Living World DPP 01

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1. What is been deified by early man?

(1) All in animates
(2) All animates
(3) Some animates and some in animates
(4) All living beings

2. Anthropocentric view of biology stands for___

(1) Nature around human is most important entity
(2) Human being is most important entity
(3) The whole universe is most important
(4) Human is creating pollution in nature

3. What was the biggest spin off (outcome) of systematic studies?

(1) Recognition of the sharing of similarities among living organisms only horizontally
(2) Recognition of the sharing of similarities among living organisms only vertically
(3) Recognition of the sharing of similarities among living organisms horizontally as we as vertically
(4) Recognition of importance of non-living.

4. Revelation of which information humbled man and they started conservation of biodiversity?
(1) All the organisms have soul.
(2) All living organisms has RNA.
(3) All living organisms share common genetic material.
(4) All living organisms has life span.

5. Reproduction is synonymous to growth ______.

(1) In all organisms
(2) Only in unicellular organisms
(3) Only in multicellular organisms
(4) non-livings

6. Why growth is not considered as defining property of livings?

(1) Because growth occurs in livings only
(2) Because growth also occurs in non-livings
(3) Because growth is irreversible
(4) Because growth is reversible

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Diversity in the Living World Part-2

7. Growth and reproduction are mutually exclusive events in ________.

(1) All organisms
(2) Only in unicellular organisms
(3) Only in multicellular organisms
(4) All animates and in animates

8. Growth occurs _______ in plants and _______ in animals.

(1) continuously, only up to a certain age
(2) only up to a certain age, continuously
(3) continuously, never
(4) once, twice

9. In multicellular organisms, _____ refers to the production of progeny possessing features more or less
similar to those of parents.
(1) Growth
(2) Reproduction
(3) Metabolism
(4) Consciousness

Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Answer 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 1 2

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Diversity in the Living World Part-2


1. Anabolism is
(1) Synthesizing process
(2) Breaking process
(3) Bidirectional process
(4) Destructive process

2. The living organisms can be unexceptionally distinguished from the non-living things on the basis of
their ability for
(1) Interaction with the environment
(2) Reproduction
(3) Growth and movement
(4) Memory of the events

3. The sum total of all the chemical reactions occurring in our body is known as
(1) Metabolism
(2) Growth
(3) Regeneration
(4) Reproduction

4. Which of the followings in not a defining feature of livings?

(1) Metabolism
(2) Cellular organisation
(3) Consciousness
(4) Reproduction

5. In the given columns, column I contains the terms and column II contains its description. Select the
correct match from the option given below.
Column I Column II
A. Growth I. Production of offspring
B. Reproduction II. Composed of one or more living cells
C. Metabolism III. Increase in mass and increase in number of
D Cellular organization IV. Sum total of all chemical reactions occurring in
a living body
(1) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
(2) A-III, B-II, C-II, D-IV
(3) A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
(4) A-II, B-IV, C-III, D-I

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Diversity in the Living World Part-2

6. Which of the followings is an unique feature of living organisms?

(1) Growth and reproduction
(2) Reproduction and ability to sense environment
(3) Metabolism and interaction
(4) All of the above

7. Maintenance of internal favourable conditions, despite changes in external environment is :-

(1) Entropy
(2) Steady state
(3) Enthalpy
(4) Homeostasis

8. Which of the following most appropriately describes emergent property?

(1) A characteristic an entity gains when it becomes part of a bigger system
(2) A characteristic an entity gains when it becomes part of a newer system
(3) A characteristic an entity gains when it becomes part of a smaller system
(4) A characteristic an entity loses when it becomes part of a bigger system

9. Which of the followings is not true?

(1) Emergent properties is found in every level of biological organization
(2) Emergent properties do not present in a level that is beyond the organism
(3) Homeostasis indicates ability of self regulation
(4) Mechanisms of homeostasis is different for different parameters.

10. Adaption is___________

(1) Types of living beings present on earth
(2) Essential character of an organism that is necessary for it's survival.
(3) Inability to respond against environmental cue
(4) Types of flora present in an area.

Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 1 1 1 4 3 2 4 1 2

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Diversity in the Living World Part-2


1. Term systematics was derived from _____ word "Systema" which means _____.
(1) Greek, evolutionary relationship
(2) Latin, systematic arrangment of organism
(3) English, taxonomy of organisms
(4) Both 2 & 3

2. Taxonomically known number of species is :-

(1) 1.7 billion
(2) 1.7 lakh
(3) 5-30 milliion
(4) 1.7 million

3. The term systematics was introduced by :-

(1) Mayr
(2) Bentham
(3) Hutchinson
(4) Linnaeus

4. Which of the followings is not an advantage of taxonomy?

(1) Avoid confusion in scientific community
(2) Provides a valid name of an organism
(3) Provides help in studying them.
(4) Prevent loss of biodiversity

5. A taxon with reference to classification of living organisms can be defined as :-

(1) A group of similar genera
(2) A group of similar species
(3) A group of organisms based on chromosome numbers
(4) A group of any one rank of organisms

6. Which of the following is not a taxon?

(1) Carnivora
(2) Insecta
(3) Wood
(4) Pteridophyte

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Diversity in the Living World Part-2

7. Which of the following is not included in classification of mango?

(1) Plantae
(2) Anacardiaceae
(3) Monocotyledonae
(4) Dicotyledonae

8. Which of the following is incorrect regarding rules of binomial nomenclature?

(1) Biological names are in latin language
(2) Biological names should be italicized when typed
(3) Biological names are consist of generic name and subspecific epithet
(4) Citation with biological name provide information about the scientist who first gave the valid name.

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Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Answer 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 3

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Diversity in the Living World Part-2


1. Which one of the following animals is correctly matched with its correct taxonomic category?
(1) Tiger – Panthera, the genus
(2) Solanum – china rose, the genus
(3) Humans – Primata, the family
(4) Housefly – Musca, an order

2. Which of the following taxonomic category of housefly is incorrectly matched?

(1) Genus – Musca
(2) Family – Muscidae
(3) Order – Primata
(4) Class – Insecta

3. Which of the following organisms is not correctly matched with its category?
(1) Human beings – Sapiens, specific epithet
(2) Lion – Panthera, genus
(3) Cats – Felidae, genus
(4) Datura – Solanaceae, family

4. Select the incorrect statement with respect to the category-'genus'.

(1) It is a group or assemblage of related species.
(2) A genus essentially possesses more than one number of species
(3) Related genera are kept in the same family.
(4) Triticum and Mangifera are the examples of genera.

5. Match column I with column II and selected the correct option from the codes given below.
Column I Column-II
(a) Family (i) tuberosum
(b) Kingdom (ii) Polymonials
(c) Order (iii) Solanum
(d) Species (iv) Plantae
(e) Genus (v) Solanaceae
(1) (a)-v, (b)-iv, (c)-ii, (d)-i, (e)-iii
(2) (a)-v, (b)-iv, (c)-i, (d)-iii, (e)-ii
(3) (a)-i, (b)-ii, (c)-iii, (d)-v, (e)-iv
(4) (a)-ii, (b)-i, (c)-iii, (d)-iv, (e)-v

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Diversity in the Living World Part-2

6. Genus represents aggregate of closely related species. Which of the following group of species does
not belong to same genus?
(1) Potato, Brinjal
(2) Brinjal, Makoi
(3) Lion, Leopard
(4) Potato, Sweet potato

7. Which of the following is maximum inclusive?

(1) Kingdom
(2) Species
(3) Family
(4) Genus

8. Which of the following is a heterogenous group?

(1) Family, Genus, Order
(2) Division, Class, Species
(3) Hibiscus, Genus, Species
(4) Hibiscus, Sorghum, Pinus

9. Consider two different animals that are classification in the same family. This means that they must be
classified in: -
(1) the same genus
(2) the same class
(3) the same species
(4) different orders

10. Size of a herbarium sheet is: -

(1) 11.5 × 16.5 inches
(2) 11.5 × 16.5 cm
(3) 7 × 12 inches
(4) 7 × 12 cm

Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 1 3 3 2 1 4 2 4 2 4

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Diversity in the Living World Part-2


1. Herbarium consists of :-
(1) Collection of living plants
(2) Collection of plant and animal specimens preserved in the containers
(3) Preserved insects in boxes after collecting killing and pinning
(4) Herbarium sheets carrying dried, pressed and preserved plant specimens on them

2. Which of the following statements are correct about herbarium?

(1) It is a store house of collected plant specimens that are dried and preserved on sheets.
(2) Herbarium sheets contain information about date and place of collection, names, family, collector’s name,
(3) It serves as quick referral systems in taxonomical studies.
(4) All of the above

3. One of the most important functions of botanical gardens is that :-

(1) They provide a beautiful area for recreation
(2) One can observe tropical plants there
(3) They allow ex situ conservation of germ plasm
(4) They provide the natural habitat for wild life.

4. Herbarium is a :-
(1) Garden where medicinal plants are grown.
(2) Garden where herbaceous plants are grown.
(3) Dry garden.
(4) Chemical to kill plants.

5. The famous botanical garden ‘Kew’ is located in :-

(1) England
(2) Lucknow
(3) Berlin
(4) Australia

6. The label of a herbarium sheet does not carry information on :-

(1) Date of collection
(2) Name of collector
(3) Local names
(4) Height of the plant.

7. Keys are generally _______ in nature.

(1) Physical
(2) Chemical
(3) Analytical
(4) Qualitative

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Diversity in the Living World Part-2

8. Each statement in the key is called _______.

(1) Lead
(2) Catalogues
(3) Manuals
(4) Monographs

9. The keys are based on contrasting characters generally in a pair called _______.
(1) Flora
(2) Couplet
(3) Both (a) and (b)
(4) Manuals

10. Amongst the given taxonomic aids, how many are associated with preservation of specimens?
Monograph, Flora, Key, Museums, Botanical Gardens, Catalogue, Herbarium, Manual
(1) One
(2) Three
(3) Two
(4) Four

11. Couplet represents the choice made between two opposite options which results in :-
(1) Rejection of both the option.
(2) Acceptance of both the option.
(3) Either acceptance or rejection of both the option.
(4) Acceptance of only one and rejection of the other

12. In the museums

(1) Living object is displayed
(2) Non-living object is displayed
(3) Wild animals are kept
(4) Store house of collected plant specimens that are dried.

13. 'Key' is a taxonomical aid used for the identification of organism each statement in key is called…….?
(1) Couplet
(2) Lead
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of these

14. Taxonomic keys are tools that help in……..of organism based on characteristics.
(1) Nomenclature
(2) Classification
(3) Neither (1) nor (2)
(4) Identification

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Diversity in the Living World Part-2

15. Which of the given is an analytical method of identify the organisms based on similarities and
differences ?
(1) Herbarium
(2) Flora
(3) Monograph
(4) Taxonomic key

16. Taxonomic aid which has collection of preserved plant and animal specimens is
(1) Herbarium
(2) Zoological park
(3) Museum
(4) Monograph

17. Each statement in the key is called a

(1) Pair
(2) Couplet
(3) Lead
(4) Species

18. Which one of the following term is correctly matched with their correct description ?
Term Description
(1) Taxon Provide the index to the plant species found in a particular area.
(2) Flora Contains the actual account of habitat and distribution of plants of a given
(3) Monographs Collection of preserved plants and animals
(4) Catalogues Contain information on any one taxon

Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 4 4 3 3 1 4 3 1 2 2 4 2 2 4 4
Question 16 17 18
Answer 3 3 2

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