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What is a firmer and gentler family


Lesson 9 : Plan on how to make the - It is a relationship that makes the

family members firmer and gentler family stronger amid difficulties, and
crises they are experiencing.
with each other.
- Struggles and difficult times brought
Family Relationships them closer together, as they learned to
be respectful, patient, kind, and tender
- Meaningful relationships in life and to each other, because they are one as a
society. family.
- The basic relationship people have in - It is like a strong tree that can always
life since birth, especially of children stand still in the face of different
born in a biological family. storms passing through it.
- Plays a vital role in shaping and Ways on How to Make Family Members
developing an individual’s well-being Firmer and Gentler with Each Other
throughout his/her life.
1. Foster unity
Family Members and Their Roles
- There is unity in the family despite
● Couple - To provide the needs of each the differences in personalities and
other physically, emotionally, characteristics of each member by
financially, etc. doing its specific roles in the family.
● Parents - The provider of the basic - Promote unity in the family by
needs of the family such as food, building a bond among the members.
clothes, shelter, education, safety
needs, love, acceptance, and care. 2. Involve each other

● Children - Must honor and obey their - Every member of the family is
parents, respect each other, help with important.
the household chores, study, etc.
- Include them in significant
● Siblings - Older siblings assist in decision-making in family life.
taking care of the needs of the 3. Respect individuality
siblings, while younger siblings
should listen and learn from them - Give higher regard by appreciating
the uniqueness of every member of
● Extended members - May extend the family, knowing that everyone has
support to the unmet needs of the its identity, strengths, and
family like the grandparents taking weaknesses.
care of grandchildren, giving advice
to the members of the family if - Respect can be earned without
necessary. comparing one with another.

- An example is by asking permission

whenever one needs another
member’s belongings.
4. Model the behavior

- Everyone in the family could be a

model for each other.
9. Nurture trust
- Modeling behavior is setting yourself
- A trusting relationship promotes
as an example that is worth following
dignity and integrity in the
to other members of the family.
5. Explain expectations and
- When trust is present, it challenges
the person to do better because
- Let every family member understand others are depending on him/her.
what is expected of them as to their
10. Take time together
- Spending time together helps to
- Along with this, consequences must
know each other better and promote
be clarified, so they will also know
authentic and stronger relationships.
their accountability.
- Pray, play, eat, solve problems
6. Reward good behavior
together, etc.
- A reward is an excellent motivation
11. Listen attentively
for any family member, so they can
keep on doing what is good and right. - Give your attention to the one who
has concerns.
- Always look at the positive behavior
rather than focusing and nagging on - It enables you to understand the
other family member’s failures. motives, feelings, and ideas of others.
7. Give love and forgiveness - The deeper the understanding
between each family member, the
- We all need love, but we also need to
stronger the family is.
give love.
12. Ensure safety
- Love is the core of relationships to
make it stronger and better. - It is within the family that members
should feel safe and secure.
- When there is love, there is also
forgiveness for they go hand in hand - Be sure that no abuses and domestic
together. violence are happening among the
members of the family.
8. Express gratitude
- Do not put your family in danger.
- Support one another through giving
positive words and expressing

- Communicate with constructive

words and affirmation.
13. Remember God

- Acknowledge God as the Source, great Lesson 10 : Factors Influence Career

provider, and the center of the Planning and Decision Making

- The God of love, peace, and justice is

with us always. Developmental challenges

- If He is the center of the relationships, - During adolescence, however, they

you will do everything that is pleasing create unclear visions on career
both to God and others. planning, that is why valuing parents
and family support are very important
14. Pray always at this stage.

- Prayer is a necessary ingredient in - These will serve as guides and bases in

relationships. your decision-making.

- Seek strength and help from God in - Being an adolescent, you experience
all circumstances. uncertainty because of different
challenges that measure your values
- A family that prays together stays
and personality.
- Facing these challenges with
15. Learn good communication
appropriate behavior and personal
- Good communication promotes skills will help you progress in order to
knowledge and understanding of the achieve your goals and career plans in
situation in the family. life.

- Good communication uses “I” - Likewise, self-assessment is important

messages expressing one's concerns in starting a career decision making.
and feelings, not blaming and
Looking at your skills, interest, and
condemning others.
personality that are aligned to your values
16. Accept failures can influence your career
- Nobody is perfect; everyone makes
mistakes. a. Interests - Areas that provide
enjoyment and learning which result to
- Acceptance of one’s failure gives a feeling of reward to an individual.
room for learning and improvement Personal interests should be inclined to
in your relationship. career so that it will result to a
satisfying career decision-making.
17. Nourish each other
b. Skills - Talents or abilities that can be
- To nourish is to provide the necessary
learned or acquired through training or
things needed in the family.
day to day experience. Developing skills
- Nourish the family with kindness and are gained despite the difficulties, if
gentleness. someone has an interest to learn.

- Stop being rude or harsh toward each

c. Values - Stable life goals that people
have. It is an individual belief that is
e. Self-esteem - An accumulated life
honed from childhood and throughout
perception of social acceptance or
his life.
d. Personality - Blended characteristics
f. Self-efficacy - The ability to finish a
that are evidently displayed and are
task successfully within the time
important in expressing and
frame. These are people who have an
organized self-management and
Career paths - small tasks that lever to
career goals. g. Locus control - People who have a
high sense of responsibility in
Career - what you do for a living using your controlling lives have High internal
profession or occupation that undergo locus control. They believe that they
education or training to master knowledge can control their own destiny, while
and expertise. people with low external locus control
feel things happen because of other
Career planning - wise decision-making of
people, luck, or by powerful beings
steps and process for continuous
that may lead to depression.
development of learning of achieving
his/her professional and personal goal.

Personal goal - small personal tasks Factors that Influence Career-planning

contribute to personal development. and Decision-making

a. Parental Autonomy - Parental

monitoring is associated to parental
Some traits that are needed in developing
protection where sometimes parents
one’s career in achieving life goals.
decide on what course their child
a. Self-concept - An individual’s should take in college because of the
perception on different roles, promising career waiting ahead.
behavior, and opportunities.
b. Financial Hardship - Parents cannot
b. Self-determination - Is when a afford to support the daily expenses
person decides to act based on of a college student because of
intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic unstable financial source. That is why
motivation comes from your inner students choose to earn money to
self. help and provide the family for their
c. Self-monitoring - The capability of a
person to watch over his/her behavior c. Change in Family roles - There are
and the relationship that he students who cannot continue
organized within his environment. education, because they need to take
over their parents’ obligation to their
d. Proactive Personality - Is when family. At times, even if they value
people have the capacity to take education, only one student can be
actions without being told and use sent to school.
thoughtful analysis to solve.
d. School Location - Since most
universities and colleges are located
in cities, adolescents have to decide
to leave their homes and be away
from their families just in order to

e. Academic Performance - There are

courses that have grade
requirements that serve as a basis of
your career preference. Academic
performance during high school
which does not meet these
requirements or standards tends to
influence career paths.

f. Employment Rate - Career choice

may also be influenced by the market
demand on man power. One also
appraises the benefits a company can
give like salary offer, compensation,
and others career development.

g. Herd Mentality - Sometimes,

adolescents are easily swayed by their
peers. The fear of being separated
from the group of friends may
influence choosing a career. At this
moment, it is important to have
parental guidance.

h. Self-sabotage - Defined as losing

self-confidence and self esteem.
Self-sabotage is a negative self-talk
wherein one avoids mistakes and
negative feedback which are given to
improve performance.

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