Bronz-Glow's HVAC Coating and Coil Cleaner

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HVAC/R Coatings


Coil Cleaners
DIP APPLICATION - Antique Bronze

Husky Coil Coat—Dip is Bronz-Glow’s top of the line coating formulation to protect fin tube and coaxial
coils against the affects of severe corrosive environments. It’s a rugged, abrasion resistant finish which ex-
hibits extraordinary tensile strength and flexibility; allowing it to expand and contract with a coil as it heats
and cools. Husky Coil Coat protects in the entire pH Range of (1.0 to 14.0). It will not crack, chip or flake.
This unique proprietary coating formulation forms a moisture resistant barrier that prevents the intrusion of
contaminated moisture which causes coil failure. Husky Coil Coat has less than ½ of 1% degradation on
heat transfer efficiency. It’s a “single-component” coating product that can be field repaired by equipment
owners; with aerosol touch-up, should the coating become damaged or abraded. Gas Chromatography Test
(FID) reveal no evidence of residual solvent vapors. Husky Coil Coat Dip and Bronz-Glow’s dipping
process is exclusively applied by Bronz-Glow’s Certified and Licensed Dip Applicators.


Coastal regions, sugar refineries, petroleum refineries, paper mills, chemical plants, off shore drill platforms,
waste water treatment plants, tunnel exhaust systems, veterinary clinics, swimming pool environments, food
processing and storage facilities, airports, fossil fuel power plants, hospitals, restaurants, marine applications,
medical facilities, saw mills, convention centers, hotels & motels, shopping malls and many other moderate to
severe corrosive environments.


Salt air, salt water, acid rain, hydrogen sulfide, sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid, ammonia, chlorine, hydrogen
chloride, sulfur water, uric acid and virtually any other acid or alkali.


Bronz-Glow’s dip coating process ensures the coil is completely immersed guaranteeing 100% coating cover-
age. Spray application on 1 and 2 row coils that have plate fins and a fin density of 16 fpi or less can be effec-
tively spray coated. Coils that are designed with 3 or more rows in depth or are constructed with plat or en-
hanced fins at 17 fpi or above, become much more difficult to assure 100 % coating coverage.
Factory dip coating services are available through Bronz-
Glow Technologies, Inc. and our growing family of
Bronz-Glow Partners known as Certified Applicators and
Manufacturer’s Representatives.
Dip coatings are often specified in Gov’t Specifcations
such as the U.S Navy, Army Corps of Engineers, Home-
land Security, and NASA. Bronz-Glow also appears in
SPECSINTACT and new unified specification for vari-
ous Branches of the U.S. Governent.
Retail firms such as JC Penney, Kmart, Walgreens, CVS,
and Wal-Mart to name a few, usually require dip coat-
COLOR: Antique Bronze ings for coastal store locations.

Equipment or Coils as indicated, shall be corrosion protected by Bronz-Glow. Bronz-Glow shall issue a
“Certificate of Coating Compliance” to verify that the specification has been met as part of the closing documen-
tation. An “Owner’s Coated Coil Cleaning Maintenance Program” shall be available for documentation
close-out and upon project completion.

Condenser coils, evaporator coils, water coils, or steam coils shall be coated using Bronz-Glow’s Husky Coil Coat
dip application process for corrosion protection. Coil coating material and process shall have passed a minimum of
6,000 hour salt spray test in accordance with ASTM Standard B117.85. Coil film coating shall be effective in pH
range of 1.0-14. Product shall be a complex chain linked polyelastomer material with properties including 4,000
PSI tensile strength and 250% flexibility. Coating shall contain a 10 year Florida UV inhibitor additive. Coating
should be field repairable, and touch-up material available in aerosol form. Field coating is not acceptable. No
substitutes accepted.

Acceptable Products; Husky Coil Coat - Dip


Husky Coil Coat Spray is our spray coating formulation to provide corrosion
protection for fin tube and coaxial coils through spray application. Like our
Husky Coil Coat Dip proess product, it is a one of a kind protective coil coat-
ing. A “single-component” product providing corrosion protection across the
entire pH Range (1.0 to 14). This product cures within 24 hours and Gas
Chromatography Test (FID) reveal no evidence of residual solvent vapors. Spray application of our Husky
Husky Coil Coat Spray provides a moisture resistant barrier that encapsulates Coil Coat is performed at the fac-
the coil, preventing the intrusion of contaminated moisture that causes coil tory and in the field. Bronz-
failure from its corrosive environment. Glow’s Husky Coil Coat spray coat
is uniquely identifiable by its reflec-
ENVIRONMENTS WHERE COMMONLY USED: tive color , which is Gold. All fac-
Coastal regions, sugar refineries, petroleum refineries, paper mills, chemical tory spray coated coils are regis-
plants, off shore drill platforms, waste water treatment plants, tunnel exhaust tered internally with non-
systems, veterinary clinics, swimming pool environments, food processing removable poly tag.
and storage facilities, airports, fossil fueled power plants, hospitals, restau-
rants, marine applications, medical facilities, saw mills, convention centers,
hotels & motels, shopping malls and many other moderate to severe corrosive
Sulfur Water
Salt air, salt water, acid rain, hydrogen sulfide, sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric
acid, ammonia, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, sulfur water, uric acid and virtu-
Hydrogen Sulfide Gas
ally any other acid or alkali. Acid Rain
Husky Coil Coat Spray formulation is exclusively applied by factory Food preservatives
trained and licensed Field Spray Applicators. Bronz-Glow’s proprietary Enzymes and Yeasts
spray coating process can be applied in our N.E. Florida coating facility or
field applied on location. We recommend factory application on equipment
that has not been installed. A factory application is performed in a controlled
environment and is not affected by adverse weather conditions. Spray appli- Condensing Units
cations to plate fin coils that are no greater than 2 rows in depth having 16 ins
per inch or less are generally effective. Coils that are designed with 3 or Air Handlers
more rows in depth or are constructed with enhanced fins and a fin density of Air Cooled Chillers
17 fpi or more, make them difficult to be assured that 100 % coating coverage Mini Splits
is attained with a spray application. Dip application should be the coating Window Units
method of choice for these types of coils. Heat Pipe Units
Much much more!
Equipment or Coils as indicated above shall be corrosion protected by Bronz-Glow. Bronz-Glow shall issue a
“Certificate of Coating Compliance” to verify that the specification has been met as part of the closing docu-
mentation. An “Owner’s Coated Coil Cleaning Maintenance Program” shall be available at documentation
close-out and upon project completion. Bronz-Glow does not recommend spray coating coils greater than 2
rows or having a fin spacing above 16 fpi.

Condenser coils and or evaporator coils shall be coated using Bronz-Glow’s Husky Coil Coat spray application
process for corrosion protection. Coil coating material and process shall have passed a minimum of 2,000 hour
salt spray test in accordance with ASTM Standard B117.85. Coil film coating shall be effective in pH range of
1-14. Product shall be a complex chain linked polyelastomer material with properties including 4,000 PSI tensile
strength and 250% flexibility as provided by Bronz-Glow. Coating shall have a 10 year Florida UV inhibitor
added. Coating should be repairable and touch-up material available in aerosol form. Field coating is unac-
ceptable. No substitutes accepted.

Acceptable Products; Husky Coil Coat—Spray

An All-Purpose ‘Single Component’ Protective Coating In Virtually Any
Corrosive Environment...
SPC-Tinted is a synthetic, single-component solvent based coating that may be
applied by spray, brush, roll or dip methods. To the best of our knowledge,
SPC is the only single-component coating on the market that provides corrosion
protection across the entire pH Range (1.0 to 14.0) and when applied at the rate
of 12 to 15 dry mils thickness, is impermeable to moisture. SPC-Tinted can be
applied to all types of metals and metal alloys as well as substrates such as
wood, cement block, masonry, cloth, rubber, ropes etc. Due to its tensile
strength and flexibility, SPC provides long lasting corrosion protection in the
harshest of corrosive environments whether they’re hot or cold (-30 to +220
deg. F.), wet or dry. This one-of-a kind coating meets USDA requirement for
non-food contact surfaces. When coating metal and galvanized surfaces, we SPC Light gray used to coat
recommend the use of Husky- 150 Primer. the exterior cabinet on the
a/c unit above.
Single-component all-purpose protective coating
No mixing or blending of Parts A, B or C
No set-up time required
Simply stir and apply by brush, roll, spray or dip methods
Unused coating material can be saved and used on the next job
No unnecessary material waste, no disposal costs
Contains a 10 year Florida sun UV inhibitor
Dries to the touch in minutes, fully cures in 24 hours
Extends the useful life of multiple substrates in almost any environment SPC beige used to coat the
exterior and interior cabinet
CHEMICAL RESISTANCE: on the a/c unit above.
Salt air, salt water, acid rain, hydrogen sulfide, sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid,
ammonia, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, sulfur water, uric acid and virtually any
other acid or alkali.

GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY TEST (FID): No evidence of any residual sol-

vent vapor was detected.

Light Gray/5 gallon pail or 50 gallon drum
Also available in Orange, Dark Gray, Beige, Redwood, Brown or Green when SPC light gray used to coat
ordered in 50 gallon quantities i.e. 10 pails or 1 drum the tube sheets, header and
“U” bends on this evapora-
SHIPPING: Minimum for Light Gray is 1 pail or 1 drum fob - Jax, Florida
tor coil.

Insulated and Un-insulated Interior or Exterior Surfaces: All interior surfaces shall be provided with a fac-
tory-applied spray-coating process for corrosion protection and to reduce insulation flaking. Coating material
and process shall have a 2,000 hour salt spray test in accordance with ASTM Standard B117.85. Coating mate-
rial shall consist of a synthetic resin material with properties including 4,000 psi tensile strength and 400% flexi-
bility. Coating shall be effective in pH range of 1-14. The protective coating shall be applied by spray applica-
tion in three coats for a final 3.0-6.0 mil thickness when dry. An anti-microbial shall be available for the coating
of interior surfaces exposed to either the ventilation air, return air, or supply air stream.

Acceptable Products: SPC and Insul-Coat

Flexibility Elasticity pH Protection Dielectric Strength

This One Has “Em” All Beat
Single Component Coating...
An All-Purpose ‘Single Component’ Protective Coating
SPC-Clear is an extremely tough, single-component, air dry solvent base coat-
ing that locks out moisture and protects most any substrate surface from acids,
moisture, abrasion, weathering and most every other form of atmospheric cor-
rosion. This unique coating was initially developed to protect HVAC/R cabi-
nets and their assorted informational stickers and decals from corrosion, UV
damage and moisture. Since this is a clear finished coating, the OEM’s origi-
nal paint color is not affected. Not only does SPC-Clear preserve the metal
structure of an air conditioning system, it preserves the important technical Before Treatment
information required by servicing technicians from becoming illegible or dis- Chiller head sand blasted and
torted. This product has found a home in many mechanical rooms to protect protected with SPC Clear Coat Air
numerous types of substrates, color codes and vital information from the de- Cured.
struction of moisture and corrosion. SPC-Clear can be applied over vinyl de-
After Treatment
cals, stenciled paper and permanent marker without distorting print.

Single-component all-purpose protective coating
No mixing or blending of Parts A, B or C
No set-up time required
Simply stir and apply by spray or dip methods
Unused coating material can be saved and used on the next job
No unnecessary material waste, no disposal costs
Contains a 10 year Florida sun UV inhibitor
Dries to the touch in minutes, fully cures in 24 hours
Extends the useful life of multiple substrates in almost any environment
Available in aerosol form

Salt air, salt water, acid rain, hydrogen sulfide, sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric
acid, ammonia, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, sulfur water, uric acid and virtu-
ally any other acid or alkali.

GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY TEST (FID): No evidence of any residual

solvent vapor was detected.
Chiller coated with Husky
COLORS/PACKAGE SIZE: Clear/5 gallon pail, drums, 12oz. aerosol SPC Clear Coat to protect the
cabinet from corrosive effects
SHIPPING: Minimum for SPC-Clear is 1 pail, 1 drum or 1 case aerosol
of incinerator gasses and
(12 cans per case) - fob - Jacksonville, FL
coastal atmospheres.

And You Thought Epoxies Were Good!

Cures Faster Doesn’t Chip, Flake or

Crack Coats Over Labels, Decals, &
Stencils Excellent Adhesion & No Copper piping coated with
SPC Clear to protect tubing
Distortion Complete pH Range Pro- from corrosive atmosphere in
municipal waste water treat-
tection Aerosol Cans . Repairable . ment facilites, paper mills and
Fast Drying Single Component . others where H2S, Hydrogen
Sulfide Gas eats braze joint
Brush, Roll or Spray Applied. material.
An environmentally Friendly Vinyl, Low VOC
Coating for Encapsulating Open Fiber Materials
& Enhancing Indoor Air Quality

Insul-Coat is a solvent base, air dry vinyl, low VOC coating specifically de-
veloped to seal fibrous insulation, un-skinned polyurethane foams and closed
cell foams. It produces a skin/membrane on a broad range of insulating mate-
rials to create a barrier against moisture and chemical attack. When dry,
Insul-Coat forms a tough durable coating that will withstand heavy abrasion
and is resistant to punctures.

No mixing or blending of Parts A, B or C Insul Coat for protecting fiber
No set-up time required insulation from deterioration,
Simply stir and spray mold, mildew. It aids in pre-
Fast drying venting “Sick Building Syn-
Unused coating material can be saved and used on the next application drome”. Prevents fiber carry
No unnecessary material waste, no disposal costs over into the air stream. It’s
Prevents fiber migration been used to replace double
Provides moisture, chemical, abrasion and puncture resistance wall construction, where a
Biostat available to protect against the growth of mold, mildew and fungi highly pure air stream is re-
Meets fire code UL94HBF
Clear & Gray / 5 gallon pails, 50 gallon drums
Other colors available by request in 50 gallon quantities

SHIPPING: Minimum is 1 pail or 1 drum–fob Jacksonville, FL

Insulated and Un-insulated Interior or Exterior Surfaces: All interior
surfaces shall be provided with a factory-applied spray-coating process for
corrosion protection and to reduce insulation flaking. Coating material and
process shall have a 2,000 hour salt spray test in accordance with ASTM
Standard B117.85. Coating material shall consist of a synthetic resin material
with properties including 4,000 psi tensile strength and 400% flexibility.
Coating shall be effective in pH range of 1-14. The protective coating shall Insul-Coat may be applied to
be applied by spray application in three coats for a final 3.0-6.0 mil thickness Insulation on transportation
when dry. An anti-microbial shall be available for the coating of interior sur- equipment and interior airplane
faces exposed to either the ventilation air, return air, or supply air stream. hulls.

Acceptable Products: SPC and Insul-Coat

Quick Drying ...

IAQ Product
Prevents Fiber Breakdown
Eliminates Double Wall Construction Requirements
Applied over Armaflex and other pipe Insulating Products ..
PAT-COAT Water Base
Tough, Flexible Water Based Acrylic Coating
Technically described as a water base acrylic, Pat-Coat’s coating qualities are Protection...
typical of those associated with solvent based paints even though it has very low
VOCs and is non-flammable. Coating characteristics include its excellent adhe-
sion, tough finish and flexibility while providing excellent petroleum, chemical,
corrosion and abrasion resistance. Pat-Coat is an excellent choice for coating
storage tank exteriors as well as concrete, cement block, masonry, wood and
metal structures. Its flexibility allows it to be effectively applied to fabric mate-
rials such as canvas and tarpaulins.

No mixing or blending of Parts A, B or C
No set-up time required
Simply stir and spray, brush or roll
Fast drying
Unused coating material can be saved and used for another application
No unnecessary material waste or disposal costs Pat-Coat Dark Gray
Very low VOCs
10 year weather ability per (ASTM G-53)
230% elongation (ASTM D-2370-82)
Will not chip, flake or chalk

Acids, alkalies, petroleum based products, solvents, salt air, acid rain, mineral
oil, alcohols, ammonia etc.

Medium Gray & White / 5 gallon pails, 50 gallon drums
Other colors available by request in 50 gallon quantities Pat-Coat Light Cream
SHIPPING: Minimum for Pat Coat is 1 pail or 1 drum–fob Jacksonville, FL

Some professional painters have called Pat-Coat a “DTE Coating”; do it to every-

thing with minimal preparation. This unique product adheres to almost all sub-
strate materials including concrete tilt-up construction slabs, galvanized metal,
glass, plastics and much more.

Easy Clean-up..
Airless Spray, Roller or Brush Application
Excellent Protection Against Corrosive Petroleum Atmos-
pheres or Splash
Low VOC’s
UV Inhibited
For All Surfaces...
Contractor Applied Coating
Protection For
“Green-Fin” Coil Protector is formulated to protect fin tube and coaxial
Coils, Tubing,
coils in moderate to heavy corrosive environments. This is a flexible, syn- Blowers &
thetic coating having excellent resistance to corrosive coastal and chemical
atmospheres. ‘Green-Fin’ is a solvent based synthetic single-component Cabinets...
coil coating that air dries to the touch in 15 to 30 minutes under normal
weather conditions. Its ease of application is enhanced by being pre-mixed
and ready to spray with general commercial spray equipment. This product
is commercially available to contractors, building maintenance personnel,
equipment owners etc.


Extends equipment life
Aids in maintaining operating efficiency
Helps to control operating costs
Reduces frequency of emergency service calls
Maintains equipment appearance
Provides excellent corrosion protection

Acids, alkali, salt air/spray, acid rain, chlorine fumes, sulfur water, phos-
phoric acid fumes, nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide, uric acid/urea (animal
urine, bird and insect excrements)

GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY TEST (FID): No evidence of residual Husky “Green Fin” Coil Protector
solvent vapors. is a spray applied coating available
to contractors and applicators in 5
COLOR/PACKAGE SIZE: gal pails or 50 gallon drums. Called
Olive Drab / Available in 5 gallon pails, 50 gallon drums, 11oz. aerosol “Green Fin” because of its Olive
Drab Color. This coating has
SHIPPING: Minimum 1 pail, 1 drum, 1 case aerosol (12 X 11oz. per some of the quality characteristics
case) of our top of the line Husky Coil
Coat .
APPICATION EQUIPMENT: Conventional spray equipment similar to
a pressure pot system using a Binks 2001 spray gun with appropriate air
This coating is also available in an
cap, needle and nozzle. Airless type spray equipment may also be utilized
to apply “Green Fin”.
aerosol kit for the a/c technician
or Do-It-Yourself Handyman
called the Husky Green Fin Kit.

Husky Green Fin Coil Protector sprays out as

an olive drab color. When dry, it will give the
appearance of a tarnished brass / bronze af-
fect when seen in various shades of sunlight.

Ten Year Florida UV Inhibitor

Dries to Touch in 15-30 Minutes
Protects Against Animal Urine & Sulfur Water
Single Component
Contractor Coating Product

Sea Coast Protector is a versatile, single-component elastomeric coating that has
been formulated for multiple uses. In addition to providing coastal corrosion pro-
tection for condensing coils, it is also confidently applied to metal surfaces such as
steel, copper, aluminum and brass. The versatility and flexibility of Sea Coast Pro-
tector allows it to be effectively applied to wooden, concrete and masonry structures
as well as to items such as exterior light fixtures, tarpaulins, tents and canopies.

Single-component all-purpose protective coating
No mixing or blending of Parts A, B or C
No set-up time required
Simply stir and apply by brush, roll or spray methods
Unused coating material can be saved and used on the next job
No unnecessary material waste, no disposal costs
Fast drying (15 to 30 min.), Fast curing (2 to 3 hours) Coil spray coated with
Extends the useful life of multiple substrates in coastal environments Sea Coast Blue
Has negligible effect on heat transfer when applied to hvac coils

Salt spray, salt air, acid rain, chlorine vapors, ammonia vapors, carbon dioxide, ni-
trogen dioxide, acids, alkalis and uric acid/urea (animal urine, bird and insect fluids)

GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY TEST (FID): No evidence of any residual solvent

vapor was detected.
A conventional pressure
COLORS/PACKAGE SIZE: pot system is the desired
Transparent Blue/5 gallon pails or 50 gallon drum spray equipment to apply
Also available in Redwood and Clear in 50 gallon minimums (10 pails/1 drum) Sea Coast evenly and ef-
fectively to A/C coils.
SHIPPING: Minimum for Transparent Blue: 1 pail/1drum fob-Jacksonville, FL

Slab evaporator coils

coated at a contractor’s
facility with Husky
Sea Coast Clear.

Contractor spray coating a

spiny fin coil using the clear
Sea Coast Protector

Blended Ready To Use

Works On All Types of Substrate Surfaces
Available Under Private Label
300% Elasticity
400% Flexibility
Spray, Dip, Roll or Brush
Has Negligible Effect On Heat Transfer...
Used To Protect
The ‘Green-Fin’ Aerosol Kit contains (1) can of coil cleaner, (1 ) can of primer Window, PTAC,
and (2) cans of coil coating. These 3 items replicate our in-house coating proc-
ess of cleaning, priming and coating. The ‘Kit’ is specifically designed for coat- Air Handlers,
ing small tonnage residential a/c systems that are constructed with one row coils.
Among these systems are window, ptac and small tonnage condenser coils,
Evaporator Coils
along with refrigeration or water fountain coils. As easy as A-B-C to apply, the & Condenser
coating system was developed to provide quality and affordable corrosion pro-
tection for small air conditioning and refrigeration systems that are exposed to Coils ...
coastal environments. During the past twelve years, air conditioning wholesal-
ers and contractors all over the world have depended on this product to provide
quick, affordable and long lasting corrosion protection for their valued custom-

Extends equipment life
Aids in maintaining operation efficiency
Corrosion protection for coastal environments
Installed system can be coated on site
Ease of application

Acids, alkalis, salt air, acid rain, sulfur water, ammonia fumes, chlorine vapors Aerosol coating for small
and uric Acid/Urea (animal urine, bird and insect fluids) condenser coils easy as
A-B-C to apply
GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY TEST (FID): No evidence of residual solvent

COLOR: Olive Drab

PACKAGING: Case (4 kits per case)

SHIPPING: Minimum 1 Case fob - Jacksonville, FL

For the contractor, technician

or Do-It-Yourself Handyman.
The Husky “Green Fin” Kit
may be found in many whole-
sale houses or ordered through
your Bronz-Glow representa-
tive. This 4 can aerosol kit con-
tains one can of aerosol coil
cleaner, one can of aerosol
primer & two aerosol cans of
Green Fin.

Purchase Products & Coating Services With Your Credit

Card Over The Phone or by the World Wide Web ..
Bronz-Glow’s 150 Primer is a solvent based air dry acrylic primer that has
been specifically developed to significantly increase the adhesion of Bronz-
Glow’s coating line. It can be sprayed, rolled, brushed or dipped and offers
fast set-up time with a high coverage rate. Normal application requires only
one coat, only extreme surface corrosion and/or abrasion, require subsequent
coats. We recommend the use of 150 Primer on all metal surfaces, especially
galvanized, to prevent peeling of the finish coat if it becomes damaged. For
best results apply finish coat over primed surface as soon as it is dry to the

Improves coating adhesion on metal up to 400%
Husky 150 Primer and Green Fin
Aids in preventing peel back of damaged coating Primer are the same product.
Helps to reduce preparation time of substrate surface They are packaged using differ-
Aids in preparing a surface for a more uniform finish coat ent names, but the products are
the same. Green Fin Primer is so
COLORS/PACKAGE SIZE: Clear/aerosol,5 gallon pails, 50 gallon drums designated because of its inclu-
sion in the Husky Green Fin Kit.
SHIPPING: Minimum is 1 pail or 1 drum–fob Jacksonville, FL


DESCRIPTION: A high foaming aerosol coil cleaner designed specifically for cleaning residential evaporator
coils. Packaged in an easy to manage 8oz. aerosol can with a 20” tube that allows service personnel to access hard
to reach areas without removing the coil. During the ‘Cooling Cycle’ Evap-Zap is rinsed from the coil by its own
condensate. During the ‘Heating Cycle’ a fresh water rinse is required. The powerful foaming action of Evap-
Zap quickly penetrates the finned face area of the coil, removing dirt, grime and mildew. It is recommend that the
u-bend and header ends of the coil also be cleaned. The biocide disinfects the coil’s surface, eliminating most
molds and bacteria that tend to thrive in a cool, moist environment. Evap-Zap aids in keeping drain lines clean and
is also used to clean automobile evaporator coils by extending the 20” tube into the condensate drain pipe. Again,
the condensate from the ‘Cooling Cycle’ will self rinse the coil.

Ease of application
Self rinsing (during cooling cycle)
High foaming
Disinfects while cleaning
Economical and convenient
Time saving

PACKAGE SIZE: 5 oz. Aerosol

SHIPPING MINIMUM: 1 case , fob Jacksonville, FL

Maintenance Kit
DESCRIPTION: Bronz-Glow’s Maintenance Kit contains the same materials used in
our factory coating applications. These materials are designed for coating repairs in the
event of coating damage, which could occur during transportation or installation. Bronz-
Glow’s offers a standard maintenance kit which contains a coil cleaner, primer and two
(2) cans of the appropriate coil coating material. However, we also offer special packag-
ing requirements such as if the cabinets were coated on a project.

When used in conjunction with Bronz-Glow’s recommended coil cleaning maintenance

program, a Bronz-Glow coated coil will provide years of trouble free service. After each
cleaning, the service technician should examine the coil’s face area and look for any signs
of coating abrasion. The most common area for coating abrasion occurs on the outside
leading fin edge. Should any abrasion be evident, contents of the kit allow technicians to
make repair of the affect area. If modifications to equipment piping are required, the
product allows for corrosion protection of the repaired areas.

Bronz-Glow has and will continue to be proponents of good preventative maintenance

programs for coated or un-coated coils. It has been proven that when coils are cleaned
and properly maintained, they remain much more efficient. However, use of harsh acidic
and alkaline coil cleaning agents can do as much to affect a coils integrity as if you did
nothing at all. Bronz-Glow also does not believe fresh water rinses constitute a proper
P&M program. Call us if you have any questions.

Easy to follow instructions are printed on each product. However, should someone have
questions, they can contact our Technical Support Staff at (800) 555-6385 or via e-mail at
[email protected] regarding proper application of the products. Free to
Bronz-Glow’s customers is the “Owner’s Coated Coil Cleaning & Maintenance Man-

Allows for proper maintenance of the coating during normal P&M Programs.
Easy to use aerosol products for coils and cabinet coating.
Quick drying products which allow for almost immediate equipment start-up.
Extends equipment service life.

COLORS/PACKAGE SIZE: Aerosol Cans or Poly Bottles.

Contact Bronz-Glow if you have any special touch-up requests.

DESCRIPTION: Coil Guard is a highly concentrated surfactant cleaner that removes dirt,
grime, oil, insect residue and airborne deposited corrosives without damaging aluminum
and/or copper coils. Coil Guard is an effective cleaning solution that does not etch or at-
tack a coils alloy or coating (if coated). A safe to use cleaning system that on contact; does
not burn or irritate an applicators skin. This is a coil cleaner that when applied, its foaming
action creates longer vertical surface contact time for improved cleaning results. Formu-
lated of deep penetrating surfactants, it reduces the surface tension of water, allowing it to
saturate soils, lifting them from the coil’s surface when rinsed.

Concentrated – 1 gallon of concentrate makes 20-25 gallons of cleaner.
Safe for both the applicator and the environment
Pleasantly scented
Convenient packaging

PACKAGE SIZES: 16oz (12 per case), gallons (4 per case), 50 gallon drums

SHIPPING: Minimums are case lots 12 X 16oz , 4 X gal. & 1 drum fob Jacksonville, FL

Husky Coil Guard and

Husky Coil Sheen are the
perfect recipe in developing
an excellent Preventative &
Maintenance Program.



Coil Sheen is a concentrated mineral acid formulation that is safe for the applicator and a very effective acid
cleaner that will not damage a coil’s metallurgy. It’s recommended for the periodic coil cleaning maintenance
of coils that require the removal of copper patina, white rust and other oxides which form on their surfaces. Coil
Sheen is also recommended for use in coastal environments to remove and neutralize airborne sea salts that de-
posit on the surfaces of condensing coils.

Concentrated – 1 gallon of concentrate makes 20-25 gallon of cleaner
Safe for both the applicator and the environment
Pleasantly scented
Convenient Packaging

PACKAGE SIZES: 16oz. (12 per case), gallons (4 per case), 50 gallon drums

SHIPPING: Minimums are case lots 12 X 16ox, 4 X 1 gal. & 50 gallon drum fob Jacksonville, FL
Case Studies
Crystal River Energy Complex: Power Plant On The Gulf Coast
The Crystal River Energy Complex is a literal city unto itself. With both nuclear and coal-
fired electrical production, the complex includes 5 facilities on the Gulf coast of Florida,
north of Tampa-St. Petersburg. They are right on the coast, so salt water, along with coal
dust and other corrosives are a constant problem for their HVAC/R equipment.

Up until a few years ago, Crystal River did not specify any special coating for their units.
They were constantly repairing or replacing units due to problems caused by the corro-
siveness of the environment. As Jim Cole, HVAC Tech tells it, they began to hear about
Bronz-Glow from HVAC techs, contractors, and wholesale companies they dealt with.
"Bronz-Glow was highly-recommended by them all, especially Tampa Bay Trane, who we
ordered our units through."

In 2002 they replaced an 89-ton chiller unit in their Number 5 Precipitation Room, the
industry name for a room with breakers and high-voltage electrostatic filters. These are the
filters that remove impurities from the air, and they must be kept cool or they will over-
heat rapidly, causing a chain reaction of problems. "We also replaced a 50-ton chiller at
our CR-4 Administration building, and 2 30-ton DX systems at their 480 Switch Gear
Room. We coated all of these with Bronz-Glow.

"For some reason we weren't able to coat a 120-ton chiller in our Control Room or an-
other 105-ton chiller at our Electric Shop. Both of these are less than three years old and
already are falling apart from the corrosion." They plan to replace a 100-ton chiller system
at their CR-3 Admin Building next year. Will they specify Bronz-Glow? "I'm very happy
with Bronz-Glow. This chiller unit has needed replacing for several years I don't want
the new one to wear out from all the corrosion like the old one did. I recommended they
get Bronz-Glow on it as well."

Double the Life of an A/C Unit?

The first Island of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel sees some of the harshest weather on the bay.” “Out
here, it’s like being in the middle of the ocean.” “Bronz-Glow has helped us double the life of our mechanical
equipment in this corrosive environment” stated Dick Denniston, Maintenance Superintendent for the Chesa-
peake Bay Bridge Tunnel.

Bronz-Glow was first introduced to Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Personnel by Mr. Roger Shull with Damuth Trane
Services more than 12 years ago. Mr. Phil Damuth is now the Damuth Trane point of contact. Damuth Trane Services
has been a Bronz-Glow Representative since 1993.

Bronz-Glow began coating

equipment for the Cheseapeake
Bay Bridge Tunnel in 1994.

Construction on the Bay Bridge tunnel began on September 7th, 1960. The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel opened to traf-
fic on April 15th, 1964 and it is often called an engineering wonder of the modern world.

One of the "Seven Engineering Wonders of the World," the bridge connects Delmarva with Virginia Beach. The bridge
is 17.6 miles long in water up to 100 feet deep and the bridge goes underwater into tunnels twice. It cost $450,000,000 to
build. The man-made islands that serve as entrances and exits to the tunnels are made up of 34,000 carloads of rocks,
some of which weigh as much as 64,000 pounds. Each contains 3,000,000,000 pounds of sand and 600,000,000 pounds
of rock. They cost $625,000 per acre, some of the most expensive real-estate on Earth.
Chemical Plant Within 1000 Feet Of Long Island Sound and a Cogen Power Plant
(Natural Gas + Fuel Oil + Water + Comustion = H2S meaning Shortened Equipment Life

The continuous salt and petrochemical atmosphere, along with acidic vapors and
other corrosives, caused rapid deterioration of equipment and the need to prema-
turely replace HVAC/R equipment due to corrosion. New units with uncoated cop-
per tube/aluminum fin coils began showing discoloration and surface corrosion
immediately, and within 5-6 years would be totally deteriorated with fins falling off.
This, in spite of regularly scheduled inspections, coil cleaning and equipment main-

The company had used baked phenolic coating in the past, but it flaked off with
age. Also, they could not do effective repairs of the damaged baked phenolic coat-
ing in the field. 1n 1993-1994, the company built a new office/shop/maintenance
building requiring six new AC units installed. All six were Trane AC units from 10-
30 tons.

The Project Engineer on staff did some research to find a superior coating for the
new units, one that met their criteria and was within the allocated costs for the pro-
ject. After researching their options, the Project Engineer, along with the company's
HVAC Master Technician, recommended Bronz-Glow. The company performs
the scheduled maintenance as before, including complete quarterly operational tests
and inspections. However, now they use the high-surfactant Bronz-Glow Husky
Coil Cleaning System. To date they have seen no deterioration on the coils over a
10-year period.

Their HVAC Master Technician adds, "We've never had to do any touchup on the coils since they were installed. We even had a
big hailstorm a few years ago that bent the fins on the condenser coils, but none of the Bronz-Glow came off. In my experience, a
more rigid coating such as the baked phenolic coatings we used in the past, would have not withstood this without chipping or
cracking. I’ve been surprised at how well Bronz-Glow has performed here. For our units to have lasted ten years in this environ-
ment is incredible... and they're still running strong."

Another Bronz-Glow Success Story

The Carrier air conditioning units pictured here were originally coated back in Septem-
ber of 1994. They are 10+ years old and in excellent working condition. The coils are
intact and have not deteriorated. Bronz-Glow’s Husky Coil Coat was applied as a dip
coating application.
These units are located on the beach front side of A1A, which runs parrell with the At-
lantic Ocean. They are located less than 300 yards from the ocean and along side A1A.
With a little bit of touch-up, they could provide a few more years of service. It’s un-
heard of that you get 10 + years of active life from an air conditioning unit so close to
the Atlantic Ocean. This Bell South case study was completed in October of 2004.
Once again, Bronz-Glow is called to active duty. In January of 2004, this Dunham-
Bush unit was coated for a Bell South Project in South Florida.

ME: Parsons Engineering

Contractor: Siemens Building Tech.
Location: Hutchinson Island, Florida
Unit Mfg.: Dunham-Bush
Coating: Coils were dip coated in Husky Coil Coat,
while all cabinet components were coated using
Husky SPC Clear Coat.
Warranty: Standard WP-1

Yes, it did survive the Hurricanes of 2004.

From One Extreme
Another Extreme

Bronz-Glow stands the test of time

around the world and back again.

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