Building Navy

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he last few days have seen a flurry of activity in moving ahead the case for greater engagement
of private industry in the Defence & Aerospace sectors. Announcement of the policy for
Selection of Strategic Partners in areas of Submarines, Single Engine Aircrafts and Battle Tanks,
who would collaborate with Foreign Original Equipment Manufacturers (FOEMs) to get cutting-edge
technologies in for manufacture of defence platforms. Furthermore clarification on Industrial
licencing for defence and population of Chapter 6 of SCOMET with military items are all positive signs
for good times to come. The high priority accorded to defence production by the Government to
push for indigenisation and the urge to establish a vibrant Defence Industrial Base, to meet our
indigenous requirements and also to serve the export markets. FICCI has been actively engaged with
the industry and is in close partnership with the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces towards
policy advocacy for the development of this strategic sector in India.

In April 2016, FICCI and the Indian Navy had convened a path-breaking industry-academia-DRDO-
user seminar in New Delhi, with a focus on emerging technologies for naval application. We have
since received great encouragement to continue this series and accordingly, this second edition of
the International Seminar on "Building India's Future Navy: Technology Imperatives", to build upon
the vision of the Hon'ble Prime Minister for "Make in India" and "Skill India", with emphasis on co-
development of futuristic technologies, products and equipment for the Indian and global markets.

The structure of the seminar reflects a mix of policy discussion by key policymakers of the
Government, in the form of Plenary Sessions on "IDDM" and "Make in India", Panel Discussion on
"Warship Building", and eight highly technical breakout sessions for discussion on emerging
technology, by eminent experts from the Navy and the Industry.

The Indian Navy has been at the vanguard in promoting indigenous design and construction of
warships and equipment for many years. Indian industry and the academia will become the
incubator of new technologies that would help create new operational doctrines for the Indian Navy.

We are deeply indebted to the Indian Navy, especially Vice Admiral DM Deshpande AVSM, VSM,
CWP&A and Rear Admiral Surendra Ahuja, ACCP and ACWP&A who provided leadership and
provided our guiding force.

I would like to thank our 'Mentor' for this Seminar, Cmde Sujeet Samaddar, NM (Retd) whose broad
spectrum technical knowledge across nearly all domains of the seminar sessions is well recognised in
Industry. I would also like to acknowledge the support of National Maritime Foundation (NMF) and
'Team KOAN', our knowledge partners, who prepared the background paper as per the theme and
sessions of seminar.

I am truly encouraged with the large-scale and highly enthusiastic participation of the Navy, foreign
and Indian industry, DRDO and other experts who have submitted excellent technical papers for the
seminar which would certainly raise the standards of technological awareness of all participants. We
also will release a compendium of all papers all of which are of high quality.

My best wishes and thanks also go to all our distinguished Session Moderators, Speakers, Exhibitors,
Sponsors and Delegates from the Indian Navy and the Industry for their contribution and
participation. Together such interaction and continuation of dialogue between the Industry and the
Indian Navy would help us achieve the larger goal of the three key initiatives of the Government
towards 'Make in India' for the world, 'Skill India' and finally help in creating a 'Digital India' by
leveraging aerospace and defence technologies for wider commercial and civil applications.

Dr. A. Didar Singh

Secretary General

Foreword iii

Introduction 1

IDDM: Potential Projects for Indian Industry 4

Future Maritime Communications 6

Cyberspace Operations and Information Warfare 9

Marine Propulsion & Power Generation: Challenges &

Opportunities 11

Missiles, Torpedoes and Directed Energy Weapons 14

Surveillance and Detection Systems 20

Transformation in Naval Aviation Sector: Challenges and

Opportunities for the Aerospace Industry 23

Autonomous Vehicles (AV) for Naval Operations 28

Disruptive Technologies and Naval Operations 31

Session Chairman Profiles 35


"Whoever controls the Indian Ocean dominates robust home-grown defence industry. The
Asia. This ocean is the key to the seven seas in the Strategic Partnership model, mentioned in the
21st century. The destiny of the world will be Defence Procurement Procedure, 2016, is of
decided in these waters." critical importance to the Navy as submarines
are one of the four segments targeted under the
This prophetic dictum attributed to the father of
new scheme. The time is thus opportune to
modern American Navy - Alfred Thayer Mahan
deliberate on systems and platforms that will
seems to be at the heart of the Indian Navy's
enable the Indian Navy to be future ready.
modernisation plans. In the past decade, India's
maritime security strategy has undergone vital The navies of the future will employ disruptive
changes. The shift in world-view from a Euro- technologies in the form of high throughput
Atlantic to an Indo-Pacific focus and the re- satellite communication systems,
positioning of global powers — both economic superconducting electrical propulsion systems,
and military—towards Asia has effected direc ted energy weapons systems and
tangible changes in the Indian Ocean region, metamaterial based surveillance systems
thus impacting India's maritime environment. amongst others. These concepts and
Additionally, maritime security has assumed technologies will form the substance of
greater significance in matters of national deliberations during the 'International Seminar
progress and international engagements. on Building India's Future Navy: Technology
Maritime security engagements have become Imperatives' during May 31 - June 1, 2017.
the cornerstone of India's foreign policy
Effective and secure communication is a critical
initiatives in the Indian Ocean region. These
element of all maritime operations. The present
emerging avenues, coupled with the advent of
co m m u n i c a t i o n s ys te m s re l y o n r a d i o
state-of-the-art technology, have necessitated
frequencies and satellite technology, which may
the evolution of India's naval capacities faster
saturate soon due to growth in media and data
than ever.
traffic. Hence, a shift from electromagnetic
The Government of India has taken effective waves to laser/optical systems is imperative.
steps to augment local production of defence Free-space Optical (FSO) communication links
equipment in a bid to cut imports and make provide higher bandwidth and are less prone to
Indian defence industry self-sufficient. In a d e te c t i o n a n d j a m m i n g. Fu r t h e r, h i g h
major push to this cause, the Union Cabinet t h ro u g h p u t s a te l l i te co m m u n i c a t i o n s,
recently approved the "Strategic Partnership" advanced robotics, more efficient data analytics
model, clearing the way for private entities to and the advent of internet of things may disrupt
foray into defence manufacturing in a joint the nature of maritime communications in the
venture with foreign original equipment future.
manufacturers. The move is expected to end the
Information is critical to every aspect of naval
monopoly of state-owned enterprises in the
operations. The growing battlefield
sector and open avenues for a more efficient and

dependence on information systems makes for force protection and low intensity combat in
naval operations susceptible to information the foreseeable future.
warfare. An attack on critical information system
However, future naval forces are expected to rely
can cripple operations and result in losses of
more on Directed Energy Weapons, which
unquantifiable magnitude. Thus, information
generate high power beams of atomic or sub-
warfare and cyberspace operations impose high
atomic particles, travelling at or near the speed
risk and high cost in the future arena of maritime
of light. High Energy Lasers and High Power
Microwaves are examples of such weapons
The future induction plans of the Indian Navy which can incapacitate, damage or destroy
include a variety of projects ranging from next enemy equipment, facilities and/or personnel.
generation missile vessels to 50 ton tugs. Directed energy weapons are on the cusp of
Naturally, the need for more efficient propulsion induction into naval warfare and it would be
and power generation systems is set to increase prudent to develop capacities earlier than later.
in the near future. While advanced navies use Conventional surveillance and detection
nuclear and all-electric propulsions, diesel depends heavily on space-based Intelligence,
propulsion systems are expected to remain the Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems.
mainstay of mid and smaller-sized navies. With However, the space environment will continue
the focus on self-reliance and indigenisation to get more congested and contested as an ever
under the Make in India initiative, there is a greater number of forces deploy their own
pressing need for a Navy-Industry relationship satellites. Emerging technologies like cognitive
founded on partnership rather than mere radars, passive radars and use of metamaterials
customer-supplier relations to boost are the future of ISR systems. Additionally, Over
stakeholder confidence. the Horizon Backscatter (OTHB) radar systems
and rapid advances in electro-optics and infra-
Missile technology has developed at break-neck
red imaging systems are set to revolutionise
pace in the last few decades and has been the
maritime surveillance and reconnaissance.
mainstay of naval forces around the world.
Conventionally, missile warfare gives an edge to Naval aviation has assumed critical importance
the 'attacker'. However, in recent times, the focus in modern warfare. As India expands its fleet of
has shifted to missile defence systems. Such has aircraft carriers, incorporation of advanced
been the shift, from attack to defence, that over technologies into naval aviation is a must for a
the next ten years, defence systems are likely to future ready navy. Fast paced development is
account for the highest proportion of spending taking place in a multitude of areas including
sophisticated avionics, multi-spectral defence,
in the global missile systems market.
intelligent combat information management as
While the electromagnetic rail guns have well as in the structure and materials used in
revolutionised gunnery systems, conventional naval aviation. Futuristic design concepts like
propellants too have become much more blended wing and shape-changing aircrafts
potent. The high-barrel pressure and muzzle (transformers) are also being developed. While
velocity augmented by a second stage adoption of these future ready aviation systems
propellant and precision guidance system, is desirable, synchronisation of strategic
makes traditional guns ever more lethal. Thus, imperatives with the cost conundrum remains a
there is still a space for lower technology guns pre-requisite.
In the not-too-distant future, manned missions discussing construction/manufacturing
might encounter increasing difficulty in technologies such as three-dimensional
maintaining sufficient operational tempo for printing. The third basket concerns autonomous
continuous operations at sea. Combating the vehicles, the development of which is set to re-
effects of crew fatigue on long endurance envision naval warfare. An additional basket of
missions will grow increasingly problematic. disruptive technology is in the field of robotics,
Autonomous vehicles thus offer a distinct
automation, miniaturisation and energy
advantage. Rapid advances in robotics, artificial
generation and storage systems.
intelligence, miniaturisation coupled with
advanced communication systems have made While advancement in these domains will be
safe autonomous vehicles a reality. With several significant in the future, allocation of budgets
surface and sub-surface autonomous vehicles and build-up of manpower resources are going
already in operation, this technology has the to be critical variables that will determine
capacity to change the face of maritime adoption of these technologies. Subsequent
operations as we know it. sections of this compendium discuss important
Fo r t h e p u r p o s e s o f t h e s e m i n a r, t h e trends and developments that will shape the
aforementioned disruptive technologies have future of naval forces.
been classified into three baskets. The first
basket consists of technology that drives
FICCI and KOAN acknowledge the
information, which is a critical element in
contribution of Cmde Sujeet Samaddar,
designing the battle space and the conduct of
Mentor of the Seminar, in putting together
war itself. Their development rides on
these technical papers on the theme of the
advancements in artificial intelligence, internet
sessions of the Seminar. His vast knowledge
of things and big data analysis amongst other
on the evolving technological paradigm and
t h i n g s. Th e s e co n d b a s k e t co n s i s t s o f
business acumen has made this compilation
technological developments in materials. It
very rich. We express our deep gratitude to
concerns development of meta-materials,
him for his efforts.
exotic alloys and composites while also

Background - Recognising the need for self- eight Naval Projects are being steered under the
reliance, Navy was 'first off the block' to start the 'Make' category.
indigenisation process through indigenous
DPP 2016 - The Defence Procurement
design and construction of warships. Over the
Procedure (DPP) is not merely a procurement
last 50 years or so, the progress made has been
procedure but is also an opportunity to improve
remarkable and the results are there for all to
efficiency of the procurement process, usher
see. With 'Make in India' being the new 'Mantra',
change in mind-set of stakeholders and
industry and the government are working in
promote growth of the domestic defence
greater unison than ever before, not only
industry. In order to promote indigenous design
achieve the goal of making India self-reliant but
and development of defence equipment, DPP
eventually a net expor ter of advanced
2016 has introduced the "Buy-IDDM" category
technologies including naval platforms and
of acquisition and accorded it the highest
priority. For the first time ever, provision to
The Indian Navy (IN) has been actively procure equipment with enhanced
associated with the 'Make in India' programme performance parameters has been accounted
launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister in for. DPP 2016 also provides greater impetus to
August 2014. Design and manufacture of MSMEs, with certain category of "Make" projects
indigenous defence equipment and systems is wherein preference is given to MSMEs.
an important part of this programme. In the past
The list of projects currently being steered by IN
some critical systems viz. Steering Gear,
under "Make" category are as follows:-
Stabilisers, Integrated Platform Management
System (IPMS), Automated Power Management l Upper Air Sounding System
System (APMS) etc. have been indigenised.
l Winches (Deep Sea Side Scan Sonar Towing
These projects have been steered under the
Winch for IN Survey Ships)
Revenue route. However, indigenisation has
taken a different dimension under the Capital l Expendable Underwater Target
route, with the introduction of the 'Make'
l High Speed Low Flying Target
procedure that has been streamlined and
promulgated as Chapter III in the Defence l Diesel Engine for Main Propulsion
Procurement Policy 2016 (DPP-16).
l Diesel Engine for Boats
As per the action plan of Ministry of Defence
(MoD) presented to the Hon'ble Prime Minister, l Shafting and Propellers
8-10 programs every year are being identified as l RAS/FAS Gear
part of the 'Make' procedure with IN. Presently

Six of the above projects are nearing completion System Integration.
of "Feasibility Study" stage and are planned to
The Indian manufacturing sector has matured to
be taken up for Acceptance of Necessity a level that it can meet most of the
(AON)within 2017. Concerted efforts have been manufacturing requirements of the nation.
made to identify MSMEs for projects planned to Indian manufacturers are now manufacturing
be taken up under the "Make II" category. various components, sub-system and complete
Potential projects for the Indian industry for the assemblies for a large number of foreign
year 2017-18 will be presented during the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). In
seminar. fact, a few such components, sub-assemblies
and assemblies are routed back to India for use
While our collective endeavour enables more in various sectors, including defence. The
warship equipment and systems to be commitment of such Indian manufacturers to
developed in India, lead time for designing and the foreign OEMs is so strong that a component
developing these complex systems within our manufactured for a foreign OEM is never
country is likely to take at least five years. In the supplied directly to an Indian end user.
mean-time, there is a scope to manufacture in
Various models where Indian manufacturers
India a major part of existing equipment and
and system integrators can collaborate with
systems that have been hitherto imported. The
foreign OEMs to manufacture and integrate
activities and sub-activities involved in
warship equipment and systems for the Indian
Development can be grouped in to three basic
Navy will be presented during the seminar.
elements, namely, Design, Manufacture and

Future Maritime
Effective and secure communications, presently An eyesave laser communication system for
relying on radio and satellite technologies, are mobile unit networking, which delivers a
central and critical to all forms of maritime bandwidth of 1Gbps up to a line of sight
operations. With the emphasis on network distance of 50km, is already under trials. When
enabled operations, highly capable and large successful, laser communications would make
capacity networks are becoming a sine-qua-non existing line-of-sight radio communications
for modern command, control, communication, technologies obsolete.
computer, intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance systems. These must function
f a u l t l e s s l y, e n s u r e s e c u r e a n d s t a b l e
connectivity as well as interoperability between
platforms and deployed fleets, and be robust in
order to meet rising voice, data and video
requirements in combat.

Presently, communication satellites which rely

on radio frequencies to transmit and receive
voice, data and media are the backbone for
controlling and connecting widely separated
naval platforms across the world. But as media Free-Space Optical Communication | Image Courtesy -
and data traffic grows with encryption overlays Aerospace Corporation
for secure communications, existing satellite Surface communication links offer much higher
communications may soon reach saturation bandwidth as well as the ability to work in a joint
levels, and therefore a switch from and multinational environment with differing
electromagnetic waves to laser beams, with
equipment and standards. They are also secure
greatly increased bandwidth, could be a pointer
and jam resistant. Furthermore, a number of
to next generation communications. But the
different methods already exist that can be
ecosystem for precision tracking, pointing and
implemented in single Software Defined Radios
acquisition capabilities still requires
development and installation into subsurface, (SDR), which can cover different waveforms and
surface, air, land and space assets. functions.

Free-space optical (FSO) communication links A software-driven, scalable, secure yet open-
provide high-bandwidth communication that is architecture tactical communications network
difficult to jam or detect, although it can be that can link surface platforms, air platforms
disturbed by atmospheric conditions. Laser including manned and unmanned flight,
technology enables ship-to-ship and ship-to- submarines, shore headquarters and the coastal
shore directed communications with high data
network, could be seamlessly integrated to
transmission rates and safety from interception.

create a national maritime communications
grid, providing non-line-of-sight capabilities,
wideband networking, clear communication,
and easy upgrading and interoperability with
legacy and modern systems. A vital element of
this communications network is the Software
Defined Radio which incorporates digital
modular radio technologies that can
communicate with and between HF/V/UHF
communication equipment. SDR laser
transmitters could also become a way for
connecting surface and airborne platforms.

Submarine communications still pose a special US Navy's AeroVironment's submarine-launched

challenge for navies around the world. Most Blackwing™ small UAV that links
solutions so far are based on VLF shore-to-sub manned submarines to unmanned undersea vehicles. |
Image courtesy - Business Wire
communications, which require a submarine to
trail an antenna with all its attendant penalties Future communications technologies may
on navigation and stealth. Another solution is to require large radiating antennas, which can
surface at predetermined times and download present various problems to ship designers.
all messages in a single burst, but these are not Besides needing space for installation, they can
real time and the time lag may prove critical increase the ship's radar cross section or cause
during operations. However, submarine-to- electromagnetic interference and blockage. A
shore headquar ters, consor t ships and possible solution could lie in consolidating the
collaborating aircraft communications are very antennas and sensors on most warships into a
problematic. Keeping factors such as speed, single highly integrated sensor and
depth or stealth in mind, designers are trying to communications structure, which can house
integrate modern satellite communications radio and data-link communication systems,
with higher data transfer rates, and two-way radar and electro-optical subsystems with
networking capabilities into submerged sizeable reductions in cost, weight, space and
communications. These require tethered or signature. The advanced multifunction radio
untethered buoys which can be launched from a frequency concept has the objective of
submarine, aircraft or surface vessel. The devices integrating radar, electronic warfare and
then translate satellite communication (sitcom) communications into a common set of
messages into a robust and secure low-data-rate apparatuses with signal and data processing,
underwater acoustic signal, enabling an signal generation and display hardware.
operational commander to convey messages to Laser technology enables the transmission of
a submerged submarine at classified speeds and data between ships with high data transmission
depths in real time. rates and safety from interception at line-of-
sight ranges. While the direct mode between
two transceiver terminals offers very high
bandwidth, the retro-reflector mode has

minimal power requirements and is support well before the platform returns from a
unburdened by active pointing or tracking. deployment. Once blue laser technology is
Eyesave laser communication systems for mastered to link submerged submarines with
mobile unit networking, delivering bandwidth collaborating aircraft, and can be generated at
of 1Gbps up to a line-of-sight distance of 50km, low cost and energy levels, submarine
are in final stages of development. communications as we know them would
become obsolete.
Modern surface and submarine vessels still have
several different and separate computer The Internet of Everything and techniques of
networks on board, and each has their own cloud computing are technological innovations
carriers, connectivity and customers. If these can that would also disrupt the existing model of
be transformed into a common hosted data transfer, information sharing and
computing environment across an entire fleet, it communications. Some of the key issues that
could free up communication resources, could be addressed include:
consolidate net wor k ing hardware and
centralise software, building a floating network l How will Navies operate and fight in a
configured and scalable to mission communications-denied environment?
requirements. l How does the Navy move from "Network
The potential disruptive technologies for Centricity" to "Network Enabled" but not
maritime communications could include high- dependent operations?
throughput satellite communications, more l How do we integrate modern satellite
effective data analytics, greater autonomy and communications, higher data rates and two-
robotics, and new methods of sharing way networking capabilities into
operational information. Technology would submerged communications?
enable shore-based headquarters to identify
the health of hull, propulsion systems, l When would Free-Space Optical (FSO)
equipment and machinery and prepare the technologies replace radio and satellite
requisite onshore logistics and maintenance communications?

Cyberspace Operations and
Information Warfare
Cyberspace Operations weapons are software and hardware. They can
be divided into three groups:
Cyberspace refers to the interconnected
computerized networks in the world, as well as l Unequivocally offensive weapons: different
the end points that are connected to these types of malware; denial of service actions.
networks, controlled by commands that pass l Dual use tools: network monitoring;
through these networks, consisting of three vulnerability scanning; penetration testing;
l a y e r s . T h e m o s t c o n c r e t e l a y e r, t h e encryption; camouflage of content and
infrastructure of the cyber world, is the physical communications.
layer comprising hardware infrastructure. The
l Unequivocally defensive tools: firewall,
second layer is a variety of systems of
disaster recovery systems.
instructions programmed by human beings. The
third layer of cyberspace is the layer of data that However, the very identification of an attack is
a machine contains and is used in the creation of not simple since the symptoms of glitches and
information. the possible results of an unauthorized intrusion
into computer resources are often identical. So,
Cyberspace is necessarily exploited by human
defence from cyber threats is focused on using
beings for various purposes, and there will arise
technological methods to identify an
occasions to dominate, destroy and defend it.
unauthorized intrusion, locate the source of the
However, the nature and nuances of cyber war problem, assess the damage, prevent the spread
are very different from regular warfare. Cyber of the damage within and across networks, and
warfare involves actions by a nation-state or to the extent necessary, reconstruct the
illegitimate organizations and associations of compromised data and systems. Foiling through
persons to attack and attempt to damage pre-emption however is always is the preferred
another nation's or organization's computers or solution.
information networks through computer
Cyberspace is constantly evolving and is
viruses or denial-of-service attacks. Future
technologically highly sensitive. Both the
cyber-attacks could threaten the
defender and attacker must remain ahead of the
interconnected global economy and raise the
curve for successful cyber warfare. Critical
prospect of cyber warfare between nation-
technologies that would shape the cyber and
information war would be Quantum
A cyber attack does not include kinetic damage technological applications, including artificial
to cyberspace's physical infrastructure. An intelligence and computational neural
attack in cyberspace uses cyber tools, and its networks, big data analytics, and biometrics.

Information Warfare would be mainly supported by information
operations. These operations will have to factor
Over the past few decades, the rapid rise in in hazards of network dependency and the
information and communication technologies inherent vulnerabilities that network centricity
and their increasing prevalence in military creates, while providing comparative
operations has created a new discipline of advantages of information decimation to the
moder n infor mation war fare. Though action agency from detection systems.
information dominance and information
assurance are concepts that have remained Given the critical centrality of information to
central to military operations for many eons, every aspect of naval operations, the area of
information operations (IO) and information
modern day information warfare may be best
warfare assumes critical importance. Sustaining
defined as the 'application of destructive force
the availability and integrity of the information
on a large scale against information assets and
infrastructure and information content on
which such operations subsist and minimizing
Information warfare (IW) typically comprise of its own information vulnerability, it is critical that
actions taken to achieve information superiority the Navy stays abreast of related developments
by affecting adversary information, information in relevant technologies. The technological
based processes, information systems and systems contributing to IW defense are aimed at
computer based networks while defending providing confidentiality, maintaining integrity,
one's own information, information based and ensuring availability.
processes, information systems, and computer
The growing battlefield dependence on
based networks. IW includes both offensive and
information systems presents an inviting target
defensive activities: electronic warfare (EW),
for an information attack by opposing forces. A
physical destruction, deception, information
computer-savvy force could inject false data
attack, psychological operations, operational into an adversary's battlefield information
security, IW protection and security measures. In system, thereby confusing the enemy and/or
the context of maritime operations it is avoiding battle and resultant friendly losses.
important to understand the subject in its Attacking a nation's power grid,
entirety to determine its future impact. telecommunications systems, radar sites,
Information systems (ISs) are a fundamental pre- transportation networks, oil supply lines, and
requisite for the design and management of financial networks can severely disrupt military
future battles. Technologies that lead to and non-military sectors of a society.
maritime domain awareness and information It is therefore evident that information warfare
transmission and assurance will allow for and cyber space operations impose high risk
capability improvements that will be as natural and high cost in the future arena of maritime
as normal human physical and mental operations. Several technologies will empower
functions-only more enhanced, more accurate these soft kill weapons and it is therefore
and replicable. In future, non-contact conflict opportune to discuss the subject in this seminar.

Marine Propulsion & Power Generation:
Challenges & Opportunities
M i s s i o n re q u i re m e nt s a re t h e p r i m a r y energy weapon systems, such as laser based
considerations that influence the selection of systems and electromagnetic rail guns,
propulsion systems for Naval ships and eliminate the need to carry propellants for large
submarines. Among the factors considered are bore gun ammunition, and conventional
the maximum sustained speed required, the ammunition for short range weapons, affording
planned operating profile, acquisition and weight savings. Also, the Electro Magnetic
lifecycle costs, capabilities of the domestic Aircraft Launching System por tends to
industrial base, and the maturity of available eliminate the need for steam catapults on
new technologies. Present day naval propulsion aircraft carriers. Such systems, however, require
plants are primarily based on diesel and gas the availability of on-board electrical power of
turbine prime movers, installed singly or in several orders of magnitude greater than that
multiple types of combinations, driving required for other ship systems and
propulsors through reduc tion gearing. conventional weapons. This has led to the
Conventional steam turbine propulsion is now advent of Integrated Electric Propulsion (IEP)
rarely installed due to its low efficiency, but systems, wherein high powered prime movers -
nuclear steam plants offer many advantages to gas turbines and diesel engines - instead of
naval platforms, especially for submarines and being installed in dedicated propulsion plants,
aircraft carriers, albeit at a high cost. are coupled to high capacity electrical
generators to produce electrical power, which is
distributed to high powered electric propulsion
motors, to ship services and to high energy
weapon systems and aircraft launching systems,
as required. The need for reduction gearing for
propulsion systems, a source of radiated
underwater noise, is also eliminated. Such
systems however entail high acquisition costs
and the need to resolve some technical
shortcomings has also become apparent from
Rolls Royce Bergen B33:45 Medium Speed Diesel Turbine | the results of trials and operations of the new
Image Courtesy Rolls Royce naval platforms where IEP systems have been
Generally, separate machinery systems are
installed for propulsion and for electrical power Current developments also include
generation on naval ships. In recent times, high superconducting electrical motors, which, by

themselves, promise large reduction in size and 33 MW), diesel engines (1.7MW to 11 MW) and
weight, but require provision of cryogenic gas turbines (3MW to 22 MW). Similarly, steam
devices to achieve the low temperatures turbines, diesel engines and gas turbine prime
required for attaining superconductivity. movers are being used for power generation
Developments in high temperature requirements in the range of 50 KW to 3 MW.
superconductivity, which have the potential to
The future induction plans of the Indian Navy
eliminate this drawback will need to be watched
include varied projects viz. Fleet Support Ships,
with interest by naval designers. High-speed
Next Generation Missile Vessels, Survey Training
generators and variable speed generators are
Vessel, Multi-Purpose Support Vessel, 50 Ton
also making an appearance. These are projected
Tugs, 25 Ton Tugs etc. The anticipated
to be smaller, more efficient, and being coupled
requirements include more than 70 main
d i re c t l y to g a s t u r b i n e p r i m e m ove r s,
propulsion units and 90 power generation units
eliminating the need for reduction gears,
in the power range of 0.5MW to 13 MW and 50
thereby reducing weight and space
KW to 1 MW respectively, representing a total
requirements as well as acoustic signatures.
business value of approximately INR 11,730
Fuel Cells, which produce electrical power Crores.
without the need for thermal engines are a
promising area of advancement. These require In pursuance of the Government's "Make in
hydrogen in its natural state, which is difficult India" vision, the Indian Navy has evolved the
and dangerous to store in large quantities. Indian Naval Indigenisation Plan that aims at
Technology for extraction of hydrogen from indigenous development of equipment and
diesel fuel, which can be safely stored, is under systems over the next 15 years. For future
developed. Fuel cells have made their advent on requirements of propulsion and power
submarines with great success, and scaling up of generation equipment the Indian Navy is
their power capacity would open new areas for looking at end to end solutions, modularity,
their application. reliability, efficient life cycle performance and
suppor t, use of efficient technologies,
Design and development of main propulsion compliance with stringent military standards
and power generation equipment for warships
with minimum effects on the environment.
poses challenges of applying appropriate
technologies, complying with stringent military A Navy-Industry relationship founded more on
standards, meeting demands of high power partnership rather than mere customer-supplier
density, flexibility in operation, stealth relationship would give confidence to the
requirements, low life cycle costs, stringent stakeholders for indigenous development of
emission norms, restricted production volumes quality equipment while sharing the benefits of
and system integration. Over the past decades, new technologies at reduced costs. Under
propulsion system design has evolved r e c e n t i n i t i a t i v e s, i n d i g e n o u s d e s i g n ,
p r o g r e s s i v e l y, t o s u i t s p e c i fi c p r o j e c t development and manufacture of main
requirements and technological advancements. propulsion diesel engines, boat engines and
The Indian Navy currently operates shafting propellers are being actively pursued
conventional steam propulsion plants (11MW to under the 'Make' Category.

As advancements and innovations continue in from the Indian industry to increase indigenous
nanotechnology, higher level robotics, content. There are numerous opportunities for
automation and new materials lead to better Indian industry and the Navy is extending full
size, weight, power and cost benefits for future cooperation to capable parties coming forward
propulsion systems. The Indian Navy is fully to take up the challenge.
focussed on self-reliance and indigenisation.
This session would address some of the current
Presently, all warships and submarines under and future developments in the field of naval
construction are being built in Indian shipyards propulsion and electrical generation
and the Navy is looking for capable partners technologies.

Missiles, Torpedoes and Directed
Energy Weapons
Introduction propulsion, seeker heads, guidance systems and
precision ordnance as smart re-deployable
Advances in material science, computation and payloads with low signature and high
signal-processing capabilities, propellants and endurance loitering options become feasible.
explosives and innovative software solutions Manufac turers today are aggressively
are creating new generation weapons which are visualising scramjet engines for hypersonic
exceedingly lethal, light and accurate. These we a p o n s, t h ro t t l e - a b l e d u c t e d ro c k e t
explosions in warfare technology provides propulsion systems that enable long range
unimaginable new insights and solutions, coverage and high average speeds;
unprecedented opportunities, and relentless nanotechnology materials which reduce
innovative forces for development of new surface drag; intelligent on-board processors
weapon systems. Against this backdrop, this combined with optronic, Infra-Red and RF
concept note will examine the future of missiles sensors that are integrated with genomics,
and gunner y, under water weapons and heuristics algorithms, ultra-fast bio-computing
directed energy weapons. hardware and are miniaturised to be packed into
a compact missiles, reducing RF and IR
Missiles signatures. Designers are developing high-
Technological developments in the realm of density reactive materials that integrate the
missile war fare have greatly dominated casing with warhead explosives, increasing
strategic and operational thinking in the 21st lethality. Simultaneously, launch and guidance
century battle space at sea. Since the first victim s ys te m s a re a l s o s e e i n g re vo l u t i o n a r y
claimed by a Styx missile half a century ago, improvements that are set to transform missile
missile technology has evolved exponentially. In warfare at sea. Systems such as Multiple-effects
less than a decade we have seen missile rocket system (MERS) that can fire missiles
technologies rapidly transit from the first without emitting any smoke, obtain higher
generation to 'smart' and then to 'brilliant' and ranges and use low signature rocket motors
now to 'sub sonic and intelligent' or 'fast but powered with nano propellants, smarter
dumb' to describe the amazing missile computational fluid dynamics that reduce
technologies that are operational at sea. aerodynamic drag and heat, and better and
lighter sensors are already reaching the shop
Missile systems designers, working on the next floor from the drawing board. Some of the
generation missiles, are keenly aware that technologies that are transforming missile
emerging technologies would make possible a warfare include encrypted and secure inertial
new range of options for airframe design, rocket and satellite guidance, terrain mapping with

waypoint navigation, and loitering and remote Gunnery systems are designed around materials
target designation during mid-flight. and components that are being continuously
improved by way of high strength, dielectric,
In missile warfare, the edge has traditionally
structural materials? high speed, high current,
been with the attacker. To counter this, focus of
metal-on-metal, sliding electrical contacts?
several navies has shifted to missile defence
compact pulsed power systems and power
systems and over the next decade, these are
electronics? high conductivity, high strength,
likely to account for the highest proportion of
low density conductors? and repetitive rate
spending in the global missiles systems market.
switches and control technologies that make
In the past, missile defence systems were
the Gun system more potent and productive.
focussed primarily on countering the anti-ship
cruise missile threat, but now technology is ripe The game changing disruptive technology in
enough for anti-ballistic missile systems to be gunnery is the Electromagnetic Rail Gun (ERG),
inducted on board ships. which uses electromagnetic force to send a
The Indian Navy operates super-sonic cruise heavy projectile to a range of 125 miles at 7.5
missiles and sophisticated long range SAM times the speed of sound and cause extensive
systems. For a future ready naval force, damage with sheer kinetic energy. The ERG is an
combatants at sea may need to develop a incredible platform that transforms the
ballistic missile capability and a defensive engagement cost to about 1/100th the price of
system to neutralise nuclear tipped ballistic current projectiles. It also enhances ship safety
missiles. It has been reported that India has and survivability by reducing propellants and
developed an indigenous two-tier ballistic high-explosive ammunition on board. It makes
missile defence system capable of intercepting a m m u n i t i o n , a s we k n ow i t, o b s o l e te.
enemy missiles at exo-atmospheric altitudes of Nanomaterials, composites, advanced surface
150 kilometres and endo-atmospheric heights and heat treatments, tailored special high
of 80 kilometres. Perhaps such a system should performance alloys, and phase change materials
be at sea in the Future Indian Destroyer that the are areas where recent technological advances
Navy may acquire after the P-15B program with may enable new methods of meeting the
all its potential for indigenous industrial railgun design and manufacturing challenges.
participation. The ERG technology also has civilian
applications for example in elevators for high
Guns rise buildings.

A gun on a man-of-war has for centuries

symbolised Sea Power. The advent of missile
warfare at sea had pundits sounding the death
knell on the naval gun. They could not be more
wrong as newer technologies have resulted in
the strong resurgence of the gun at sea in a
variety of roles.

General Atomic's Electromagnetic Railgun | Image

Courtesy US Navy

Conventional propellants have become more torpedoes are daunting, as the shallow
potent as metallurgy now permits far higher operating environment is far noisier, due to
barrel pressure and muzzle velocity than acoustic reverberation, poor sound
hitherto possible, and combined with a second propagation, local ship traffic, false targets and
stage propellant gives the conventional round b o t to m . To m e e t t h e s e e nv i ro n m e nt a l
an extended range capability. Higher accuracies challenges, future torpedoes need to have
are feasible by introduction of flight stabilisation s i gn i fi c a nt l y i m p rove d s i gn a l to n o i s e
features, GPS-driven fuzes, rapid sensors, and performance, smaller footprints to permit more
computational advances provide the ability to weapons on platforms, reduced acquisition and
destroy targets 100 km away. These extended life-cycle costs, longer shelf life, better deep and
range precision guided munitions cannot be s h a l l ow wate r c a p a b i l i t y, co u nte r-
countered with existing technology available at countermeasures per formance, greater
sea. So, these systems are likley be disruptive for endurance, flexible speed control, stealth,
the future ready naval force as also for industry, lethality; and for urgent-attack weapons,
given that propellants and explosives currently shorter reaction times. As nations create an
in production may no longer have any demand. undersea network of communications, subsea
sensors, and fibre-optic data links, it becomes
In addition to high tech guns, there is still a place
possible for computronics and big data analytics
for lower technology guns for force protection
tools to integrate data from platform, weapon
and in scenarios of low intensity conflict for the
and off-board sensors for providing cues to next
foreseeable future. While leading navies may
g e n e rat i o n to r p e d o e s t h at s e a m l e s s l y
usher in the 'star-wars' type of weapon systems
communicate with the undersea network, and
in a decade or so, lesser navies will have to wait with the launch platform tp improve lethality
for another decade before they can embrace and accuracy of attack.
these technologies on their platforms. Till then,
the existing gun systems will continue to be Advances in computational processors and
relied upon in their present dominant roles of software technology are the key enablers that
anti-air/anti-missile defence, surface action, allow "smart" and "informed" behaviour in a
naval gunfire support, and for firing 'one across hostile combat environment. In addition to
the bow' when so required. All that would improved signal and tactical data processing,
change is higher rate of fire, better and more acoustic and fibre-optic communications will
reliable electronic fuzes and integrated kinetics provide the connectivity to allow fusion of
and explosives to produce the highest torpedo sensor data with platform information,
devastation possible. to yield an improved tactical picture for combat
control systems along the command chain. An
Torpedoes intelligent torpedo controller will enable the
weapon to adapt to dynamic situations, using
Undersea warfare, post the Cold War era, moved neural nets and fuzzy logic, and an ultra-
from the oceans to the littorals where the broadband array will dramatically improve its
environmental challenges for high performance sonar capabilities.

and with a nanofur surface coating, drag is
further reduced to a fraction, thus transforming
under water war with ultra-high speed
torpedoes. Warhead designs that combine new
explosives and energetic materials to create
more powerful effects, multi-mode detonation
options that offer both bulk-charge and
directional alternatives are on the design board.

Potentially the future torpedo can deliver a

"kinetic" kill thus rendering many products and
equipment that go into manufacture of modern
torpedoes obsolete within a decade.

Directed Energy Weapons

Directed energy (DE) is an umbrella term
covering technologies that produce
MK 48 Mod 7 Common Broadband Advanced concentrated electromagnetic energy and
Sonar System (CBASS) Heavyweight Torpedo | beams of atomic or subatomic particles.
Image Courtesy Lockheed Martin Compared to conventional weapons, which rely
on the kinetic or chemical energy of a projectile,
Improvements in stealth are now feasible with Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) hit a target
the introduction of advanced passive homing with subatomic particles or electromagnetic
techniques, covert active waveforms with LPI waves that travel at speeds at or near the speed
(Low Probability of Intercept) and LPR (Low of light. DEWs generate very high power beams
Probability of Recognition) properties, and by and typically use a single optical system to both
reducing radiated noise. The Integrated Motor track a target and to focus the beam on the
Propulsor (IMP), which incorporates a radial- target in order to destroy it. DE systems are
field electric motor directly into the torpedo broadly classified as High Energy Lasers (HEL) or
propulsor, eliminates the internal motor, High Power Microwaves (HPM).
through-hull shafts and seals, and creates a
single connection point to the hull. Advanced
active noise-cancellation techniques and smart
materials can be utilized for reducing acoustic
signatures. Better batteries would make electric
propulsion quieter and longer.

Technologies for pushing the speed envelope

will greatly affect torpedo performance and
resulting effectiveness. Using "super cavitation"
techniques the water near the tip of the torpedo
vaporizes due to the high speed, producing an
air pocket where the torpedo 'flies' underwater Breitbart News

HEL forms intense beams of light that can be making armour and other self defence systems
precisely aimed across many kilometres to redundant. Such weapons would indeed be the
disable a wide range of targets ranging from first response to 'swarm' warfare.
satellites to missiles and aircraft to ground
vehicles. Additionally, the laser beam can be Conclusion
redirected by mirrors to hit targets not visible The raison d'etre of naval warfare through the
from the source without significantly ages has been about delivering ordnance on
compromising the beam's transmitted power. target, be it from a ship, submarine, or aircraft. In
HEL, affords the prospect of calibrated effects future, the side that can harness technology that
ranging from temporary sensor-dazzling provides for longer range, greater speed, higher
through to complete system destruction. precision and lower signature will certainly have
the decisive edge in battle. A future ready naval
HPM weapons transmit highly precise but also
force should begin to work with industry to
highly flexible and controllable directed
develop these winning capabilities. It is also a
gigawatt-power radio frequency and millimetric
clear signal to industry on where investments
waves that can destroy modern electronics.
are good bets as legacy systems become rapidly
These have been tested at comparatively short
obsolete, just as tanks replaced chariots and
range but offer the prospect of cost-effective
gunnery and missiles replaced swords and
high precision attack on electronics
spears and sail replaced steam.
infrastructure or core of a weapon system, thus
providing flexible non-kinetic options for The conference deliberations will provide a
neutralisation of enemy forces, controlling common platform for industry and the navy to
escalation or limiting collateral damage. explore various firm-specific and generic
technologies that offer the best potential to
Free Electron Lasers (FELs) provide intense
transform the war at sea, thereby generating
beams of laser light tuned to atmosphere
weapon specifications for a future ready Indian
penetrating wavelengths. An FEL requires a
Navy, concurrently providing insight for
linear accelerator and the challenge is to put the
industry on preparing for meeting these future
linear accelerator on a ship. Thus, FELs are an
specifications and requirements. Particularly,
example of a disruptive technology that can
advances in material science, nanotechnology,
combine detection, tracking, acquisition and
computation and signal-processing capabilities,
destruction on a single beam, thus making
automation and innovative software solutions
kinetic weapons such as missiles and projectiles
are making new generation weapons
redundant for point targets.
exceedingly lethal and light. Some open
These new weapons have already begun to questions for deliberations include:
demonstrate sufficient technical maturity and l What advances in surveillance and response
their integration into navies is simply a matter of technologies would enable interception of
time. As higher peak and average power, beam- ballistic missiles and supersonic cruise
control, pointing and tracking techniques, missiles at sea?
t h e r m a l m a n a g e m e n t a n d t h e o ve r a l l
packaging becomes feasible, DEWs will indeed l How far is the Electro Magnetic Rail Gun
have a disruptive impact on future platform from practical applications and how would
design, scaling up power requirements, while that change warship design?

l Super cavitating torpedoes are a possibility. l High Energy Lasers and High Power
What technologies remain to be addressed Microwave Directed Energy Weapons are
for the weapon to be a reality? What under user trials. How would that impact
defences are possible against high speed conventional weapons design and
torpedoes? manufacture?

Surveillance and Detection
Space-based Intelligence, Surveillance and the long term a potential solution could be a
Reconnaissance (ISR) systems provide vital fleet of small satellites with what is described as
contributions to maritime safety, security of the "an Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)"
sea lanes of communications, impacting launch capability on a more robust platform
regional stability by providing continuous which provides a distributed but integrated
information for making actionable decisions in multi-sensor, multi-domain approach to ISR
advance of a developing crisis, whether data collection and analysis.
concerning natural disasters, terrorism or piracy.
Other airborne ISR solutions include use of high
These space based systems provide data across
altitude air platforms and airships for limited
multiple sensor types, enabling continuous and
c ove r a g e a n d t h e re fo re re q u i re t o b e
intelligent information upgrades of areas or
prepositioned and are thus vulnerable to
activities. Satellites, which are at the core of the
neutralisation by an adversary. Also, their
system, are therefore an essential part of
coverage compared to satellites is more limited
contemporary ISR capabilities of all modern
since they are closer to the earth's surface.
navies and the future will only see greater
utilisation of space based assets, particularly in As manufacturing processes and equipment
the maritime domain as they offer a survivable develop, it may be possible to migrate to mass
means of information transmission from the production of such smaller satellites, which can
littorals to the high seas. be launched on high power miniature boosters
thereby lowering costs and making the future
However, the space environment will continue
space-based ISR systems more competitive.
to be congested, contested, and competitive as
Continued research in nanotechnology and
the radio frequency spectrum for space
additive manufacturing will help develop new
applications continues to become more
materials for computing, propulsion and
crowded, and as more navies get into the space
sensing capabilities and miniaturisation. Future
business by developing their own satellites.
miniature satellites could be flown in formation
Resultantly, space based systems would be
with low RF signatures and be more difficult for
subject to denial, degradation, or destruction
adversaries to track or target while delivering
which may snip the "network of networks"
accurate information and reliable
critical to modern day warfare. However, the
effects of adversary actions could be mitigated
by introducing robust and redundant systems It is foreseeable that within a few years there
for which technologies have to be developed. In will be thousands of radars at sea on ships,

submarines and aircraft equipped with several l Combination of radar and communication
different radar systems. Consequently, there (RadCom)
will be a selective inoperability in these radar
systems due to strong inter-system Other developments of note is the possibility of
interferences. Interference within the same cognitive radar that relies on a perception-
frequency band can be avoided if the radar action cycle in which echoic flow is the
signals are properly coded and are continuously perception and steering instructions are the
changing for low cross-correlation, like in actions would enable a robotic vehicle to
communications. Therefore, the technology overcome obstacles and narrow areas.
requirements for simultaneous operation of
Passive radar, a different type of radar
several radars and communication systems on
technology, takes in existing electromagnetic
warship require a highly-sophisticated
signals from the atmosphere to support
transmission management system.
imaging and tracking capabilities. Passive radar
The development in Synthetic Aperture Radar would be less expensive to operate and is more
(SAR) systems mainly manifests itself in the covert than traditional radar.
utilization of refined processing techniques,
which take into account and mitigate various Metamaterials (materials engineered to have
geometrical and system error sources. Most properties that have not yet been found in
advanced digital hardware is used for the signal nature) may be the next big leap in conventional
processing and noise cancelling techniques. The radar technology. These enhanced materials
main change in the instrument hardware is the would drastically reduce the size, weight, and
incorporation of transmit/receive modules, ultimately price of radar devices and find
which enable advanced SAR modes and applications outside their target military
techniques, but are accompanied by a number markets, such as in cars and personal drones.
of disadvantages regarding complexity, cost
In addition, over the horizon backscatter (OTHB)
and calibration.
radar systems would be a central element of an
These deficiencies of the current state-of-the- extended range air and maritime surveillance
art radars must be overcome in the next few architecture. An OTH radar system could define
years. The potential strategies for future radar the range of maritime precision strike capability.
system concepts will include: Skywave OTH radar systems emit a pulse in the
l Intelligent signal coding, e.g. OFDM, CDMA lower part of the frequency spectrum (330MHz)
that bounces off the ionosphere to illuminate a
l MIMO Radar - multiple transmit and receive
target-either air or surface-from the top down.
As a result, detection ranges for wide area
l Digital beamforming for a higher angular surveillance can extend out to 1,000 to 4,000 km.
resolution with wide coverage without The drawback is the large surface area required
mechanical moving parts for transmission and reception antennae.
Potentially these can be moved seaward and
l Array imaging, efficient systems, reduced
reduce the load on land.
size and cost

These new system technologies will cause a
revolution in many basic concepts of
electronics, particularly the huge potential that
Teraher tz elec tronics, nanotechnology,
materials and computational techniques on the
one hand, and miniaturisation and the
development of MEM- based EM sensors and
IoE on the other, will revolutionise the ISR
domain, making many of today's concepts
obsolete. In addition to the technical features,
Over the Horizon Backscatter Radar System | Image these will also allow cost reduction of systems,
Courtesy US Naval Research Laboratory
and increase the efficiency of development of
The other area of passive surveillance is the smart radars.
rapid advances in Electro Optics and Infra Red
This session would discuss the various
(EO/IR) imaging systems that permit
continuous, stealthy and staring surveillance. technologies that may transform how ISR and
Earlier, these systems were limited by range but communications are conducted in the future
modern thermal Imaging systems today can and seek discussion on some of the following
deliver detection at 24 Kms, identification at issues:-.
10km and recognition at upwards of 7 Kms l Passive radars, over the horizon backscatter
following STANAG 4347 standards. Performance radar systems and Gen 4 HF/Optical/IR are
of these systems require advancements in making staring surveillance feasible.
spatial resolution and thermal sensitivity of the
camera on the one hand for Thermal Imaging l How would advances in signal processing,
sights, and films and coating technology for transducer technology, low frequency
Night Vision Image Intensifiers. EO/IR systems active systems, and synthetic aperture
are now increasingly being used as trackers and sonar (SAS) be accommodated in future
are paired with weapons or response systems. naval programs.

In addition to revolutionary metamaterials, l Where should Indian industry invest to

radar technology now uses standard printed provide advance technology products to
circuit boards and copper wire tracing for its the Navy?
electronic components. By using common
electronic parts, this radar technology can take l What kind of fundamental research should
advantage of the existing methods of electronic be promoted in India to realise these
circuit board repair for maintenance. products?

Transformation in Naval Aviation Sector:
Challenges and Opportunities for the
Aerospace Industry
Aircraft technology has changed enormously decisively", which is critically dependent on
over the last century from the early Wright Flyer situational awareness, excellent
flown at Kitty hawk to the supersonic SR-71 communication and coordination, rapid
Blackbird that took to the skies during modern precision strike and greater employment of
times. The main claim of the Wright brothers was unmanned aircraft. Advancement of
that they were first to design and build a flying avionics technology is integral to each of
craft that gave the pilot adequate control while these concepts. Advances in computing
in the air. The unique feature of the Wright speed, memory density, wireless networks
brothers' aircraft, beginning with their 1902 and distributed computing are being driven
glider, was the ability to roll the wings right or by commercial market forces.
left, to pitch the nose up or down, and to yaw the
l Multispectral Defense - Current low-
nose from side to side. This development was
observable (LO) technologies rely primarily
perhaps the Wrights' greatest contribution to
on shaping and materials. Naval aviation can
expect to encounter today and in the future,
Military aviation has adapted the advances in adversarial air platforms with varying
technology in aeronautical engineering into degrees of LO signature. Shaping and
modern aircraft. The requirement to seek materials can achieve significant reductions
advances in aeronautical engineering is being in signature, but they will not be sufficient
driven by the futuristic requirements of military for naval aviation in the future. The next LO
aviation. However, in some aspects the frontier is visual signature/movement
advances made in commercial aircraf t detection reduction. It could possibly
technology are also being adapted by military involve active systems that change colour or
aviation to realuse a better airborne platform. hue, reflectivity, or emittance. Active
systems would require advanced high-
There are many studies being undertaken
speed electronics with robust sensors and
towards incorporation of future technologies
detectors, high-speed networks and
into naval aviation. Such studies have identified
advanced processing algorithms.
several functional areas as highly relevant to
naval aviation: Some of those are briefly l Unmanned Air Operations - Significant
discussed below: advancements in the level of autonomy will
be required to improve the effectiveness of
l Avionics Technology - Naval aviation's key
UAVs. Operating such vehicles from a rolling
requirement is to "know quickly and act
ship deck as part of a mixed bag of manned

and unmanned systems is unique to naval technologies under development include :-
aviation. Constellations of self-organizing
v Digital Creep - As the performance of
and self-directing UAVs with human "control
digital chip technology continues to
by exception" for automatic surveillance,
increase exponentially, the trend in
reconnaissance, targeting, and attack; self-
sensor systems is to convert the signal to
contained automatic carrier/ship landing
digital, closer and closer to the front end
capability with very-low-probability-of-
of the system and produce very capable
intercept emissions from the aircraft; and
"smart" sensors.
reduced need for human involvement in
UAV operations is the technological need of v Nanotechnology - Nanotechnology
the future. has much to offer for enhanced sensor
capabilities. Operating at the nano-
l Intelligent Combat Information
level, it is becoming possible to
Management - Naval aircraft need a new
construct many artificial materials that
digital high-speed intelligent combat
do not appear in nature and that could
information management and display
system (IMDS) that prioritizes and have novel and unusual mechanical,
synthesizes the volumes of information electrical, or optical properties.
generated on board the aircraft. It would l Structures and Materials - Navy aircraft
automate many of the functions and lower-
do everything that land-based aircraft do
level decisions made today by the pilot to
but in a more hostile environment and
enhance situational awareness and avoid
under more adverse conditions, demanding
information overload. Research and
readiness to respond in all sea states, in all
development into IP-based, high-
weather conditions, and from both large
bandwidth, optical aircraft intranet
and small ships. Deck landings, catapult
structures for on-board data management
take-off and arrested landings impose high-
systems is going to greatly reduce the cost
impact structural loads that threaten either
and weight of the avionics infrastructure.
fracture or low-cycle fatigue failure of
l Sensors - The key to the success of network- landing gear and other structural
centric war-fighting concepts in naval components. The environment exposes all
aviation is the cooperation of multiple struc tural components to ex tremes
sensors and sensor platforms and the threatening both corrosion and stress-
successful implementation of multi-sensor assisted failures. Limited storage space leads
fusion, exploiting the information from to design options that differ markedly from
multiple sensors distributed throughout the those of comparable land-based aircraft,
battle space to create, in real time, and these design differences impose
continuous and complete maritime domain materials selection options that may differ
awareness. Development in technology radically from those for their land-based
towards sensors for multispectral defense, counterparts. As with all naval aviation,
micro UAV's, hypersonic weapon delivery affordability and suppor tability in a
system, and omniscient intelligence is maritime environment cannot be sacrificed
already in progress. Few sensor related in the name of higher performance. Two

important new advances in materials embedded rings were constructed and the
development that promise to herald a new possibility of "perfect imaging" or super-
generation of organic matrix composites lenses was demonstrated. With the
are:- p o te n t i a l to by p a s s t h e d i ff ra c t i o n
limitations of radar antennas, so-called
v Nanotubes - Carbon nanotubes offer
perfect imaging could offer major advances
the opportunity for control of strength
in radar sensors, particularly for MMW
and electrical conductivity in the
imaging from small platforms.
materials used as strengthening fibre for
organic matrix composites. Single- l Propulsion and Power - Various materials
walled tubes remain expensive and and component technologies are being
difficult to process, although that may studied so as to achieve about 20 percent
change in the near future as a result of improvement in fuel consumption and 30 to
many research endeavours worldwide. 35 percent improvements in thrust, range,
Multiwall tubes are already available in payload, and maintenance cost in the aero
large quantities at reasonable prices engines. Research is being undertaken
and may be quite suitable for globally towards jet engine noise reduction.
composites fabrication. Towards this, active combustion control is a
promising research area from which several
v Self-Healing Composites - Current
valuable enabling technologies may
strategies for self-healing composites
develop. Simple and inexpensive engine
are based on inclusion of microscopic
designs are being studied so that costs for
encapsulated epoxies that are activated
we a p o n s d e l i ve r y s y s t e m s re d u c e s
by crack propagation and polymerize to
strengthen the material ahead of the
moving crack tip and arrest its further l Survivability - Survivability is achieved
motion. This proven concept needs according to a multidisciplinary approach
further development to eliminate their involving avionics, sensors, propulsion/
current composite mechanical property power, structures and materials. These areas
degradation. BAE systems is currently must be worked on collectively as an
wo r k i n g o n a p ro g r a m w h e re a integrated product to arrive at an affordable
lightweight adhesive fluid inside a and survivable design.
pattern of carbon nanotubes is released
l Core Technologies - In addition to the
when damaged, to quickly 'set' mid-
aviation technologies discussed above,
flight and heal any damage. This
efforts are being made towards
advanced use of materials would create
a d v a n c e m e n t o f f u n d a m e n t a l c o re
a highly survivable jet or helicopter
technologies of aerodynamics and dynamic
capable of entering even the most
modelling and simulation.
dangerous of scenarios to complete
vital missions. l Advanced Aerodynamics - Aerodynamics
would play a substantial role in hypersonic
l Perfect Imaging - A few years ago, artificial
flight technology. Computational fluid
materials consisting of oriented wires and

dynamics (CFD) capabilities are being payload (cargo or passenger) areas in the
studied in detail to handle unsteady center body portion of the aircraft.
transitioning flows. Noise and vibration of
helicopters can lead to detection by an
enemy force and also to fatigue of the
helicopter crew and structure. Development
process towards capability to create designs
with dramatically reduced noise and
vibration requires fundamental
improvements in dynamic modelling and
simulation which is already underway.
NASA's Blended Wings Design Prototype | Image
Courtesy NASA
Designs of the Future
l Transformer. NASA is exploring the
New concepts for lightweight and fuel efficient
technology of morphing or shape-changing
aircraft are being south on priority to increase
aircraft (Transformer), taking inspiration
payloads, improve thrust to weight ratios and
directly from nature.
achieve balance. Major development and
research work is in progress to develop
advanced composite materials. Significant
research and development is being undertaken
to map out and resolve all issues related
composite materials. Apart from carbon fibre
and other composites, researchers have been
looking into completely redefining the shape of
aircraft. Few such futuristic designs include :-

l Blended wing concept - NASA and its

industry partners are investigating a
blended wing aircraft concept for potential NASA's X48-C Transformer Aircraft | Image
Courtesy NASA
use as a future air transport for both civilian
and military applications. The concept is l Disc Rotor Compound Helicopter - US
called the blended wing body (BWB). The Defense Advanced Research Projects
BWB is a hybrid shape that resembles a A g e n c y ( D A R PA ) i s f u n d i n g t h i s
flying wing, but also incorporates features development. This intriguing design is a
from conventional transport aircraft. This cross between a helicopter and a fixed-wing
combination offers several advantages over airplane, with the helicopter blades
conventional tube-and wing airframes. The extending from a disc sitting atop the
BWB airframe merges efficient high-lift aircraft and letting it take off and land like a
wings with a wide aerofoil-shaped body, helicopter. However, once those blades are
allowing the entire aircraft to generate lift retracted into the disc, drag is minimised
and minimize drag. This shape helps to and the aircraft can fly like a fixed wing
increase fuel economy and creates larger aircraft, powered by engines beneath each

On board 3D Printing. h i g h p e r fo r m a n ce m ate r i a l s, ro b o t i c s,
miniaturisation and digitisation have
BAE systems is spearheading this project. transformed airborne platforms and systems.
Smaller UAVs are created by super high-tech on- Deliberations during the seminar would
board 3D printers, via additive layer h o p e f u l l y a d d re s s s o m e o f t h e f u t u re
manufacturing and robotic assembly technology issues relevant to Naval aviation, as
techniques. The 3D printers respond to data fed below:-
to them by a remote control room where a
human commander decides what should be l Airborne C4ISR using AWACS is a reality.
produced. After use the UAVs could render What kind of opportunities does this sector
themselves useless through dissolving circuit provide for industry?
boards or they might safely land in a recoverable l What technologies must be developed to
position if re-use was required. confront swarms of unmanned aircraft that
have twice the on-station time and no pilot-
Discussion themes fatigue limitations?
Whilst the march of technology continues, l How should the Nav y and industr y
management of technology in a cost and time cooperate for the future fighter aircraft
efficient manner is the crucible test. Further as requirements?
much as technology promises, managing high
tech quality systems especially for flight critical l The helicopter requirement for the services
aspects and certification and regulatory are in excess of 800 helicopters. Is there a
necessities is where greater synergy is required case for setting up a Mega helicopter
between private enterprise and governments. manufacturing industry in India with
Further, given the march of aviation costs and common air frame but differentiated
with Augustine's 16th law serving as an eternal payloads?
reminder we would need to get our act together
l Maritime UAVs are playing an increasingly
by synchronising strategic imperatives within
dominant role in distant military operations.
the cost conundrum.
What would be the demand drivers for the
Naval Aviation is an integral and indispensable UAV and its payloads for industry to take
element of Naval Operations. Rapid advances in note of?

Autonomous Vehicles (AV) for Naval
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have been used in mines would place severe constraints in the
maritime operations for several decades with operational flexibility of forces and un-
smart missiles, torpedoes and target drones as acceptable exposure to risk. In this sector
early entrants in this sector. As robotics and technology is constantly evolving to provide
automation technologies evolve they have also much longer endurance, greater range of
fo u n d a p p l i c a t i o n s i n t h e d i s p o s a l o f operations and more sophisticated payloads to
explosives/mines/and in radioactive deliver better maritime domain awareness,
environments, for atmospheric and undersea including sea and sub-sea domains.
research, and by industry in automated and
robotic manufacturing.

The high cost and time overruns during new

surface platform acquisitions, challenges faced
during maintenance and support of existing
manned platforms along with difficulty in crew
induction, training and availability, are all
adding up to pose new challenges to future
Navy requirements. In this context,
Autonomous Vehicles(AV) are making a space
for themselves to meet various operational
requirements and introduce a new Zycraft's Longrunner Vigilant Class Independent
methodology of warfare. Autonomous vehicles Unmanned Surface Vessel | Image Courtesy Zycraft
also provide significantly lower life cycle costs Specifically, Unmanned Surface Vehicles are
and several operational advantages. now capable of conducting operations for
detec tion, categorisation, localisation,
Arguably, the greatest advantage the AV recognition and neutralisation of ground,
provides a battle-space commander is the moored or floating mines. It can also be
ability to operate in very high-risk areas, where deployed in anti-submarine warfare (ASW),
the probability of losing manned platforms is intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
considered to be too high. Unmanned Vehicles (ISR), electronic warfare (EW), maritime security
offer a viable means of gaining information in and hydrography missions thus optimising
circumstances where both enemy action and payload and endurance with systems and
environmental hazards prevent forces from equipment, minimising risks to human life and
entering an area of interest. In particular, the significantly reducing procurement and
suspected, threatened or confirmed presence of operating costs. AVs could provide the
nuclear, biological or chemical (NBC) hazards or capability for long- endurance sensor

deployment in a region of interest or in the Mine Countermeasures (MCM), Anti-Submarine
vicinity of a deployed force, be utilised as a joint Warfare (ASW), Maritime Security (MS), Surface
reconnaissance and surveillance platform with a Warfare (SUW), Special Operations Forces (SOF)
high technology autonomous mission control Support and ELINT/SIGINT missions. In the
system that integrates sensor and shore future Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO)
information into a composite operating picture, may also be feasible.
and also has a plug and play option matching
Unmanned platforms will no doubt improve the
payloads to missions. Present day unmanned
Navy's ability to not only enhance operational
surface vehicles are operator-controlled using
capability at a much greater pace but also
line of sight and SATCOM data-links from shore
contribute to effective response in emergencies
or afloat stations.
and national support tasks. Combat in the
Current trends with personnel retention and maritime domain poses a the problems of
platform availability indicate that in the not too neutrals, islands, offshore assets and a variety of
distant future, manned missions might craft that clutter the operational picture.
encounter increasing difficulty in maintaining
Several technologies are being developed to
sufficient operational tempo for continuous
address these and other operational issues.
operations at sea. Combating the effects of crew
These include artificial intelligence that would
fatigue on long endurance, mundane or
enable an unmanned vehicle to perceive and
repetitive tasks during missions would be
respond to its changing environment.
problematic, par ticularly where high
Neuromorphic chips are being designed to
operational tempo is to be maintained for a
process information by mimicking human
prolonged period. Here, AVs offer a distinct
brain's architecture resulting in massive
advantage over manned platforms by their
computing and processing power. Advanced
unique ability to loiter in an area of interest for
heuristics would generate the logical algorithms
extended periods of time. Land and ship based
supported by Big Data analytics which would
autonomous vehicles control centres offer the
permit an unmanned vehicle for example, to
opportunity to rotate platform controllers and
launch itself, proceed to learn acoustic,
analysts more readily than in the case of manned
magnetic or electromagnetic signatures and
identify the target on its own thereby reducing
Technical advantages of unmanned platforms, human intervention.
particularly Surface and Sub Surface Vessels,
As long as AVs are tethered to a shore/afloat unit
include risk reduction, longer operational
its operations would be 'capability bound' by
deployments, larger coverage, stealth, lower
the limits of communications pathways. Hence
cost of acquisition and operation than existing
developments for reliable communications, be
m a n n e d p l a t fo r m s i n c l u d i n g t r a i n i n g,
it for data, voice, or command & control
components and maintenance and flexible and supported by a resilient architecture that can act
reconfigurable payloads. as a redundant pathway to multi domain
AVs can undertake a multitude of missions such communications across space, sea and subsea
as All Weather Asset Monitoring (AWAM), should be closely watched. Options of Optical
Beyond Visual Range / Hazardous Environment / Fiber, laser communication and hardening to
make the network physically resilient to deal
Sub-sea Surveillance, Search & Rescue (SAR).

with High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse l What kind of roles and missions such as
(HEMP) would also add to the capabilities of AVs. VBSS/amphibious operations become
feasible with unmanned FICs and
Autonomous vehicles will soon introduce a
autonomous larger surface craft, especially
tectonic paradigm shift in maritime operations
when IoE becomes a reality?
ranging from force structure and composition,
deployments patterns and the HR base that l In the undersea domain, how would
would require new skills, new designs of increasing sophistication of ROVs make
weapons, new systems of controller - UV existing mine detection and mine laying
communications etc. platforms obsolete?

Rapid advances in robotics, automation, l Is there a case for manufacture of airborne

miniaturisation, digitisation and secure targets if computer generated simulated
communications combined with optronics, RF targets are able to replicate the 'real'
and communications technologies have made experience?
safe autonomous vehicles a reality. Surface and
l UAVs can be launched from missile type
Sub-Surface autonomous vehicles are also
canisters from submarines. Would future
already in operation. The Seminar intends to
Indian submarines include such capability?
address the following :

Disruptive Technologies and Naval
“The Indian Navy will opt for 'leapfrogging technologies', to ensure that a high percentage of
assets with contemporary equipment remains capable of combating emerging threats. This
will be pursued by encouraging building of partnerships with suitable organizations, both
national and foreign, and supporting focused investments in R&D of new technologies….”
Ensuring Secure Seas: Indian Maritime Security Strategy

Clayton M. Christensen, erstwhile Professor at On the other hand, a disruptive technology

the Harvard Business School is credited with changes the dynamics of competition in ways
coining the term disruptive technology. t h a t a r e r e v o l u t i o n a r y, p r o f o u n d a n d
Christensen separates new technology into two unexpected. They radically alter:
c ate g o r i e s : s u s t a i n i n g a n d d i s r u p t i ve.
Sustaining technology relies on incremental l Doctrine of warfighting and the conduct of
improvements to an already established war
technology. A sustaining technology's l Skills, Capabilities and Capacities of
evolutionary development only reinforces Combatants
existing patterns of competition/industrial
capabilities. Some of the empirical principles l Impact the National Defence Industrial
that govern the development of evolved Complex
products rely on:
l Change the strategic balance between
l Moore's Law - Chip performance doubles nations
every 18 months
Some examples from the turbulent last hundred
l Butter's Law - Data Outputs from OFC years include the advent of the railroad which
doubles every 9 months made the wagon industry obsolete and steam
ships which made sailmakers obsolete but
l Koomey's Law - Number of computations created new applications for the steel industry,
per joule of energy dissipated doubles every guns and canon which impacted the sword and
18 months (smaller batteries deliver higher shield business and more recently sensors and
performance computations) communications systems which have made the
visual and radio telephony companies evolve or
l Zimmermann's Law - The natural flow of
go out of business. As the world stands at the
technology tends to move in the direction of
threshold of the fourth industrial revolution, it is
making surveillance easier, and the ability of
a basket of disruptive technologies that will
computers to track doubles every 18
impact naval operations and its requirements

for machinery, weapons, equipment, sensors backed on Big Data analytics and ultra-high
and communications, which would not permit speed computer processing to transmission
companies doing 'more of the same' to remain technologies that are driven by advances in
in business. materials, automation, artificial intelligence
amongst others.
Today the era of industrial navies is over, and the
time has come for a new kind of Navy. The new The introduction of Artificial Intelligence, Big
age Navy would call for a host of new disruptive Data, Robotics, and Internet of Things warfare
capabilities combining remote sensing and systems are moving towards cognitive
stand-off capability with precision-guided computing and machine assisted decision
missiles, unmanned vehicles and networked making. These will dramatically change the
systems to achieve theatre dominance. It would Combat Management System architecture as
draw attention to technologies that shift from a we know it, the sensor shooter interfaces, the
kinetic energy based ammunition and theatre- network of networks that may introduce cloud
centric model to a directed energy weapons- computing and remote storage, the Internet of
based network-centric model supported by Things and the futuristic Internet of Everything
surveillance and detection systems. The ability into a distributive yet concentrated force
to use long-range sensors and precision-strike application and structure. The paradigm shift
capabilities will rise exponentially as the maybe that there would not be a command and
maritime battle-space undergoes a veritable control system as the user interface but a
spatial expansion and a temporal compression, 'buddy' system where the ultimate model is that
imposing sharp restrictions on the freedom of the computer does complicated, analytical
manoeuvre of navies in general and their problems with perfect memory and the
support systems, whether in space or cyber in operator does the judgmental and decision
specific. making. The relationship is symbiotic where the
system makes suggestions but ultimately the
Disruptive technologies can be classified in
several ways. But for this seminar keeping its operator remains in charge. This transformation
context in focus the following classification of to a data-driven decision making process
disruptive technologies may be useful. co m b i n e s A I w i t h a n a l y t i c s a n d c l o u d
computing, and will lead away from a reactive
Foremost is the technology that drives diagnostic analysis to the proactive predictive
information which is a critical element in space of real time decision-making working on
designing the battle space and the conduct of real time data.
war itself. From look outs with a geospatial
imprint of a few miles and temporal imprint of A second basket of disruptive technologies that
several hours, new technologies have expanded will reconfigure future forces is materials. A new
the horizon to virtually the whole earth and set of ultra-power ful, ultralight, ultra-
compressed the temporal to a few seconds that conductive materials can now be manufactured
can mean the difference between defeat and at scale. These include meta materials, exotic
victory. The entire OODA loop has transformed alloys and composites. With the arrival of three-
to a real time full feedback loop giving the dimensional printing (3D Printing), it could
decision maker access to all of the world's potentially build spares to systems with new
information. These disruptions have taken place materials at sea and these in turn will impact the
way navies have looked at maintenance and healing metamaterials supported with very
logistics to support fleets at sea. New materials large density energy storage systems, IoE and
such as carbon nano-tubes and graphene may additive manufacturing, which may together
introduce concepts of an integrated hull that sustain the concept of war but will surely disrupt
has data/power cables embedded in it with its conduct.
infinite redundancy.
During the discussions in this session the
A third basket of disruptive technologies is the following themes would be explored.
autonomous-vehicle space. It is probably the
one thing that will transfer risk from soldiers in l What are the advances in Meta-materials
hazardous operations to machines, thus that will impact Naval design?
fundamentally redefining the art of the possible l How would IoE and cloud computing
in future combat operations that are not limited
transform the design of CMS?
by the prospect of casualties. Commanders
unburdened from losing their men, can l 3D printing drastically changes the required
completely re-envision battle plans, logistics logistical chain for both ground and naval
and transportation models by exploiting drone- forces and disrupts logistics and the entire
launched weapons or loitering missiles. So, it is supply system, the HR base and the navy's
possible to imagine autonomous mine hunters, relationship with industry. What options
surface craft, fleet of drones and underwater become available to the Fleet with on board
vehicles sailing in harm's way in a predictable additive manufacturing facilities?
way and at least risk, thus opening up options of
non-contact warfare, creating war winning l How would energy generation and storage
asymmetries in asset risk and operational systems impact Naval design?
rewards. All these technologies will make many
l Do we see robotics and AI replacing
existing solutions to warfighting obsolete and
personnel on platforms?
fundamental suppositions may need to be
revisited as autonomous systems may become To build future war-fighting capabilities, the key
the long-term force-structure solution. for the Indian Navy will be to acquire and master
disruptive technologies and for the industry to
For the discussion at hand the final basket of
understand the kind of investments that would
disruptive technologies are in the field of
need to be made for the future, such that MRO,
Robotics, Automation and Miniaturisation and
upgrades and life extension facilities continue to
Energy generation and storage systems. As
support legacy equipment whilst disruptive
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, flexible
technologies are incubated for preparing the
multi-layered Printed Circuit Boards,
industrial base to support the future Navy.
computation - big data and compression, signal
processing - noise suppression and data l Robotics, Automation and Miniaturisation
extraction, autonomous navigation and secure
communications, artificial intelligence, multi- l Meta Materials and Nano Technology
spectral data fusion, representation and
l Quantum Computing, Mobile Internet, and
intelligent cues, miniaturization and self-
Big Data Analytics

l Internet of Everything and Cloud l Flying Wing and Disc Rotors in aviation;
Computing super cavitation in subsurface applications

l Energy Storage and dissemination devices l Advanced Fuzes, Propellants and Warheads:
for platforms DEW

l NG Nuclear Fission and Rotation Detonation l Many More, that would change the way
Engines Navies equip and fight in the future

l Additive Manufacturing and Distributive


Plenary 1 Chairman: VAdm NN Kumar PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd)

Vice Admiral NN Kumar was commissioned on 1st April 1974, and did his Post Graduation from IIT
Delhi in Radar & Communication and trained in Italy for CAIO. The Officer has held various
appointments at Sea and in Repair & Training Organizations, including appointment as Deputy
General Manager (Weapons) and Commanding Officer INS Valsura. He has held the appointment of
Director General Weapons and Electronics Systems Engineering Establishment (WESEE) and Admiral
Superintendent, Naval Dockyard, Mumbai.

In the rank of Vice Admiral he was appointed Controller Warship Production and Acquisition and Chief
of Material. The officer retired from service on 31 March 2014. Presently he is holding the post of
Executive Director (Production) in BrahMos Aerospace.

The Admiral has been awarded Vishisht Seva Medal in 2000, AVSM in 2008 and PVSM in 2014, and is an
alumnus of the National Defence College.


Session 1 Chairman: VAdm Anil Chopra PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd)

Vice Admiral Anil Chopra has the unique distinction of having been the Commander-in-Chief of both
the operational commands of the Navy - that is the Western Naval Command and the Eastern Naval
Command - as well as the Chief of the Indian Coast Guard for three critical years after the Mumbai
terror attacks in 2008. He has also commandedthe aircraft carrier INS Viraat, the destroyer INS Rajput,
and the missile corvette INS Kuthar.

As Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Policy and Plans), and earlier as Principal Director Naval Plans, he was
extensively associated with the Navy's Long-Term Force Structure, Perspective and Financial
Planning. As member of the apex Defence Acquisition Council for three years, he was involved with
the ongoing evolution of the Defence Procurement Procedure. Admiral Chopra retired in 2015, after
forty years of distinguished service.

Admiral Chopra is a Distinguished Fellow at both the Vivekananda International Foundation in New
Delhi, and the Gateway House, Mumbai - two of India's leading think-tanks. He has also been recently
elected to the Governing Council of the United Services Institution, New Delhi, India's oldest think-
tank. In pursuit of his strategic and geopolitical interests, Admiral Chopra has been writing and
speaking extensively both in India and abroad. In May 2016, Admiral Chopra was appointed to an
Expert Committee appointed by the Ministry of Defence to examine measures to enhance the
combat capability of the Indian Armed Forces, and to advise on optimum utilisation of the defence
budget. In February 2017, Admiral Chopra was appointed to the National Security Advisory Board to
the National Security Council, Government of India.

Email: [email protected]

Session 2 Chairman: Air Marshal M Matheswaran AVSM, VM, PhD (Retd)

Air Marshal M Matheswaran AVSM VM PhD (Indian Air Force Veteran)

Air Marshal M Matheswaran, a fighter pilot, retired after 39 years of active service in the Indian Air
Force. In his last appointment, he was the Deputy Chief of Integrated Defence Staff (DCIDS - PP&FD) at
HQ IDS in the Ministry of Defence from May 2012 until his retirement in March 2014. As DCIDS - PP &
FD, he handled critical issues of 'Policy, Plans, and Force Structure' of the three Services and was
involved in Acquisition Policies, Process, Technology Management, Defence Industry, and LTIPP
(Long -Term Integrated Perspective Plans).

As an operational fighter pilot he has flown a variety of fighter aircraft in his career. He commanded a
Jaguar fighter-strike squadron. Later he went on to command India's prestigious flight test centre -
ASTE (Aircraft and Systems Testing Establishment). He is also an alumni of the Indian Air Force's
Fighter Weapons School, called TACDE (Tactics and Air Combat Development Establishment), and
was its Deputy Commandant. His experience in combining Flight Testing and Operational Tactics
allowed him to play significant role in aerospace research and development projects, and acquisition
processes for the Air Force and the MOD.

As a very experienced fighter pilot and Test Pilot, the Air Marshal has had extensive experience in
dealing with Defence Strategy, Research & Development, Space Strategy, Electronic and Information
Warfare. He has pursued keen interest in academics' research in National Security and Strategic
Studies. He holds a PhD in 'Defence & Strategic Studies' from the University of Madras, a Post Graduate
Diploma in Financial Management, and a Senior Fellowship in International and National Security
from Harvard University's John F Kennedy School of Governance. He is an alumni of the National
Defence College, New Delhi.

Post retirement, he advised Chairman, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd for a year at Bangalore, before
moving as President, Aerospace Business with Reliance Group at Mumbai for almost a year. He then
decided to move to Chennai and function independently as Strategic Analyst and Consultant. In this
format, he is currently a Senior Advisor to the Chairman, CYIENT (HQ at Hyderabad). He also advises
aerospace and defence start-ups in Bangalore. Since the last two years he has continued as Senior
Advisor to 'Aerospace and Defence Task Group' of FICCI (Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce
and Industry). He is a life member of the Aeronautical Society of India.

Currently he is an Executive Council Member of the IDSA (Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis).
He is a visiting faculty to the Indian Naval War College at Goa, and is actively involved in conducting
and establishing their new PhD program in affiliation with the Mumbai University. He is also an
Adjunct Professor at the Department of Geopolitics in Manipal University. The Air Marshal is a
recipient of Presidential awards - AVSM (Ati Visisht Seva Medal) and VM (Vayu Sena Medal).

Email: [email protected]

Session 3 Chairman: VAdm BS Randhawa PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd)

Vice Admiral BS Randhawa retired in Dec 2008 from the post of the Chief of Materiel after 40 years of
service in the Indian Navy. He is a marine engineer by specialisation, with post graduate qualifications
from the UK, and also holds an MBA from Delhi University. He is an alumnus of the National Defence
Academy, College of Naval Warfare and the National Defence College. His other senior appointments
included Controller Warship Production and Acquisition, Project Director in the indigenous nuclear
submarine programme, Admiral Superintendent of Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam and Director,
Defence Machinery Design Establishment, Secunderabad.

He is currently the Principal Defence Advisor to the Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) which is the
'national' ship classification society of India. He has been at the forefront of several initiatives aimed at
increasing the range and quality of services provided by IRS to the Indian Navy and Indian Coast
Guard. He is a long standing Fellow of professional institutions and writes on various aspects of Naval
technology in professional journals.

Email : [email protected]

Session 4 Chairman: RAdm Sudarshan Y. Shrikhande AVSM (Retd)

RAdm Sudarshan Shrikhande, commissioned July 1980; served in several ships before specialising in
ASW & Sonar Weapon Engineering from the Soviet Naval War College (1985-88). Thereupon, he was
ASWO & Ops officer in INS Ranvir for four years. He has been EXO INS Delhi, commanded IN ships
Nishank, Kora and Rajput. Appointments ashore include ASW School, War Room Delhi, Director
INTEG (Navy's tactical evaluation group) and as Defence Adviser (2005-08) in Australia, Fiji, Papua
New Guinea, NZ and Tonga.

A 1995 graduate of the Staff College, winning the Scudder Medal; Naval Higher Command Course in
Mumbai (2002); the US Naval War College (2003) graduating with highest distinction while winning
the Robert Bateman & Jerome E Levy individual first prizes and James Forrestal seminar prize. As a flag
officer, he has been ACNS (Intel & Foreign Cooperation (2009-10); Chief of Staff/ SNC (2010-2012);
ACIDS (Fin Plg)/HQIDS2012-14); CSO/ Strategic Forces Command (2014-15). As Flag Officer Doctrines
& Concepts for the IN since Nov 2015, he requested and retired early on 10 July 2016. He has an MSC
(Weapon & Sonar Engineering); Msc (Defence Studies); MPhil (Mumbai University) and is currently
pursuing a PhD (Mumbai University). Throughout his career, he has contributed service papers,
articles and has taken modules on Strategy, Op Art, Ethics, RMA at the Naval War College, Staff
College, CAW, INA, etc.

Email : [email protected]

Session 5 Chairman: VAdm Ramakant Pattanaik PVSM, AVSM, YSM (Retd)

Having graduated from the National Defence Academy, he was commissioned into the Indian Navy as
an Executive Officer on 1st January1978. He retired in October 2015 as the Deputy Chief of the Naval
Staff . Has been awarded with the prestigious Yudh Seva Medal, Ati Vishist Seva Medal and Param
Vishist Seva Medal by the Hon'ble President of India and also twiv e received the Chief of the Naval
Staff Commendations.

Specialising in Missiles and Gunnery, he has carried out the extended duties of SAM Control Officer
and Gunnery Officer of a Ranvir class destroyer, Fleet Gunnery Officer of the Eastern Fleet and
Command Gunnery Officer of the Western Naval Command. These were hands on experiences on
sophisticated equipment-exploitation and handling of explosives. His major contribution as a
specialist include trials of most of the missiles and fire control systems inducted into the Indian Navy
in the late 1990s. He was the president of the audit team which cleared INS Rajput to carry out the first
ever Brahmos missile firing in Indian waters. He was also involved in Dhanush trials. His sea command
include an ASW Corvette, two Frigates, two Destroyers, the Missile Vessel (Killers) Squadron and the
Western Fleet, the sword arm of the Indian Navy. Post promotion to Flag Rank, he was the Flag Officer
Sea Training, the Chief of Staff at Western Naval Command, Flag Officer Commanding Western Fleet,
Flag Officer Doctrines and Concepts, Controller of Personnel Services, Deputy Chief of the Integrated
Defence Staff (Doctrine, Organisation and Training) and Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff at Naval

His academic qualification include graduation in Science at National Defence Academy, Post
Graduation in Defence and Strategic Studies from Madras University and MPhil in Global Security. He
is pursuing a Phd in Defence and Security Studies at Madras University since 2013. Other professional
qualifications include Specialisation in Missile and Gunnery, Staff Course at DSSC, Wellington; Army
Higher Command Course at Army War College, Mhow and Strategic Security Studies at National
Defence College, New Delhi. Fond of outdoor activities, the retired Flag Officer also teaches Yoga,
Pranayama, Meditation and Sudarshan Kriya during his spare time.

Email: [email protected]

Session 6 Chairman : RAdm Sudhir Pillai, NM
Chief Instructor, DSSC Wellington, Indian Navy
A Graduate of the National Defence Academy, Rear Admiral Sudhir Pillai was commissioned into the
Indian Navy's Executive Branch in Jul 1980. Having specialised as a Naval Aviator, he would gain fully
operational status on the Sea-king and Chetak helicopters operating from Indian Naval aircraft
carriers and smaller decks. His aviation assignments include the command of the Marine Commando
Flight, Commander Air and Commanding Officer of the Naval Air Station INS Garuda, Director Naval
Air Staff at Naval Headquarters and Chief Staff Officer (Air) at HQ Naval Aviation at Goa.

He has held various key appointments at sea including the Commands of the Destroyers Mysore and
Ranjit, the Frigate Udaygiri, as Executive Officer of Ganga, and, in Command of the Coast Guard Patrol
Vessel Ganga Devi. Having been promoted to Flag rank in January 2009, he was the Flag Officer Naval
Aviation from January 2009 to May 2012. He then served as Chief of Staff at the unique joint HQ
Andaman and Nicobar Command.

He is a graduate of the Naval Higher Command Course, the National Defence College and is a Fellow
of the Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies, USA. He holds an MPhil in Defence and Strategic Studies.
He is currently the Chief Instructor (Navy) at the Defence Services Staff College, Wellington.

Session 7 Chairman: VAdm Satish Soni PVSM, AVSM, NM (Retd)

Vice Admiral Satish Soni retired from the Indian Navy on 29 Feb 2016 after 40 years of service.

He has held the appointments of Flag Officer Commanding in Chief Eastern Naval Command, Flag
Officer Commanding in Chief Southern Naval Command, Deputy Chief of Naval Staff, Commandant
National Defence Academy and Chief of Staff Eastern Naval Command in the rank of Vice Admiral. His
sea appointments in junior ranks include commands of the Eastern Fleet, INS Delhi, INS Talwar and INS
Kakinada. His staff appointments include appointments in the Directorates of Personnel and Plans.
He has been a visiting speaker in the College of Combat Mhow, Naval War College Goa, College of
Defence Management, College of Air Warfare, Defence Services Staff College and other service
training institutions. He has also participated in various seminars organised by NMF and USI. A sword
of honour of his batch, he has been commended by the Chief of Naval Staff and is a recipient of PVSM,
AVSM and NM.

Email: [email protected]

Session 8 Chairman: Cmde Sujeet Samaddar NM (Retd)

Commodore Samaddar graduated from IIT Roorkee in 1978 and holds First Class MSc and MPhil
degree in Defence and Strategic Studies from the University of Madras, as well as a PGDIM from
IGNOU. He has been a Visiting Fellow at the Japan Institute of International Affairs, Tokyo and at the
United Services Institution of India, New Delhi. He is an alumnus of the prestigious United Nations
University, Tokyo, College of Air Warfare, Secunderabad, Defence Services Staff College, Wellington
and the National Institute for Defence Studies, Tokyo, and has been on the faculty of College of Naval
Warfare and the Defence Services Staff College. He has published widely in the USA, UK, Japan and
India and delivered talks in various think tanks in India, UK, USA and Japan.

Cmde Samaddar is the author of "Defence Development and National Security" and "Minerals
Markets and Maritime Strategy". Post retirement from the Indian Navy, Cmde Samaddar served as Vice
President Operations, NOVA Integrated Systems, a TATA Enterprise, and later as Director and CEO of
ShinMaywa Industries India Private Limited. Presently, Samaddar is a Senior Consultant at NITI Aayog,
Hony Advisor (Aero and Defence), FICCI and Hony Distinguished Fellow at Center for Air Power

Email: [email protected]

Panel Discussion Chairman : VAdm DM Deshpande AVSM, VSM
Controller of Warship Production and Acquisition (CWP&A), Indian Navy
Vice Admiral Dinesh Mukund Deshpande is an alumnus of the National Defence Academy and was
commissioned in the Indian Navy in 1980. During his illustrious career, the Admiral has served
onboard IN ships Nilgiri, Vindhyagiri, Godavari and Ganga in various capacities and has also done a
tenure as the Fleet Engineer Officer of the Western Fleet. He has served in the Eastern Naval
Command at the Naval Dockyard in Visakhapatnam and at Naval Headquarters, New Delhi, where
he has handled production and acquisition functions of capital ships and submarines. He served as
the Director General of the Scorpene Submarine Project, wherein the first submarine is scheduled
for induction shortly. The Admiral also commanded INS Shivaji at Lonavla, subsequent to which he
underwent the prestigious National Defence College course for senior ranking military officers and
bureaucrats. The Admiral headed the prestigious Naval Dockyard in Mumbai and was also the
Director General of Naval Projects at Visakhapatnam.

The Admiral has been awarded commendation by the Chief of Naval Staff and the Vice Chief of Naval
Staff on two occasions each, and is a recipient of the Ati Vishisht Seva Medal and Vishisht Seva Medal.
He has participated in various naval operations on both the East and West Coasts.

The Admiral is a keen sportsman and has represented Indian Navy in Tennis and Squash and has also
participated in adventure sports representing the country in Hang gliding competitions. He is also an
avid golfer.

The Admiral is presently serving as the Controller Warship Production & Acquisition, Integrated
Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Navy), New Delhi.

Valedictory Session Chairman: Admiral RK Dhowan PVSM, AVSM, YSM (Retd)

Admiral RK Dhowan is an alumnus of the National Defence Academy, the Defence Services Staff
College and the Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, USA.
His illustrious career began with being adjudged the 'Best Cadet' and winning of the coveted
'Telescope' during his sea training on-board INS Delhi. He was commissioned in the Navy on 1st
January 1975 and went on to bag the 'Sword of Honour' for his course. Consequent to earning his
Watchkeeping Certificate on the erstwhile Delhi (the legendary Cruiser of the Indian Navy), his first
tryst with navigation came when he was appointed the commissioning navigator of the
minesweeper, Bhavnagar. He was baptised in the art of navigation when, as a young Lieutenant
armed with a sextant and the keen eyes of an enthusiastic watchkeeper , he sailed the Bhavnagar
from the port of Riga in the Baltic Sea to the shores of Mumbai. His passion for working in the bridge of
a ship culminated in his specialising in Navigation and Direction. Post-specialization, he went on to
navigate Talwar and Ganga, two frontline ships of the Indian Navy's Western Fleet. With the induction
of the Sea Harrier jump-jets into the Navy, he was selected to undergo the Sea Harrier Direction
Course at Yeovilton, UK. His tenures at Indian Naval Air Squadron 300 and the aircraft carrier Vikrant
shaped the future of direction specialisation in the Navy.
Important staff assignments held by him at Naval Headquarters during his illustrious career include
Deputy Director Naval Operations, Joint Director Naval Plans, Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff (Policy
and Plans) and Deputy Chief of Naval Staff, Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Navy). The
Admiral has commanded three frontline warships of the Western Fleet - the missile corvette Khukri,
the guided missile destroyer Ranjit and the indigenous guided missile destroyer Delhi. He also had
the proud privilege of commanding the Eastern Fleet as Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet.
Besides serving as Indian Naval Advisor at the High Commission of India, London, he has also served
as Chief Staff Officer (Operations) of the Western Naval Command (based at Mumbai) and the Chief of
Staff at Headquarters Eastern Naval Command (based at Visakhapatnam), and subsequently had the
distinction of commanding his alma mater, the National Defence Academy, as the Commandant. The
Admiral assumed charge as the Vice Chief of the Naval Staff in August 2011, and was promoted as the
22nd Chief of the Naval Staff on 17th April 2014. He retired on 31st May 2016. On 25th November
2016, he took over as the fifth Chairman of the National Maritime Foundation (NMF), New Delhi,
which is India's premier maritime think tank.
Email: [email protected]

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