself to cope with the brackish conditions.
❖ These adaptive mechanisms are energy-intensive and require high solar radiation.
Mangrove Cover in India:

❖ The mangroves of Sundarbans are the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangroves of the world.
(Sundari tree) This mangrove forest is famous for the Royal Bengal Tiger and crocodiles.
❖ Bhitarkanika (Orissa): Second largest in the Indian sub-continent Mangrove swamps also occur in profusion
in the intertidal mudflats on both side of the creeks in the Godavari- Krishna deltaic regions of Andhra Pradesh.
❖ On the west coast of India, mangroves, mostly scrubby and degraded occur along the intertidal region of
estuaries and creeks in Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka.
❖ The mangrove vegetation in the coastal zone of Kerala is very sparse and thin.
❖ In Gujarat (north-west coast) mangroves Avicennia marine, Avicennia officinalis and Rhizophora mucronata
are found mainly in Gulf of Kutch and the Kori creek.
State of Mangroves Report 2022
❖ Published by: Global Mangrove Alliance (annual report).
❖ Main Discoveries:
➢ The global extent of mangroves is 147,359 km2 as of 2020, which surpasses previous estimates of 136,000
km2 (for 2016). This increase is primarily attributed to enhanced mapping techniques rather than actual
gains in mangrove areas.
➢ The rate of mangrove loss has significantly reduced, with an average loss of only 66 km2 per year over
the past decade compared to 327 km2 between 1996 and 2010.

Initiatives for Mangroves:

❖ The Mangrove Alliance for Climate (MAC) was launched by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and
Indonesia, with additional members such as Sri Lanka, Australia, Japan, India, and Spain. This initiative was
launched during COP27.
❖ Another initiative, "Building with Nature in Indonesia," was launched by Indonesia. Its goal is to naturally
regenerate mangroves and safeguard Indonesia's coastline from flooding. This initiative has been recognized
under the World Restoration Flagships, a designation from the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration for
exemplary large-scale and long-term ecosystem restoration efforts worldwide.
❖ MISHTI scheme (Mangrove Initiative for Shoreline Habitats & Tangible Incomesa): Launched under
Budget 2023-24. Take up mangrove plantation along the coastline and on salt pan lands, wherever feasible,
through convergence between MGNREGS, CAMPA Fund and other sources.
❖ Sustainable Aquaculture in Mangrove Ecosystem (SAIME) Initiative:
➢ It is new initiative of sustainable shrimp cultivation provides hope for mangrove restoration in
➢ It is a community-based pilot project in West Bengal under which farmers are planting mangrove trees
around shrimp ponds. Generally, mangrove forests are cleared to cultivate shrimps in the areas. It is being
conceived by Nature Environment and Wildlife Society (NEWS), Global Nature Fund and others.
Importance of Mangrove:
❖ Highly productive ecosystems with rich biodiversity.
❖ Very efficient in dissipating the sea wave energy, thus protecting the coastal areas from tsunamis, storm surges
(produced by cyclones) and soil erosion.
❖ Slow down water flow and act as a zone of land accretion by enhancing sediment deposition.
❖ Act as a riparian buffer and trap pollutants, including heavy metal contaminants. They enhance the natural
recycling of nutrients.
❖ Essential carbon sink.
❖ Act as an essential source of livelihood for the coastal communitiesdependent on the collection of honey,
tannins, wax, firewood, medicinal plants, edible plants, and fishing
Threats to Mangroves:
❖ Natural threats:
➢ Cyclones, typhoons and strong wave actions.
➢ Trampling and overgrazing by wildlife and livestock close to mangrove regions.
➢ Damage by crabs, oysters and pests to the young seedlings of mangroves.
❖ Anthropological threats:
➢ Agriculture: Many thousands of acres of mangrove forest have been destroyed to make way for rice
paddies, rubber trees, palm oil plantations, and other forms of agriculture.
➢ Coastal Development: coastal development lead to the destruction and conversion of mangrove habitats
for infrastructure and human settlements.

➢ Shrimp Farming: By far the greatest threat to the world’s mangrove forests is the rapidly expanding
shrimp aquaculture industry.
Coral Reef:
❖ Coral reefs are complex underwater ecosystems formed by the skeletons of colonial marine invertebrates
called corals. These corals belong to the Animal Kingdom and are classified within the Phylum Cnidaria. They
are actually living organisms with a symbiotic relationship with microscopic algae known as zooxanthellae,
which reside on the coral.
❖ There are two main types of corals: hard corals, also known as hermatypic corals, and soft corals, such
asahermatypic corals.
❖ Reef formation is primarily attributed to hard corals due to their ability to create limestone skeletons. These
colonies of polyps, tiny coral animals, collectively build and maintain coral reefs.
❖ As polyps grow, reproduce, and die, their calcium carbonate skeletons accumulate, forming the structural basis
of coral reefs. Over time, new generations of polyps settle on these skeletons, further adding to the reef's
❖ They are found in shallow tropical areas with clean, clear, and warm sea water.
Types of Coral Reef:
❖ There are three types of coral reefs:
❖ Fringing,
❖ Barrier and
❖ Atoll
Hard Corals and Soft Corals
❖ Hard corals create skeletons made of calcium carbonate, a hard substance that eventually solidifies into
rock, providing a sturdy structure that shelters zooxanthellae. On the other hand, soft corals cannot create such
skeletons, which is why they do not host zooxanthellae.
❖ The presence of zooxanthellae in hard corals is crucial because they require sunlight for photosynthesis. As a
result, hard corals are typically found in tropical waters and shallow areas of the ocean where sunlight can
penetrate to support this symbiotic relationship.
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