Offer Letter

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Offer Letter

Date: April 05, 2024

Dear Mr. Sridhar Khathavath,
With reference to your application and the subsequent discussion, we have the pleasure of offering you
a position at Astrome Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (hereafter referred to as “company”) as Business Analyst
with effect from April 15, 2024. If this offer is acceptable, you are required to sign and send a copy of this
offer letter to us before April 08, 2024. Following are the employment terms and conditions as subject to
the company policy.


(a) Your appointment is effective from the date of joining i.e. April 15, 2024.
(b) You are required to report to Mr. Venkatesh Kumaran on the date of joining.
(c) You will be on probation for a period of 6 months from the date of your appointment. On
successful completion of the probation period, if the company finds you to be suitable for the
appointed post, your appointment shall be confirmed and communicated to you in writing.
(d) You are required to get approval from your supervisor, at least fifteen days in advance to apply
for casual leave.
(e) This appointment will be made on the understanding that the information furnished by you
in your application is correct, true and complete. If in case, it is found that the information
furnished by you is not correct, untrue or incomplete, this appointment may be withdrawn or
terminated any time after, without any notice or compensation in lieu thereof.
(f) It is required that you fully disclose any other employments or consultations, you are currently
engaged in, to the management, and this employment is subject to acceptance of this information
by the management. Unless otherwise allowed, you are required to be not part of any other
employments or consultations. After acceptance of this appointment, you are required to take
prior permission for any future consultations or employment you wish to undertake with any
other organization. If the management finds it to be unproductive or sees conflict of interest in
any such activity, it can terminate your employment with the company without any prior notice
or compensation in lieu thereof.
(g) The management shall have the right to recover the loss incurred on goods and property entrusted
to you and the same may be recovered from (in) your salary.
(h) You are required to sign a separate “Employment Agreement” on the date of joining. This
agreement will have further details about the terms of your employment.

Fixed cash component will be |10,00,008/- per annum (including taxes) and variable cash component
of a maximum amount of |2,00,000/- per annum is decided annually based on performance of the
As part of your CTC, the company will be providing you with Employee Stock Options (ESOPs)
worth |1,00,000/- (valued at the point of issuing), capped by 834 stock options per year based on your
outstanding performance. ESOPs will be issued only after you complete two years in the company.
First issue of stock options will be in the first January after you complete two years in the company.
At the time of issue of ESOPs, you will need to sign a separate ESOP agreement with the company
to receive these stock options.
The total CTC which includes Fixed Cash Component, Variable Cash Component, ESOPs and Other
benefits is |13,34,058/-.
Annexure A provides a detailed breakup of the monetary compensation.
Appraisal cycles are annual, usually during the month of January.

You will be entitled to the following:

(a) Holidays as announced annually in the company. Generally, working days are Monday to Friday
every week and working hours are from 9AM to 6.30PM. The company may also make second
& fourth Saturdays of every month as a working day based on requirements.
(b) 1.25 CL (casual leave) per month is allowed. Unused CLs are allowed to be accumulated every
month but with a cap of 15 CLs.
(c) 1 SL (sick leave) per month is allowed. SLs are allowed to accumulate till calendar year end.
(d) Participate in the provident fund scheme as per the rule and policies applicable to your category
(e) The company will also be providing health insurance (including to spouse and children) with
the coverage of | 5 Lakhs. More details about the same are given in the Annexure A.


(a) In view of your position and office, you must effectively, diligently and to the best of your ability
perform all responsibilities and ensure results. There may be times when you will be expected
to work extra hour to achieve the above when the job so requires.
(b) You are required not to engage in activities that have or will have an adverse impact on the
reputation/image and business of company whether directly or indirectly.
(c) You will be required to undertake travel on company work for which you may be reimbursed
travel expenses as per the company policy applicable to you.
(d) You are required to sign a permit for every property (equipment/software) issued to you. You are
required to take due care of those properties and use them as per specifications. Upon completion
of the task or expiry of duration for which property was issued, you are required to return the
property in its original conditions except for normal wear and tear.
(e) We at Astrome Technologies Pvt. Ltd., are committed to ensure ‘discipline, efficiency and
Integrity’, in all aspect of its functioning. You are expected to comply with the policies of the

company including the code of business conduct and other policies as they form an integral
part of the terms of your employment with the company. You will be governed by the Rules
and regulations of the company as in force from time to time. Consequently, you are required to
understand the scope & intent behind these policies and to comply with the same. These policies
are updated/modified on a periodic basis and new policies may be introduced and notified to
employees from time to time and you will be required to comply with the same.
(f) Continuance with the above, any matter or situation incident that may arise and that could po-
tentially result, or has resulted, in any violation of the policies or the terms of your employment,
shall immediately be brought to the notice of your business unit Head and disciplinary action
can be initiated if need be.

In consideration of the opportunities, training and access to new techniques and know–how will be
made available to you, you will be required to comply with the confidentiality policy of the company.
You hereby acknowledge and agree that information concerning company’s operations, its methods
and ways of doing business and other confidential or proprietary information is the sole property
of the company. You further recognize that disclosure of such information could cause irreparable
injury to the company good will and competitive position and agree that you shall not disclose such
information to others or use such information to his own advantage, to the advantage of others, or to
the disadvantage of the company. Therefore, please ensure that you maintain as secret and confidential
all confidential information) and shall not use or divulge or disclose any such confidential information.
You are required to sign an additional “Non-disclosure Agreement” on the date of joining.

During the probation period, company reserves its right to terminate your services at any time, with-
out notice, compensation or assigning any reasons thereto. However, if you wish to discontinue or
terminate your employment during the probationary period you shall give ONE month notice or ONE
month salary in lieu of notice. After confirmation of your appointment, your services are liable to be
terminated by the company by giving ONE month notice or ONE month salary in lieu of notice. If
you wish to discontinue or terminate your employment with us, you are required to give TWO months
notice or TWO months salary in lieu of notice. All pending CL and SL will be canceled during the
notice period. Any leaves taken during the notice period should be compensated by equal number of
extra working days or by proportional reduction in pay.

Please confirm that the above terms are acceptable to you and that you accept the appointment by signing
on this letter of offer. We hope to have a long and fruitful association with you.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

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