Research Synthesis Worksheet 1302

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Name: Juwanna Porras Research Genre 2 Invention

Source Author’s Evidence Author’s Your Your Your

Claim or author uses to conclusions analysis of analysis of analysis of
Argument support claim how the how this how this
author source source
contributes agrees with disagrees
to the the other with the
research sources other

Amanda Roberti (2021) “Women Deserve Roberti The author She The author Agrees with
Better:” The Use of the Pro-Woman Frame in explains how analyzed anti- mentioned brings a more the fact that
Anti-abortion Policies in U.S. States, Journal the abortion bills how women political the
of Women, Politics & Policy, 42:3, 207- differences in from 50 U.S. have been perspective to legalization
224, DOI: 10.1080/1554477X.2021.1925478 the anti- states from 29008 left out of the table of abortion is
abortion to 2018 gender-based regarding a women’s
approach of policies in the abortion and rights,
“love them U.S. and women’s therefore the
both” have explain how reproduction stigmas
allowed these can rights around the
lawmakers to become a topic play a
stop using threat to role in the
violence as an women’s decision of
approach, but rights of lawmakers.
to use a reproduction.
which is more

appealing to
because it
show interest
in women.

Biggs, M. Antonia, et al. “Perceived Abortion Biggs analyzes She interviewed half of those The author This source
Stigma and Psychological Well-Being over the women who have who were talks about can be linked
Five Years after Receiving or Being Denied perceptions, received and seeking an how the law to the last
an Abortion.” PloS One, vol. 15, no. 1, 2020, psychological denied an abortion of legalizing source
pp. e0226417–e0226417, effects, and abortion after 5 thought that abortion or because they stigmas of years. if other not to women both make a
abortion people can contribute point about
around them to the stigmas pro-abortion
knew about and and its
their acceptance in legalization
decision, they society which
would be can affect with
looked down the
on, while perceptions of
people who women and
were denied their mental
an abortion health.
and carried
didn’t have
many stigmas

from people
close to

Bruce, Tricia C. “Efficacy, Distancing, and explain how the researcher The author This article This source
Reconciling: Religion and Race in the studied a group of concluded was helpful to can link to
Americans’ Abortion Attitudes.” Religions perceptions people that the understand the last two
(Basel, Switzerland ), vol. 11, no. 9, 2020, pp. that people in considering their factor that more in depth sources
475-, the US have religion and their affected the what is the because the
about abortion race and identified perception of factor that legalization
can be three processes abortion the makes people or not of
influenced by that were
most was view abortion abortion can
their religion important while
their with a positive be influenced
and their race shaping their
background. or negative by the
views on abortion:
“efficacy perception. perception
(believing that that the
one can make a people in
difference), charge have
distancing (being of this topic.
emotionally away
from the issue),
and reconciling
(looking for ways
to bring together
the different
opinions)” (18).

Gutiérrez Vázquez, Edith Y., and Emilio A. The authors They studied the They The author This links to
Parrado. “Abortion Legalization and explain the metropolitan area concluded makes a big the sources
Childbearing in Mexico.” Studies in Family effects of the differences and that there point in that have a
Planning, vol. 47, no. 2, 2016, pp. 113–28, legalization of age patterns in was a proving that more political abortion pregnancy systematical the view about
4465.2016.00060.x. during the first between 2000 association legalization of abortion and
trimester of and 2010. between abortion are pro-
pregnancy in abortion doesn’t abortion.
2007 in legalization necessarily
Mexico. and fertility mean abortion
and that the rates or
legalization of fertilization
abortion will increase.
made fertility

Hadley, Janet. “The Issue of Abortion in Hadley She analyzed case She showed This article This ties up
America: An Exploration of Social explained in studies. that a lot of was helpful with the
Controversy.” Journal of Medical Ethics, vol. her article that doctors because it articles that
25, no. 4, 1999, pp. 355–56, in America denied showed how mention the there is a abortions society can different
constant because of create a factors like
debate on personal negative background
whether moral notion of or personal
abortion perspectives. abortion and stigmas that
consists of Also, it affect the contribute to
killing or mentioned decision of a negative
letting kill, and the risk that doctors on perception of
mentions some doctors whether they abortion.

doctors who go through deny or

have worked when they practice this
in the U.S. and practice an procedure. It
were killed for abortion also puts into
practicing because of perspective
abortion at these that the
clinics. negative people who
perceptions. are pro-
abortion can
be persecuted
and victims
because of
their opinions.

Looi, Mun-Keat. “Abortion: UN Is Urged to Looi exposed Explanation after The author This article This links to
Intervene in ‘Human Rights Crisis’ in US the situation analyzing the explained was helpful in the articles
after Ending of Rights.” BMJ (Online), vol. that happened letter sent by the how, in the knowing how that talk
380, 2023, pp. 521–521, between five five charities to letter, the the political about the charities that the United charities perspective political
called the Nations. asked the UN regarding perspective
United to protect the abortion can of abortion
Nations to act rights of life, affect not only and its
on an health, the way effects on
apparent privacy, society thinks women’s
“human rights liberty, and but also rights.
crisis” in the security of women’s
U.S. after the women and health.
Supreme that the
Court decision
restricted the made by the

access to this Supreme

service. Court

Major, Brenda, et al. “Abortion and Mental The authors They studied The results This article This links to
Health: Evaluating the Evidence.” The evaluated the women who had showed that was helpful in the article
American Psychologist, vol. 64, no. 9, 2009, relationship an abortion and there was no demonstrating that
pp. 863–90, between how it affected evidence that that mental mentions induced them mentally. proved that, health how women
abortion and in some problems who have
women’s cases, don’t have to been denied
mental health. abortion be a result of an abortion
could cause practicing an are the ones
mental health abortion. who suffer
problems, more mental
but instead health
showed that problems.
there were
other factors
and risks that
related to
abortion and

Rivera Rodriguez, Grecia, et al. “The Medical This article is The author used Rivera This article This links to
and Financial Burden of Illegal Abortion.” about how articles from explained showed the the sources
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA), vol. 14, no. 10, 2022, socioeconomic EBSCO, that even if negative that mention
pp. e30514–e30514, and PubMed/Medline, abortion isn’t effects of not women’s technological Cochrane, legalized, legalizing rights and the
developments EMBASE, and women will abortion and effects of the

can affect the DARE that still practice how it affects illegalization
perception of focused on the this women’s of abortion.
abortion. risk of illegal procedure in health.
abortion. unsafe ways.

Sparrow, Margaret June. “A Woman’s Sparrow She analyzed the She This article This can This
Choice.” Australian & New Zealand Journal mentioned situation in New concluded showed serve as an disagrees
of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, vol. 44, no. 2, how abortion Zealand after the that another extension to with the
2004, pp. 88–92, is a safe legalization of feminists’ perspective of the source sources that procedure mifepristone as a attitudes how the that argue that
828X.2004.00190.x. whether way to interrupt a regarding legalization of mentions the only
carried out pregnancy. abortion can abortion similar lawmakers'
surgically or contribute to doesn’t cause effects that opinions and
medically. the public’s more the decisions
opinion and abortions and legalization matter and
mentioned instead of of abortion impact
that the affecting had in the society's
desire for women, it country opinions
motherhood keeps them about
and quality of safer. abortion.
life can
influence a
woman in
their choice
of pro-life or

Weitz, Tracy A. “Rethinking the Mantra That Weitz The author Weitz The article This agrees
Abortion Should Be ‘Safe, Legal, and Rare.’” examines how examined the explains the was able to with the
Journal of Women’s History, vol. 22, no. 3, the constant history and the problem of present more sources that
2010, pp. 161–72, desire to find consequences of not information talk about
TAMIU FYWP ENGL 1302 8 an end to the debates considering on the the political

abortion has between pro-life women’s consequences impact on
led to and pro-choice. need for of not looking women’s
different abortion and for women’s rights, and
fundaments the reduction rights by not the
on whether of access to legalizing illegalization
abortion health care abortion. of this service
should be and how this on their
safe, legal, goes against health.
and rare. women’s

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