Asean Lit Reviewer
Asean Lit Reviewer
Asean Lit Reviewer
Types of Characters
Main - This character plays a large role in the LITERATURE IN THE THAILAND
entire story, and a major part of the plot revolves
around him. Writing a Movie Review
Minor - These are the characters who help tell is a critical judgment of a motion
the major character’s tale by letting them interact picture. It focuses on the art of the film maker
and reveal their personalities, situations, and/or and evaluates the techniques employed by the
stories. director.
Author Information:
Born January 7, 1951. Thai Ramakien
Chinese-American author and novelist by: King Rama I
Her parents originated from China and
she was brought up in Bangkok, Title: Thai Ramakien
Thailand. Author: King Rama I
Written: 18th century
Summary: Genre: Epic Literature
The Winter Hibiscus discusses the issue of Form: Short Story
migrants in a new country. The Panouvongs Language: English
have moved from Laos to the United States Themes: Triumph of Good over Evil
seeking a better future. Saeng the protagonist, Narration: Third Person POV
daughter of the Panouvongs, goes through Type of Literature: Epic Poem
various situations, emotionally and socially in Setting: Kingdom of Longka
this new environment. She tries to adapt in
America. The story tells us of her struggles in Characters:
adapting. Saeng wants to be a typical American Phra Ram (Phra Rama)
teenager but sometimes feels lost and displaced. Protagonist; Confidant; Dynamic; Round
She takes a driving test, which she fails, which
prince of Ayodhya, who leads the He played a crucial role in the unification of
expedition to rescue Nang Sida from Thailand and the establishment of the Chakri
Tosakanth's captivity. He represents Dynasty. King Rama I's contributions to Thai
righteousness and is determined to fulfill literature extend beyond the Ramakien. He also
his duties as a prince and husband. wrote poetry, historical chronicles, and legal
Nang Sida codes, leaving a lasting legacy as a prolific
Protagonist; Love Interest; Dynamic writer and cultural figure in Thailand's history.
Phra Ram's wife, who is held captive by His efforts in preserving and promoting the
Tosakanth. She demonstrates her purity and Ramakien have cemented its status as a central
faithfulness through her willingness to piece of Thai literature and cultural heritage.
undergo a trial by fire.
Tosakanth (Tosakantha)
Antagonist; Foil; Static/Flat Summary:
demon king of Longka, who kidnaps Nang
The Ramakien Khon story follows Phra Ram's
Sida and wages war against Phra Ram. He
journey to rescue Nang Sida from the demon
represents evil and is determined to thwart
king Tosakanth. In "The Building of the Road,"
Phra Ram's efforts.
Phra Ram leads a monkey army to construct a
road across the ocean to reach Longka, where
Protagonist; Confidant; Dynamic
Nang Sida is held captive. Despite obstacles,
A loyal ally of Phra Ram and the general of
including fish disrupting their efforts, they
the monkey army. He plays a crucial role in
complete the road. In "The Battle of Maiyarap,"
various episodes, including organizing the
Hanuman rescues Phra Ram from an underwater
construction of the road, rescuing Phra
city after he is captured by Maiyarap. Despite
Ram from Maiyarap's underwater city, and
facing numerous challenges, Hanuman succeeds
assisting in defeating Tosakanth.
and defeats Maiyarap. In "Phra Ram Defeats
Maiyarap (Maiyarap)
Tosakanth," Hanuman deceives Tosakanth,
Antagonist; Foil; Static/Flat
retrieves his protected heart, and ultimately helps
The ruler of an underwater city and an ally
Phra Ram defeat Tosakanth in battle. Finally, in
of Tosakanth. He possesses magical
"Nang Sida Walks Through Fire," Nang Sida
abilities, including a powder that can
proves her purity by walking through fire,
induce sleep. Maiyarap is tasked with
affirming her innocence to Phra Ram and the
capturing Phra Ram but is ultimately
defeated by Hanuman.
Moral of the Story:
Tertiary Character; Foil; Static/Flat
One of the primary morals of the
The adopted son of Maiyarap, who guards
Ramakien is the triumph of righteousness over
the entrance to the underwater city. He
evil. Throughout the epic, characters like Phra
becomes involved in the conflict between
Ram and his allies demonstrate virtues such as
Hanuman and Maiyarap.
courage, loyalty, and selflessness in their quest
Phra Lak
to uphold justice and defeat the forces of
Protagonist; Confidant; Round
darkness represented by Tosakanth and his
Phra Ram's brother, who fights alongside
allies. The story emphasizes the importance of
him against Tosakanth's forces. He initially
staying true to one's principles, even in the face
misunderstands Hanuman's actions but later
of adversity, and highlights the ultimate victory
joins forces with Phra Ram to defeat
of good over evil. Additionally, the Ramakien
teaches the importance of love, loyalty, and
Phiphek (Phipek)
devotion. Characters like Phra Ram and Nang
Tertiary Character; Confidant; Dynamic
Sida exemplify unwavering love and dedication
An astrologer who predicts events related
to one another, even amidst challenges and
to Phra Ram's fate. He is also the estranged
hardships. Their relationship serves as a beacon
brother of Tosakanth and aids Hanuman in
of hope and inspiration, illustrating the power of
tricking Tosakanth.
love to overcome obstacles and unite people in
the pursuit of righteousness.
Author Information:
King Rama I
King Rama I of Thailand, also known
as Phra Phutthayotfa Chulalok. He reigned from
Thai Folk Story: Phikul Thong
1782 to 1809 and is considered one of Thailand's
By Thanapol Chadchaidee
greatest kings. King Rama I was not only a
monarch but also a scholar, poet, and statesman.
Author: Thanapol Chachaidee
Background: Born in Suphan Buri province in b. MALI
1959 to a family of farmers, Mr. Thanapol Mali often goes along with her mother's
Chadchaidee, more commonly known under his mistreatment of Phikul, acting as an
pen name of Lamduan Chadchaidee, grew up
enabler to her mother's cruelty.
and received a secondary education in Bangkok,
then pursued his higher education in India. He
has been developing his writing skills since his
student days when he wrote many essays that
won several awards from an English newspaper, c. OLD WOMAN
The Student Weekly. He is proud of his The old woman possesses magical
ancestors and never feels shy about telling abilities and aids Phikul in overcoming
anybody that he is the son of poor farmers. the challenges she faces.
She provides Phikul with valuable
advice and magical items that assist her
Genre: Fictional Narrative
Theme: Importance of inner beauty on her journey.
Form: Short Story Symbol of kindness and generosity:
Language: English The old woman embodies traits of
Narration: 3rd Person Point of View kindness and generosity, serving as a
Setting: contrast to the cruelty of Phikul's
Their house stepmother.
On Phikul Thong way home from Her actions demonstrate the importance
fetching water of helping others and standing up against
Market to sell the golden forest injustice
Type of Literature: Prose CHARACTERS ANALYSIS