Ind As - 2 Chapter 1 Ind As 115 Revenue From Customer
Ind As - 2 Chapter 1 Ind As 115 Revenue From Customer
Ind As - 2 Chapter 1 Ind As 115 Revenue From Customer
from Contracts wvith allocate the transaction price to each
performance obligation based on its
Customers relative standalone selling price. This
approach ensures that revenue is
The Institute of Chartered
recognized in proportion to the value of
Accountants of India (lCA) issued Ind each performance obligation.
AS 115, and it aligns with the Companies nust recognize revenue
International Financial Reporting when they satisfy the performance
obligations in the contract by
Standard (IFRS) 15, Revenue from transferring control of the goods or
Contracts with Customers. The standard services to the custoner.
is applicable to all companies that
prepare their financial statements in The standard alsoprovides guidance
on how to accOunt for variable
accordance with the Ind AS.
Consideration, such as discOunts,
Ind AS 115 provides a rebates, and incentives, and how to
account for contract modifications.
comprehensive framework for
Companies must also disclose
recognizing revenue from contracts with
Customners. The standard requires information about the nature, amount,
timing, and uncertainty of revenue and
companies to recognize revenue when
control of the goods or services is cash flows arising from contracts with
transferred to the customer, rather than customers.
To summarize, Indian Accounting
when the risks and rewards are Standard (Ind AS) 115, Revenue from
transferred. This approach provides a Contracts wvith Customers, provides
more consistent and objective basis for quidance on how to recognize revenue
from contracts with customers. These
recognizing revenue and is expected to
guidelines are:
improve comparability across industries
and geographies. a. Identify the contract with the
customer. A contract is an agreement
between two or more parties that
The standard also provides guidance creates enforceable rights and
on howto identify the contract with the obligations.
" TP is consideration amount entity
expects to receive in exchange for
promise other than collected for third
Based on selling price or
each performance obligation
" If the stand-alone selling price(s) are not
observable, they are estimated.
Approaches to estimate may include:
(1) Adjusted market assessment approach
(ii) Expected cost plus a margin approach
(ii) Residual approach (restrictive)
distirnt, ot
()A series, f distinct gords or series that are sibstarntiaiy *;
$ame Snd that have the sarme pattern oftransíer to the custoner.
Stand-Alone Selling Price: The price at which an entity ws
se:ila itomised good or serviceseparateiy to a custoTner.
Transactíon Price for a Contract with a Customer: The arnouz
f cssdstation towhich an entity ezpects to be entitled in ezchana:
fr ranshstring pronised goods or services to a customer, exchudin
ámounts colletedon behalf of third parties.
The obj9tive of thís Standard is to establísh the principles that a.
entity #hail apply to report useful information to users of financia
tsterIgnts about the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty o
TSVN) 3Td zagh flgWg arisingírom a contract with a customer.
A entity shallapply this Standard to allcontracts with customers.
GeJA thefollowing:
(3) La#; (ont1acts withín the scope of Ind AS- 17 (Leases)
( jSnSAnG Contract within the scope of Ind AS- 104 (Insurance
(:) inaD:ial instuInents and other contractual rightsor obligations
within ho cup8 of Ind AS- 109 (Financial Instruments), Ind AS
110(Consolidatgd FinanCial Statements), Ind AS -111(Joint
Arrongo11DL9), Ind AS- 27(SuparaloFunancial Statements) and Ind
A3- 28( Invstments 0nAsHociates and Joint Ventures)
(d) No-inGnetary oxchangesbetween entities in the same line of
biusing4s 1 facilitate wale# to customers or potential customers. PO