Ce Cia1 QB Answer.
Ce Cia1 QB Answer.
Ce Cia1 QB Answer.
6. Define settling time and express the same for 2% and 5 % allowable error.
7. Explain the way in which the system is classified depending on the value of damping
8. Derive ess for type 2 system when the input is a parabolic signal and ramp signal.
9. The closed loop transfer function of a system is given by
100/(S2+ 20S+100).Determine the damping ratio, natural frequency of oscillation and also find the
type of damping system oscillation.
i) Type : ; order :
ii) Type : ; order :
14. For the given signal flow graph given in Fig 1, examine the number of forward paths and
number of individual loops.
17. Derive for type 2 system when the input is a step signal and ramp signal
1.Write the differential equation governing the mechanical translational systems and determine the
transfer function.
2.Write the differential equation governing the mechanical translational systems and determine the
transfer function.
3.Write the differential equation governing the Electrical systems and determine the transfer function.
4.Write the differential equation governing the mechanical Rotational systems and determine the
transfer function.
5.Explain in detail about Block Diagram Reduction Algebra Rules with necessary diagram.
6.Write the differential equation governing the mechanical Rotational systems and determine the
transfer function.
12.Derive the time response of a Undamped system for a unit step input and draw the response
13.For a unity feedback control system, the open loop transfer function is G(S) = 10(S+2) /
S2(S+1).Find the steady state error
. Determine the factor by which the gain ‘K’ should be multiplied so that the
transfer function
16.Write the differential equation governing the Electrical systems and determine the transfer
17.Determine the transfer function for the given mechanical translational system
18.Obtain the closed loop transfer function of the system whose block diagram is given
19.Find the overall gain for the signal flow graph given in Fig1.
20.Derive the response of underdamped second ordered system for unit step input and draw the
response curve.
21.The response of servomechanism is, when subject to a unit step
input. Obtain an expression for closed loop transfer function. Determine the undamped natural
frequency and damping ratio.
22.A positional control system with velocity feedback is shown in the figure. What is the response
c(t) to the unit step input. Given that ζ=0.5. Also calculate rise time, Peak time, Maximum overshoot
and settling time.
25. Consider a unity feedback system with a closed loop transfer function . Determine
the open loop transfer function G(s). Show the steady state error with unit ramp input is given by .
26. The unity feedback system is characterized by an open loop transfer function .
Determine the gain K, so that the system will have a damping ratio of 0.5 for this value of K.
Determine the settling time, rise time and peak time for a unit step input.
27. For a servomechanisms with open loop transfer function given below explain what type of input
signal give rise to a constant steady state error and calculate their values
(i) (ii)