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Heliyon 8 (2022) e10205

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Review article

Regeneration of dye-saturated activated carbon through advanced oxidative

processes: A review
Danilo Henrique da Silva Santos a, b, Ye Xiao c, Nhamo Chaukura d, Josephine M. Hill e,
Rangabhashiyam Selvasembian f, Carmem L.P.Silva Zanta a, Lucas Meili b, *
orio de Eletroquímica Aplicada, Instituto de Química e Biotecnologia, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, UFAL, Maceio, Brazil
orio de Processos, Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, UFAL, Maceio, Brazil
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Department of Physical and Earth Sciences, Sol Plaatje University, Kimberley, South Africa
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Department of Biotechnology, School of Chemical and Biotechnology, SASTRA Deemed University, Tamil Nadu, India


Keywords: Activated carbon (AC) is a porous carbon-rich material that is widely used to remove pollutants, such as synthetic
Adsorption dyes, from contaminated water. Although quite efficient, the use of this technology is limited to the ability of the
Dyes AC to be regenerated and/or reused. Conventional regeneration procedures are inefficient, requiring the devel-
Water treatment
opment and/or implementation of new approaches. Advanced Oxidative Processes (AOP) have unique properties
Oxidation processes
that result in high efficiency in wastewater treatment. The use of these technologies in the regeneration of AC has
gained considerable prominence due to the ability to remove organic pollutants concentrated in the AC. During
this process, the oxidizing species produced interact with the substrates adsorbed on the AC, in a non-selective
way, mineralizing them and/or reducing their recalcitrance. Although widely used in wastewater treatment,
few reviews focus on the use of AOP as AC regeneration technology, causing an insufficient exchange of infor-
mation and ideas for strategic development in this area. Therefore, in this review, the authors present an overview
of the use of some AOP (Photolysis, Peroxidation, Fenton reaction and Advanced electrochemical oxidative
processes) when applied in regeneration of dye-saturated AC, including the mechanisms involved in the different
processes, the general aspects that affect individual processes and the different methods established to quantify
the effectiveness of regeneration.

1. Introduction itching, skin sores, irritation of the mucous membrane and respiratory
tract, and in extreme cases, cell mutation and cancer [7, 8, 9, 10, 11].
Contamination of natural waters has been one of the major problems Textile dyes are organic molecules with high molecular weight and
of modern society and is an undesirable consequence of the rapid ur- complex structures. These compounds are difficult to remove by con-
banization and industrialization. While industrialization playing an ventional treatments, which includes chemical, physical, and biological
important role in the world economy, nevertheless contributes signifi- methods. Because the new synthetic dyes developed are usually chemi-
cantly to the production of contaminated wastewater, and threatens the cally and photolytically stable and therefore highly resistant to degra-
environment [1, 2]. The textile industry, in particular, is considered one dation [12, 13], and resulting in their accumulation in the environment
of the most polluting industries in the world, generating 637.3 [11, 14].
MCM/year of contaminated water [3]. The main characteristic of the Numerous studies discuss alternative treatments for synthetic dyes
textile industrial effluents is color, from dyes used to produce the final removal including nanofiltration [5, 11, 12], biological approaches [15,
products [4, 5, 6]. These colored compounds are detrimental to aquatic 16], and systems based on electrochemical processes [17, 18]. Many of
life, obstructing light penetration and preventing photosynthesis. In these techniques are limited because they are not economically viable,
humans, synthetic dyes can cause health hazards including allergies, involve slow reactions, or do not achieve total removal of the pollutant.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Meili).

Received 30 March 2022; Received in revised form 16 June 2022; Accepted 3 August 2022
2405-8440/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
D.H.S. Santos et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e10205

Adsorption processes are generally low cost, simple to operate, highly of adsorbed contaminants, but also decompose the desorbed pollutants.
efficient (normally up to >90%) [19]. Compared to other techniques, Among the processes currently studied, advanced oxidative processes
adsorption provide an attractive alternative for the treatment of (AOPs) have received considerable attention [22, 45, 46, 47]. AOPs are
contaminated water, as it presents some important advantages such as: widely used in the treatment of wastewater containing a great diversity
removal of a wide class of chemical contaminants, especially those that of contaminants due, mainly their efficiency in the removal of toxic
are little affected by conventional treatments, highly flexible, insensi- and/or biorefractory pollutants and low cost [48]. The AOPs are based on
tivity to toxic pollutants, and do not produce toxic substances [20]. the in-situ generation of the hydroxyl radical (OH), as the main oxidizing
In an adsorption process, contaminants transfer from the aqueous species, a strong oxidizing agent, which has a reduction potential of 2.8 V
phase to the surface of the adsorbents, where they preferentially vs. Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE), behind only fluorine (F2) (3.0 V
accummulate, and then the treated effluent can be safely released or vs. SHE, Table 1).
recycled [21]. A good adsorbent should generally possess a porous These radicals react non-selectively with most organic contaminants,
structure (resulting in high surface area of 500–2000 m2/g) to minimize such as halogenated organic compounds, degrading them by electron
the time to reach the equilibrium adsorption capacity. Many different transfer (redox reaction) (Eq. (1)), hydrogen removal (dehydrogenation)
adsorbent materials have been used but the most common material is (Eq. (2)) or electron transfer (hydroxylation) (Eq. (3)) being able to
activated carbon (AC) and, thus, this review focuses on the use of AC in mineralize them for CO2, water and inorganic ions [48, 49, 50].
water pollutant decontomination [22]. Over time, the adsorbent becomes
saturated (i.e., the adsorption capacity of the is exhausted), and must be OH þ RX → RXþ þ OH (1)
replaced [23, 24, 25]. Depending on the adsorbate, the spent adsorbent 
OH þ RH → R þ H2O (2)
may become a potential pollutant and, thus, cannot be discarded in

landfill [26]. The material may be combusted or alternatively regener- OH þ PhX →PhX(OH) (3)
ated to recover the adsorbate and the adsorption capacity of the adsor-
where RX and PhX represent aliphatic and aromatic halogens,
bent. The most commonly used methods for the regeneration of AC are
biological treatments [27], solvent extraction [28] and heat treatment
In recent decades, the emergence of several technologies classified as
under oxidizing atmosphere [29]. Advanced oxidative processes (AOP),
AOPs, which differ only in the mechanism used for the generation of
which include a combination of these technologies, have also been
oxidizing species, have been used in the degradation of organic con-
investigated. These processes are based predominantly (but not exclu-
taminants in the literature. The main AOPs grouped based on the main
sively) on the in-situ generation of hydroxyl radicals (OH), have proven
source of hydroxyl radical generation: ozone-based, UV-based, electro-
efficiency (>90%) in the treatment of organic pollutants [30], are able to
chemical (eAOPs), catalytic (cAOPs) (such as Fenton reaction), and
remove a wide range of organic pollutants [31], and convert the con-
physical (pAOPs) (such as ultrasound and plasma) [49]. The different
taminants into biodegradable or inert substances, such as carbon dioxide,
processes summarized in Figure 1.
water and inorganic salts [32].
Several AOPS are reported in the literature as regenerative tech-
Although the use of AOPs in AC regeneration is reported in the
niques, this includes Microwave [51], plasma [52] and ultrasonic [35]
literature [24, 33, 34, 35, 36], Therefore, a review of the current situation
methods. However, these methods are met with limitations such as high
will be indispensable to direct the efforts of researchers. This review
energy consumption and carbon attrition, need for secondary treatments
describes the dyes produced by the textile industry, their negative im-
and slow regeneration rates. In an attempt to overcome these restrictions,
pacts and different treatment approaches. Further the potential use of the
attention is being focused on relatively cheaper technologies that can be
adsorption process, the importance of regeneration process and AC as an
applied in situ and that present greater innovative potential, among
adsorbent, all as relate to using AOP for regenerating the material.
which we can highlight the processes of Photolysis, Peroxidation, Fenton
reaction and Advanced electrochemical oxidative processes.
2. Adsorbent regeneration via AOPs

Although it is a viable alternative in wastewater treatment, adsorp- 2.1. Photolysis

tion presents in practice a concern problem related to the use of adsor-
bent agents since, after a specific period of time, the AC loses its Photolysis is widely used in potable water disinfection processes, due
adsorptive capacity, due to the high concentration of pollutants retained to its efficacy against a wide range of pathogens [54, 55]. This process can
on its surface [24, 37, 38, 39, 40]. Saturated adsorbent materials are, in also degrade organic compounds when used in wastewater treatments
some cases, disposed in landfills without proper treatment, leading to the [56]. Photolysis is based on the exposure of organic compounds of interest
possibility of toxic contaminants infiltrating the environment, conse- to light with different wavelength and can be classified into two distinct
quently causing secondary environmental problems. Saturated adsorbent categories: direct photolysis and indirect photolysis. In the so-called direct
can also be incinerated, but this process has some important disadvan- photolysis, the contaminant itself absorbs the photons and is degraded,
tages, such as operational cost, destruction in the structure of the
adsorbent, as well as the emission of possibly toxic compounds and
Table 1. Standard reduction potential of different oxidants in acid solution [53].
release of carbon dioxide [26, 41].
Thus, the economic and environmental capacity of the use of adsor- Oxidizing agent Standard reduction potential (V vs SHE)
bent for wastewater treatment is associated with its capacity of regen- Fluorine (F2) 3.03
eration and/or reuse [42, 43]. The regeneration process seeks to return Radical Hydroxyl (OH) 2.80
the original adsorptive capacity of adsorbent removing contaminants, Atomic Oxygen 2.42
damaging it as little as possible. Conventional techniques for regenera- Ozone (O3) 2.07
tion are generally classified into three distinct classes that include Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) 1.77
physical, chemical and biological processes [43, 44]. Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) 1.67
There are several problems associated with the conventional treat-
Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) 1.5
ments used in the regeneration of AC, such as, the non-economic
Hypochlorosus Acid (HClO) 1.49
viability, slow reactions, phase transfer of the pollutant, and the alter-
Chlorine (Cl2) 1.36
ations of the properties of AC. These problems have caused, in recent
Oxygen (O2) 1.23
years, numerous efforts to be dedicated to the proposition of treatments
Bromine (Br2) 1.09
for the regeneration of activated carbon that allow not only the removal

D.H.S. Santos et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e10205

Figure 1. Broad overview and classification of different AOPs (based on Miklos et al. [49]).

while in indirect photolysis the degradation occurs through the reaction of Moreover, with regard to the environmental issue, its use in water
the compound with a reactive species generated by photosensitizers that treatment processes is quite desirable, since the products of its decom-
can absorb radiation to reach an excited state [57]. position are molecular oxygen (O2) and water (H2O) [63, 64].
In the case of direct photocatalysis, the process of photochemical The mechanism of degradation of organic pollutants through
degradation of the organic pollutant is initiated from an excited elec- hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) involves its decomposition into OH. Once
tronic state, achieved by the absorption of the radiation incident by the generated, these species react with organic pollutants by oxidizing and/
pollutant, as shown in the Eq. (4). Once excited, the molecule will un- or mineralizing them to CO2 and H2O [65, 66]. Greater efficiency in the
dergo hemolytic bond scission, generating radicals that will react to the use of H2O2 in the treatment of contaminated waters can be obtained in
final products with the participation (or not) of molecular oxygen (Eq. the presence of a catalyst, for instance COD removal efficiency increased
(5)), or initiate a process of electron transfer to an oxygen molecule in its from 30% to ~45% when a catalyst added during H2O2 oxidation of a dye
ground state generating radical cations and superoxide radical ions intermediate [8]. Among the most commonly used catalysts we can
(O2) (Eq. (6)). The radical cation formed during these reactions may mention Fe2þ in the so-called Fenton reaction. However, other materials
generate low molecular weight products through hydrolysis or mesolitic such as transition metals and AC itself can be used as a catalyst in re-
bond fission processes and superoxide radical ion (O2) will act on the actions called Fenton-like [67].
degradation of aromatic molecules [58]. Activated carbon (AC) has been widely used in catalytic reactions,
both as support for the active species, as well as a catalyst itself due to its
R þ hv → R* (4) physical properties and functional surface groups containing mainly ox-
R*→ R1 þ R2 →Products (5) ygen. The texture and chemical composition of the surface determine the
performance and final application of the carbon material. Hydroxyl

R* þ O2→ R þ þ O–
2 (6) radicals produced during the activation of hydrogen peroxide by AC
provide an oxidizing agent so strong that it can oxidize organic com-
In the indirect photocatalysis, however, the irridiation of light
pounds from aqueous matrices [68].
transfers an electron from the valance band to the conduction band of a
semiconductor such as TiO2 to generate an electron-hole pair (Eq. (7)).
The electron reacts with the dissolved oxygen to generate superoxide
radical ion, and the hole reacts with water molecules to produce hydroxyl
radical for the oxidation of organic pollutants (Equations (8) and (9)).
The organic pollutants may be also directly oxidized by the photo-
generated hole (Eq. (10)) [59]. Figure 2 demonstrates the photocatalytic
degradation mechanism using irradiation energy from a light source.

TiO2 þ hv → TiO2 (hþ þ e–) (7)

TiO2(e ) þ O2 → TiO2 þ O–
2 (8)
þ  þ
TiO2(h ) þ H2O → TiO2 þ OH þ H (9)

TiO2(hþ) þ R → TiO2 þ Rþ (10)

2.2. Peroxidation

Widely used in wastewater treatment, hydrogen peroxide is consid- Figure 2. Scheme of photocatalytic degradation mechanism (based on [60,
ered as a moderate oxidizing agent for most organic compounds. 61, 62]).

D.H.S. Santos et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e10205

The mechanism of the AC-H2O2 reaction involves the reduced (AC) Santos and collaborators [70] studied the regeneration of AC used in
and oxidized (ACþ) catalyst states (Eq. (11) and (12)) and occurs, ac- methylene blue adsorption was evaluated through the processes of
cording to the Haber-Weiss mechanism, by electron transfer. Parallel photolysis, oxidation with H2O2 and Fenton reaction. The efficiency of
reactions of free radicals generated at the carbon surface (Eq. (13),(14)) these processes was evaluated by the recovery of the adsorption capacity
or scavenging reactions (Eq. (15)) inefficient for process efficiency are of AC, measured by the amount of MB adsorbed in the successive
also reported. The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide produces oxygen adsorption/oxidation cycles and by the physical properties of the mate-
and water by exchanging the hydroxyl groups generated on the AC sur- rial obtained through SEM analysis, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Energy
face with hydrogen peroxide anions and subsequent reactivity of the Scattering X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Fourier Transform Infrared
peroxide groups, thus regenerating the carbon surface (Eq. (16) and Spectroscopy (FTIR) before and after the regeneration process. During
(17)). the photolysis process, the AC saturated with MB was irradiated with a
UV light source for different time intervals, the results showed that a
AC þ H2O2→ ACþ þ HO þOH (11)
maximum of 30% of the adsorption capacity of the AC was recovered
ACþ þ H2O2→ AC þ HO2 þ Hþ (12) after 2 h of reaction. For the oxidation tests performed with H2O2, a
maximum of 40% of the adsorption capacity of the AC was recovered
AC þ HO → AC þ OH (13) when the concentration of the oxidizing agent was 50 mmol/L. As for the
þ tests in which the Fenton reaction was used, a maximum of 71% of
AC þ HO2 → AC þ O2 þ H þ
regeneration was observed, the efficiency of this process was attributed
HO þ HO2 → H2O þ O2 (15) to a synergistic AC-Fe effect. The stability of the material through
adsorption-regeneration cycles and the characterization results of the AC
AC–OH þ Hþ–OOH-→ AC–OOH þ H2O (16) showed that, in general, the Fenton reaction provided greater stability to
AC–OOH þ H2O2 → AC–OH þ H2O þ O2 (17) the material, causing the adsorption capacity to be recovered for 7
consecutive cycles [70].

2.3. Fenton reaction 3. Advanced electrochemical oxidative processes

The Fenton reaction was discovered by Fenton in 1894 in the study Developed during the last decade, advanced electrochemical oxida-
that investigated the catalytic oxidation of tartaric acid in the presence of tive processes (EAOPs) generated great interest because they have high
H2O2and ferrous salt. This reaction is still a widely used in the treatment efficiency in the oxidation of several persistent organic pollutants. In
of organic pollutants, mainly due to its high efficiency in the degrada- these processes, OH radicals are produced electrolytically or through
tion/mineralization of organic pollutants, operational simplicity (occurs electrochemically generated reagents [76]. Oxidation of organic pollut-
at atmospheric pressure and room temperature), and low cost, because ants through EAOPs can occur directly or indirectly. In direct oxidation
cheap, moderately reactive and relatively easy to handle reagents are the OH radicals are produced on the electrode surface by water oxida-
applied in the reaction [53, 65, 72]. tion. The production rate and extent depend on the nature (catalytic
These reactions are based on the activation of H2O2 by ferrous ions activity) of the anodic material. Boron-Doped Diamond (DDB), Platinum
(Fe2þ) for the generation of OH radicals (Eq. (18)). However, it is (Pt) and Dimensionally Stable Anodes (ADE) are reported as effective
traditionally accepted that other processes, such as those indicated in electrode materials for water oxidation and subsequent OH radical
Eqs. (19), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24), (25), and (26), occur simulta- production in aqueous medium [50].
neously catalyzing or inhibiting and competing with the process [53, 73, The mechanism of degradation (Figure 3) of organic pollutant in
74, 75]. The mechanisms involved in Fenton reaction shows that this is a metal oxide anodes (MOx) described by Comninellis and De Battisti
very complex process. The reaction begins with the generation of OH (1996) classify electrodes as "active" (RuO2, IrO2 and PtOx) and "non-
radicals by activating H2O2 using ferrous ions (Eq. (18)). The ferric ions active" (e.g., SnO2 and PbO2). For both categories of electrodes, the first
generated at this stage react with H2O2 regenerating ferrous ions and step is the formation of the hydroxyl radical MOx(HO) by the water
hydroperoxyl radicals (HO2) (Eq. (12)) to complete the catalytic cycle. oxidation (Eq. (27)). These adsorbed radicals can react with oxygen
From there, the formed radicals can be consumed by iron species resulting in the production of higher oxides (Eq. (28). Thus, we can
(equations (20), (21) and (22)), H2O2 (Eq. (24)), HO2 radicals (equations consider that on the surface of the anode are present two states of "
(25) and (26)) present in solution, and even self-eliminated (Eq. (23)) activated oxygen": chemisorbeds (in the form of oxide) and physisorbeds
[53]. The Fenton reaction occurs under necessarily acidic conditions, (in the form of  OH). In the absence of organic compounds that can be
because in these circumstances the species Fe2þ and Fe3þ will be present oxidized, the two types of "active oxygen" present on the surface of the
in the ionic form and in the appropriate proportions in order to obtain a
maximum efficiency of the process. At neutral or basic pH, Fe2þ and Fe3þ
precipitate, decreasing process efficiency [65].

Fe2þ þ H2O2 → Fe3þ þOH þ OH (18)

Fe 3þ
þ H2O2 → Fe 2þ
þ HO2 þH þ

Fe2þ þ OH→ Fe3þ þ OH (20)

Fe2þ þ HO2→ Fe3þ þ HO

2 (21)

Fe 3þ
þ HO2 → Fe2þ
þ O2 þ H þ
OH þ OH → H2O2 (23)

OH þ H2O2 → HO2 þ H2O (24)

HO2 þ HO2 → H2O2 þ O2 (25)

OH þ HO2 → H2O þ O2 (26) Figure 3. Electrochemical degradation mechanism (based on [78]).

D.H.S. Santos et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e10205

anodes can produce gaseous oxygen (equations (29) and (30)) [77]. radicals convert organic pollutants into water, carbon dioxide, and
When there are oxidisable organic compounds, both MOX(HO) and MOx inorganic ions which are environmentally benign [70, 85]. The overall
þ1 oxidize the organic pollutant as shown in Eqs. (31) and (32). In in- mechanism of Fenton oxidation follows the typical Fenton reaction
direct oxidation, the production of hydroxyl radicals is performed in situ (Equation 18) and by side reactions where the reduction of Fe3þ re-
through the electrogeneration of reagents that generate the oxidizing generates Fe2þ (Eqs. (19) and (22)) [93]. The reaction between OH
agents (OH or active chlorine). Within the most common indirect radicals and organic pollutants is rapid, and requires H2O2, Fe, and the
oxidation methods we can mention the processes of electro-Fenton, pollutant to coexist within the same site on the AC surface for effective
sonoeletro-Fenton, among others [50]. oxidation [94].
While AOPs add oxidants to the aqueous system to degrade pollut-
MOx þ H2O → MOx (HO) þ Hþ þ e (27)
ants, a variation of this method, electrochemical AOPs (EAOPs) depends
MOx (HO) → MOx þ1 þ e (28) on the in-situ generation of oxidants [88]. EAOPs generally comprise
electro-Fenton oxidation and its variations. The EAOPs exploit
MOx (HO) → MOx þ Hþ þ e þ ½ O2 (29) electro-desorption and electro-oxidation processes to eliminate organic
pollutants adsorbed on the AC surface [87, 88]. Through in-situ produc-
MOx þ1 → MOx þ ½ O2 (30)
tion of OH radicals, an oxidizing environment is created and the organic
MOx (HO ) þ RH → MOx þ H2O þ R (31) pollutants on AC surface and in solution are transformed, regenerating
the AC surface [88]. A typical EAOP example is the electro-Fenton
MOx þ1 þ RH → MOx þ RHO (32) oxidation process, which was designed to circumvent the requirement
of H2O2 in the aqueous system and instead generate it in-situ via a green
reagent [87, 88]. The reaction proceeds via the following steps (Eqs. 18,
4. Application of AOPs for dye-activated saturated carbon 36, and 37): (1) the electro-generation of H2O2 from H2O, (2) the con-
regeneration version of H2O2 into OH radicals using Fe2þ, and (3) the reduction of
Fe3þ to regenerate the catalytic Fe2þ [87, 88].
In the course of the adsorption process, the performance efficiency of
AC progressively diminishes, and requires replenishment or treatment O2 þ 2Hþ þ e → H2O2 (36)
after exhaustion [70, 79, 80]. Replenishment is expensive, and the eco-
Fe3þ þ e → Fe2þ (37)
nomic viability of the adsorption process is determined by the reusability
of spent AC [51, 81, 82]. Commonly, the spent AC is landfilled or 2þ 3þ
To maintain Fe and Fe in solution, low pH (~3) is necessary.
incinerated to minimize environmental safety risks caused by secondary Above pH 4, Fe(OH)3 precipitates out. Normally, air is bubbled through
pollution [83, 84]. Landfilling requires large expanses of land, and the solution to supply the O2, but recently in-situ O2 generation has been
pollutant-laden AC could contaminate groundwater through leaching. achieved using specialized electrodes [88]. Since electrons are also re-
Thus, regeneration for reuse is a viable option, and this has been tradi- actants in the process, the AC acts as a cathode.
tionally achieved through thermal methods. Despite having a high Fenton processes depend on the use of iron salts to generate ROS.
regeneration efficiency, thermal regeneration could cause 5–15% attri- However, in cases where the use of iron is not possible (e.g.), treatment of
tion due to friction, carbon burn-off, and washing, and this challenge iron-complexing compounds), other metal salts can be used via processes
could be more severe after several regeneration cycles [51, 83, 84, 85, such as the electro-Fenton-like oxidation process. In such cases, other
86]. transition metals can be used to catalyse the generation of OH radicals
When organic pollutants are subjected to heat, there is a possibility of from H2O2. The generation of H2O2 still follows Equation (4), and a
forming toxic by-products that can be emitted into the environment [70, transition metal with an Mn/Mnþ1 redox pair catalyses the generation of
80]. Besides, thermal regeneration cycles are long, and causes a deteri- OH radicals (Equation 38). Reduction of the transition metal ion back to
oration in the microporous structure of AC, consequently reducing the Mn is achieved by electrons supplied from the electric current (Equation
adsorption efficiency in subsequent adsorption runs [23, 79, 87, 88]. The 39) [88].
high energy demand discourages the uptake of AC adsorption technology
in large scale water treatment [85, 86]. Moreover, some countries have Mn þ H2O2 → Mnþ1 þ OH þ OH (38)
laws that prohibit the disposal of toxic sludge into the environment [89]. nþ1  n
M þe →M (39)
There is thus need to develop environmentally sustainable regeneration
methods to allow reuse of the AC. In this respect, a number of alternative In electro-Fenton oxidation, the catalytic metal can either be ho-
regeneration methods including microbiological, microwave, electro- mogenous in the aqueous phase or heterogeneous as a solid phase cata-
chemical, and temperature swing (using inert gases, hot air, and steam), lyst. The latter is called heterogeneous electro-Fenton-like oxidation. In
and chemical methods (acid-base pH swing, solvent leaching, Fenton this case a number of configurations can be used: the cathode can be
oxidation, wet oxidation) have been explored [45, 81, 82, 84, 85]. made of iron only, a composite cathode made of a combination of iron
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), including photocatalysis, with other materials can be used, or the cathode can be made of iron on a
Fenton processes, and wet oxidation, have been used to degrade various suitable support [88]. Keeping the catalyst in the solid phase the
refractory organic pollutants in aqueous systems [79]. Their major requirement to dissolve the iron, and this is beneficial in that: there is no
advantage lies in their capacity to mineralize pollutants to less harmful precipitation of Fe(OH)3 sludge, avoiding the extra step of separating the
compounds, usually carbon dioxide, water and mineral acids. Because of Fe(OH)3 before discharging into the environment, regeneration of the
this, AOPs have recently been investigated for the regeneration of spent catalyst is easier since it remains in the system, and there is no require-
AC. ment for an acid environment to maintain the iron in solution, mini-
Basically, AOPs generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) in situ, e.g., mizing the use of toxic chemicals [88].
the superoxide (O2) and the hydroxyl (OH) radicals, which are nonse- Research on the degradation of organic compounds using electro-
lective and highly oxidizing [70, 79, 90, 91]. Techniques for generating Fenton and electro-Fenton-like oxidation processes is not well estab-
the ROS include ultrasound cavitation, ozone, the Fenton, Fenton-like, lished. The few compounds investigated are generally pharmaceuticals,
UV/Fenton processes and various combinations of these [90, 92]. The aromatics, and pesticides/herbicides [88]. The reusability of the regen-
catalytic generation of ROS can be accomplished by the AC surface on its erated AC depends on its retention of physicochemical properties. In this
own, or by homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysis using Fenton re- regard, Fenton-based regeneration does not cause a significant a reduc-
agents, which significantly enhance the production efficiency [91]. These tion in the pore volume, surface area, and adsorption capacity of the AC

D.H.S. Santos et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e10205

Table 2. Comparison of different AOPs applied in the regeneration of dye-saturated AC.

Types of AC Adsorbed dyes AOP used Analyze used for Efficiency limitation reference
commercial Reactive blue 19 Electrochemical - Boehm titration, Brunauer-Emmett- - [45]
Teller (BET);
- Amount of RB 19 adsorbed
agricultural-waste methylene blue microwave-irradiation - Determining the carbon yield; - [99]
- Amount of MB adsorbed in successive
adsorption–regeneration cycles.
commercial acid orange dye 7 Pulsed Discharge - scanning electron microscope (SEM), - Amount of acidic functional groups on [52]
Plasma (PDP) - Boehm titration, Brunauer-Emmett- the GAC surface increased while the
Teller (BET), amount of basic functional groups
- Horvath-Kawazoe (HK), and -X-ray decreased after the regeneration process
Diffraction (XRD)
commercial methylene blue -photolysis; - Amount of MB adsorbed in successive - Photolysis need a specific reactor; [70]
-oxidation with adsorption–regeneration cycles. - Oxidation with hydrogen peroxide: need
hydrogen peroxide - - AC characterization a lot of time.
Fenton reaction
Commercial methylene blue Electrochemical - scanning electron microscope (SEM), - [100]
- Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET),
- X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
- Amount of MB adsorbed in successive
adsorption–regeneration cycles.
Commercial Rhodamine B Ultrasonic (Sono-Fenton) - Amount of Rhodamine B adsorbed association of two techniques [35]
commercial Rhodamine B electro-peroxone - Amount of Rhodamine B adsorbed; ozonation regeneration could not [101]
- AC characterization effectively mineralize the desorbed
pollutants due to the selective oxidation
characteristics of ozone (O3)
Commercial Basic Blue 9 microwave - Amount of Basic Blue 9 and Acid Blue 93 - [84]
and Acid Blue 93 adsorbed
Commercial Acid orange 7 Microwave - Amount of Acid orange 7 adsorbed; changes on the structural properties, [102]
- AC characterization surface chemistry and the AO7 adsorption
capacities of AC

[92]. Since these AOPs generate OH radicals, it has potential for use in [85, 88] However, extremely high radiation doses are required for
regenerating spent AC. complete mineralization. Nevertheless, AC regeneration using gamma
Photocatalytic regeneration is a heterogeneous catalysis technique irradiation can be performed at ambient-temperature, there is no need
that uses photoactive nanoparticles loaded onto carbon matrices are used for chemical reagents, and the adsorbed organic pollutants are decom-
to transform light energy to chemical energy and degrade organic pol- posed by ROS generated in situ during radiolysis [85]. Generally, AOPs
lutants on the AC surface [79]. The organic pollutants desorb from the have high degradation efficiency (>90%) for eliminating recalcitrant
inner adsorption sites of AC and are transported to the outer surface via organic pollutants, are simple to design and operate, and have low
diffusion. Regeneration is then achieved through the degradation of operation cost; consequently, they have great potential for the regener-
pollutants by the photocatalyst on the exterior surface of AC after exci- ation of exhausted AC [83, 85, 92].
tation with radiation. Throughout this process, the AC desorption sites
are pivotal in attaining effective desorption and pollutant degradation. 5. Main challenges
The efficiency of photocatalytic regeneration is determined by the nature
of the pollutant, and experimental conditions such as intensity of radia- The contamination of aquatic systems by dyes poses an environ-
tion source, concentration of the spent adsorbent, and solution temper- mental and human health risk. Of the many methods that have been used
ature. Overall, photocatalytic regeneration has high efficiency, is to remove dyes from the aquatic environment, the use of AC represents
ecofriendly, and is economically efficient, accomplishing both adsorption an efficient approach. However, spend AC can potentially cause sec-
and in-situ regeneration [79]. ondary environmental pollution through release of adsorbed dye com-
Apart from OH radicals, other ROS such as the sulphate free radical pounds. Besides, the replenishment of spent AC has cost implications.
(SO4-) have been explored in the degradation of various organic pol- Thus, pollutant-laden AC requires regeneration for multiple reuses.
lutants. The benefits of using the SO4- radical include a strong oxidation Among the methods used for regeneration, AOPs constitute an effective
ability arising from a high redox potential, excellent selectivity, and a regeneration technique. This review has discussed the various benefits of
long half-life [86, 95]. Generally, SO4- can be generated via the acti- regenerating exhausted AC using AOPs.
vation of peroxymonosulphate, which is a relatively stable and eco- Although the mechanisms involved in the degradation of dyes using
friendly oxidant [96]. Nonetheless, SO4--based AOPs have limited AOPs have been widely studied, mechanisms for the degradation of
efficiency in the regeneration of spent AC [160]. Other AOPs that can specific dyes require further study. This is especially due to the rapid
potentially be used to regenerate spent AC include catalytic ozonation, development of dyes with novel characteristics. Cost is a major driver in
which can use AC as a catalyst to generate OH radicals [97], and the the large-scale adoption of water treatment technologies. For a better
electro-peroxone (Eperoxone) process, which can degrade understanding of the cost-effectiveness of this approach, economic
ozone-recalcitrant organic pollutants in aquatic systems [98]. The rapid feasibility studies deserve further investigation. This will generate data
conversion of selective O3 into non-selective OH radicals via in situ that will inform the large-scale up-take of the technology for industrial
electrochemical generation of H2O2 accounts for the high degradation application. Moreover, the recovery of catalysts in the case of Fenton and
efficiency of the Eperoxone process [98]. Besides these AOPs, ionizing Fenton-like AOPs should be investigated. The comparison of these pro-
radiation such as gamma radiation, UV radiation, or solar radiation holds cesses with others AOPS used in the regeneration of the ACare summa-
great promise in degrading organic pollutants in aquatic environments rized in Table 2.

D.H.S. Santos et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e10205

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