Prescription Apollo 2471711030884222

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Sai Lakshmi Daayana Apollo Hospitals Jubilee Hills, Road Number 72, Hyderabad,
Telangana, 500033
+91-80471 04009 [email protected]
Gynaecological Oncology
Reg.No. 40313

Pat ient Date: Thurs day, 21 Mar 2024

T ime: 7:22 PM
Varalaks hmi harika alakula , Female, 32 Yrs Cons ult Type: Online
Mobile: +91-9943825014 Appointment ID: 11487822
UHID: AC01.0003924425

Chief Complaint s
Treatment for PCO D; weight and infrequent periods ; not keen to conceive for few months at leas t.; De tails : No pe rs onal or family h/o bre as t
cance r / no gall s tone s / no migraine s with ne urological s ymptoms

Vit als (as declared by patient):

Weight: 77 Kgs , Height: "5'3" ft., Drug Allergies : No alle rgie s , Diet Allergies /Res trictions : No alle rgie s

Diagnosis/ Provisional Diagnosis


Medicat ion Prescribed Click To Order Medicine

Me dic ine Name Do s ag e Me dic ine De t ails Durat io n

1. DI A NE 35 T A BLET 21'S 0-0-0-1 TABLET | O nce a day 6 months

Contains: CYPROTERONE ( 2 MG) + M- N - E - N Orally. Afte r food
1. Start the very first strip on the third day of your
next period. From then on take one tablet every
night for 3 weeks followed by one week break
when your period will come. After the one week
break start the next strip for 3 weeks and then
take one week break. Keep doing this for as long
as you need.

2. C A REP C O S O RA NG E F LAV O U R mix this powde r in wate r and take it s trictly at -

S A C HET 5 G M be dtime only

3. P RI MO LU T - N T A BLET 10'S 1-1-0-1 TABLET | T hrice a day 5 days

Contains: NORETHISTERONE ( 5 MG) M- N - E - N Orally. Afte r food
2-3 days after you finish the course, your period
shoul come

M-N-E-N: Morning - Noon - Evening - Night Instruction NO T E: Medicine Substitution Allowed Wherever Applicable.

Advice & Inst ruct ions

1. Initially you might e xpe rie nce naus e a, he adache , le g pains , bre as t te nde rne s s - but it will s ubs ide .
2. If you forge t to take a table t, take it imme diate ly - but do not take 2 at a time
3. If you forge t to take more than 2 table ts in a we e k, or if you are ve ry ill or are taking antibiotics - the n take e xtra pre cautions like condoms whe n
having s e xual inte rcours e .
4. Die ting and e xe rcis e are mandatory along with the me dication

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This prescription is issued on the basis of your inputs during teleconsultation It is valid from the date of issue until the specific period/dosage of each medicine as advised.

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