02 - 07 - Transpiration - Lab - Report Final 2

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Transpiration Lab Report

Instructions: In this lab activity, you may investigate one of many scientific questions related to
transpiration, plant adaptation, and the effects of environmental factors on plant behavior. Once
you have selected your scientific question, you will design an investigation to test it, collect and
analyze data, and form a conclusion. Submit your lab report to your instructor when completed.

Title: Mechanism of Transport

aim of Objective(s): Investigating the connection between leaf size and transpiration rate is
the this laboratory.

Listed below are possible questions you could investigate related to transpiration, plant
adaptation, or the effects of environmental factors on plant behavior. You may select from one of
these questions or create your own. Once you determine your investigative question, create your
related objectives in this section.

 Do all plants respire at the same rate?

 What environmental factors can affect the rate of transpiration?
 Is transpiration rate related to the number of stomata on leaves?
 Do structural differences of plants affect their rate of transpiration?
 Does the solute concentration of water absorbed by the plant affect transpiration?

*Environmental factors can be wind, light versus dark, or temperature but are not limited to these options.

Hypothesis: Larger leaves have more endurance, therefore as a plant's leaf size increases, so does the
rate of transpiration.

Write a prediction for your selected investigative question. Be sure your prediction compares the
action of your independent variable to your dependent variable. Use an "if /then” format for each
hypothesis statement.

Lab Safety:

 Wash your hands before and after handling lab materials.

 It is important to always protect your eyes during lab activities. Wear protective goggles
whenever possible.
 When working at the kitchen counter or table, be sure to protect the workspace from
spills and clean up any splashes or spills immediately.
 All materials in this lab activity are safe to dispose in the garbage (solids) and down the
drain (liquids only).

The summary of steps for this section depend on the question you would like to investigate. A
common way to test the rate of transpiration is by the “whole plant method.” The general steps
for this method are below. You will need to modify and add to these steps based on your
investigation. You are responsible for creating and recording all procedures you plan to

Suggested Materials:

Small potted plants with lots of leaves and no/few flowers

One-gallon plastic food storage bags w/out zip-lock

Fan, heat lamp, salt (if testing environmental factors)



Whole Plant Method Summary of Steps

1. Saturate each plant with water (or your solution if you are testing the effects of
solute concentration) the day before beginning your investigation.
2. Don’t forget to include a control, a plant that is not subjected to your experimental
3. Do not water your plant again until after you have finished your experiment.
4. For each plant, remove the roots with surrounding soil (keeping both intact) and
wrap it in a plastic bag.
5. Tie the top of the bag around the base of the stem so only the leaves are exposed.
6. Place each plant base (wrapped in plastic) back into its pot.
7. Be sure to remove any flowers from your plant.
8. Determine the initial weight of each plant using a kitchen or bathroom scale. (Be
sure to note the unit of measurement in your data and graph later.)
9. Weigh your plants each day at the same time for four days. (Be sure your plants
are under your selected environmental condition if you are testing environmental
10. Modify these steps based on your investigative question.


List and explain your controlled variables, independent variable, and dependent variable for your
Remember, controlled variables are factors that remain the same throughout the experiment. An
independent (test) variable changes so that the experimenter can see the effect on other variables.
The dependent (outcome) variable will change in response to the test variable.

Controlled variables: The plant's location, leaf type, watering schedule, and length of time
it spends submerged in water.

Independent variable: the size of the leaf

Dependent variable: rate of transpiration


Size of leaf (CM) Initial Final weight


3cm 5 6
4cm 8 9
7cm 16 17

Complete the table to organize the data you have collected in this investigation. Don’t forget to
record measurements with the correct number of significant figures.

Conclusion: The pace at which plant leaves transpired was significantly impacted by the experimental
variable. It was found by this experiment that larger leaves transpire more quickly. With a mass shift
that was comparatively minor to the other leaves, the 1-inch-tall leaf in the data had the slowest
transpiration rate. Because of its large mass change, the largest leaf—4 inches—showed the quickest
transpiration rate. Lastly, the 4-inch leaf seeing the largest change in mass suggests that the data
supports the theory that larger leaves transpire more quickly. This is due to the fact that larger leaves
have more stomata and pores, which provide more pathways for water to escape. Small differences in
leaf size and fluctuations in the water quantity in the cups are two potential sources of error.

Write a conclusion statement that addresses the following questions:

 How did your experimental variable affect the rate of transpiration in your plants?
Explain your results.
 How does your graphical data support your conclusion?
 Does your data support or fail to support your hypotheses?
 Discuss any possible sources of error that could have impacted the results of this

Lab Reflection Questions

Answer the reflection questions, using what you have learned from the lesson and your
experimental data. It will be helpful to refer to your class notes. Answer questions in complete

1. What type of solution (isotonic, hypertonic, or hypotonic) do you think could have the
greatest negative effect on transpiration and why? (If you tested solute concentrations in
plants, use your results to support your answer.) The most detrimental method to reduce
transpiration would be a hypertonic one. It causes the plant to enter a hypertonic state, which
prevents it from carrying out its basic functions.

As a result, water within the plant cells would escape via osmosis, eventually killing the plant
due to dehydration. In this scenario, the higher the solute concentration outside the cell (in the

surrounding environment), the more water moves to places with higher solute concentration.

One structural adaptation could be

the surface area of the leaves of a
In this experiment, we looked at
the plants that had larger leaves
lost more water and transpire that
plants with smaller leaves. The 4-
leaves lost 5% more mass than the
1-inch leaves during transpiration
2. What structural plant
adaptations could affect the rate
of transpiration? (If you tested
structural differences in plants,
use your results to support your
One structural adaptation could be
the surface area of the leaves of a
In this experiment, we looked at
the plants that had larger leaves
lost more water and transpire that
plants with smaller leaves. The 4-
leaves lost 5% more mass than the
1-inch leaves during transpiration.
3. Is it possible to predict which
of your tested plants may have
more stomata per mm than
the others? Why or why or not?
Predicting the number of stomata
in the tested leaf is not feasible due
to the
significant influence of the
surrounding environment on
transpiration rates. It
becomes possible to make
predictions only when the leaves
are in the same
environment; otherwise, it
becomes impossible when they are
in different
4. Describe the properties of
water that influenced your
investigation and how this was
reflected in your results.
(Properties of water can
include, but are not limited to,
potential, adhesion, cohesion,
and surface tension.)
Two fundamental characteristics of
water include adhesion and
These attributes enable leaves to
draw water from a container,
facilitating the
entire plant’s transpiration process.
Another noteworthy property of
water is
its water potential, which
determines the direction and
manner in which
water flows. Water naturally
moves from regions of higher
water potential to
those with lower water potential.
As one ascends, pressure potential
increases while water potential
decreases. This explains why
plants undergo
transpiration, as water shifts from
an area of high water potential
(inside the
2. What structural plant
adaptations could affect the rate
of transpiration? (If you tested
structural differences in plants,
use your results to support your
One structural adaptation could be
the surface area of the leaves of a
In this experiment, we looked at
the plants that had larger leaves
lost more water and transpire that
plants with smaller leaves. The 4-
leaves lost 5% more mass than the
1-inch leaves during transpiration.
3. Is it possible to predict which
of your tested plants may have
more stomata per mm than
the others? Why or why or not?
Predicting the number of stomata
in the tested leaf is not feasible due
to the
significant influence of the
surrounding environment on
transpiration rates. It
becomes possible to make
predictions only when the leaves
are in the same
environment; otherwise, it
becomes impossible when they are
in different
4. Describe the properties of
water that influenced your
investigation and how this was
reflected in your results.
(Properties of water can
include, but are not limited to,
potential, adhesion, cohesion,
and surface tension.)
Two fundamental characteristics of
water include adhesion and
These attributes enable leaves to
draw water from a container,
facilitating the
entire plant’s transpiration process.
Another noteworthy property of
water is
its water potential, which
determines the direction and
manner in which
water flows. Water naturally
moves from regions of higher
water potential to
those with lower water potential.
As one ascends, pressure potential
increases while water potential
decreases. This explains why
plants undergo
transpiration, as water shifts from
an area of high water potential
(inside the
2. What structural plant
adaptations could affect the rate
of transpiration? (If you tested
structural differences in plants,
use your results to support your
One structural adaptation could be
the surface area of the leaves of a
In this experiment, we looked at
the plants that had larger leaves
lost more water and transpire that
plants with smaller leaves. The 4-
leaves lost 5% more mass than the
1-inch leaves during transpiration.
3. Is it possible to predict which
of your tested plants may have
more stomata per mm than
the others? Why or why or not?
Predicting the number of stomata
in the tested leaf is not feasible due
to the
significant influence of the
surrounding environment on
transpiration rates. It
becomes possible to make
predictions only when the leaves
are in the same
environment; otherwise, it
becomes impossible when they are
in different
4. Describe the properties of
water that influenced your
investigation and how this was
reflected in your results.
(Properties of water can
include, but are not limited to,
potential, adhesion, cohesion,
and surface tension.)
Two fundamental characteristics of
water include adhesion and
These attributes enable leaves to
draw water from a container,
facilitating the
entire plant’s transpiration process.
Another noteworthy property of
water is
its water potential, which
determines the direction and
manner in which
water flows. Water naturally
moves from regions of higher
water potential to
those with lower water potential.
As one ascends, pressure potential
increases while water potential
decreases. This explains why
plants undergo
transpiration, as water shifts from
an area of high water potential
(inside the
2. What structural plant
adaptations could affect the rate
of transpiration? (If you tested
structural differences in plants,
use your results to support your
One structural adaptation could be
the surface area of the leaves of a
In this experiment, we looked at
the plants that had larger leaves
lost more water and transpire that
plants with smaller leaves. The 4-
leaves lost 5% more mass than the
1-inch leaves during transpiration.
3. Is it possible to predict which
of your tested plants may have
more stomata per mm than
the others? Why or why or not?
Predicting the number of stomata
in the tested leaf is not feasible due
to the
significant influence of the
surrounding environment on
transpiration rates. It
becomes possible to make
predictions only when the leaves
are in the same
environment; otherwise, it
becomes impossible when they are
in different
4. Describe the properties of
water that influenced your
investigation and how this was
reflected in your results.
(Properties of water can
include, but are not limited to,
potential, adhesion, cohesion,
and surface tension.)
Two fundamental characteristics of
water include adhesion and
These attributes enable leaves to
draw water from a container,
facilitating the
entire plant’s transpiration process.
Another noteworthy property of
water is
its water potential, which
determines the direction and
manner in which
water flows. Water naturally
moves from regions of higher
water potential to
those with lower water potential.
As one ascends, pressure potential
increases while water potential
decreases. This explains why
plants undergo
transpiration, as water shifts from
an area of high water potential
(inside the
2. What structural plant
adaptations could affect the rate
of transpiration? (If you tested
structural differences in plants,
use your results to support your
One structural adaptation could be
the surface area of the leaves of a
In this experiment, we looked at
the plants that had larger leaves
lost more water and transpire that
plants with smaller leaves. The 4-
leaves lost 5% more mass than the
1-inch leaves during transpiration.
3. Is it possible to predict which
of your tested plants may have
more stomata per mm than
the others? Why or why or not?
Predicting the number of stomata
in the tested leaf is not feasible due
to the
significant influence of the
surrounding environment on
transpiration rates. It
becomes possible to make
predictions only when the leaves
are in the same
environment; otherwise, it
becomes impossible when they are
in different
4. Describe the properties of
water that influenced your
investigation and how this was
reflected in your results.
(Properties of water can
include, but are not limited to,
potential, adhesion, cohesion,
and surface tension.)
Two fundamental characteristics of
water include adhesion and
These attributes enable leaves to
draw water from a container,
facilitating the
entire plant’s transpiration process.
Another noteworthy property of
water is
its water potential, which
determines the direction and
manner in which
water flows. Water naturally
moves from regions of higher
water potential to
those with lower water potential.
As one ascends, pressure potential
increases while water potential
decreases. This explains why
plants undergo
transpiration, as water shifts from
an area of high water potential
(inside the
2. What structural plant

adaptations could affect the rate

of transpiration? (If you tested
structural differences in plants,
use your results to support your
One structural adaptation could be
the surface area of the leaves of a
In this experiment, we looked at
the plants that had larger leaves
lost more water and transpire that
plants with smaller leaves. The 4-
leaves lost 5% more mass than the
1-inch leaves during transpiration.
3. Is it possible to predict which
of your tested plants may have
more stomata per mm than
the others? Why or why or not?
Predicting the number of stomata
in the tested leaf is not feasible due
to the
significant influence of the
surrounding environment on
transpiration rates. It
becomes possible to make
predictions only when the leaves
are in the same
environment; otherwise, it
becomes impossible when they are
in different
4. Describe the properties of
water that influenced your
investigation and how this was
reflected in your results.
(Properties of water can
include, but are not limited to,
potential, adhesion, cohesion,
and surface tension.)
Two fundamental characteristics of
water include adhesion and
These attributes enable leaves to
draw water from a container,
facilitating the
entire plant’s transpiration process.
Another noteworthy property of
water is
its water potential, which
determines the direction and
manner in which
water flows. Water naturally
moves from regions of higher
water potential to
those with lower water potential.
As one ascends, pressure potential
increases while water potential
decreases. This explains why
plants undergo
transpiration, as water shifts from
an area of high water potential
(inside the
2. What structural plant
adaptations could affect the rate
of transpiration? (If you tested
structural differences in plants,
use your results to support your
One structural adaptation could be
the surface area of the leaves of a
In this experiment, we looked at
the plants that had larger leaves
lost more water and transpire that
plants with smaller leaves. The 4-
leaves lost 5% more mass than the
1-inch leaves during transpiration.
3. Is it possible to predict which
of your tested plants may have
more stomata per mm than
the others? Why or why or not?
Predicting the number of stomata
in the tested leaf is not feasible due
to the
significant influence of the
surrounding environment on
transpiration rates. It
becomes possible to make
predictions only when the leaves
are in the same
environment; otherwise, it
becomes impossible when they are
in different
4. Describe the properties of
water that influenced your
investigation and how this was
reflected in your results.
(Properties of water can
include, but are not limited to,
potential, adhesion, cohesion,
and surface tension.)
Two fundamental characteristics of
water include adhesion and
These attributes enable leaves to
draw water from a container,
facilitating the
entire plant’s transpiration process.
Another noteworthy property of
water is
its water potential, which
determines the direction and
manner in which
water flows. Water naturally
moves from regions of higher
water potential to
those with lower water potential.
As one ascends, pressure potential
increases while water potential
decreases. This explains why
plants undergo
transpiration, as water shifts from
an area of high water potential
(inside the
2. What structural plant
adaptations could affect the rate
of transpiration? (If you tested
structural differences in plants,
use your results to support your
One structural adaptation could be
the surface area of the leaves of a
In this experiment, we looked at
the plants that had larger leaves
lost more water and transpire that
plants with smaller leaves. The 4-
leaves lost 5% more mass than the
1-inch leaves during transpiration.
3. Is it possible to predict which
of your tested plants may have
more stomata per mm than
the others? Why or why or not?
Predicting the number of stomata
in the tested leaf is not feasible due
to the
significant influence of the
surrounding environment on
transpiration rates. It
becomes possible to make
predictions only when the leaves
are in the same
environment; otherwise, it
becomes impossible when they are
in different
4. Describe the properties of
water that influenced your
investigation and how this was
reflected in your results.
(Properties of water can
include, but are not limited to,
potential, adhesion, cohesion,
and surface tension.)
Two fundamental characteristics of
water include adhesion and
These attributes enable leaves to
draw water from a container,
facilitating the
entire plant’s transpiration process.
Another noteworthy property of
water is
its water potential, which
determines the direction and
manner in which
water flows. Water naturally
moves from regions of higher
water potential to
those with lower water potential.
As one ascends, pressure potential
increases while water potential
decreases. This explains why
plants undergo
transpiration, as water shifts from
an area of high water potential
(inside the
2. What structural plant
adaptations could affect the rate
of transpiration? (If you tested
structural differences in plants,
use your results to support your
One structural adaptation could be
the surface area of the leaves of a
In this experiment, we looked at
the plants that had larger leaves
lost more water and transpire that
plants with smaller leaves. The 4-
leaves lost 5% more mass than the
1-inch leaves during transpiration.
3. Is it possible to predict which
of your tested plants may have
more stomata per mm than
the others? Why or why or not?
Predicting the number of stomata
in the tested leaf is not feasible due
to the
significant influence of the
surrounding environment on
transpiration rates. It
becomes possible to make
predictions only when the leaves
are in the same
environment; otherwise, it
becomes impossible when they are
in different
4. Describe the properties of
water that influenced your
investigation and how this was
reflected in your results.
(Properties of water can
include, but are not limited to,
potential, adhesion, cohesion,
and surface tension.)
Two fundamental characteristics of
water include adhesion and
These attributes enable leaves to
draw water from a container,
facilitating the
entire plant’s transpiration process.
Another noteworthy property of
water is
its water potential, which
determines the direction and
manner in which
water flows. Water naturally
moves from regions of higher
water potential to
those with lower water potential.
As one ascends, pressure potential
increases while water potential
decreases. This explains why
plants undergo
transpiration, as water shifts from
an area of high water potential
(inside the
2. What structural plant
adaptations could affect the rate
of transpiration? (If you tested
structural differences in plants,
use your results to support your
One structural adaptation could be
the surface area of the leaves of a
In this experiment, we looked at
the plants that had larger leaves
lost more water and transpire that
plants with smaller leaves. The 4-
leaves lost 5% more mass than the
1-inch leaves during transpiration.
3. Is it possible to predict which
of your tested plants may have
more stomata per mm than
the others? Why or why or not?
Predicting the number of stomata
in the tested leaf is not feasible due
to the
significant influence of the
surrounding environment on
transpiration rates. It
becomes possible to make
predictions only when the leaves
are in the same
environment; otherwise, it
becomes impossible when they are
in different
4. Describe the properties of
water that influenced your
investigation and how this was
reflected in your results.
(Properties of water can
include, but are not limited to,
potential, adhesion, cohesion,
and surface tension.)
Two fundamental characteristics of
water include adhesion and
These attributes enable leaves to
draw water from a container,
facilitating the
entire plant’s transpiration process.
Another noteworthy property of
water is
its water potential, which
determines the direction and
manner in which
water flows. Water naturally
moves from regions of higher
water potential to
those with lower water potential.
As one ascends, pressure potential
increases while water potential
decreases. This explains why
plants undergo
transpiration, as water shifts from
an area of high water potential
(inside the
2. What structural plant adaptations could affect the rate of transpiration? (If you tested structural
differences in plants, use your results to support your answer.) The surface area of a plant's leaves
is one example of a structural adaptation. In this experiment, we examined how plants with larger
leaves generally transpired more and lost less water than plants with smaller leaves. During
transpiration, the 4-inch leaves lost 5% more mass than the 1-inch leaves.
3. Is it possible to predict which of your tested plants may have more stomata per mm2thanthe
others? Why or why or not? It is not possible to predict the number of stomata in the tested leaf
since the surrounding environment has a considerable impact on transpiration rates. Only when the
leaves are in the same environment can predictions be made; when they are in separate habitats,
predictions cannot be made..

Describe the properties of water that influenced your investigation and how this was reflected
in your results. (Properties of water can include, but are not limited to, water potential,
adhesion, cohesion, and surface tension.) Adhesion and cohesion are two of water's basic
properties. These characteristics make it possible for leaves to pull water from a container, which helps
the plant as a whole with transpiration. Water's water potential, which controls flow direction and
velocity, is another important characteristic. Naturally, water flows from greater water potential places
to lower water potential parts. Pressure potential rises with elevation whereas water potential falls.
This explains why water moves from a high-water potential place (inside the plant, where pressure is
lower) to a low-pressure location (the atmosphere, where pressure is greater) in plants, causing

5. Students testing the effects of solute concentration in soil on plant transpiration noticed a significant
decrease in transpiration when abscisic acid was used as the solute. Even at molar concentrations less
than 0.2 M, transpiration seemed to stop almost completely. a) Make a claim as to which structural
and/or physiological component of transpiration is affected by the presence of abscisic acid.

Abscisic acid has an impact on two physiological processes that are essential to transpiration: stomatal
opening and closure.

b) Explain the reasoning that supports your claim

Abscisic acid (ABA), a plant hormone, influences stomatal closure in response to environmental stress,
such as water stress. Plant roots absorb ABA in soil solution, which is transported to leaves. Stomata,
microscopic apertures producing water vapor during transpiration, shut in response to ABA signaling.
Stomatal closure is an adaptive response, even at low concentrations, limiting transpiration and
preventing excessive water loss.

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