Test A1-A2

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B İ R İ N C İ T E S T / A1 – A2

Choose the best alternative to fill in the blank. (b) spending
(c) to spending
(1) I am an enthusiastic reader of Necip
(d) spend
Fazıl. For example, I read _______ poems
very often and admiringly. (e) and spending

(a) he
(b) himself
(c) he’s (5) _______ Nurdan’s daughters give you a
(d) him hand at housework yesterday?
(e) his
(a) Was
(b) Will
(c) Did
(d) Do
(2) I can’t believe that this woman _______
five sons and four daughters. (e) Were

(a) is
(b) does
(c) has (6) Orçun _______ see Aycan after school, as
(d) are her parents do not allow them to meet.
(e) have
(a) hasn’t
(b) is not
(c) can’t
(d) hasn’t to
(3) You’re wrong, dear; we _______ live in
Gaziantep. We live in Kilis. (e) do not

(a) doesn’t
(b) haven’t
(c) didn’t (7) How many living rooms _______ in your
(d) don’t house?
(e) aren’t
(a) are there
(b) have you
(c) are you
(d) do you
(4) In my family, nobody likes _______ time
with my husband. (e) is there

(a) spends

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B İ R İ N C İ T E S T / A1 – A2

(8) You can’t make me believe that you (d) on

_______ not in need of financial aid last (e) by

(a) have
(b) had
(12) Nur : How _______ do you visit your
(c) are
(d) did
Nuri : Normally, I visit them once a
(e) were month.

(a) much
(b) many
(9) I can’t pay more than 100 TL for _______ (c) old
pair of shoes. I hope it’s around that (d) long
price. (e) often

(a) this
(b) there
(c) these (13) Cengiz speaks _______, so we cannot
(d) yours understand him easily.
(e) an
(a) quick
(b) quickest
(c) quickly
(10) My younger son _______ multiply two- (d) quicker
digit numbers in mind when he was 6 (e) quickness
years old.

(a) was
(b) should (14) I never carry _______ cash money while
(c) might going out in this city.
(d) had
(e) could (a) the
(b) a few
(c) a
(d) ---
(11) I want to share my books _______ poor (e) some

(a) to
(b) with
(c) for

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B İ R İ N C İ T E S T / A1 – A2

(15) Lucy : _______ will you have your (19) You can be _______ than me, but I play
summer holiday this year? basketball better.
Matt : In fact, I haven’t decided yet,
but I may go to Kuşadası for (a) more tall
the holiday this year. (b) as tall
(c) the tallest
(a) Why (d) taller
(b) When (e) tall
(c) Where
(d) What
(e) How
(20) What’s the weather _______ there today?

(a) like
(16) It is impossible _______ go out here after 9 (b) about
p.m., as the streets are full of gangs then. (c) as
(d) for
(a) for (e) in
(b) and
(c) that
(d) of
(e) to (21) Stubborn people do not _______ their own
decisions or words easily.

(a) look for

(b) take off
(17) One of my cousins _______ Anıtkabir so
far, so I’ll take him there. (c) go on
(d) give up
(a) never have visited (e) react to
(b) has never visited
(c) haven’t never visited
(d) never hasn’t visited
(e) have never visited (22) Covid-19 pandemics _______ first in China
in the late 2019.

(a) emerged
(b) rested
(18) Is Lake Van _______ lake in Turkey?
(c) attempted
(a) depth (d) raised
(b) deep (e) lost
(c) the deepest
(d) deeper
(e) deeply

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B İ R İ N C İ T E S T / A1 – A2

(23) You mustn’t invent a false _______ for (27) _______ give them my name and phone
your failure, because your parents are number, because they shouldn’t learn
smart and they can easily notice your lie. anything about me.

(a) weight (a) Shouldn’t

(b) meeting (b) Doesn’t
(c) consequence (c) Don’t
(d) purpose (d) Aren’t
(e) excuse (e) Can’t

(24) Aysun loves animals, _______ small pets (28) Hakan _______ about the reason for his
like cats and dogs. absence at the meeting at the moment.

(a) remarkably (a) talking

(b) specially (b) is talks
(c) particularly (c) is talking
(d) firstly (d) talks
(e) finally (e) is talk

(25) I welcome you with my _______ regards (29) The third day of the week is _______.
and feelings; you can come to visit me
any time you like to. (a) Monday
(b) Tuesday
(a) rude
(c) Friday
(b) sincere
(d) Wednesday
(c) hypocritical
(e) Thursday
(d) false
(e) poor

(30) The number of some organs on human

body is two, but there is one _______.
(26) There is nothing written _______ the
whiteboard. (a) eye
(b) hand
(a) on (c) ear
(b) in (d) lip
(c) to (e) nose
(d) into
(e) from

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