Terracing As An Old-Style Scheme of Soil Water Preservation in Djingliya-Mandara Mountains - Cameroon
Terracing As An Old-Style Scheme of Soil Water Preservation in Djingliya-Mandara Mountains - Cameroon
Terracing As An Old-Style Scheme of Soil Water Preservation in Djingliya-Mandara Mountains - Cameroon
Abstract:- The relief and high population densities of highlight the degradation of soils as a major development
≥150 inhabitants/Km²in the Mandara Mountains and the challenge, but soil water preservation (SWC) efforts in
drastic displacement of internally displaced persons Africa have had an unsuccessful history.
towards these Mountains have brought about severe
effects on water and soil resources. This environmental Since the 1920‘s, numerous reports against the
and socio-political crisis, have made agricultural disastrous effect of increasing erosion, land degradation,
production not to meet demand for food and hundreds of desertification, mismanagement of natural resources due to
these rural people go hungry each day. This has increasing demographic pressure, and as a result, soil
constrained the inhabitants to develop various tactics of conservation emerge at the end of the 1930s as a central
soil water preservation and landscape restoration concern in East Africa (Andernson,1984). In many African
towards fighting deficiencies in crop production to countries considerable effort had being made since colonial
ensure food security. This study analyzes terracing as a period to conserve soil and water resources. Most soil water
traditional system of soil water conservation adopted by preservation in Sub-Sahara Africa has failed due to the use
the farmers in Djingliya villages found on the Mandara of techniques which are complicated to design and
Mountains. Through secondary source of information, expensive both in terms of labour and capital, a heavy
field observation, interviews and questionnaires reliance on machinery for construction of conservation
administered on 100 persons in five villages of the study work.
area, results show that: soil degradation via soil
resources overuse and erosion is checked by terraces. In Africa in general and Cameroon in particular, the
Also, the tendency of adopting local techniques is Mandara Mountains are the reference of terrace farming
harnessed through the cultivation of plants which (Seignobos, 2007). Northern Cameroon is a place where the
increase infiltration, agroforestry, crop rotation population is facing water deficit especially on the Mandara
practices, Forest Landscape Conservation, Mosaic Mountains due to climatic and topographic constrains.
Landscape Restoration and Valorizing Local Plant Conscious of these environmental difficulties, the inhabitant
Species to ensure sustainable farming activities that of this zone (Mafa, Mofou, Kapsiki, Hina, Goude, and
restore degraded land in general and terraces in Daba) had put in place a tradition system of farming in order
particular. to improve on their agricultural productivity. This system is
known as the soil water preservation system.
Keywords:- Terracing, Soil Water Preservation, Landscape
Restoration, Sustainable Farming, Rural Development, Soil water preservation technique have been practiced
Djingliya -Mandara Mountains. on the Mandara Mountain in northern Cameroon to maintain
the soil fertility and reduce soil loss. Since the 1960s,
I. INTRODUCTION mountain settlers have been encouraged to move to lowlands
and recent attempts to settle these people on lowlands have
Many parts of Africa are experiencing annual proven futile. Development efforts have so far not yielded
population growth rates between 2 and 4 %, degradation of fruits nor have they utilized the existing indigenous
the natural resource base, recurrent droughts and a growing knowledge (Riddell and Campbell 2014)
dependence on food aid as well as the import of cereals to
cover food deficits (Lipton, 1988). During the last two So agriculture is possible on mountain through the
decades increasing financial outlays for agricultural research regular maintenance of terracing. It is based on this analysis
in Africa have neither produced significant breakthroughs that we came out with our research topic known as « The
nor led to agricultural growth (Lipton, 1988). Soil erosion is indigenous system of soil water preservation on the
widely perceived to be a major problem in sub-Saharan Mandara mountain: The case of terracing farming in the
Africa. Most agency reports and government publications Djingliya village ».The reason for the choice of Djingliya
village as the frame work study zone is due to the fact that rainfall regime is unimodal with rainfall between April and
among the 27 villages that count the council of Koza, October and with a maximum in July and August averaging
Djingliya Montagne is the poorest village of the Koza between 800mm and 1100mm per year, but is highly
subdivision due to poor soil, the presence of mountain, variable and contained. Storm intensities also occur up to
scarcity of arable farm to cultivate crops, and lastly a low 70mm per hour. Such torrential storms noticeably carry a
agricultural yield. This study focuses on soil water large risk of soil erosion. Therefore, a very good soil
preservation system on agricultural yield, ecology and rural management technique is required to ensure sufficient
development through terracing. infiltration, prevent soil loss and ensure efficient
conservation. Mean evapo transpiration amounts 1,750 mm
II. METHODOLOGY per year indicate that the water availability for crop
production is subject to substantial doubt.
A. Study Zone
The Mandara Mountains are found in the Western part Djingliya our zone of study is a village located at the
of Far North Region of Cameroon and the North Eastern northern slopes of the Mandara Mountains. It is within the
border of Nigeria and Cameroon. It is one of the Koza council, Mayo Tsanaga division of the far north region
mountainous zones located in Africa where the mountain of Cameroon near the borders with Nigeria. This Mafa
people are identified (Van Andel, 1998).This zone tourist village stands out from its neighboring villages due to
represents one of the last areas of Central and Western its mastery of terrace cultivation techniques which has
Africa to be modernized (Van Beek, 1987). It is a zone with enabled her survival and marks her social structures.
a chain of mountains and large dissected plateau with Djingliya is divided into several districts: Guild, Mbouroum,
several undulations. It is part of the Cameroon backbone Tchine, Mbouzoum, Varkalda, Jele, Dzahand Oumtchilikeke
emerging from the nearby plains to a height of about 1500m. and it neighboring village Makadia, Souledey Rouaand
The soils are largely young, sandy and shallow, making Kozacenter Figure 1.
them to have low fertility and water retention capacity. The
B. Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation Guidmbrom village due to their large population as they
Secondary data were collected in the library of the welcome internally displaced persons; 20 in Doulom village
University of Ngoundere, FALSS, MIDIMA and due to small population but having undulating large
SODECOTTON in Koza, MIDIMA as well as from the farmlands; 10 in Tchime and 10 in Guidza as they have
internet. Primary data from resources persons were gotten smaller population densities and sloppy farmland) Table 1;
through questionnaires and interview guides elaborated on government stakeholders(MINADER, MIDIMA,
the kobo collectapplication. The sample constituted5 MINDDEVEL and MINEPDED) and non-governmental
villages of Djingliya mountain and three stakeholders: small stakeholders (CRS-CARITAS, SOLIDARITE, CROIX
holder farmers (30 in Tchileke village as well as 30 in ROUGE, GIZ, RESILAC and PNDP).
The methodology for researching terracing as a (texture, organic matter, nutrient content) to assess soil
traditional system of soil water preservation in the Djinglya- health, compared soil quality between terraced and non-
Mandara Mountains, Cameroon involves a systematic terraced sites. Interviews and Participatory Approaches were
approach to understanding, documenting, and evaluating the engaged with local communities, farmers, and elders to
practices and impacts of terracing. We explored existing conduct focus group discussions and participatory
literature on terracing, soil conservation, and water workshops. This was to understand traditional knowledge,
management in mountainous regions, as well as the beliefs, and practices related to terracing. As for decision-
historical records, indigenous knowledge, and scientific making regarding terracing improvements we involve
studies related to traditional terracing practices in the community members to that effect.
Djinglya-Mandara Mountains. This permitted us to
understand the cultural context, local beliefs, and socio- Quantitatively, we quantified the impact of terracing
economic factors that influence terracing practices. Added to on soil erosion reduction and calculated sediment retention
this were Field Surveys and Data Collection. We conducted rates and compare them with non-terraced areas. We also
field surveys in the Djinglya-Mandara Mountains to gather sketchily assessed the economic benefits (crop yield
primary data- in identifying terraced landscapes, interview increase, reduced soil loss) associated with terracing.
local farmers, and document their experiences with
terracing. Data was collected on: Qualitatively, we explored cultural significance, social
cohesion, and community resilience linked to terracing
Terracing techniques (e.g., types of terraces, materials through document stories, myths, and rituals related to
used, construction methods). terraced landscapes. This was to understand the role of
Soil properties (erosion rates, fertility, moisture content). gender and generational knowledge transfer in terracing
Water availability and usage patterns. practices.
Crop yields and vegetation cover.
In line with policy and implementation
Mapping and Geospatial Analysis was also done, recommendations, based on research findings, propose
photographs taken for illustrations of terraced areas and policy recommendations for integrating traditional terracing
using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map the into modern land management practices. This is to highlight
study area aspects. We analyzed the spatial distribution of the importance of preserving indigenous knowledge and
terraces, their orientation, and alignment. We also overlay sustainable practices and to advocate for community-led
soil erosion risk with terraced locations to assess their initiatives and capacity-building programs.
On hydrological Studies, we measured water runoff
from terraced fields during rainfall events and then A. Physical and Biotic methods of Soil Water Management
compared runoff rates between terraced and non-terraced in Djingliya
areas. Evaluation of the impact of terracing on water One of the salient features of the agricultural schemes
retention and groundwater recharge was also done. in the Mandara Mountains is the use by local farmers of
traditional soil water preservation techniques. Among these
On soil analysis, we collected soil samples from are the building and upkeep of stonewall terraces, stone
terraced plots and adjacent non-terraced areas to understand bunds, canals and wells, as well as the use of organic
water retention ability. Soil properties were also analyzed procedures such as agro forestry, composting, mulching,
numerous cropping and crop rotation. Native farmers in the
Mandara Mountains have been applying these soil water as 30 cm, while some walls may reach up to more than two
preservation methods for generations and have been meters, especially at the sites where houses are built. A
effective, so far, in upholding a suitable level of soil special terrace type, indicating land scarcity, is the
richness. The massif farming scheme comprises of three guilmeteteu, which is built on bare rock outcrops, and to
major features: which soil is carried to fill the space behind the wall. Most
terraces have a zero slope or a slight back slope (up to 4%)
Terrace management, which is the physical mainstay to ensure water retention. The orientation of the top of the
and edifice of the scheme, has as major function to hold walls is usually strictly horizontal, with the farmer adapting
soil water. the wall tops every year, if necessary. Some terraces
Nutrient and organic matter handling serves to keep the especially those having excess water during torrential rain to
quality of the soils at a proper level. be retained safely, have a slight inclination. This leads to a
Plant management serves to get the most out of this in perpendicular drainage channel.
terms of production, risk decrease and product
assortment needed for independent survival. The term Terrace farming in the Mandara Mountain is the
‘plant management’ rather than crop management is used cultural activity of cropping system apart from other local
here to specify that mountain agriculturalists know and strategies being adopted by inhabitants of the zone. Farmers
treat almost every plant distinctly. collect the stones and arrange them in curvilinear manner,
horizontally across the slopping land. This technique is
Physical Methods of Terraces practiced by these people, not only to block run-off and
Annual water runoff turned out to be very minor, viz. erosion, but also to restore the habitat of soil biodiversity.
3% of the early rainfall on the cultivated plots and almost Soil biodiversity such are the macro and microorganisms
zero on the unplanted plot. Water runoff was greater under and the zonal soil’s components which gives life to plants by
heavy rains, increasing to 20% of the storm’s rainfall on the its nutrients.
cultivated plots. This 20% is, of course, the highest threat
for the terraces themselves, which may overflow and be Terracing, stone paving and watershed as main
washed away if runoff amasses. The picture as far as erosion drainage divide are local activities which portray the
is concerned is equivalent. Soil loss under the old fallow inhabitants of mountains, different from those of flat
was measured as virtually zero, while the cultivated plots Northern plain of Diamaré at the foothills of Mandara
averaged 4 tons/ha per year (0.3 mm/y), which is very low. Mountains, who are committed to other schemes of soil
nutrients’ up keep. The distance amid two consecutive
The classic terrace has a wall of up to one meter high, terraces increases with slopeabruptness. Photo plate 1,
built of stones placed upon each other without binding shows thestyle of terracing in farm lands by the people of
material, in such a way as to attain maximum fit, density and Djingliya.
strength. The average bench width is about two meters.
There is considerable variety. Some terraces are as narrow
From Photo plate 1, terraces are being built conferring the slope is, the larger the distance and the lower in the
to slopesteepness. Their features depend on slope steepness; number of terraces.
Photo A demonstrates terraces building on piedmont (600m)
while photo B shows terraces building on highland In Mandara area, there are different types of terraces
(2220m).The number of terraces depend son the inclination having different characteristics depending on the nature of
of the slope. The steeper the slope, the smaller the distance the slope as shown on the Table 2.
and the higher the number of terraces while, the more gentle
Table 2: Types of Terraces on the Mandara Mountain and their Principal Characteristics
Types of Terraces Name in Mafa Topographic Situation Wall Like Characteristics Border Characteristics
Hillside terraces of M’dzigala-a Slope> 10% Dry stone, height increase Border width issmall and
middle to steep slope with slope angle reduces with slope of angle
Levelling off terraces M’belduldenz-e Break of slopes with Stones Height 20cm-60cm Width of borders can attain
slope of =10% plateau 20m
Piedmont terraces Ingaleans Piedmont with slopes of Blend of stones, soil and Width of borders can
0%-10% grass Height 10cm-30cm reach20cm
Compound terraces Maralechgai Steephill side slopes Average to large stones with The platform supports all
regular structure height can compounds and is often
attain 300cm intertwined by small walls
that borders terraces which
supports particular
production scheme
Small valley terraces Guimelther Small valleywithstreams Stone walls can be directly The distance between two
positioned at the edge of consecutive wall upsurges
small valleys or on the edge with slope of the terrain
of stream height. Terrace (2.5m to 4m at Goura)
walls increase with slope
Source: fieldwork 2020
From this table, it is shows that the steeper the slope M’belduldenz-e (leveling off terraces) and the M’dzigala
the upsurge in the number of terraces and vice –versa. The (Hillside terraces of mean to steep slopes) are the kind of
terrace at the piedmont are mostly gentle usually with a terraces found in Djingliya Mountain with a height of 20cm
height of 20cm to 30cm and width of not less than 20cm and to 60cm and the width border can attain 20m. The relief map
this types of terraces are found around the Koza plain and (Figure 2) reveals the different heights and the likely
the piedmont-mountain of Djingliya plain. The characteristics in the study areas.
Ridging (“Gid-dankali”)
This method is chiefly accomplished in the valleys on
flat areas of mountains, plateau and piedmont where the soil
is particularly deep. It involves of building ridges of 50 cm
height & 50cm width following the slope. In these ridges are
buried all weeds while clearing during preparation of the
piece of land. Ridging is exclusively done during July, in
Photo 3: Nutrient and Organic Matter Recycling
sweet potatoes farms by young male adults, but the choice Source: Field Work 2020
of planting site is the privilege of the household head.
The photo above explain how nutrient and organic planting and manuring, adapted to specific soil types and
matters are being introduce in farmland, this organic matters taking account of their vulnerability to drought and pests.
plays important role in the management of soil since it help
to improve the fertility level of soil, prevent evaporation, Legumes, for example, are grown in a way that they
retains water and restore degraded soil. work as a ‘trap crop’ to striga, while drought-resistant
varieties are planted close to the terrace special mountain
C. Biological Techniques with long and pointed hoe. Thus, farming becomes an
The major practice of plant management in the intricate relationship of hands and brain. A farmer who is
mountains is the yearly rotation of Sorghum vulgar is and weeding, for example, is not just weeding, but at the same
millet. In even years all farmers plant sorghum, while millet time making little compost heaps at the suitable places,
is planted in every odd year. Though sorghum is the superior refining the soil profile, doing some overhaul on a terrace,
crop in virtually all respects, the rotation is upheld for two solving small-scale plant problems and applying manure
motives: where needed. This is called “maya-maya”, the true Mafa
way of farming. Besides the food crops, several species of
Sorghum is more delicate to striga and other pests, and grass and shrubs are planted for fodder, roofing, ropes,
having no sorghum in the mountains for a full year medicine, fencing and other uses.
escapes the pests’ propagation;
The deep roots of the sorghum easily consume the soil Trees are also combined into the farming system,
and planting the shallow rooted millet is a kind of carefully pruned to enhance their use and minimize their
imperceptible fallow for the deeper soil layer, stopping disadvantages such as shading. It plays an important role in
soil degradation; the farming system as a cash provider. Soil water
preservation measures are not used and the cattle are usually
Besides these two staple crops, the Mafas plant an allowed to roam around freely, without their dung being
astonishing array of other crops, such as groundnuts, collected.
sesame, bambara groundnuts, beans, oseille de Guinée,
gombo, pumpkins, eggplants, calabash, peppers, tiger nuts, The variety of crops cultivated in Djingliya Mountain
tobacco, irrigated taro and rice. Most of them are planted in is categorized into specific itiesgroupedunder big crop types
numerous diversities, all known by different names and (Table 3).
having their precise uses. Each variety has its own way of
IV. STRATEGIES OF SOIL WATER wide range of local level considerations. Studies examine
PRESERVATIONIN DJINGLIYA the conditions under which farmers adopt soil preservation
practices. And the continuous soil protection, via different
The global policy contest for hills and mountains of strategies: the practices of agroforestry, water derivation,
Mandara as in other developing countries is the challenge of watershed, wood reserve, terracing.Hence, in the system of
sustainable development: mainly to enhance both landscape restoration, the main actors for farmland
environmental quality and human welfare. To meet this restoration are: local population, government sectorial
challenge, policy makers have recognized that population branches like MINADER, MINFOF, MIINEPDED with
growth and decline create new microeconomic conditions of certain NGOs like LWF, GIZ all interrelated with the
households that induce changes in technologies and council (MINDDEVEL).
institutions, that have different impacts on ecological and
economic well-being. As a result, people expect higher A. Traditional Strategies to Conserve Soil and Water on the
returns from tree planting, terracing and other land Mandara Mountain
Erosion control strategies introduced in Nord Terrace farming has existed in the Mandara zone since
Cameroon improve productivity, reduce runoff impact and time immemorial land so, the network of curvilinear terrace
reverse yield decline. The adoption of soil conservation practice is a traditional culture of Mandara inhabitants
practices has attracted much attention from scholars, with a Therefore, ridge construction by these Montagnards is a
remarkable practice. Apart from terraces, other local like animal dungs and compost are used as fertilizer to raise
techniques are: irrigation, multi and intercropping, multi- outputs and retain water.
cropping, manuring, soil enrichment, mulching, agronomic However, farmers who correctly implement local
restitution trees plantation, stone paving as run-off techniques of farmland management have good harvest
embankment, the practices of soil restoration with vegetal although; this local system of farming is presently
detritus, agroforestry, the development of crop rotation, the interrupted by the integration of chemical fertilizers (Figure
maintaining of soil fertility with agronomic plants like 3). Their argument is to add to soil fertility and have better
Acacia polyacantha and faidherbiaalbidain certain valleys, crop output. The curvilinear terracing across undulant and
anti-erosion integration in agro-systems, the planting of accidented surface of Djingliya is a cultural system that is
certain trees that help to improve infiltration like Acacia very efficient for erosion control, run-off check and mass
ataxacantha and ziziphusmucronata, organic soil additives movement.
Figure 3 illustrates that about 08.21% of the actors are cereal-based farming systems. Leguminous crops like
practicing local techniques of soil and water restoration cowpea and groundnuts play an important role in Mandara
using organic and chemical fertilizers(such as Nitrogen (N), zone as source of food and local kitchen oil production.
Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K)) reason being to increase Therefore, crop rotation cereal-leguminouscereal adoption
output. However, more than 91.79% of the actors are really by is so important to maintain soil nutrients for sustainable
engaged in the implementation of local techniques through cropping system.
organic fertilizers to add up soil nutrients.
Agroforestry Practice by Small Farm Holder on
Crop Rotation on terraces Terraces
The implementation of crop rotation is universal in The practice of agroforestry is another system of
Mount Mandara zone. Agricultural actors in Djingliya have farming widespread in Mandara zone. Farmers are used to
adopted crop rotation since it stabilizes the soil and planting trees in their farmland to use as firewood and many
maintainsits fertility. Farmers are cultivating both cereals other domestic uses like house construction. This
and leguminous crops in order to facilitate rotation between agroforestry equally acts as another cultural system of
these crops. These farmers do multi-cropping, mixed Mandara Mountains people. There farmers do crop with
farming, and at the same time rotate crops from one year to large park of trees in their cereal and leguminous land. The
another including the construction of terracesand trees present are tropical plants like Faidherbiaalbidaand
embarkmentsto prevent run-off is an added advantage. acacia senegalensses. A varietyof crops practiced by the
Leguminouscrops generally have more leaves of dicot local population (Table 3) support agroforestry cropping
character and they constitutelitter which decomposesto add system. SODECOTTON put in place a project known asEau
humus to the soil. Crop rotation is one of the most efficient Sol Arbre abbreviated (ESA 1 & 2) which was implemented
local techniques practiced by all the villages that comprise to protect the environment and increase agricultural yield.
Koza Sub-division. Farmers continue to develop crop The crops that support agroforestry practices and
rotation practice on skeletal soil on the slopes to support fast percentages in which they are grown under this system are
demographic explosion with current population density of demonstrated in Figure 4.
about 150 people / km2.
The distribution of land use is everywhere on the map On figure 5, artificial land use consist of using land
of Djingliya, but more concentrated in the South. The with high attention for sustainable crops output on one hand;
concentration of villages and land use are found on less and on the other hand, represents settlement area and other
accidented area of the mountainand the plain surface is for forms of anthropogenic effect on lands. The agricultural
more agricultural practices. This is because the areas benefit place in the south-eastern edge of Djingliya is made up of
from soil mineral deposits, colluvium, potassium, burning grasses and trees. On the plain, cereals as well as
phosphorous, calcium and silica at the mountain-foot. They certain tubers like onions are farmed at large-scale precisely
practice terrace farming, agroforestry and soil conservation on the plain of Koza. The environment of Djingliya is
mechanism in their farmlands in between hills and mostly mountainous. So, more of communication networks
mountains and on the rough Tsanaga south plateau. are footpaths linking one village to another and farmlands
and also the lack of farmland for agricultural activities
influence many youth to abandontheir land to settle in Koza
plain for farming, the main agricultural practice is terrace average. And so, high local technics of land management are
farming. Equally, productive landscape permits to meet the enhanced. The over cultivationof farmlands results in low
social, economic and environmental needs of present and output but, local strategies ofcompost application help for
that of future generations at the local, national and global better output.
Profession of Actors Implementing Soil Water
The general landscape approach by-passes the Preservation Strategies
traditional watershed management process. So, with a strong Figure 6 illustrates field reality as it represents the
focus on a better integration of social development, different categories of actors practicing agriculture and
environmental sustainability and economic development implementing local techniques of soil water preservation.
efforts, traditional watershed is not therefore the only
satisfied need when enhancing landscape management. In
Djingliya, like in many other places in the Mandara zone,
the traditional terracing and other local environmental
management strategies are the best. Then, the actors and the
implementation of local strategies for mountainous farmland
or agricultural land in Djingliya by the Montagnardensure
the effectiveness of the techniques of soil and water
restoration enhanced.
Table4 represents the speculations per type of crop move to abandoned bushes for more land to practice their
cultivated in Djingliya, the number of smallholder workers extensive farming system.
which exceeds the number of medium and major farmers.
And the number of hectares (ha) thus occupy the small However, the actors implementing traditional strategies
workers each, is small. They occupy arable lands of ≤3 and are mostly the smallholder workers who are working on
<1ha of land for market gardening individually. This class of considerably small surface areas; and are mostly occupying
farmers carries more than 60% of active agricultural workers the fringes of Djingliya Mountain, valleys and well drained
of the village, about 75% of the exploiters of cereal and areas of the plain apart from hardé and plateau. Also,
legumes are greater in number. Also, the producers of other medium and major workers are equally implementing such
crops such as market gardening, fruits farmers and techniques, with more of modern techniques enhancement.
harvesters and with the tubers and roots producers are all
tied to this category of exploiters. Then, the medium and Institutional Actors
major producers are mostly cereal and leguminous The institutional actors constitute the ordering board
exploiters. Hence, hundred percent (100%) of the producers which gives directives and the process to get results of the
here are partially cereal and legumes workers. implementation, to what concern large-scale FLR and MLR.
They are both governmental and non-governmental organs.
Most of the medium and major farmers are working on The council development plan (CDP) programme of the
lowlands of Koza and on undulant surface area of Djingliya country is implemented and managed by the PNDP and
plain. Worker occupies the surface area of ≤10 ha market councils in collaboration with other sectorial such as:
gardening surface is ≤2ha per persons. While major farmers MINADER; MINEPDED; MINFOF; MINEPIA and NGOs
are usually working on the surface areas of ≥15ha cereals such are: GIZ, LWF, IUCN, FAO are contribution equally in
and legumes (fruiters≥5ha), and with market gardening of the guidance of the implementation of soil and water
≥5ha. Therefore, both medium and major workers are management. Therefore, the local actors and institutional
cultivating at a large scale surface area (extensive farming actors are all engaged the implementation of Forest
system). Landscape conservation (FLC) for its numerous advantages.
Due to scarcity of land in Djingliya village, major The Forest Landscape Conservation (FLC) and its
farmer often move to Koza plain for more space to practice Benefits to Farmers
their extensive farming system, this major farmers are Thereis small-scale and large-scale Forest Landscape
mostly CIGs that joint their forces and income with the Conservation (FLC). The large-scale FLC consists of large
support of organization to produce in large scale, they also forest restoration and the small scale consists of mosaic
restoration. This environmental landscape conservation is
having far reaching importance. For instance, the benefits of Mandara Mountains of northern Cameroon has been
FLC to farmers are seen mostly on agricultural described by Scott (2013). This researcher has limited the
improvements.Its benefits are significant on the natural overview of Mandara Mountains around archeological facts
environment and the biosphere, to the government, and the and historical events. The negative impact of population
modification of harsh climatic condition in favour of the growth is the degradation of landscape the impacts of which
biosphere of the study areas. For rural development, the falls on soil nutrient loss due to erosion resolved by stone
FLC brings humid climatic condition and more rainfall paving and terraces in Djingliya. This was the major source
abundance for cropping; the restoration of nonagricultural of rural poverty, hunger, disappearance of domestic
production lands to crop production sites; improvement in ruminants and mosaic landscape in the study areas. He
the drainage systems of arable lands;createsa subsurface mat therefore failed to bring out the effects of population
of agricultural environment and maintenance of humid soil pressure on mountainous zones like Djingliya and the strong
landscape and soil fertility; brings about germination of holds of the consequent strategies to curb the effects.It is
good grass; it supplies construction wood and fire-wood; therefore suggested that, productive land is capable of
provides medicine; provides non-timber forest products like providing a wide range of products and approves ecosystem
fruits, provide habitat for wildlife on trees and good water services (Chavez Tafuret al., 2014) just revealing again what
quality where springs constitute potable water sources; acts this research brought out.
as a communal reserve zones on enhanced terraces.
Therefore, FLCis beneficial to Djingliya Mountain farmers Moreover, results obtained portray that it is difficult for
through the moderation of agricultural systems and a farmer to cultivate more than 2 hectare of land in Djingliya
environmental character. Mountain.This is due to their topographic constraint of hills
and mountains, making agriculture very difficult. So,
The most pronounced strategies with high efficient agriculture in Djingliya Mountain is highly subsistence
techniques is the introduction of water infiltration facilitator rather than extensive commercial like in Koza and its
plants applied by farmers of Djingliya Mountain toconserve surrounding villages.
soil and water in Koza council area. The farmers also focus
on forest regeneration programme and policies to combat The impacts of soil water preservation in Djingliya
land degradation. Therefore, the tools of local strategy for have positive result according to data collected on the field.
soil water preservation are: Small holders input has increase from 485kg/ha to about
1000kg/ha there have been degraded land restoration and
Agroforestry: farmers know the advantages and so conservation thanks to different projects put in place by the
encourage each other to implement it; local population to improve agricultural yieldBoutrais, 1973.
Forest landscape conservation (FLC): for automatic Despite a growing awareness of its importance, Indigenous
landscape restoration since it calls forrestored SWC techniques continue to be neglected by African
agricultural landscape too; researchersand SWC specialists as well as government staff
Mosaic landscape restoration (MLR): such as small-scale in the study areas. The results gotten through detailed
restoration strategies inclined toward SWC system to descriptions and analyses of indigenous Soil water
restore local ecology, agriculture landscape, local preservation systems in this work goes in line with major
ecosystem, soil biodiversity regeneration and enhance findings of other researchers such as Hallaire, 1971; Boulet,
the local biosphere; 1975. This goes in line with the work portraying that
Valorizing local plant species (VLPS): certain plant terraces are very successful water and soil retainers
species are currently valorized through planting in (HiolHiol, 1999; Van Beek, 2003; Seignobos, 2007).
They implement the above efficient local strategies of The work of Zuiderwijk (1998) reports on ancestral
soil water preservation which reduces fallow period and varieties’ of sorghum, while HiolHiol (1999) mentions five
improve crop rotation system; varieties of tiger nuts. Most of these crops are intercropped
on the same terrace. This is not done randomly but instead
V. DISCUSSION there are reasons governing the locations at which the
various crops are planted. As reported by Zuiderwijk (1998),
This study that was aimed at analyzing terracing as a they generate firewood, fruits, soil fertility, forage,
traditional system of soil water preservation adopted by the insecticide for seed storage and stabilize terrace walls.
farmers in Djingliya villages found on the Mandara HiolHiol (1999) refers to an average of 70 trees per hectare
Mountains reveals that the physical and sociopolitical in the study area, while this increases to 300 in the more
constraints favoured the development of local techniques western parts of the mountains. This ties with the results of
(terraces) for crop production and to fight degradation of this work as it emphasizes on the same characteristics of
soil resources overuse and erosion as well as conserve water terraces.
for plant use thereby increasing crop output.
The tendency of local technique has increased via
The archeological character of Mount Mandara sites adoption and development of other new local techniques
with multiplexes of dry-stone terraces and then the platforms such as: superphosphate chemical fertilizing, composting,
of complex historical culture of the inhabitants in the planting trees that facilitate infiltration and soil fertilizing
plants as well as improved crop rotation. Also, the
intervention of stakeholders for landscape restoration of sustain farms and is geared towards promotingrural
Djingliya, are some of the actual tendencies; through reserve development. The Djingliya inhabitants living on a total
sites creation, Operation Green Sahel (OGS) and Green surface area of 140 km²with 80% of the surface area is made
Space (GS) implemented locally on large terraced up of mountains and hills. Hence, the population pressure on
surfaces.To fight land degradation, crop rotation is very the rest of the surface land, degrade and the rate of such
important as demonstrated by this article on the Djingliya degradation is high. Then, the impacts of the degradation are
zone. Same findings were made by Critchley et al (1994) felt.
where the researcher showed that in the mid altitudes of
Cameroon, crops are rotated on originally rich volcanic soils The impacts of soil water preservation on loss of soil
that are degrading due to acute land pressure, erosion and nutrients, presence of a hard pan in the soil, skeletal soils on
lack of practices for soil fertility maintenance. However, rugged landscape result in low output of agricultural
cereal specific pests within the parasitic weed complex of production as well as revenue of the Djingliya people. As a
striga, or cereal nematodes can increase to major constraints supplementary activity, animal breeding and poultry
if crop rotation is neglected as discovered by Weber et al., becomes difficult. This made more than 95% of these rural
(2019). Hence, farmers experience similar problems of households to give-up the activity, since pasture is difficult
ecological and economic conditions in our study area but, to get in the rainy season. Local animal and plant species
agroforestry which restores soil fertility indirectlyensures for loss has been registered due to degradation of the
better future landscapes healthiness on the terraces. environment by population pressure. Wildlifehunt in forest
reserves as well as their habitats is damaged with low
There is improvement in rural development as progress reproduction rates experienced.
is seen in the study villages.There is moderate prices of
agricultural produce, the number of children going to school The Djingliya population implements local strategies
has increased, road works enhanced, water boreholes of soil water preservation based on experienced cultural
development as well as improved building: The Model of system of terrace cropping, with lots of trees like faidherbia,
Mountain Environment Degradation by Huanchen Z. the ziziphusjujuba, ziziphusmucronata, the using of animal
Boserup theory on population, environmentalist vision of F. dungs and manure, crop rotation between cereal and
Ratzel,the possibilism approach of Paul Vidal Incorporation legumes, agroforestry (trees planting in farmlands). These
and sustainabilitythe basic concepts Zuiderwijk (1998) are local strategies are mainly for soil fertilization, soil water
observed in reality in the Djingliya. “Theability to maintain conservation and soil fertility maintenance. Other adapted
agricultural production through the maintenance of strategies include:Forest Landscape Restoration (FLC) and
theagricultural resource base” Reijntjeset al. (1992: 2), i.e. agroforestry practices with main actors being Mokolo
the Model of mountainous environment degradation which council in collaboration with certain sectorial administration
explains the system of debris flow and soil sediments down (MINFOF, MINADER)and NGOs like LWF, GIZ.
the slope, are very recognizable and are fact appealable in
Mandara zoneReijntjes (1991). Since most of Djingliya These local strategies implemented have restored a
environment is mountainous with the presence of massive total land surface of 250 ha and conserved a surface area of
hills and dissected plateau, erosion effects are indispensable. 100ha. The results ensure that, despite the degradation of
The mark of sediments through accumulation of soil landscape, farming is sustained, thank to environmentally
material, soil chemical bases, colluvium and alluvium along friendly local strategiesbased on terracing. Despite the
the valleys and at the foothills of Mandara toward Northeast degradation of landscape, people are nevertheless adapting
of Djingliya, confirms Mountainous environmental soil fertilization and landscape restoration techniques to
degradation model.Bosrup theory of population which maintain sustainable farming on the MandaraMountains.
stipulates that population growth result to innovation and Globally, the management of soil and water are improving
adaptation to living standard, as she argues that population sustainable farming for rural development in Djingliya,
growth increase man power for development and ensured the actual state of holistic landscape and rural
productivity. Though soils decline in fertility and potentiality for development. Great landscape degradation
agricultural production incomes reduce, the Mandara people characteristics where presented with their effects, the
only intensify agriculture through local strategies on terraces strategies implemented are shown and the state of
which goes in line with the work of Tchotsoua and Fotsing sustainable agriculture and rural development are
(2008) on the traditional strategies of water management and represented with the positive perspectives for landscape
soil fertility around Mokolo Mandara mountains of Nord- restoration and the prevention of further degradation and
Cameroun.. maintaining healthy environment. Djingliya villages in
mount Mandara has been the area of case studies of many
VI. CONCLUSION researchers, who researched and arrived at certain results of
the phenomenon of indigenous system of land management,
The traditional soil water preservation technique of but many other results were not got by such researchers.
terracing on the MandaraMountains has permitted the
demonstration and the description of the influence of relief From the results obtained during this study and the
and population pressure on land degradationand its effects insufficiency in it, the frame of our next research will
onagricultural productivity in Djingliya. Theexisting foresee the mapping of villages where local management
strategies for soil water preservation toimprove as well as technique are being neglected and we envisage to great new
techniques of soil and water management, through the [8]. Hallaire, A. 1965 Les Monts du Mandara au nord de
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fertilizer rather relying on chemical fertilizer which pollute régionale, Yaoundé, Orstom/Ircam.
the small underground water. Therefore, wepropose the [9]. Hiol-Hiol F., NdoumMbeyo D., TchalaAbina F.
following to political authorities,NGOs for the Djingliya (1996). Les techniques traditionnelles de CES dans
rural dwellers: les monts Mandara (Cameroun). In « Techniques
traditionnelles de conservation de l'eau et des sols en
The Mafas in Cameroonian society should not be Afrique », Ed Sc. C. Reij et al in CTA, CDCS,
integrated by bringing more Mafa to the plains, but by Karthala.
bringing Cameroonian society to the mountains for [10]. Scott R. Templeton and Sara J. Scherr 1999.Effects of
national integrity and development of mountain area. Demographic and Related Microeconomic Change
The seasonal migration of youth to town influences the on Land Quality in Hills and Mountains of
development of the village, since youth are the forces of Developing Countries.USA, Berkeley, and College
development in the society. So, youths are encouraged to Park. World Development Vol. 27, No. 6,
stay in their locality and create small jobs, and pp.903±918.
innovation for the future development of their locality. [11]. Seignobos C. and Tchotsoua M. 2015. Création de
Development projects and state projects should greatly champs cultivés en terrasses dans les monts Mandara
assist the mountain dwellers on the modern method of et réhabilitation des vertisols dans la plaine du
management of land, so as to limit land degradation; this Diamaré (Nord du Cameroun).
is through the opening of training institutes in mountain [12]. Seignobos C, 2009. Les paysans du nord du
areas. To measure the sustainability of mountain cotton Cameroun face aux SCV (système sous couverture
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first and key aspect to prevent the increased seasonal d'études Horus. Audit du 24 novembre au6 décembre
migration to towns. 2008.
To bring government,NGOs services and offices to the [13]. Tchotsoua M., Fotsing J.-M., 2008. Stratégies
mountains since thisclear policy component pertains to traditionnelles de gestion de l’eau et de la fertilité des
the whole of Mandara Mountains. They include: schools, sols autour de Mokolo dans les monts Mandara au
clinics, agricultural extension workers, cereal banks, Nord-Cameroun. 14th International Soil
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